October ‡upaqu‰aqpi k Upcoming...


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October 2016

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 1

“A stable, independent, self-governing authority providing principled leadership to a dynamic community of

caring, healthy citizens, from a secure resource base”

Inside this issue 1 Upcoming events

2 Ktunaxa/ Recipe

3 LKB Administration Directory

4 Submission from LKB Elder - Anne Jimmie

5 Chimney Sweep Notice

6/7 From Yaqan Nukiy Principal - Shelley Jacobs

8 Yellow House Calendar

9/10 Submission From Social Development – Sandy Wayling

11 Fundraiser Flyer – Lisa Three Feathers

12 FYI LKB Administration

13 Birthdays/ Bear Hugs

October - ‡upaqu‰aqpi’k (Falling Leaves)

Upcoming Events What: Chief and Council Meetings When: October 7

th & 21

st, 2016 9:00 am

Where: LKB Boardroom

October 2016

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 2


Garlic Mashed Potatoes w/Chives


o 1 head of garlic

o 1 tablespoon olive oil


o 2 1/2 pounds red-skinned potatoes, peeled,

cut into 1-inch pieces

o 1/2 cup whipping cream

o 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter

o 2 tablespoons sour cream

o 1/4 cup chopped fresh chives


Preheat oven to 425°F. Cut top 1/4

inch off head of garlic to expose tops of

cloves. Place in small baking dish. Spoon

oil over; sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Cover dish tightly with aluminum foil.

Bake until garlic cloves are tender, about

45 minutes. Squeeze garlic cloves from

skins and mash in small bowl.

Cook potatoes in heavy large pot of

boiling salted water until very tender,

about 18 minutes. Drain; return to pot. Stir

over low heat to allow excess water to

evaporate. Add whipping cream, butter,

sour cream, and roasted garlic and mash

together. Season to taste with salt and

pepper. Stir in chives and serve.


Do you speak you language? Kin –uniyi’‰ ƒxa –a—k‰ukqa’nis? No, but I can understand a little. Waha, sa—n pami—k –at hu ‹upxni ya—qakyamki. ( –at hun –upxni ya—qakyamki.) Is there anyone who can speak English? Ka—qa qa‰a –at ksuyapi‰u’kqa? Are you thirsty? Kin hu‡nuqk‰uma? Is there coffee? Water? Tea? Milk? Ka—qa Kapi? Napituk/wu’u –aqu‰aqpi’k ƒu’u Are you hungry? Kin huwas? Would you like _____? Kin qa‰wiy ______? Apple kanusnana (N.B. in the lower Kutenai area kanusnana means orange) Orange

October 2016

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 3

Lower Kootenay Band Administrative Staff:

Director of Operations - Heather Suttie (250)428-4428 Ext. 224

Director of Finance - Karlene Emary (250)428-4428 Ext. 233

Accounting & Membership Clerk - Trina Luke (250)428-4428 Ext. 231

Housing Coordinator - Debbie Edge-Partington (250)428-4428 Ext. 229

Community Planner - Norm Allard Jr. (250)428-4428 Ext. 227

Administrative Assistant - Lisa Three Feathers (250)428-4428 Ext. 225

Chief and Council Office - Jason Louie (250)428-4428 Ext.235

Maintenance - Curtis Pachal (250)428-4428

Director of Development Services - Curtis Wullum (250)428-6394 (c)

Public Works Supervisor - Chris Luke Jr. (250)428-6245 (c)

Director of Education - Karen Smith (250)428-9816

Education Support Worker - Carol Louie (250)428-2527

Social Development Worker - Sandy Wayling (250)428-4409

Comm. Program Support Worker – Laurel Crocker (250)428-4409

Lower Kootenay Band Chief & Council: Chief (Executive) Jason Louie (250)428-4428 Ext. 235

Councillor (Lands & Resources) Sandra Luke (250)428-4428

Councillor (Social Services) Destyni Basil (250)428-4428

Councillor (Economic Sector) Jared Basil (250)428-4428

Councillor (TKL Sector) Mary Basil (250)428-4428

Lower Kootenay Band Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9-4

Closed For Statutory Holidays

***Please Note Lower Kootenay Band Council now has an Office in the

Administrative Building!!! Check out our upcoming Newsletters for times,

dates, they are in the office, as well as their phone Extension!!!

LKB has a policy that: ‘This office is committed to a workplace where everyone is safe and is

treated with courtesy, dignity and respect. Swearing, shouting, threats or violence will not be tolerated.’

BC has a new Anti-Bullying Legislation. Effective July 1st, 2012, Worksafe BC will be accepting claims for mental

distress based on workplace bullying and harassment.

Bullying means aggressive, abusive, or hostile conduct, humiliation, intimidation, or threats which could be considered be

a reasonable person to create a negative impact on any Personnel, or produce an environment detrimental to work for any


Chief & council passed a Bullying Policy at their April 10, 2012 council meeting.

A copy will be placed on the LKB website in the near future, or you can pick up a

Copy from the front desk, or have it emailed to you. Thank you for helping to keep LKB a harassment free workplace.

October 2016

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 4

Submission from LKB Elder Anne Jimmie October, 2016 Newsletter ki’su’k kyukyit! Fall is definitely upon us. Chilly days meant putting away summer wear, burning wood, and sipping on hot tea. Summer has already come and gone! Halloween is around the corner! Time is a flying. I’m already thinking of winter, and hoping my driveway doesn’t give me much trouble. There is supposed to be lots of snow, so I’ve been told. Maybe I’ll finally start working on the albums that I have been pushing aside for years. I promised myself that I am going to put photo albums together for each of my four children. Lately, I’ve been reminiscing about years gone by! Thinking about my grandparents, parents and siblings brings back memories living in ‘akisqnuk. Grandpa was blind, but that did not stop him from walking into the deep woods, and digging up a plant that he told me was going to restore his eyesight. Dad was a good hunter and we would often ride with him when he went hunting. Mom was always baking bread, scraping hides, washing our clothes on the old scrub board, and she always took time out to read her “romance” magazines. Even though Grandma was deaf and she couldn’t speak English, this did not stop her from going to town to do her shopping. The butcher understood exactly what she wanted even though he didn’t understand ktunaxa. Playing with my siblings and spending the summers at Sandy beach comes to mind. These are sweet memories that I treasure dearly and that took place before I left home to go to school. Residential school has certainly taken a toll on my whole being. From the age of five to the age of thirteen, I spent ten months of each year living at St. Eugene’s. By the time I left in 1961, I believed that I was God’s worst creation. I turned to alcohol at the age of twelve, to numb my feelings. Today, I love myself; have an understanding of what my parents went through when I was taken away from them, and grateful that I took that giant step when I made the decision to go to treatment back in 1992. I participated in the Youth Conference that was held in Castlegar on September 22nd and 23rd. There were other elders from the surrounding areas that attended as well. There were students that participated from our communities. I was touched by their presence, energy and participation! One young man from LKB drove all the way from Vancouver. He shared a bit about himself, enough for me to be so proud of him! A leader in training! I also had the opportunity to listen to the keynote speaker, Wab Kinew. He was an inspiration for the youth. His presentation brought tears to my eyes when he spoke about the residential school era. His words: “Until the Bear speaks, only the narrative of the hunter will be known” left an imprint for me to think. In closing, I give thanks to my parents and grandparents for their teachings; to the warriors of yesteryear and today for their strength and guidance; to the leadership for leading us well into the future; and for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren for showing me how to love and be loved! Anwunikit Anne Jimmie

October 2016

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Please be advised that T.W.S. Chimney sweeps and Services will be at the Lower Kootenay Band from Oct 5th - Oct 7th. You will be receiving a letter from T.W.S in the next week for the date and time your chimney will be swept and inspected. LKB Maintenance will be checking and replacing furnace filters, testing fire alarms and installing new fire extinguishers in the next few weeks. Please notify the Housing Coordinator if you have any concerns regarding fire safety in your home, or if you burn wood regularly and your chimney was not swept (Oct 5-7). Debbie Edge-Partington LKB Housing Coordinator 250-428-4428

October 2016

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From the Principal’s Office

Ki'suk kyukyit

It is hard to believe we have completed our first month of school. September was a busy month as we

welcomed new families and returning families to Yaqan Nukiy School. Our teachers and support staff did an

outstanding job preparing for the start of a new year.

The word is out that Yaqan Nukiy School is an awesome school and we are continuing to grow. We are

currently sitting at 84 students in grades K-7, plus 10 students in the Pre-K classroom. With the addition of

another teacher to our teaching staff, we are pleased to be able to offer straight grade classes at the primary level

(no split grades in K-3).

This year we have three newcomers joining our education staff. We now have 22 on the education staff.

New Staff

Name Position

Christine Park Teacher: Gr. 2

Claira Quinton Education Assistant

Chelsey Luke Classroom Assistant

Returning Staff

Name Position Name Position Name Position



Director of

Education Shelley


Principal Crista


Teacher: Pre-K




Kindergarten Linda Cote Teacher: Gr. 1 Treena


Teacher: Gr. 3



Teacher: Gr.

4/5 Devan


Teacher: Gr. 6/7 Ivy









Speech and






and Culture

Gina Kerr TOC/Learning




Bus Driver Jim Marcil Bus Driver Wayne


Bus Driver




Custodian Kellie


Custodian Carol






Head Start


October 2016

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We have an amazing year ahead of us! Some of our classes have already gone on fieldtrips. The grade 4/5 class

went on a forestry fieldtrip. The grade 2’s and 3’s went to Kokanee Creek Park. The Pre-K class, Kindergarten

class and the Grade 1 class went to a puppet play.

Thank you to the parents that were able to make it to the baking work- bee. Your healthy muffins were

delicious. Thank you to Ginger Knudsen for organizing the school garden hot lunch. The Shepherd’s Pie was

amazing. Our welcome back BBQ was a success, thank you to the PAC for organizing it.


Shelley Jacobs


The difference between school and life?

In school, you’re taught a lesson and

then given a test. In life, you’re given a

test that teaches you a lesson.

Tom Bodett

October 2016

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 8

MONTH of October Yellow House Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3 Dr. Grahn

4 5 6 Community Health Nurse

7 Community Health Nurse Nutrition Kitchen


9 10 11 12 13 Community Health Nurse Lisa’s Foot Care

14 Community Health Nurse S.A. Declarations Due


16 17 Dr. Grahn

18 19 20 Community Health Nurse

21 Community Health Nurse



24/31 25 26 S.A. Day

27 Community Health Nurse

28 Community Health Nurse


For appointments with any of the health care providers at the ~ Yellow House please call 428-4409 ~

October 2016

Lower Kootenay Band Newsletter Page 9

Social Development September 2016 Well it’s hard to believe that summer is over and all the harvesting and reaping the rewards from the gardens and trees is in full swing. It was really great to see the community getting involved in helping out with the big garden down on the flats. Curtis Wullum and Julie Draper headed up the project to grow a large community garden and with the help from Michael White, Dionne, Laz, Delores, Casey and 2 summer students Alley and Summer the garden was a success. Sorry if I missed anyone that participated in helping out with the garden.

Having said this about the garden and Thank-you’s to everyone we have been talking about the use of the veggies and there have been a few different suggestions. One is to have a huge canning session and to get community members involved in processing the harvest and then sharing the finished product, for example making a stew and canning. Another suggestion is to give the produce to community members in need and delivered to elders in the community, same as the harvest share program. My final suggestion is to have Community Kitchen, Recipe sharing project that would be held once every 3 weeks. This would involve someone that would like to share a healthy nutritious meal recipe and cook for other community members and all gather to enjoy the meal. If you are interested in participating in a program like this please come and see myself (Sandy) @ the Yellowhouse for details. Please note* the cost of the meal would be covered by the Social Development Program and also the Cook and recipe sharer will be compensated with an honorarium. We would love to get our children and youths involved in cooking nutritious healthy food as well so feel free to have them join in on the program. If you have any suggestions for programs that you would like to see or participate in please contact Sandy @ 250-428-4406 to set up a time to discuss your idea

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There is currently pop and water for sale at the Band Office for $1.00 each. The proceeds go towards the “Woman’s Traditional” Special for the 2017 Yaqan Nukiy Pow-Wow. I was approached by my cousin, Lorraine Fletcher, to help sponsor this special. Our grandmother, the late Christine Jimmy, was a traditional dancer. In honor of her memory we want to sponsor the special. Over the next year we will be selling pop and water at the office. The list of pop available is located at the front desk. Please contact me for purchase. Thank you, Lisa Three Feathers


PEPSI $1.00


COKE $1.00





WATER $1.00

October 2016

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F O R Y O U R I N F O R M A T I O N ~ L K B A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

COMMUNITY PHOTOS WANTED FOR THE UPCOMING WEBSITE. EITHER COME IN TO SCAN OR SEND VIA EMAIL TO reception@lowerkootenay.com Please be reminded that you will have to sign a photo release waiver form.

Please obey all posted

speed limits for the

safety of all community



Please be advised if you see someone that is not a

community member using our garbage dumpsters

to alert the Administration Office. We need to

alert the authorities as these dumpsters are for the

sole use of Lower Kootenay Band Community





Please join the LKB mailing list

Don’t forget to stop by the LKB

Office to check out our Bulletin

board. It is always updated. Copies

can be made at your request!


Please be mindful of all trick or treaters out on


Trick or treaters please make sure you have

something reflective on, have a light or something

that can easily be seen by motor vehicles.

LKB Members, when trick or treating houses that

have outdoor lights on are ones who have candy to

give out.

Parents, make sure to give the candy a check to

make sure there’s no tampering or ripped

wrappers, anything suspicious should be thrown

out as a precaution.


October 2016

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Sports News

If anyone would like to submit a sports column with

various community or any other sports news i.e.

NHL, MLB etc, please feel free to send your news

to me at reception@lowerkootenay.com


Ki’suk akunmaktitnis

Jessica Basil Kianuko Louie

Linda Basil Tamarah Louie

Martina Basil Chris Luke Jr.

Laurie Davis Nathan McRae

Clifford Isadore Jesse Phypers

Jordan Louie Munna White

Felix Three Feathers

Sorry if anyone was missed

To the students that participated in the

Youth Conference at Selkirk College in


To my son Louis for being a loving dad to

his daughters!

To those cleaning our chimneys so that we

can burn wood!

To Aaron for being such a wonderful

friend. Helping me in ways only you know


To Felix for being such a happy funny boy,

Happy Birthday Son, I love you very much!

To Abel, you are growing up so fast my

boy, I love you very much!

For Alex and the rest of the crew for

helping me and going the extra mile.

To my cousin for the awesome Pictures.



Submissions to the monthly newsletter need to be

submitted by the last week of the month. This can be done

by emailing reception@lowerkootenay.com . If you would

like this newsletter emailed to you, just email us with your

preferred email address. Submissions that are seen as

offensive or prepared to discredit another will not be

