Officers - Microsoft...Feb 05, 2016  · Feb. 4—Blood Drive @Carteret Street United Methodist...


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Beaufort, SC

District 7770



Address: P.O. Box 522, Beaufort, SC 29901

Visiting Rotarian—Welcome to our club!


Club: _______________________________________

Make up for meeting of: ________________________

Please give this Rotarian attendance credit for attending our

meeting today.

Sergeant at Arms: _____________________________

Date: _______________________________________

Other Rotary Meetings:

Sea Island—Tuesdays @ 12:00 Quality Inn

Beaufort Rotary—Wednesday @ 12:00 St. Peters Catholic Church


President: Jeff Althoff— (843) 812-2921 cell

Past President: Charlotte Gonzalez – (843) 575-2366 cell

President-Elect-Alan Beach – (843) 986-2225 wk

Secretary: Peach Morrison – (843) 812-1308 cell

Executive Secretary: Alice Howard— (843) 271-0550 cell

Treasurer: Doug Crowley – (843) 379-1065 wk

Sergeant At Arms: Gay Rodgers – (843) 252-2191 home

Foundation Chair : Kerry Bunton – (843) 524-4483 home

Club Service Chair: Scott (843) 247-0494 home 524-3300 work

Community Service Chair: Andrew Jones- (843) 379-6661 wk

Membership Chair: Terri (843)522-1093 home 812-8920 cell

New Generations Chair: Kevin Dukes— (843) 524-3109 wk

Vocational Chair: Blake (843) 441=2892 cell

Assistant Governor: Richard “Dick” Bowen – (843) 252-7033 cell

The Four Way Test

Is it the Truth? Is it FAIR to all concerned?

Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

Mission of Rotary International

The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and ad-

vance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, profes-

sional, and community leaders.

Date: February 5, 2016

New member Caitlin Reid giving her

occupational talk at last week’s meeting.

Member Anniversaries Years total

Bill Gossett 43

Robert Moul 1

John and Gay receive additional Paul Harris Fellows from RI!

Important Dates:

Feb. 4—Blood Drive @Carteret

Street United Methodist Church

Feb.5-vote on By-Laws

Feb. 19-Board elections

Feb.20-Adopt-a-Highway 8:30 am

Feb.25-Board meeting, Doug

Crowley’s office 6:00 pm

Feb.27-Social at Stokes, 6:00 pm,

Oyster roast -members bring side


March 5– Charities Oyster Roast at

Live Oaks Park, Port Royal—need

volunteers to serve beer 1:00-8:00


March 18-20,2016– District 7770

Conference at Hilton Hotel,

Columbia, SC can register now on

District 7770 web site: http:// ** Remember to e mail or give Peach any make-ups from doing

projects or attending other Rotary meetings. We need to keep

track of service hours so let Kerry know if you worked on a service

project too.


Feb. 5– Brad Samuel, Shelter Boxes and Kerry Bunton, CART Fund introduced by Laura Fanelli.

Feb. 12– Dr. Gough, TCL President, introduced by Kathy Crowley.

Feb. 19– Chief Reece Bertholf, Port Royal/Beaufort Fire Chief introduced by Alice Howard.

Feb. 26-LaNelle Fabian, Main Street Beaufort introduced by Dick Bowen.

March 4-Shelby Berry, Beaufort Conservation District introduced by Charlotte Gonzalez.

March 25-Andrea Sisino, OLLI Director introduced by Doug Crowley.

If you have suggestions for speakers, please e mail or call Scott Klumb. (843)247-0494. Each Rotarian will be assigned a week. It is their responsibility to introduce the guest speaker, select a door prize with value of $20 (NOT CASH), offer the invocation, pledge as well as take down the banners at the end of the meeting.

Spanish Moss Trail week of:

Feb.8– Scott

Feb. 15-Gay

Feb.22– Peach

Wedding Anniversaries Partner Date Years

Josette Grimsley Jim Feb. 22 ?

Connie Hipp Eddie Feb.24 7

Member and Partner Birthdays Date

Kathy Crowley February 2

Mark Stokes (Terri) February 5

Ben Coppage February 7

Josh Reid (Caitlin) February 12

Liz Gossett (Bill) February 22

Agenda for

February 5, 2016

Breakfast 7:30 am

Call to Order 7:40 am

Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance

Introduction of Visitors

Raffle Drawings

Fines & Brags

Business / Announcements


Cart Fund

Adjournment 8:30 am

Adopt-a-Highway Feb. 20, 2016 8:30 am :

Dick Bowen; Doug and Kathy Crowley; John

Eliassen; Alice Howard; Blake McDonald;

Robert Moul and Terri Stokes. If you can-

not be there, please find a substitute for

your Saturday.

Left: Blake with Beaufort Cluster New Teacher of the

Year—Lady’s Island Middle School , Andrew Diamond

and Principal Auman Kates.

Above: Blake with Beaufort Cluster

New Teacher of the Year-Mossy

Oaks Ashiki Lewis and Principal

Donald Gruel. Right: Blake with

Beaufort High School New Teacher

of the Year, Seth Konoza and De-

partment Head Dan Tooman.

Rotary Club of the Lowcountry By-

Laws (dated June 15, 2012) : Arti-

cle 3 Election of Directors and Offi-

cers, Section 5 states “Elected di-

rectors shall be elected for two

year terms. Director terms will be

staggered with 3 to expire each

year. A director may not be

elected to successive terms.” Pro-

posed change will delete last sen-

tence, “ A director may not be

elected to successive terms.”
