OCTOBER, 2016lebanonunitedmc.weebly.com/uploads/.../october_2016... · OCTOBER, 2016 We will resume...


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NEWSLETTER STAFF: Mary Lou Pennell, Editor Phone: 746-8538 mlpennell@comcast.net Linda & Chuck Connors CHURCH INFORMATION: R. Spencer Broce, Pastor Lisa Beckwith, Youth Minister Linda Kennedy, Choir Director Sarah Davis - Accompanist Meredith Vogel, Nursery Associate Bonnie Field, Adm. Assistant

Worship Services; 9:00 am and 11:00 am Sunday School: 10:00 am

Church Office: 746-0980 Pastor’s Home: 550-2734 Lebanon UMC 8492 Peaks Road Hanover, VA 23069

OCTOBER , 2016

We wil l resume ou r reg ula r worsh ip schedule on Sunday, Sept . 18 with contemporar y worsh ip at 9 am, Sunday School at 10 am, and t rad it ional worsh ip at 11 am.

I nv ite you r neighbors and f r iends to LebFest , Lebanon’s an nual Fal l Fest ival . Workers a re needed to help with t h is day of f u n. Contact Ron i Dool in at 723-5160 or dool in11486@comcast .net for more in fo or to volu nteer.

Come ea rly and shop the Yard Sale beg in n ing at 8 am. P roceeds benef it The Jubi lee P roject , a Un ited Method is t Missions close to home in the Appalach ian Mou nta ins a rea where there a re some of the poorest people i n the U.S.

Help the Missions Team with thei r Fal l Yard Sale t hat wi l l be held in conju nct ion with LebFest on Sat ., Oct . 22 , beg in n ing a t 8 am by donat ing you r u nwanted “ t reasu res” and“y um my” bake goods. You r “ t reasu res” can be placed in the back house (ca l l the of f ice f i r s t to see i f anyone is avai lable with a key) or you can wait u nt i l t he week before (the af te r noon of Su nday, Oct . 16 th rough Fr iday, Oct . 21) and place them in the back pa r t of the fel lowsh ip hal l . P re -pr icing is a lways appreciated . Ch i ld ren’s cloth ing wi l l be accepted , but please donate you r adu lt cloth ing i tems to ACES. Bake goods should be brought the day before or mor n ing of the sa le. Workers a re needed to help sor t and pr ice on Thu rsday eve -n ing, Oct . 20 or Fr iday, Oct . 21 du r ing the day and any t ime du r ing the day Sat u rday. Please contact Mar y Lou Pen nel l a t 804 -304 - 6633 or mlpen nel l@comcast .net for add it ional i n fo, or to volu nteer to help, or to request help in moving la rge i tems f rom you r home to the chu rch.

Proceeds wi l l go to The Jubi lee P roject , an Ad-vance Missions Specia l P roject of the U M Chu rch , that helps some of the poorest people of the Un it-ed St ates who l ive in the Appalach ian Mou nta ins a rea .

The Countr y Store & Cloth ing Rooms

at The Hermitage1600 West wood Avenue

Fr iday, Oct . 2810:30 am - 2:30 pm

Saturday, Oct . 2910:30 am - Noon

Hol iday and g i f t i t ems, gent ly used cloth ing, jew-el r y and household i tems wi l l be for sa le. Bake Sale feat u res homemade jams, jel l ies , rel ishes and pick les i n add it ion to a va r ie t y of baked goods. P roceeds a re used by the Her mit age Gui ld to pu r-chase i t ems that wi l l improve or en hance se r v ices for the resident s . Ly nda Hawkins is Lebanon’s Gui ld represent at ive. She can be reached at 746 -5943 or a t hawk insly nda9@g mai l .com.

Th is yea r Lebanon wi l l pa r t ic ipate i n Operat ion Chr istmas Chi ld . Th is is an out reach mission that br ings the news of Ou r Lord and Sav ior to g i rl s and boys in more than 150 cou nt r ies as they get to exper ience the joy of Ch r is t mas and hea r the Good News of Jesus Ch r is t . Th roughout the month of October and the beg in n ing of November there a re many ways you can get i nvolved in th is won-der f u l prog ram.

1st – You can pick up a box and pam- ph le t i n the gather ing a rea . P ick boy or g i rl and an age bracket . Then pack you r ow n shoe box, w rap i t (w rapping the top and bot tom sepa rate) and re t u r n i t to chu rch.

2nd – You can pray for the shoeboxes and the ch i ld ren they wi l l bless . Th is t akes no money at a l l and is jus t a s needed as we prepa re the boxes and the hea r t s for those who wi l l receive them.

3rd – You can help suppor t the cost of sh ipping the boxes c reated . Each box is jus t $7. Please w r ite “Opera- t ion Ch r is t mas Ch i ld” in the memo por t ion of you r check or mark

you r donat ion envelope.

We ask you to pray about how God can use you in th is project . Work ing together as the body of Ch r is t to spread HIS Good News, the com mis-sion He gave us to do and together we can make the world see what h is f ree love looks l i ke.


Please contact Jen n i fe r Ben net t (nen 22h@yahoo.com) or Bet t ie Sue Mil ls (sonsh ine16@comcast .net) with any quest ions.

“Thy Wi l l Be Done”

That was th is theme for th is past yea r’s A n nual Conference in Roanoke. Ou r prev ious bishop, You ng Jin Cho, of ten sha red th is br ief , yet power f u l prayer, “Dear God , You r wi l l , noth ing more, noth ing less , noth ing else. A men.” (Th is prayer is c red ited to Bobby R icha rdson , the New York Yan kee second base-man who was an Al l-St a r 8 t imes du r ing h is play ing ca reer f rom 1955 to 1966 and played on 3 teams that won the World Ser ies .) Du r ing Bishop Cho’s tenu re as ou r bishop, i t was h is cont inued desi re to lead ou r chu rches in fol lowing God’s wi l l , so i t was appropr iate that h is f i na l A n nual Conference’s theme would be “Thy Wil l Be Done”. W hat a beaut i f u l sent iment , and what a mean ingf u l mot ivat ion for how we do and a re chu rch; ever y th ing to be done for the wi l l of God , noth ing more, noth ing less , noth ing else.

I n response to that ou r R ich mond a rea (d is t r ic t) chu rches have been chal lenged to develop a v ision for doing min is t r y up th rough the yea r 2020, or i f you prefer 20/20. As a resu lt , you may have been a pa r t of a few conversat ions in it ia ted by ou r Lay Leader Jim my Mil ls , a rou nd these quest ions f rom Dr. Pete Moon, ou r Dis t r ic t Super intendent .

1) W hat is God’s wi l l for ou r cong regat ion in these next fou r yea rs? 2) How do we k now it? 3) W hat wi l l we do about i t?

Ou r in it ia l response has been th rough conversat ion in g roups , Joh n Wesley may have ca l led that “holy conferencing.” In com mu nit y we a re able to d iscer n and see God’s movement as wel l a s ident i f y the u n ique qual it ies of th is pa r t icu la r cong regat ion as we lean into the overa l l mission of the chu rch to make d isciples of Jesus Ch r is t for the t ransfor mat ion of the world . I n add it ion to the gather ing of ideas and in for mat ion , a l l of th is must , and I mean must , be u nderg i rded by prayer, other wise i t remains jus t a bu nch of ideas and in for mat ion. With prayer, when we join ou r ac t ions to God’s wi l l , t hen we a re ac t ual ly doing min is t r y. I look for ward to th is ongoing process of “v ision ing” as we d ream and th in k and plan. Ou r God is big and hope we can d ream big as wel l .

Come and join us as we sha re ou r v ision ing jou r ney at Charge Conference, October 23rd at 4pm in the sanct ua r y.

On another note , there’s a pol it ica l elec t ion coming up, or so I’ve hea rd . I’d l i ke to leave you with th is thought f rom Joh n Wesley’s jou r nal ent r y for October 3, 1774, you can read i t here.

“I met those of ou r socie t y who had votes i n the ensu ing elect ion , and adv ised them:

1) To vote , without fee or reward , for the person they judged most wor thy.2) To speak no ev i l of the person they voted against .3) To t ake ca re thei r spi r i t s were not sha r pened against those that voted on the other side.”

Bless ings a long the way,

Pastor Spencer

Operat ing Budget Data* Beg inning Balance 01/01/2016 $ 1, 588

Add: Of fer ings & Other Receipts including e -g iv ing $ 306,253 Value of Grocer y Cards on hand 1,750 Total to be added $ 308,003

Subt ract: Expenses/Al locat ions to Capit al Improvement Accts. $ 292,769 Funds “Rest r icted” for specif ic projects 5,265Total to be subt racted $ 298,034

Avai lable Operat ing Fund Balance 10/2/2016 $11, 557

Year-To-Date Budgeted Need $310,669Year-To-Date Act ual Receipts $306,253

Total Grocer y Card Revenue $ 1,745Total Amazon Smiles Revenue $ 30

*Fig u res do not include other chu rch f unds , i .e., Missions , Capit a l Improvements , Chapel , Cemeter y, Pastor Discret ionar y.

Ful l t reasu rer’s repor t s avai lable at a l l Counci l meet ings where a l l a re welcome to at tend.Quest ions? Contact you r t reasu rer, Mar y Lou Pen nel l , mlpen nel l@comcast .net or 746 -8538.

Our nurser y schedule needs some volunteers . We g reat ly appreciate a l l t hose who reg u la rly vol-u nteer, but i t ’s a lso g reat ly appreciated when we see new faces. Contact Lisa Beck with at Youth@lebanonumc.org or g ive her a ca l l a t her chu rch of-f ice at 746 - 0980 to volu nteer or i f you would l i ke to have more in for mat ion. Workers a re needed for both the 9 am and the 11 am ser v ices to se r ve with ou r Nu rser y Associate , Mered ith Vogel .

To the fami ly of Carol El l iot t who d ied Sept . 19 af te r su r v iv ing with A LS for 16 yea rs .

To the fami ly of Emor y Clot fe lter who d ied on Sept . 29.

NEWS FROM THE LEBA NON U NITED METH-ODIST WOMEN’S GROUP. . .They cont inue to make and col lec t blan ket s for P roject Linus. These blan ket s a re g iven to ch i ld ren and teens du r ing emergency sit uat ions. I f you would l i ke to c rochet or k n it a blan ket for th is cause, please contact Ju ne Chappel l or Bet t y Pit t man , as they wi l l prov ide mater ia ls to you. The g roup wi l l a lso be prov id ing a meal i n October for the Ci rcles Ash land prog ram, and as a lways , wi l l be suppor t-ing the upcoming LebFest!

Steeple Fund

T he LU M W cont inue to work toward r a isi ng the needed f u nds for a s teeple for ou r chu rch. Based on prel imina r y resea rch , they bel ieve they wi l l need approx imately $20,000, but wi l l k now more as they move toward th is goal . They cu r rent ly have about $4200 in th is f u nd , as they have received donat ions f rom chu rch members , a s wel l a s non-members! The good news is the chu rch was s t r uc-t u ra l ly desig ned to suppor t a s teeple. The g roup is than kf u l that Pam Heer man n and Adam Vogel have both ag reed to se r ve on th is com mit tee with Ju ne Chappel l and Bet t y Pit t man.

I f you would l i ke to make a donat ion , please make you r checks payable to Lebanon United Method is t Women. Together we can make th is happen!

CA R ITAS is Coming!

Nov. 19 thru Dec . 5

Women’s Group

We wi l l again be host ing CA R ITAS (Cong regat ions A rou nd R ich mond Involved to Assu re Shelte r) for t wo weeks in Nov. (dates above). Th is is a monu-menta l t a sk that i nvolves the help of ever yone in ou r cong regat ion!

Lebanon wi l l be prov id ing over n ight shelte r, se r v-ing break fast s and d in ners , pack ing lu nches , do -ing lau nd r y and prov id ing a mobi le showers u n it on premises for 32 homeless women en rol led in the CA R ITAS prog ram. There wi l l be sig n-up sheet s i n the Gather ing A rea and the Giv ing Tree wi l l be up the Su nday af te r LebFest .

I f you have quest ions or would l i ke f u r ther i n fo now, you can contact Mar y Lou Pen nel l a t mlpen-nel l@comcast .net or 304 - 6633.

The Chancel Choi r i s beg in n ing to pract ice for t hei r Ch r is t mas Cantat a to be presented on Su nday, Dec. 18 du r ing the worsh ip se r v ices. The choi r pract ices on Thu rsday even ings andthe cant at a pract ice wi l l be bet ween 7:30 and 8 pm and you a re i nv ited to join them in th is spe -cia l present at ion. Contact Linda Ken nedy, choi r d i rec tor, a t l ken nedy385@g mai l .com or 730 - 4655 for more in fo or jus t come to the choi r room at 7:30 pm on Thu rsdays!


Oct . 2 Judy & Wes Ladd 9 Wes Ladd 16 Jim Dore 23 Jim Dore & Lynda Hawk ins 30 Lynda Hawk ins & Judy Ladd Nov. 6 Judy & Wes Ladd Flowers Please put a note in Bonnie’s mai lbox (Adm. Asst .) , leave a message on the church of f ice answer ing machine or send emai l to of f ice@lebanonumc.org i f you would l ike to designate your f lowers in honor or in memor y of someone.

Oct . 2 Cathy & Berk ley Whitener 9 OPEN 16 Sandy Fisher 23 Mary-Beth Johnson 30 OPEN Nov. 6 Aaron Smith & Jo Ann Ti lden

Col lect ion Count ing Teams

October - Team Captain: Donna Timmerman Par t icipant: Mary Ford

November -Team Captain: Jimmy Mi l ls Par t icipant: Bet t ie Sue Mi l ls & Mary Beth Glass

Nursery (Serv ing with our Nursery Associate , Meredith Vogel)

9 am 11 am

Oct . 2 Judy Ladd OPEN 9 Mary Beth Glass OPEN 16 Sandy Fisher OPEN 23 Cathy Fet t y OPEN 30 Bet t y Pit tman OPEN Nov. 6 Judy Ladd Mary Ford Lay Reader - 11 am

Kay Fajardo

OCTOBER , 2016
