OCT OBER 2015 the SANDPIPER POST - Broward County … ·  · 2016-01-22watching football on...


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Our School Vision is “Educating today’s

students to succeed in tomorrow’s world.”


School begins at 8:00 am. Students eating breakfast

should be in the cafeteria by 7:30 am in order to be

in class by 8:00 am. Students arriving late need to be accompanied

by a parent to the office for a late pass.

Please report all absences by calling the front office at (754) 322-8450.


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O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5E D I T I O N


Dear Parents and Guardians,We are thankful for our staff, parents and students! Together we achieve so much more! To view our exciting school-wide events, please visit us at www.facebook.com/sandpipersunrise. Our Fall Harvest Festival was a huge success! Our students and families enjoyed this social event.

Ms. Rich-Levinson, our School Board member invites you to attend a District Conversation on November 18 at Cooper City High school, 9401 Stirling Road, Cooper City at 6:30 p.m. I look forward to seeing you there!

The School Advisory Council (SAC) will meet on November 19 at 5:00 p.m. in the Media Center. Our feeder middle schools, Westpine Middle and Bair Middle with Millennium Middle will present their innovative advance programs at their schools. It is not too early to start planning for your child’s future education. Please attend to learn about all potential options to make an informed decision about your child’s education.

Important Dates To RememberNovember 11, 25, 26 and 27 there is no school.

Students will receive their report cards on November 12. Picture Retakes will take place on November 12.

Gr. 3 has a Florida State Assessment Parent Training on Nov.12 at 6:00 p.m. Men of Tomorrow Spirit Day is Nov. 13 - Wear your favorite team’s jersey.

Yours truly, Camille LaChanceCamille LaChancePrincipal

The School Board of Broward County, Florida, prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin,

marital status, race, religion or sexual orientation. Individuals who wish to file a discrimination and/or harassment complaint may call Equal Educational Opportunities

(EEO) at (754) 321-2150 or Teletype Machine TTY (754) 321-2158.

Classroom HappeningsSPECIAL PROGRAMSThe holiday season is a joyful time of the year, but it also can be stressful for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Preparing and planning early for the holidays can help you relieve some of the holiday stress:

Before a Holiday Event

• Practice sitting at the table with the plates, lighting and music before the holiday gathering.

• Draw pictures about the holiday to help your child prepare for the events.

• Eat holiday foods in advance to determine what your child does or does not like. Help them become more comfortable with the food selection.

• Prepare for the family environment. Will you be at grandma’s house? Another family member? Consider preparing an area for your child to play, or a space for your child to decompress if they become overwhelmed by the sensory stimulation. Encourage other children or adults to join your child.

• Prepare an activity for your child, if you know they have an aversion to a holiday tradition, like watching football on Thanksgiving Day. Your child may not like loud noises, so take your child outside to play or have the children play games in another room.

• Practice any expected behaviors in advance, like shaking hands with a guest, placing a napkin in a lap, etc.

Day-of Holiday Events

• Prepare your child’s favorite foods and snacks in case the child doesn’t like the holiday meal. If you

are going to another home, take your child’s favorite foods, music and snacks with you.

• Schedule an early dinner or eat in advance to a family get-together.

• Reward your child throughout the event and reinforce positive behaviors.

• Use ABA/floor time techniques: “First, we will do this,” “Second, we will do this,” etc.

• Assign tasks that you feel your child can manage, so they can participate on some level.

• Keep your eye on your child for signs of anxiety or distress. If your child is very active take them to the park or a place where they can freely move to help them calm down.

• Take great care to be sensitive to your children’s sensory issues.

• These tips and more can be found on https://www.autismspeaks.org

KINDERGARTEN The children enjoyed “The Little Monster Tales” presented by Fantasy Factory Theater. We are looking forward to our next performance, “American Stories” on February 12th. We are continuing our unit study of Fall. We will be working on activities related to scarecrows and Thanksgiving. Remember to review your child’s work and continue working on letters, sounds, concepts of print, and high frequency words. Parents, don’t forget to list the books on the Reading Across Broward form.

FIRST GRADE Happy November! We are already in the second quarter of the school year and your child’s learning is continuing to grow. We have started Unit 3 in our Journeys reading books. In this unit, we will be reading about: marine habitats, animals, and the four seasons. Some of the reading skills that we will continue to focus on are: author’s purpose, sequence of events, cause and effect, conclusions, and comparing and contrasting. Please continue to practice the spelling words and vocabulary because they are becoming increasingly harder. We have started our addition and subtraction timed tests as well. A great website that can be used to help your child review the math facts is called “That’s a Fact” harcourtschool.com/activity/thats_a_fact/english_K_3.html. In the area of science, we continue to learn about the topic of motion and vocabulary words such as motion, speed, push, pull, and force. In social studies, we will be learning about Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving. We will compare and contrast the first Thanksgiving to present day, discuss Thanksgiving traditions, and learn about the Native Americans and Pilgrims. We want to wish our students and their families a Happy Thanksgiving!

SECOND GRADE There was a great turn out for second grade at the Fall festival party. Students had a lot of fun dancing and eating pizza. Students should work on Reflex Math and iReady at home to improve skills and build fluency. Students were given their user names and passwords for these sites. If they do not have them, please contact your child's teacher. In math, we are working on basic facts and

relationships. Please memorize your basic addition and subtraction facts up to 20. We are collecting can goods for the harvest food drive to help families in need. Quarterly Rigby testing in Reading will start in the next few weeks.

THIRD GRADE Third Grade Thankful Thoughts

On November 12, Sandpiper Elementary Third Grade Teachers will host our second annual reading fair. Parents will be given important information to help prepare their child for the FSA. We will discuss reading and math strategies that will help your child become a more successful reader and to understand math concepts better. Childcare will be provided.

Your child should be in the final stages of preparing their reading project, if there are any questions ask your child’s teacher. This is a great opportunity to bring a book to life and display the elements of story structure. Be creative, be bold, be a reader. Readers are leaders. Monday, November 2nd is the last day to pay for the Third grade field trip to Young at Art. Please send $13.50 to school on Monday or pay online at estore.browardschools.com. If you’d like to chaperone please notify your child’s teacher as soon as possible and make sure that you have received your clearance at www.getinvolvedineducation.com.

Parents are the first teachers of our amazing students and the third grade teachers are requesting that all parents set aside a few minutes daily to check their child’s homework, read with your child for 15 minutes daily, ask reading comprehension questions, and practice/test multiplication facts. We highly recommend using the following website: www.reflexmath.com. Reflex math provides quick math drills and it is a free app.

Classroom Happenings

Classroom HappeningsFOURTH GRADE

Our fantastic fourth graders are off to a great November! We have 3 field trips this month. On November 6, we will attend “The Magic of Science.” Our second field trip is the play, “Sacagawea,” at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts on November 16. Finally, on November 24, The United States Coast Guard will visit our classrooms, for an in-house field trip. Academically, we are learning to write informative essays and will transition to opinion essays, during November. All classes are moving into division in math. Students must know their math facts to be successful in this difficult skill. Did you know reading 5 times per week helps your child be a more successful reader? Letting your child pick out a book at the book fair is a great way to get them excited about reading!

FIFTH GRADE Fifth grade is working hard in all subjects. In Math we are studying addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals. The district has provided great online resources for our students to enrich the curriculum and provide addition practice. All students have access to I-Ready.com Math, and ReflexMath.com. Some classes have also been signed up for TenMarks.com. This is an online program that has Math questions aligned to the Florida Standards. Math questions are presented in the exact form that students will be encountering when they take the FSA Math test. This is also a great resource for our students to work on. All students are encourage to log on at least twice a week for 30 minutes to keep their Math skills sharp. In Science we are studying the Solar System. Students are creating models of the Solar System. One experiment we did was to trace our shadows

each hour to see the rotation of the Earth on its axis. We will be moving into the study of Matter and the Human Body.

We continue to meet in the cafeteria to learn best practices for Writing with Ms. Emery. We will definitely be ready for the Writing portion of the FSA ELA test. We are looking forward to our upcoming field trip to Billie Swamp Safari on the Seminole Reservation as a culminating activity for our study of Native Americans.

SPECIAL ARTSMEDIA - The Book Fair ends on Monday, November 9. Last call to purchase books in the Media Center. We encourage you to add books to your home library.

MUSIC - On November 4 Ms. Edwards' students and Chorus participated in the Piper Zone Showcase. They performed two songs. They sang beautifully, danced on beat and played their instruments in sync. The whole performance was well-coordinated. I am very proud of my chorus and singers. It was an awesome experience. I rate the performance as a 10+.

Classroom HappeningsGUIDANCE

November’s Character Trait is CITIZENSHIP:Citizenship is about being an informed, responsible, and caring participant in your community. It means doing your share to make your school and community better. Good citizens cooperate and get involved in community affairs. Citizenship is obeying laws and rules. Responsible citizens do things like volunteering and protecting the environment. Good citizens make good neighbors.

Demonstrating good citizenship is being a person who is involved in trying to make the community, nation, or world a better place. Good citizens are

people who are engaged, whether in big or small ways, considering the needs in their community. Good citizenship in practice is understanding, appreciating and doing things that make life better for you and for others. We are all good citizens at Sandpiper Elementary!

FAMILY COUNSELORThe Family Counseling Program has an office in your Innovation Zone at Piper High School which offers free, confidential counseling services to students and their families. Please call: (754) 322-1718 ext. 2082 to schedule an appointment.

HARVEST FEAST If you are interested in attending the feast on Saturday, November 21 at 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. please contact PTA at sandpiperPTA@yahoo.com.


ABCs of Reading Aloud When you read aloud,

Be at Ease.Have fun, and

Follow these ABCs ABC’s of Reading Aloud

A ALLOW time each day to spend reading with your child. B BE a reading model! Let your child see you reading. C CREATE an interest in reading by reading aloud books suitable to your child’s age and interest. D DO start out with short stories—gradually build your child’s attention span. E ENRICH your child’s learning experiences through books. F FOCUS your child’s attention on the book you are reading by showing and discussing pictures. G GLANCE through the book before you read it to your child so that you are familiar with it. H HAVE your child sit close to you when you are reading so that you are sharing the book. I INCREASE your child’s listening and speaking vocabularies by explaining unfamiliar words. J JOIN your public library so that you have access to a variety of books. K KEEP your child’s books in view in easy-to-get places. L LISTEN to your child tell stories from books, even if he/she can’t read all the words in the book.

M MENTION the author and title of the book each time you read to your child. N NURTURE your child’s imagination by selecting different kinds of stories such as rhyming books, fairy tales, animal stories, mysteries, and adventures. O OPEN the door to the world of reading. Read daily to your child. P PASS ON the pleasure of reading by building memories your child can treasure. Q QUOTE the characters in a story meaningfully by changing the tone of your voice. R READ, read, read! S STIMULATE interest before reading by sharing experiences. T TALK about the books you have read together. U USE expression when reading aloud so that the story will come to life. V VISIT a book store often and give books as presents. W WHENEVER you can, create… X EXCITEMENT about reading: it’s great. Y YOU can encourage reading with… Z ZEST! Be excited and the books will do the rest. --Author Unknown

Classroom Happenings

News Around SandpiperPTA NEWS

“Living A Dream. Building A Future”

We are excited about strengthening are home-school partnership and we encourage all parents to become engaged in all activities and events. The following are links to our District and National PTA websites were you will find lots of information and resources.


WANTED Treasurer

PTA is searching for a new Treasurer. If you are interested in this position, please contact PTA.

PTA Membership

Have you joined PTA yet? If you have, we thank you. If you haven't... Well, what are you waiting for? You are an integral part in the PTA. None of this works without you. So please join us, membership is growing, and we would love to keep it going. It's just $5. We can't wait to see that box in the office overflowing with new members...

Thank You,Sandpiper PTA

Title I InformationSchool Improvement Plan

School staff and parents jointly develop the plan. It includes yearly objectives and activities that will be implemented at the school level. You can access this plan at http://sandpiper.browardschools.com. If you would like to review a hard copy of this plan or translation is needed, please contact Mrs. Kris Shaffer at 754-322-8450.

School Parent Involvement PlanSchool staff and parents jointly develop the plan as part of the School Improvement Plan. The plan includes the parent activities to be implemented through the school year and an evaluation of last year’s parent program. You c a n a c c e s s t h i s p l a n a t h t t p : / /sandpiper.browardschools.com. If you would like to review a hard copy of this plan or translation is needed, please contact Mrs. Kris Shaffer at 754-322-8450.

Parental Information and Resource Center (PIRC)

District staff and parents jointly develop the plan. The plan includes the parent activities to be implemented through the school year and an evaluation of last year’s district parent program. You can access this plan at http://title1.browardschools.com. If you would like to review a hard copy of this plan or translation is needed, please contact Linda Howard, Title I Program Specialist at 754-321-1410.

School Public Accountability Report (SPAR)The School Public Accountability Report contains several types of data (indicators) designed to inform parents and the general public about the progress of Florida’s public schools. This report meets the public reporting requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act and certain additional information of interest on the status of Florida’s schools. In addition, the Florida Department of Education publishes school grades and the results of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Tests (FCAT). You can access these reports at http://www.broward.k12.fl.us/schoolimprove/DOEreports.htm. If you would like to review a hard copy or if translation is needed, please contact Camil le LaChance at 754-322-8450.

EvaluationsIn accordance with Florida Statue 1012.34, parents have the right to give input into their child’s teacher’s and administrator’s annual evaluation. If you would like to give input regarding your child’s teacher, please feel free to contact Mrs. LaChance, Principal at 754-322-8450. We value your feedback and suggestions.
