Objective C for iPhone Development



This presentation provides basics of obejctive C language used for iPhone development. Covers basics of foundation framework, Memory Management, Classes, protocols, messaging,Interface, Categories, properties , fast enumeration and object allocation.

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7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com


Objective-C is an object oriented language.follows ANSI C style coding with methods from SmalltalkRelies mostly on libraries written by othersFlexible almost everything is done at runtime.

Dynamic BindingDynamic TypingDynamic Linking

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

id - The generic object type that canhold a pointer to any type of object. This uses dynamic typing

Isa - The isa variable is used to identify the class to which an object belongs at runtime.nil – represents an invalid object.self - in a method self refers to the receiver of the messageClass – when used as a message returns the class object

Some Special Keywords

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Object Messaging

[receiver message]eg. [myRectangle display];[myRectangle setOriginX: 30.0 y: 50.0];

Sending Messages to nilPerson *motherInLaw = [[aPerson spouse] mother];

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Polymorphism & Dynamic Binding

The selection of a method implementation happens at runtime. When a message is sent, a runtime messaging routine looks at the receiver and at the method named in the message. It locates the receiver’s implementation of a method matching the name, “calls” the method,


Interview Buzz iPhone App

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Dot Syntax

Compact and convenientInvoke accessor methods .Doesn't access instance variable directly

myInstance.value = 10;Is same as[myInstance setValue:10];

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Dot Syntax

myInstance.value is same as[myInstance value];

compiler can signal an error when it detects a write to a read-only property using dot syntax

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Key-value coding (KVC)

identify properties with string-based keys

valueForKey:setValue: forKey:

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Key-value coding (KVC)

@property NSString *stringProperty;

NSString *string = [objectInstance valueForKey:@"stringProperty"];

[objectInstance setValue:[NSString @”constantString”] forKey:@“stringProperty"];

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Dynamic Language

Almost everything is done at runtimeUses dynamic typing, linking, and bindingThis allows for greater flexibilityMinimizes RAM and CPU usage

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

To Import or Include?

C/C++’s #include will insert head.h into the code even if its been added before.Obj-C’s #import checks if head.h has been imported beforehand.

#import head.h

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com


Almost every object manipulation is done by sending objects a messageTwo words within a set of brackets, the object identifier and the message to send.

Because of dynamic binding, the message and receiver are joined at runtime

[Identifier message ]

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Interview Buzz On App Store

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Free promotinal codes for App : WXPN3FWTRP3X andR3F73AA4RP4P .can be used only once on US store for iPhone 3.0Please give +ve Feedback in review section

Type Instrospection

[anObject isMemberOfClass:someClass]

[anObject isKindOfClass:someClass]

receiver is an instance of a particular class

Checks whether receiver inherits from or is an instance of a particular class:

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Memory Allocation

Objects are created dynamically through the keyword, “alloc”Objects are dynamically deallocated using the words “release” and “autorelease”autorelease dealocates the object once it goes out of scope.NOTE: None of these words are built-in

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com


Objects are initially owned by the id that created them.Like C++ pointers, multiple IDs can use the same object.However, like in C++ if one ID releases the object, then any remaining pointers will be referencing invalid memory.A method like “retain” can allow the object to stay if one ID releases it.

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Prototyping functions

When declaring or implementing functions for a class, they must begin with a + or -+ indicates a “class method” that can only be used by the class itself. In other words, they’re for private functions.- indicates “instance methods” to be used by the client program (public functions).

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Class Declaration (Interface)

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>@interface Node : NSObject {Node *link;int contents; }+(id)new;-(void)setContent:(int)number;-(void)setLink:(Node*)next;-(int)getContent;-(Node*)getLink;@end


7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Class Definition (Implementation)#import "node.h”@implementation Node+(id)new{ return [Node alloc];}-(void)setContent:(int)number{contents = number;}-(void)setLink:(Node*)next {[link autorelease];link = [next retain];}-(int)getContent{return contents;}-(Node*)getLink{return link;}@end


7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Class Object

One per classResponsible for producing instancesClass methods are for class objectAll class objects are of type class.Class name stands for the class object only as the receiver in a message expression

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Class Object

int versionNumber = [Rectangle version];Retrieving class object id

id aClass = [anObject class];id rectClass = [Rectangle class];

class objects can also be more specifically typed to the Class data type:

Class aClass = [anObject class];7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Allocation and Intitalization

myRectangle = [Rectangle alloc];allocates memory for the new object’s instance variables and initializes them all to 0. isa connects new instance to its class.

myRectangle = [[Rectangle alloc] init];Initialize the newly allocated memory to appropriate values

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Returned Object

Init method can return object other than newly allocated receiver or even return nil.

Use the value returned by the initialization method, not just that returned by alloc or allocWithZone:

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Brief About Interview Buzz

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Interview Buzz is an app with complete Q&A for Behavioral or HR interviews. No need to buy an expensive book or search through 100’s of websites. This app covers almost all questions that you might expect on an HR, Behavioral or round one of interviews. It includes Do’s, Dont’s and attire tips for the interview.

Returned Object

id anObject = [SomeClass alloc];[anObject init];[anObject someOtherMessage];

Code is dangerous since it ignores return of init.

Safe Initialization: combine allocation and initialization

id anObject = [[SomeClass alloc] init];[anObject someOtherMessage];

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Custom Initializer Name must begin with init e.g. initWithFormatReturn type should be idinvoke the superclass’s designated initializerassign self to the value returned by the designated initializerreturn self, unless the initializer fails in which case you return nilif there is a problem during an initialization method, you should call [self release] and return nil.

- (id)init {// Assign self to value returned by super's designated initializer// Designated initializer for NSObject is initif (self = [super init]) {creationDate = [[NSDate alloc] init];}return self;}7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Designated Initializer

Method that guarantees inherited instance variables are initialized (by sending a message to super to perform an inherited method).

Designated initializers are chained to each other through messages to super.

Other initialization methods are chained to designated initializers through messages to self.

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Designated Initializer- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)string{if ( self = [super init] ) {name = [string copy];}return self;}

- init{return [self initWithName:"default"];}

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Using Super

- negotiate{...return [super negotiate];}overrides existing method to modify or add and still incorporates the original method.

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Using Super

Initialization with init- (id)init{ if (self = [super init]) {...}}

sends an init message to super to have the classes it inherits from initialize their instance variables.

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Redefining self in Class MethodsClass methods are often concerned not with the class object, but with instances of the class.+ (Rectangle*)rectangleOfColor:(NSColor *) color

{self = [[Rectangle alloc] init]; // BAD[self setColor:color];return [self autorelease]; }self here refers to class object.

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Redefining self in Class Methods

To avoid confusion, use a variable other than self to refer to an instance inside a class method:

+ (id)rectangleOfColor:(NSColor *)color{id newInstance = [[Rectangle alloc] init]; // GOOD[newInstance setColor:color];return [newInstance autorelease];}

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Redefining self in Class Methods

Rather than sending the alloc message to the class in a class method, it’s often better to send alloc to self. This way, if the class is subclassed, and the rectangleOfColor: message is received by a subclass,the instance returned will be the same type as the subclass+ (id)rectangleOfColor:(NSColor *)color

{id newInstance = [[self alloc] init]; // EXCELLENT[newInstance setColor:color];return [newInstance autorelease];}

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Super vs. Self

super - is simply a flag to the compiler telling it where to begin searching for the method to perform; it’s used only as the receiver of a message.self - is a local variable within method and it can be used in any number of ways, even assigned a new value

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Declared Propertiesshorthand for declaring accessor methodsprovides a clear, explicit specification of how the accessor methods behavecompiler can synthesize accessor methods for youProperties are represented syntactically as identifiers and are scopedyou have less code to write and maintain

NSTextField *textField;@property (retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *textField;@synthesize textField;

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Property Declaration

@property(attributes) type name;

is equivalent to:- (float)value;- (void)setValue:(float)newValue;

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Property Declaration

Attributes- readwrite- readonly- assign- retain- copy- nonatomic

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Using Properties

Property Re-declarationRe-declare a property in a subclass, but you must repeat its attributes in whole in the subclassesIf you declare a property in one class as readonly, you can redeclare it as readwrite in a class extension

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Re-declare readonly to readwrite// public header file@interface MyObject : NSObject {NSString *language;}@property (readonly, copy) NSString *language;@end// private implementation file@interface MyObject ()@property (readwrite, copy) NSString *language;@end@implementation MyObject@synthesize language;@end

using a class extension to provide a property that is declared as read-only in the public header but is redeclared privately as read/write

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Copy Attribute

value is copied during assignment@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *string;string = [newString copy];

synthesized method uses the copy methodCopy returns immutable version of collection.Provide your own implementation for mutable arrays or collections

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Copy For mutable Array@interface MyClass : NSObject {NSMutableArray *myArray;}@property (nonatomic, copy) NSMutableArray *myArray;@end@implementation MyClass@synthesize myArray;- (void)setMyArray:(NSMutableArray *)newArray {

if (myArray != newArray) {[myArray release];myArray = [newArray mutableCopy];


7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com


Allows you to add methods to an existing class without subclassing.Additional instance variables can not be added using category.No difference between methods declared in class implementation and declared as category.Category methods are inherited by all subclasses of the class.All instance variables within the scope of the class are also within the scope of the category

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Category Declaration

#import "ClassName.h"@interface ClassName ( CategoryName )// method declarations


#import "ClassName+CategoryName.h"@implementation ClassName ( CategoryName )// method definitions


7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com


A category can also override methods declared in the class interface.Cannot reliably override methods declared in another category of the same class.Not a substitute for subcalss.Use categories to distribute the implementation of a new class into separate source files

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com


Objective C protocols are similar to java’s interfaces.Declare methods that any class can implement. Declare the interface to an object while concealing its class.List of methods declarations, unattached to class definition.Formal and informal protocols.

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Formal protocols

@protocol ProtocolNamemethod declarations@end

@protocol NSCopying- (id)copyWithZone: (NSZone *)zone;@end

@optional & @required(default)7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Informal ProtocolsCategory that lists a group of methods but does not implement them.Typically declared for root NSObject class.Implementing class need to declare methods again in interface file and define with other methods in implementation file.No type checking at compile time nor a check at runtime to see whether an object conforms to the protocol.

@interface NSObject ( MyXMLSupport )- initFromXMLRepresentation:(NSXMLElement *)XMLElement;@property (nonatomic, readonly) (NSXMLElement *)XMLRepresentation;@end

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Conform & Adopt a protocol

[receiver conformsToProtocol:@protocol(MyXMLSupport)]

@interface ClassName : ItsSuperclass < protocol list >

@interface Formatter : NSObject < Formatting, Prettifying >

Protocol adopting protocol

@protocol Drawing3D<Drawing>

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Type Checking

- (id <Formatting>)formattingService;id <MyXMLSupport> anObject;

anObject will contain objects which conform to MyXMLSupport protocol.

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Fast Enumeration

Type existingItem;for ( existingItem in expression ) { statements }

NSArray, NSDictionary, and NSSet—adopt NSFastEnumeration protocol

NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"One", @"Two", @"Three", @"Four", nil];for (NSString *element in array) {NSLog(@"element: %@", element);}

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Exception Handling

Similar to java and C++@try, @catch, @throw, and @finally directives and NSException

Cup *cup = [[Cup alloc] init];@try {[cup fill];}@catch (NSException *exception) {NSLog(@"main: Caught %@: %@", [exception name], [exception reason]);}@finally {[cup release];}

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Exception Handling

Throwing an exceptioninside catch block throw exception usinf @throw directive

NSException *exception = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"HotTeaException"reason:@"The tea is too hot" userInfo:nil];@throw exception;

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com


Two Meaning Name of the method when used inside source code message to object.Unique identifier when the source code is compiled.SEL and @selectorUse @selector directive to refer to compiled selector.SEL setWidthHeight;setWidthHeight = @selector(setWidth:height:);

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com


String to selectorsetWidthHeight = NSSelectorFromString(aBuffer);

Selector to StringNSStringFromSelector function returns a method name for a selector:

NSString *method;method = NSStringFromSelector(setWidthHeight)

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Memory Management

No garbage collection for iphoneAuto release pool

NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];adds certain arrays, strings, dictionaries to this pool

[pool drain];

Pool contains reference to objects to be released.[anObject autorelease] adds anObject to autorelase pool.

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Memory Management

Auto release pool is must for using foundation objects.

[NSString stringWithString: @”string 2”];

Reference Counting.[anObject retain][anObject release][anObject retainCount]

Constant strings have no reference-counting mechanism because they can never be released

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Reference count & Instance variables

-(void) setName: (NSString *) theName{name = theName;}

NSString *newName;...[myCard setName: newName];

-(void) setName: (NSString *) theName{[name release];name = [[NSString alloc] initWithString: theName];}

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Dealloc and Autorelease-(void) dealloc {

[name release];[super dealloc];

}@endClassA *myA = [[ClassA alloc] init];.......[myA release];

ClassA *myA = [[ClassA alloc] init];[myA autorelease];

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com

Interview Buzz

7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com


7/20/2009 go4nishu@yahoo.com
