October 22 2014



Waihi East Primary School newsletter term 4 week 2 2014.

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WRIHI €RST SCHOOL7 Kana ?allritfti 0 Ua/tiDonnelly StreetWaihi

Ph 07 863 8693Fax 07 863 8671Cell 02'1 0258 4817

Email ehargreaves@east. school. nzwww. waih ieast.school. nz

Principal: Emily Hargreaves

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TEACHER ONLY DAY 28 OCTOBER As part of our continuing development, Mike Scaddan is working with teachers and teacher aides this coming

Tuesday 28th of October. A huge thank you to this team. We

have bumped this day onto Labour weekend, allowing for a four day weekend for whanau. Enjoy!


Agriculture Day is fast approaching, Monday 3rd Novem-ber. Official judging of our calves and lambs will take place at 11am on the school field. From 1.45pm, we have an exciting, fun afternoon planned—come and join us with your own decorated bike! We will run biking relays and will end the day with a bike parade. Prizes for the best deco-rated bike from each class will be up for grabs. See Ms Fletcher or Mrs Frew for more information. All students who won trophy’s at last years Agriculture Day, please return these to the office ASAP. Thank you.

GROWLINK VEGES ORDERS Growlink is back in action delivering wonderful, fresh pro-duce to our kura each week. Order online for FREE deliv-ery to school on Wednesdays, visit www.growlink.co.nz

ELECTIVES Electives start this Friday, 24th October. A huge thank you to those parents who are gifting their time to lead an activi-ty. Those Year 6 students who are swimming with Tess will join the cycling elective until our pool is up and running


Is your child sick or away from school? For all absentee texts please use 021 0258 4817 as this comes straight to the office.


Kia ora What a beautiful grand opening we had for Te Awa Toiora, our pathway to wellbeing. It was stunning to have Cath Cheatley, New Zealand Olympic cyclist and Meg Frater from the Bike On Trust at our kura. Their support was appreciated. All classes have had riding sessions with Shar from ENERGIZE and class sessions with staff. Our aim is to use this track as much as possible. We have a limited number of bikes for our five year olds. Any small bike and balance bike donations would be appreciated. It is also awesome to see whanau using the track in after school hours. This is a safe place to come hang out and a resource that is in place for you. Come on down and join in the fun. This week Briar and I have been very fortunate to meet with all teachers and share their classroom practice. Man we have a mean team! We enjoyed watching a video from each staff member and discussing their celebrations and next teaching steps for tamariki. Please, if you have a spare moment , come into your child's class and see the action unfold. I am sure that like us you will be impressed. Each Tuesday I have the pleasure of playing ‘master chef’ with a number of senior students as we cook beans on toast for breaky. I would personally like to recognize my cooking team for their awesomeness– Brooke G, Elyssa, Mia, Alyssa M and Nicky. They do not need supervision or direction, they just do it. While we are in the room 4 kitchen another team take over phone duties. This week Matthew was in charge of the office answering your calls with skill. A huge thank you to our student leaders. Ross Cowan, our stunning caretaker has been preparing our school pool for our swimming season. A huge thank you to Ross for undertaking this huge job. We aim to have the pool up and running by next Thursday. A text will be sent out when the water temperature is warm enough for tamariki to swim. Wahoo! Nga mihi nui, Emily (principal@east.school.nz)

IMPETIGO / SCHOOL SORES Impetigo (often called school sores) is a common bacterial skin infection. We have had some reported cases of im-petigo at school recently. Below are a few helpful tips on what you & your children can do to help prevent impetigo:

Keep fingernails short & clean.

Wash hands very well & frequently.

Bath or shower daily, using soap.

Change into clean clothing every day.

Cover cuts or broken skin with plasters.

END OF DAY PICK UP For safety reasons, please remember to park on the school side of Donnelly Street and Gladstone Road. Your child will get a double click on their ticket if you follow this tip. To front gate pick up people: if you are in the bus bay, please remain in your car. We need you to move promptly from the bus bay allowing others to safely pick up their children. We have appreciated the support from our local Police, they will continue to monitor our road safety this term.

ROUND THE BRIDGES FUN RUN The annual Round the Bridges Fun Run is happening again on Sunday 16th November. This is a 2km run in Hamilton, with races starting at 8.30am & 8.50am. A FREE BUS SERVICE is being offered to students, leaving the Waihi Pumphouse Bus Stop at 6.35am. Entry fee is $7.00 per person, with all finishers receiving a medal. Please let the office know if you are interested in partici-pating in this exciting event. A parent volunteer will be required to accompany our school.

YEAR 3/4 BASKETBALL There is NO Year3/4 basketball on Monday 27th October.

CASH for Communities Earn $$$ for our school with PGG Wrightson cash for Communities. Any farmer who purchases Balance Agri-nutrients on their Wrightson account between 1st Sep-tember and 30th November 2014 can earn cash for our school.


Year 3 & 4 Basketball Starts Monday 20th October 2014 3.30pm – 4.45pm Waihi College Gym. $15 per player - 6 Weeks – this includes t-shirt. 4 Weeks – Drills and Skills with Waihi College Senior Basketball Players.2 Weeks – Tournament style games. Enrolment forms at all schools. Contact: Rachael Hall – 027 870 0937, rachaelr@waihicol.school.nz


Learn to skate/play hockey. Starting week 2 term 4. Waihi Events Centre. Wednesday 4.30-6pm. $20 for term. Please bring a bike helmet.

PAEROA LIONS CLUB ANNUAL FIREWORKS Saturday 1st November Paeroa Lions will be holding their 25th annual fireworks display at the Paeroa Do-main. In recognition of this being their 25th annual display they are including a special feature which has never been provided in the Coromandel before. Gates open at 6.00pm. Food stalls and other entertainment availa-ble on site. Entry fee for 2014 was $15(2A& 2C). And should be similar this year.


Waihi athletics has started again for the season. Come along on Monday 3rd November from 5.15pm at he Waihi College top field. Information and registration online at www.sportsground.co.nz/waihiathletics



On Saturday we went to Auckland to stay at our friends house for one

night. For dinner we had fish and chips. I had fish, chips, chicken nuggets

and calamari rings.

Then we got into our pyjamas and me and Rhianna watched the Ice Prin-

cess movie. It is about ice skating. I like it, so does Renee. Then it was

Maya and Leah’s turn to watch TV. They like 105 because it is a Disney

channel. When they were watching TV me and Rhianna played libraries.

Then we went to sleep.

The next morning me and Rhianna were spying on Mayah and Leah. It

was funny.

Then we went back in the car. First we went to Silver Park but it was

closed. So we went to a different shop and the shop that we went to was

open so we went there instead. First we had lunch. What I had for lunch

was a kebab. Leah had a cheese burger, Dad had a cheese burger and

Mum had sushi. It was teriyaki chicken. It was fantastic and yummy.

Then we went to Number 1 shoe warehouse. First I tried some flower

high tops with a zip. Then I found some leopard shoes and they are rain-

bow. So mummy bought them for me. Leah got some pink shoes and

green shoes.

When we got home me and Leah watched a little bit of the Golden Com-

pass. Mummy downloaded Brave, it is a movie. Leah was too scared to

watch it so I watched it by myself. While I was watching it, Leah was

watching Hotel Transylvania.

It was amazing.

By Brooke K. room 7, age 7


Yesterday, after morning tea, we all gathered in the class-

room. Then we went out to the courts and

sat down on the seats. We listened to the

music while we were waiting for the

speeches. After the speeches, Cody and

Shar cut the ribbon. Then I got my helmet

and we all lined up on the track. Shar

was leading us. I had butterflies in my

stomach. People were cheering for me. I felt proud and hap-

py. I sped under the blossom tree and across the bike track.

I came first!

At the end, we went into the class and had macaroni

cheese. I will never forget this fantastic day.

By Jake P, age 6, room 6

On the 15th of October 2014 Waihi East School

gathered together near the netball courts to

watch the bike track opening.

I felt excited. When me and Jake saw the

bikes, they were shining brightly like a rain-

bow. It was a fun time.

By Reese N, age 6, room 6

On the 15th of October, we all came out of our classroom and

walked to the netball courts to watch the opening of the bike

track. We sat down and waited for the speeches. When that

was done, Cody and Shar cut the ribbon. Next some children

rode around the track.

When I saw the kids go past, I felt butterflies in my tummy. As

they passed the blossom tree, the flowers didn’t fall on them

because they were going too fast.

When the riding was finished, we got to eat macaroni cheese.

It was the best day ever.

By Micah F, age 6, room 6



Waihi East School - News from the Board of Trustees

October 2014

Education Review Office Review 2014 -Wahoo We Nailed It!

Congratulations to the Waihi East Learning Community for the huge success of our

recent Education Review Office Report. We have a four to five year review period-an

outstanding outcome and celebration for our school. The full report will be available on

line next month so please have a read. The Board congratulate our community. Together

We Rise Above and Shine!

Review of our School Vision

The Board of Trustees will be starting the Charter review process later in the year. This

will be a significant review with our vision and goals for the next 3-5 years to be


Policy Review

As part of the school review cycle, personnel policies are currently being reviewed. This

month we reflected on our appointments and complaints policy. Once these have been

ratified by the Board, they will be available for you to view in the office.

Kapahaka Roopu

Kapahaka Roopu performed to all classes on Thursday afternoon in preparation for

Saturday’s Hauraki festival. They were amazing. The group is smaller this year however I

am impressed with their performance and the new leaders who have stepped up. True


Whare iti

Whare iti, our small house that was built by boys club is now standing proudly in place in

our front grounds. Children absolutely love it and our lads are extremely proud of their


Bee Inquiry

Thank you to the whanau who responded to our newsletter about the possibility of have a

hive on site. The Board have decided to go ahead with this project. The next step in this

process is to inform the local neighbours of the bee initiative. Once this has been

completed, the students will investigate who will supply the hive and take care of the

bee’s needs.


Staffing 2015

This week the Board appointed our fabulous teachers Sarah Cannel and Sharon Pickering

to our school. We are delighted that they have accepted these positions. A huge number

of people applied for our teaching jobs which was pleasing. It seems a large number of

people want to hang out in the sun with us!

Electrical Up-Grade

The Ministry of Education has directed the Board to upgrade our school wiring systems.

After a formal tendering process, Adam’s Electrical will be on site to remedy the issue.

Luckily the Board has property money to pay for this as the upgrade will cost over

$65,000 - a huge expense.

MAD (Make a Difference) Group/Roopu Fundraiser

Alex coordinated an awesome evening for students and was supported by a small team.

We need to refine our end of evening procedures as there was very limited support at

clean up time and staff returned the next day to complete the task.

Health and Safety Check

Areas that have been addressed this month:

New strips on steps- Room 9 and hall are now in place.

Mowing strip (grass to be sprayed) on outer level of bike track to allow for safe

mowing by Ross.


Ross is getting organised to open the pool in the near future. Pool opening will be

determined by water temperature.

The Board will be offering a free key to all Waihi East whanau. This will be available once

the pool is open. A text will be sent out to inform you of this.

2015 Start of the School year

Waihi East School will open on Tuesday the 3rd of February. A teacher only day will be

held on Monday the 2nd of February.

Board of Trustee Communication

To support whanau in getting information a new email address is being put in place for

easy communication with our Board of Trustees. Once this is in place we will advertise it

in our school newsletter and on our web site.

Kind Regards

Donna, Seton Julie, Peter, Tineke, Alex and Emily

Waihi East School

7 Kam R&,nrzd O ?f/alni

I.URIHI €RST SCHOOL?j,tt.//{ous7EgT" 1807

Donnelly StreetWaihi

Ph: 07 863 8693 Email: ehargreaves@east.schoot.nzFax: 07 863 8671 Web: www.waihieast.school.nz

21 October ,2Ot4

Dear Parents/Ca regivers,

Our 2015 Year 5 & 6 Senior Camp to Aongatete Outdoor Education Centre is fast approaching! We arelooking forward to another amazing, fun f i l led week from the 16th - 20th February, 2015.

We are currently looking for expressions of interest from parents/caregivers who would l ike to attend 2015camp in the capacity of parent help. This is an integral part of running successful camps, and we wil l requireapprox. L0 helpers (f inal numbers TBC).

This year we are asking volunteer helpers to specify their area of expert ise, or areas where they seethemselves being of maximum assistance (outside of general dai ly activit ies). Areas could include: cooking,f irst aid, lodges/duty etc. Feelfree to include any other comments.

Kindly return the sl ip below to the off ice by Friday 31 October,2OI4. Please contact me with any questions.

Kind regards,

Lisa Rutherford

2015 Senior Camp to Aongatete - Parents Expression of lnterest

Parents Name:-----

Students Name:

I would like you to consider me for 2015 Senior Camp. I am able to help/contribute by:

A great opportunity for juniors to have fun, get active andlearn biking skills through gam€s and activities.

Dltl3/ilfll3l 6x Thursdays. Starting week 4 (November6) and finishing week 9 {December 11} 3.30-4.30pm.

UCfiUC3 waihi East School Community Bike Track 'Te AwaToiora' meeting on the courts area.

ilGC: Year 1 & 2 students only - regisration is essenfial (20children rnaximumI

ERlllG! Bike, helmet, shoes and a water bottle. There aresome bikes available to borrow if organised in advance.

For more info, contact $harlene Kelly 021 902 797sharlenek@spoilwaikato. org. nz

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