Ohio Department of Insurance Annual Report2015National White Collar Crime Center praised Taylor for...


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50 West Town Street, Columbus, OH 43215 614-644-2658 www.insurance.ohio.gov

John Kasich Mary Taylor Governor Lt. Governor/Director

Ohio Department of Insurance

2015Annual Report


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Mary Taylor’s goal is to make Ohio jobs-friendly once again.

Taylor was sworn in as Ohio’s 65th Lieutenant Governor January 10, 2011, the same day Ohio Governor John R. Kasich named her to lead Ohio’s Common Sense Initiative (CSI) to reform Ohio’s regulatory policies, as well as to serve as director of the Ohio Department of Insurance. Through these two assignments, Taylor is committed to making Ohio a jobs- and business-friendly state. On January 12, 2015, Kasich and Taylor were sworn in to their second term in office.

CSI reviews Ohio’s regulatory system to eliminate excessive and duplicative rules that stand in the way of job creation. Both CSI and the Department of Insurance present unique challenges, but Taylor is no stranger to taking on tough assignments.

In 2006, Taylor was the first certified public accountant to be elected to serve as auditor of state, and she transformed the office into a nationally recognized, 21st-century government auditing firm. The National White Collar Crime Center praised Taylor for her excellence in fighting and preventing fraud and for recovering millions in misspent tax dollars. The Ohio Society of CPAs called Taylor one of their “most influential” members.

Elected to the state legislature in 2002, and re-elected in 2004, Taylor was instrumental in passing Ohio’s 2005 tax reform package that reduced personal income taxes by 21%. The measure also eliminated the tangible personal property tax, the corporate franchise tax and the inventory tax imposed on businesses. She was a member of the House Finance, Ways and Means, and Education committees and was recognized by the United Conservatives of Ohio as a “Watchdog of the Treasury.” The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s largest small-business group, also named Taylor a “Guardian of Small Business” for her outstanding voting record on behalf of Ohio’s small-business owners.

Taylor earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting and a master’s degree in taxation from the University of Akron. She began her career in 1990 with Deloitte and Touche, one of the “big four” national accounting firms. She joined the Akron firm of Bober, Markey, Fedorovich & Company in 1994, where she served as director of the firm’s tax department and senior manager of the employee benefits practice.

She’s been called an “expert” on state budget issues by the Columbus Dispatch. And, her hometown newspaper—the Suburbanite—called her one of Summit County’s “most influential women.”

Taylor is a life-long resident of northeast Ohio, where she lives with her husband, Don, and their sons, Michael and Joe.

Lt. Governor/Director Mary Taylor


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Table of Contents

4 Lt. Governor/Director’s Message

6 About the Ohio Department of Insurance

7 Department Leadership

8 Department Areas

12 Department Priorities and Objectives

14 Department Accomplishments

24 Life Insurance Companies Summary Financial Information

30 Fraternal Benefit Societies Summary Financial Information

31 Health Insuring Corporations Summary Financial Information

32 Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements Summary Financial Information

33 Mutual Protective Associations - Property - Summary Financial Information

34 Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial Information

56 Title Companies Summary Financial Information

57 Department of Insurance Contact Information


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Lt. Governor/Director’s Message

Ensuring Strong Consumer Protections and Maintaining a

Robust Marketplace.

Ohio continues to be one of the top insurance marketplaces both nationally and in the world, providing consumers with choice and lower costs. In order to maintain this competitive market, the Ohio Department of Insurance educates, assists and protects Ohio consumers while fostering a robust and stable marketplace. Throughout the previous year, we have continued our tradition of strong, yet fair, regulation of insurance in Ohio.

Through the recent passage of Senate Bill 140 of the 130th General Assembly, we were able to execute significant and impactful insurance reforms. As a result of the reforms, the department has implemented enhanced holding company analysis and included comprehensive quality standards applicable to mergers, acquisitions and license applications.

Additionally, the department has implemented an alternative investment code, requirements pertaining to accredited and certified reinsurers, and enhanced corporate governance and enterprise risk management reporting in the form of annual insurer-prepared Own Risk and Solvency Assessments. These reforms create an environment for the industry to succeed and to grow while ensuring strong consumer protections - the cornerstone of our regulatory mission.

Over the last year, the department has also worked to establish the processes and requirements for captive insurance companies to be domiciled and operated in Ohio. Captives have become a popular risk-management tool for organizations seeking greater control over managing their commercial insurance needs such as commercial auto liability, workers’ compensation and medical malpractice. These captive insurance companies support Ohio businesses by providing alternative risk management vehicles while also ensuring the department has the proper and appropriate oversight in place.

Lt. Governor/Director’s Message


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


As we look ahead, consumer protection remains our top priority. Over the last year we saved Ohioans more than $24.9 million by assisting consumers with insurance claims and by helping Medicare beneficiaries understand the most suitable coverages for their health care needs. Additionally, our fraud and enforcement teams, which investigate consumer insurance fraud and agent misconduct, reviewed over 1,645 allegations and identified 621 civil and criminal violations. This resulted in $136,350 in fines and 44 individuals being referred for prosecution.

I am proud of the work we have done over the last year and I pledge to continue to steadfastly serve Ohio and maintain a robust marketplace. We remain dedicated to our goals of providing fair and appropriate market regulation, delivering excellent customer service, ensuring a competitive market and continuing to foster economic development.


Mary TaylorLt. Governor/Director

Lt. Governor/Director’s Message


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


The Ohio Department of Insurance provides consumer protection through education and fair but vigilant regulation while promoting a stable and competitive environment for insurers. The department is charged under Ohio Revised Code, Chapters 17 and 39, with the responsibility of regulating the activities of approximately 1,619 insurance companies that write $69.3 billion in insurance premiums. The department also monitors the conduct of more than 196,000 insurance agents and oversees more than 16,200 insurance agencies doing business in Ohio.

The department examines the financial soundness of insurance companies and investigates consumer complaints and insurance fraud. Further, the department determines if services and benefits offered by insurance companies are consistent with policy provisions and Ohio law, reviews company filings for life, accident, health, managed care, property, and casualty policies, and reviews and approves forms and rates. The Director of Insurance, who is appointed by the Governor, heads the department, which employs approximately 248 full-time permanent staff.

Contact Information Main number: 614-644-2658

Consumer hotline: 800-686-1526

Fraud hotline: 800-686-1527

OSHIIP hotline: 800-686-1578


About the Ohio Department of Insurance

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Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


About the Ohio Department of Insurance Department Leadership

Mary Taylor, Lieutenant Governor/Director

Jillian Froment, Deputy Director

Tynesia Dorsey, Chief Administrative Officer and Director, Consumer Relations

Carrie Haughawout, Assistant Director, Policy and Product Coordination

Todd Oberholtzer, Chief Legal Counsel

Michelle Rafeld, Assistant Director, Fraud and Enforcement

Dwight Radel, Assistant Director, Risk Assessment

Jana Jarrett, Assistant Director, Consumer Affairs

Laura Miller, Assistant Director, Product Regulation and Actuarial Services


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Department AreasConsumer ServicesConsumer Services representatives assist Ohio insurance consumers on the phone and through internet communications, written correspondence, social media, educational materials, meeting one-on-one, and at numerous community outreach activities. Representatives respond to inquiries regarding a wide variety of insurance matters and investigate insurance complaints against companies and agents. Outreach activities include counseling victims at disaster assistance sites, meeting with insurance industry professionals, and participating in insurance fairs across the state. Consumer Services also monitor insurers’ compliance with Ohio insurance laws and regulations by examining their business practices, such as underwriting, marketing, and claims.

Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information ProgramThe Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP), funded by a grant from the Administration on Community Living (ACL) was founded in 1992 to provide Ohioans on Medicare with free, objective health insurance information, and one-on-one counseling. OSHIIP’s speaker’s bureau, hotline experts, and trained volunteers educate consumers about Medicare, Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D), Medicare Advantage options, Medicare supplement insurance, long-term care insurance, and other health insurance matters.

Fraud and EnforcementFraud and Enforcement is responsible for investigating allegations of unlicensed activity, agent misconduct, and insurance fraud. The unit is classified as a criminal justice agency and is able to work jointly with other state, federal, and local regulatory and law enforcement agencies when allegations are multi-jurisdictional in nature. In addition to investigating licensed insurance agents and agencies, the unit also investigates consumers, medical providers, and third parties suspected of defrauding Ohio insurance companies. In addition to referring confirmed insurance law violations for administrative and/or criminal prosecution, members of the unit offer testimony regarding investigations conducted.


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Risk AssessmentRisk Assessment regulates the financial solvency of all domestic (Ohio-based) insurance companies as well as monitors and coordinates regulatory oversight of the financial conditions of foreign (out-of-state), surplus lines (unauthorized foreign insurer), alien (international) insurers, and captive insurers.

Staff conduct analyses of financial information provided by every insurance company licensed in Ohio and review complex transactions that can involve billions of dollars in assets for fairness and reasonableness in support of the department’s mission to protect consumers. They also calculate and certify to the Treasurer of State the domestic and foreign insurance premium tax owed to the state. In addition, insurers statutory and solvency compliance is monitored on an ongoing basis. Examinations of an insurers’ financial condition and affairs are conducted as often as the insurance director deems appropriate but at a minimum of once every five years as required by statute.

Market Conduct

Market Conduct examines insurance companies’ business practices, identifies inappropriate insurance company market practices, and ensures that proper corrective action is taken as established by state laws and rules.

Office of Captive Insurance

The Office of Captive Insurance provides a structured regulatory process for the initial evaluation, licensing, reporting, analysis, and examination of captive insurance companies domiciled in Ohio. The office establishes standards for business and professional support organizations that work with captive entities and reviews captive insurance company strategies and their execution to assess and evaluate operational success and financial strength. The office also strives to accurately communicate the impacts of financial, operations, and underwriting (risk acceptance) challenges on captive capital and surplus while working to ensure that captive insurers can meet their contractual and financial obligations.

Department Areas


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Product Regulation and Actuarial Services Product Regulation and Actuarial Services reviews policy forms, endorsements, and rules for products marketed to Ohio consumers by Ohio-licensed property and casualty companies as well as life and health companies and their related lines of business. Policy language is reviewed for clarity and compliance with statutes and rules.

Product Regulation and Actuarial Services provides actuarial support for all department programs, applying actuarial standards to ensure that rates are not excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory. Staff analyze the valuation of reserve liabilities for domestic insurance companies and monitor and review the reserve valuations of domestic insurers. Staff also review the actuarial opinions, memoranda, and summaries of all domestic insurers. Product regulation staff participate in all risk assessment examinations to evaluate reserving, pricing, underwriting, and other financial risks of the companies.

Agent LicensingAgent Licensing issues licenses to insurance agents, insurance agencies, managing general agents, third-party administrators, reinsurance intermediaries, public insurance adjusters, viatical settlement brokers, and surety bail bond agents. Agent Licensing also monitors agents’ compliance with continuing education.

Office of the Director The executive, legal services, information technology and security, fiscal and human resources areas work together to carry out the management and support functions of the department.

Executive includes policy, legislative affairs, and communications, and oversees agency operations, develops policies on all insurance matters, works in collaboration with the Ohio General Assembly and Congress, and manages the agency’s internal and external communications.

Department Areas


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Department Areas Department Areas

Legal manages regulatory transactions, administers public hearings on agent and company license and enforcement issues, and provides legal assistance to other department divisions.

Information Technology and Security assists the department’s regulatory oversight responsibilities through design, implementation, and maintenance of technology infrastructure and programs.

The executive areas also provide operational support including accounts payable and receivable, payroll, budgeting and facility management.


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Department Priorities and Objectives


• Foster Economic Development – Enhance Ohio’s ability to attract and retain insurance businesses and jobs for Ohioans through regulatory reform while ensuring a stable insurance market for consumers. The department will review existing rules and regulations to promote flexibility, balance, transparency and consistency.

• Provide Fair and Appropriate Market Regulation – Investigate persons or entities who commit insurance fraud or are suspected of violating Ohio’s insurance laws, including those laws regarding unfair or deceptive practices. The department will provide a regulatory response that is reasonable, appropriate and proportional.

• Provide Excellent Consumer Services – Empower consumers to make informed insurance purchasing decisions by providing educational information, training and consultation. The department will assist consumers who encounter difficulties by answering inquiries and investigating and resolving complaints.

• Provide a Competitive Marketplace – Provide a regulatory environment that supports a competitive and stable insurance market for consumers. The department will assess solvency and review statutory filings of Ohio-based companies, as well as rate and policy form filings from all companies licensed in Ohio. The department will also perform audits of non-Ohio based companies and review business practices of all companies licensed in Ohio.


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Department Priorities and Objectives Department Priorities and Objectives


• Monitor the financial solvency of insurance companies and health insuring corporations operating in Ohio, and assure that companies operating in Ohio are stable and sound.

• Provideconsumerswitheducationoninsurancematters,coverageoptionsandissuesof interest to seniors.

• Provideconsumerswithassistanceregardinginsurancecoverageandclaims-relatedconcerns.

• Monitorinsurancesales,claimshandlingactivities,andinsurancecompanyinteractionswith policyholders to ensure they are fair and comply with Ohio law.

• Investigatefraudandmisconductinathoroughandprofessionalmanner.

• ProtectOhio’sseniorpopulationfrompredatorysalespracticesbystrengtheningregulatory measures, educating seniors, and continuing partnerships with organizations that serve senior citizens.

• MaintainaleadershiproleintheNationalAssociationofInsuranceCommissioners.

• Continueimplementationofanenterprisesystemthatwillfacilitatee-commercewithbusiness constituents and allow Ohio to comply with the reporting requirements of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

• Providestaffeducationalandtrainingopportunitiestoenhancetheirinsuranceknowledge in order to effectively monitor a complex and ever-changing insurance industry.

• Continueeffortsinoverseeingthelicensureandeducationofinsuranceagents.


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Insuring Ohio Futures Initiative Produced Results

A main partner in the Insuring Ohio Futures initiative, Lieutenant Governor and Ohio Department of Insurance Director Mary Taylor conducted outreach and other engagement efforts throughout the year, highlighting job opportunities and educating Ohioans about insurance career opportunities that will be available to students, career-changers, and veterans by the year 2020. According to a workforce study using Bureau of Labor Statistics data, the Ohio insurance industry will need 26,000 skilled workers by the year 2020.

Until recently, Ohio’s colleges and universities offered few programs in insurance or risk management. However, industry and higher education leaders have worked together to create a significant number of new higher education courses, insurance certificates and majors at several major colleges and universities throughout Ohio.

Today, there are five such programs with a total enrollment of nearly 140 students who have declared insurance majors. Work continues toward the creation of new program offerings at Bowling Green State University and Clark State Community College, while support for existing programs at Kent State University, University of Cincinnati, Franklin University, Ohio Dominican University and Ohio Northern University remains a priority.

Insurers Attracted to Ohio’s Efficient Regulatory EnvironmentThe department’s risk assessment staff completed reviews of 15 foreign insurance company applications for admission, 16 requests for additional lines of business, three requests for surplus lines of authority and three applications for accredited reinsurer status. Risk Assessment certified $541.6 million in premium and franchise taxes and completed reviews on almost 70 amendments. In addition, Risk Assessment continues to update its online resources for insurance companies, including premium tax and examination billings, to make financial compliance more efficient.

Department Accomplishments

Foster Economic Development


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Department Accomplishments

Lt. Governor and Staff Shared Consumer Protection and Regulatory Oversight on National Committees

Lieutenant Governor and Ohio Department of Insurance Director Mary Taylor was appointed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) to serve on numerous committees and task forces that provide consumer protection and regulatory oversight expertise on important state and federal insurance issues. This includes Taylor serving as a member of the Life Insurance and Annuities Committee and the Market Regulation and Consumer Affairs Committee.

In all, Taylor and the department will participate on 18 NAIC committees and task forces, including acting as Chair of the Examination Oversight Task Force, and Vice Chair of the Life Actuarial and Antifraud Task Forces. The department will address such matters as protecting seniors, combating insurance fraud, sustaining market competition, creating regulatory efficiencies and monitoring the financial solvency of insurance companies.

The NAIC is an organization of insurance regulators from the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the five U.S. territories. The NAIC provides a forum for the development of uniform policy when uniformity is appropriate.

Tax Lien Program Netted More Than $14.5 Million The department’s tax lien program has collected more than $14.5 million in unpaid income tax, sales tax, and workers compensation premium payments through June of 2015. Lieutenant Governor and Insurance Director Mary Taylor introduced the program in May 2011 to recover funds that belong to the state and its citizens. If an insurance agent has an outstanding tax judgement lien filed against them or their organization, administrative action may be taken against the agent’s license. As a result of the project, more than 818 agents and agencies have come into compliance with Ohio laws.

Insurance agent license holders with outstanding tax liabilities work with representatives from the department and the Attorney General’s office to enter into consent orders and payment plans. The project has transitioned into a sustaining program involving the Department of Taxation’s Tax Discovery Division and the Collection Enforcement Division of the Attorney General’s Office.

Department AccomplishmentsProvide Fair and Appropriate Market Regulation


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Joint Insurance Fraud Conference Sponsored for Law Enforcement and Industry Representatives

On March 11, 2015, the department’s fraud unit co-hosted the “2015 Ohio Joint Insurance Fraud Seminar” with the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), the National Society of Professional Insurance Investigators (NSPII), the International Association of Special Investigation Units (IASIU) and the Ohio Auto Theft Investigators Association (OATIA). The event, which focused on current trends and legal issues associated with insurance fraud schemes, was held at the Columbus Police Academy and attended by more than 160 representatives from law enforcement and the private industry.

Addressing Agent Misconduct and Unlicensed Activity a Department PriorityDuring fiscal year 2015, the fraud & enforcement division received more than 6,793 allegations of agent misconduct and insurance fraud from insurance carriers, consumers, government agencies and law enforcement entities. As the result of the referrals received, the department opened 1,645 administrative and criminal investigations, identified 621 potential law violations and took administrative and/or criminal action against 551 individuals. As insurance fraud impacts all Ohioans in the form of excess premiums, the department will continue to work with federal, state and local prosecutors to bring those who commit insurance fraud to justice.

Top Insurance Fraud and Enforcement CasesDayton Funeral Home Owner Sentenced to Four Years in Prison in $300,000 Case

Michelle Gavin, co-owner of the former Magetti Gavin Funeral Home in Dayton, was sentenced in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court to four years in prison and five years of post-release supervision in September 2014. Gavin previously pleaded guilty to 36 counts of theft from the elderly, grand theft, tampering with records and pre-need life insurance contract violations in a case totaling $300,000. She misappropriated funds from her clients and cashed in pre-need life insurance policies of living clients by claiming they had died.

Department Accomplishments


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Columbus and Dayton-Area Roofer Sentenced to 48 Months in Prison in $241,000 Case

Columbus roofer Terrance J. King, owner of Home Improvement Terrance King, was sentenced to 48 months in prison and ordered to pay $241,000 in restitution for defrauding homeowners, businesses, and several public entities in August 2014. King obtained money from insurance companies and his clients and often either failed to complete work as promised or falsely used inferior, second-hand products on contracted jobs. He also laundered money for personal use, filed fraudulent documents to receive subsidized housing assistance, and filed false federal income tax returns. King pleaded guilty to money laundering, false claims, and filing a false federal income tax return in November 2013.

All Seasons Contracting Husband and Wife Co-Owners Sentenced in Lawrence County for $143,000 Home Repair ScamCarol Richard, co-owner of All Seasons Contracting, was sentenced in the Lawrence County Court of Common Pleas in October 2014 to four years of community control - and three years in prison if she violates those terms - and was ordered to pay $143,426 in restitution. She and her husband, Patrick Richard, entered into contracts with homeowners in the Ironton area and failed to provide the agreed upon services. Patrick Richard was sentenced to three years in prison in early January. All Seasons Contracting also submitted a false certificate of completion to an insurance company to support the payment of a homeowner’s insurance claim.

Former McConnelsville Agent Sentenced for Insurance Fraud and Theft Former McConnelsville insurance agent James Brent Whitehouse was sentenced in the Morgan County Court of Common Pleas in May 2015 to 90 days in jail with work-release conditions, five years of community control, 200 hours of community service, and ordered to pay $838 in restitution to former clients. Whitehouse pleaded guilty to insurance fraud and theft earlier this year. In separate incidents, the department found Whitehouse submitted documentation for false losses related to an approximately $48,000 barn fire claim. Whitehouse also misappropriated $14,000 in client premium funds. The funds were returned and his clients did not go without insurance coverage. Whitehouse’s insurance agent license was revoked by the department in February 2014.

Department Accomplishments


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Former Warren Insurance Agent Sentenced for Stealing $52,000 from Clients

In November 2014, Former Warren insurance agent Timothy J. Mulvey was sentenced in the Trumbull County Court of Common Pleas to five years of community control, 17 months of suspended prison time, and 60 days in the Warren Alternative Sentencing Program. Mulvey was also ordered to pay restitution for stealing $52,325.46 of his clients’ premium payments. Mulvey surrendered his agent and agency licenses in April 2013.

Former West Mansfield Insurance Agent Sentenced for Fraud-Related Charges in $21,000 Case

Former insurance agent Robert Horney, of West Mansfield, was sentenced in Logan County Common Pleas Court for grand theft, theft from the elderly, theft, and insurance fraud in June 2014. Horney sold property insurance policies to local residents but kept their premium payments, leaving them without insurance protection. He was ordered to pay more than $21,000 in restitution, serve 60 days in jail and complete five years of community control. If Horney fails to abide by the community control sanctions, he could also face up to six and a half years in prison. Horney surrendered his agent license to the department in July 2013.

Cleveland Insurance Agent’s License Revoked for Multiple Insurance Law ViolationsThe insurance license of agent Carl Koneval of North Olmstead was revoked in June 2014 after he created a false surrender acknowledgement letter, forged the signature of an annuity contract holder, and attempted to gain access to their online account without their knowledge or permission.

Five Indicted in Cincinnati-Area Fraudulent Insurance Claim RingIn March 2015, a department-led investigation resulted in the indictment of five Cincinnati-area residents. Deandra Chambers, Domynic Elahee, Trenton Evans, Jaynell Todd, and Shawniece Reed, were indicted on multiple counts of alleged insurance fraud for filing a significant number of false insurance claims totaling approximately $85,000. As part of the scheme to defraud insurance companies, the individuals filed fraudulent claims pertaining to automobile accidents that never occurred. The Ohio State Highway Patrol and the National Insurance Crime Bureau assisted in the investigation.

Department Accomplishments


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Ohio Dentist Sentenced for Insurance Fraud

In April 2015, a Geauga County Common Pleas Judge ordered Bainbridge, Ohio dentist Lana Redford to serve 30 days in jail and pay $8,426 in restitution to her insurance company after a department investigation revealed Redford continued to operate her dental practice during a period in which she received disability benefits.

Vandalia Resident Convicted for Submitting False ReceiptsVandalia resident Sherri Yarbrough was placed on 5 years of probation and ordered to repay her insurance company $67,738 after a department investigation revealed that she submitted false receipts in association with a submitted homeowner’s claim.

Girard Resident Sentenced in $22,000 Insurance Fraud Case

In June 2015, Trumbull County Common Pleas Judge ordered Girard resident Katherine Richards to serve five years of community control (probation) for theft in an insurance fraud case totaling $22,000. A department investigation found Richards lied about receiving Social Security benefits while she was simultaneously collecting disability benefits from an insurance company. Richards returned the stolen money to the insurance company.

Member of Cincinnati Insurance Fraud Ring SentencedIn May 2015, Domynck Elahee pleaded guilty to three felony counts of insurance fraud after a department investigation found he and a number of other Cincinnati-area residents filed approximately $85,000 in false insurance claims pertaining to automobile accidents that never occurred. In June, 2015, Elahee appeared before a Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge for sentencing. He was ordered to serve three years community control (probation) and pay $7,700 in restitution for his role in a Cincinnati-area insurance fraud ring.

Department Accomplishments


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Provide Excellent Customer Services

Consumer Services Saved/Recovered $6.4 Million for Ohioans

The department’s consumer services division saved or recovered $6.4 million for Ohioans, received 32,266 phone calls, and handled 6,231 complaints. The majority of the complaints dealt with claim handling.

Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP) Helped Ohioans Save $19.5 Million

The department’s Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP) saved Ohio’s elderly and disabled population more than $19.5 million by helping them determine the most suitable Medicare coverage for their health & prescription needs and by helping them identify eligibility for low income assistance programs. OSHIIP provided Medicare counseling to more than 286,100 Ohioans, which tripled their reach since 2012.

Over the past year OSHIIP conducted more than 2,700 statewide events which included Medicare “Check Up” events to coincide with the fall open enrollment, and “Welcome To Medicare” events which targeted those new to Medicare.

Medicare “Check Up” events totaled 4,519 Ohioans, a more than 30 percent increase compared to the previous year’s campaign. OSHIIP also expanded its audience to 3,335 individuals during the spring “Welcome to Medicare” events, a 35 percent increase over the previous year.

OSHIIP collaborated with Ohio Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) to educate their 145,000 Medicare-eligible retirees about significant changes to their retiree healthcare at 118 OPERS seminars.

Department Accomplishments


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Department Issued Bulletin on Use of Price Optimization

Lieutenant Governor and Department of Insurance Director Mary Taylor cautioned Ohio insurers against the use of price optimization; the practice of varying premiums based upon factors that are unrelated to risk of loss. Taylor issued a bulletin to Ohio insurance companies regarding price optimization and the application of Ohio law to this pricing technique noting that the use of price optimization can result in unfair discrimination. Taylor’s action was applauded by the Consumer Federation of America and Center for Economic Justice saying that most Americans are required to buy auto and homeowners insurance and it is important that insurance commissioners protect consumers from unfair practices. The groups also urged other states to follow the lead of states like Ohio.

Lt. Governor Taylor Urged Vigilance in Wake of Anthem Data Breach

Ohio Lieutenant Governor and Department of Insurance Director Mary Taylor issued a consumer alert in February 2015 to keep Ohioans informed after the recent announcement of a cyber-attack on Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. The cyber-attack exposed the personal information of both current and former Anthem members and policyholders. Taylor provided important tips and urged consumers to take action to protect their personal information.

Ohioans May Now Show Electronic Proof of Insurance The department supported legislation that became effective in March 2015 enabling Ohio motorists to show proof of financial responsibility to traffic violations bureaus, courts, Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) and/or law enforcement through use of electronic wireless communications devices. The legislation modification saves time and money benefitting consumers, law enforcement, court personnel and insurers. Paper versions of proof of insurance continue to be accepted and motorists are encouraged to keep an updated copy with them at all times.

Department Accomplishments


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Department Accomplishments

State Officials Provided Parents and Teens Safe Driving and Insurance Tips The Ohio Department of Insurance partnered with the Ohio Department of Public Safety in an October 2014 public education campaign reminding parents and teen drivers of the dire importance of establishing clear rules and expectations focused on teen driving safety. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens. Messaging and tips included urging parents to set rules with their driving teens, which research indicates cuts accident risk in half.

Missing Life Insurance Policy Search Program Found 180 Matches During fiscal year 2015, the department received 584 valid search requests, which resulted in 180 policies being matched with their rightful beneficiaries. The department’s missing life policy program is a comprehensive search service that assists Ohio residents and the families of deceased Ohio residents locate lost life and annuity insurance policies purchased in the state. The search identifies the existence of any life insurance policies or annuity contracts purchased in Ohio and issued on the life of, or owned by, a deceased person. The department forwards search requests and supporting documentation to all Ohio-licensed insurance companies for the search to be initiated.


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Provide a Competitive MarketplaceOhio’s Average Insurance Premiums Among Lowest NationallyThe department announced in January that Ohio’s average insurance premiums are again among the lowest in the country. The state’s homeowner’s and auto insurance premiums are, when combined, nearly $500 below national averages.

Ohioans paid an average of $725 (9th lowest) for homeowner’s insurance and $635 (11th lowest) for auto insurance premiums compared to national averages of $1,023 and $815, respectively. This is according to 2012 data, the most recent available, from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).

Risk Assessment Closely Monitored Insurance Companies The department’s risk assessment division completed all reviews of insurers’ quarterly and annual financial statements within timeframes prescribed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and met all other accreditation standards. Risk Assessment reviewed more than 500 company transactions, including four applications for domestic Certificates of Authority and several significant mergers, acquisitions and re-domestications. Risk Assessment also completed financial examinations of 48 Ohio domestic insurers and participated in three international supervisory colleges. The division also participated in several life settlement multi-state market conduct actions.

Ninth Annual Ohio Medical Professional Liability Closed Claim Report Issued

The department issued its ninth annual Ohio Medical Professional Liability Closed Claim Report, indicating that a total of 3,019 medical professional liability claims were closed in 2013. Data for this report is collected from entities providing medical professional liability coverage to Ohio health care providers and health care facilities. The report is available at www.insurance.ohio.gov.

Appointment Fee Reduction Generated Over $7.3 Million in Savings in FY15

As a result of a 2014 amended rule that reduced agent appointment fees by 25%, a savings of more than $7.3 million in reduced annual costs was generated. In addition, license reinstatement fees were reduced by 33%, license renewal fees were cut in half, and appointment termination fees were eliminated.

Department Accomplishments


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Life Insurance Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014



OH PREM Total Total TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK Life Annuity Health Other OHIO Life Annuity Health Other TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS73288 Humana Insurance Company 1 2,720,877$ -$ 2,482,725,680$ -$ 2,485,446,557$ 47,505,107$ -$ 22,356,769,062$ -$ 22,404,274,169$ 6,237,012,936$ 2,929,513,208$ 3,307,499,728$ 92622 * Western-Southern Life Assurance Company 2 58,610,215 44,062,195 - 1,984,020,412 2,086,692,822 200,481,689 480,604,928 - 1,985,993,213 2,667,079,830 13,146,952,405 12,095,608,479 1,051,343,926 60054 Aetna Life Insurance Company 3 48,244,770 5,103,945 1,717,616,136 13,244,015 1,784,208,866 1,139,965,680 76,449,980 21,594,554,987 1,129,162,442 23,940,133,089 22,795,394,563 18,923,493,871 3,871,900,692 79413 Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company 4 4,567,991 - 1,752,260,404 - 1,756,828,395 113,436,293 - 40,982,549,119 - 41,095,985,412 15,113,367,649 9,517,539,233 5,595,828,416 66869 * Nationwide Life Insurance Company 5 55,194,485 34,165,216 26,455,663 1,428,251,985 1,544,067,350 1,252,504,532 740,653,977 300,653,085 10,524,869,359 12,818,680,953 128,585,070,175 124,177,092,002 4,407,978,173 65056 Jackson National Life Insurance Company 6 32,490,668 1,094,542,198 1,776,314 303,116 1,129,112,296 1,014,893,214 22,792,491,050 65,425,078 1,080,332,309 24,953,141,651 180,834,423,488 176,348,286,221 4,486,137,267 65676 Lincoln National Life Insurance Company 7 220,050,772 639,518,199 63,389,545 - 922,958,516 5,996,468,546 16,964,784,742 1,436,183,267 - 24,397,436,555 213,625,079,308 206,098,741,203 7,526,338,105 65838 John Hancock Life Insurance Company (Usa) 8 155,760,345 9,158,098 53,764,858 456,863,394 675,546,695 4,784,837,158 190,836,017 1,532,056,162 13,047,612,799 19,555,342,136 245,892,218,376 240,563,927,760 5,328,290,616 65978 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 9 320,913,773 116,662,755 231,891,740 2,007,677 671,475,945 12,020,831,516 5,635,369,172 7,043,745,475 55,587,926,462 80,287,872,625 391,924,845,165 379,916,948,582 12,007,896,583 60488 American General Life Insurance Company 10 69,240,088 523,319,663 6,647,540 7,348,702 606,555,993 3,059,345,828 12,670,908,301 200,723,787 788,556,661 16,719,534,576 161,875,759,132 152,709,015,447 9,166,743,685 90611 Allianz Life Insurance Company Of North America 11 11,687,610 572,153,149 5,492,978 27,318 589,361,055 546,629,150 14,623,575,402 188,666,880 15,979,647 15,374,851,079 116,205,628,297 110,950,448,016 5,255,180,281 61271 Principal Life Insurance Company 12 34,734,082 82,358,544 53,974,765 398,952,524 570,019,914 1,440,730,736 2,971,890,632 1,380,491,746 14,350,050,926 20,143,164,040 154,073,617,247 149,871,496,642 4,202,120,604 86509 Voya Retirement Insurance And Annuity Company 13 4,295,714 551,928,479 673 1,085,128 557,309,994 126,877,885 9,200,790,347 143,066 762,754,082 10,090,565,380 89,253,482,555 87,245,595,289 2,007,887,266 68241 Prudential Insurance Company Of America 14 146,884,471 232,289,422 53,727,865 99,652,986 532,554,744 7,640,676,854 6,942,375,580 1,359,099,683 7,593,837,380 23,535,989,497 309,101,912,391 298,770,935,243 10,330,977,148 79227 Pruco Life Insurance Company 15 88,855,649 388,461,213 - 1,173,588 478,490,450 2,504,478,199 8,872,229,333 - 26,617,683 11,403,325,215 106,837,998,680 104,181,505,180 2,656,493,500 77216 * Aultcare Insurance Company 16 - - 474,895,889 - 474,895,889 ** - - 474,895,889 - 474,895,889 115,984,356 53,542,702 62,441,652 62944 Axa Equitable Life Insurance Company 17 47,659,136 417,373,469 630,262 1,452,534 467,115,401 2,458,023,672 9,846,594,788 69,848,593 392,486,990 12,766,954,043 165,941,801,748 160,771,788,444 5,170,013,304 86231 Transamerica Life Insurance Company 18 57,219,056 259,093,793 20,562,918 122,698,798 459,574,565 2,624,084,654 8,759,599,311 924,932,085 6,186,083,434 18,494,699,484 124,486,492,983 118,651,156,316 5,835,336,667 65935 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company 19 132,173,142 135,664,717 15,012,937 176,202,139 459,052,935 6,550,605,562 3,453,696,090 679,078,454 7,515,999,851 18,199,379,957 197,189,089,372 182,957,763,321 14,231,326,051 67091 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, The 20 279,850,253 102,451,485 39,195,733 1,565,274 423,062,745 13,315,264,746 2,470,407,098 1,173,551,573 224,859,425 17,184,082,842 230,003,964,120 210,948,836,393 19,055,127,727 91596 New York Life Insurance And Annuity Corporation 21 41,591,739 374,861,053 - 4,642,654 421,095,446 2,137,815,109 10,387,988,375 - 167,901,316 12,693,704,800 126,837,329,332 119,168,826,114 7,668,503,218 67172 * Ohio National Life Insurance Company, The 22 29,068,807 137,798,068 1,412,900 237,172,184 405,451,959 387,795,617 2,200,389,251 14,573,864 463,109,031 3,065,867,763 27,449,336,934 26,352,263,142 1,097,073,789 69345 Teachers Insurance And Annuity Association Of America 23 7,651,724 388,430,722 364,855 7,259,303 403,706,604 315,779,158 10,874,933,100 14,165,580 285,800,119 11,490,677,958 262,634,190,313 228,714,246,336 33,919,943,977 67466 Pacific Life Insurance Company 24 106,458,343 284,206,826 - 2,608,841 393,274,009 2,977,242,620 6,360,118,709 - 420,653,493 9,758,014,821 112,503,492,765 105,331,940,612 7,171,552,153 91642 Forethought Life Insurance Company 25 5,581,018 354,483,681 19,899,607 133,389 380,097,694 258,621,263 4,629,429,524 72,997,202 1,256,121 4,962,304,111 12,583,872,787 11,778,917,351 804,955,436 65005 Riversource Life Insurance Company 26 52,466,509 265,860,492 14,737,435 1,053,543 334,117,979 1,076,779,089 4,737,857,278 356,767,136 20,465,053 6,191,868,556 104,762,556,052 101,430,218,077 3,332,337,975 69868 United Of Omaha Life Insurance Company 27 58,471,275 20,793,948 56,160,565 102,970,233 238,396,021 1,561,856,114 693,753,242 1,657,457,938 965,483,307 4,878,550,600 18,786,688,405 17,363,965,214 1,422,723,191 87726 Metlife Insurance Company Usa 28 59,228,838 170,100,123 3,803,337 568,633 233,700,931 2,360,697,702 4,953,378,656 231,531,689 16,142,700,443 23,688,308,490 174,605,977,568 168,564,450,103 6,041,527,465 69108 State Farm Life Insurance Company 29 174,948,793 48,457,438 - 966,730 224,372,961 4,185,759,691 824,137,806 - 26,720,813 5,036,618,310 63,530,488,452 54,529,382,761 9,001,105,691 64246 Guardian Life Insurance Company Of America 30 109,054,083 583,738 110,084,865 - 219,722,686 4,214,585,020 19,480,753 2,750,402,815 524,917 6,984,993,506 45,297,378,336 39,605,810,243 5,691,568,093 68322 Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company 31 64,079,785 148,484,598 1,838,031 1,081,990 215,484,404 1,352,475,399 4,324,341,279 61,317,075 24,505,300 5,762,639,053 54,523,476,934 53,522,539,369 1,000,937,565 68675 Security Benefit Life Insurance Company 32 646,630 214,162,474 - - 214,809,104 25,553,509 5,111,797,698 - - 5,137,351,207 24,987,372,794 23,685,916,711 1,301,456,083 66915 New York Life Insurance Company 33 152,719,225 579,601 11,956,228 46,309,382 211,564,436 8,023,927,422 373,315,212 452,934,321 9,193,089,460 18,043,266,415 146,267,047,744 127,661,055,161 18,605,992,583 68136 Protective Life Insurance Company 34 60,052,458 81,293,744 2,396,402 53,443,406 197,186,010 1,515,182,692 1,738,081,595 31,084,285 154,026,222 3,438,374,795 41,231,735,899 37,732,829,816 3,498,906,083 62510 Equitrust Life Insurance Company 35 15,275,878 177,246,133 - 3,881,000 196,403,011 518,542,265 2,102,212,565 - 60,836,884 2,681,591,714 14,454,695,663 13,557,662,315 897,033,347 63312 * Great American Life Insurance Company 36 1,062,643 185,602,134 87,215 865,911 187,617,902 46,843,844 3,450,710,145 9,040,698 11,575,982 3,518,170,669 22,772,579,798 21,136,547,805 1,636,031,993 69019 Standard Insurance Company 37 18,578,343 12,218,070 21,324,518 113,272,058 165,392,989 743,915,018 306,720,008 1,240,529,710 2,158,587,898 4,449,752,634 20,361,117,513 19,209,332,932 1,151,784,581 67369 Cigna Health And Life Insurance Company 38 1,399 - 153,029,183 2,371 153,032,953 ** 510,662 - 10,373,470,441 865,432 10,374,846,535 6,204,475,323 3,404,804,103 2,799,671,220 81973 Coventry Health And Life Insurance Company 39 - - 152,649,743 - 152,649,743 - - 4,511,048,400 - 4,511,048,400 1,616,312,328 912,072,240 704,240,085 66168 Minnesota Life Insurance Company 40 95,152,648 17,339,747 8,995,896 29,776,999 151,265,290 3,444,060,729 722,782,859 359,613,184 1,910,210,002 6,436,666,775 35,716,004,025 33,115,584,301 2,600,419,724 92738 American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company 41 581,287 148,844,386 - 1,500,807 150,926,481 10,402,913 4,044,486,723 - 18,813,421 4,073,703,057 36,129,668,298 33,957,213,592 2,172,454,706 11518 * Paramount Insurance Company 42 - - 146,218,566 - 146,218,566 ** - - 154,056,154 - 154,056,154 44,648,901 24,070,906 20,577,995 70238 Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company 43 - 143,993,479 - - 143,993,479 9,184 4,828,453,941 - - 4,828,463,125 77,095,194,647 73,477,118,550 3,618,076,097 62235 Unum Life Insurance Company Of America 44 39,958,450 - 102,175,392 - 142,133,842 1,224,091,715 81,055 2,857,711,809 3,141,859 4,085,026,438 19,701,372,348 18,155,241,114 1,546,131,234 79065 Delaware Life Insurance Company 45 1,350,753 134,906,163 - - 136,256,916 197,006,288 1,607,982,635 - - 1,804,988,923 40,699,777,266 39,108,294,573 1,591,482,693 12575 Silverscript Insurance Company 46 - - 132,605,851 - 132,605,851 - - 3,156,663,057 - 3,156,663,057 2,764,215,754 2,316,137,741 448,078,013 60895 American United Life Insurance Company 47 25,293,615 89,067,016 10,468,644 825,726 125,655,001 336,529,003 2,789,349,135 81,012,728 281,643,493 3,488,534,360 23,401,515,600 22,384,506,344 1,017,009,256 65498 Life Insurance Company Of North America 48 59,162,752 - 66,387,619 - 125,550,372 1,429,993,290 108,922 1,873,782,191 - 3,303,884,403 7,562,577,546 6,216,541,258 1,346,036,288 97179 Unitedhealthcare Life Insurance Company 49 7,765 - 125,091,166 - 125,098,930 497,818 - 245,775,899 - 246,273,717 132,599,648 91,161,575 41,438,073 60380 American Family Life Assurance Company Of Columbus (Aflac) 50 7,555,647 - 117,533,738 - 125,089,385 3,948,135,061 1,358,301,409 14,000,129,199 - 19,306,565,669 100,966,070,689 90,126,951,437 10,839,119,252 66044 Midland National Life Insurance Company 51 42,764,274 80,468,603 - 500,224 123,733,101 1,165,535,916 2,572,817,615 91,568 136,369,873 3,874,814,972 41,138,735,763 38,344,688,895 2,794,046,868 88072 Hartford Life Insurance Company 52 3,831,593 7,554,241 3,220,816 107,996,928 122,603,578 304,359,625 282,187,323 211,865,289 4,325,102,469 5,123,514,705 123,444,990,551 117,880,548,350 5,564,442,201 61301 Ameritas Life Insurance Corporation 53 32,841,249 66,071,432 19,524,469 2,987,322 121,424,472 545,591,688 939,182,519 747,948,816 216,055,550 2,448,778,573 16,822,004,590 15,198,546,412 1,623,458,178 68608 Symetra Life Insurance Company 54 8,380,828 89,843,191 13,907,670 7,337,491 119,469,180 242,811,077 2,654,421,182 588,714,659 199,793,839 3,685,740,757 29,151,723,813 27,073,388,512 2,078,335,301 70025 Genworth Life Insurance Company 55 17,223,386 7,631,016 86,419,156 1,431,981 112,705,539 485,270,875 564,516,040 2,423,629,175 36,018,799 3,509,434,889 38,163,215,437 34,938,855,986 3,224,359,451 80802 Sun Life Assurance Company Of Canada 56 44,616,462 - 64,294,924 - 108,911,386 1,152,230,549 2,584 1,601,677,408 25,225,723 2,779,136,264 17,090,507,612 16,150,213,386 940,294,226 92657 * Nationwide Life And Annuity Insurance Company 57 61,987,787 101,541 21,962 46,009,861 108,121,151 908,363,431 3,729,131 139,234 449,970,922 1,362,202,718 7,896,735,000 7,206,112,429 690,622,571 62286 Golden Rule Insurance Company 58 1,838,214 90,940 105,555,553 - 107,484,707 38,314,983 2,444,566 1,851,561,920 - 1,892,321,469 718,208,451 405,025,824 313,182,627 65536 Genworth Life And Annuity Insurance Company 59 61,104,953 40,318,773 1,602,568 722,500 103,748,794 1,374,823,246 997,183,804 66,066,878 15,483,456 2,453,557,384 24,241,988,787 22,093,819,070 2,148,169,717 63274 Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company 60 11,641,516 90,268,780 - - 101,910,296 438,941,855 2,499,963,220 - 407,284 2,939,312,359 18,973,194,928 17,761,596,910 1,211,598,017 61689 Athene Annuity And Life Company 61 23,427,979 72,026,337 239,883 892,568 96,586,766 788,502,619 1,990,921,523 3,129,021 57,445,273 2,839,998,435 44,405,332,951 43,365,306,514 1,040,026,437 93629 Prudential Retirement Insurance And Annuity Company 62 - 697,329 - 88,538,354 89,235,683 - 5,516,690 - 12,508,470,518 12,513,987,208 78,877,499,229 77,944,830,318 932,668,911 12231 Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company Of The River Valley 63 - - 88,534,474 - 88,534,474 - - 595,301,938 - 595,301,938 154,677,150 93,940,705 60,736,445 66281 Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company 64 44,502,265 18,793,618 19,134,787 4,927,821 87,358,491 1,486,957,411 643,883,265 631,966,490 125,873,206 2,888,680,372 42,248,242,420 40,473,537,559 1,774,704,861 70815 Hartford Life And Accident Insurance Company 65 33,433,247 - 49,911,302 - 83,344,549 1,163,304,471 (225,787) 1,585,149,755 294,320 2,748,522,759 9,086,882,540 7,494,547,445 1,592,335,095 71420 Sierra Health And Life Insurance Company Inc 66 - - 80,145,254 - 80,145,254 (1,574) - 425,675,049 - 425,673,475 170,074,073 94,489,263 75,584,810 60739 American National Insurance Company 67 9,711,332 61,499,799 174,362 5,591,785 76,977,279 567,019,112 765,169,440 71,405,551 99,404,126 1,502,998,229 18,112,985,349 15,233,831,008 2,879,154,341 67105 Reliastar Life Insurance Company 68 43,928,944 10,701,411 20,930,741 - 75,561,096 1,563,278,565 427,164,560 766,836,869 1,017,854 2,758,297,848 21,468,698,792 19,523,991,291 1,944,707,501 68381 Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company 69 8,581,257 40,060,462 26,716,814 - 75,358,533 435,466,517 855,759,503 768,121,517 500,000,000 2,559,347,537 7,583,752,327 6,870,420,542 713,331,785 67644 Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company 70 26,768,186 3,271,909 153,306 38,476,939 68,670,340 855,959,343 127,870,974 11,253,530 662,052,008 1,657,135,855 17,270,765,708 15,470,989,167 1,799,776,541 80942 Voya Insurance And Annuity Company 71 1,960,384 65,529,137 5,536 - 67,495,057 35,842,616 1,854,677,792 56,104 751,000,000 2,641,576,512 66,778,843,977 64,659,433,958 2,119,410,019 70688 Transamerica Financial Life Insurance Company 72 169,708 91,262 48,827 65,149,711 65,459,508 155,696,985 822,562,745 118,382,769 4,349,980,333 5,446,622,832 31,099,279,951 30,141,583,288 957,696,663 78778 Guardian Insurance & Annuity Company Inc 73 2,731,790 60,455,976 - 686,349 63,874,115 45,719,637 1,489,348,357 - 20,971,936 1,556,039,931 15,656,247,058 15,429,062,236 227,184,821 61263 Bankers Life And Casualty Company 74 14,170,588 22,736,087 26,880,616 - 63,787,291 452,185,579 770,943,883 970,578,377 258,114,229 2,451,822,068 16,590,665,198 15,397,588,608 1,193,076,590 62626 Cmfg Life Insurance Company 75 22,582,460 28,137,392 12,158,364 81,641 62,959,857 697,178,193 1,337,745,430 531,338,169 7,220,896 2,573,482,688 15,490,072,587 13,857,195,918 1,632,876,670 69477 Time Insurance Company 76 1,328,754 30,400 60,292,132 384,274 62,035,560 40,489,109 1,075,235 1,723,885,678 11,253,777 1,776,703,799 991,019,739 601,298,030 389,721,709 65315 Liberty Life Assurance Company Of Boston 77 40,391,952 1,521,415 19,551,027 163,666 61,628,060 988,064,281 779,091,879 716,250,350 161,289,594 2,644,696,104 14,628,754,778 13,726,313,892 902,440,886 66974 North American Company For Life And Health Insurance 78 29,490,944 30,506,039 73 1,431,908 61,428,964 782,482,319 1,321,101,051 40,887 35,315,590 2,138,939,847 16,970,038,184 15,793,325,928 1,176,712,256 69116 State Life Insurance Company 79 25,024,914 34,973,255 880,832 182,847 61,061,847 284,879,596 295,160,789 25,529,288 113,433,016 719,002,689 5,522,202,232 5,168,039,608 354,162,624 70483 * Western And Southern Life Insurance Company, The 80 52,897,247 10,973 8,150,552 - 61,058,772 239,146,618 29,753 28,026,018 - 267,202,389 9,918,275,587 5,624,065,714 4,294,209,873 92711 Hcc Life Insurance Company 81 31,556 - 59,141,640 - 59,173,197 3,156,332 1,264,397 1,003,403,817 - 1,007,824,547 923,464,635 369,192,378 554,272,257 60577 American Income Life Insurance Company 82 53,916,654 - 3,958,864 - 57,875,518 717,126,619 2,646 72,411,158 - 789,540,423 2,898,631,113 2,669,768,131 228,862,982 96265 * Dental Care Plus Inc 83 - - 55,357,213 - 55,357,213 ** - - 64,514,518 - 64,514,518 15,908,620 6,219,440 9,689,179 84824 Commonwealth Annuity And Life Insurance Company 84 1,831,839 53,194,704 506 - 55,027,049 68,603,672 572,422,866 385,106 5,140,154 646,551,798 10,497,030,311 8,851,048,741 1,645,981,570 93696 Fidelity Investments Life Insurance Company 85 685,974 54,106,475 - - 54,792,449 15,078,319 1,888,315,329 - - 1,903,393,648 24,504,253,713 23,818,439,957 685,813,756 65919 Primerica Life Insurance Company 86 53,234,020 34,587 15,639 79,492 53,363,739 1,912,042,938 932,284 537,882 4,243,576 1,917,756,680 1,279,436,962 780,445,342 498,991,620



Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Life Insurance Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014



OH PREM Total Total TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK Life Annuity Health Other OHIO Life Annuity Health Other TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS71153 Hartford Life And Annuity Insurance Company 87 33,074,484 13,909,239 (14,098) 3,954,069 50,923,694 1,187,667,386 459,685,160 199,009 143,426,954 1,790,978,509 47,246,337,570 43,837,440,540 3,408,897,030 76236 * Cincinnati Life Insurance Company, The 88 45,493,381 3,214,707 1,529,119 - 50,237,206 258,143,126 37,452,268 7,126,081 538,670 303,260,145 3,915,974,595 3,692,520,568 223,454,028 61069 Anthem Life Insurance Company 89 25,174,108 - 23,511,455 - 48,685,563 120,008,467 - 90,774,144 - 210,782,611 582,363,060 473,225,028 109,138,032 61492 Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Company 90 4,513,180 41,789,340 753,012 210,000 47,265,531 136,807,545 534,534,812 26,948,730 1,734,208 700,025,295 11,159,891,851 10,005,803,074 1,154,088,777 68195 Provident Life And Accident Insurance Company 91 16,809,446 - 29,245,931 - 46,055,377 318,656,196 - 779,131,915 5,110 1,097,793,221 8,297,289,793 7,577,330,750 719,959,043 74780 * Integrity Life Insurance Company 92 116,352 41,977,828 - 3,273,286 45,367,466 645,259 408,815,527 - 39,176,713 448,637,499 6,107,078,432 5,443,290,301 663,788,131 65595 Lincoln Benefit Life Company 93 41,021,124 1,643,638 2,085,553 - 44,750,315 1,380,783,767 56,823,164 70,461,067 2,613,484 1,510,681,482 12,651,250,363 11,932,235,777 719,014,586 92916 United American Insurance Company 94 974,024 141,255 43,442,539 - 44,557,818 22,071,794 26,938,643 747,451,295 - 796,461,732 1,694,915,509 1,516,495,425 178,420,084 93548 Phl Variable Insurance Company 95 6,699,392 34,747,297 - 3,003,196 44,449,885 345,816,447 724,883,927 - 39,175,632 1,109,876,006 6,533,901,953 6,335,312,915 198,589,038 77828 Companion Life Insurance Company 96 1,023,311 - 42,977,034 - 44,000,345 30,923,161 - 795,075,130 - 825,998,291 284,897,238 135,873,450 149,023,788 94250 Banner Life Insurance Company 97 39,285,252 1,896 - - 39,287,148 901,259,617 24,348 5,048 4,024,083 905,313,096 1,818,562,008 1,449,475,225 369,086,783 71218 * Grange Life Insurance Company 98 38,019,420 738,686 113,311 - 38,871,417 83,929,917 1,377,821 234,003 - 85,541,741 370,655,077 314,524,822 56,130,255 64505 Homesteaders Life Company (A Mutual Company) 99 37,867,539 856,239 - - 38,723,778 387,981,000 11,266,419 - - 399,247,418 2,500,755,676 2,339,622,461 161,133,215 70408 Union Security Insurance Company 100 12,984,331 979,294 24,426,222 - 38,389,847 259,650,987 17,041,356 748,183,675 - 1,024,876,017 4,937,110,191 4,521,390,048 415,720,143 62146 Combined Insurance Company Of America 101 2,582,204 400 34,807,688 - 37,390,292 76,126,250 10,082 804,011,909 - 880,148,241 1,378,320,774 1,243,960,988 134,359,786 62049 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company 102 11,540,997 2,800 25,787,641 - 37,331,438 268,086,920 32,509 1,007,371,235 - 1,275,490,664 2,921,975,114 2,354,916,768 567,058,347 89206 * Ohio National Life Assurance Corporation 103 34,885,226 - 1,571,666 659,205 37,116,097 601,947,514 100,815 18,596,063 2,154,699 622,799,091 3,605,811,636 3,309,791,442 296,020,190 60410 American Fidelity Assurance Company 104 4,659,468 7,910,489 24,432,689 - 37,002,646 142,019,785 138,839,860 724,868,557 - 1,005,728,202 4,958,979,797 4,578,606,502 380,373,295 88668 Mutual Of America Life Insurance Company 105 209,340 59,163 122,462 34,398,900 34,789,866 8,392,014 26,765,057 3,533,638 1,927,264,908 1,965,955,617 17,790,884,082 16,793,164,684 997,719,398 66311 * Motorists Life Insurance Company 106 21,590,086 13,057,727 - 100,703 34,748,516 54,269,198 22,852,263 - 148,355 77,269,816 523,588,518 467,229,522 56,358,996 99937 * Columbus Life Insurance Company 107 29,675,692 4,989,289 24,822 - 34,689,803 203,340,022 87,924,585 106,906 2,440,440 293,811,953 3,337,259,451 3,114,629,083 222,630,368 71870 Fidelity Security Life Insurance Company 108 173,239 72,715 34,372,442 - 34,618,396 13,572,637 17,870,252 694,143,750 1,193,910 726,780,548 831,653,147 679,796,197 151,856,954 66583 National Guardian Life Insurance Company 109 22,239,321 1,802,277 10,544,725 - 34,586,323 438,471,274 26,033,162 325,536,989 1,329,179 791,370,604 2,948,271,841 2,698,138,560 250,133,281 60142 Tiaa-Cref Life Insurance Company 110 11,352,306 21,291,815 204,841 1,198,772 34,047,734 452,590,565 340,038,115 6,543,770 1,581,035,199 2,380,207,649 9,803,159,467 9,448,584,288 354,575,179 60534 American Heritage Life Insurance Company 111 5,189,582 7,987 28,843,910 - 34,041,479 141,772,052 740,394 740,678,149 - 883,190,595 1,799,723,020 1,446,467,236 353,255,784 69663 Usaa Life Insurance Company 112 16,459,074 12,958,352 3,631,258 41,000 33,089,683 926,246,909 875,970,664 218,848,386 34,791,569 2,055,857,527 21,985,395,139 19,844,668,007 2,140,727,132 90328 First Health Life & Health Insurance Company 113 2,579 - 32,007,694 - 32,010,273 813,772 4,000 914,539,062 75 915,356,909 475,010,553 248,989,745 226,020,808 91472 Globe Life And Accident Insurance Company 114 30,527,200 - 1,133,322 - 31,660,522 706,190,475 329 30,496,178 - 736,686,982 3,519,428,649 3,280,028,936 239,399,713 70319 Washington National Insurance Company 115 2,303,968 389,902 28,060,134 - 30,754,004 52,242,422 10,655,887 588,254,896 100,000,000 751,153,205 4,775,251,768 4,448,263,396 326,988,372 65242 * Lafayette Life Insurance Company, The 116 16,806,528 4,739,226 11,875 8,500,000 30,057,629 413,653,962 153,854,446 270,027 12,044,867 579,823,302 4,067,788,940 3,863,420,643 204,368,297 83607 Guggenheim Life And Annuity Company 117 157,885 29,191,482 - 653,200 30,002,567 211,337,383 739,500,677 4,249 32,089,345 982,931,654 12,812,436,818 12,166,479,063 645,957,755 70939 Gerber Life Insurance Company 118 13,809,447 - 16,095,160 - 29,904,607 343,032,001 - 468,763,838 - 811,795,839 2,812,152,435 2,526,829,135 285,323,300 10155 Wellcare Prescription Insurance Inc 119 - - 29,413,099 - 29,413,099 - - 986,821,620 - 986,821,620 822,182,837 713,183,655 108,999,182 60016 Thp Insurance Company Inc 120 - - 28,828,396 - 28,828,396 - - 52,300,223 - 52,300,223 34,801,882 15,924,984 18,876,896 62375 * Consumers Life Insurance Company 121 20,863,603 - 7,360,315 - 28,223,918 22,221,283 - 8,226,290 - 30,447,573 36,448,787 16,726,325 19,722,462 12747 * Envision Insurance Company 122 - - 27,683,462 - 27,683,462 - - 435,291,035 - 435,291,035 515,036,057 477,390,360 37,645,697 84174 Elco Mutual Life And Annuity 123 123,045 9,983,969 - 17,558,830 27,665,844 11,039,887 226,054,708 - 285,507,732 522,602,327 526,745,537 482,230,788 44,514,749 67814 Phoenix Life Insurance Company 124 15,309,096 14,143 40,472 11,106,077 26,469,788 481,779,018 12,698,816 1,583,552 329,338,744 825,400,130 13,249,349,913 12,640,152,335 609,197,578 65129 Kansas City Life Insurance Company 125 4,024,287 19,748,762 632,939 2,036,300 26,442,288 138,550,518 116,646,316 57,036,208 9,183,488 321,416,530 3,402,139,995 3,063,717,952 338,422,042 72125 Physicians Life Insurance Company 126 17,627,811 3,234,311 3,821,858 803,526 25,487,506 197,698,450 64,178,221 79,886,204 5,945,596 347,708,471 1,430,485,171 1,300,423,290 130,061,881 66850 National Western Life Insurance Company 127 10,807,155 12,652,406 - 461,910 23,921,471 301,800,475 825,395,570 1,830,981 7,876,693 1,136,903,719 10,262,747,688 9,077,105,010 1,185,642,678 93661 * Annuity Investors Life Insurance Company 128 - 23,158,231 - - 23,158,231 - 229,216,876 - - 229,216,876 2,994,759,275 2,767,668,799 227,090,476 60186 Allstate Life Insurance Company 129 16,909,838 3,800,477 848,341 - 21,558,656 426,719,854 110,028,756 26,636,343 (252,953) 563,132,000 34,120,938,338 31,408,683,049 2,712,255,289 62308 Connecticut General Life Insurance Company 130 17,993,828 1,200 3,187,526 48,874 21,231,428 ** 565,930,520 1,577,683 814,471,271 23,254,518 1,405,233,992 17,768,919,754 14,295,618,338 3,473,301,416 70335 West Coast Life Insurance Company 131 20,563,626 - 55 - 20,563,680 626,029,113 535,737 29,728 249,924 626,844,502 4,810,067,779 4,397,800,652 412,267,127 71730 Continental American Insurance Company 132 214,476 - 20,220,950 - 20,435,426 14,072,580 1,025 343,758,126 - 357,831,730 396,955,753 287,305,041 109,650,712 65021 Stonebridge Life Insurance Company 133 9,614,237 - 10,803,715 950 20,418,902 188,029,661 - 340,830,227 399,937 529,259,825 1,711,257,368 1,560,810,068 150,447,300 62065 Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company 134 9,782,804 - 10,589,307 - 20,372,111 219,695,868 - 339,411,225 - 559,107,093 742,844,382 669,588,639 73,255,743 63665 General American Life Insurance Company 135 19,943,247 91,815 301,543 - 20,336,605 486,283,040 12,980,195 8,174,186 465,919,101 973,356,522 12,213,417,953 11,346,879,052 866,538,901 64017 Jefferson National Life Insurance Company 136 867,743 19,204,113 16,035 131,159 20,219,050 19,446,923 799,068,403 2,811,352 8,481,425 829,808,103 3,713,998,496 3,674,181,175 39,817,321 15284 * Healthspan Inc 137 - - 20,044,748 - 20,044,748 ** - - 20,044,748 - 20,044,748 18,230,720 9,802,662 8,428,058 71412 Mutual Of Omaha Insurance Company 138 - - 19,841,289 - 19,841,289 - - 1,055,479,349 - 1,055,479,349 6,426,766,074 3,631,108,856 2,795,657,218 99775 Funeral Directors Life Insurance Company 139 6,781,490 12,356,861 - - 19,138,351 70,192,932 138,261,558 - - 208,454,490 1,068,899,167 977,001,845 91,897,322 77968 * Family Heritage Life Insurance Company Of America 140 70,737 - 18,752,922 - 18,823,659 1,686,666 - 206,860,449 - 208,547,115 775,235,289 707,828,523 67,406,766 68713 Security Life Of Denver Insurance Company 141 18,817,581 - - - 18,817,581 735,433,670 213,853 38,403 422,000,000 1,157,685,926 14,228,256,535 13,099,466,444 1,128,790,091 69000 Northwestern Long Term Care Insurance Company 142 - - 18,532,064 - 18,532,064 - - 511,409,354 - 511,409,354 161,441,477 84,261,005 77,180,472 76023 Columbian Life Insurance Company 143 16,335,956 1,381,367 41,980 - 17,759,304 190,927,391 7,070,244 10,688,432 - 208,686,067 314,519,899 276,608,830 37,911,070 93440 Hm Life Insurance Company 144 17,577 - 16,591,987 - 16,609,564 331,994 - 715,759,726 - 716,091,720 574,505,906 265,296,664 309,209,242 60445 Sagicor Life Insurance Company 145 1,697,152 14,467,967 45,140 308,170 16,518,429 38,417,591 217,156,989 142,366 3,729,039 259,445,985 1,214,894,898 1,140,644,940 74,249,958 71714 Berkshire Life Insurance Company Of America 146 199,449 - 15,985,099 - 16,184,548 10,542,629 - 481,753,349 - 492,295,978 3,377,311,135 3,107,848,633 269,462,502 63177 Farmers New World Life Insurance Company 147 14,446,503 1,042,681 143,947 279,680 15,912,811 864,561,118 49,597,093 15,572,258 22,211,080 951,941,549 7,063,723,256 6,566,094,302 497,628,954 62863 Trustmark Life Insurance Company 148 84,684 - 15,793,359 - 15,878,043 12,748,081 - 200,597,524 - 213,345,605 353,189,337 190,552,387 162,636,950 64513 Horace Mann Life Insurance Company 149 1,593,773 13,577,018 112,008 - 15,282,799 103,871,629 478,941,393 3,626,109 1,690,823 588,129,954 7,893,969,654 7,495,316,113 398,653,542 70580 Humanadental Insurance Company 150 898,287 - 14,301,924 - 15,200,211 6,434,319 - 504,076,831 - 510,511,150 150,649,004 55,485,338 95,163,666 70769 Erie Family Life Insurance Company 151 12,414,037 2,113,965 27,340 - 14,555,341 149,094,471 40,167,278 242,226 2,276,564 191,780,539 2,096,925,430 1,793,470,395 303,455,034 93432 Cm Life Insurance Company 152 5,789,109 8,715,441 - - 14,504,550 228,331,635 246,774,280 - - 475,105,915 8,792,464,583 7,487,710,675 1,304,753,908 65927 Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company 153 14,089,378 15,565 373,531 - 14,478,474 346,006,411 379,000 18,511,034 - 364,896,445 805,208,480 696,193,316 109,015,164 81264 Nippon Life Insurance Company Of America 154 168,548 - 14,277,879 - 14,446,427 5,331,807 - 307,185,209 - 312,517,016 216,430,578 75,330,901 141,099,677 68810 Sentry Life Insurance Company 155 1,559,393 12,526,550 306,445 - 14,392,388 35,711,845 529,370,965 7,826,193 - 572,909,002 5,333,589,502 5,062,200,142 271,389,360 61190 Auto-Owners Life Insurance Company 156 6,855,690 6,244,024 899,903 136,667 14,136,284 104,678,670 137,891,590 15,343,341 26,707,396 284,620,997 3,632,333,612 3,288,311,326 344,022,286 71854 Aaa Life Insurance Company 157 11,651,497 50,000 2,239,742 - 13,941,239 440,820,518 112,618,839 69,823,819 283,016 623,546,192 575,090,689 452,388,585 122,702,103 60399 American Family Life Insurance Company 158 12,920,546 835,191 - - 13,755,737 400,563,840 24,761,858 - - 425,325,698 5,230,458,673 4,341,848,892 888,609,781 71161 Principal National Life Insurance Company 159 13,673,405 - - - 13,673,405 460,105,322 - - - 460,105,322 141,247,957 56,434,690 84,813,267 13100 Omaha Insurance Company 160 - - 13,545,463 - 13,545,463 - - 146,160,631 - 146,160,631 43,811,355 22,711,381 21,099,974 78077 Mony Life Insurance Company Of America 161 12,380,897 943,977 - - 13,324,874 425,924,165 29,805,084 - - 455,729,249 2,830,558,476 2,445,679,116 384,879,360 13123 * Mount Carmel Health Insurance Company 162 - - 12,803,420 - 12,803,420 - - 12,803,420 - 12,803,420 7,274,332 1,404,230 5,869,602 60984 Compbenefits Insurance Company 163 3,227 - 12,381,474 - 12,384,701 ** 105,264 - 100,029,172 - 100,134,436 47,292,249 8,277,552 39,014,697 61999 Americo Financial Life And Annuity Insurance Company 164 4,632,442 7,328,636 - 10,854 11,971,932 162,110,131 236,831,582 88,074 2,747,230 401,777,017 3,921,857,768 3,463,158,911 458,698,857 86355 Standard Life And Accident Insurance Company 165 397,764 50,540 11,482,055 - 11,930,359 11,546,234 484,999 139,777,899 118,473 151,927,606 530,176,673 271,092,750 259,083,923 80578 Physicians Mutual Insurance Company 166 - - 11,838,115 - 11,838,115 - - 305,182,209 - 305,182,209 2,026,151,800 1,180,684,893 845,466,907 91626 New England Life Insurance Company 167 10,533,460 670,677 237,318 - 11,441,455 257,286,453 61,108,365 8,322,315 - 326,717,133 11,179,519,199 10,504,281,672 675,237,527 91529 Unimerica Insurance Company 168 52,378 - 11,162,912 - 11,215,290 12,306,416 - 269,398,134 - 281,704,550 415,039,544 227,204,857 187,834,687 71129 Dearborn National Life Insurance Company 169 7,133,629 54,432 3,832,701 137,523 11,158,285 261,699,032 3,136,067 148,606,484 4,587,339 418,028,922 2,145,535,964 1,630,850,715 514,685,249 65528 Life Insurance Company Of The Southwest 170 4,773,663 5,790,498 193 - 10,564,354 512,685,552 1,081,100,306 72,213 2,224,108 1,596,082,179 13,382,043,080 12,603,064,083 778,978,997 65110 Kanawha Insurance Company 171 3,045,057 - 7,289,050 - 10,334,107 68,190,768 - 156,443,155 - 224,633,923 1,458,809,873 1,336,736,208 122,073,665 68543 Liberty Bankers Life Insurance Company 172 462,448 9,307,685 - 244,004 10,014,137 19,492,681 216,954,737 - 11,496,277 247,943,695 1,141,378,966 945,924,219 195,454,747



Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Life Insurance Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014



OH PREM Total Total TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK Life Annuity Health Other OHIO Life Annuity Health Other TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS65080 John Alden Life Insurance Company 173 170,744 - 9,788,124 - 9,958,868 8,570,863 454,481 178,381,139 - 187,406,484 313,837,975 278,219,084 35,618,891 60053 Kaiser Permanente Insurance Company 174 - - 9,958,398 - 9,958,398 - - 141,233,371 - 141,233,371 169,613,011 74,790,609 94,822,402 68462 Reserve National Insurance Company 175 764,527 - 9,179,751 - 9,944,278 14,546,713 7,037 117,300,739 - 131,854,489 118,152,919 67,183,728 50,969,191 61239 Bankers Fidelity Life Insurance Company 176 1,710,242 - 8,151,865 - 9,862,107 10,860,914 159,723 89,265,408 - 100,286,045 139,087,086 105,082,657 34,004,429 67989 American Memorial Life Insurance Company 177 9,210,206 651,534 52 - 9,861,792 459,818,647 26,305,338 5,752 1,803 486,131,541 2,655,547,582 2,543,114,446 112,433,136 63762 Medco Containment Life Insurance Company 178 160 - 9,832,870 - 9,833,030 4,136 - 503,310,234 - 503,314,370 1,180,772,137 870,579,241 310,192,896 84530 * Us Financial Life Insurance Company 179 9,662,099 - - - 9,662,099 167,271,137 33,345 - - 167,304,482 642,942,359 540,763,382 102,178,977 65951 Merit Life Insurance Company 180 4,303,334 - 5,223,317 - 9,526,651 77,831,355 - 79,217,534 - 157,048,889 588,178,042 416,794,956 171,383,086 67784 Philadelphia American Life Insurance Company 181 106,472 - 9,223,898 12,964 9,343,334 1,619,922 22,312,539 122,522,760 501,381 146,956,602 220,219,624 186,974,966 33,244,658 67598 Paul Revere Life Insurance Company 182 154,504 - 9,129,157 - 9,283,661 12,561,855 - 283,312,086 1,628,883 297,502,824 4,145,126,886 3,867,095,696 278,031,190 12321 American Continental Insurance Company 183 1,694,929 - 7,554,037 - 9,248,966 35,316,471 - 338,761,331 - 374,077,802 177,247,515 90,888,543 86,358,972 61425 Trustmark Insurance Company 184 4,444,655 38,061 4,625,630 - 9,108,346 162,215,815 759,978 155,293,703 - 318,269,496 1,393,483,997 1,105,809,949 287,674,048 97721 Thrivent Life Insurance Company 185 666,113 8,324,607 - - 8,990,720 9,091,782 106,578,295 300 - 115,670,377 3,500,428,807 3,340,775,510 159,653,297 68500 Continental Life Insurance Company Of Brentwood, Tn 186 458,377 - 8,255,793 - 8,714,170 4,470,590 - 327,152,615 - 331,623,205 277,835,490 121,468,711 156,366,779 66680 National Life Insurance Company 187 7,927,187 242,751 503,031 - 8,672,969 414,374,568 57,191,214 26,848,552 - 498,414,334 9,209,944,765 7,668,789,330 1,541,155,435 69744 Union Labor Life Insurance Company, The 188 2,207,871 - 6,264,470 - 8,472,341 53,097,892 6,275,422 88,723,764 - 148,097,078 3,337,533,949 3,261,148,297 76,385,652 69930 United Insurance Company Of America 189 7,707,234 - 263,573 - 7,970,807 172,287,784 4,728 9,452,335 - 181,744,847 3,644,802,345 3,205,401,572 439,400,773 63495 First Investors Life Insurance Company 190 2,182,739 5,777,268 - - 7,960,007 70,659,899 175,342,211 3,401 - 246,005,511 1,852,770,484 1,794,070,960 58,699,524 66427 Mtl Insurance Company 191 7,748,714 133,276 10,714 39,042 7,931,746 213,257,840 3,589,609 340,142 2,265,442 219,453,033 1,927,955,280 1,795,933,496 132,021,784 69078 Standard Security Life Insurance Company Of New York 192 21,552 - 7,776,876 - 7,798,428 1,373,012 564,293 307,070,493 - 309,007,798 252,408,335 135,883,814 116,524,521 66370 Mony Life Insurance Company 193 6,183,953 129,310 1,242,843 - 7,556,106 285,483,347 6,645,661 47,735,918 - 339,864,926 7,674,481,936 7,183,834,445 490,647,491 76112 Oxford Life Insurance Company 194 3,260,979 3,950,181 135,958 - 7,347,117 46,128,065 102,243,498 27,675,478 - 176,047,041 1,197,512,867 1,039,001,361 158,511,506 88064 * Cincinnati Equitable Life Insurance Company 195 7,077,645 625 69,023 - 7,147,293 31,117,108 406,982 69,023 - 31,593,113 87,355,134 78,780,158 8,574,976 73474 Dentegra Insurance Company 196 - - 7,080,795 - 7,080,795 - - 167,437,358 - 167,437,358 48,027,217 11,053,150 36,974,067 71439 Assurity Life Insurance Company 197 4,587,778 61,033 2,270,099 - 6,918,910 143,740,455 8,734,330 102,493,703 3,926,156 258,894,643 2,463,612,964 2,163,065,748 300,547,225 72850 United World Life Insurance Company 198 74,195 - 6,776,668 - 6,850,863 1,532,817 - 403,690,748 - 405,223,565 119,429,408 70,058,873 49,370,535 67628 Pekin Life Insurance Company 199 5,102,351 762,175 859,416 92,000 6,815,942 117,613,180 17,501,310 78,367,508 1,216,966 214,698,964 1,324,058,801 1,203,726,012 120,332,789 60518 American Health And Life Insurance Company 200 2,612,460 - 4,169,788 2,755 6,785,002 75,729,172 15,228 76,139,843 121,423 152,005,666 912,753,300 724,136,823 188,616,477 70106 United States Life Insurance Company In The City Of New York 201 3,436,882 5,000 3,211,662 - 6,653,545 440,854,231 1,521,184,722 165,983,872 11,487,607 2,139,510,432 27,985,441,605 25,984,607,379 2,000,834,226 86630 Prudential Annuities Life Assurance Corporation 202 105,277 6,054,915 - 335,076 6,495,268 1,679,503 130,051,278 - 29,857,586 161,588,367 47,706,642,857 47,100,902,370 605,740,487 64211 Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company 203 1,101,547 2,098 5,162,861 - 6,266,506 23,212,854 101,068 223,897,059 2,004 247,212,985 433,253,656 370,983,779 62,269,877 76325 Senior Health Insurance Company Of Pennsylvania 204 - - 6,109,466 - 6,109,466 - - 144,599,352 - 144,599,352 2,906,965,242 2,826,959,318 80,005,924 80926 Sun Life And Health Insurance Company (Us) 205 3,629,817 - 2,377,981 - 6,007,798 78,544,584 - 140,356,640 - 218,901,224 371,841,185 196,348,977 175,492,208 67652 First Penn-Pacific Life Insurance Company 206 5,529,717 - - - 5,529,717 131,521,216 238,610 9,888 - 131,769,714 1,741,790,314 1,533,364,076 208,426,238 31119 Medico Insurance Company 207 96,082 - 5,433,408 - 5,529,490 1,972,337 50,182 109,903,980 - 111,926,499 69,133,931 38,194,993 30,938,938 61700 Renaissance Life & Health Insurance Company Of America 208 453 - 5,509,544 - 5,509,997 135,015 - 87,432,990 - 87,568,005 68,623,437 17,264,943 51,358,494 61832 Chesapeake Life Insurance Company, The 209 1,119,991 360 4,323,433 - 5,443,784 44,912,939 185,632 116,545,215 - 161,643,786 75,099,170 31,964,166 43,135,004 63967 Government Personnel Mutual Life Insurance Company 210 1,326,710 3,720 4,056,159 - 5,386,589 47,753,659 778,604 31,419,742 - 79,952,005 837,512,818 725,133,023 112,379,794 61212 Baltimore Life Insurance Company 211 3,987,660 15,000 8,912 1,361,299 5,372,871 122,186,003 14,203,376 1,503,553 15,076,824 152,969,756 1,140,445,883 1,065,703,989 74,741,894 74322 * Medical Benefits Mutual Life Insurance Company 212 134,750 - 5,206,910 - 5,341,660 294,631 - 7,867,868 - 8,162,499 19,380,645 8,177,035 11,203,610 63479 United Teacher Associates Insurance Company 213 397,863 32,526 4,842,361 - 5,272,750 5,589,651 3,757,676 164,485,447 - 173,832,773 1,018,098,765 961,960,787 56,137,978 62553 Country Life Insurance Company 214 4,775,563 - 416,671 22,537 5,214,770 396,396,088 1,899,737 105,090,702 109,922,308 613,308,835 10,697,206,271 9,573,237,948 1,123,968,323 88366 * American Retirement Life Insurance Company 215 7,298 - 5,106,326 - 5,113,624 174,656 3,734 120,881,096 - 121,059,486 55,701,547 24,690,202 31,011,345 63258 Federated Life Insurance Company 216 4,003,583 655,182 444,278 - 5,103,043 135,422,822 18,658,399 24,096,382 - 178,177,603 1,526,253,229 1,218,168,699 308,084,530 60836 American Republic Insurance Company 217 380,575 700 4,577,546 - 4,958,821 16,610,313 84,271 155,144,578 - 171,839,162 802,461,386 334,400,094 468,061,292 64580 Illinois Mutual Life Insurance Company 218 2,152,179 144,524 2,551,992 - 4,848,695 52,563,585 1,397,565 60,872,112 1,313 114,834,575 1,367,748,178 1,171,442,706 196,305,472 71404 * Continental General Insurance Company 219 405,877 4,200 4,423,283 - 4,833,360 9,957,595 441,356 84,176,090 - 94,575,041 242,413,932 220,913,797 21,500,135 63053 Family Life Insurance Company 220 812,165 4,000 3,958,810 - 4,774,975 30,773,170 52,031 68,003,082 - 98,828,283 146,501,477 110,271,118 36,230,359 97772 Us Health And Life Insurance Company 221 52,199 - 4,488,357 - 4,540,556 430,118 - 53,523,971 - 53,954,089 26,791,683 18,470,352 8,321,331 61751 Central States Health And Life Company Of Omaha 222 1,991,439 - 2,544,811 - 4,536,250 76,692,588 - 62,528,919 6,870 139,228,377 414,730,492 295,148,795 119,581,697 71072 Marquette National Life Insurance Company 223 72,461 - 4,345,753 - 4,418,213 476,461 9,254 13,552,356 - 14,038,071 6,728,466 1,133,835 5,594,631 65900 Conseco Life Insurance Company 224 4,184,399 11,710 217,398 - 4,413,506 183,528,623 967,097 29,106,416 - 213,602,135 3,732,015,328 3,506,671,100 225,344,228 64904 Investors Heritage Life Insurance Company 225 3,356,470 992,702 18,462 - 4,367,634 50,094,667 9,580,699 3,413,066 - 63,088,432 482,821,382 461,953,119 20,868,262 97691 Life Of The South Insurance Company 226 563,372 - 3,675,825 - 4,239,196 37,503,257 123,400 77,864,351 - 115,491,008 81,700,411 60,585,845 21,114,566 63819 * Unity Financial Life Insurance Company 227 4,208,004 - - - 4,208,004 61,886,673 - - - 61,886,673 190,111,762 178,631,893 11,479,869 63290 Fidelity Life Association, A Legal Reserve Life Insurance Compa 228 4,171,999 - 3,052 - 4,175,051 140,811,408 - 1,354,748 - 142,166,156 411,863,776 277,162,471 134,701,305 67539 Pan-American Life Insurance Company 229 105,884 6,500 4,062,301 - 4,174,685 61,470,722 266,115 257,111,695 - 318,848,533 1,345,435,957 1,107,936,670 237,499,288 61476 Boston Mutual Life Insurance Company 230 2,373,077 - 1,784,774 - 4,157,851 169,525,622 248 58,138,235 86,744 227,750,850 1,245,223,950 1,099,913,578 145,310,372 66087 Mid-West National Life Insurance Company Of Tennessee 231 352,574 14,722 3,661,325 - 4,028,621 12,562,192 870,997 200,184,842 - 213,618,031 291,780,077 201,157,258 90,622,819 77879 5 Star Life Insurance Company 232 4,004,806 - 558 - 4,005,364 135,867,029 - 263,871 - 136,130,900 268,587,888 227,793,496 40,794,392 65722 * Loyal American Life Insurance Company 233 174,536 861 3,797,804 44 3,973,245 6,268,458 561,529 118,381,847 69,093 125,280,927 249,349,234 175,805,143 73,544,091 80659 Canada Life Assurance Company, The 234 3,846,081 28,600 93,516 - 3,968,197 109,127,821 1,395,293 3,658,494 - 114,181,608 4,425,111,975 4,288,899,943 136,212,032 12567 Care Improvement Plus South Central Insurance Company 235 - - 3,944,568 - 3,944,568 - - 2,978,264,143 - 2,978,264,143 646,874,788 298,289,945 348,584,843 67180 Ohio State Life Insurance Company, The 236 3,628,104 14,904 777 1,633 3,645,418 33,984,551 113,851 1,184 124,729 34,224,315 13,765,198 3,288,903 10,476,295 65331 Liberty National Life Insurance Company 237 3,373,304 5,811 256,055 - 3,635,170 416,767,050 18,239,102 126,148,386 - 561,154,538 7,419,550,203 6,841,015,742 578,534,461 97136 Metropolitan Tower Life Insurance Company 238 3,607,858 12,808 - - 3,620,666 128,121,477 2,244,191 - 365,000,000 495,365,668 4,999,226,927 4,232,027,343 767,199,584 70435 Savings Bank Life Insurance Company Of Massachusetts 239 3,607,774 - - - 3,607,774 359,107,215 26,856,525 (1,017) 814,083 386,776,806 2,795,576,924 2,538,776,359 256,800,565 60025 Express Scripts Insurance Company 240 - - 3,599,908 - 3,599,908 - - 120,106,019 - 120,106,019 270,827,346 186,836,860 83,990,486 94218 Country Investors Life Assurance Company 241 666,179 2,766,797 - - 3,432,976 28,755,980 87,932,846 - 255,799 116,944,625 286,451,529 108,138,040 178,313,489 67660 Pennsylvania Life Insurance Company 242 1,644,400 - 1,722,052 - 3,366,452 14,845,123 - 20,399,812 - 35,244,935 478,018,471 47,179,581 430,838,890 62952 Equitable Life & Casualty Insurance Company 243 766,749 - 2,571,850 - 3,338,599 14,645,753 - 165,912,213 - 180,557,967 295,922,553 254,121,448 41,801,105 13183 Eagle Life Insurance Company 244 - 3,299,054 - - 3,299,054 - 120,577,585 - - 120,577,585 216,379,485 174,103,699 42,275,787 68284 Pyramid Life Insurance Company 245 283,476 300 2,864,583 - 3,148,359 5,814,852 22,600 215,773,641 - 221,611,093 168,559,684 80,195,647 88,364,037 65811 * American Modern Life Insurance Company 246 1,474,856 - 1,567,197 - 3,042,053 8,494,317 - 6,084,685 - 14,579,003 47,789,370 19,863,218 27,926,152 65781 Madison National Life Insurance Company Inc 247 1,106,234 187,436 1,743,142 - 3,036,812 42,988,139 13,044,150 129,938,563 34,322 186,005,174 496,738,368 415,204,287 81,534,081 71480 Great Western Insurance Company 248 3,024,541 6,463 - - 3,031,004 160,779,554 2,805,203 - 63,231,998 226,816,755 900,043,517 833,704,348 66,339,171 68721 Security Life Insurance Company Of America 249 337,450 - 2,656,309 - 2,993,760 7,681,151 48,466 75,726,816 - 83,456,433 72,704,144 52,453,147 20,250,998 84549 Symphonix Health Insurance, Inc. 250 - - 2,971,053 - 2,971,053 - - 76,608,999 - 76,608,999 64,923,539 57,354,085 7,569,454 64890 Berkley Life And Health Insurance Company 251 906 - 2,967,229 - 2,968,135 137,464 8,972 179,919,792 14,429 180,080,657 197,606,088 91,608,657 105,997,431 93777 Pavonia Life Insurance Company Of Michigan 252 2,364,278 - 600,540 - 2,964,818 65,237,696 - 14,867,067 - 80,104,763 405,918,819 323,625,193 82,293,626 42129 United Security Assurance Company Of Pennsylvania 253 13,040 - 2,945,930 - 2,958,970 324,302 - 31,272,686 - 31,596,988 151,298,206 140,620,485 10,677,721 81043 Bankers Life Insurance Company 254 - 2,508,634 - 315,627 2,824,261 4,504 98,947,937 7,429 2,950,779 101,910,648 345,740,944 322,709,400 23,031,541 93262 Penn Insurance And Annuity Company 255 2,820,171 - - - 2,820,171 244,225,662 - - 506,590 244,732,252 3,254,696,442 2,837,462,214 417,234,228 71773 American National Life Insurance Company Of Texas 256 72,479 - 2,730,472 - 2,802,952 3,457,500 19,161 53,105,870 - 56,582,532 136,259,315 99,508,589 36,750,726 12902 Healthspring Life & Health Insurance Company Inc 257 - - 2,591,316 - 2,591,316 - - 2,198,965,241 - 2,198,965,241 581,094,615 253,232,446 327,862,169 84786 Colorado Bankers Life Insurance Company 258 1,731,436 769,084 19,101 48,035 2,567,656 57,051,179 29,025,745 3,414,904 1,766,194 91,258,022 284,191,759 250,297,062 33,894,697



Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Life Insurance Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014



OH PREM Total Total TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK Life Annuity Health Other OHIO Life Annuity Health Other TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS62324 Freedom Life Insurance Company Of America 259 20,336 - 2,528,529 - 2,548,866 10,713,618 - 133,485,055 - 144,198,673 59,928,785 34,198,912 25,729,873 70130 * Universal Guaranty Life Insurance Company 260 2,463,717 18,232 998 - 2,482,947 10,013,233 273,334 22,179 - 10,308,746 343,178,800 302,032,114 41,146,686 65870 Manhattan Life Insurance Company, The 261 497,847 1,271,827 707,344 - 2,477,018 15,494,991 57,284,238 19,829,101 - 92,608,330 362,391,250 321,424,262 40,966,988 68845 Shenandoah Life Insurance Company 262 2,256,481 2,230 182,533 - 2,441,244 62,048,004 455,968 7,772,776 - 70,276,748 1,204,439,048 1,118,984,546 85,454,502 72052 Aetna Health Insurance Company 263 - - 2,366,262 - 2,366,262 - - 42,585,600 - 42,585,600 59,122,912 20,263,735 38,859,177 93742 Securian Life Insurance Company 264 919,981 - 1,307,065 340 2,227,386 71,261,245 2,902,727 39,060,893 112,841 113,337,706 325,440,185 123,380,367 202,059,818 62359 Constitution Life Insurance Company 265 428,785 1,642 1,763,163 - 2,193,590 11,324,658 95,009 51,182,513 - 62,602,181 316,533,984 279,553,704 36,980,280 69515 Medamerica Insurance Company 266 - - 2,190,286 - 2,190,286 - - 89,739,859 - 89,739,859 859,386,440 816,194,257 43,192,183 60542 American Home Life Insurance Company, The 267 1,428,477 714,162 - - 2,142,639 20,389,612 4,296,819 10,979 - 24,697,409 241,636,543 221,159,305 20,477,238 69396 Texas Life Insurance Company 268 2,140,895 - - - 2,140,895 210,086,508 289,166 1,938 - 210,377,612 1,016,569,505 947,622,039 68,947,466 61360 Reliastar Life Insurance Company Of New York 269 1,694,612 2,600 429,175 - 2,126,387 237,638,918 6,624,159 43,160,081 - 287,423,158 3,201,620,470 2,902,869,562 298,750,908 67393 Ozark National Life Insurance Company 270 2,118,757 - 3,054 - 2,121,811 85,460,668 52,602 295,243 - 85,808,513 750,202,824 625,673,012 124,529,812 90212 Great Southern Life Insurance Company 271 1,946,869 65,105 71,201 1,780 2,084,955 58,490,406 1,430,010 1,950,625 167,009 62,038,050 224,791,153 181,903,017 42,888,136 69892 United Farm Family Life Insurance Company 272 2,027,287 1,250 11,469 1,321 2,041,327 133,929,684 18,227,840 933,340 425,634 153,516,498 2,145,262,347 1,858,706,437 286,555,910 89184 Sterling Investors Life Insurance Company 273 266,151 - 1,687,383 - 1,953,534 3,335,691 111,302 20,506,654 - 23,953,647 15,271,110 8,977,774 6,293,336 67199 Old American Insurance Company 274 1,906,330 - 10,694 - 1,917,024 76,650,273 - 711,316 - 77,361,589 250,085,459 227,259,694 22,825,769 82406 All Savers Insurance Company 275 - - 1,891,708 - 1,891,708 102 - 117,136,985 - 117,137,087 61,591,282 30,445,392 31,145,890 69353 Teachers Protective Mutual Life Insurance Company 276 128,924 - 1,756,028 - 1,884,952 432,832 - 14,183,527 - 14,616,359 57,103,961 53,572,716 3,531,245 61883 Central United Life Insurance Company 277 160,939 - 1,711,952 - 1,872,891 3,724,848 52,512 72,392,828 - 76,170,188 305,059,546 228,268,706 76,790,840 60275 American Bankers Life Assurance Company Of Florida 278 1,238,057 4,706 548,304 - 1,791,067 198,125,807 220,766 177,760,820 - 376,107,393 489,614,860 433,698,312 55,916,548 68594 American-Amicable Life Insurance Company Of Texas 279 1,719,487 37,651 - - 1,757,138 57,439,099 3,464,472 - - 60,903,571 285,928,362 192,521,660 93,406,702 90557 Zurich American Life Insurance Company 280 1,502,445 241,981 1,900 - 1,746,326 384,001,497 191,174,808 4,258,763 - 579,435,068 12,689,297,745 12,542,356,851 146,940,894 62057 Lincoln Life & Annuity Company Of New York 281 1,315,287 140,179 276,374 - 1,731,840 338,196,188 926,319,696 61,352,632 - 1,325,868,516 12,840,172,369 12,187,628,988 652,543,381 86126 Members Life Insurance Company 282 8,587 1,703,153 - - 1,711,740 2,952,109 252,046,306 7,200 - 255,005,615 25,249,429 6,884,519 18,364,910 63487 Investors Life Insurance Company Of North America 283 1,662,285 21,500 - - 1,683,785 21,223,227 252,894 21,559 339,374 21,837,054 680,739,980 627,412,830 53,327,150 62596 Union Fidelity Life Insurance Company 284 816,061 - 825,503 - 1,641,564 17,056,171 7,385 20,454,690 106,950 37,625,196 19,673,708,526 19,155,280,168 518,428,357 67679 American Republic Corp Insurance Company 285 - - 1,574,023 - 1,574,023 171,836 - 59,267,494 - 59,439,330 25,436,009 16,967,536 8,468,473 68772 Security Mutual Life Insurance Company Of New York 286 1,324,224 15,100 72,337 115,560 1,527,221 317,878,045 16,473,633 11,707,018 4,411,486 350,470,182 2,672,043,579 2,533,428,909 138,614,670 67873 Pioneer American Insurance Company 287 1,514,053 - - - 1,514,053 20,201,777 956,093 - - 21,157,870 58,920,386 39,345,763 19,574,623 70416 Mml Bay State Life Insurance Company 288 1,484,293 - - - 1,484,293 42,252,425 72,897 - - 42,325,322 4,670,965,245 4,459,271,547 211,693,698 85766 United Concordia Insurance Company 289 - - 1,472,030 - 1,472,030 - - 229,929,515 - 229,929,515 61,342,157 23,499,834 37,842,323 97152 Plateau Insurance Company 290 748,436 - 716,346 - 1,464,782 19,048,129 - 19,664,818 - 38,712,947 26,253,556 14,204,492 12,049,064 80896 Centre Life Insurance Company 291 - - 1,390,884 - 1,390,884 - - 25,374,477 - 25,374,477 1,926,095,952 1,828,136,570 97,959,378 80314 Unicare Life & Health Insurance Company 292 31 - 1,379,751 - 1,379,782 161,927,974 - 160,518,958 - 322,446,932 413,315,992 349,488,941 63,827,051 77399 Sterling Life Insurance Company 293 12,877 - 1,362,737 - 1,375,614 1,704,075 - 189,564,833 - 191,268,908 110,465,300 60,825,370 49,639,930 62928 Emc National Life Company 294 1,132,964 186,651 13,620 6,232 1,339,467 46,210,051 22,169,252 1,773,265 3,885,456 74,038,025 1,009,848,367 911,001,996 98,846,371 60227 Trinity Life Insurance Company 295 977,917 241,178 - - 1,219,095 7,540,351 23,888,705 1,558 - 31,430,614 132,083,796 123,188,992 8,894,804 61409 National Benefit Life Insurance Company 296 1,160,409 - 40,834 - 1,201,243 147,300,741 32,234 955,580 669,664 148,958,219 481,623,158 309,688,446 171,934,712 69914 Sears Life Insurance Company 297 353,452 - 821,094 - 1,174,545 11,227,226 - 17,514,569 - 28,741,795 49,435,453 29,697,516 19,737,937 72222 Amica Life Insurance Company 298 1,131,648 39,158 - - 1,170,806 83,885,118 9,420,590 - 13,485,946 106,791,654 1,196,382,593 936,068,945 260,313,648 62103 Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Company 299 1,140,010 27,373 2,752 - 1,170,135 81,739,985 3,237,410 2,866,602 - 87,843,998 1,326,349,017 1,247,159,563 79,189,454 67148 Occidental Life Insurance Company Of North Carolina 300 962,206 207,888 - - 1,170,094 41,145,291 6,865,728 84,140 - 48,095,159 261,386,126 224,492,503 36,893,623 62200 Accordia Life And Annuity Company 301 1,105,695 - - - 1,105,695 78,639,741 39,000 - - 78,678,741 7,754,848,161 7,258,103,918 496,744,243 64238 Guaranty Income Life Insurance Company 302 21,675 670,456 114,591 249,995 1,056,717 2,839,759 28,477,373 3,695,339 2,981,840 37,994,311 479,514,412 445,512,656 34,001,756 68349 North American Insurance Company 303 (2,104) - 1,016,850 - 1,014,746 (463) - 22,397,114 - 22,396,651 21,811,251 10,222,424 11,588,826 71471 Ability Insurance Company 304 - - 1,006,036 - 1,006,036 697,497 - 76,536,609 - 77,234,106 957,998,490 925,135,374 32,863,116 11121 Unified Life Insurance Company 305 115,301 - 877,589 - 992,890 6,284,488 94,584 32,106,449 - 38,485,521 183,540,213 158,616,082 24,924,131 81353 Nylife Insurance Company Of Arizona 306 986,721 - - - 986,721 50,659,656 - - - 50,659,656 199,780,662 120,133,159 79,647,503 62880 Axa Equitable Life And Annuity Company 307 951,616 - - - 951,616 40,448,345 - - - 40,448,345 468,631,368 447,678,504 20,952,864 93572 Rga Reinsurance Company 308 - 933,398 - - 933,398 1,828,152 10,328,409 6,570,569 39,010,000 57,737,130 24,178,419,690 22,650,118,256 1,528,301,434 69310 Surety Life Insurance Company 309 921,661 5,159 - - 926,820 38,122,827 181,658 61,237 - 38,365,723 16,941,100 713,004 16,228,096 81779 Individual Assurance Company Life Health & Accident 310 643,875 - 263,465 - 907,340 21,261,703 304,309 3,014,382 - 24,580,394 17,859,431 9,815,362 8,044,069 79022 Transamerica Advisors Life Insurance Company 311 871,560 1,500 - - 873,060 9,268,790 5,469,077 - - 14,737,867 9,692,474,317 8,780,384,399 912,089,918 80985 4 Ever Life Insurance Company 312 190,456 - 657,837 19,814 868,107 13,533,183 - 197,927,540 1,021,348 212,482,071 198,537,762 106,272,512 92,265,250 60763 American Pioneer Life Insurance Company 313 151,551 - 700,678 - 852,228 5,928,186 507,361 57,495,642 - 63,931,189 94,249,970 87,652,596 6,597,374 70670 Health Care Service Corporation A Mutual Legal Reserve Compa 314 - - 849,927 - 849,927 - - 27,657,871,346 - 27,657,871,345 17,829,420,895 7,887,174,434 9,942,246,461 80705 Great-West Life Assurance Company 315 576,142 - 268,722 - 844,864 11,273,410 - 1,968,270 - 13,241,680 77,558,369 59,205,957 18,352,412 63223 Federal Life Insurance Company (Mutual) 316 772,105 54,570 2,557 3,454 832,686 14,829,637 2,065,300 177,707 1,088,428 18,161,071 229,695,155 212,408,306 17,286,849 97241 Settlers Life Insurance Company 317 815,509 - 7,946 53 823,508 45,187,750 50,848 337,408 2,543 45,578,549 394,243,255 341,667,581 52,575,674 63657 Garden State Life Insurance Company 318 816,393 - 1,175 - 817,568 29,642,166 - 16,870 - 29,659,036 121,538,305 66,225,209 55,313,096 68985 Starmount Life Insurance Company 319 410,528 - 406,610 - 817,138 9,334,102 - 56,479,703 - 65,813,805 59,129,619 34,122,394 25,007,225 62345 Berkshire Hathaway Life Insurance Company Of Ne 320 - 794,000 - - 794,000 - 828,556,389 - 439,200,355 1,267,756,744 14,786,448,315 11,503,186,536 3,283,261,779 61921 Citizens Security Life Insurance Company 321 432,683 - 356,114 35 788,832 7,731,517 - 25,991,965 42,271 33,765,753 22,066,384 9,256,778 12,809,606 67083 * Manhattan National Life Insurance Company 322 770,378 369 - - 770,747 21,230,822 104,654 156,508 - 21,491,984 176,927,574 163,792,310 13,135,264 63983 United Heritage Life Insurance Company 323 769,723 125 - 64 769,912 52,939,125 10,759,964 3,140,312 1,755,405 68,594,806 522,580,520 464,563,521 58,016,998 61875 Church Life Insurance Corporation 324 355,491 358,518 - 40,294 754,303 18,753,944 15,504,051 - 2,417,927 36,675,922 287,478,662 235,781,098 51,697,564 67911 Pioneer Mutual Life Insurance Company, A Stock Sub Of Amer U 325 749,411 - 112 - 749,523 30,767,909 2,256,629 6,259 - 33,030,796 511,371,179 473,026,029 38,345,150 67601 Paul Revere Variable Annuity Insurance Company, The 326 481,339 - - 241,879 723,218 3,260,907 - - 12,215,690 15,476,597 56,158,883 14,524,847 41,634,036 93610 John Hancock Life & Health Insurance Company 327 27,680 - 668,359 - 696,039 1,568,393 - 613,070,529 4,235,609 618,874,531 10,700,129,491 9,954,373,192 745,756,299 77720 Lifesecure Insurance Company 328 161,550 3,631 521,233 - 686,414 7,015,721 2,261,609 20,176,912 - 29,454,242 226,861,672 206,494,944 20,366,728 68209 Provident Life And Casualty Insurance Company 329 2,058 - 672,894 - 674,952 2,703,880 - 80,713,433 - 83,417,313 767,159,218 627,730,902 139,428,316 66109 Midwestern United Life Insurance Company 330 657,091 5,281 - - 662,372 3,532,469 182,960 6,270 - 3,721,699 236,542,256 111,782,165 124,760,091 68039 Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Company Of New York 331 630,228 9,564 - - 639,792 16,390,807 23,687,145 310,382 - 40,388,334 3,382,915,134 3,214,768,038 168,147,096 69973 United Life Insurance Company 332 474,722 120,977 7,133 6,319 609,151 53,627,908 146,943,414 1,404,815 16,237,307 218,213,444 1,635,363,969 1,479,696,473 155,667,496 69922 United Home Life Insurance Company 333 575,289 - 534 - 575,822 33,335,511 10,335 35,929 - 33,381,775 78,259,191 58,782,304 19,476,887 60801 American Public Life Insurance Company 334 2,994 - 567,291 - 570,285 1,218,893 - 50,619,237 - 51,838,130 83,209,412 61,583,935 21,625,477 68047 Professional Insurance Company 335 8,392 216 557,407 - 566,015 1,846,504 6,098 29,951,093 - 31,803,695 108,916,752 72,998,774 35,917,978 62413 Continental Assurance Company 336 507,183 2,313 - 12,090 521,587 44,218,069 2,440,649 1,009,288 6,068,846 53,736,852 2,450,382,232 2,200,075,915 250,306,317 60216 Amalgamated Life Insurance Company 337 62,849 - 445,362 - 508,211 30,864,888 - 16,176,787 - 47,041,675 111,781,088 60,781,898 50,999,190 66265 Monarch Life Insurance Company 338 52,205 - 416,674 - 468,879 1,417,946 731 16,185,506 - 17,604,183 725,091,252 720,277,915 4,813,337 61727 * Central Reserve Life Insurance Company 339 99,088 63,651 297,717 - 460,456 642,252 89,051 8,004,279 - 8,735,582 25,755,074 2,097,913 23,657,161 90638 Best Life And Health Insurance Company 340 15,248 - 443,815 - 459,063 595,361 - 38,261,971 - 38,857,332 16,176,043 4,768,292 11,407,751 78700 Aetna Health And Life Insurance Company 341 - - 439,393 - 439,393 - - 10,182,527 - 10,182,527 2,254,618,361 1,934,881,375 319,736,987 60704 Wilton Reassurance Life Company Of New York 342 392,769 329 3,651 - 396,749 53,173,192 6,099,207 173,413 911 59,446,723 910,837,663 804,278,633 106,559,024 60429 American Fidelity Life Insurance Company 343 252,630 140,501 - - 393,131 7,077,211 2,464,524 - - 9,541,735 433,113,521 364,967,871 68,145,650 71390 Puritan Life Insurance Company Of America 344 193,974 34,620 162,536 - 391,130 4,931,373 1,685,199 11,518,159 - 18,134,731 37,782,921 31,816,070 5,966,851



Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Life Insurance Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014



OH PREM Total Total TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK Life Annuity Health Other OHIO Life Annuity Health Other TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS81418 American Medical And Life Insurance Company 345 - - 386,331 - 386,331 254,291 - 8,121,185 - 8,375,476 5,741,979 7,843,489 (2,101,511) 70173 Universal Underwriters Life Insurance Company 346 384,554 - - - 384,554 10,878,059 440 (3,540) - 10,874,959 160,613,987 137,442,560 23,171,427 69140 First Allmerica Financial Life Insurance Company 347 320,618 54,729 3,285 - 378,631 19,643,183 2,395,812 240,019 431,747 22,710,761 4,240,478,852 4,024,041,324 216,437,528 67903 * Provident American Life & Health Insurance Company 348 20,379 - 357,959 - 378,338 952,947 - 13,570,940 - 14,523,887 16,644,210 2,055,091 14,589,119 67261 Old Republic Life Insurance Company 349 359,595 - 18,391 - 377,986 13,912,537 - 20,769,466 - 34,682,003 125,093,454 94,521,819 30,571,635 69647 * Catamaran Insurance Of Ohio Inc 350 335,860 27,396 746 - 364,002 886,710 94,744 1,402 - 982,856 47,865,352 26,651,495 21,213,857 70785 Pacificare Life And Health Insurance Company 351 - - 321,100 - 321,100 - - 36,104,631 - 36,104,631 204,827,926 11,557,289 193,270,637 93734 Phoenix Life And Annuity Company 352 320,154 - - - 320,154 6,866,054 - - - 6,866,054 45,380,354 23,766,053 21,614,301 64327 Harleysville Life Insurance Company 353 231,928 4,984 62,934 - 299,846 42,810,734 3,891,990 8,715,653 - 55,418,377 415,114,461 381,041,852 34,072,609 61395 Beneficial Life Insurance Company 354 270,316 12,500 - - 282,816 71,865,216 4,868,043 3,281 32,005 76,768,545 2,910,594,426 2,356,958,691 553,635,735 60183 S.Usa Life Insurance Company, Inc 355 281,876 - - - 281,876 1,674,207 - 19,718 - 1,693,925 13,576,181 5,629,027 7,947,154 61182 Aurora National Life Assurance Company 356 270,810 - - - 270,810 21,456,980 11,951 - (758,084) 20,710,847 3,061,578,704 2,740,480,660 321,098,044 99724 Lifeshield National Insurance Company 357 265,061 - - - 265,061 1,794,783 352 41,214 - 1,836,349 67,842,004 44,567,573 23,274,431 66540 National Farmers Union Life Insurance Company 358 255,687 6,300 200 - 262,187 6,476,018 41,817 240 1,152 6,519,227 216,578,648 172,912,652 43,665,996 64149 Epic Life Insurance Company 359 106,890 - 152,093 - 258,983 7,533,012 - 19,210,392 - 26,743,404 61,444,182 30,087,292 31,356,890 80799 Celtic Insurance Company 360 7,085 - 247,440 - 254,525 114,031 - 144,874,769 215 144,989,015 136,599,483 107,238,824 29,360,659 69132 State Mutual Insurance Company 361 143,448 245 104,719 - 248,412 24,536,213 162,947 12,712,852 71,809 37,483,822 292,459,963 258,559,113 33,900,850 93459 Pan-American Assurance Company 362 248,127 - - - 248,127 36,281,241 - - - 36,281,241 22,391,666 5,283,022 17,108,644 73504 Generation Life Insurance Company 363 236,818 - - - 236,818 3,187,561 - - - 3,187,561 32,347,733 1,713,307 30,634,427 92908 Healthmarkets Insurance Company 364 - - 232,545 - 232,545 - - 22,346,673 - 22,346,673 29,179,210 11,302,792 17,876,418 60232 Philadelphia Financial Life Assurance Company 365 846 203,203 - - 204,049 80,825,932 371,840,623 - - 452,666,555 4,910,397,714 4,890,267,242 20,130,472 87645 United Fidelity Life Insurance Company 366 194,305 1,888 - 305 196,498 7,811,426 293,789 268,774 48,031 8,422,020 779,567,911 315,321,125 464,246,786 66005 * Ohio Motorists Life Insurance Company 367 93,431 - 88,759 - 182,190 93,431 - 88,759 - 182,190 10,136,964 139,427 9,997,537 98205 National Foundation Life Insurance Company 368 - - 172,145 - 172,145 611,657 - 30,382,006 - 30,993,663 25,088,610 13,556,558 11,532,052 90247 Pharmacists Life Insurance Company 369 165,633 2,894 - - 168,527 4,846,415 1,795,821 - 7,959 6,650,195 93,019,845 85,742,373 7,277,472 68632 Vantis Life Insurance Company 370 167,337 - - - 167,337 25,325,647 15,907,702 8,161 - 41,241,510 874,350,771 804,792,997 69,557,774 79987 Medico Corp Life Insurance Company 371 - - 163,801 - 163,801 - - 2,518,487 - 2,518,487 27,457,900 3,047,711 24,410,189 69566 Trans World Assurance Company 372 151,022 10,180 - - 161,202 8,429,734 1,752,759 - - 10,182,493 350,116,629 268,728,464 81,388,164 97268 Pacific Life & Annuity Company 373 28,400 114,553 - - 142,953 22,211,733 442,854,347 - 91,199,537 556,265,617 6,151,140,522 5,638,550,825 512,589,697 61859 Christian Fidelity Life Insurance Company 374 88,513 - 35,344 - 123,856 1,254,702 10,125 42,448,515 - 43,713,342 71,222,816 42,672,003 28,550,813 87963 National Teachers Associates Life Insurance Company 375 3,196 - 110,765 - 113,961 2,810,228 - 117,512,793 - 120,323,021 422,858,061 341,914,628 80,943,433 62634 Delaware American Life Insurance Company 376 72,592 - 40,323 - 112,915 16,316,360 - 60,920,916 - 77,237,276 136,746,424 67,464,680 69,281,744 81426 Commercial Travelers Mutual Insurance Company 377 - - 101,774 - 101,774 - - 5,587,257 - 5,587,257 18,038,670 12,096,750 5,941,920 60176 Sbli Usa Life Insurance Company Inc 378 89,699 - 1,067 - 90,766 68,629,721 - 535,517 253,392 69,418,630 1,530,891,673 1,428,693,418 102,198,255 79057 Southland National Insurance Corporation 379 78,970 - - - 78,970 4,238,088 15,413 3,383,925 - 7,637,426 318,144,227 295,257,386 22,886,841 61093 Atlanta Life Insurance Company 380 74,049 - 2,403 - 76,452 1,755,814 - 79,266 - 1,835,080 45,890,698 32,027,312 13,863,386 80624 American Progressive Life & Health Insurance Company Of New 381 23,704 - 44,955 - 68,659 13,253,448 198,718 417,226,609 - 430,678,775 227,682,737 111,289,840 116,392,896 69272 Sunset Life Insurance Company Of America 382 56,927 - - - 56,927 15,168,110 11,291,112 1,559 810 26,461,591 354,148,522 322,112,631 32,035,894 84522 Auto Club Life Insurance Company 383 51,322 - 2,305 - 53,627 7,942,893 1,083,800 796,909 - 9,823,601 562,461,921 488,858,902 73,603,019 82252 Landmark Life Insurance Company 384 50,206 - - - 50,206 16,798,916 362,762 - - 17,161,678 44,606,741 40,204,179 4,402,562 70955 Usa Life One Insurance Company Of Indiana 385 47,970 - - - 47,970 700,445 652,527 - - 1,352,972 37,030,521 22,816,421 14,214,100 62421 Heritage Union Life Insurance Company 386 46,978 - - - 46,978 2,492,199 22,090 - - 2,514,289 11,749,574 1,294,786 10,454,788 60666 American Life And Accident Insurance Company Of Kentucky 387 46,597 - - - 46,597 112,848 - - - 112,848 248,762,716 128,989,864 119,772,852 86371 Ullico Life Insurance Company 388 43,187 - - - 43,187 659,047 - - - 659,047 11,736,283 240,257 11,496,026 60099 Patriot Life Insurance Company 389 41,952 - - - 41,952 604,982 - - - 604,982 17,015,535 1,333,732 15,681,803 82538 National Health Insurance Company 390 4,814 - 34,460 - 39,274 29,461 - 4,157,385 - 4,186,846 13,737,124 2,201,398 11,535,726 97764 Idealife Insurance Company 391 11,391 - 25,355 - 36,746 1,188,232 86,188 1,642,462 - 2,916,882 20,463,742 5,642,714 14,821,028 81442 Monitor Life Insurance Company Of New York 392 32,836 - - - 32,836 1,285,146 5,000 12,921,836 - 14,211,981 23,802,134 13,486,400 10,315,734 88153 Colonial Life Insurance Company Of Texas 393 10,739 - 19,700 - 30,439 831,792 - 320,953 - 1,152,744 17,711,080 3,906,812 13,804,268 69698 New Era Life Insurance Company Of The Midwest 394 974 1,594 12,149 15,680 30,397 656,641 15,804,100 50,722,735 549,741 67,733,217 83,609,425 71,922,786 11,686,639 88536 Protective Life And Annuity Insurance Company 395 29,908 - - - 29,908 22,368,755 42,460,901 272,931 1,178,518 66,281,106 2,093,743,896 1,910,302,454 183,441,442 62383 Centurion Life Insurance Company 396 11,299 - 18,148 - 29,447 317,041 - 262,493 - 579,534 1,259,284,336 1,008,053,627 251,230,709 91693 Ia American Life Insurance Company 397 18,611 4,367 786 - 23,764 10,890,507 416,377 546,683 - 11,853,567 241,359,293 100,268,849 141,090,444 82880 Csi Life Insurance Company 398 23,728 - - - 23,728 392,916 - 87,007 - 479,923 17,690,913 3,050,095 14,640,817 71323 Zale Life Insurance Company 399 10,665 - 11,606 - 22,271 2,016,645 - 780,300 - 2,796,945 11,673,328 2,242,950 9,430,378 67032 North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company 400 15,693 2,500 164 - 18,356 12,792,693 222,414 2,825,933 - 15,841,040 43,830,925 25,851,778 17,979,147 60003 Park Avenue Life Insurance Company 401 16,274 - - - 16,274 721,277 791 - - 722,068 305,282,167 229,592,404 75,689,763 94358 Usable Life 402 4,051 - 9,240 - 13,291 124,145,272 - 130,680,248 - 254,825,519 446,030,490 251,747,357 194,283,133 14406 Industrial Alliance Insurance And Financial Services, Inc. - U.S. B 403 12,783 150 - - 12,933 8,341,596 8,403,732 - - 16,745,328 193,736,102 134,095,645 59,640,457 87882 Associated Mutual Hospital Service Of Michigan 404 7,025 - 5,602 - 12,627 361,806 - 7,539,163 - 7,900,969 10,356,978 2,410,445 7,946,534 85561 Mapfre Life Insurance Company 405 258 - 9,657 - 9,915 14,481 - 163,656 - 178,137 26,010,533 3,231,892 22,778,641 61808 Charter National Life Insurance Company 406 - 9,850 - - 9,850 2,099 421,277 - - 423,376 132,679,484 121,002,226 11,677,258 74209 Everence Insurance Company 407 109 - 8,386 - 8,495 132 - 193,363 - 193,496 23,105,958 9,841,231 13,264,726 68357 Reliable Life Insurance Company, The 408 7,563 - 224 - 7,787 101,297,358 - 7,818,196 - 109,115,554 21,190,360 8,402,511 12,787,849 71706 Standard Life And Casualty Insurance Company 409 2,317 - 4,989 - 7,306 5,085,242 4,242 3,924,587 621 9,014,692 30,004,049 24,662,643 5,341,406 75264 National Integrity Life Insurance Company 410 - 6,128 - - 6,128 14,700,780 232,469,430 - 10,816,791 257,987,001 4,776,950,516 4,399,411,577 377,538,939 61735 Central Security Life Insurance Company 411 4,562 - 1,115 - 5,677 2,908,712 78,407 171,809 - 3,158,928 71,872,310 64,483,014 7,389,295 90581 Symetra National Life Insurance Company 412 3,575 - - - 3,575 241,175 - - - 241,175 16,936,532 6,981,198 9,955,334 88080 Xl Life Insurance And Annuity Company 413 - - 3,519 - 3,519 - - 3,519 - 3,519 15,136,552 6,340 15,130,212 78743 New Era Life Insurance Company 414 - - 2,155 - 2,155 2,097,723 71,072,426 95,267,087 1,084,323 169,521,559 402,468,586 336,297,781 66,170,805 64076 Great Fidelity Life Insurance Company 415 2,075 - - - 2,075 2,075 - 726,490 - 728,565 3,816,616 1,064,762 2,751,853 68446 Longevity Insurance Company 416 1,753 - - - 1,753 328,202 200 84,065 - 412,467 8,553,613 1,011,968 7,541,645 79014 Safehealth Life Insurance Company 417 - - 760 - 760 - - 4,241,442 - 4,241,442 12,596,713 695,337 11,901,376 61581 Capitol Life Insurance Company, The 418 735 - - - 735 1,429,580 5,736,430 - 237,335 7,403,345 214,383,035 192,695,293 21,687,742 70742 Family Benefit Life Insurance Company 419 433 - - - 433 887,711 6,100,301 2,550 - 6,990,562 66,792,370 55,825,810 10,966,560 60250 Amfirst Insurance Company 420 172 - 179 - 351 76,723 - 18,483,938 - 18,560,660 41,452,630 6,483,889 34,968,741 63444 Accendo Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 15,817,216 7,009,102 8,808,114 60348 Ace Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 37,365,647 30,146,471 7,219,176 69604 Allianz Life And Annuity Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 17,642,728 4,995,498 12,647,230 70866 Allstate Assurance Company 421 - - - - - - 221,036 - - 221,036 12,192,804 1,452,359 10,740,445 69337 American Financial Security Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - 14,869 - 2,481,096 - 2,495,965 6,727,672 1,392,162 5,335,510 81213 American Maturity Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - 461,914 - 233,935 695,849 61,674,434 14,404,361 47,270,073 91785 American Phoenix Life & Reassurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 18,305,469 2,589,327 15,716,142 84697 American Specialty Health Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - 195,409 - 195,409 8,119,190 590,628 7,528,562 74900 Aurigen Reinsurance Company Of America 421 - - - - - 28,069 30,395 14,811 - 73,275 25,984,291 3,894,992 22,089,299 68365 Axa Corporate Solutions Life Reinsurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 490,894,696 71,426,280 419,468,416



Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Life Insurance Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014



OH PREM Total Total TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK Life Annuity Health Other OHIO Life Annuity Health Other TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS71013 Bankers Reserve Life Insurance Company Of Wisconsin 421 - - - - - - - 2,351,846,103 - 2,351,846,103 468,762,090 200,730,026 268,032,064 88374 Commonwealth Dealers Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - (24) - - - (24) 6,617,296 1,226,739 5,390,557 78301 Corvesta Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - 421 - 27,603 - 28,024 9,189,420 1,555,944 7,633,476 97705 Direct General Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - 19,343,227 - - - 19,343,227 26,996,546 12,096,046 14,900,500 67636 Dsm Usa Insurance Company, Inc. 421 - - - - - 749 - 1,973,936 - 1,974,685 8,510,668 813,257 7,697,411 62790 Educators Life Insurance Company Of America 421 - - - - - - - - - - 417,743,224 17,253,604 400,489,620 88595 Emphesys Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - 23,592 - 23,592 4,431,801 92,238 4,339,563 68276 Employers Reassurance Corporation 421 - - - - - - - - - - 10,776,318,555 9,945,927,113 830,391,438 74004 Family Service Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - 13,774 - - - 13,774 372,029,783 339,396,250 32,633,533 93521 General Fidelity Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - 186,867 - (188) - 186,679 38,203,123 12,388,965 25,814,158 86258 General Re Life Corporation 421 - - - - - - - - - - 3,422,172,719 2,719,658,693 702,514,026 88340 Hannover Life Reassurance Company Of America 421 - - - - - 50,000 - - - 50,000 4,346,698,620 4,134,647,943 212,050,677 93505 Hartford International Life Reassurance Corporation 421 - - - - - - - - - - 1,154,784,305 1,064,092,598 90,691,707 78611 Hcsc Insurance Services Company 421 - - - - - - - 1,022,519,835 - 1,022,519,835 464,948,837 215,222,904 249,725,933 66141 Health Net Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - 1,936,101 - 1,557,924,064 - 1,559,860,165 624,028,022 260,149,910 363,878,112 64394 Heritage Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 4,685,944,032 3,658,309,590 1,027,634,441 71768 Hm Health Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - 1,258,213,092 - 1,258,213,092 304,819,410 276,547,081 28,272,329 64602 Independence Life And Annuity Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 2,639,454,147 2,512,955,487 126,498,660 91898 Lifecare Assurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 1,945,578,814 1,838,505,887 107,072,929 76694 London Life Reinsurance Company 421 - - - - - - - 139,985 - 139,985 316,205,050 259,575,660 56,629,390 79480 Midwest Security Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 7,588,444 888,710 6,699,734 66346 Munich American Reassurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 7,289,466,048 6,551,581,778 737,884,270 85472 National Security Life And Annuity Company 421 - - - - - 6,000 77,156,754 - - 77,162,754 419,380,801 388,760,649 30,620,153 85286 Onenation Insurance Company 421 - - - - - 50,393 - - - 50,393 13,286,148 341,000 12,945,148 88099 Optimum Re Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 132,735,052 103,579,968 29,155,084 71099 Parker Centennial Assurance Company 421 - - - - - - 5,097,744 - - 5,097,744 89,420,686 43,380,061 46,040,626 15484 * Premier Health Plan Inc 421 - - - - - ** - - - - - 22,743,165 260,002 22,483,163 93688 Qcc Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - 2,228,844,418 - 2,228,844,418 1,100,750,509 604,748,390 496,002,119 61506 Resource Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - (29,182) - (34,159) - (63,341) 8,828,262 3,147,249 5,681,013 64688 Scor Global Life Americas Reinsurance Company 421 - - - - - 39,757 3,400 - - 43,157 1,479,982,450 1,328,257,127 151,725,324 87017 Scor Global Life Reinsurance Company Of Delaware 421 - - - - - - - - - - 456,492,606 409,981,558 46,511,048 97071 Scor Global Life Usa Reinsurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 812,301,337 434,692,974 377,608,363 87572 Scottish Re (Us) Inc 421 - - - - - - - - - - 1,735,057,328 1,565,194,382 169,862,946 63541 Seechange Health Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - 105,755,267 - 105,755,267 8,041,038 24,520,399 (16,479,361) 89958 Shelterpoint Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 7,952,596 205,041 7,747,555 80055 Smart Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 44,753,024 818,013 43,935,011 94498 State Farm Health Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 8,390,703 23,098 8,367,604 82627 Swiss Re Life & Health America Inc 421 - - - - - - - 621,657 - 621,657 11,247,500,270 9,786,525,410 1,460,974,859 92525 Truassure Insurance Company 421 - - - - - 442,045 - 96,511 - 538,556 7,382,845 321,131 7,061,714 60117 Tufts Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - 248,204,491 - 248,204,491 97,547,773 47,079,693 50,468,083 67423 Ubs Life Insurance Company Usa 421 - - - - - - - - - - 43,282,938 4,033,387 39,249,551 65269 * United Benefit Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 3,050,412 54,113 2,996,299 64467 Wellcare Health Insurance Of Illinois Inc 421 - - - - - - - 2,420,678,058 - 2,420,678,058 522,623,243 310,914,056 211,709,187 85537 Wellington Life Insurance Company 421 - - - - - - - 130,705 - 130,705 6,119,142 10,076 6,109,066 66133 Wilton Reassurance Company 421 - - - - - - - - - - 3,095,513,352 2,252,915,557 842,597,817 76759 Senior American Life Insurance Company 476 - - (754) - (754) - - 2,556,279 - 2,556,279 17,240,925 17,239,772 1,153 76007 Old United Life Insurance Company 477 (429) - (495) - (924) 5,699,371 - 5,440,712 - 11,140,082 91,393,882 45,139,693 46,254,189 71455 Financial American Life Insurance Company 478 (97,317) - (136,495) - (233,811) (2,082,764) - (1,543,922) - (3,626,687) 21,856,415 12,031,847 9,824,569

TOTAL 4,856,402,759$ 10,020,408,440$ 10,186,575,088$ 5,768,961,494$ 30,832,347,771$ 160,687,332,229$ 248,938,622,794$ 238,578,333,256$ 185,429,288,503$ 833,633,576,779$

* DOMICILED IN OHIO** Includes HIC Line of Business premiums. See Health Insuring Corporations listing for HIC LOB Direct Written premiums only.



Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Fraternal Benefit Societies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014



OH PREM Total Total TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK Life Annuity Health Other OHIO Life Annuity Health Other TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS56014 Thrivent Financial For Lutherans 1 50,319,923$ 139,242,639$ 13,660,757$ 2,094,106$ 205,317,425$ 1,487,606,143$ 3,716,132,749$ 314,561,162$ 19,826,710$ 5,538,126,764$ 76,994,356,207$ 70,501,770,040$ 6,492,586,166$57541 Modern Woodmen Of America 2 12,494,066 48,834,160 4,162 3,039 61,335,427 298,505,383 793,494,359 126,075 421,965 1,092,547,782 14,131,105,296 12,652,058,759 1,479,046,53658033 Knights Of Columbus 3 22,763,226 (130,000) 1,803,911 16,742,474 41,179,611 1,130,251,132 6,436 61,957,736 531,646,101 1,723,861,405 21,461,707,706 19,564,403,028 1,897,304,67856685 Gbu Financial Life 4 282,028 17,490,853 - 1,158,737 18,931,618 14,131,042 205,584,554 - 3,553,347 223,268,943 1,630,593,394 1,525,255,262 105,338,13258068 Independent Order Of Foresters Us Branch 5 18,333,674 35,615 214,633 6,173 18,590,095 378,919,361 1,233,400 2,599,444 92,287 382,844,492 2,911,783,932 2,805,341,987 106,441,94556499 Assured Life Association 6 3,437 - 10,565,347 2 10,568,786 990,142 905,209 53,807,745 62,344 55,765,440 58,706,586 46,267,316 12,439,26956316 * Catholic Ladies Of Columbia 7 213,488 7,518,045 - - 7,731,533 214,338 10,108,828 - - 10,323,166 76,694,187 73,959,865 2,734,32156154 Gleaner Life Insurance Society 8 2,728,077 4,530,365 2,856 107,005 7,368,303 9,713,925 29,497,922 23,984 2,423,090 41,658,921 1,363,466,920 1,278,439,511 85,027,40956782 National Slovak Society Of The Usa 9 343,797 5,749,469 - - 6,093,266 10,361,826 101,391,565 - - 111,753,391 801,926,321 773,707,691 28,218,63057487 Catholic Order Of Foresters 10 2,710,677 3,219,980 75,037 47,216 6,052,910 29,246,676 32,185,914 1,161,321 1,104,804 63,698,715 1,050,227,124 977,507,518 72,719,60656693 Greek Catholic Union Of The Usa 11 274,104 5,524,759 - - 5,798,863 2,350,143 163,158,034 - - 165,508,177 1,196,636,848 1,124,811,418 71,825,43057991 Everence Association Inc 12 153,229 2,000,675 3,230,696 - 5,384,600 1,726,568 15,446,647 40,191,195 425,897 57,790,307 410,152,546 316,819,076 93,333,47156227 Kskj Life American Slovenian Catholic Union 13 974,122 2,475,128 1,670,397 247,471 5,367,118 5,090,426 50,687,890 11,036,174 6,899,700 73,714,190 416,721,150 402,500,861 14,220,28956332 * First Catholic Slovak Ladies Assn Of The Usa, The 14 585,367 4,150,896 - 66,009 4,802,272 4,927,398 28,344,742 - 222,429 33,494,569 781,260,866 688,716,869 92,544,02157657 Royal Neighbors Of America 15 3,031,077 512,501 416,943 25,000 3,985,521 46,947,683 37,710,180 35,933,332 839,413 121,430,608 904,386,925 695,325,203 209,061,72358009 Police And Firemen'S Insurance Association 16 1,381,234 162,490 1,745,977 48,430 3,338,131 9,614,805 4,536,042 17,643,141 396,732 32,190,720 155,034,534 116,032,436 39,002,09856758 Loyal Christian Benefit Association 17 1,351,095 1,341,278 2,615 535,056 3,230,044 6,856,853 8,645,072 12,081 1,330,991 16,844,997 181,113,227 175,764,080 5,349,14757010 William Penn Association 18 794,011 2,144,997 - 266,963 3,205,971 6,241,307 25,616,465 2,022 827,197 32,686,991 354,819,752 328,982,153 25,837,59857215 Ukrainian National Association Inc 19 54,431 2,986,129 977 - 3,041,537 1,242,943 11,725,837 9,070 - 12,977,850 197,978,841 190,553,114 7,425,73057320 Woodmen Of The World Life Insurance Society 20 1,724,512 946,440 76,755 79,809 2,827,516 365,637,539 400,936,194 11,794,379 37,003,671 815,371,783 10,439,989,589 9,343,085,118 1,096,904,47157673 Slovene National Benefit Society 21 334,772 1,881,294 6,624 7,185 2,229,875 1,851,332 8,458,959 30,060 35,941 10,376,292 203,299,193 197,790,247 5,508,94556340 * First Catholic Slovak Union Of Usa & Canada 22 200,755 1,882,123 - - 2,082,878 1,566,079 15,341,389 - - 16,907,468 351,426,549 327,276,867 24,149,68256197 * Alliance Of Transylvanian Saxons 23 35,471 1,772,668 - 14,743 1,822,882 85,389 2,165,162 - 15,879 2,266,429 82,538,303 74,448,577 8,089,72656634 Croatian Fraternal Union Of America 24 264,676 1,328,372 4,541 3,450 1,601,039 3,078,175 19,718,958 44,833 31,950 22,873,916 436,474,040 403,336,119 33,137,92156413 * United Transportation Union Insurance Association 25 287,493 681,240 128,513 302,601 1,399,847 5,860,521 5,504,088 3,564,890 1,198,611 16,128,110 227,594,939 185,151,479 42,443,46056286 * American Mutual Life Association 26 120,802 1,016,905 11,723 86,127 1,235,557 180,296 1,016,905 11,723 86,127 1,295,051 39,359,502 27,004,676 12,354,82656324 * Czech Catholic Union 27 42,224 1,058,067 - - 1,100,291 103,876 1,235,498 - - 1,339,374 17,353,714 14,844,095 2,509,61957088 Degree Of Honor Protective Association 28 979,970 600 - - 980,570 17,227,584 508,678 - - 17,736,262 211,772,995 205,784,009 5,988,98656383 * Order Of United Commercial Travelers Of America, The 29 95,515 - 749,311 - 844,826 1,124,656 107,407 73,043,602 - 74,275,665 19,931,492 10,319,057 9,612,43657622 Polish National Alliance Of The Us Of Na 30 349,110 428,834 - 36,613 814,557 5,378,685 10,797,807 - 641,618 16,818,110 432,834,622 416,914,234 15,920,38856170 Woman'S Life Insurance Society 31 566,798 179,204 - 25,888 771,890 3,732,374 7,464,645 - 244,720 11,441,739 196,904,906 174,492,996 22,411,91057630 Polish Roman Catholic Union Of America 32 106,555 326,995 - - 433,550 1,719,745 13,169,069 - - 14,888,814 204,120,608 197,001,980 7,118,62856707 Isda Fraternal Association 33 14,142 350,927 - - 365,069 254,832 6,272,995 - - 6,527,827 71,528,666 64,842,117 6,686,54957770 Catholic Holy Family Society 34 243,987 78,981 - - 322,968 12,591,096 4,012,086 182 - 16,603,364 132,022,342 127,627,591 4,394,75256030 Catholic Financial Life 35 245,158 18,349 - - 263,507 34,425,528 32,455,345 103,465 686,332 67,670,670 1,350,071,147 1,304,077,496 45,993,65157568 National Catholic Society Of Foresters 36 32,529 229,261 - - 261,790 2,278,732 3,406,520 - - 5,685,252 172,347,722 158,900,446 13,447,27657193 Slovak Catholic Sokol 37 97,803 151,080 - - 248,883 1,098,986 6,895,408 - - 7,994,394 69,651,089 61,595,706 8,055,38356138 Csa Fraternal Life 38 150,301 45,467 - - 195,768 2,766,320 5,281,600 21,258 70,804 8,139,982 135,293,220 131,845,789 3,447,43157053 Catholic United Financial 39 88,347 15,320 463 - 104,130 18,390,160 31,486,626 1,046 7,605,910 57,483,742 833,711,435 807,338,248 26,373,18756936 Serb National Federation 40 14,303 82,828 - - 97,131 174,781 663,144 - - 837,925 41,141,315 38,854,268 2,287,04756480 Wsa Fraternal Life 41 55,636 28,176 - - 83,812 191,100 2,031,595 - 1,021,718 3,244,413 52,052,206 42,362,758 9,689,44857223 Baptist Life Association 42 35,360 4,943 - - 40,303 969,977 421,840 1,740 - 1,393,557 30,759,436 29,651,076 1,108,36058181 Supreme Council Of The Royal Arcanum 43 28,754 - - 6,178 34,932 5,171,823 1,798,707 97,524 13,305 7,081,359 105,722,150 92,004,287 13,717,86356871 Russian Brotherhood Organization Of The Usa 44 8,961 5,775 - - 14,736 136,084 152,579 - - 288,663 12,914,500 10,301,134 2,613,36656715 Ladies Pennsylvania Slovak Catholic Union 45 11,404 - - - 11,404 216,160 97,469 - - 313,629 15,839,207 11,763,211 4,075,99658017 Western Fraternal Life Association 46 9,136 - - 221 9,357 11,085,947 7,016,124 - 746,196 18,848,267 282,274,649 259,003,612 23,271,03756375 * North American Swiss Alliance 47 7,896 - - - 7,896 17,269 - - - 17,269 3,643,906 3,006,666 637,24057142 Sons Of Norway 48 3,696 2,000 - - 5,696 6,722,040 14,371,320 33,420 2,116,220 23,243,000 357,481,495 344,433,581 13,047,91456839 Polish National Union Of America 49 5,266 - - - 5,266 288,386 123,465 432 - 412,283 27,699,689 27,057,125 642,56457649 Polish Women'S Alliance Of America 50 4,511 691 - - 5,202 308,791 289,023 - - 597,814 54,749,783 55,385,378 (635,595)56006 Travelers Protective Association Of America, The 51 - - 2,358 - 2,358 - - 464,306 - 464,306 15,506,510 2,166,170 13,340,34057290 Workmens Benefit Fund Of The Usa 52 1,557 - 42 - 1,599 745,910 489,802 16,181 90,843 1,342,736 34,042,839 33,281,525 761,31557711 Western Catholic Union 53 9 - - - 9 3,332,963 5,258,200 64,050 405,359 9,060,572 184,016,157 171,992,593 12,023,564

TOTAL 124,958,472$ 260,306,519$ 34,374,638$ 21,910,496$ 441,550,125$ 3,953,651,230$ 5,845,360,452$ 628,357,573$ 622,088,211$ 11,049,457,465$




Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Health Insuring Corporations Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014



OH PREM Accident & Health Medicare Medicaid Fed Employees Total Accident & Health Medicare Medicaid Fed Employees Total TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK Premiums Title XVIII Title XIX Health Benefits OHIO Premiums Title XVIII Title XIX Health Benefits TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS95201 * Caresource 1 479,350,134$ 14,287,088$ 5,135,745,594$ -$ 5,629,382,816$ 479,350,134$ 14,287,088$ 5,135,745,594$ -$ 5,629,382,816$ 1,720,930,640$ 977,397,254$ 743,533,386$ 12334 * Molina Healthcare Of Ohio Inc 2 869,479 30,639,886 1,755,537,870 - 1,787,047,235 869,479 30,639,886 1,755,537,870 - 1,787,047,235 464,139,951 281,487,305 182,652,646 12323 * Unitedhealthcare Community Plan Of Ohio Inc 3 - 25,672,970 1,395,920,851 - 1,421,593,821 - 25,672,970 1,395,920,851 - 1,421,593,821 408,997,684 254,805,442 154,192,242 11834 * Buckeye Community Health Plan Inc 4 2,251,193 42,393,672 1,290,881,231 - 1,335,526,096 2,251,193 42,393,672 1,290,881,231 - 1,335,526,096 368,211,634 245,067,475 123,144,159

10345H * Community Insurance Company** 5 5,193,990 1,041,210,435 - 3,661 1,046,408,086 5,193,990 1,041,210,435 - 3,661 1,046,408,086 2,014,267,869 1,202,115,393 812,152,476 95186 * Unitedhealthcare Of Ohio Inc 6 6,349,814 836,400,856 - - 842,750,670 18,427,839 860,078,869 - - 878,506,708 257,910,405 123,059,456 134,850,948 12353 * Paramount Advantage 7 - - 728,076,964 - 728,076,964 - - 728,076,964 - 728,076,964 256,008,180 155,104,042 100,904,138

77216H * Aultcare Insurance Company** 8 221,132,089 229,360,291 - 16,551,018 467,043,398 221,132,089 229,360,291 - 16,551,018 467,043,398 115,984,356 53,542,702 62,441,652 95655 * Mount Carmel Health Plan Inc 9 - 466,995,878 - - 466,995,878 - 466,995,878 - - 466,995,878 251,274,159 40,698,236 210,575,923 95348 * Humana Health Plan Of Ohio Inc 10 223,802,732 201,045,697 - 4,055,490 428,903,919 223,798,457 269,899,309 - 4,055,490 497,753,256 140,932,817 77,403,600 63,529,217 95204 * Healthspan Integrated Care 11 286,893,222 91,313,931 - 43,425,257 421,632,410 286,893,222 91,313,931 - 43,425,257 421,632,410 147,834,638 92,395,941 55,438,697 95109 Aetna Health Inc (Pa) 12 164,533,713 227,796,962 - - 392,330,675 1,675,427,168 902,038,199 - 671,604,205 3,249,069,572 858,725,518 411,970,299 446,755,219 14229 * Aetna Better Health Inc 13 - 24,596,528 310,891,135 - 335,487,663 - 24,596,528 310,891,135 - 335,487,663 159,134,565 114,467,998 44,666,567 95202 * Summacare Inc 14 - 315,981,614 - - 315,981,614 - 315,981,614 - - 315,981,614 85,166,633 42,405,999 42,760,634 54402 * Delta Dental Plan Of Ohio Inc 15 186,973,375 - - - 186,973,375 186,973,375 - - - 186,973,375 137,854,263 20,128,153 117,726,110 95677 Health Plan Of Upper Oh Valley Inc 16 51,500,212 92,771,512 - 1,470,481 145,742,205 129,169,743 140,805,930 106,299,315 6,414,095 382,689,083 259,939,460 65,107,052 194,832,404 95189 * Paramount Care Inc 17 - 143,233,575 - - 143,233,575 - 143,233,575 - - 143,233,575 105,125,132 49,371,832 55,753,300

11518H * Paramount Insurance Company** 18 112,405,492 - - - 112,405,492 112,405,492 - - - 112,405,492 44,648,901 24,070,906 20,577,995 54380 * Vision Service Plan 19 94,597,559 - - - 94,597,559 94,597,559 - - - 94,597,559 54,323,250 9,869,842 44,453,408 12749 * Wellcare Of Ohio Inc 20 - 46,143,018 860,315 - 47,003,333 - 46,143,018 860,315 - 47,003,333 44,766,158 11,555,234 33,210,924 96280 * Superior Dental Care Inc 21 42,639,060 - - - 42,639,060 44,466,170 - - - 44,466,170 9,414,619 4,316,469 5,098,150

96265H * Dental Care Plus Inc** 22 41,948,321 - - - 41,948,321 41,948,321 - - - 41,948,321 15,908,620 6,219,440 9,689,179 47805 * Cigna Dental Health Of Ohio Inc 23 9,303,409 - - - 9,303,409 9,303,409 - - - 9,303,409 3,513,033 556,998 2,956,035 12325 * Gateway Health Plan Of Ohio Inc 24 - 7,540,052 - - 7,540,052 - 7,540,052 - - 7,540,052 9,030,758 4,805,654 4,225,104

95828H * Medical Health Insuring Corporation Of Ohio** 25 5,927,418 - - - 5,927,418 5,927,418 - - - 5,927,418 118,646,459 49,190,436 69,456,023 60984H Compbenefits Insurance Company** 26 5,408,141 - - - 5,408,141 5,408,141 - - - 5,408,141 47,292,249 8,277,552 39,014,697 67369H Cigna Health And Life Insurance Company** 27 3,582,275 - - - 3,582,275 3,582,275 - - - 3,582,275 6,204,475,323 3,404,804,103 2,799,671,22052563 Meridian Health Plan Of Michigan Inc 28 3,393,136 - - - 3,393,136 9,734,881 20,182,653 1,391,705,226 - 1,421,622,760 324,504,653 217,105,169 107,399,484 52022 * Udc Ohio Inc 29 937,667 - - - 937,667 937,667 - - - 937,667 1,132,996 146,165 986,831 95163 Alpha Dental Programs Inc 30 568,336 - - - 568,336 22,981,437 - - - 22,981,437 14,937,880 5,769,614 9,168,266 96150 United Concordia Dental Plans Of The Midwest Inc 31 452,768 - - - 452,768 7,542,892 - - - 7,542,892 6,228,953 303,657 5,925,296 14142 * Managed Dentalguard Inc 32 329,004 - - - 329,004 329,004 - - - 329,004 418,195 42,120 376,075 10767 * Amerigroup Ohio Inc 33 - - 293,313 - 293,313 - - 293,313 - 293,313 14,808,042 4,717,752 10,090,290 95216 Upmc Health Plan Inc 34 - 264,583 - - 264,583 86,734,288 1,037,494,787 - 69,734,910 1,193,963,984 376,209,164 226,516,213 149,692,951

62308H Connecticut General Life Insurance Company** 35 163,118 - - - 163,118 163,118 - - - 163,118 17,768,919,754 14,295,618,338 3,473,301,41615461 * Aultcare Health Insuring Corporation 36 - - - - - - - - - - 66,342,640 - 66,342,640 95408 Coventry Health Care Of West Virginia, Inc. 36 - - - - - 44,332,959 15,460,340 237,908,177 - 297,701,476 96,792,566 39,374,935 57,417,631 95060 Healthamerica Pennsylvania Inc 36 - - - - - 27,909,182 635,739,039 323,241,318 27,612,071 1,014,501,610 210,262,918 94,571,805 115,691,113

15284H * Healthspan, Inc.** 36 - - - - - - - - - - 18,230,720 9,802,662 8,428,058 95195 * Hometown Health Plan 36 - - - - - - - - - - 2,585,807 2,243 2,583,564 95885 Humana Health Plan Inc 36 - - - - - 832,710,956 3,871,245,572 585,008,199 133,167,023 5,422,131,750 1,275,064,733 689,419,018 585,645,715 15530 * Premier Health Insuring Corporation 36 - - - - - - - - - - 32,779,427 272,254 32,507,173

15484H * Premier Health Plan Inc** 36 - - - - - - - - - - 22,743,165 260,002 22,483,163 15499 * Riverlink Health 36 - - - - - - - - - - 3,418,330 6,416 3,411,914

TOTAL 1,950,505,657$ 3,837,648,548$ 10,618,207,273$ 65,505,907$ 16,471,867,385$ 4,580,501,858$ 10,232,313,636$ 13,262,369,508$ 972,567,730$ 29,047,752,731$

* DOMICILED IN OHIO** HIC Line of Business premiums only. Other data is for entire company.



Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements Summary Financial Information

Year Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS102 * Cleveland Automobile Dealers Assn Group Health Plan 1 19,730,497$ 19,730,497$ 6,576,084$ 2,551,438$ 4,024,646$ 109 * Ohio Bankers Benefits Trust 2 15,593,937 15,593,937 10,011,384 1,374,814 8,636,570 103 * Cooperative Group Benefits Plan 3 14,222,538 29,630,287 9,542,197 2,954,167 6,588,030 107 * Ohio Funeral Directors Association Benefit Trust 4 4,509,099 4,509,099 1,766,607 845,366 921,241 108 * Ohio Graphic Arts Health Fund 5 4,279,755 4,279,755 3,364,466 620,383 2,744,083 116 * Ohio State Medical Association Health Benefits Plan 6 - - 247,319 - 247,319

TOTAL 58,335,826$ 73,743,575$




Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Mutual Protective Associations - Property - Summary Financial Information

Year Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM ASSOCIATION NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS10270 * Sandy & Beaver Valley Farmers Mutual Insurance Company 1 10,069,160$ 10,069,160$ 16,637,311$ 6,602,306$ 10,035,005$ 10306 * Wyandot Mutual Insurance Company 2 8,658,779 8,658,779 14,750,852 5,799,741 8,951,111 10255 * Washington Mutual Insurance Association 3 8,094,163 8,094,163 5,070,454 4,654,759 415,695 10399 * Woodville Mutual 4 3,749,568 3,749,568 4,605,379 1,938,551 2,666,828 10281 * Marion Mutual Insurance Association 5 3,449,965 3,449,965 995,872 780,196 215,676 10396 * Perry County Mutual Fire Insurance Company 6 3,399,069 3,399,069 2,838,477 635,353 2,203,124 10267 * Patrons Buckeye Mutual Insurance Company 7 3,321,253 3,321,253 3,120,144 1,166,576 1,953,568 10272 * Springfield Township Mutual Insurance Association 8 2,097,104 2,097,104 2,629,293 786,446 1,842,847 10266 * Paris And Washington Townships Home Insurance Co 9 2,037,875 2,037,875 4,270,294 1,247,246 3,023,048 10268 * Pike Mutual Insurance Company 10 1,408,562 1,408,562 3,325,487 1,166,545 2,158,942 10307 * German Farmers Mutual Insurance Company 11 1,253,575 1,253,575 3,579,488 1,008,057 2,571,431 10261 * Washington County Farmers Mutual Insurance Association 12 1,219,774 1,219,774 1,496,096 414,011 1,082,085 10331 * Eastern Ohio Mutual Fire & Tornado Insurance Company, The 13 827,916 827,916 1,053,162 536,593 516,569 10304 * Farmers Mutual Insurance Company 14 665,659 665,659 1,619,753 64,955 1,554,798 10311 * German Mutual Insurance Company Of Delphos, Oh 15 617,545 617,545 1,433,709 855,781 577,928 10264 * Norton Mutual Fire Association 16 512,346 512,346 883,072 320,417 562,655 10309 * German Farmers Mutual Of Sardis Insurance Assn 17 460,918 460,918 857,396 149,318 708,078 10279 * Mennonite Mutual Aid Society 18 371,447 371,447 335,852 76,122 259,730 10254 * West And Knox Mutual Insurance Company 19 307,346 307,346 854,209 110,807 743,402 10303 * Farmers Mutual Aid Association 20 300,957 300,957 687,303 131,255 556,048 10330 * Lucas County Mutual Insurance Association 21 115,117 115,117 398,898 60,439 338,459

TOTAL 52,938,098$ 52,938,098$




Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS10345 * Community Insurance Company 1 5,281,416,563$ ** 5,281,170,320$ 2,014,267,869$ 1,202,115,393$ 812,152,476$29076 * Medical Mutual Of Ohio 2 2,233,660,697 2,239,556,542 1,766,909,245 487,007,434 1,279,901,81125178 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 3 1,049,796,697 33,908,724,033 138,797,902,951 58,921,027,185 79,876,875,76625143 State Farm Fire And Casualty Company 4 799,158,139 18,736,861,871 33,480,991,866 21,287,152,916 12,193,838,95010677 * Cincinnati Insurance Company, The 5 625,907,675 3,442,498,309 11,017,151,254 6,544,940,815 4,472,210,43928207 Anthem Insurance Companies Inc 6 476,070,659 4,792,048,610 3,231,715,945 2,398,773,634 832,942,31132786 * Progressive Specialty Insurance Company 7 396,347,598 1,105,793,296 880,174,181 566,029,103 314,145,07814060 * Grange Mutual Casualty Company 8 355,058,063 532,181,472 2,120,580,772 1,073,282,751 1,047,298,02123787 * Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company 9 328,312,444 3,331,544,257 34,711,194,770 22,573,205,749 12,137,989,02129688 Allstate Fire And Casualty Insurance Company 10 320,490,774 6,077,906,988 175,306,065 1,438,186 173,867,87916322 * Progressive Direct Insurance Company 11 306,527,568 2,177,136,780 5,180,160,669 3,608,709,705 1,571,450,96424112 * Westfield Insurance Company 12 277,508,484 1,310,318,451 2,536,054,216 1,493,012,840 1,043,041,37626263 Erie Insurance Company 13 241,319,009 836,678,000 839,291,213 527,345,726 311,945,48614621 * Motorists Mutual Insurance Company 14 239,783,234 436,484,109 1,373,884,308 816,476,501 557,407,80810649 * Summa Insurance Company Inc 15 237,544,193 237,544,193 71,513,629 40,054,539 31,459,09023779 * Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Company 16 230,358,314 1,658,400,631 5,733,324,440 3,174,217,590 2,559,106,85041491 Geico Casualty Company 17 220,170,006 2,760,589,273 2,347,313,597 1,367,422,011 979,891,58724120 * Westfield National Insurance Company 18 185,545,704 296,353,362 598,653,135 335,594,420 263,058,71519232 Allstate Insurance Company 19 176,065,342 7,288,913,195 43,246,270,304 26,980,707,561 16,265,562,74320281 Federal Insurance Company 20 169,719,305 5,889,519,705 32,484,336,984 17,655,954,301 14,828,382,68311982 * Grange Property & Casualty Insurance Company 21 169,456,502 224,943,383 60,202,857 26,913,045 33,289,81226271 Erie Insurance Exchange 22 166,616,594 4,190,126,517 13,344,707,978 6,528,143,073 6,816,564,90519445 National Union Fire Insurance Company Of Pittsburgh, Pa 23 163,671,337 6,854,963,985 26,135,779,925 19,455,007,575 6,680,772,35017230 Allstate Property And Casualty Insurance Company 24 161,486,154 4,977,137,358 215,540,942 9,585,096 205,955,84695828 * Medical Health Insuring Corporation Of Ohio 25 161,400,746 ** 161,400,746 118,646,459 49,190,436 69,456,02310386 * American Family Insurance Company 26 153,704,176 257,535,081 25,922,964 8,717,555 17,205,40937877 * Nationwide Property & Casualty Insurance Company 27 152,022,215 1,646,494,280 630,839,189 577,061,867 53,777,32220443 Continental Casualty Company 28 143,309,665 5,758,297,913 43,309,655,886 32,154,436,631 11,155,219,25525135 * State Automobile Mutual Insurance Company 29 137,326,976 484,808,538 2,352,071,830 1,535,307,594 816,764,23639012 Safeco Insurance Company Of Illinois 30 136,514,043 1,869,470,324 185,380,505 7,368,046 178,012,45923043 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company 31 127,611,896 4,332,533,889 42,655,158,668 26,085,858,680 16,569,299,98813072 * United Ohio Insurance Company 32 119,646,399 145,858,213 284,293,104 146,416,809 137,876,29516535 Zurich American Insurance Company 33 118,179,088 5,618,429,222 30,309,699,066 22,294,290,200 8,015,408,86623035 Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company 34 115,483,991 5,274,557,660 5,297,887,108 3,995,773,620 1,302,113,48836889 * Farmers Insurance Of Columbus Inc 35 113,306,996 113,306,996 258,896,616 160,557,213 98,339,40318988 Auto-Owners Insurance Company 36 108,845,251 2,347,133,943 12,207,734,312 4,238,662,003 7,969,072,30925941 United Services Automobile Association 37 105,863,032 6,923,021,580 30,991,005,190 8,136,627,127 22,854,378,06332700 * Owners Insurance Company 38 103,306,511 1,886,883,915 3,721,925,886 2,326,428,773 1,395,497,11311215 Safeco Insurance Company Of Indiana 39 100,775,011 801,829,930 14,823,015 25,969 14,797,04626638 Home-Owners Insurance Company 40 94,570,870 1,169,326,828 2,104,462,125 1,217,727,605 886,734,52022667 Ace American Insurance Company 41 87,694,883 4,279,994,147 12,150,666,209 9,157,758,998 2,992,907,21119240 Allstate Indemnity Company 42 82,553,716 4,097,443,272 144,973,774 3,498,484 141,475,29025674 Travelers Property Casualty Company Of America 43 80,547,658 4,692,694,799 933,171,265 428,165,314 505,005,95026131 * Western Reserve Mutual Casualty Company 44 75,008,114 105,788,035 182,582,484 76,380,555 106,201,92920230 * Central Mutual Insurance Company 45 73,858,930 542,620,498 1,359,557,442 719,461,428 640,096,00839039 Rural Community Insurance Company 46 71,188,824 2,024,662,088 3,758,240,333 3,139,754,097 618,486,23611843 Medical Protective Company, The 47 67,473,577 574,119,195 2,699,597,231 1,110,523,139 1,589,074,092

Page 1 of 22


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS25968 Usaa Casualty Insurance Company 48 66,930,023 4,872,219,217 8,699,013,159 4,306,808,907 4,392,204,25224228 Pekin Insurance Company 49 66,455,383 361,711,419 281,180,290 162,482,927 118,697,36321482 Factory Mutual Insurance Company 50 66,130,616 2,618,453,527 15,070,065,036 4,928,219,299 10,141,845,73736161 Travelers Property Casualty Insurance Company 51 65,025,122 280,178,652 233,327,383 162,415,930 70,911,45311017 * State Auto Insurance Company Of Ohio 52 64,925,144 64,925,144 32,257,876 15,751,519 16,506,35726123 * Lightning Rod Mutual Insurance Company 53 64,436,480 91,239,655 255,077,533 107,759,674 147,317,85925453 Nationwide Insurance Company Of America 54 62,864,288 1,007,400,311 493,399,329 340,631,784 152,767,54525405 * Safe Auto Insurance Company 55 62,322,596 308,775,831 386,938,039 235,173,780 151,764,25914184 Acuity, A Mutual Insurance Company 56 60,517,744 1,242,974,878 3,100,956,368 1,777,556,672 1,323,399,69614176 Hastings Mutual Insurance Company 57 60,059,811 412,921,809 783,110,198 429,076,140 354,034,05819992 * American Select Insurance Company 58 59,955,712 148,605,909 230,527,200 130,389,516 100,137,68436447 Lm General Insurance Company 59 59,350,571 1,918,965,899 10,329,490 86,224 10,243,26635882 Geico General Insurance Company 60 57,902,211 7,351,890,431 214,803,635 83,698,829 131,104,80631194 Travelers Casualty And Surety Company Of America 61 56,150,014 1,783,703,308 4,225,233,665 2,110,576,190 2,114,657,47528223 Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company 62 54,911,639 990,313,770 529,070,519 460,263,057 68,807,46218058 Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company 63 54,572,789 2,739,950,158 7,182,216,895 4,844,841,354 2,337,375,54134495 Doctors' Company, An Interinsurance Exchange 64 54,509,831 680,075,897 3,559,777,673 1,737,908,690 1,821,868,98337907 Allstate Vehicle And Property Insurance Company 65 53,884,588 944,316,241 24,311,712 748,832 23,562,88011185 Foremost Insurance Company 66 52,320,729 1,892,544,448 2,093,267,221 1,033,212,333 1,060,054,88910202 * Ohio Mutual Insurance Company 67 52,047,774 52,047,774 239,669,081 52,164,559 187,504,52225240 Nau Country Insurance Company 68 49,705,854 1,439,202,735 1,321,064,169 1,076,387,808 244,676,36142404 Liberty Insurance Corporation 69 47,835,441 2,427,416,869 232,041,001 8,797,185 223,243,81621652 Farmers Insurance Exchange 70 47,705,672 3,325,686,627 15,591,306,853 11,409,850,909 4,181,455,94410194 Artisan And Truckers Casualty Company 71 47,311,684 439,779,228 292,516,281 235,438,255 57,078,02618600 Usaa General Indemnity Company 72 46,047,217 2,289,183,264 2,933,590,822 1,836,893,817 1,096,697,00511252 Encompass Home & Auto Insurance Company 73 45,143,243 400,589,277 22,507,132 6,286,139 16,220,99319070 Standard Fire Insurance Company, The 74 44,477,821 1,279,869,173 3,627,132,137 2,411,960,075 1,215,172,06229858 Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation 75 43,693,897 1,002,166,767 4,162,463,705 2,644,785,374 1,517,678,33116691 * Great American Insurance Company 76 43,330,083 1,883,006,861 5,811,739,783 4,398,173,784 1,413,566,00033600 Lm Insurance Corporation 77 42,381,908 1,196,852,803 118,026,726 4,324,605 113,702,12126298 Metropolitan Property And Casualty Insurance Company 78 41,880,144 1,410,033,069 5,645,610,836 3,257,655,249 2,387,955,58730210 Esurance Property And Casualty Insurance Company 79 41,839,821 1,000,315,090 113,191,891 86,747,785 26,444,10610777 * Victoria Specialty Insurance Company 80 41,650,853 55,662,839 22,219,886 18,712,466 3,507,42042986 Standard Guaranty Insurance Company 81 39,671,205 730,392,256 490,774,011 330,041,448 160,732,56323817 Illinois National Insurance Company 82 39,521,475 852,428,691 40,115,357 3,143,304 36,972,05326247 American Guarantee And Liability Insurance Company 83 39,266,856 1,043,422,114 263,514,735 82,577,646 180,937,08929459 Twin City Fire Insurance Company 84 39,253,599 1,267,643,616 650,422,253 361,513,736 288,908,51824171 Netherlands Insurance Company, The 85 38,234,894 432,276,617 91,795,527 6,819,835 84,975,69219410 Commerce And Industry Insurance Company 86 37,050,431 916,354,534 4,770,784,966 3,145,864,980 1,624,919,98637885 Xl Specialty Insurance Company 87 36,637,949 1,289,094,700 432,658,950 289,478,624 143,180,32610111 American Bankers Insurance Company Of Florida 88 35,268,329 2,717,875,596 1,967,504,415 1,403,566,495 563,937,92025658 Travelers Indemnity Company, The 89 34,112,351 1,765,670,785 20,724,465,599 14,091,059,403 6,633,406,19634339 Metropolitan Group Property And Casualty Insurance Company 90 33,774,600 676,569,065 611,683,651 233,375,180 378,308,47113703 * General Automobile Insurance Company Inc The 91 31,646,727 52,554,501 76,573,051 51,032,383 25,540,66811991 National Casualty Company 92 30,953,111 850,602,219 285,389,372 155,248,382 130,140,99011150 Arch Insurance Company 93 30,801,295 1,747,169,322 3,200,859,275 2,422,491,339 778,367,93616799 * Wayne Mutual Insurance Company 94 30,484,067 30,484,067 57,735,744 30,141,649 27,594,095

Page 2 of 22


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS13986 Frankenmuth Mutual Insurance Company 95 30,462,518 545,195,290 1,107,445,218 643,676,109 463,769,10936455 Allstate Northbrook Indemnity Company 96 30,082,942 479,911,937 39,697,773 197,671 39,500,10313935 Federated Mutual Insurance Company 97 29,949,495 1,147,521,582 4,783,738,220 2,126,640,941 2,657,097,27933391 Proassurance Indemnity Company Inc 98 29,573,982 223,196,189 1,539,315,245 872,064,963 667,250,28222292 Hanover Insurance Company, The 99 29,389,812 1,100,041,073 6,482,091,183 4,429,675,903 2,052,415,28015873 United Guaranty Residential Insurance Company 100 28,539,286 892,135,088 3,247,682,924 1,863,851,838 1,383,831,08612188 Alfa Vision Insurance Corporation 101 28,495,860 152,896,933 96,697,555 49,417,665 47,279,89033790 Radian Guaranty Inc 102 28,242,378 980,845,979 3,643,318,258 2,318,133,997 1,325,184,26137834 * Progressive Preferred Insurance Company 103 28,207,562 634,843,092 677,110,908 481,234,475 195,876,43320346 Pacific Indemnity Company 104 27,977,464 689,799,250 6,822,352,880 3,900,139,320 2,922,213,56025615 Charter Oak Fire Insurance Company, The 105 27,398,919 1,379,669,659 926,061,791 672,413,442 253,648,34919682 Hartford Fire Insurance Company 106 26,648,892 1,646,590,997 25,520,152,924 11,722,706,543 13,797,446,38128401 American National Property And Casualty Company 107 26,104,618 573,071,855 1,218,493,924 621,562,749 596,931,17522055 Geico Indemnity Company 108 26,102,369 4,653,763,638 6,962,823,404 2,944,541,183 4,018,282,22135300 Allianz Global Risks Us Insurance Company 109 25,890,687 918,432,249 3,322,664,851 2,563,583,921 759,080,93013927 Homesite Insurance Company Of The Midwest 110 25,679,453 209,839,140 301,013,770 202,214,342 98,799,42823280 * Cincinnati Indemnity Company, The 111 25,384,031 405,653,711 123,020,536 37,441,282 85,579,25420699 Ace Property And Casualty Insurance Company 112 25,110,155 1,905,315,225 7,360,749,029 5,296,323,459 2,064,425,57020184 * National Mutual Insurance Company 113 24,906,288 63,301,941 70,551,591 44,175,712 26,375,87832573 * Ohio Fair Plan Underwriting Association 114 24,811,178 24,811,178 20,106,777 20,480,149 (373,372)33987 Adm Insurance Company 115 24,283,473 415,392,980 482,728,643 459,942,142 22,786,50024260 * Progressive Casualty Insurance Company 116 24,260,884 1,172,163,196 6,061,656,758 4,450,278,978 1,611,377,78042757 Agri General Insurance Company 117 24,158,412 380,044,375 188,222,552 1,220,554 187,001,99829980 First Colonial Insurance Company 118 23,870,210 226,463,505 353,346,666 194,353,992 158,992,67410336 First Acceptance Insurance Company Inc 119 23,624,561 144,581,424 217,242,762 121,210,561 96,032,20139217 Qbe Insurance Corporation 120 23,339,776 1,231,937,591 2,113,301,678 1,432,057,094 681,244,58415350 West Bend Mutual Insurance Company 121 22,693,114 985,283,091 2,171,161,473 1,348,038,013 823,123,46129068 Ids Property Casualty Insurance Company 122 22,670,007 980,943,942 1,414,322,994 854,378,743 559,944,24928665 * Cincinnati Casualty Company, The 123 22,384,217 301,692,091 371,768,778 41,548,185 330,220,59338652 * American Modern Select Insurance Company 124 21,789,025 288,980,064 288,491,912 243,612,843 44,879,06917884 * German Mutual Insurance Company 125 21,618,129 21,618,129 35,993,867 24,317,427 11,676,44019976 Amica Mutual Insurance Company 126 21,605,929 1,856,212,391 5,061,654,429 2,301,898,943 2,759,755,48611371 Great West Casualty Company 127 21,554,305 973,959,039 1,848,385,475 1,275,257,121 573,128,35438318 Starr Indemnity & Liability Company 128 21,443,101 1,553,865,666 3,755,060,445 1,922,733,965 1,832,326,48022063 Government Employees Insurance Company 129 21,442,320 4,800,657,601 23,472,632,076 10,029,664,979 13,442,967,09740118 * Trustgard Insurance Company 130 21,364,042 179,492,305 105,763,557 46,762,514 59,001,04319259 Selective Insurance Company Of South Carolina 131 20,922,631 516,935,360 564,330,505 449,223,674 115,106,83138458 Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation 132 20,746,230 597,674,790 2,696,361,496 1,336,476,044 1,359,885,45216713 * Buckeye State Mutual Insurance Company 133 20,511,365 59,756,025 63,425,711 42,485,495 20,940,21625682 Travelers Indemnity Company Of Connecticut, The 134 20,411,078 1,272,677,607 1,117,795,981 734,728,684 383,067,29729599 Us Specialty Insurance Company 135 20,274,527 609,314,046 1,890,819,611 1,313,753,067 577,066,54421415 Employers Mutual Casualty Company 136 20,199,983 1,027,420,610 2,721,407,264 1,506,429,477 1,214,977,78721229 Memberselect Insurance Company 137 20,053,267 894,012,057 485,799,886 349,929,562 135,870,32434690 Property And Casualty Insurance Company Of Hartford 138 20,018,992 855,351,189 229,682,005 121,723,880 107,958,12522586 Atlantic States Insurance Company 139 19,775,904 172,166,759 636,417,699 445,222,390 191,195,30923841 New Hampshire Insurance Company 140 19,712,389 1,553,043,551 314,086,472 147,972,163 166,114,30922837 Agcs Marine Insurance Company 141 19,222,322 665,159,140 328,306,416 163,715,848 164,590,567

Page 3 of 22


Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS15105 Safety National Casualty Corporation 142 19,191,653 593,170,070 4,985,126,645 3,617,497,180 1,367,629,46520176 * Celina Mutual Insurance Company 143 19,131,877 48,271,410 67,368,157 40,409,847 26,958,31023612 Midwest Employers Casualty Company 144 19,090,221 163,205,014 124,041,549 24,699,215 99,342,33419720 American Alternative Insurance Corporation 145 18,946,858 887,624,105 526,391,380 357,470,046 168,921,33410014 Affiliated Fm Insurance Company 146 18,740,414 809,196,262 2,528,717,670 1,131,067,901 1,397,649,76933111 Mha Insurance Company 147 18,731,649 79,426,290 539,578,808 277,657,440 261,921,36841181 Universal Underwriters Insurance Company 148 18,561,987 846,494,614 363,810,365 24,919,817 338,890,54834789 21St Century Centennial Insurance Company 149 18,220,901 600,151,599 574,071,755 11,318,358 562,753,39823469 * American Modern Home Insurance Company 150 18,186,264 784,840,126 1,286,171,803 905,710,700 380,461,10319941 * American Commerce Insurance Company 151 18,017,293 296,068,203 310,456,683 206,772,475 103,684,20810387 * American Standard Insurance Company Of Ohio 152 17,930,233 31,829,730 9,154,530 1,447,021 7,707,50926344 * Great American Assurance Company 153 17,787,273 485,261,611 19,213,892 5,360 19,208,53237770 Csaa General Insurance Company 154 17,196,266 537,106,373 263,961,023 121,755,088 142,205,93625623 Phoenix Insurance Company, The 155 17,148,262 1,029,985,213 4,196,159,024 2,456,771,571 1,739,387,45321253 Garrison Property And Casualty Insurance Company 156 16,229,388 1,177,637,582 1,492,585,851 892,485,021 600,100,83024147 Old Republic Insurance Company 157 16,164,456 1,054,497,151 2,609,357,023 1,573,573,956 1,035,783,06718767 Church Mutual Insurance Company 158 16,014,735 638,970,762 1,453,567,001 916,906,477 536,660,52513528 Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company 159 15,971,346 362,803,422 469,732,018 280,381,442 189,350,57611445 Cgb Insurance Company 160 15,728,306 420,429,467 375,967,818 288,315,439 87,652,37925666 Travelers Indemnity Company Of America, The 161 15,726,718 1,108,625,859 635,734,673 432,934,507 202,800,16615314 * Coordinated Health Mutual Inc 162 15,646,164 15,646,164 75,140,208 25,950,575 49,189,63324082 Ohio Security Insurance Company 163 15,234,475 908,235,643 16,035,806 854,009 15,181,79724554 Xl Insurance America Inc 164 15,135,378 610,585,524 752,911,588 520,619,197 232,292,39110030 Westchester Fire Insurance Company 165 14,936,455 619,288,050 2,011,859,711 1,105,801,577 906,058,13437273 Axis Insurance Company 166 14,790,369 705,065,419 1,483,774,009 905,626,479 578,147,53019100 Amco Insurance Company 167 14,737,488 1,539,358,496 1,001,016,327 793,036,984 207,979,34323760 * Nationwide General Insurance Company 168 14,650,167 622,843,844 242,488,378 220,069,692 22,418,68620087 National Indemnity Company 169 14,321,726 240,287,197 166,985,400,908 72,987,749,044 93,997,651,86424074 Ohio Casualty Insurance Company 170 14,291,731 474,585,259 5,408,162,296 3,878,379,246 1,529,783,05013056 Rli Insurance Company 171 13,896,454 460,299,205 1,706,981,908 857,685,062 849,296,84639926 Selective Insurance Company Of The Southeast 172 13,877,199 462,554,835 429,792,120 344,869,460 84,922,66021180 Sentry Select Insurance Company 173 13,647,285 435,241,219 658,607,814 423,480,932 235,126,88221113 United States Fire Insurance Company 174 13,608,657 720,399,523 3,248,634,293 2,350,018,339 898,615,95427154 Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company 175 13,572,928 1,018,323,035 2,550,903,113 1,829,388,399 721,514,71411000 Sentinel Insurance Company, Ltd 176 13,497,660 1,544,340,793 224,787,336 71,982,901 152,804,43619275 American Family Mutual Insurance Company 177 13,494,219 5,270,083,277 14,500,523,875 8,470,441,111 6,030,082,76442579 Allied Property & Casualty Insurance Company 178 13,415,291 858,320,000 357,918,666 298,877,589 59,041,07734312 Producers Agriculture Insurance Company 179 13,396,386 539,835,463 302,171,503 246,187,963 55,983,54010322 * Grange Indemnity Insurance Company 180 13,374,743 77,249,045 96,598,081 49,684,481 46,913,60012289 Personal Service Insurance Company, The 181 13,270,503 55,012,277 34,733,538 25,093,452 9,640,08620303 Great Northern Insurance Company 182 13,134,360 1,336,139,301 1,641,723,366 1,164,754,275 476,969,09111004 Alfa Specialty Insurance Corporation 183 13,116,482 100,212,412 52,775,157 25,979,726 26,795,43124767 St Paul Fire And Marine Insurance Company 184 12,802,790 764,396,351 18,917,210,617 12,923,140,386 5,994,070,23119917 Liberty Insurance Underwriters Inc 185 12,728,472 803,178,762 174,395,985 51,496,582 122,899,40324015 Northland Insurance Company 186 12,644,075 344,399,896 1,166,235,049 627,294,687 538,940,36322322 Greenwich Insurance Company 187 12,643,011 485,674,777 1,073,077,237 675,738,142 397,339,09510945 Tokio Marine America Insurance Company 188 12,631,790 393,385,502 1,349,243,923 851,924,554 497,319,369

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OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS10176 * Citizens Insurance Company Of Ohio 189 12,606,657 16,301,594 15,079,162 18,219 15,060,94324740 Safeco Insurance Company Of America 190 12,410,329 2,460,650,096 4,233,251,417 2,954,334,281 1,278,917,13625011 Wesco Insurance Company 191 12,205,927 1,554,170,358 1,113,582,513 898,052,435 215,530,07835289 Continental Insurance Company 192 12,062,694 475,549,380 1,995,334,145 557,993,041 1,437,341,10436781 John Deere Insurance Company 193 11,985,539 425,622,929 380,518,120 273,021,741 107,496,37912416 Protective Insurance Company 194 11,977,705 323,806,182 791,785,634 394,394,897 397,390,73710120 Everest National Insurance Company 195 11,857,627 841,995,631 692,002,385 555,921,475 136,080,91032620 * National Interstate Insurance Company 196 11,849,620 473,966,981 1,117,627,560 832,947,856 284,679,70420427 American Casualty Company Of Reading, Pa 197 11,819,380 537,000,579 146,336,202 44,319 146,291,88341343 Hdi-Gerling America Insurance Company 198 11,708,307 482,335,602 300,519,822 169,427,611 131,092,21023450 American Family Home Insurance Company 199 11,659,714 187,050,681 532,605,794 376,945,354 155,660,44039845 Westport Insurance Company 200 11,559,459 696,571,511 5,215,702,758 3,585,174,746 1,630,528,01217299 * Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company 201 11,414,666 14,285,353 22,920,094 10,415,726 12,504,36824104 * Ohio Farmers Insurance Company 202 11,366,807 22,901,797 2,595,105,375 692,655,841 1,902,449,53412572 Selective Insurance Company Of America 203 11,365,021 396,120,146 2,044,614,803 1,551,646,868 492,967,93520508 Valley Forge Insurance Company 204 11,313,738 455,077,937 73,715,106 44,145 73,670,96135955 California Casualty General Insurance Company Of Oregon 205 11,287,970 70,596,403 102,667,395 71,494,696 31,172,69942307 Navigators Insurance Company 206 11,212,833 512,673,526 2,454,029,605 1,560,083,638 893,945,96714044 Goodville Mutual Casualty Company 207 11,191,076 112,280,623 219,795,204 98,777,293 121,017,91136234 Preferred Professional Insurance Company 208 10,892,246 91,984,513 311,384,981 160,693,835 150,691,14527120 Trumbull Insurance Company 209 10,859,956 926,796,912 216,884,309 120,862,068 96,022,24022136 Great American Insurance Company Of New York 210 10,705,013 433,241,756 47,191,278 - 47,191,27814125 Hamilton Mutual Insurance Company 211 10,624,407 56,322,287 78,379,737 46,312,506 32,067,23127251 Pmi Mortgage Insurance Company 212 10,506,952 281,998,914 1,315,351,236 2,762,349,582 (1,446,998,346)15032 Guideone Mutual Insurance Company 213 10,479,906 459,980,314 1,695,178,682 1,253,059,610 442,119,07242587 Depositor'S Insurance Company 214 10,475,584 646,581,611 282,630,457 245,855,145 36,775,31211630 Jefferson Insurance Company 215 10,409,398 378,278,734 66,911,983 21,480,405 45,431,57821261 Electric Insurance Company 216 10,185,711 292,792,248 1,467,197,215 929,642,384 537,554,83113188 Western Surety Company 217 10,140,089 357,562,648 1,998,252,964 630,226,850 1,368,026,11429424 Hartford Casualty Insurance Company 218 10,131,980 1,164,044,245 2,233,840,835 1,320,500,121 913,340,71420478 National Fire Insurance Company Of Hartford 219 9,867,280 474,832,529 121,108,518 92,689 121,015,82910723 Nationwide Assurance Company 220 9,639,295 31,593,320 153,701,631 93,307,740 60,393,89122659 Indiana Insurance Company 221 9,495,966 82,639,725 74,004,747 9,140,316 64,864,43121873 Fireman'S Fund Insurance Company 222 9,448,153 757,499,298 9,434,599,317 7,300,424,121 2,134,175,19613897 Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company Of Iowa 223 9,394,337 560,547,892 676,326,120 366,798,193 309,527,92720516 Euler Hermes North America Insurance Company 224 9,381,846 303,642,661 420,771,057 277,513,433 143,257,62422551 Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Usa Inc 225 9,362,739 154,451,617 124,122,192 63,285,184 60,837,00810921 Csaa Fire & Casualty Insurance Company 226 9,298,747 337,313,915 79,227,352 39,631,768 39,595,58222314 Rsui Indemnity Company 227 9,115,844 487,362,768 3,286,793,888 1,820,655,444 1,466,138,44413137 Viking Insurance Company Of Wisconsin 228 9,088,631 276,645,701 387,726,957 208,654,595 179,072,36230104 Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company 229 8,987,193 1,326,658,092 1,581,752,380 961,434,697 620,317,68319046 Travelers Casualty Insurance Company Of America 230 8,823,595 976,331,811 1,918,485,444 1,352,302,547 566,182,89839306 Fidelity And Deposit Company Of Maryland, The 231 8,790,241 562,766,432 223,768,523 55,295,807 168,472,71621326 Empire Fire And Marine Insurance Company 232 8,720,517 342,842,425 79,631,868 35,236,315 44,395,55419429 Insurance Company Of The State Of Pennsylvania, The 233 8,655,309 901,835,579 307,412,533 187,504,227 119,908,30611126 Sompo Japan Insurance Company Of America 234 8,612,835 306,970,600 1,238,485,340 640,209,003 598,276,33710952 * Transamerica Casualty Insurance Company 235 8,520,330 311,395,244 314,274,524 183,948,515 130,326,009

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OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS13692 Donegal Mutual Insurance Company 236 8,381,144 278,381,023 393,744,851 189,392,591 204,352,26042978 American Security Insurance Company 237 8,209,808 1,248,917,778 1,915,801,260 1,254,294,461 661,506,79922039 General Reinsurance Corporation 238 8,141,850 29,830,389 16,157,471,084 4,450,858,912 11,706,612,17225895 United States Liability Insurance Company 239 8,052,447 369,363,012 885,903,737 322,582,463 563,321,27519801 Argonaut Insurance Company 240 7,998,702 317,875,768 1,280,403,500 889,638,529 390,764,97113634 Essent Guaranty Inc 241 7,777,892 276,777,922 817,255,685 352,029,946 465,225,73937915 Essentia Insurance Company 242 7,678,804 217,574,699 55,119,774 24,941,257 30,178,51738245 * Bcs Insurance Company 243 7,569,241 350,905,853 279,607,832 122,418,148 157,189,68419402 Aig Property Casualty Company 244 7,415,373 1,255,037,373 5,025,917,295 3,438,785,517 1,587,131,77837176 * Ohio Bar Liability Insurance Company 245 7,407,416 7,407,416 37,468,022 10,150,262 27,317,76021881 National Surety Corporation 246 7,335,951 405,864,028 161,037,183 32,028,864 129,008,31921296 Alterra America Insurance Company 247 7,202,668 244,422,537 246,466,179 81,018,812 165,447,36738970 Markel Insurance Company 248 7,185,021 529,027,317 1,386,875,058 979,658,742 407,216,31612548 American Agri-Business Insurance Company 249 7,175,354 866,091,233 725,792,178 697,336,745 28,455,43327998 Travelers Home And Marine Insurance Company, The 250 7,163,286 2,491,814,310 410,165,241 272,871,472 137,293,77014982 Penn Millers Insurance Company 251 7,127,489 81,867,589 147,446,402 64,133,856 83,312,54624503 Catlin Indemnity Company 252 6,941,298 105,234,144 105,288,909 28,392,016 76,896,89310847 Cumis Insurance Society Inc 253 6,861,865 396,411,872 2,062,800,695 1,347,915,590 714,885,10533022 Axa Insurance Company 254 6,858,233 177,561,689 254,302,377 142,178,569 112,123,80810071 Encompass Insurance Company Of America 255 6,747,361 177,340,104 20,200,792 187,953 20,012,83810052 Chubb National Insurance Company 256 6,676,805 281,117,075 303,851,367 163,195,532 140,655,83511255 Caterpillar Insurance Company 257 6,616,955 349,758,781 660,672,370 388,745,616 271,926,75416608 New York Marine And General Insurance Company 258 6,585,007 541,947,694 1,062,939,183 710,297,431 352,641,75228452 Republic Mortgage Insurance Company 259 6,559,535 221,243,782 803,216,099 770,747,330 32,468,76919518 Catlin Insurance Company Inc 260 6,454,917 323,986,131 230,321,433 166,640,727 63,680,70624988 Sentry Insurance A Mutual Company 261 6,446,783 489,968,366 6,981,318,965 2,816,902,887 4,164,416,07810690 Allied World National Assurance Company 262 6,431,279 437,415,029 270,261,736 140,605,100 129,656,63222640 Consolidated Insurance Company 263 6,304,181 80,594,007 13,877,083 722,656 13,154,42723132 R.V.I. America Insurance Company 264 6,294,866 28,260,439 100,004,916 29,457,717 70,547,19911770 * United Financial Casualty Company 265 6,272,392 888,589,554 2,301,125,168 1,755,050,159 546,075,00922906 * Permanent General Assurance Corporation Of Ohio 266 6,094,387 60,578,602 145,579,021 81,194,867 64,384,15437257 Praetorian Insurance Company 267 6,079,863 718,881,062 996,841,152 731,911,588 264,929,56423663 National American Insurance Company 268 6,012,439 140,142,469 184,685,403 121,372,874 63,312,52912831 State National Insurance Company Inc 269 5,980,918 491,280,053 290,718,867 74,877,022 215,841,84511034 * Bristol West Casualty Insurance Company 270 5,815,778 25,256,170 19,081,116 10,347,054 8,734,06210641 Endurance American Insurance Company 271 5,761,146 202,903,279 1,243,856,448 1,002,655,086 241,201,36212233 * Healthcare Underwriters Group, Inc. 272 5,755,931 5,755,931 28,102,699 13,950,081 14,152,61810872 American Strategic Insurance Corp 273 5,683,235 453,198,275 885,256,306 509,828,425 375,427,88331534 Citizens Insurance Company Of America 274 5,608,951 826,942,709 1,501,022,384 867,377,511 633,644,87320397 Vigilant Insurance Company 275 5,589,022 493,594,354 502,538,912 210,226,134 292,312,77824198 Peerless Insurance Company 276 5,586,869 546,841,704 12,800,884,898 9,741,967,989 3,058,916,90921857 * American Insurance Company, The 277 5,554,377 359,130,628 323,726,213 34,026,054 289,700,15925054 Hudson Insurance Company 278 5,500,073 703,634,097 1,042,651,623 602,476,473 440,175,15011841 * Oha Insurance Solutions Inc 279 5,432,545 5,432,545 43,574,450 16,465,363 27,109,09012475 * Republic-Franklin Insurance Company 280 5,417,793 173,999,042 102,517,168 53,481,367 49,035,80121164 Dairyland Insurance Company 281 5,365,439 145,799,467 1,194,949,208 709,694,304 485,254,90422306 Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company 282 5,359,060 533,949,735 62,749,834 22,923 62,726,911

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OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS37540 Beazley Insurance Company Inc 283 5,358,017 188,755,218 266,409,572 144,152,131 122,257,44115130 Encompass Indemnity Company 284 5,283,582 439,599,739 29,363,849 4,076,797 25,287,05220222 * All America Insurance Company 285 5,252,689 37,911,047 258,833,552 124,135,739 134,697,81318333 Peerless Indemnity Insurance Company 286 5,215,119 314,434,159 190,231,127 10,002,204 180,228,92314139 Geico Choice Insurance Company 287 5,206,075 252,049,748 411,422,013 181,983,759 229,438,25510644 * Victoria Automobile Insurance Company 288 5,184,222 46,641,774 25,814,333 15,143,821 10,670,51219380 American Home Assurance Company 289 5,173,479 (211,370,772) 26,376,943,831 19,129,040,400 7,247,903,43111127 Professional Solutions Insurance Company 290 5,117,413 36,219,369 21,284,686 12,143,618 9,141,06818740 Mgic Indemnity Corporation 291 5,109,511 22,026,998 498,953,867 29,764,838 469,189,02926565 * Ohio Indemnity Company 292 5,075,167 135,768,643 149,730,431 104,460,400 45,270,03323647 Ironshore Indemnity Inc 293 5,048,252 237,267,304 347,414,611 190,811,131 156,603,48131887 Coface North America Insurance Company 294 5,043,914 106,636,072 155,207,668 83,263,222 71,944,44637478 Hartford Insurance Company Of The Midwest 295 4,966,107 1,175,833,354 581,457,372 128,524,702 452,932,67013838 Farmland Mutual Insurance Company 296 4,949,659 192,157,909 521,114,166 353,563,344 167,550,82234738 Arag Insurance Company 297 4,931,252 60,699,387 71,624,504 17,686,229 53,938,27542897 American Service Insurance Company Inc 298 4,919,115 41,534,347 129,174,083 97,451,636 31,722,44720494 Transportation Insurance Company 299 4,836,153 280,629,021 82,220,451 92,540 82,127,91110271 * Sonnenberg Mutual Insurance Company 300 4,794,623 6,647,768 23,180,770 9,639,837 13,540,93323728 National General Insurance Company 301 4,792,363 151,612,340 58,391,769 30,469,104 27,922,66524066 American Fire And Casualty Company 302 4,781,852 254,315,566 40,756,664 1,729,802 39,026,86241297 * Scottsdale Insurance Company 303 4,773,279 1,559,063,817 2,222,641,176 1,457,789,349 764,851,82716748 * Affinity Mutual Insurance Company 304 4,772,557 9,283,102 15,731,925 7,159,092 8,572,83324414 General Casualty Company Of Wisconsin 305 4,733,052 297,315,553 762,322,232 452,691,221 309,631,01120052 National Liability & Fire Insurance Company 306 4,711,387 667,591,385 2,229,863,351 1,262,478,267 967,385,08414117 Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company 307 4,646,840 307,715,720 913,706,406 473,622,757 440,083,65011592 International Fidelity Insurance 308 4,465,392 124,082,879 210,141,849 126,234,737 83,907,11223809 Granite State Insurance Company 309 4,444,490 661,756,953 34,374,358 3,500,166 30,874,19221849 American Automobile Insurance Company 310 4,386,038 332,137,235 189,186,573 24,868,503 164,318,07021687 Mid-Century Insurance Company 311 4,385,100 2,668,060,545 3,765,866,595 2,779,425,608 986,440,98710464 Canal Insurance Company 312 4,381,901 186,574,645 818,759,661 371,548,109 447,211,55216624 Darwin National Assurance Company 313 4,374,133 219,711,997 752,009,860 354,614,343 397,395,51011835 Partnerre America Insurance Company 314 4,370,506 66,745,686 298,448,429 164,857,867 133,590,56220362 Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company Of America 315 4,352,810 224,494,536 900,647,369 568,355,191 332,292,17840045 Starnet Insurance Company 316 4,341,447 380,555,756 219,676,806 108,423,833 111,252,97310051 Lyndon Southern Insurance Company 317 4,326,147 263,699,031 95,133,751 54,004,784 41,128,96732603 Berkley Insurance Company 318 4,292,811 293,286,635 16,934,115,493 11,496,925,117 5,437,190,37614249 Founders Insurance Company 319 4,286,074 84,818,241 152,718,344 83,865,657 68,852,68614138 Geico Advantage Insurance Company 320 4,254,020 365,434,018 779,746,266 333,190,427 446,555,83940142 American Zurich Insurance Company 321 4,180,906 1,362,281,549 264,457,506 106,992,567 157,464,93923248 Occidental Fire & Casualty Company Of North Carolina 322 4,146,229 495,380,409 517,974,786 355,114,176 162,860,61014137 Geico Secure Insurance Company 323 4,050,453 125,112,060 413,649,077 140,504,989 273,144,08829874 North American Specialty Insurance Company 324 3,940,940 234,857,977 547,290,661 163,069,988 384,220,67316667 United Guaranty Residential Insurance Co Of North Carolina 325 3,937,707 77,565,287 461,106,721 28,823,223 432,283,49815580 * Scottsdale Indemnity Company 326 3,915,751 226,061,993 72,124,114 34,891,975 37,232,13929700 North American Elite Insurance Company 327 3,866,166 169,257,002 141,450,009 105,731,792 35,718,21726220 Yosemite Insurance Company 328 3,861,757 50,299,049 210,061,763 102,366,188 107,695,57519615 American Reliable Insurance Company 329 3,716,706 237,966,985 315,303,016 226,103,943 89,199,073

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OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS35181 Executive Risk Indemnity Inc 330 3,714,539 115,348,170 3,024,828,557 1,766,809,138 1,258,019,41916144 Grinnell Select Insurance Company 331 3,704,373 103,208,049 40,173,388 12,606,335 27,567,05319631 American Road Insurance Company, The 332 3,690,638 291,089,078 556,896,758 310,308,085 246,588,67336404 21St Century Casualty Company 333 3,690,203 20,515,526 12,386,413 436,803 11,949,61025224 Great Divide Insurance Company 334 3,598,107 262,374,233 197,304,770 130,395,590 66,909,18038954 Proassurance Casualty Company 335 3,589,123 158,839,997 1,274,129,972 740,059,136 534,070,83610069 Housing Authority Property Insurance, A Mutual Company 336 3,552,591 53,847,079 164,675,070 48,587,555 116,087,51516705 * Dealers Assurance Company 337 3,546,983 146,659,502 86,349,464 31,957,840 54,391,62410815 Verlan Fire Insurance Company 338 3,520,836 65,771,458 25,407,221 33,334 25,373,88713331 * Motorists Commercial Mutual Insurance Company 339 3,508,527 35,955,870 342,864,353 196,630,707 146,233,64718279 Bankers Standard Insurance Company 340 3,483,558 480,237,638 434,558,457 293,292,895 141,265,56239527 Heritage Indemnity Company 341 3,482,346 75,108,913 151,512,292 99,876,889 51,635,40214532 Middlesex Mutual Assurance Company 342 3,471,351 230,876,378 253,619,276 169,477,501 84,141,77526077 Lancer Insurance Company 343 3,470,502 248,157,391 574,972,414 385,493,236 189,479,17811878 Mutualaid Exchange 344 3,400,742 19,630,393 25,912,060 9,692,743 16,219,31712750 * Evergreen National Indemnity Company 345 3,399,107 32,858,244 46,759,508 13,550,174 33,209,33421709 Truck Insurance Exchange 346 3,357,371 748,336,821 2,077,583,374 1,458,878,815 618,704,55943494 American Hallmark Insurance Company Of Texas 347 3,337,906 125,695,574 344,057,908 222,781,194 121,276,71410054 Securian Casualty Company 348 3,332,864 155,382,612 193,267,327 90,674,813 102,592,51437648 * Permanent General Assurance Corporation 349 3,319,808 244,107,079 260,114,914 170,276,857 89,838,05725127 State Auto Property & Casualty Insurance Company 350 3,254,066 721,036,041 2,291,463,865 1,662,568,448 628,895,41713307 Lexon Insurance Company 351 3,211,845 92,416,780 161,709,369 109,195,915 52,513,45443575 Indemnity Insurance Company Of North America 352 3,204,086 913,278,501 404,027,923 292,045,979 111,981,94413714 Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Company 353 3,102,870 112,903,235 258,815,995 161,052,804 97,763,19111800 Foremost Property & Casualty Insurance Company 354 3,047,818 183,669,697 70,224,093 52,556,360 17,667,73325712 Esurance Insurance Company 355 3,046,391 432,195,675 195,943,522 17,709,853 178,233,66927928 Amex Assurance Company 356 2,992,390 186,650,447 280,226,874 91,391,256 188,835,62225976 Utica Mutual Insurance Company 357 2,971,366 195,323,359 2,228,815,219 1,422,940,511 805,874,70840266 Arch Mortgage Insurance Company 358 2,946,637 111,247,041 399,604,496 247,122,247 152,482,24919658 * Bristol West Insurance Company 359 2,933,770 193,802,270 125,209,027 79,796,707 45,412,32015865 Ncmic Insurance Company 360 2,896,043 60,730,949 654,904,780 402,844,072 252,060,70827855 Zurich American Insurance Company Of Illinois 361 2,894,185 232,857,587 53,641,553 18,349,257 35,292,29711118 Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange 362 2,883,349 154,792,684 473,444,232 306,295,880 167,148,35220044 Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Insurance Company 363 2,858,528 359,669,403 2,008,135,254 848,620,818 1,159,514,43620141 National Trust Insurance Company 364 2,854,344 183,208,255 35,462,218 (808,580) 36,270,79844393 West American Insurance Company 365 2,800,501 242,266,997 77,516,503 32,348,948 45,167,55510178 Fcci Insurance Company 366 2,765,054 343,880,095 1,709,074,611 1,130,366,729 578,707,88226433 Harco National Insurance Company 367 2,749,431 81,225,352 350,273,217 167,043,028 183,230,19038911 Berkley National Insurance Company 368 2,741,861 184,937,907 86,518,367 36,859,839 49,658,52842048 Diamond State Insurance Company 369 2,739,677 45,003,951 123,613,652 63,369,954 60,243,69814460 Podiatry Insurance Company Of America 370 2,736,773 74,030,823 318,805,653 190,082,787 128,722,86638776 Sirius America Insurance Company 371 2,710,533 65,363,020 1,550,473,635 929,885,908 620,587,72714354 Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company 372 2,707,938 161,749,632 338,736,201 131,021,136 207,715,06528932 Markel American Insurance Company 373 2,632,106 148,780,930 323,705,948 186,165,299 137,540,64914974 Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company 374 2,616,292 167,691,674 445,050,850 333,593,282 111,457,56819062 Automobile Insurance Company Of Hartford, Connecticut, The 375 2,614,409 587,790,809 1,013,208,296 692,425,939 320,782,35714516 Harleysville Lake States Insurance Company 376 2,579,693 82,333,149 66,873,216 31,499,818 35,373,398

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Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS28649 Eastern Atlantic Insurance Company 377 2,556,586 19,831,840 65,555,892 33,200,794 32,355,09810804 Continental Western Insurance Company 378 2,434,420 480,461,913 166,900,787 79,210,647 87,690,14010676 First Guard Insurance Company 379 2,348,282 18,343,292 21,271,317 1,222,489 20,048,82822683 Teachers Insurance Company 380 2,318,002 170,317,670 340,467,638 190,613,925 149,853,71324791 St Paul Mercury Insurance Company 381 2,316,275 110,457,738 345,048,268 214,799,342 130,248,92633588 First Liberty Insurance Corporation, The 382 2,308,190 696,095,650 22,597,699 344,511 22,253,18817825 Tuscarora Wayne Insurance Company 383 2,284,909 32,088,720 93,445,610 37,776,976 55,668,63434274 Central States Indemnity Company Of Omaha 384 2,271,202 120,694,009 434,991,267 71,242,657 363,748,60922756 Horace Mann Property & Casualty Insurance Company 385 2,221,000 196,139,156 282,154,786 160,125,529 122,029,25711932 White Pine Insurance Company 386 2,172,158 20,938,794 30,888,843 17,679,957 13,208,88640827 Virginia Surety Company, Inc 387 2,145,655 672,873,136 1,022,672,656 721,883,548 300,789,10835769 Lyndon Property Insurance Company 388 2,112,996 114,046,550 362,039,947 216,902,429 145,137,51834509 Rider Insurance Company 389 2,078,214 29,289,515 46,908,017 33,550,350 13,357,66826662 Milwaukee Casualty Insurance Co 390 2,063,940 79,587,437 49,728,138 32,015,565 17,712,57341513 Foremost Signature Insurance Company 391 2,049,186 170,892,709 93,542,059 73,755,004 19,787,05525844 Union Insurance Company 392 2,032,570 258,145,802 115,793,078 86,960,327 28,832,75123329 Merchants Mutual Insurance Company 393 2,031,775 192,899,660 480,733,199 318,887,248 161,845,95126832 * Great American Alliance Insurance Company 394 2,030,383 299,265,939 29,111,462 - 29,111,46243460 Aspen American Insurance Company 395 2,023,072 263,647,808 502,270,089 239,456,878 262,813,21114559 Guideone Specialty Mutual Insurance Company 396 1,997,789 153,010,754 392,516,963 296,689,279 95,827,68426492 Courtesy Insurance Company 397 1,979,937 322,143,990 735,449,537 393,827,254 341,622,28322209 * Freedom Specialty Insurance Company 398 1,963,475 102,107,573 36,632,357 24,288,119 12,344,23822012 Motors Insurance Corporation 399 1,938,574 215,516,716 2,458,717,875 1,398,802,600 1,059,915,27510936 Seneca Insurance Company Inc 400 1,922,899 160,445,003 193,914,742 59,767,946 134,146,79641840 Allmerica Financial Benefit Insurance Company 401 1,880,744 299,411,205 34,667,673 28,423 34,639,25019704 American States Insurance Company 402 1,874,111 524,191,328 144,241,669 20,250,832 123,990,83710914 Kemper Independence Insurance Company 403 1,870,314 305,386,648 93,421,211 84,502,288 8,918,92342803 Guideone Elite Insurance Company 404 1,864,431 80,298,586 27,054,288 5,974,861 21,079,42725180 Stillwater Insurance Company 405 1,854,916 106,640,357 307,246,072 145,405,338 161,840,73413722 Knightbrook Insurance Company 406 1,838,873 133,233,933 213,511,965 155,777,003 57,734,96221105 North River Insurance Company, The 407 1,832,672 172,441,280 945,822,334 681,067,855 264,754,47929823 Genworth Residential Mortgage Insurance Corporation Of North Carolina 408 1,826,687 40,958,221 219,958,849 134,016,768 85,942,08112199 Keystone National Insurance Company 409 1,822,334 8,609,337 14,761,399 6,061,626 8,699,77310472 Capitol Indemnity Corporation 410 1,807,300 78,589,372 462,393,090 240,517,610 221,875,48010200 Hiscox Insurance Company Inc 411 1,800,825 158,446,952 149,432,027 94,411,014 55,021,01310510 Carolina Casualty Insurance Company 412 1,794,688 280,468,488 181,825,888 86,271,465 95,554,42312873 Privilege Underwriters Reciprocal Exchange 413 1,790,671 351,356,376 219,951,543 151,270,905 68,680,63912866 T.H.E. Insurance Company 414 1,785,486 69,821,217 195,849,647 131,546,889 64,302,75715326 Utica First Insurance Company (Mutual) 415 1,781,093 133,930,317 254,340,288 136,084,951 118,255,33714494 Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) 416 1,775,702 76,090,172 141,935,907 50,108,936 91,826,97121407 Emcasco Insurance Company 417 1,774,388 312,338,610 436,624,689 311,965,461 124,659,22816764 * Miami Mutual Insurance Company 418 1,768,577 3,843,571 52,329,865 29,949,843 22,380,02211231 Generali - Us Branch 419 1,767,210 84,963,790 62,869,986 35,487,524 27,382,46140649 Economy Premier Assurance Company 420 1,763,811 212,680,853 86,661,561 40,740,178 45,921,38310235 American Southern Insurance Company 421 1,721,574 31,984,979 108,543,072 69,531,526 39,011,54626921 Everest Reinsurance Company 422 1,710,591 92,804,871 9,616,200,650 6,723,201,971 2,892,998,67921172 Vanliner Insurance Company 423 1,705,336 146,374,886 352,467,544 225,207,275 127,260,269

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Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS28304 Federated Service Insurance Company 424 1,644,793 140,517,636 428,303,263 235,040,528 193,262,73514656 Municipal Mutual Insurance Company Of West Virginia 425 1,610,072 12,679,428 33,497,570 11,517,235 21,980,33512262 Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association Insurance Co 426 1,565,335 385,469,040 834,044,074 567,974,963 266,069,11136153 Aetna Insurance Company Of Connecticut 427 1,553,469 36,683,833 15,774,357 647,034 15,127,32311452 Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection And Insurance Company, The 428 1,537,903 57,815,976 1,406,584,248 765,523,303 641,060,94529580 Berkley Regional Insurance Company 429 1,500,562 100,622,243 700,390,562 33,819,568 666,570,99410216 American Contractors Indemnity Company 430 1,495,451 67,913,468 312,092,071 225,889,692 86,202,37921784 Firemen'S Insurance Company Of Washington Dc 431 1,486,968 199,614,434 97,037,067 65,393,417 31,643,64913285 Allegheny Casualty Company 432 1,482,409 46,000,075 37,646,377 14,611,762 23,034,61525496 Torus National Insurance Company 433 1,480,353 168,562,951 180,283,671 103,097,832 77,185,83926182 Harleysville Worcester Insurance Company 434 1,453,116 306,713,585 163,238,097 110,434,030 52,804,06722357 Hartford Accident And Indemnity Company 435 1,449,914 654,037,084 11,348,371,324 8,023,487,026 3,324,884,29933723 * Great American Spirit Insurance Company 436 1,434,919 8,522,406 20,110,696 27,475 20,083,22126581 Independence American Insurance Company 437 1,407,469 62,757,976 102,871,957 42,704,320 60,167,63712754 Medicus Insurance Company 438 1,349,995 63,211,522 80,683,114 47,209,121 33,473,99342447 National General Assurance Company 439 1,331,379 120,257,803 39,297,682 21,807,556 17,490,12629742 Integon National Insurance Company 440 1,310,157 538,079,111 1,740,969,055 1,408,563,888 332,405,16731325 Acadia Insurance Company 441 1,296,257 335,096,886 153,271,937 101,984,725 51,287,21238601 Mic Property And Casualty Insurance Corporation 442 1,280,727 369,340,456 91,330,091 37,375,465 53,954,62611142 United Casualty Insurance Company Of America 443 1,279,212 22,678,995 11,515,113 3,229,620 8,285,49340436 Stratford Insurance Company 444 1,251,721 52,414,836 163,938,064 83,777,767 80,160,29639942 American National General Insurance Company 445 1,220,670 35,971,834 101,710,382 40,888,901 60,821,48134037 Hallmark Insurance Company 446 1,218,484 78,508,797 241,546,755 158,294,755 83,252,00014265 Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company 447 1,207,215 51,205,022 57,058,706 41,646,767 15,411,93818023 Star Insurance Company 448 1,185,574 296,933,965 963,829,942 639,545,335 324,284,60841238 Trans Pacific Insurance Company 449 1,179,297 31,602,743 68,121,710 18,473,895 49,647,81534940 Omni Indemnity Company 450 1,168,425 53,986,830 69,550,518 46,073,275 23,477,24311523 Wright National Flood Insurance Company 451 1,161,063 616,432,980 17,667,730 6,793,573 10,874,15721458 Employers Insurance Company Of Wausau 452 1,160,713 254,943,093 5,277,707,190 3,884,543,021 1,393,164,16942552 Nova Casualty Company 453 1,142,977 237,889,280 99,107,769 7,363,045 91,744,72438962 Genesis Insurance Company 454 1,139,059 25,536,039 194,254,720 61,582,134 132,672,58635157 Fair American Insurance And Reinsurance Company 455 1,098,201 36,724,155 256,920,013 13,863,065 243,056,94813978 Florists' Mutual Insurance Company 456 1,093,767 64,451,812 147,341,093 113,291,218 34,049,87518694 Great Midwest Insurance Company 457 1,089,594 93,745,015 191,783,805 88,826,058 102,957,74722241 Medmarc Casualty Insurance Company 458 1,067,263 27,026,737 250,991,787 78,380,333 172,611,45442331 Guideone America Insurance Company 459 1,063,118 17,208,165 13,270,515 2,831,988 10,438,52725422 Atradius Trade Credit Insurance Inc 460 1,049,119 75,066,781 116,266,336 52,034,652 64,231,68437621 Toyota Motor Insurance Company 461 1,049,001 82,095,765 452,976,245 241,613,350 211,362,89512901 Merchants Preferred Insurance Company 462 1,016,153 72,974,972 67,965,970 42,170,131 25,795,83940460 Sagamore Insurance Company 463 1,006,460 28,083,011 156,080,634 31,419,822 124,660,81233898 Aegis Security Insurance Company 464 1,003,964 94,496,730 101,270,992 47,870,227 53,400,76541211 Triton Insurance Company 465 999,087 76,922,444 492,798,576 302,384,051 190,414,52511206 Housing Enterprise Insurance Company, Inc 466 953,223 26,397,880 66,328,875 35,287,892 31,040,98431089 Repwest Insurance Company 467 948,001 35,724,279 306,370,490 150,535,062 155,835,42823515 Midwestern Indemnity Company, The 468 931,002 16,193,754 27,104,390 42,377 27,062,01319690 American Economy Insurance Company 469 927,021 180,155,858 73,789,878 7,081,901 66,707,97710315 Civic Property And Casualty Company 470 915,994 11,109,583 268,658,481 154,210,771 114,447,710

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Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS19860 Argonaut Great Central Insurance Company 471 910,544 74,541,410 49,432,932 24,597,574 24,835,35831348 Crum & Forster Indemnity Company 472 891,484 44,394,721 45,475,291 30,666,851 14,808,44013455 Bankers Independent Insurance Company 473 884,705 21,046,910 23,578,762 15,821,941 7,756,82141459 Armed Forces Insurance Exchange 474 884,212 79,274,326 136,390,541 65,653,912 70,736,62927740 North Pointe Insurance Company 475 881,343 52,622,448 89,259,264 63,625,217 25,634,04610974 * Club Insurance Company 476 853,671 853,671 10,422,797 2,147,919 8,274,87821865 Associated Indemnity Corporation 477 849,202 151,815,195 95,308,190 11,078,819 84,229,37110367 Avemco Insurance Company 478 846,048 30,613,767 109,546,041 32,958,468 76,587,57330945 Plaza Insurance Company 479 827,068 114,523,659 64,793,434 38,520,932 26,272,50224732 General Insurance Company Of America 480 814,702 314,674,522 110,892,523 5,831,392 105,061,13140444 Old Republic Surety Company 481 809,674 40,488,587 112,764,176 56,699,433 56,064,74310915 Unitrin Direct Property & Casualty Company 482 805,535 34,508,316 17,107,828 7,354,122 9,753,70714575 Millers Capital Insurance Company 483 787,819 59,919,410 134,075,786 70,807,802 63,267,98438156 Alpha Property & Casualty Insurance Company 484 782,026 83,581,154 33,390,806 20,336,016 13,054,79022187 Greater New York Mutual Insurance Company 485 761,575 197,072,231 905,380,855 474,547,426 430,833,42939969 American Safety Casualty Insurance Company Inc 486 761,165 8,546,722 185,477,639 36,854,209 148,623,43019879 Security National Insurance Company 487 758,584 647,295,401 701,461,675 577,888,985 123,572,69018708 Ambac Assurance Corporation 488 752,379 69,613,476 4,464,307,527 4,364,307,527 100,000,00023582 Harleysville Insurance Company 489 749,793 255,350,029 120,507,615 95,527,741 24,979,87424139 Old Republic General Insurance Corporation 490 732,877 386,324,470 1,925,685,166 1,431,597,331 494,087,83513695 National Mortgage Insurance Corporation 491 728,366 34,028,777 261,907,635 38,789,337 223,118,29818619 Platte River Insurance Company 492 717,875 44,507,036 124,541,152 83,001,429 41,539,72310984 Ansur America Insurance Company 493 715,287 17,806,338 99,956,845 64,331,787 35,625,05810859 First Nonprofit Insurance Company 494 711,128 58,043,632 139,391,154 103,287,400 36,103,75425984 Graphic Arts Mutual Insurance Company 495 708,774 130,675,178 139,691,284 85,531,300 54,159,98435696 Harleysville Preferred Insurance Company 496 692,725 262,818,789 141,077,344 98,092,570 42,984,77444300 Tower Insurance Company Of New York 497 686,892 270,461,917 480,507,426 346,531,618 133,975,80812130 New South Insurance Company 498 665,491 135,002,022 60,345,048 53,454,563 6,890,48519038 Travelers Casualty And Surety Company 499 662,354 364,465,775 16,436,177,879 9,966,707,354 6,469,470,52512157 Companion Property And Casualty Insurance Company 500 659,138 338,796,247 1,046,157,998 828,119,607 218,038,39133162 Bankers Insurance Company 501 658,447 72,003,629 162,666,764 93,562,781 69,103,98312190 American Pet Insurance Company Inc 502 640,469 86,819,716 38,917,013 15,255,824 23,661,18923418 * Mid-Continent Casualty Company 503 632,339 138,255,770 483,409,332 340,732,478 142,676,85436650 Guarantee Company Of North America Usa 504 623,076 47,506,200 197,604,649 31,331,761 166,272,88724724 First National Insurance Company Of America 505 610,839 405,786,619 55,202,966 888,612 54,314,35437710 First American Property & Casualty Insurance Company 506 607,730 63,519,894 99,324,652 52,785,718 46,538,93417043 Everett Cash Mutual Insurance Co 507 602,048 55,932,651 107,723,934 53,489,969 54,233,96542376 Technology Insurance Company Inc 508 599,221 950,485,841 1,502,380,648 1,022,944,128 479,436,52013234 Wilshire Insurance Company 509 592,067 127,896,719 226,428,856 118,789,885 107,638,97110642 Cherokee Insurance Company 510 587,661 195,341,913 424,944,853 266,014,588 158,930,26519852 Financial Indemnity Company 511 587,531 181,857,824 77,731,031 52,248,525 25,482,50531488 Integon Preferred Insurance Company 512 584,432 122,506,407 53,278,576 43,954,864 9,323,71333499 Dorinco Reinsurance Company 513 584,191 143,438,324 1,565,932,150 1,031,120,723 534,811,42723396 Amerisure Mutual Insurance Company 514 574,711 376,377,534 2,069,743,432 1,226,736,303 843,007,12940134 Castlepoint National Insurance Company 515 573,920 42,888,593 409,186,273 373,277,585 35,908,68824449 Regent Insurance Company 516 562,189 130,131,973 114,150,324 83,644,536 30,505,78736927 * Colony Specialty Insurance Company 517 560,674 30,671,627 65,324,235 45,335,316 19,988,919

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Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS43044 Response Insurance Company 518 555,001 7,000,787 26,888,433 3,471,469 23,416,96426999 United Guaranty Mortgage Indemnity Company 519 545,151 64,685,983 284,068,307 168,928,149 115,140,15810817 Plateau Casualty Insurance Company 520 544,914 38,952,574 39,503,952 19,044,219 20,459,73341998 American Southern Home Insurance Company 521 543,689 89,075,291 146,569,180 107,863,678 38,705,50222195 Insurance Company Of Greater New York 522 537,253 69,262,435 112,084,510 54,318,568 57,765,94228460 Sentry Casualty Company 523 528,223 169,752,854 261,478,106 190,030,570 71,447,53642234 Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company 524 521,118 36,042,468 161,096,547 84,259,137 76,837,41020613 Sparta Insurance Company 525 510,876 29,420,221 377,113,669 251,472,184 125,641,48519530 * Hallmark National Insurance Company 526 481,279 12,036,553 92,122,436 68,025,555 24,096,88120095 Bitco General Insurance Corporation 527 469,376 335,046,240 810,940,020 522,442,751 288,497,26910499 Corepointe Insurance Company 528 469,090 54,301,931 203,888,978 125,358,119 78,530,85931925 * Falls Lake National Insurance Company 529 469,006 26,981,739 264,331,258 214,775,845 49,555,41310243 National Continental Insurance Company 530 468,049 73,289,844 162,570,317 114,775,825 47,794,49218961 * Crestbrook Insurance Company 531 463,153 17,660,222 106,019,481 10,952,644 95,066,83737923 Seaworthy Insurance Company 532 462,818 91,752,456 90,665,281 37,169,309 53,495,97216217 National Farmers Union Property And Casualty Company 533 459,818 184,634,019 156,174,044 115,761,482 40,412,56114990 Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance Co 534 444,389 541,403,428 1,192,559,503 633,731,862 558,827,64110801 Fortress Insurance Company 535 410,807 25,594,715 135,776,730 74,645,049 61,131,68113750 Vision Benefits Of America Ii Inc 536 404,111 600,146 7,106,594 158,019 6,948,57526310 Granite Re Inc 537 385,389 25,671,030 39,107,983 20,592,632 18,515,35115954 Amtrust Insurance Company Of Kansas Inc 538 377,459 90,141,522 50,125,469 30,821,785 19,303,68422578 Horace Mann Insurance Company 539 372,507 217,161,339 444,297,573 258,018,910 186,278,66319488 Amerisure Insurance Company 540 367,250 340,488,548 752,182,243 527,674,318 224,507,92522730 Allied World Insurance Company 541 361,271 36,144,821 1,727,155,179 634,229,637 1,092,925,54212489 * American Modern Surplus Lines Insurance Company 542 353,282 32,207,931 81,728,252 55,044,788 26,683,46412294 Southwest Marine And General Insurance Company 543 349,461 42,351,613 126,809,799 69,357,524 57,452,27538300 Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Company Ltd (Us Branch) 544 349,014 158,729,662 213,638,597 158,421,894 55,216,70341394 Benchmark Insurance Company 545 346,451 103,999,536 172,943,327 115,566,928 57,376,39938660 Mic General Insurance Corporation 546 342,076 72,188,099 36,402,079 16,602,294 19,799,78524031 Northland Casualty Company 547 332,454 12,083,026 110,471,579 75,062,427 35,409,15132867 Universal Fire & Casualty Insurance Company 548 324,348 2,602,705 14,161,578 7,482,238 6,679,34023507 Mid-American Fire & Casualty Company 549 323,069 323,069 8,206,555 20,061 8,186,49422268 Infinity Insurance Company 550 310,639 652,774,891 1,991,454,434 1,316,810,003 674,644,43135505 Rockwood Casualty Insurance Company 551 305,734 63,222,943 237,323,761 157,491,895 79,831,86614380 Build America Mutual Assurance Company 552 299,144 15,433,775 475,718,740 26,940,544 448,778,19610105 * Victoria Select Insurance Company 553 298,652 83,398,187 37,399,891 29,063,290 8,336,60111967 General Star National Insurance Company 554 293,845 20,873,628 244,126,289 59,837,728 184,288,56135408 Imperium Insurance Company 555 292,126 111,953,893 420,748,331 247,003,537 173,744,79523108 Lumbermen'S Underwriting Alliance 556 290,693 96,575,928 298,282,677 320,785,428 (22,502,751)12718 Developers Surety And Indemnity Company 557 288,476 46,172,342 134,652,912 52,409,721 82,243,19015474 National Lloyds Insurance Company (Ngmc) Attorney-In-Fact 558 284,924 147,934,717 215,733,840 102,710,359 113,023,48118287 Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp 559 275,231 192,753,641 5,961,221,953 3,694,371,523 2,266,850,43020796 21St Century Premier Insurance Company 560 272,515 42,548,977 275,700,295 5,056,839 270,643,45631380 American Surety Company 561 265,190 8,869,775 14,979,897 4,147,697 10,832,20037940 Lexington National Insurance Corporation 562 246,723 12,104,949 55,314,339 39,718,755 15,595,58431968 Merastar Insurance Company 563 233,253 16,131,468 26,473,979 16,963,022 9,510,95736340 Camico Mutual Insurance Company 564 221,508 35,746,772 91,796,324 52,604,407 39,191,917

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OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS26093 * Nationwide Affinity Insurance Company Of America 565 210,359 1,101,171,982 391,357,349 378,342,381 13,014,96829831 Independent Mutual Fire Insurance Company 566 207,723 3,445,444 43,257,076 6,207,640 37,049,43610758 Colonial Surety Company 567 207,042 14,388,989 50,422,375 21,683,875 28,738,50028886 Transguard Insurance Company Of America Inc 568 197,770 83,917,531 245,580,126 117,815,811 127,764,31512815 Financial Guaranty Insurance Company 569 192,938 17,329,591 2,519,317,923 2,452,917,923 66,400,00010656 United States Surety Company 570 192,318 22,970,291 57,839,268 20,821,134 37,018,13410003 * Excess Share Insurance Corporation 571 192,074 1,769,266 50,687,707 29,841,701 20,846,00635386 Fidelity And Guaranty Insurance Company 572 191,497 7,937,726 24,363,611 5,262,265 19,101,34620370 Axis Reinsurance Company 573 189,466 70,707,627 2,872,772,623 2,007,887,467 864,885,15632301 Tnus Insurance Company 574 187,543 12,971,172 68,808,405 17,081,589 51,726,81614958 Peninsula Insurance Company The 575 185,725 46,573,325 83,221,897 41,156,744 42,065,15310226 Unitrin Direct Insurance Company 576 185,451 31,923,969 14,113,530 5,884,385 8,229,14538504 First Surety Corporation 577 182,503 1,352,720 10,252,584 4,404,004 5,848,58024775 St Paul Guardian Insurance Company 578 181,415 5,397,725 76,477,907 50,351,643 26,126,26331275 Republic Mortgage Insurance Company Of North Carolina 579 180,217 5,686,864 216,138,476 201,503,579 14,634,89712982 Great Plains Casualty Inc 580 178,325 5,213,255 15,996,635 2,392,117 13,604,51832506 Monroe Guaranty Insurance Company 581 177,535 54,140,079 48,137,043 (2,737,001) 50,874,04422713 Insurance Company Of North America 582 173,553 117,513,617 869,901,272 644,669,188 225,232,08427081 Bond Safeguard Insurance Company 583 169,888 14,493,037 77,556,952 41,992,151 35,564,80110916 Suretec Insurance Company 584 169,887 57,840,835 175,585,675 93,701,407 81,884,26913021 United Fire & Casualty Company 585 164,353 484,693,443 1,661,866,621 976,000,488 685,866,13342889 * Victoria Fire & Casualty Company 586 158,782 210,623,882 170,777,376 112,309,491 58,467,88511595 Merchants National Bonding, Inc. 587 152,829 7,955,867 20,004,756 8,482,662 11,522,09426379 Accredited Surety And Casualty Company Inc 588 148,289 9,523,379 24,347,094 3,470,217 20,876,87737184 Deerfield Insurance Company 589 148,259 14,143,828 119,638,460 53,063,060 66,575,40010750 1St Choice Auto Insurance Company Inc 590 144,810 11,443,305 17,534,269 9,499,938 8,034,33112777 Chubb Indemnity Insurance Company 591 144,764 383,631,654 351,113,116 210,450,872 140,662,24437060 Old United Casualty Company 592 143,488 159,608,778 656,647,557 321,274,351 335,373,20614281 Inland Mutual Insurance Company 593 140,649 438,608 6,646,723 590,535 6,056,18832778 Washington International Insurance Company 594 137,210 16,920,598 104,291,998 29,797,036 74,494,96234347 Colonial American Casualty And Surety Company 595 136,508 21,517,349 23,182,574 1,366,351 21,816,22314788 Ngm Insurance Company 596 126,576 377,709,633 2,314,400,775 1,346,179,032 968,221,74322810 Chicago Insurance Company 597 125,844 31,135,573 112,747,991 58,518,422 54,229,56930325 Zale Indemnity Company 598 125,001 22,759,008 47,488,740 31,069,032 16,419,70843702 Tower National Insurance Company 599 121,349 65,526,538 39,451,688 32,421,947 7,029,74110222 Paco Assurance Company 600 119,364 11,161,729 73,451,732 37,766,612 35,685,12041106 * Triumphe Casualty Company 601 116,584 15,051,946 36,843,295 18,393,406 18,449,88911018 Upmc Health Benefits Inc 602 114,186 90,400,251 85,435,740 67,552,160 17,883,58022608 National Specialty Insurance Company 603 112,027 122,365,864 71,118,825 27,861,044 43,257,78139950 Metropolitan General Insurance Company 604 107,906 17,829,547 47,962,187 11,878,964 36,083,22335483 Daily Underwriters Of America 605 105,087 11,920,138 37,164,212 10,813,775 26,350,43739322 General Security National Insurance Company 606 103,097 6,217,786 302,649,348 198,794,004 103,855,34436307 The Gray Insurance Company 607 102,279 74,526,203 292,565,948 181,103,541 111,462,40725909 Unitrin Preferred Insurance Company 608 101,381 61,136,018 25,405,612 15,706,545 9,699,06741424 Pennsylvania Manufacturers Indemnity Company 609 99,363 114,201,445 191,170,186 118,970,898 72,199,28818732 Arch Mortgage Guaranty Company 610 95,999 324,403 50,579,613 1,459,819 49,119,79425321 Metropolitan Direct Property And Casualty Insurance Company 611 95,813 309,739,151 119,779,735 88,780,388 30,999,347

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Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS25780 Williamsburg National Insurance Company 612 91,982 30,073,925 140,559,388 106,712,747 33,846,64122276 Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Company 613 83,250 1,408,202 3,521,608,096 287,464,815 3,234,143,28140258 Aig Assurance Company 614 80,298 31,113,410 33,184,342 1,250,672 31,933,67033855 Lincoln General Insurance Company 615 77,798 753,191 76,404,141 75,193,081 1,211,06015911 American Mining Insurance Company 616 74,040 56,538,976 35,726,908 10,789,199 24,937,70942706 Roche Surety And Casualty Company Inc 617 71,745 2,992,893 22,210,775 13,729,843 8,480,93225887 United States Fidelity And Guaranty Company 618 63,903 7,156,102 4,677,408,630 2,211,176,642 2,466,231,98738997 Sompo Japan Fire & Marine Insurance Company Of America 619 59,745 4,356,607 75,781,858 1,796,998 73,984,85915679 National Fire And Indemnity Exchange 620 59,129 4,367,147 11,625,937 5,414,979 6,210,95836951 * Century Surety Company 621 56,448 4,701,958 615,734,827 429,020,651 186,714,17627847 Insurance Company Of The West 622 56,374 713,716,676 1,613,230,364 955,020,804 658,209,56020109 Bitco National Insurance Company 623 55,932 75,502,189 471,687,803 318,608,929 153,078,87437850 Pacific Specialty Insurance Company 624 55,102 208,017,623 304,598,069 170,785,060 133,812,97342765 Centurion Casualty Company 625 51,406 333,563 142,948,252 898,565 142,049,68739551 Continental Heritage Insurance Company 626 50,683 2,629,752 7,347,140 400,347 6,946,79310317 Neighborhood Spirit Property And Casualty Company 627 47,228 19,724,305 270,725,132 154,395,301 116,329,83111681 Csaa Affinity Insurance Company 628 46,677 155,796,594 205,843,957 54,842,382 151,001,57526085 Warner Insurance Company 629 45,232 133,684 11,696,302 87,528 11,608,77420702 Ace Fire Underwriters Insurance Company 630 42,307 29,866,023 100,108,832 27,083,861 73,024,97135009 Financial Casualty & Surety, Inc. 631 38,011 16,125,127 22,809,868 9,822,538 12,987,33036897 Manufacturers Alliance Insurance Company 632 34,942 93,931,183 180,125,548 118,308,545 61,817,00331003 Tri-State Insurance Company Of Minnesota 633 29,601 14,054,393 36,298,823 4,735,573 31,563,25013998 * Utica National Insurance Company Of Ohio 634 29,580 63,144,226 16,236,384 5,095,789 11,140,59522594 Mgic Assurance Corporation 635 29,068 55,990 10,548,675 291,534 10,257,14137206 Contractors Bonding And Insurance Company 636 28,657 60,859,368 198,299,261 86,127,650 112,171,61122950 Acstar Insurance Company 637 28,562 2,124,614 60,506,600 32,455,122 28,051,47811972 West Virginia Mutual Insurance Company 638 27,005 25,643,777 173,211,449 74,773,948 98,437,50132859 Penn-America Insurance Company 639 26,641 73,908,589 190,598,961 106,180,604 84,418,35729033 Atain Insurance Company 640 23,041 7,175,731 72,628,687 26,886,010 45,742,67736684 Riverport Insurance Company 641 19,522 260,365,155 111,994,407 73,538,915 38,455,49329114 Arch Mortgage Assurance Company 642 18,978 95,229 12,881,021 262,728 12,618,29311983 Auto Club Property-Casualty Insurance Company 643 18,455 75,110,914 81,150,619 52,584,107 28,566,51217965 American Sentinel Insurance Company 644 18,256 9,880,334 30,164,540 14,507,736 15,656,80439098 Omni Insurance Company 645 18,018 79,389,978 198,563,733 132,636,027 65,927,70628860 Rli Indemnity Company 646 16,427 1,587,985 44,159,474 462,308 43,697,16611024 Strathmore Insurance Company 647 14,723 48,809,042 51,080,712 27,152,231 23,928,48121075 Financial American Property And Casualty Insurance Company 648 13,899 5,653,567 12,866,644 2,802,251 10,064,39323426 * Oklahoma Surety Company 649 13,340 19,858,874 27,303,657 10,686,819 16,616,83815586 Preserver Insurance Company 650 13,054 52,892,209 140,075,777 129,998,620 10,077,15729513 Bar Plan Mutual Insurance Company, The 651 11,903 17,741,348 47,876,252 29,992,168 17,884,08429157 United Wisconsin Insurance Company 652 10,942 155,782,948 283,777,468 194,944,801 88,832,66722748 Pacific Employers Insurance Company 653 9,419 13,064,453 3,390,509,399 2,220,329,886 1,170,179,51310340 Stonington Insurance Company 654 9,026 12,769,305 156,696,337 115,555,456 41,140,88126905 Century-National Insurance Company 655 8,946 178,852,561 593,149,605 208,134,945 385,014,66027138 Midvale Indemnity Company 656 8,833 503,682 13,128,798 668,519 12,460,27928339 Gateway Insurance Company 657 7,909 17,475,935 50,898,344 38,004,627 12,893,71814190 Obi National Insurance Company 658 7,804 11,475,609 13,060,195 25,786 13,034,409

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Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS41483 Farmington Casualty Company 659 6,457 251,679,519 1,009,570,522 721,916,377 287,654,14510909 Sun Surety Insurance Company 660 5,522 3,264,163 17,972,516 9,316,361 8,656,15512260 Campmed Casualty & Indemnity Company Inc 661 5,333 4,037,405 20,335,197 278,192 20,057,00524279 * Progressive Max Insurance Company 662 5,000 175,551,356 384,311,350 261,419,045 122,892,30529530 Axa Art Insurance Corporation 663 2,168 2,575,909 44,433,171 9,895,350 34,537,82020621 Onebeacon America Insurance Company 664 2,025 (293,942) 25,860,274 2,594,195 23,266,07940517 Advantage Workers Compensation Insurance Company 665 2,004 19,304,978 107,859,928 57,057,333 50,802,59513793 Medmal Direct Insurance Company 666 1,816 14,326,720 27,312,091 16,132,843 11,179,24823434 Middlesex Insurance Company 667 1,252 116,187,581 673,093,498 422,042,474 251,051,02410778 * Victoria National Insurance Company 668 1,164 1,164 3,540,834 18,693 3,522,14110318 Exact Property And Casualty Company 669 1,131 3,735,191 267,853,295 153,949,238 113,904,05712304 Accident Fund General Insurance Company 670 896 291,186,582 172,817,199 113,532,056 59,285,14312305 Accident Fund National Insurance Company 671 813 75,226,479 189,976,458 129,042,545 60,933,91315377 Western National Mutual Insurance Company 672 808 270,702,467 762,509,732 412,558,513 349,951,21912297 Petroleum Casualty Company 673 728 5,995,993 30,775,360 8,224,033 22,551,32710166 Accident Fund Insurance Company Of America 674 509 361,354,533 2,387,026,798 1,636,090,648 750,936,15020648 Employers' Fire Insurance Company, The 675 416 (510,545) 13,007,803 1,937,342 11,070,46016578 Stillwater Property And Casualty Insurance Company 676 319 81,489,337 119,042,685 6,647,847 112,394,83913200 Universal Surety Of America 677 305 2,666,586 15,850,789 85,465 15,765,32419828 Argonaut-Midwest Insurance Company 678 250 26,361,186 31,893,673 15,740,759 16,152,91539497 * Infinity Assurance Insurance Company 679 177 47,044,130 6,974,146 1,359,267 5,614,87925933 Universal Surety Company 680 100 7,009,754 189,003,245 54,272,931 134,730,31425879 Fidelity And Guaranty Insurance Underwriters Inc 681 40 317,897,852 165,821,338 64,965,599 100,855,73916675 Genworth Mortgage Insurance Corporation Of North Carolina 682 40 (21) 349,191,233 195,914,815 153,276,41819224 St Paul Protective Insurance Company 683 11 46,067,853 507,768,007 281,545,248 226,222,75944245 21St Century Assurance Company 684 - 66,257,758 69,282,675 1,062,854 68,219,82112963 21St Century Insurance Company 684 - 524,263,504 895,405,798 14,785,754 880,620,04436587 21St Century National Insurance Company 684 - 20,922,882 24,336,526 549,472 23,787,05432220 21St Century North America Insurance Company 684 - 136,019,781 577,638,236 32,616,304 545,021,93322896 Aca Financial Guaranty Corporation 684 - 61,969 370,865,469 303,963,343 66,902,12619984 Acig Insurance Company 684 - 16,348,579 412,616,200 294,875,570 117,740,63044318 Admiral Indemnity Company 684 - 71,481,313 54,320,732 14,507,108 39,813,62442609 Affirmative Insurance Company 684 - 226,287,558 188,142,900 163,878,043 24,264,85734886 Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Company Of America 684 - 1,041,911 102,362,908 41,557,946 60,804,96219399 Aiu Insurance Company 684 - 394,656 234,596,960 325,933 234,271,02710957 Alamance Insurance Company 684 - - 488,090,233 118,598,698 369,491,53524899 Alea North America Insurance Company 684 - - 145,812,539 48,131,621 97,680,91819135 Alfa Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 623,669,987 1,275,046,484 737,289,660 537,756,82311242 Allied Eastern Indemnity Company 684 - 89,959,019 61,922,465 47,202,592 14,719,87310127 * Allied Insurance Company Of America 684 - - 13,978,147 57,918 13,920,22910212 Allmerica Financial Alliance Insurance Company 684 - 116,206,480 19,422,774 15,961 19,406,81310829 Alterra Reinsurance Usa Inc 684 - - 1,491,632,398 742,260,384 749,372,01413293 Amalgamated Casualty Insurance Company 684 - 5,954,172 45,088,343 6,861,588 38,226,75610103 American Agricultural Insurance Company 684 - 48,497,583 1,105,115,297 579,425,576 525,689,72138237 American Country Insurance Company 684 - 63,328,851 79,843,176 61,417,757 18,425,41937990 * American Empire Insurance Company 684 - - 40,932,765 20,497,936 20,434,83010819 American Equity Specialty Insurance Company 684 - - 77,096,048 48,548,457 28,547,591

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OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS23337 American European Insurance Company 684 - 16,844,071 148,002,238 78,821,141 69,181,09739152 American Healthcare Indemnity Company 684 - (8,069) 103,957,446 82,786,217 21,171,23042722 * American Modern Property & Casualty Insurance Company 684 - - 21,184,279 4,895,467 16,288,81212700 * American Mutual Share Insurance Corporation 684 - 251,246 230,350,794 28,040,074 202,310,72033006 American Physicians Assurance Corporation 684 - - 445,868,681 230,861,476 215,007,20519283 American Standard Insurance Company Of Wisconsin 684 - 249,634,675 414,831,415 85,522,334 329,309,08119712 American States Insurance Company Of Texas 684 - 17,650,444 11,911,428 318,007 11,593,42137214 American States Preferred Insurance Company 684 - 126,200,443 22,220,935 723,843 21,497,09219623 American Summit Insurance Company 684 - 24,529,352 45,545,995 16,582,416 28,963,57912504 Ameriprise Insurance Company 684 - 37,212,236 46,977,974 1,841,362 45,136,61311050 Amerisure Partners Insurance Company 684 - 25,668,452 75,124,419 52,316,579 22,807,84042390 Amguard Insurance Company 684 - 302,899,058 419,651,716 309,692,970 109,958,74630830 Arch Indemnity Insurance Company 684 - 12,551,928 33,518,519 9,150,652 24,367,86710348 Arch Reinsurance Company 684 - - 1,736,857,781 632,905,670 1,103,952,11124678 Arrowood Indemnity Company 684 - 119,651 1,473,661,724 1,224,614,182 249,047,54240398 Ashmere Insurance Company 684 - - 12,566,190 22,121 12,544,06930180 Assured Guaranty Corp 684 - 62,074,166 2,539,243,653 1,453,105,381 1,086,138,27220931 Atlanta International Insurance Company 684 - - 44,550,393 24,640,024 19,910,36937001 Atx Premier Insurance Company 684 - 7,452,424 9,536,149 4,780,309 4,755,84013412 Austin Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 63,432,061 49,529,451 16,150,631 33,378,82027235 Auto Club Family Insurance Company 684 - 129,091,122 97,625,438 55,387,675 42,237,76315512 Automobile Club Inter-Insurance Exchange 684 - 262,925,627 402,142,404 196,446,134 205,696,27034460 Autoone Insurance Company 684 - 6,451,305 44,144,451 30,334,654 13,809,79715610 Axis Specialty Insurance Company 684 - (2,905) 75,416,117 17,123,251 58,292,86613070 Berkshire Hathaway Assurance Corporation 684 - 2,338,827 2,275,735,509 816,183,510 1,459,551,99922250 Blueshore Insurance Company 684 - - 48,061,268 31,521,518 16,539,75027464 California Casualty & Fire Insurance Company 684 - 14,193,274 61,628,909 35,798,834 25,830,07620117 California Casualty Indemnity Exchange 684 - 240,915,704 557,643,295 238,522,789 319,120,50520125 California Casualty Insurance Company 684 - 11,029,607 112,708,248 28,298,756 84,409,49225950 Casco Indemnity Company 684 - 10,189,738 26,752,257 15,337,781 11,414,47611499 Censtat Casualty Company 684 - 2,806,038 19,115,719 2,628,753 16,486,96634649 Centre Insurance Company 684 - - 148,741,012 109,887,066 38,853,94620710 Century Indemnity Company 684 - - 917,381,869 892,381,869 25,000,00010669 Church Insurance Company 684 - - 25,301,389 10,036,175 15,265,21422004 Cim Insurance Corporation 684 - 9,824,528 18,416,703 1,160,380 17,256,32316721 * Cincinnati Equitable Insurance Company 684 - - 3,916,018 85,954 3,830,06420532 Clarendon National Insurance Company 684 - (430,933) 585,390,061 344,637,016 240,753,04525070 Clearwater Insurance Company 684 - - 1,201,310,011 864,003,805 337,306,20610019 Clearwater Select Insurance Company 684 - - 1,177,667,975 746,087,864 431,580,11133480 Clermont Insurance Company 684 - 9,228,362 24,248,774 2,438,264 21,810,51010887 Coastal Select Insurance Company 684 - 13,266,455 99,772,520 57,517,322 42,255,19836552 Coliseum Reinsurance Company 684 - - 291,387,741 116,074,891 175,312,85027812 Columbia Insurance Company 684 - 22,737,874 20,054,177,125 5,063,944,750 14,990,232,37134754 Commerce Insurance Company 684 - 1,370,434,879 2,217,411,812 1,534,579,531 682,832,28110220 Commonwealth Insurance Company Of America 684 - 58 22,225,237 2,656,659 19,568,57821989 Compass Insurance Company 684 - - 12,018,880 1,758,364 10,260,51734711 Computer Insurance Company 684 - - 23,990,915 (279,808) 24,270,723

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Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS32190 Constitution Insurance Company 684 - 6,933,576 20,861,748 5,737,132 15,124,61610204 Consumers Insurance Usa Inc 684 - 38,969,464 72,031,162 41,700,980 30,330,18228258 Continental Indemnity Company 684 - 291,651,106 156,574,028 90,814,819 65,759,20910783 Cornerstone National Insurance Company 684 - 36,681,508 35,737,503 24,196,323 11,541,18020982 Country Casualty Insurance Company 684 - 34,323,241 78,245,186 10,359,654 67,885,53221008 Country Preferred Insurance Company 684 - 527,513,632 206,238,695 140,825,320 65,413,37510022 Countryway Insurance Company 684 - 36,276,164 25,979,258 3,245,999 22,733,25910448 Cumberland Insurance Company 684 - 24,826,083 104,225,230 53,499,473 50,725,75713684 Cumberland Mutual Fire Insurance Company 684 - 111,320,975 261,871,124 119,396,828 142,474,29640975 Dentists Insurance Company, The 684 - 62,979,526 327,497,198 145,619,250 181,877,94823736 Direct National Insurance Company 684 - 11,047,234 17,704,043 10,953,558 6,750,48510724 Eastern Alliance Insurance Company 684 - 102,916,449 236,525,770 148,977,156 87,548,61422926 Economy Fire & Casualty Company 684 - 22,975,495 467,921,051 98,609,167 369,311,88438067 Economy Preferred Insurance Company 684 - 67,044,371 35,237,236 24,754,954 10,482,28225402 Employers Assurance Company 684 - 157,636,204 617,828,914 416,185,394 201,643,52010358 Encompass Insurance Company 684 - 84,106,035 10,158,379 97,114 10,061,26511551 Endurance Reinsurance Corporation Of America 684 - 18,120,552 1,562,057,491 887,999,511 674,057,98043630 Endurance Risk Solutions Assurance Co 684 - 51,320,983 242,731,312 181,907,097 60,824,21521741 Esurance Insurance Company Of New Jersey 684 - 83,528,271 17,546,392 6,049,186 11,497,20624961 Everspan Financial Guarantee Corp. 684 - - 220,627,463 2,642,274 217,985,18918864 Fairmont Insurance Company 684 - - 27,336,322 11,229,013 16,107,30925518 Fairmont Premier Insurance Company 684 - - 144,857,534 17,659,858 127,197,67624384 Fairmont Specialty Insurance Company 684 - (15) 152,391,637 56,478,406 95,913,23135211 * Falls Lake General Insurance Company 684 - - 6,065,725 1,897,630 4,168,09521555 Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company Of Michigan 684 - 168,618,126 651,897,143 361,596,407 290,300,73624201 Farmers Automobile Insurance Association The 684 - 241,128,208 1,171,233,211 680,071,285 491,161,92643699 Farmers Specialty Insurance Company 684 - 10,380,854 25,997,857 9,566,272 16,431,58539136 Finial Reinsurance Company 684 - - 1,230,232,992 382,037,031 848,195,96121660 Fire Insurance Exchange 684 - 1,512,462,873 2,281,746,242 1,510,696,042 771,050,20012825 First Acceptance Insurance Company Of Tennessee, Inc. 684 - 13,192,201 25,057,113 14,834,715 10,222,39811177 First Financial Insurance Company 684 - 12,368,004 540,166,067 133,739,141 406,426,92633383 First Professionals Insurance Company Inc 684 - (597,635) 402,702,519 214,218,040 188,484,48010985 Fortuity Insurance Company 684 - - 37,626,978 22,608,416 15,018,56218821 General Casualty Insurance Company 684 - 42,205,736 71,382,379 52,177,961 19,204,41837095 Genworth Financial Assurance Corporation 684 - - 7,374,648 210,536 7,164,11221032 Global Reinsurance Corporation Of America 684 - - 345,891,393 212,188,223 133,703,17011136 * Grange Insurance Company Of Michigan 684 - 103,686,819 67,290,125 29,560,616 37,729,50939896 * Great American Casualty Insurance Company 684 - - 12,795,451 11,540 12,783,91110646 * Great American Contemporary Insurance Company 684 - 78,446 10,357,255 - 10,357,25538580 * Great American Protection Insurance Company 684 - 301,224 26,037,746 - 26,037,74631135 * Great American Security Insurance Company 684 - 1,213,122 17,984,937 - 17,984,93729890 Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection And Insurance Company Of Ct, The 684 - 7,046 97,533,096 49,294,861 48,238,23531550 Haulers Insurance Company Inc 684 - 36,290,086 71,233,947 33,665,216 37,568,73135904 Health Care Indemnity Inc 684 - 71,505,437 525,702,851 339,249,848 186,453,00332077 Heritage Casualty Insurance Company 684 - - 61,663,345 182,965 61,480,38017221 Homesite Insurance Company 684 - 260,175,306 125,389,674 41,176,374 84,213,30035246 Illinois Insurance Company 684 - - 35,348,550 12,494,443 22,854,107

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Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS21792 * Infinity Casualty Insurance Company 684 - 16,465,666 7,446,104 1,362,299 6,083,80510195 * Infinity Preferred Insurance Company 684 - (52) 5,000,724 1,361,236 3,639,48816802 * Infinity Safeguard Insurance Company 684 - 2,601,088 5,263,116 1,360,001 3,903,11526700 Insurance Company Of Illinois 684 - 293,106 22,562,701 2,247,057 20,315,64433030 Insurance Company Of The Americas 684 - - 9,357,956 4,815,468 4,542,48827930 Integon Casualty Insurance Company 684 - 77,696,453 48,493,268 37,040,141 11,453,12722780 Integon General Insurance Corporation 684 - 32,694,951 28,907,792 17,597,767 11,310,02522772 Integon Indemnity Corporation 684 - 26,448,753 49,547,317 16,668,143 32,879,17414303 Integrity Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 93,804,043 91,573,309 46,616,047 44,957,26212986 Integrity Property & Casualty Insurance Company 684 - 52,967,266 20,199,414 9,171,220 11,028,19415598 Interinsurance Exchange Of The Automobile Club 684 - 2,342,760,500 8,547,889,949 3,051,140,693 5,496,749,25610749 Intrepid Insurance Company 684 - - 33,375,067 4,167,796 29,207,27131577 Iowa American Insurance Company 684 - 11,310,558 23,021,317 13,798,936 9,222,38214338 Iowa Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 77,191,163 98,804,268 64,379,789 34,424,47912203 * James River Insurance Company 684 - 246,735,953 500,620,599 342,363,400 158,257,19910885 Key Risk Insurance Company 684 - 67,625,861 50,170,643 20,725,264 29,445,37938148 Lancer Indemnity Company 684 - 12,404,489 23,036,028 12,665,864 10,370,16437109 Landcar Casualty Company 684 - 9,930,703 35,934,951 18,360,273 17,574,67814486 Liberty Mutual Mid-Atlantic Insurance Company 684 - 208,848,473 20,401,364 1,710,418 18,690,94611746 Liberty Personal Insurance Company 684 - 95,704,755 16,840,269 1,440,598 15,399,67132352 Lm Property And Casualty Insurance Company 684 - - 71,848,032 35,672,373 36,175,65911198 Loya Insurance Company 684 - 314,744,480 256,512,123 137,185,957 119,326,16642617 Mag Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 230,367,351 1,635,632,573 862,371,259 773,261,31411054 Maiden Reinsurance North America Inc 684 - 26,732 1,216,115,996 926,892,152 289,223,84411149 Maine Employers Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 144,647,146 830,432,532 436,574,127 393,858,40523876 Mapfre Insurance Company 684 - 56,771,403 64,579,970 39,388,311 25,191,65916101 Meemic Insurance Company 684 - 299,732,106 236,339,580 168,330,546 68,009,03411030 Memic Indemnity Company 684 - 111,556,869 328,122,745 200,644,385 127,478,36033650 Mendota Insurance Company 684 - 52,448,980 124,409,178 87,396,892 37,012,28623353 Meridian Security Insurance Company 684 - 187,719,823 114,173,119 45,294,508 68,878,61140169 Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company 684 - 568,207,451 201,426,790 148,545,086 52,881,70540150 Mga Insurance Company Inc 684 - 201,903,213 249,734,898 139,151,837 110,583,06110682 Mgic Credit Assurance Corporation 684 - 139,273 44,704,691 481,229 44,223,46214508 Michigan Millers Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 102,605,630 174,239,617 131,853,373 42,386,24415380 * Mid-Continent Assurance Company 684 - 2,137,662 31,370,337 10,677,171 20,693,16620451 Midstates Reinsurance Corporation 684 - - 86,576,308 53,388,305 33,188,01523574 Midwest Family Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 120,426,192 178,963,841 128,829,540 50,134,30141653 Milbank Insurance Company 684 - 94,655,954 577,691,202 444,747,296 132,943,90616942 Mmic Insurance Inc 684 - 121,585,444 706,451,604 396,248,591 310,203,01323655 Modern Service Insurance Company 684 - 1,146,650 28,308,563 640,446 27,668,11716187 Mosaic Insurance Company 684 - - 17,539,765 891,578 16,648,18744180 * Mountain Laurel Assurance Company 684 - 137,163,653 121,148,962 74,906,696 46,242,26610227 Munich Reinsurance America Inc 684 - - 16,484,839,741 11,230,033,659 5,254,806,08213559 Municipal Assurance Corp. 684 - 2,404,581 1,519,753,850 908,219,359 611,534,49114664 Mutual Benefit Insurance Company 684 - 102,770,358 194,829,999 113,431,924 81,398,07511044 National General Insurance Online Inc 684 - 79,855,660 31,280,768 20,403,173 10,877,59527944 National Insurance Association 684 - - 13,362,344 1,905 13,360,439

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John Kasich Governor


Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS11051 * National Interstate Insurance Company Of Hawaii Inc 684 - 29,367,867 45,519,343 33,353,606 12,165,73723825 National Public Finance Guarantee Corporation 684 - 6,475,596 5,142,361,691 2,951,951,703 2,190,409,98810070 * Nationwide Indemnity Company 684 - - 3,165,344,756 2,120,452,452 1,044,892,30410948 * Nationwide Insurance Company Of Florida 684 - 47,094,930 338,367,150 49,424,300 288,942,85021830 New England Insurance Company 684 - - 37,657,885 3,380,093 34,277,79241629 New England Reinsurance Corporation 684 - - 38,306,676 3,392,077 34,914,59835432 New Jersey Re-Insurance Company 684 - 44,646,223 556,834,729 163,707,824 393,126,90533200 Norcal Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 182,252,360 1,359,345,436 717,210,017 642,135,41931208 Oakwood Insurance Company 684 - - 71,215,274 42,182,693 29,032,58023680 Odyssey Reinsurance Company 684 - - 7,577,353,738 4,328,689,314 3,248,664,42435602 * Ohic Insurance Company 684 - - 102,399,353 53,818,132 48,581,22117558 * Old Guard Insurance Company 684 - - 410,194,579 230,359,410 179,835,16935424 Old Republic Security Assurance Company 684 - - 6,654,332 78,789 6,575,54312254 Omaha Indemnity Company, The 684 - - 14,618,199 2,116,039 12,502,16029793 Pacific Star Insurance Company 684 - 4,367,962 9,262,110 2,699,254 6,562,85638636 Partner Reinsurance Company Of The Us 684 - - 4,742,621,557 3,322,577,650 1,420,043,90710006 Partnerre Insurance Company Of New York 684 - 9,273,607 141,186,717 24,769,827 116,416,89023442 Patriot General Insurance Company 684 - 23,070,751 27,394,388 1,120,450 26,273,93714923 Patrons Mutual Insurance Company Of Connecticut 684 - 76,788,758 51,765,930 30,553,721 21,212,20918139 Peak Property And Casualty Insurance Corporation 684 - 177,375,865 47,510,842 7,895,562 39,615,28021962 Pennsylvania Insurance Company 684 - - 47,921,560 12,597,954 35,323,60623175 Phenix Mutual Fire Insurance Company 684 - 21,100,949 59,914,748 36,723,055 23,191,69312319 Philadelphia Reinsurance Corporation 684 - - 221,683,439 86,276,694 135,406,74521750 Pilgrim Insurance Company 684 - 22,813,647 59,457,999 43,057,652 16,400,34726794 * Plans' Liability Insurance Company 684 - - 80,090,202 42,499,519 37,590,68310357 Platinum Underwriters Reinsurance Inc 684 - - 1,564,653,416 1,033,285,200 531,368,21610287 Pmi Insurance Co 684 - 4,341,768 96,605,367 31,220,909 65,384,45811863 Positive Physicians Insurance Exchange 684 - 10,190,650 49,058,801 34,729,220 14,329,58115024 Preferred Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 289,801,307 502,334,435 302,265,423 200,069,01229017 Professionals Advocate Insurance Company 684 - 26,455,452 129,545,087 28,755,694 100,789,39325585 Professionals Direct Insurance Company 684 - - 22,417,903 73,581 22,344,32211851 * Progressive Advanced Insurance Company 684 - 932,892,321 355,261,366 208,085,618 147,175,74824252 * Progressive American Insurance Company 684 - 1,195,829,677 416,237,096 240,883,262 175,353,83417350 * Progressive Bayside Insurance Company 684 - 13,852,650 108,188,702 75,644,982 32,543,72044288 * Progressive Choice Insurance Company 684 - - 11,154,208 4,522,099 6,632,10942994 Progressive Classic Insurance Company 684 - 243,208,757 334,832,098 236,822,591 98,009,50712879 * Progressive Commercial Casualty Company 684 - - 8,068,034 45,468 8,022,56610193 * Progressive Express Insurance Company 684 - 373,343,219 183,614,143 134,900,399 48,713,74442412 * Progressive Gulf Insurance Company 684 - 297,207,934 241,522,235 165,143,226 76,379,00910067 * Progressive Hawaii Insurance Corp 684 - 147,203,372 155,016,904 103,490,850 51,526,05437605 Progressive Marathon Insurance Company 684 - 415,286,791 397,478,837 267,837,671 129,641,16610187 Progressive Michigan Insurance Company 684 - 361,886,635 452,918,443 313,172,940 139,745,50335190 * Progressive Mountain Insurance Company 684 - 435,056,933 222,985,808 160,478,701 62,507,10738628 Progressive Northern Insurance Company 684 - 1,281,219,535 1,349,241,463 963,446,518 385,794,94542919 * Progressive Northwestern Insurance Company 684 - 485,463,781 1,313,532,981 925,940,058 387,592,92344695 Progressive Paloverde Insurance Company 684 - 323,802,828 117,809,846 78,082,444 39,727,40221735 * Progressive Premier Insurance Company Of Illinois 684 - 335,661,606 198,322,548 147,219,755 51,102,793

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Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS10192 * Progressive Select Insurance Company 684 - 1,174,321,067 525,450,979 377,850,050 147,600,92938784 Progressive Southeastern Insurance Company 684 - 340,964,711 151,641,136 95,181,274 56,459,86221727 Progressive Universal Insurance Company 684 - 677,287,013 304,617,703 200,184,688 104,433,01527804 * Progressive West Insurance Company 684 - 303,878,851 140,977,032 106,371,154 34,605,87810638 Proselect Insurance Company 684 - 175,554,510 95,484,266 69,901,257 25,583,00924295 Providence Washington Insurance Company 684 - - 138,812,539 102,604,387 36,208,15015059 Public Service Insurance Company 684 - 115,633,077 505,738,039 393,693,924 112,044,11529807 Pxre Reinsurance Company 684 - - 25,839,653 8,748,188 17,091,46510219 Qbe Reinsurance Corporation 684 - - 1,176,116,556 349,280,869 826,835,68723752 Quanta Indemnity Company 684 - 62,058 53,387,348 34,396,974 18,990,37422705 R & Q Reinsurance Company 684 - - 148,129,179 139,651,499 8,477,68036250 Radian Asset Assurance Inc 684 - 12,392,656 1,349,699,345 210,756,860 1,138,942,48530872 Radian Mortgage Assurance Inc 684 - - 17,507,206 36,419 17,470,78738512 Rampart Insurance Company 684 - - 34,069,609 23,085,203 10,984,40622179 Republic Indemnity Company Of America 684 - 115,045,301 2,229,469,356 1,725,840,575 503,628,78243753 Republic Indemnity Company Of California 684 - 145,837,076 36,931,713 2,366,724 34,564,98932174 Republic Mortgage Insurance Company Of Florida 684 - - 26,394,552 18,391,580 8,002,97220133 Response Worldwide Direct Auto Insurance Company 684 - (11,203) 6,708,875 53,125 6,655,75026050 Response Worldwide Insurance Company 684 - 213,101 10,615,410 58,560 10,556,85024759 Safeco National Insurance Company 684 - 57,520,088 16,492,945 2,138,533 14,354,41211123 Safety First Insurance Company 684 - 3,907,331 18,167,064 3,523,050 14,644,01421911 San Francisco Reinsurance Company 684 - - 98,434,952 23,958,228 74,476,72430058 Scor Reinsurance Company 684 - - 2,269,577,653 1,565,315,459 704,262,19425763 Seaton Insurance Company 684 - - 62,529,710 43,365,271 19,164,44022543 Secura Insurance, A Mutual Company 684 - 357,253,869 940,358,583 607,442,630 332,915,95310239 Secura Supreme Insurance Company 684 - 150,855,568 115,591,975 64,263,717 51,328,25822233 Select Insurance Company 684 - - 73,783,192 229,254 73,553,93817752 Select Risk Insurance Company 684 - 3,346,590 36,738,187 22,305,245 14,432,94112870 Sentruity Casualty Company 684 - 51,884,769 140,073,624 96,947,775 43,125,84922985 Sequoia Insurance Company 684 - 59,132,007 247,762,569 168,288,470 79,474,09923388 Shelter Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 1,339,260,734 2,973,777,226 1,291,064,674 1,682,712,55337141 Southern General Insurance Company 684 - 51,309,851 44,765,018 30,580,672 14,184,34619216 Southern Insurance Company 684 - 87,127,600 44,666,846 14,006,928 30,659,91826867 Southern Insurance Company Of Virginia 684 - 75,271,252 132,755,140 72,693,695 60,061,44512645 Standard Casualty Company 684 - 13,356,958 33,592,687 15,650,680 17,942,00725151 State Farm General Insurance Company 684 - 2,052,470,577 6,714,926,061 2,893,722,354 3,821,203,70710130 Su Insurance Company 684 - 14,100,027 22,212,475 10,098,960 12,113,51539187 Suecia Insurance Company 684 - - 46,796,933 26,283,257 20,513,67625364 Swiss Reinsurance America Corporation 684 - - 13,109,146,296 8,849,312,014 4,259,834,28219526 Texas General Indemnity Company 684 - - 26,178,298 10,838,834 15,339,46441769 The Travelers Casualty Company 684 - 142,185 203,936,821 140,780,243 63,156,57925534 Tig Insurance Company 684 - (72,152) 2,054,933,559 1,340,053,111 714,880,44842439 Toa Reinsurance Company Of America, The 684 - - 1,773,335,184 1,058,718,831 714,616,35319453 Transatlantic Reinsurance Company 684 - - 14,574,640,306 9,804,140,889 4,770,499,41733014 * Transport Insurance Company 684 - - 33,811,712 23,626,806 10,184,90528188 Travco Insurance Company 684 - 331,018,458 219,743,467 149,574,396 70,169,07136170 Travelers Casualty Company Of Connecticut 684 - 30,793,020 322,385,866 229,624,434 92,761,432

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Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS40282 Travelers Commercial Casualty Company 684 - 14,063,583 327,240,655 230,800,815 96,439,84136137 Travelers Commercial Insurance Company 684 - 445,325,492 344,667,982 250,319,730 94,348,25241750 Travelers Constitution State Insurance Company 684 - 208 204,192,319 140,764,509 63,427,81038130 Travelers Personal Insurance Company 684 - 65,418,850 198,738,576 133,872,884 64,865,69236145 Travelers Personal Security Insurance Company 684 - 170,902,460 206,242,003 139,392,208 66,849,79519887 Trinity Universal Insurance Company 684 - 58,073,519 2,200,122,184 1,256,699,167 943,423,01741050 Underwriter For The Professions Insurance Company 684 - 60,148 272,155,144 213,697,986 58,457,15825798 Unigard Indemnity Company 684 - 361,569 47,840,215 35,244,687 12,595,52825747 Unigard Insurance Company 684 - 187,581,366 365,504,316 254,207,188 111,297,12721423 Union Insurance Company Of Providence 684 - 48,568,187 113,557,379 58,041,627 55,515,75236048 Unione Italiana Reinsurance Company Of America Inc 684 - - 68,515,932 36,614,564 31,901,36815288 United Farm Family Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 565,533,747 956,834,561 599,707,570 357,126,99119496 United Fire & Indemnity Company 684 - 27,329,541 46,817,836 29,690,153 17,127,68316659 United Guaranty Commercial Insurance Company Of North Carolina 684 - - 69,822,665 15,363,387 54,459,27841335 United National Specialty Insurance Company 684 - 5,790,369 37,854,517 18,600,786 19,253,73116063 Unitrin Auto And Home Insurance Company 684 - 220,944,342 92,587,481 59,187,523 33,399,95840703 Unitrin Safeguard Insurance Company 684 - 74,080,571 25,878,769 18,843,077 7,035,69235416 Us Underwriters Insurance Company 684 - 29,864,506 175,319,466 52,601,528 122,717,93810413 Usagencies Direct Insurance Company 684 - - 5,341,170 14,717 5,326,45326611 Valiant Insurance Company 684 - (458) 21,474,997 1,364,721 20,110,27611821 Vantage Casualty Insurance Company 684 - - 84,253,842 44,589,460 39,664,38242285 Veterinary Pet Insurance Company 684 - 48,551,160 281,341,331 177,392,673 103,948,65839616 Vision Service Plan Insurance Company 684 - 754,884,681 203,931,329 79,178,878 124,752,45126425 Wausau General Insurance Company 684 - 101,748 13,007,429 1,088,491 11,918,93827871 Western Agricultural Insurance Company 684 - 262,799,215 182,748,643 105,350,264 77,398,37919950 Wilson Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 122,394,870 96,364,804 72,288,827 24,075,97726166 Windsor-Mount Joy Mutual Insurance Company 684 - 30,311,277 65,719,990 23,657,880 42,062,11053139 Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corporation 684 - 552,573,300 315,609,654 170,193,650 145,416,00424376 Woodridge Insurance Company 684 - (2,393) 8,334,684 79,776 8,254,90831232 Work First Casualty Company 684 - 13,635,354 40,226,794 31,102,709 9,124,08520273 Wrm America Indemnity Company Inc 684 - (225) 24,915,460 10,029,940 14,885,52040193 Xl Insurance Company Of New York Inc 684 - - 211,186,254 131,964,930 79,221,32420583 Xl Reinsurance America Inc 684 - 20,481,491 5,627,641,628 3,394,046,033 2,233,595,59513269 Zenith Insurance Company 684 - 601,917,774 1,834,094,724 1,269,559,962 564,534,76211738 * Infinity Auto Insurance Company 976 (18) 329,943,671 9,451,631 1,869,229 7,582,40226069 Wausau Business Insurance Company 977 (145) 7,397,945 39,677,878 13,039,879 26,637,99939640 * Fireman'S Fund Insurance Company Of Ohio 978 (291) 7,155 52,427,431 3,441,562 48,985,86921970 Onebeacon Insurance Company 979 (312) 912,754 295,214,862 165,193,114 130,021,74840932 * Mico Insurance Company 980 (360) (360) 13,162,719 1,434,728 11,727,99110794 Companion Commercial Insurance Company 981 (561) 20,164,521 22,091,473 2,926,928 19,164,54530007 General Fidelity Insurance Company 982 (1,394) (35,640) 431,046,771 72,410,577 358,636,19419372 Northern Insurance Company Of New York 983 (3,649) (1,332,304) 36,932,515 6,572,714 30,359,80124813 Balboa Insurance Company 984 (11,852) (3,093,084) 243,612,524 44,217,453 199,395,07119356 Maryland Casualty Company 985 (13,190) (2,816,078) 161,119,903 12,371,779 148,748,12419305 Assurance Company Of America 986 (19,321) (804,161) 24,431,675 3,954,086 20,477,58813242 Titan Indemnity Company 987 (20,488) 150,753,557 250,913,009 78,954,872 171,958,13710784 Maxum Casualty Insurance Company 988 (34,692) 85,238 53,385,985 36,314,868 17,071,117

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John Kasich Governor


Fire and Casualty Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014


OH PREM DIRECT PREMIUMS WRITTEN TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK OHIO TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS24821 Meritplan Insurance Company 989 (35,475) (902,447) 41,527,413 3,669,753 37,857,66015563 Seabright Insurance Company 990 (47,548) 304,958 463,113,807 358,281,091 104,832,71612041 Mbia Insurance Corporation 991 (78,400) 109,555,160 960,166,930 418,673,698 541,493,23226042 Wausau Underwriters Insurance Company 992 (114,971) 35,889,878 96,128,883 31,589,655 64,539,22836463 Discover Property & Casualty Insurance Company 993 (163,584) 4,027,336 141,033,077 76,970,231 64,062,846

TOTAL 22,854,892,302$ 452,080,358,776$

* Domiciled in Ohio** Includes HIC Line of Business premiums. See Health Insuring Corporations listing for HIC LOB Direct Written premiums only.

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John Kasich Governor


Title Companies Summary Financial InformationYear Ending December 31, 2014



OH PREM Non Affiliate Affiliate Total Non Affiliate Affiliate Total TOTAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANDNAIC DOM COMPANY NAME RANK Direct Ops Agencies Agencies OHIO Direct Ops Agencies Agencies TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS50814 First American Title Insurance Company 1 15,773,627$ 72,103,425$ 13,223,125$ 101,100,177$ 513,295,386$ 1,724,853,705$ 718,055,742$ 2,956,204,833$ 2,187,243,933$ 1,208,517,105$ 978,726,828$50520 Old Republic National Title Insurance Company 2 2,517,726 60,171,079 - 62,688,805 71,364,884 1,389,135,063 164,201,688 1,624,701,635 953,146,310 517,077,193 436,069,11750229 Chicago Title Insurance Company 3 4,204,623 20,524,523 15,335,665 40,064,811 220,545,269 794,206,914 652,120,193 1,666,872,376 1,905,830,081 934,754,377 971,075,70450121 Stewart Title Guaranty Company 4 198,244 22,100,775 10,949,108 33,248,127 156,566,579 658,064,031 383,072,959 1,197,703,569 1,082,474,389 556,708,298 525,766,09151586 Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 5 3,049,942 8,928,435 6,699,286 18,677,663 124,304,855 683,426,225 508,101,569 1,315,832,649 1,267,783,803 790,931,355 476,852,44850083 Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company 6 3,101,403 11,883,264 283,347 15,268,014 80,222,299 282,432,916 185,554,367 548,209,582 581,846,381 336,738,790 245,107,59151330 * Ohio Bar Title Insurance Company 7 1,080 12,360,295 - 12,361,375 1,608,727 12,792,414 - 14,401,141 26,662,101 16,586,288 10,075,81350050 Westcor Land Title Insurance Company 8 356,564 8,837,190 15,487 9,209,241 5,503,085 247,786,871 46,130,953 299,420,909 82,805,443 59,028,325 23,777,11851152 Wfg National Title Insurance Company 9 - 7,598,826 62,846 7,661,672 21,305,055 166,280,785 27,219,758 214,805,598 69,751,034 50,836,094 18,914,94050016 Title Resources Guaranty Company 10 - 394,804 3,897,405 4,292,209 1,879,086 103,768,125 126,665,456 232,312,667 73,381,436 45,684,273 27,697,16250172 General Title Insurance Company 11 719 4,166,413 - 4,167,132 719 9,938,050 - 9,938,769 9,971,674 5,772,532 4,199,14250130 North American Title Insurance Company 12 - 2,030,431 73,832 2,104,263 - 63,748,590 93,073,809 156,822,399 90,021,645 38,885,523 51,136,12251411 American Guaranty Title Insurance Company 13 96,207 1,593,345 - 1,689,552 2,072,431 20,444,759 3,209,962 25,727,152 33,979,525 10,629,317 23,350,20851020 National Title Insurance Of New York Inc 14 - 30,215 1,299,201 1,329,416 817,666 12,935,737 76,470,945 90,224,348 119,526,096 68,141,455 51,384,64151209 Conestoga Title Insurance Company 15 18,975 920,111 - 939,086 220,477 5,728,874 225,569 6,174,920 18,757,876 5,958,315 12,799,56150369 Investors Title Insurance Company 16 27,995 722,415 - 750,410 23,678,196 44,238,656 862,274 68,779,126 140,364,933 67,850,001 72,514,93250164 * Bankers Guarantee Title And Trust Company, The 17 - 132,784 - 132,784 - 132,784 - 132,784 25,205,605 14,211,415 10,994,18951632 * Entitle Insurance Company 18 94,236 11,038 - 105,274 4,584,074 3,933,034 - 8,517,108 16,140,763 6,090,001 10,050,76250440 Real Advantage Title Insurance Company 19 - - 15,616 15,616 253,393 - 2,115,927 2,369,320 4,662,887 283,676 4,379,21150792 Southern Title Insurance Corporation 20 - 3,544 - 3,544 - 184,764 - 184,764 8,733,307 28,722,713 (19,989,408)12522 Agents National Title Insurance Company 21 - - - - - 8,292,379 - 8,292,379 7,522,083 4,495,533 3,026,55051624 First American Title Guaranty Company 21 - - - - - - 3,047,791 3,047,791 15,045,654 2,369,351 12,676,30350377 National Investors Title Insurance Company 21 - - - - 17,875 41,421,582 - 41,439,457 14,448,469 3,830,567 10,617,90250026 Premier Land Title Insurance Company 21 - - - - - 1,614,440 18,627,240 20,241,680 14,864,063 7,509,397 7,354,66650784 Security Title Guarantee Corporation Of Baltimore, The 21 - - - - 7,349 35,242,605 - 35,249,954 14,350,796 11,217,410 3,133,386

TOTAL 29,441,341$ 234,512,912$ 51,854,918$ 315,809,171$ 1,228,247,405$ 6,310,603,303$ 3,008,756,202$ 10,547,606,910$




Mary Taylor Lt. Governor / Director

John Kasich Governor


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2015Ohio Department of Insurance

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