


A guide to help heal obsessive compulsive disorders

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My Secret Pure OCD System

I would like to first congratulate you on getting this part of your life handled. It’s not easy when you are inundated with so many different materials about OCD online that it’s nearly impossible to sift between the dirt and the gold. I’m creating this report to clear all this up for you.

It’s counter intuitive but one of the worst things that you can do when you have Pure OCD is to go online and start researching. The fact of the matter is people don’t know where to look and anyone who knows how to rank well in the search engine is going to get their message to you first, it doesn’t mean that their message is correct or even ethical; it simply means that they know how to get their information in front of you.

I want you to understand that first, Pure OCD is not a disorder or a disease or some kind of condition that needs to be treated with medication. These are pretty bold statements as every therapist; doctor and psychologist etc are calling it a disease or a disorder. They

are also prescribing medications for it. When a therapist, psychologist or doctor prescribes you medication for pure OCD, what they are telling you is that they have done all they can do to help you.

It’s not their fault. They don’t know what to do to help you because most of them never had OCD much less Pure OCD themselves.

I want to make it clear that Pure OCD is simply a name that we give this set of symptoms which is having rituals and/ or unwanted thoughts that seem to persist and that are unpleasant, this is what we call Pure OCD.

I am happy to tell you that Pure OCD is a habit or set of habits that can be changed.

It all started when you had a thought that really disturbed you and you didn’t know any better so you reacted to it in a way that cemented it into your mind.

What you need to realize is that when you have a thought or experience that is really painful or really pleasurable you are going to remember it more vividly and think about it a lot for a while after it happens. Time has been proven to help both painful and pleasurable thoughts and experiences sink into your subconscious mind and slowly forgotten. The information gets “fuzzy.”

Do you remember the time you were in a car accident? Do you remember the first time you had sex?

Do you remember the 1,052 time you tied your shoe?

Notice how the first two events stuck in your mind, or would stick in your mind more prevalently if they happened than the last example of the shoe tying.

The last example of the tying of the shoe is an example of a thought that would be more toward the middle of pain and pleasure; this is called the “neutral zone”

What you want to do is learn how to get the thoughts that disturb you into this zone, that way they sink into your subconscious mind.

I need you to understand this, every time you actually spend time and energy focusing on or analyzing an unwanted thought, you are making it worse!

You cannot fight thoughts; you can only change how you react to them.

Furthermore, you cannot “not think of something.” In other words, you cannot say to yourself, “don’t think of this, and don’t think of this,” Because that is exactly what you will think of.

No, instead what you want to do is learn how to spend your time and energy thinking about things that will propel your life forward and help yourself, your family and others.

What I’m going to teach you here is how to push unwanted thoughts into the “neutral zone” dismantle them and bury the pieces into your subconscious mind.

You need to understand that after you do this process, the way you think about the thoughts that once bothered you will never be the same. We are going to change how these thoughts make you feel.

Here is an example: I used to feel like I had to point my shoes in a certain direction or something bad was going to happen. Now looking back at that I just smile and think it’s funny!

I never again will get caught up in having to point my shoes in a certain direction.

The first technique that I want you to learn is by far the most powerful when it comes to Pure OCD; this is defiance of the OCD.

In the shoe case, I just kicked off my shoes and wherever they landed I said, “I don’t care.”

Now that you have an example from classic OCD, here is an example for the topic of discussion which is Pure OCD; I did this so that you can tell the difference.

I remember when I felt like I had to say to myself in my head “hate bad, love God.”

This of course was rooted in the religion that my parents brought me up in which is Christianity. Yes I am a Christian and am far from perfect! I used to say this whenever I had an unwanted thought, this was my Pure OCD ritual. It wasn’t anything I did outside, I didn’t even say it out loud, I simply thought it to myself.

What’s hard for most people that are experiencing Pure OCD is that they are not used to getting inside their own heads. It’s new territory for most people to consciously think about “how they think.”

Don’t worry, you are not going to have to sit there and try to figure out how your thought process works when it comes to Pure OCD, I’ve already done that for you.

I’ve worked with hundreds of people and have seen the full spectrum of different types of pure OCD. Most people don’t like it when I list them, so I won’t. If you read a lot of the OCD books out there, sometimes 75% of the book is just case studies. I won’t do that to you here, I’m just going to give you what you need to beat Pure OCD for yourself.

One of the most important factors in stopping Pure OCD is to believe that you can. Here’s the thing, if you don’t

even think it’s possible, your brain will literally block you from curing yourself of Pure OCD. On the other hand, if you believe then your brain will start to use its power to think of ways on how to beat it. Here’s a real world example of how and why belief is everything.

First, Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

We can see that there is no proof that is needed to start, actual proof comes after acting on your faith, here’s the real world example now:

The Wright brothers lived in a world where flying was simply impossible. People were quoted saying, “If God wanted man to fly, and He would have given us wings.” What that nay sayer forgot was that God did give us wings; He gave us the ability to simply build them!

So the Wright brothers first believed that they could fly, otherwise they would not have pursued it. Remember the verse I just read to you above, “being sure of what we hope for…” that part.

So although they had no proof, they believed and tried. Now we live in a world that is filled with airplanes thanks in part to the Wright brothers and their faith in the “impossible.”

If pioneers of our past would have listened to the masses, we would still live in a world where we still thought the world was flat, where there would be no cell phones or iPods or space ships.

You need to understand that majority is WRONG!

Most people are under the false assumption that, well, if so many therapists and doctors say that Pure OCD is a

disease and cannot be cured but only managed, then they must be right. WRONG!

I thank God that I did not go online and do a lot of research when I had pure OCD, because if I did, I would still be suffering from it to this day! I simply did not know that it could not be cured, and because of my “ignorance” I was able to cure it!

Plus I’ve always been rebellious and never took what others told me at face value, I always had to see for myself.

I remember when I was suffering with migraines. The doctor wrote me a prescription and said, “Here take this.” I asked, “Doc, how long will I have to take this?” He said, “Probably for the rest of your life!”

I thought to myself, “Unacceptable.”

So I did some research to get some ideas on what others have done to cure their migraines. I went to a chiropractor and after seeing them for over a month, my migraines were gone!

Thank God I didn’t listen to the masses who said that migraines cannot be cured; only treated! My neurologists were wrong! How could this be? How can someone who is supposed to be an authority be wrong?

I almost doubted myself, “Am I really rid of migraines?” But the cold hard truth is that “I am!” I don’t suffer with migraines anymore and that was because I CHOSE to believe that I could cure them.

Everything that Jesus did in the Bible was because He believed He could. I’m not saying that we are all going to be able to walk on water or turn water into wine, and good thing, because we’d all be alcoholics!

I hope I have hammered it in your head that without faith that you can get rid of Pure OCD, doing everything in this book will not help you.

Who will have more success? Someone how goes to run a mile in under five minutes and says to themselves, “This is impossible, no one has ever done it, there is no way I can do this.”


The runner who says, “I can do this, I will do this and I will break the record!”

There was a guy who beat the record of running a mile in 4 minutes and change. Before that, no one was able to do it, because they did not believe it was even possible.

Now that guy has done it, now even high school athletes are now doing it! It’s amazing what faith can do huh?

As you act on faith and start to see small results, then your belief will grow as you see the results, this is what we call proof, which your brain needs to justify the actions you are doing on faith.

In other words, you cannot get proof that what I am telling you works until you act on faith and try it. As it starts to work for you, then this will be the proof that you are looking for now. As your results start to grow, so does your belief until not long from now you are doing what you once thought impossible.

Here’s an example: If I told my dad that I want to be a millionaire, he would laugh. However if my dad was bill gates, he would say, “That’s it?”

My friends, what you can do is limited by your faith, what you believe. Expand your beliefs and you will expand your success in whatever it is you want to achieve.

The next part of the process is action. You can believe all you want, but even the Wright brothers spent thousands of hours WORKING hard on their belief. Even I worked for two years really hard to cure myself of Pure OCD.

You can rejoice knowing that it won’t take you that long unless you want it to. It only took me that long because I did not have anyone telling me how to do it like I am now. The beauty of networking with other people like you have just done with me is that you can learn from their lives in a fraction of the time!

The next part is the reason why you are doing this. If your why is strong enough, the how will happen. I remember how Pure OCD was destroying my life and I was pushing everyone away and making myself into an outcast. This was making me miserable enough that I had to either kill myself or cure Pure OCD! Of course I DO NOT condones killing yourself, so NEVER do it. Simply cure your Pure OCD!

So here’s what we have so far:

Believe that you can do it

Put massive action toward that belief

Have a strong enough why which will help continue motivating you to take massive action.

Sometimes you may even need to exacerbate your Pure OCD or “make it worse” so that the pain is enough to motivate you to do what I am showing you in this book in order to get rid of it.

Most people deal with their OCD and it’s to the point where they are not happy, but their comfortable in their unhappiness. However when the pure OCD flares up again, they don’t know how to handle it, so they have these cycles of relative happiness, then huge crashes, relative happiness then huge crash and burns.

Don’t be this person! Instead, do what you need to do to be motivated enough to really master what I’m teaching you here so that when Pure OCD thoughts try to flare up, you know how to handle them.

Here’s the reality of the situation: When you perceive that something is final, whether it is you losing your job or getting a tooth remove or moving from a house, your OCD thinking is more likely to flare up. If you have previously mastered what I’m teaching you here, you can dispel an OCD thought in seconds. Most of the time however you will not even think about OCD or have OCD thoughts for long periods of time; it starts with minutes, then hours, then days, the months, etc.

You need to apply two traits if you ever want to get rid of Pure OCD and here they are:

Patience and persistence.

These two things are actually the key to success in anything in this world! If you learn and master these two things, this report is not only going to help you stop your Pure OCD, it’s also going to help you improve every aspect of your life for the rest of your life! Good stuff huh?

Ok, so now that we’ve covered, belief, action, and reason why, let’s go over some techniques that you can use to get your mind off of OCD thinking. Remember that Pure OCD is in your head so you can’t see it, but don’t worry, we’re going to go through this step by step.

Technique one: defiance, when I felt like I had to say to myself, “hate bad, love God.” I thought that I was either preventing something bad from happening, or preventing God from being mad at me because I had a bad thought. I was showing God my true intentions, even though He already knew.

The first step is to catch yourself when you are doing Pure OCD behavior.

I caught myself saying “hate bad, love God.” So I would say, “Forget that!”

Now this was hard for me at first because I believed so strongly that God was going to punish me if I said “forget that!” However I also knew that it is God’s will for me to have a sound mind and to not live in fear. The motivation for all Pure OCD is fear and this is not the Lord’s will. Jesus said, “Fear not!”

Now that I caught myself doing a Pure OCD ritual of saying, “hate bad, love God.” I now had to identify what the faulty belief was that was driving this thinking. In this case the faulty belief was that if I didn’t say “hate bad, love God” then God was going to punish me or let something bad happened to me.

After I identified the faulty belief, I then replaced it with the correct belief, which is that I don’t have to say “hate bad, love God.” Nowhere in the Bible does it say that I have to say that. I know that Paul and John and Mary were all Holy people and none of them said that so I don’t have to either!

So whenever I would feel like I had to say that thought to myself, I would say instead, “forget that!” Then I would ask myself, “What would I rather think about?” What can I do right now that would be super productive and would help myself and others?

Most people make the mistake of saying, “Well, I’ll get this OCD thing handled first before I do anything else.” This is impossible; remember that the more that you focus on a thought, the stronger it is.

No, instead, you’ll never get rid of OCD until you focus on other things and get a life!

We all live by “If/then” rules. These are our set of beliefs at the time we make a decision and they govern everything we do.

When I was struggling with gay thoughts, I had faulty beliefs or “if/then” rules such as: “If I look at that guy for more than five seconds, then I am gay.” Or. “What if I like that guy as more than just a friend?” So the “what if” storms would come up.

A “what if” storm is when you are engaging in an OCD thought cycle and are like, “what if this, then what if that, what if this, what if that, etc.” This builds anxiety and makes you more worried and worried the longer you engage in this type of useless circular thinking.

One of the things that you need to do is to use the word “Stop!”

So when you catch yourself in a “what if” storm, say “Stop!” This will help you to focus.

Now back to the “if/then” rules. So now that you know that “if/then” rules are the same as our beliefs, in fact they are our beliefs. We can do something about changing them. They are like the programming behind the actions that we take.

Picture your brain as a computer. Now think about the software that runs what we do, these are our “if/then” rules or our beliefs. For example:

“If I go to work/ then I will get paid.”

This “if/then” rule causes the action of us to go to work.

“If I eat/ then I will live and not be hungry anymore.”

This “if/then: rule causes us to eat

“If I do this ritual/then my anxiety will go away.”

This “if/then” rule causes you do perform rituals.

So as we can see, some “if/then” rules are not only good, but they are necessary. However we can also see that some “if/then” rules are bad and will cause us pain.

The goal is to identify the faulty “if/then” rules and then change them so that we bring happiness into our lives.

Get into the habit of asking yourself, “What “if/then” rule is driving this behavior?”

Then ask yourself, “If I changed this “if/then” rule, will I be happier? If the answer is yes, then change the faulty “if/then” rule.

Think about some of the “if/then” rules that you live by, maybe some of this are:

“If I leave my job/ then I’ll never be able to find another one.”

“If I stand up to sally/then she will hate me.”

See how faulty “if/then” rules can hold you back? You need to identify these in your life and change them. So how do you change them? Here are some examples:

Faulty “if/then” rule:

“If I leave my job/ then I’ll never be able to find another one.”

Replace with correct “if/then” rule:

“If I leave my job/ then I’ll be able to find a job that I really love!”

Faulty “if/then” rule:

“If I stand up to Sally/ then she will hate me”Replace with correct “if/then” rule:

“If I stand up to Sally/ then she will either respect me or get mad, either way, I will no longer take her crap.”

So you can see that replacing limiting and faulty “if/then” rules will help you to establish a healthy set of boundaries that will help you to not only get more respect from people, but will also help you to respect yourself more and not torture yourself with OCD thoughts.

Here are some examples regarding Pure OCD:

Faulty belief or “if/then” rule:

“If I am having gay thoughts/ then I must be gay.”

Correct faulty beliefs or “if/then” rule:“If I am having gay thoughts/ then I must be normal, because everyone has gay thoughts even if they don’t talk about it.”

You see that if you change the way that you react to your thoughts, you will no longer suffer with Pure OCD.

People that don’t have OCD are people that simply don’t act all crazy if they have a gay thought or another unwanted thought such as the thought of hurting yourself or others.

You should realize that when you choose to worry about something, you are making that thought important and when you make a thought important, it sticks in your mind because you told your brain that thought was important by reacting the way you did.

No, instead, another technique that you can use is to not take the thought seriously, here is an example:

I just had a gay thought…

I had a thought that my friend josh came over and pulled down his pants and I did something naughty to him. I

could say, “That’s awesome, lol sign me up, ha ha, we could have a bunch of clowns come over and balloons and pasta and a salad bar…”

You see how I’ve taken a thought I would normally have panicked over and instead made it silly? Our brain will see our reaction and not take it as seriously.

Or I had a gay thought that my friend Katrina came over and she pulled down my pants and did something naughty to me. If I was a girl that might be disturbing so I would say to myself, “Beautiful, eureka! Not only can she do that, but also we could invite the neighbors over and have them bring their cats and we could all have a big wild cat/sex orgy thing and we could also have the pizza guy deliver a pizza. You see again how I’ve taken a thought that I normally would have freaked out about and have made it silly, therefore telling my brain that it’s ok to not take it seriously. Our brains see how we react to things.

Here is an example: I had an idea to buy my girl flowers. After I bought her flowers, I thought to myself, “wow, I must really love her, because those were expensive flowers!”

You see, so my brain saw what I just did and it strengthened one of my “if/then” rules:

“if I love my girl/ then I will buy her flowers.”


“If I want to show my girl that I love her/ then I need to buy her flowers, because I’ve seen other people do this.”

Ok so here is another example that could be distressing at first:

I had a thought that I would hurt my baby by either dropping him/her or suffocate him/her, etc.

You could say, “Awesome, sign me up, maybe I could join a group called the “baby hurting organization” and we could go to meetings and have hot dogs and Twinkies and we could sing camp songs in a circle and talk about little chickens crossing the road.

You see how a very painful thought such as hurting your baby; can be reduced if you realize that having a thought does not equal reality. If this were the case, I would have had sex with Jessica Simpson already. I cannot go around telling people that I’ve had sex with Jessica Simpson just because I had the thought of doing that. It also doesn’t make me and her real in any way shape or form.

So we can see that having a thought does not equal reality, only physically acting out thoughts turns them into reality.

People that are afraid to do something awful are good people. People that do awful things are seldom afraid to

do the actions, no instead, they are only afraid of getting caught.

Now I need you to understand that people are different and some techniques will work better for some and not for others and vice/versa. So be patient as we are going to cover a lot in this book that you can use.

The techniques that I am sharing with you in this book are the ones that have been proven to work with myself and my clients. Also know that I am here for you if you have any questions after you go through this and my contact information will be on here probably at the bottom somewhere.

So say you have a thought about hurting your baby, you need to do this:

Say: “Stop”

Then ask yourself, “what is the faulty belief driving this fear?”

“If I have a thought about hurting my baby/ then it must mean that I will hurt my baby.”

“If I have a thought about flying like superman and throwing cars/ then it must mean that I will fly like superman and throw cars.”

Both of these sentences make the same amount of sense. You see, just having a thought does not mean reality obviously.

Then you might ask, “Why do I have these thoughts? I must be a horrible person.”

To which I would say, “Why do we have thoughts about anything? Why do we have thoughts about killing ourselves when we are sad? Or why do we have thoughts about having sex with a stranger, etc.?”

Curiosity makes us have all kinds of thoughts. But if you want to be truthful with yourself you need to remind yourself that having a thought and actually doing it are two completely different things.

You should note that you have a choice, see most people think like something will take them over and make them do something they don’t want to do. This is only in the movies.

You ALWAYS have a choice as to what you are going to do. If I had a thought about hurting my baby, I would say, “Nope, I choose to love this baby and protect him/here with my life and I vow to protect him/her until I die.”

This is called the commitment technique. Simply commit to protecting your child and follow through with that promise.

Also legally I have to advise you to go see a counselor or therapist or psychologist if you are afraid of hurting someone as them or the police or doctors are the only ones that can have you committed to an institution.


You can CHOOSE to not worry about these thoughts and realize that you don’t have to do everything that crosses your mind.

In fact, it’s impossible to do everything that you think of, you can actually be more afraid that you won’t do nearly any of the things that you think about. Science shows us that we have thousands of thoughts every day, how many of us do thousands of things every day? Think literally, you may have a busy day and it would SEEM like you did a thousand things, but maybe you only did a dozen or so things.

We simply are unable to do everything that we think about.

Here’s another technique, the “I’ll get around to it” technique and since we as humans have conditioning that makes us lazy and procrastinate, we can actually use this to our advantage. Here is an example:

“I am afraid that I am going to hurt my baby…”

…say, “Oh I’ll get around to it later, maybe some other day, I don’t feel like it right now…plus I just don’t feel like having to find a way to hide the body and all the clean up and having to explain to everyone, etc. it’s just too much work”

I can hear all the mothers or fathers worried about this, remember, if you take it seriously, you make it important and therefore stick in your mind, if you think about it the way that I have shown in the example above, you won’t

take the thought seriously at all, which means you won’t be worried about it, which means you obviously won’t do it.

You’re fear again here is that if you think it or don’t take it seriously then you would do it. In reality, if you think it and you don’t take it seriously, not only will you not do it, but the thought will go away! (This is what you want isn’t it?)

You don’t have to take a thought seriously just to show God or the universe what your intentions are, this is faulty thinking. No, instead, you show how unimportant this thought is by doing what I said above and letting go and letting God. Think about how someone without OCD would react to this thought, they certainly wouldn’t get all paranoid and scared like you currently do, so what you are doing right now is wrong.

People with OCD tend to think that the way that they do things is right. No, in fact, most of the fears and things

you do are directed by you. You cause fear by engaging in “what if” storms and you cause fear by taking OCD thoughts seriously.

You see, OCD calls your bluff, it lies to you, are you going to believe the lies?

Don’t be so naive.

This is what I call, the pride leverage:

Use your pride as a way to help stop OCD thinking: here is an example:

I have a thought that I am going to stab my boss in the neck with a steak knife. Now I know that OCD just lied to me by telling me this faulty belief am I going to be so naive to believe the lie? I hope not!

Here is another technique called the lazy technique:

“I just had a fear that I am going to shoot myself in the head even though I don’t want to.”

I would say to myself, “I just don’t feel like it right now, I’d have to get up and find my gun and load it and make sure I aim it right and uhh, too much work! I’ll just sit here and watch TV instead and see what’s on.”

See how again, you’re not taking the thought seriously and you are using our built in weaknesses as humans as strengths. Laziness comes naturally so it won’t be hard to use this technique! Remember that our brains will naturally choose whatever is easier, in this case sitting on the couch and doing nothing is easier than setting everything up to kill myself. “Ah, maybe I’ll do it later, maybe some other day; I’m just too tired to do it now.”

Now at first this will be a challenge to do, but not only is it fun, it will become easy over time and will help you to stop worrying about a lot of things and not just stupid OCD thoughts. You can use it to stop worrying about your bills, you can say, “ah, I’m too tired to worry about my bills now, maybe I’ll do it later.”

Lol, of course with your bills you’ll want to actually “get around to it although it takes effort.”


“I just had a gay thought and I wonder if I would do it…”

…say “Oh, I’ll get around to it later, maybe some other day, I just don’t feel like it right now…”

Using procrastination and laziness to your advantage is one of the most effective and easiest ways to help stop giving into your useless rituals.

What a lot of people realize is that OCD is based on real facts but they are stretched to ridiculous lengths.

Here is a real world example:

You feel like you have to wash your hands because you are afraid that if you don’t wash your hands that you are going to contaminate the room full of people.

It’s based on the fact that yes, if you have germs on your hands and you touch their hands or shake their hands that you can transfer those germs. However magic thinking starts to set in when you think that you are going to contaminate a whole room because you may feel that everyone might shake hands with each other and spread all those germs and if someone gets contaminated you feel like it’s your fault. However your fear will not happen and is also not possible.

You need to understand that if you understood the science behind it and the statistics you’d understand that your fears are not possible or so highly unlikely that they are in reality, impossible.

People that have OCD sometimes make decisions based on minute possibilities. People without OCD make decisions based mostly on the probability of what could happen.

So someone with OCD might wash their hands because of the minute possibility that everyone would shake hands and contaminate each other.

Someone without OCD would understand that the odds are so low of this happening that they would not worry about it.

What the OCD sufferer needs to do is to do in this example is to shake hands with someone and watch and

see how not everyone shakes hands with one another, therefore witnessing that their fears did not come true. This way you can provide proof against the fears that you have.

So now that we saw an example of how you could do this with classic OCD, how can you apply this to Pure OCD?

Here are some real world examples:

Let’s say that you feel like you need to say a prayer three times in order to prevent something bad from happening.

Don’t say the prayer and see what happens. You may be afraid to do this, but how can you test your theory that something bad would happen, unless you give it a chance to?

The first time you don’t give into your Pure OCD ritual it’s really hard, the second time it’s still really hard, the third fourth and fifth and it starts to get just slightly easier, the next few dozen times it gets much easier to the point where you’ve reached around fifty actual times of resisting, you are pretty much over your fear.

Here is another example:

Say that you feel that you need to look in a certain direction a certain amount of times or repeat a certain mantra to yourself a certain number of times or you fear something bad will happen.

What you can do to defy your Pure OCD rituals is simply not do whatever mental ritual you have. You must first identify what this ritual may be. It’s anything you do because you are afraid that something bad will happen when people without OCD would not do the same action.

Here is another example of a different kind of Pure OCD where the actual ritual is not really clear. For example, you may be watching basketball on TV and all of a sudden you have a fear that if you were also playing basketball that you would not be able to do your best and that everything would be weird. You may be afraid of this and your Pure OCD ritual may be trying to fight the thought or to give in by analyzing it and doing all kinds of research online.

Instead of doing all this research, you need to not place this much importance on things. As we learned earlier, our brains watch what we do. If your brain sees you doing research, it will assume that what you are researching is important and it’s like you hammer it into your own head the very thought you don’t want there.

However if you feel like you need to tie your shoe, you don’t go online and research it, this is one of many factors that causes your brain to see that this isn’t too

important and therefore you don’t sit there and worry or think about tying your shoe all the time.

Like I said earlier, one of the most effective methods to stop Pure OCD is to defy doing the ritual, and not simply just refusing to do it, but also finding a way to do the opposite if you can. You are going to have to use common sense when it comes to finding ways to defy your rituals. In most cases defying your rituals means doing that which you are afraid to do.

This is the best way to face your fears. Of course when it comes to fears of hurting others, how you can defy the fear is to only do what someone without OCD would do, someone who is of sound mind and a decent citizen.

For example: If you are afraid that if you don’t pray over the food, that everyone will die of food poisoning and you’d feel like it’s your fault, you need to say to yourself, “forget that!” and don’t pray for the food and eat the

food yourself and see how no one died of food poisoning and you did not die obviously.

You may feel like this is taking a risk, but remember, it’s only a risk when you look at it through your distorted “if/ then” rule. If you change the rule aka change your belief, you’ll see that it’s actually not a risk at all! Remember, if someone without OCD would do it, then it’s probably ok to do.

What I’d like to really get you to understand is the Pure OCD is a habit that you have made automatic by repetition. Here is an illustration of how our brain learns and handles habits.

Remember when you first started learning how to drive and it was pretty hard at first and you had to really concentrate at it? Remember when you needed to remind yourself off all the rules and how you were super alert and could not really think about anything else while you were driving?

This is because you were using the conscious part of your brain to process this information.

There are two parts of our brains, conscious and unconscious. When we first learn something, it is our conscious brain that does most of the processing, when our conscious mind does most of the processing, it feels like work to us.

The conscious mind can process maybe 11 or so tasks at once; however the subconscious mind controls 11 million or so. Considerable difference wouldn’t you agree? Now you need to understand that depending on who you talk to the exact numbers vary, but that’s not important. What is important is the ratio. The point to understand is that the subconscious mind processes much much much more and much much much faster than the conscious mind.

So this is why it doesn’t feel like work to us when we do something “automatically” such as drive if you have driven for a few years, it feels like less work to do and it is much easier on your brain, the reason is because most of the processing for this task has been taken over by the subconscious mind, therefore leaving our conscious mind to think about others things, such as what we are going to have for dinner and things like this.

So when we learn something new, it feels like work, just like if you are learning how to play the piano for the first time. As you practice however, it becomes easier because you sink this new task into your subconscious mind.

Picture a new skill such as learning how to stop Pure OCD or how to play the piano or how to be more social as like an iceberg.

Picture your subconscious mind as the ocean and your conscious mind as the air above the water.

When we first learn something new, it’s like an iceberg that we just started lowering into the ocean and most of it is still above the surface of the ocean.

As we practice, this “lowers” the new skill or “iceberg” into the ocean or “subconscious mind”. We know that as more of the iceberg or “new skill” is sunk into the ocean or “subconscious mind” the easier this skill will become because the conscious mind won’t have to use its limited power to process it, but rather the subconscious mind with its nearly unlimited computing power will then take over the iceberg or “new skill” and things that are processed by our subconscious mind don’t feel like work.

Repetition sinks new skills into our subconscious mind and gives us the ability to do things without focusing on them, this is how we form habits. Habits are things that we do automatically.

Habits are the icebergs that we have previously sunk into our subconscious mind.

So what you have right now is an iceberg or “habit” of Pure OCD behavior. You have repeated this behavior in your mind so much; in this case, your behavior is the way you think about certain things. You have repeated this behavior so much that you have lowered it into your subconscious mind and have made it automatic.

In order to undo this faulty “automatic” habit, you need to replace it with a new “productive” habit.

The first step is to realize when you are engaging in your faulty behavior, which is your “Pure OCD” behavior.

The second step is to stop this faulty thinking process by throwing a wrench into it. You can throw a wrench into faulty thinking processes by simply saying “Stop!”

The third step is to identify the faulty “if/then” rule aka faulty belief. This is what has been driving this behavior and it is always rooted in fear.

Facing your fears will destroy them.

OCD depends on fear to survive and exist. If you get rid of your fears, OCD simply cannot exist!

Once you have identified what your faulty “if/then” rule aka belief is, you must then replace it with a brand new “if/then” rule aka belief. This is how you replace a faulty “habit” with a productive “habit.”

Now you need to realize that your OCD habit did not develop over night as we now know that it takes repetition to sink anything into your subconscious mind.

Think about this:

When we are in school and we are learning how to spell, the teacher will give you a sheet of paper and have you write the same letter over and over again throughout the whole page. Why do they do this? Because they know that our brains learn by repetition. You simply need to understand that if you want to learn anything, you simply need to practice.

Even this saying will ring a bell for you: “practice makes perfect.”

Ever remember hearing this? This was said for a reason as you can see that even in my writing; I’ll repeat things over and over again so that I can hammer it into your head.

Also another factor that’s very important for you to understand is that by repeating something over and over again that you just learned will help you to get the desired result.

So you can obviously see that if you just read this document but don’t act on it and repeat these actions a lot, you will not sink this new knowledge into your subconscious and you will lose it. If you don’t act on what you are reading here, then you are wasting your time.

You really need to do what we are talking about here as this is the only way to stop your Pure OCD.

Pure OCD takes on many forms and don’t sit there and think that you are more special than someone else and that your OCD is “incurable” etc. You are not that special and everyone that suffers from their Pure OCD habit is equal with each other.

Sadly, some people make Pure OCD their identity and they will say things like, “that’s just who I am.” Etc. they may think that they have more ethics than everyone else because they would go the “extra mile.” However they

don’t realize that their “extra mile” is a faulty behavior that hurts them and others around them.

You should realize that your Pure OCD not only hurts you, but it hurts everyone around you over time and this is unacceptable. You should really work hard at stopping your Pure OCD habit because you don’t want to negatively affect those around you and you don’t want to unnecessarily harm yourself either.

The next step, once you’ve replaced your faulty “if/then” rule is to lead your thinking with questions; here is how this is done:

You see, all our thoughts are lead by questions, such as, “What am I going to do today?” and “What am I going to wear?” “I wonder what she thinks of me.” “Why did I just think of that?” “What if because I had that thought that it means that I really want to do it or that I like it?” “What should I do to make this anxiety go away?”

No, instead do this:

Instead of asking yourself, “What if this is who I am? etc…” You can ask yourself, “What would someone without OCD do or think in this situation?” Then do that.

You see how your brain and thoughts are lead by questions? You see how your reaction to these questions leads to your actions?

So the logical step then is to master how to change the root of your actions by simply changing the questions that you are asking yourself.

You see, the questions that you ask yourself now are faulty and are based on faulty “if/then” rules. Once you change the faulty “if/then” rules, then the questions that you ask yourself will change and subsequently your

actions will change and this is how a person really changes.

If you change the very beliefs that guide your actions, then you will not find it too hard to stop your Pure OCD behavior.

It’s all about changing your inner dialogue. We all talk to ourselves and what we say to ourselves determines the quality of our lives. Since we know that questions direct our thinking, we need to learn how to change the questions that we ask ourselves.

Consider this, a bad chess player loses because he/she asks themselves the wrong questions and may not even know the correct questions to ask themselves. They don’t know that they are supposed to ask, “Could there be a fork here?” “Could there be a trap coming?”

However, an experienced chess player will know to ask themselves these questions and therefore because this player is asking themselves the correct questions, they will make the right moves and they will enjoy more wins!

I want you to enjoy more happy days in your life and if you want to do that then you are going to have to change the kind of questions that you are asking yourself.

One way to do this is to start your day committing to yourself that you are going to look for the good in every situation. You really need to put aside behavior that brings you down such as complaining or looking down on people or having a bad attitude and being negative as this does not help anyone and certainly will not help you.

No, instead we really need to focus on what is good around us and how we are blessed. The next thing we need to be able to do is to take advice instead of giving into pride and not letting new constructive information come into our lives.

Positive thinking isn’t going to do anything accept make you more open to the ideas and strategies that I’ve put in this book for you. If you are reading all this stuff and bah humbugging or complaining or making fun of it, you have hardened your mind and have chosen ignorance and are blocking yourself to getting the benefits that you could get from doing this stuff with the right attitude.

What you should understand is that all this stuff has been proven time and time again and has helped hundreds of people. If you have an open mind, it can help you do. You should know that it doesn’t even matter where you are or where you are from, it has been proven to help people all around the world and I have clients all over the world who have had success with these secrets.

I now have armed you with the knowledge that you need to stop Pure OCD. What are you going to do with your new found knowledge? Are you going to act on it or are you going to say, “huh, good stuff.” And then click out of

this document and never look at it again? It’s your choice. I believe that when we know the right information, it is our responsibility to do what we know to be right. With great knowledge comes great responsibility. What are you going to do with your new knowledge?

I want you to know that I am here to help you do any and all of these things that have been outlined in this book. You should note my contact information below. A lot of people would sell you information and then leave you hanging. I am not going to do that to you as I believe that the better a business treats their customers, the better off the business will be. You are all like my family and don’t hesitate to call me or e-mail me with any questions you may have

Talk soon,

Derek J. Soto



The following is a checklist of things that you can do to make sure that you are on the right track when it comes to stopping your Pure OCD habits.

Step one/ catch yourself when you are engaging in Pure OCD thinking

Step two/ put a wrench into this Pure OCD thinking by saying “Stop!”

Step three/ identify the faulty “if/then” rule and replace it with a brand new “if/then” rule which will make you more productive and happy in your life. This new “if/then” rule will mirror what someone without OCD would do in the same situation.

Step four/ if you have to question whether something is OCD or not, treat it as OCD.

Step five/ Lead your thinking with questions, here are some examples.

Instead of asking yourself, “What if this is who I am?” You can ask yourself, “What would someone without OCD do or think in this situation?” Then do that.

Step six/ Repeat the above until you have sunk it into your subconscious mind and until you have replaced old “faulty” habits with brand new “productive” habits.