Objective performance appraisals: The final frontier



Objective performance appraisals: The final frontier. Appraisals – an overview Why do we hate them?. Givers: “ineffective managers” Receivers: “malcontents” (1) Rator Bias, Subjective, Hidden Agendas Complex, time-consuming and cumbersome Imposed systems, Cut-and-paste systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Objective performance appraisals: The final frontier

Appraisals – an overviewWhy do we hate them?

• Givers: “ineffective managers”• Receivers: “malcontents” (1)

• Rator Bias, Subjective, Hidden Agendas• Complex, time-consuming and cumbersome• Imposed systems, Cut-and-paste systems

– Multi-nationals & multi-site organisations

Appraisals – an overview Why do we appraise performance?

• Evaluation of an employee’s performance against specified job goals (2)

• Vehicle for managers and employees to develop a mutual understanding of responsibilities and goals (2)

• Powerful means of managerial control, by setting objectives in a hierarchical fashion and a review of success or failure in achieving these objectives(4)

• Satisfaction: The employer must be satisfied that the employee is functioning well, in terms of the needs of the organisation, and the employee needs to be satisfied that the employer and the organisation is looking after his/her needs (5)

Appraisals – an overview Why do we appraise performance?

• To measure is to know• Quantifying team and/or individual contributions to

organisation success• Employee Development• Behaviour shaping & Value entrenchment• Compensation and incentives/bonuses• Motivating employees (3)

Appraisals – an overview Subjectivity – good, bad or ugly

• Bias, halo-effect• Fairness, balance of power• “Actual” & “Real” observations & measurement• Perception vs Reality

– Link to outcome action– If Developmental – various perceptions from various contexts– If Remunerative – Facts and Evidence based

Appraisals – an overviewWhat should we consider?

• System – objectives, – design, – processes,– outcomes,– credibility and buy-in

• Organisation– structure– culture– technology

Employee needs

Managerial needs

Appraisals – an overviewWhich appraisals aspects impact its objectivity?

• Measurement tool• Measurement standard (goals, objectives)• Measurement process (cycle)• Measurement action

– Outcome action of appraisal

Measurement tool

• Documentation to facilitate appraisal process– The appraisal document is not an end in itself– Ease of use– Transparency– Structure

• Policy• Process

– Role clarity– Who drives the appraisal process?

Measurement StandardGoal setting – how long is a piece of string?

• Goals vs Behaviours• Goal setting

–Measureable & Quantifiable–Timelines–Quality of completion–Achieved, Exceeded and Not Achieved–SMART

Source and implement an Employee Assistance Programme, within budgetary framework, by 31 July 2010. EAP should address as minimum:–Financial education –Counseling services

Context specific

Appraisal for Jimmy

•You are a customer at Le Fancy Restaurant

•Jimmy is your waiter

•In groups of 2, compile a performance appraisal for Jimmy

•How will you measure whether he is a good waiter or not?

“I want to have a good body, but not as much as I want dessert” Greta Garbo

Measurement processAppraisal cycle

Goal setting






Final review

Compensation impact and/or incentive

Development plan

Measurement ActionTo pay or not to pay – that is the question?

• Incentives & Bonuses• Salary adjustments

• Developmental reviews

Single-rater modelAgenda?


Multi-rater (360) model

Multiple contexts

So, how do we build more objective appraisals - practically?

• Performance diary & evidence-based assessment• Buy-in• Appraiser Training• Appraisal dispute resolution process• Appraisal methodology

– Traditional Top-down– Multi-rater (360)

• Goal setting

Critical Success Factors• Defined appraisal policy and/or philosophy

– Delineates appraisal objectives and process– Addresses the impact on compensation, if any– Timelines (must I still be employed to be paid the incentive?)– Entitlement (levels/jobs that are entitled)– Review process (grievance)

• Buy-in – Employees and their representatives– Managers– HR

• Legitimacy– Is this is “tick-the-box” exercise?– Consequences for poor appraisals?

• Training and communication• System review

References(1) Coens, L.M & Jenkins, M. 2000. Abolishing performance

appraisals. Koehler Publishing, San Francisco

(2) Olson, R.F. 1981. Performance Appraisal: A guide to greater productivity. John Wiley & sons, Toronto

(3) Williams, R.S. 2002. Managing employee performance: Design and implementation in organisations, Thompson learning, London

(4) Edmonstone, J. Appraising the state of appraisal, Health Manpower Management, vol. 22, no. 6, p 9, 1996

(5) Hunt, N. 2005. Conducting staff appraisal: How to set up a review system that will ensure fair and effective appraisal and improve individual and organisational results, How to books, Oxford.
