Office of State Project Director RMSA, Himachal...


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No. EDN-HE(17)-24/2012-Voc.Directorate of Higher EductionHimachal PradeshDated Shimla

Office of State Project DirectorRMSA, Himachal Pradesh


All the Principals,Govt. Sr. Sec. School (Vocational),Himachal Pradesh.

22nd November, 2014

Subject -


Implementation of Vocational Education under - NSQF in H.P.

This is in continuation to this office Letter No. of even dated No.

14-Nov-2013 and 23-Jun-2014. In this connection it is to inform you that vocationaleducation has been introduced in 200 GSSS of the state in 7 different sectors/subjectshaving 2 subjects in each school. About 21500 students have been enrolled in thesesubjects during the current session. The vocational courses are running smoothly and havegathered great momentum. The department is committed to enhance the skill developmentof the students which should be unmatched in delivery and uncompromising in quality. But ithas come to the notice of the department that still there are some shortcomings at grass rootlevel. The syllabus of some vocational subjects is lagging behind in many schools and itseems that it is not possible to achieve the target of 200 to 300 teaching hours, which is theviolation of the provisions of this scheme. It has also been observed during the monitoring ofthe schools that Guest Lectures, Field Visits and Industrial Visits are not being conductedproperly as per the schedule.

As you are aware that the responsibility of guest lectures, field visits andIndustrial visits has been assigned to the VTP's concerned, as per agreement. But as perthe reports received from the schools the VTP's are not showing much interest in theseactivities so far. Whereas an amount to the tune of rupees 50,000 for old schools and rupees25,000 for new schools per school has already been released to the VTP's for theseactivities by the RMSA

Therefore you are directed to ensure the completion of syllabus,practical, guest lectures, field visits and industry visits etc. before 31-12-14 for winter closingschools and 31-01-15 for summer closing schools positively. The extra/over time may beutilized during holidays and vacations for these activities if required so. In case any VTP failsto perform these activities as per the agreement the report may be submitted immediately tothis office so that further action in the matter could be taken accordingly.

Keeping in view the above you are hereby directed to submita consolidated report on the prescribed performa attached within 3 days to the undersignedthrough DPO/DCO concerned. Any violation/delay in this regard will be viewed seriously.Please treat it as most urgent.

[;. "Y\~'

1. Performa

2. Agreement

State Pr~dt 0l1i€9tol1 RMSAHimachal Pra<ffiSll t:'n~ls;

Endst. No.: Even Dated Shim\a-H1001 22nd November, 2014Copy for information & further necessary action to:

1. The Principal Secretary (Edu.) to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh.2. The Director of Higher Education, Himachal Pradesh3. Sh. Basab Banerjee, Head-Standard & QA NSDC.4. Sh. Ajay Mohan Goel. Director-Skill Colleges Wadhwani Foundation.5. The Sector Skill Councils concerned.

6. All the Dy. Directors of Higher Education, Himachal Pradesh.7. The Project Manager, Wadhwani Foundation.8. The DPO/Distt. Coordinators of DIET's in H.P. with the directions to

consolidate the reports of district concerned within stipulated period.

State pGjett;6)it~it0A, RMSAHimachal Pradesh~ \

/~Status Report - NSQF H.P.- ---. -

VTP Name:Trade:


SchoolSyllabus CompletedGuest LecturesIndustry VisitsField'

S.Nc 9th10th11th12th9th10th11th12th9th10th11th12th9th10th























13GSSS -

























Month: Year:Visits

Student PortfolioRole Plays doneModels prepared11th


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Department of Higher EducationGovernment of Himachal Pradesh


Healthcare Sector Skill Council (HSSC)


Vidyanta Skills Institute Pvt. Ltd


!National Vocational Education Qualification Framework


Program Implementation Support in H.P.

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~ijf't(Jm-HlMACHALPRADESH 563760IS Agreement has been made and agreed upon between all the parties mentioned below,

signed on the 2S\h day of the month of April and year 2014!A.

eThis Agreement is for collaboration on the Introduction of Applied Skills in Healthcare and

t[nplememation under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Vocationalisation of HigherSecondary Education (CSSVE) in alignment with National Vocational Educational

t)ualifiCatiOn Framework (NVEQF) in Schools in State of Himachal Pradesh.


Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (Under H.P. School Education Society) Government~lbf Himachal Pradesh, hereinafter referred to as "RMSA", (which expression shall, unless it

be repugnant to the subject or context thereof, include its successors and permittee!

assigns) acting thrOLJgh its authorised representative, Mr.Ghanshyam Chand, State ProjectDirector - RMSA, Himachal Pradesh Government.






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Vidyanta Skills Institute Pvt. Ltd., a National Skill Development Corporation partner, is a

company incorporated in India under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at (.

511 Chittaranjan Park. New Delhi 110019 INDIA. hereinafter referred to as "VIDYANTA", which

expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof, include its successors

and permitted assigns, acting through its authorised representative Jonathan R. Lance, Co·Chief Executive Officer.

B. Background and Purpose

The Government of India has brought out a revised Centrally Sponsored Scheme of

Vocationalisation of Secondary Education by integrating employability education into SchoolEducation in September 2011. The scheme is operated within the National VocationalEducation Qualifications Framework (NVEQF), which establishes a system of clear educational

pathways from school to higher education while providing certification of vocational skills. The

project has been approved for the state of Himachal Pradesh by MHRO. GOI and accordinglyHimachal Pradesh has been impJemet)ting the National Vocational Educational QualificationFramework (NVE.QF) from the academic year 2013. The aim was to start the project inacademic year 2013-14 at Class 9th (Ievell) in normal track and class 11th (Levell & 2) in fasttrack mode in 100 government schools in Himachal Pradesh. The students who start ilt class11th (Levell & 2) in 2013 will attain the Level 4 Certification by 2015 at the time of completionof 12th Standards (Secondary Edllcation).The aim of this project is to make studentsemployable when they complete secondary education. The Project will be jointly funded byCentral Government and the State Government.

HSSCis a Sector Skill Council for the Healthcare Sector and has been set by the Confederation

of Indian Industry (CII). National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)and ieading Healthcare

Industry players in India with an aim to create an eco-system for quality vocational education inAllied HealthcMe and Paramedics.

VTP is an applicant to NSDC for funding to set-up Skills Development Academy and would beapplying to HSSCfor affiliation with an objective to train and create a cadre of skilled. certifiedand employable allied Healthcare professionals

RMSA is a register·ed society under sub section 2 of section 11 of the H.P. Societies RegistrationAct.2006 (No. 25 of 2006) established in the year 191~Day of March.2010 and is based inShimla. H.P.. RMSA is the implementing organization heading the NVEQF project for thesession 2014-15 and onwards.

C. Roles and Responsibilities of RMSA

RMSA is the implementing organization and will be responsible for activities such as:

a) Budgeting and expenditure - Obtaining and manage the MHRD funding as per Centrally

Sponsored Scheme of Vocationalisatlon of Secondary Edllcatjon ICSSVE)sanction and the Statefunds for the project implementation. Allocate budget and sanction expenses in view of theCSSVEsanctioned plan per school for the activities/ interventions identified and executed byRMSA in coordination with VTP throllgh HSSCsubject to availability/approval/release of fundsby the Central and State Government. The ActiVities/Interventions identified for VTP are as

follows: ~,,-."'. t.r~t;. ~".~

• Faculty Selection - The \'TP shall adopt d·trans~:'~"~'. mOd~'{·~~· lection for Vocational

Trainers. The number of posts shall be advertise is ro~a i . regional Newspaper.:? .:...

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dearly specifying the minimum qualification and contractual hOnorarium of the teacher.

The selection shall be made on the basis of p(!(sonnel interviews. AI! the selectedcandidates shouLd be bonafide Himachali. rn case such selected candidates are not

available, VTP's shall approach to the SPDRMSAfor permission to select non· Himachali

candidates, Monitoring and evalvation shall be carried out by Wadhwani Foundation.The final selection will be made after the intimation of the list of selected candidates to

State Project Director, RMSA (H.P.)

• The Faculty deployed will be entitled one casual leave per month with prior approvalof the Princlpal.

• Student/CommUnity Mobilization.• Transaction of Curriculum and Training Deliverv• Ananging Guest 'Iectureas per guidelines. VTP must provide the guest lectureschedule in advance by 31'\ May, to the concerned district coordinators who in turn wlll

facilitate its approval through RMSA.

• ArrangIng Industry VIsit as per guidelines. vrp must provide the Industry visit schedule

in advance to the concerned district coordinators who in turn will facilitate its approvalthrough RMSA.• Regular monitoring

• Recommend a trair11ng coordinator through SSC/NSDC who would be coordinatingwith Vocational Trainers, monitor training, and liaison with all stake holders and shouldbe based in H,P. Office.

• Any other activities/inter·vention specified by RMSA for the successful implementationof the Proje.ct.

• Substitute! backup teacher to be (lrranged in case of 10 days or more of regularabsence ofVT.

iJ.) identification. of districts! schools - Selection of districts and schools where Health careapplied skilis could be introduced.

c) Communication and marketing plan: To oeate awareness, stakeholder engagement

and bringing In the right talent into the NVEQF program. Counselling of students & parents toenrol into the program .

d) Skill Gap Sttldy: Assist in Skill Gap study in all Districts or the State, from demand andsupply side.

e) Advisory Group: Creation of adVisory/management group at the various level formonitoring/feedback/regular assessments as to bl?decided from time to time by the RMSA

f) Nodal Officersl CoordInators: Designate and recommend through DHE Nodal OfficerlCoordinators at Headquarters Level and also at District Level who will be responsible foroverseeing/reporting the programlmplernented by VTP

g) Infrastructure for Setting up of lab: f~MSAwill construct/ provide one existing room for

setting up lab in consultation with NSDC/Wadhwani Fo,mdation/SSe and would procureequipment and Jnstrumentsand set up a lab cum classroom.

. .


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ith the scheme of


i) Faculty Deployment: The RMSA will Qutsource the training delivery to VTP through

concerned sse: prescribe qualification for VOcational Trainer, issue guidelines for selection ofVocational Trainers.

j) Raw materials for lab: RMSA would p.rocure raw materials (lnd conswmables for traininglab, in accordance with provisions laid down in CSSVEScheme.

k) Payment Schedule to VTP

RMSA will make the payment to VTP within 7 working days in receipt of consolidated invoicesubmitted by VTP to RMSA.

VTP will utilize this fund for paying honorarium to the Trainer deployed in fhe project,

maintaining backup Trainers and covering its administrative cost.

I) M1S: Generate MIS. RMSA will appoint a dedicated operator for the same at RMSAoffice .- Shimla.

D Roles and Responsibillties of VTP

a) Training Delivery: ViP wHl arrange for competent Vocational Trainers who will be

placed in the schools after .attending the induction training organised by RMSA.

VT1s Hc:mof;1rium:• Each Vocational Trainer will be paid a gross honorarium not exceeding Rs. 1.81ac5

per annum @ Rs. 150001- per month fixed,

• The expenditure details would have to be kept and maintained in a transparentmanner by the VTP's VTP's will present the invoice on monthly basis as per the

actual payment to be made to the VT's along with their bank details. VTP's willbe directly crediting the honorarium to the VT's account through RTGS.

VTP's Payment:For the services being provided by the VTP, RMSA will credit the VTP's account with:

• 12 percent of the amount paid to the VT''!; for honorarium to cover managementand monitoring expenses incurred an VT's. This amount will be paid in monthlyinstalment for twelve months from the flexible pool fund allotted by MHRO on

monthly basis along with vT's Salary Invoice .

• Rs. 25,000 per month for 12 months as honorarium for VTP's coordinator. Thisamount will be paid In monthly instalment from the flexible pool fund allotted byMHRD. This shall be paid to the VTP along with the Invoices for the VT', Salary on

a monthly basis .

• Rs 65;000 per academic year per school per VTP for 2VT's (Rs. 32,500/- for each

VTP with single VT) for 'arranging guest facwlty as per gUidelines in one

instalment at the beginning of academic year or on availability of funds homMHRD and would be provid1;d to the VTP's from the component assigned for the

same by MHRD. VTP will have to arrange for 2 guest lecturers per month for

each dass/Lllvell.'4, -- --•


~ ~inlatbnl ~8\)ftnmtnt 3Jubitta1~r3

thousand per school per year) on the production of the receipt counter signed bythe Principal.

• R5.50,OOO per academic year per school per vrp for 2 VT's (Rs. 25,000;' per

school per VTP vvith single VT) to cover industry visit expenses and cost of

providing hands on skill training to students in industrial and commercialestablishment VTP will have to arrange for 3 industry visits each for Levell to

~, ....•

Level II as per the industry viSit gllldeimes. 4

• Office expense Rs. 5Q,000/- per annum per school per VTP for 2 VT's (Rs.25,000/- per school per VTP with single VT) will be provided (for Awareness &

publicity, Guidance, transport ilnd fielcl visits) in one instalment at the beginningof academic year or on avaHabliity of funds from MHRD and would be providedto the VTP's from the component assigned for the same by MHRD,

• Utilization Certificate needs to be provided by VIP to RMSA alongwith vouchers,bills and receipts component wise per school at the end of financial year and a

copy of the same to be provided to the Principal and Dim. Coordinatorconcerned.

bl Tra'lning, of Trainers: RMSA with consultation of sse WOUld undertake "Training of

trainers (loT)" program at penodic intervals to update the faculty /Vocational

Trainers with the content developed, training methodology and adaptation toindustry needs. VTP will make available their trainers for this program as and whenreq~Jired.

c) VTP Coordinator: VIP would nominate "VIP Coordinator" who would act as a singlepoint of contact representing VTP for NVEQF - H. p, program for coordination,monitoring, training, preparing reports and successful implementation of theprogram at Headquarter. The VTP coordinator will function under the overall

supervision of RMSA and in consultation with WF/VTP and will keep WF/VTP!RMSAand district coordinators informed about all relevant aspects on monthly basis. In

case he/she fails to discharge his/her duties satisfactorily, he/she will be,given a cure

period of one 1110nth. If his/her performance still does not Improve, RMSA/Wr will

recomn1end his removal to VTP concerned within 10 days.

dl Guest LectUres: VTP would engage guest leclLlres on periodic basis on the request ofschool principals for which payment will be made by VTP concerned. The schedulefor the same must be provid.ed by the VTP to the concerned District Coordinators

belore 3rt May of every year. District Coordinators in turn will facilitate approvalfrom RMSA for the same.

eJ Contingencies, Student Management lnformation System Software, Field visits,publicity, guidance, counselling, and transport: VTP would coordinate with RMSAand Wadhwani t:oundatlon to undertake field visits, mobilize students, and conduct

counselling session. Cost of 3 Industry Visits annually per level per school is to beborne by th~ VIP as per the Industry Visit Guidelines.





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concerned whereas all other matters it will be to VTP with overall superintendence

witn the !\M5A and the instructions, directions issued by the RMSA would prevail.

hJ Training Delivery; VTP will ensure that the vocational training is delivered inconcerned sector to students enrolling for the program with a view to get them

employed in the sector, jf they wish to. Following will be ensured by VTP and

overseen /reported by SSCtoo:

• Ensure that the entire vocational content designed is delivered in the classroom within

the stipulated time. Ensure quality parameters are met.

Ensure conduction of internal assessments of students on a weekly/ monthly basis as

per the assessment pattern set up for the domain.

• Conduct soft skill training including preparing the students for work as per the industryrequirement.

• Inviting and organising guest lecturers from domain related experts working in industry.

i) Service Level Terms: Following Service Level Terms will be adhered to by VTP

,.... Complete the syllabus as per the time line.

o Conduct practical cfasses as per the syllabus.

o Conduct work readiness morlule and prepare students for world of work.

o Arrange industry Visits/guest lectures as and when required.

o Facilitate industry interaction and interface.o ASSist/facilitate in placement of the students.

('I Arrange campus interview wherever possible and needed.

j) Performance Metrics/ Measurement: VTP's performance will be measured throughRMSA/SSC for:

o Content delivery as per timeline.a Industry Engagement.

o Placement of students, who desire to seek employment after attaining Level 4certification

-, Percentage of students getting certifiedTimely ilnd accurate reports.

o Regularity of VT's in the schools

k) Leave:



The faculty deployed will be entitled one casual leave per month with theprior approval of the Principal concerned.

Maternity leave provisions will be taken care by the VTP.

I) Penalty Clause: If any faculty is absent for more than 7 working days withoutintimation or 10 working days with intimation (a copy of the leave application shouldbe sent to the RMSA through Principal concerned), RMSA /Principal concerned willimpose a penalty on concerned VTP.

1Financial implications wOllld be laid Ollt on the VTP after 20 days @ Rs 500 perday.

2. A show cause notice would be served on the 21st day to the VTP to arrange analternate VT.

3. Post step (2) RMSA: NSDC will hear to the concerns of the VTP why noreplacement/substitution was provided in the school and will take decision

accordingly ,.::;;:;==,~:-'~...

. ~""c 1I"~I{iro1~4. In case of delay In htringfsubstitution in hard and tribal ar R&>?pecia,\~:r~;pission

needs to be taken from SPD, RMSA for extension of time. (sJ~~<',,)<i ~., III ","i-- • -t I'

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