offices 189,000 152 Audit Tax Advisory KPMG with … · Fast facts Where do you see yourself at...


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Where do you see yourself at KPMG?Fast facts

AuditIn KPMG’s Audit practice our clients look to us to provide industry insight and valuable perspective on salient business issues. You will be involved in analyzing and assessing clients’ business processes, internal controls, and recommending areas of improvement to your clients.

TaxIn KPMG’s Tax practice, your skills, tact and knowledge can make a difference to your client’s business strategy and ultimately, their bottom line. You’ll work with clients to identify tax-planning opportunities and help meet their tax compliance requirements. Your experience in Tax will help build strong analytical and communication skills along with a wealth of knowledge that will help you stand out no matter what career path you choose.

AdvisoryIn KPMG’s Advisory practice, you will be part of a multi- disciplinary team, equipped with deep sector knowledge, and use superior analytic tools. You will work with national and global organizations to help them improve business performance, leverage IT investments, protect financial assets, manage risk, and boost market confidence.

KPMG Enterprise™

Our KPMG Enterprise practice is devoted exclusively to helping Canadian business owners and entrepreneurs build value in their business and grow thriving private companies. Under the guidance of seasoned KPMG Enterprise professionals, you will grow to understand the needs of your clients and help provide effective advice to help owners achieve their goals.


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The KPMG name and logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International.

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KPMG in Canada had over 128 people on global assignment in 2016

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What will yourstory be?

Supporting business developmentBuilding strong relationships with clients has provided me with the opportunity to expand my network and develop my professional skills. Participating in meetings, interacting with clients and working alongside a team that supports my development has greatly impacted my ability to assist in attracting new clients. This experience taught me valuable lessons in the importance of business development, along with an appreciation for how truly dedicated KPMG is in fostering relationships with new and existing clients.

MentorshipKPMG provides a variety of opportunities to connect with mentors throughout the firm and are instrumental in helping you achieve career success. My mentor is dedicated to my development at KPMG, and has shown me that a great mentor is someone who does not show you the way, but rather, guides you in the path you choose to create. Having someone who has gone through similar experiences throughout their own career was insightful and something I hope to pass on to my own future mentees.

Amanda HadidSenior AccountantKPMG’s office in Montreal, McGill University

Executive LookThis exclusive summer conference, held in Toronto, opened my eyes to what a future at KPMG would hold.I was given the opportunity to network with executive and management teams, build relationships with students from across Canada and learn more about the culture of the firm. Hearing first hand experiences from employees at all levels, I knew that working at KPMG was going to bring me the future that I had always dreamed of. It was after these three days that I was confident KPMG was where my future was headed.

KPMG on campusIt was during an on-campus information session where I was introduced to KPMG recruiters and ambassadors for the first time. They shared valuable information about KPMG’s National Programs like Ace the Case. My participation in the Ace the Case program would not have been possible without the opportunity to network and develop relationships during KPMG’s on-campus events. After Ace the Case, I applied to KPMG’s Executive Look Conference in Toronto, and the rest is history.

Taylor LoganStaff AccountantKPMG’s office in Regina, Mount Royal University

Stephanie Lane

National student programsThe National Campus programs that KPMG offers provide countless opportunities. I participated in Ace the Case, where my team won the National Competition. This led us to the KPMG International Case Competition (KICC) in Dubai, UAE. Meeting and competing against participants from over 28 different countries was an incredible experience. I developed relationships with people from firms across the globe, gained valuable case writing skills and got to visit Burj Khalifa; the world’s tallest skyscraper. This experience was truly life changing and has greatly benefited my career at KPMG.

Summer internship programAs a summer intern I was given the opportunity to volunteer with fellow interns and colleagues while supporting community initiatives. One event in particular was Lawn Summer Nights, a lawn bowling tournament to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis Canada. Being in a rotational program also gave me the opportunity to explore different practice areas and gain valuable experience in both Audit and Management Consulting. I am fortunate to have participated in the program and have memories that will last a lifetime.

GlobalopportunitiesI was given the opportunity to pursue four international secondments through KPMG’s Global Opportunities (GO) Program in India and the United Kingdom. I work with incredible professionals and help develop a program that is changing the audit world. I’m supporting a team of 150 professionals and each day, we are making history. What made this journey incredible was the support from my home office. From India to the UK, my home Partners always supported me and pushed me to seize every opportunity.

Countless opportunities When I joined KPMG, I never expected I would travel the world and be a part of a national initiative with an international profile. The opportunities I’ve been given throughout my career go beyond my wildest dreams. It is because of the firm’s constant support that I’ve been able to explore a multitude of career paths and grow both personally and professionally.  

Achieving CPA successThe resources that KPMG provided throughout the CPA process helped set me up for success. Not only did I feel prepared to succeed, I also was given the opportunity to build relationships with colleagues and mentors who had successfully navigated the program. They offered constant support, valuable advice and motivation that helped alleviate the stress of day-to-day studying.

Community leadershipAs the Events Manager on the Dancers for Cancer Board of Directors I assist with fundraising in support of SickKids Hospital and their Child Life Programming Fund. Whether adjusting my work schedule to accommodate my participation, supporting my initiatives through donations or honouring me with a National Community Leadership Award, KPMG was supportive of my involvement from start to finish.

Catherine MaddeverStaff AccountantKPMG’s office in Toronto, Ivey Business School

Campus ambassadorMeeting KPMG Campus Ambassadors is a great way to hear from individuals who have been through the recruitment process. They are able to share their experiences within the firm and provide you with a wealth of knowledge about working at KPMG. Connecting with KPMG Ambassadors in a more relaxed, one-on-one environment gave me the chance to be myself, share my interests and past experiences. Remember, the recruitment process is all about finding your best fit and the more you interact with Ambassadors the more they are able to get to know you and discover what sets you apart.

Maddi KoopStaff Accountant KPMG’s office in Vancouver, University of British Columbia

ManagerKPMG’s office in Montreal, HEC Montreal

Global internship programLiving and working in Sydney, Australia was a truly humbling experience. Not only was I immersed in a new culture but I was given the opportunity to work within an industry that I would have not otherwise experienced in my home office. Through the Global Internship Program I was able to develop an international network of professionals, many of whom I still stay in contact with today. The program not only allowed me to grow as an individual but also as a professional in a fast-paced work environment.

Ryan Li Staff Accountant KPMG’s office in Calgary, University of Calgary

Alex MasonStaff AccountantKPMG’s office in Vancouver, Simon Fraser University

Spencer RussellSenior AccountantKPMG’s office in Hamilton, McMaster University

AvenuesThe Avenues program provides an exceptional learning experience where you are able to participate in cross functional activities throughout the firm. I‘ve worked on engagements in Tax and Advisory. During my Advisory experiences my focus was in Deal Advisory and Management Consulting. These experiences exposed me to a variety of client work and provided me with the opportunity to build strong professional relationships. I would recommend this program to any young professional looking for the chance to expand their knowledge of KPMG’s service lines. The more I was able to learn about the program, the more I realized it was the right direction for my career development.
