Obj 3 human influence on environment


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Pollution: the presence of harmful substances in the environment.- garbage, chemicals, radioactive waste

Renewable resources: a resource that can be used again and again or has an unlimited supply (Fresh water, and solar energy).

Nonrenewable resources: a resource that can be used only once (oil, and coal).

Alien Species: an organism that makes a home for itself in a new place.

Overpopulation: the number of individuals becomes so large that they can’t get all the food, water, and other resources that they need on an ongoing basis.

Biodiversity: variety of life. It refers to the many different species found in a particular habitat all across the planet.

Deforestation: is the clearing of forest lands.

Wetlands: help control flooding by soaking up the water from overflowing rivers. They filter pollutants for flowing water and provide breeding grounds for animals.


Go to http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/calculators/

Click on the Ecological Footprint on the right hand side of your screen!

Find out your ecological footprint. In a half a page write how many earths it would take to sustain life if everyone lived like you. What kind of things can you change to make your impact smaller?
