Objective: 1. SWBAT explain how a fossil is created 2. SWBAT identify the 5 types of fossils


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Objective: 1. SWBAT explain how a fossil is created

2. SWBAT identify the 5 types of fossils

Types of Fossils

1. SWBAT explain how a fossil is created2. SWBAT identify 5 types of fossils

Essential Question: What makes something a fossil?


Using your knowledge on fossils, draw a picture of what a fossil looks like. Explain your drawing in 2-3 sentences

Do Now: Quick Draw

Fossils are created in several different ways.

Fossils are more than just dinosaur bones!


When something becomes a fossil

Fossilization is very rare (does not happen often)

A quick burial has to occur!


A body fossil is part of the original organism that’s been preserved (maintains its original state).

Examples: Frozen Ice, Tar Pit

Body Fossil

Are the most common fossils. They include animal tracks, nests, bite marks

Trace Fossil

Mold FossilThis occurs when the fossil is buried right

away, a rock is formed and when the fossil eventually decays, a hollow print is formed.

Cast Fossil When water fills up the mold and hardens. It

looks like the original bone or shell

Mold Fossil & Cast Fossil

Mold Fossil

Cast Fossil

Are fuels formed by natural processes such as decomposition of buried dead organisms.

Oil, gas and coal are all formed from remains of fossilized plants and animals

Fossil Fuels

Fossil Records are the sum total of what we know about fossils

Paleontology seeks to map out how life evolved across geologic time

Fossil Records

Fossil Records

Working in groups of 3 or 4, read the passage titled, Fossils and answer the reading comprehension questions. Student will underline where they found the answers.

ClosingSAN entry – In sentence form, what are 3

things you learned today? Are there any other questions you have about fossils?

Work – Time
