NW Kids Magazine February 2013



Board Games | Illustrator Johanna WrIGht school open house GuIde | treat Yourself, ValentIne lunar neW Year dumplInGs | Black hIstorYand ValentIne’s daY fun

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Board Games | Illustrator Johanna WrIGht school open house GuIde | treat Yourself, ValentIne

lunar neW Year dumplInGs | Black hIstorYand ValentIne’s daY fun

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editors’Love is in the air! And Valentine’sDay is a time to feel and show thelove. For young children, the act ofmaking something special for

mom and dad, friends, grandparents and teachers merely for the sake of

expressing love is a prime opportunity for discovery about giving and feelings. The valentine card or something made from the heart, a sweet sentiment and token of affection. Some families may have mixed feelings about the day, but as moms with kiddos under the age of five, we love it. Maybe this will change when they enter elementary school, but for now, we’re stocking up on Necco’s Conversation Hearts which interestingly have been around since the Civil War. Who knew? You can even have them custom made. It’s a darn American tradition.

And while February may be the dead of winter, it’s also a month chock-full of events. In this issue we include Valentine’s Day outings and a few other important happenings focused around Lunar New Year and Black History Month. Rosa Parks was born 100 years ago this month, which allows for some discussion with children about civil rights. And be sure to check out our own Karel Chan’s Lunar New Year dumpling recipe. It’s a great one to make with the kids. We also feature a piece on where to treat yourself. Yes, you. A little parent pampering can go along way during the winter months. Did you see our Open House Guide last month? This month we continue our roundup of schools, so if you’re still in the research and tour phase before making a decision, we have you covered.

Calling all Awesome NW Kids. We’re on the look out for another great kid who’s doing something special in the community (making art, writing, volunteering, blogging, sports, you name it) to profile in the March issue. If you know someone age 13 or younger who you think we should know about, please email awesomenwkid@ nwkidsmagazine.com. And don’t forget to check out our website, nwkidsmagazine.com for a Valentine’s Day craft and our online calendar for some fun rainy day outings.

You’re Tops,

Kelley and Beth


online calendar

Cover Photograph by

Marie PhaMmariephamphotography.com

“ I believe we are here on the planet Earth to live, grow up and do what we can to make this world a better place for all people to enjoy freedom.”

― Rosa Parks, born 100 years ago, Feb 4th


found around town:Board Games

10Bandits & Bite sized circuses:

an Interview with Johanna Wright

14school open house Guide

22treat Yourself, Valentine

24calendar of events

30making dumplings for lunar new Year

Inside Cover Styling and Photography by

eMMa easley dardenrlportraits.com

february 2013

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A Walk on the Wild Side ................................7Amanda Arp .................................................11Barre3 ...........................................................31Bennett Suzuki Violin Studio .......................11Bodhi Tree Center .........................................27Bridges Middle School .................................23Childswork Learning Center .........................13French American International School ........13German American School ............................15Growing Seeds Learning Community .........27Hi 5 Dental ...................................................11Hillstop Preschool & Kindergarten ..............29International Leadership Academy .............23Justus Orthodontics .......................................9Kids’ Backyard Store .......................................3KUIK ..............................................................11Little Fruit Farm Montessori .........................29Montessori of Alameda / Maria’s Place .......27Morgan Stanley ..............................................7My Masterpiece Art Studio ............................9North Clackamas Aquatic Park ......................9OHSU Adoption Health ..................................7Oregon Children’s Theatre ..............................2Oregon Episcopal School .............................15Oregon Hope Chinese School ......................27Oswego Playschool ......................................23Park Family Dentistry ...................................27PDX Kids Calendar ..........................................9Pediatric Dental ..............................................2Portland Language Arts...............................23Portland Montessori School ........................27Portland Trampolines .....................................3Reversed Lens Photography ........................31Scuola Italiana..............................................27Small Friends School ...................................29Soccer Shots .................................................32Spielwerk Toys ................................................7St. Andrew Learning Center .........................13Sweet Peas Kidzone .....................................29Tears of Joy Theatre ......................................11Trillium Preschool.........................................27Tucker Maxon ...............................................13Village Home Education Resource Center ...27WeVillage .....................................................29World of Smiles ..............................................9Yu Miao Chinese Immersion Preschool .......15Zenana Spa...................................................23

Publisher / advertising directorMichelle Snellmichelle@nwkidsmagazine.com

editorialBeth Friesenhahnbeth@nwkidsmagazine.com

Kelley Schaefer-Levikelley@nwkidsmagazine.com

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what we’re


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3808 N W




OR 97227 503 282 2233 W





10% offoneitem



Count Your Chickensby Peaceable Kingdomat Child’s Play, $16

Magic & Fairy Tale Dice at spielwerk Toys, $15

Blokus at Piccolo Mondo Toys, $30

Community CooperativeGame by eeBoo at Bella stella, $20

8 | nW kids magazine

Wildcraft at spielwerk Toys, $32


around Town

Modern Menagerie Memory Game at Grasshopper, $15

Rapido by Hape at Black Wagon, $28

Pajaggle at Child’s Play, $30

nW kids magazine | 9

We hear You are an aVId lIst-maker. What’s on Your to-do lIst todaY?If you were to sneak into my studio or office, you would see piles of lists. I have lists for book projects, and book ideas. Lists to help me manage my art business. Lists for general house and kid related things. Today my lists are especially long, bordering on absurd. Good thing I put some super important tasks on there like, ‘eat doughnuts’ and ‘drink coffee’. Done and done.

WhIch character from chIldren’s lIterature do You most IdentIfY WIth and WhY?Well, Ramona Quimby and Anne of Green Gables have always been two of my faves. They both have incredible imaginations that tend to tip into the realm of worry and mischief sometimes. I can relate.

In The BesT Bike Ride eveR a lIttle GIrl BIkes up mountaIns, doWn canYons, and eVen past a GIant cheese. If You could BIke anYWhere, and oceans Weren’t oBstacles, Where Would You BIke?I’ve always wanted to take a long bike trip through Europe. How dreamy would it be to ride around and visit castles and villages and sip tiny coffees in hidden cafes? Probably a lot muddier and trickier than it is in my mind, but I would love to try.

In Your Book BandiTs, a famIlY of raccoons sneaks, proWls, snatches and steals. If You could steal one famous Work of art WIth WhIch to decorate Your lIVInG room, What Would You pIck? Oh, wow. Hmm. Well I am deeply in

10 | nW kids magazine

Bandits & Bite-Sized Circuses:an InterVIeW WIth Johanna WrIGht

continued on p. 12

byelizaBeTh PUsaCkof Green Bean Books

illustrator Johanna Wright, who has lived past lives as both a cupcake froster and a Christmas elf, now lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband, her daughter Juniper, and her kitties Gordon and Worf. Beautiful paintings accompany the sweet and silly creature worlds she’s conjured in her three picture books, The Secret Circus, Bandits, and the brand new Bunnies on Ice, the story of one clumsy little bunny who won’t give up on her dreams. Johanna is also the illustrator of a pitch-perfect for Portland picture book called The Best Bike Ride Ever, by James roimos, and kaye Umanske’s wacky and whimsical Clover Twig series for beginning chapter book readers. elizabeth Pusack, of local children’s book store Green Bean Books chats with Johanna about list-making, task-tackling, secrets, and even stealing.

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love with work of illustrator Errol le Cain. Everything about his work just makes me so incredibly happy. I would feel pretty terrible about stealing it though. I had a piece of artwork stolen in college, and it made me so mad!

In Your Book The secReT ciRcus, a host of tInY parIsIan mIce haVe a spot In the cItY all theIr oWn, and theY knoW the WaY It fIts them perfectlY! do You haVe a faVorIte secret spot In portland? can You GIVe us a hInt?I love going to two not-so-secret spots in Portland. One is called Ristretto, a coffee shop on Williams. It’s a bright comfy place, filled with great people and amazing coffee. It’s my favorite spot to write, doodle, and hash out book ideas. I also love going to the Waypost, another cafe right by my house. They have a wild garden in the back where my little daughter can roam free while we sip hot chocolate and munch on cookies. In the summer we love to wander down to the Waypost in the evenings to listen to music or have a beer in the garden.

If You Weren’t an artIst What mIGht You Be?Maybe one of those old timey fortune tellers with a crystal ball....

Bunny’s on ice features one lIttle BunnY BrImmInG WIth hope and confIdence despIte all her Ice skatInG struGGles. hoW do You tackle touGh tasks? I tackle just about all tough tasks with a mixture of bribery and a stopwatch. If I have something tedious or scary or tricky to get through, the first thing I do, is break down the task into a bunch of manageable pieces. Then I’ll tell myself, “Work on this for ten minutes and you’ll get a treat.” The treat can be anything, a piece of chocolate or a cup of tea, or whatever. Usually once I do ten minutes of something, I get the momentum to push me through the task without a lot of struggle. But sometimes I need a lot treats. Like, a LOT.

BandiTs, Bunnies, Bike Rides, and BiTe-sized ciRcuses. What’s next for You? At the moment I’m working on a new picture book called Orchestra Pit. It’s about a giant snake that ends up in an orchestra pit. Mayhem follows!

Visit Johanna at johannawrightcom, her Etsy shop and Green Bean Books at greenbeanbookspdx.com

nW kids magazine | 13

bodhi tree center

bridges Middle school

childswork learning center

address 5403 SE Center Street Portland

205 NE 50th Avenue Portland

4235 SE Salmon Street Portland

phone (503) 788.0336(503) 997.2999

(503) 688.2922 (503) 234.3611

website BodhiTreeChineseSchool.org

BridgesMiddleSchool.org childswork.org

description Mandarin Chinese immersionprogramsand classes for children (ages2-13)andalsoadults. Japanese languageclassesforchildren.

A private nonprofit schoolwherecaringandfineteachingtake5th-8thgraderstonewlevels of confidence and competence.

Dedicated to excellence in developmentally appropriate early child-hoodeducation,whereeach child and family is respected in an envi-ronment that supports lifelonglearners.

open house Every Wednesday 10am-12pm


Toursofferedfourmorningsamonth.Callto reserve your spot.

grade range/age range

2-13 (children) and adults

5-8th Grade 2-K,includingaParent-ChildTwosClass

full-day kindy No No Yes

Max enrollMent Dependsonprogram 45 270

student teacher ratio

6:1 9:1 6:1,7:1or8:1dependingon the class

before/after school care

Yes No Yes

religious affiliation

N/A None No

tuition range Dependsonprogram $16,700 annually $120-$675 monthly

financial aid No Yes Yes

teaching Method

Right-brain ReggioInspired,Emer-gencyCurriculum,Play-Based

speciality prograM

Children learn Chinese throughsinging,music,dancing,exercise,artsand crafts, mathemat-ics,games.Olderchil-drenlearnthroughacombination of these and more “traditional” methods (book, chair, whiteboard)

Creative,focusedsettingforstudentswithlearn-ingdifferences.Smallclass sizes & individual-ized instruction.

Spanish,Music,Yoga,Soccer, Fun and Fitness, Clay Studio, Nature throughArt,Cooking.

school open house guide

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french aMerican international school

gerMan aMerican school of portland

growing seeds learning coMMunity

address 8500 NW Johnson Street,Portland

3900 SW Murray Boulevard, Beaverton

North:6505NEMLKJr.Blvd,Irvington:2808NE MLK Jr. Blvd

phone (503) 292.7776 (503) 626.9089 (503) 203.0913

website faispdx.org gspdx.org growingseeds.net

description Theoldest,mostestablished, and only fully accredited preschoolthroughgradeeightprogramofitskindinPortland.

GSPoffersabilingualcurriculumpromotingflexibilityinthinking,greatersensitivitytolanguagesandcultures,improvedlisteningskills,and prepares children to beworldcitizens.

AtGrowingSeedschildren, teachers, and families collaborate usingkindness,respect,safety and responsibility tobuildourlearningcommunity.

open house February 13, 6pmMarch 14, 9amApril 16, 9am

North:Wednesdays 10amIrvington:Tuesdays3pm

grade range/age range

Age2.5-8thGrade Preschool-5thgrade 6weekstokindergartenready

full-day kindy Yes Yes No

Max enrollMent 250 North160,Irvington74

student teacher ratio

9:1 8:1 variesbyage

before/after school care

Yes Yes No

religious affiliation

No None None

tuition range $12,000-$15,000 annually $9,085-$11,900 annually

financial aid Yes Yes Yes

teaching Method

LanguageImmersion GermanImmersion ReggioEmilia,RIE,Social Constructivism

speciality prograM

Music, Art, Multiple Languages,Sports/Movement, Summer Camps,PMClasses.

Ourimmersionprogramis enriched by music, art and athletics.

school open house guide

nW kids magazine | 17

hilltop preschool & kindergarten

international leadership acadeMy

little fruit farM Montessori

Montessori of alaMeda

5700 SW Dosch RoadPortland

14790 SW Boones Ferry Road,LakeOswego

16445 SW Melinda Street, Beaverton


(503) 245.3183 (503) 490.0686 (503) 521.8603 (503) 422.3608

pcctoday.com/hilltop ilapdx.org littlefruitfarmmontessori.com


Christian school offer-ingopportunitiesforgrowth,freedom,andexploration. Develop-mentally appropriate curriculum to meet in-dividualneeds.OffersSpanish and Chinese in the classroom.

Providesascholarly,innovative,multilingualand multicultural education to help students maximize their lifelongpotentialandmeetchallengeswithconfidence.

A certified, licensed home-based Montes-soripreschoolprovidingasafe,nurturing,andstimulatingenviron-ment. Elementary af-terschoolcare/tutoringavailable.

Montessori of Alameda andMaria’sPlacearebi-lingualprogramsservingchildrenages3monthstoagesix.

Toursdaily February 11, March 11, April 11, May 13, June 7, 8am-12pm

Call to schedule a tour By appointment


PK-5thGrade(2-10 years old)


3 months-6 years

Yes Yes Yes Yes

100 75 10 170



10:1 4:1infant,5:1toddler,10:1Preschool

Yes Yes Yes Yes

None No None

$190-$450 monthly $7,000-$8,500 annually $500-$800 monthly Varies

No Yes No Yes

Academic Constructivism Montessori Montessori

Language,MusicClasses, Soccer Shots.

Music, Art, Spanish, Body in Motion, French.

Music, movement, art, soccer,gardeningandcooking.Singingandcreative movement is practiced daily.

Spanish, Music/Movement, ArtSports,Gardening,Cooking,Science.

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oregon episcopal school

oregon hope chinese school

oswego playschool

address 6300 SW Nicol RoadPortland

14986 NW Cornell Road Portland

516 8th StreetLakeOswego

phone (503) 768.3115 (971) 226.7240 (503) 636.1345

website oes.edu oregon-hope.org oswegoplayschool.com

description OESoffersaninquiry-based education that prepares students for highereducationandlifelonglearningandtocultivatetheirpowerforgood.

OHCSisanORstateandIRSrecognizedpublicnonprofit,providingSat-urday Chinese classes and Mandarin Kids, an early childhoodprogram.

Cooperative preschool. Learningthroughplaydevelops social skills andproblemsolving.Daily opportunities for art, literacy, science and dramatic play.

open house February 13, March 13, April 10, May 15 at 10am

February 2 10am-12pm

grade range/age range

PK-12thGrade PK-12thGrade 20monthsthrough5years

full-day kindy Yes Yes No

Max enrollMent 200 18

student teacher ratio

7:1 7:1 4:1

before/after school care

Yes Yes No

religious affiliation

IndependentEpiscopal None None

tuition range $13,710- $25,340 annually $299-$899 monthly $75 - $150 monthly

financial aid Yes No No

teaching Method

Chinese Mandarin Immersion


speciality prograM

Specialist teachers in Music, Art, Science, PE,Technology,andSpanish.

Music, Art, Go, Dance. N/A

school open house guide

nW kids magazine | 19

portland language arts

scuola italiana di portland

sMall friends school

st. andrew learning center

10180 NW Brady Lane Portland



12405 SW Butner Road, Beaverton

(971) 506.8838 (971) 270.0470 (503) 388.2266 (503) 646.0629


scuola.us smallfriendsschool.com standrewlutheran.com

Help children to become proficient in 2+languages,developself-confidence, respect for others and their opinions and a passion forlife-longlearning.

Authentic, full immersion Italianlanguageandculture lessons for children 18 months and older at multiple Portlandmetroarealocations.

At Small Friends, children explore, create, observe, experiment and collaborate to construct a deeper understandingoftheirworld.

Weseektoworkwithfamilies to instill a love oflearning,andteachrespect for the Earth and others.

February 16, 10am-12pm March 9, 10am-12pm

May & September, 10am to 12pm

PK:February7,7pm;Kindergarten:March7, 7pm

February5,6:30pm& by appointment afterward

2-5 years old, 5-12 years old afternoon Chinese

18 months and older Ages3-6yearsold 3-5 years

Yes No No No

12 PK:18,K:16 40

4:1 4:1,Preschool6:1,6+years



Yes Yes No Yes

None None Lutheran, open to all traditions

$395-$995 monthly $10-$13 hourly $150-$400 monthly $250-$985 monthly

No No No Yes

Collaboration ReggioEmilia,fullimmersion

Play-based,developmentally appropriate curriculum

Chinese immersion, Spanish enrichment, MusicTogether.

ReggioEmiliaimmersionpreschool, after-school languageimmersion&more.

Earth care/environmental discovery, music, and spirituality.

20 | nW kids magazine

sweet peas kidzone

the portland Montessori school

trilliuM charter school

address 15320 NW Central Drive,D-12,Portland

4911 NE Couch StreetPortland


phone (503) 533.5252 (503) 688.2992 (503) 285.3833

website sweetpeaskidzone.com



description Ourgoalistocreatea safe foundation, wherelearningisfun,imaginationflows,andcreativityisencouraged.

ThePortlandMontessori School has a proud tradition of educatingchildrenforlife. We are committed tohelpingchildrendevelopalifelongloveoflearning.

Academicallyrigorouscon-structivistlearningenviron-mentthatengageseachstudent’suniquespiritandintellect, develops creative, criticalthinkingskills,andcultivates compassionate, active citizens.

open house February 5, 6-8pmFebruary 9, 12pm-2pm


grade range/age range


Early Childhood (2.5-6) through5thGrade

PreschoolandK-12th Grade

full-day kindy Yes Yes Yes

Max enrollMent 45 20 per classroom 360

student teacher ratio

7:1 10:1

before/after school care

Yes Yes Yes

religious affiliation

No None None

tuition range $200-$900 monthly $6,090-$8,735 annually PKtuitiononly

financial aid Yes Yes No

teaching Method

WholeChildLearning Montessori Democratic/Constructivist

speciality prograM

IndoorPlayground,Rock Wall, Music, Art, and2ndLanguageOffered,LibraryVisits,FieldTripsandmore.

Music, sports, Soccer Shots,language,movement,cooking,amongothers.

school open house guide

tucker-Maxon school

Village hoMe education resource center

we Village yu Miao chinese iMMersion preschool


BeavertonandNEPDX 424NW11thAve,PDX1295NEOrencoStationParkway,Hillsboro

5239 SE Woodstock Boulevard,Portland

(503) 235.6551 (503) 597.9100 Pearl:(503)935.5590Orenco:(503)640.7529

(503) 775.3767

tuckermaxon.org villagehome.org wevillage.com/program/preschool



More than 200 classes perweek(preschool–HS) in a family-friendly environmentdesignedto enhance the intrinsic motivation to learn.

Whole-child approach, focusingonacademic,social, and adaptive skills kids need to thrive in kindergarten.Pottytrain-ingNOTrequired.

Students embrace multiculturalism by learningtheMandarinlanguage,andChinesecultures/customs. We enablegrowththroughanintegratedprogram.


Feb 25 (Beaverton) and Feb27(NEPDX)

Pearl:M/W/F9am-1pm,callforappt.Orenco:February1,9:30-11:30am,March 5, Apr 9, 6pm

February 23,10am-12pm

PK-5thGrade Preschool-HighSchool Ages2.5-6 Ages3-5

Yes No No No

PK:14,K-5:18 Approx. 500 Pearl:10;Orenco:20 64

7:1 10:1 Pearl:10:1Orenco:8:1


Yes No Yes Yes

No None No None

TBA Startat$65for10weeks $438 monthly $361-$1,079 monthly

No Yes Yes No

Creative Curriculum Eclectic Montessori style LanguageImmersion

Language-richenvi-ronment, critical think-ing,Art,Choir,P.E.andmore. Aftercare options available.


Weareuniqueasourclasses are small and intimatewhichallowsthe teacher to develop a programspecifictotheclass size and children attending.

Mandarin Chinese lan-guageimmersion,andChinese cultures/cus-toms inclusive of dance, martial arts, poetry, art, calligraphy,literature,music,andsong.

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Overworked,overstressedandbentoutofshapefromluggingtoddlersonyourhip?MarissaEmeryknowsyourpain.The32-year-oldmomoftwoisalocalmassagetherapist and founder of Mama Needs Massage,aprofessionalstudiothatcaterstomoms’ specific needs.

Agoodtherapeuticmassageismorethanjustaboutrelaxation,Emerysaysit’sawaytorejuvenateyourbodyfromthewearandtearofpickinguptoysandsleepingawkwardlyaslittlecuddlemonstersinvadeyourbedeachnight.“Massagehasbeenfound to help alleviate stress, depression, anxiety, headaches, muscle tension, insomniaandmore,”saysEmery,whoalsooffersprenatalmassage.“Therearecumulativeeffects,themoreyougiveyourbodytheattentionitneeds,themorelong-term benefits you’ll reap.”

And a happy mommy makes a happy home,right?Ratesstartat$60fora60-minutemassage;otherservicesincludeparaffinwaxtreatmentforhandsandfeet and heat treatment for problem areas. House calls available also available. Forspecials,giftcards,ortoscheduleamassageparty,visit facebook.com/mamaneedsmassage or contact marissalani@gmail.com.

Hard-workingdads,wedidn’tforgetaboutyou. Valentine’s Day means you deserve someman-pamperingandyourgalwillloveit.TheModernMan,withlocationsonAlbertaandHawthorne,caterstoguyswithcustomhaircutsandshaveslikeyourgrandpausedtoget.Packagesstartat$53fora“LadyKiller”moderncut,whichincludesashampooandscalpmassage,

straight-razorshaveandneckshave.Eachservicecomeswithacomplimentarywhiskey,scotch,beer,coffee,espresso,rootbeer,orbottledwaterandacigarorcigarette.WithTheWhiskeyRoomjustupstairsattheAlbertalocation,guyswillthink they’ve landed in man-heaven. themodernmanpdx.com

Formomsanddadswhowanttoindulgein some deluxe treatment side by side, acouples’massageorfacialsareblissfuloptions.ZamaMassageincitesromancewithcocoabutterandtruffles,atwo-hourcouples’massageclass,datenightandmore.AquaTerraMassageusesfineoils,silklinensandaromatherapy.Packagesstart at $140 to $180. zamamassage.com, aquaterrapdx.com

For holistic spa services and manis, pedisand facials, couples can head on over toDragonTreeDayspatoindulgefromheadto toe. Check out the Chocolate Mud Feetfoot treatment for a decadent start to yourValentine’s Day, thedragontree.com. Forpregnantvalentines,tryZenanaspaforaprenatalmassagetosoothebackachesandlegcrampsorafullbodysugarscrubforadivineexperience.Thesefolkswilltakespecialcareofmamaandbabyinarelaxingenvironment. Visit zenanaspa.com for rates and a full menu of services. And for those couplesonatightbudgetwhoneedsomepampering,trytheAvedaInstitutewherestudentsgivetheloveandfacialsstartat$25, avedapdx.com.

Jen Anderson lives to treat herself. She is a local education and youth issues reporter, and is the mamatotwoboys.

ByJen andersOn

Treat Yourself, Valentine

nW kids magazine | 23

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PerformancesFeb 2action adventure theater - playback theater’s live children’s showAspecially-pricedshowjustforchildren!PlaybackTheaterinvitesgueststosharepersonal experiences, then performs thestorieswithactingandmusic.$5-20,6-7:30pm.playbacktheaterpdx.com

Feb 2-3, 9-10, 16-18, 23-24northwest children’s theater – seussical Amusicaladventurefeaturingfavoritecharacters from Dr. Seuss. $18-$22, 12-4pm.nwcts.org

Feb 2-3, 9-10, 16-17oregon children’s theatre – the lion, the witch, and the wardrobeC.S.Lewis’sfantasticaladventureintoasnowyworld,wherefourordinarychildrenbecome heroes. $18-30, Sat 2pm & 5pm, Sun 2pm.No5pmshowonFeb9or16.octc.org

Feb 8-10, 16-17tears of Joy theatre - anansi the spiderWestAfricanfolktalesbroughttolifewithpuppetry. Come on Sat or Sun for free crafts 30minbeforecurtain!$17-21,Fri7:30pm,Sat11am & 1pm, Sun 1pm & 3pm.tojt.org

Lunar new Year eventsFeb 2, 10, 13, 17Multnomah county library - lunar new year celebrationDancing,treats,games,andcraftsinhonorofthenewyear.Feb2GregoryHeights1-3pm,Feb10Woodstock3-4:30pm,Feb13Holgate6-7:30pm,Feb17 Midland 2-4pm. Free, first come first served. multcolib.org

Feb 2, 9, 13, 15Multnomah county library - red fans for lunar new yearDecoratefestiveredaccordianfanswithstampsandglitter.Feb2Kenton3-4pm,Feb9Troutdale11am-12pm,Feb13Holgate6-7:30pm,Feb15Midland12:30-1:30pm.Free,firstcomefirstserved.multcolib.org

Feb 9oregon convention center - chinese new year cultural fair 2013: year of the snakeLion dance and other performances, delicious Chinese food, kids’ activities, artshow,andmore.$8-15,kids0-6free,10am-5pm(artshow7pmportlandchinesetimes.com/event_cny.php

Feb 10-24lan su chinese garden - chinese new year

Please confirm calendar events and performances as scheduling changes may occur.


nW kids magazine | 25

Twoweeksofnewyearthemedactivities,includingdailyliondanceperformances,Chinesecalligraphydemonstrations,lanterndisplays,andmoretoringintheYearoftheSnake. $7-28, kids 0-5 free, 10am-5pm.lansugarden.org

Feb 22-24lan su chinese garden - chinese new year lantern ViewingAveryspecialeventfeaturinghundredsofhangingandfloatinglanternsalloverthelushgardens.WithlionandChinesedanceperformancesnightly.$15-40,grouppackagesavailable,6:30-8:30pm.lansugarden.org

BLack HistorY montH eventsAll Feboregon historical society - all aboard: railroading and portland’s black communityThisexhibitfocusesonthestoriesofAfricanAmericanrailroadworkersinPortlandin the 1800s to the 1940s. $5-11, free for Multnomah County residents and kids 0-5, Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12-5pm. ohs.org

Feb 15-242013 u.s. bank portland Jazz festival10th anniversary event of this vibrant music festivalthathashistoricallyrecognized

Black History Month in its education and outreach,featuringbothinternationallyrecognizedandlocaljazzmusicians.Concertsatvariousvenues,checkwebsitefor times. $15-58. pdxjazz.com

eventsFeb 1 & 2buckman art show & sellA benefit for Buckman Arts Focus Elementary. Live music, arts & crafts, food carts, photobooth, kid activity center and more. Feb 1st 5-9pm, $5. Feb 2nd 10am-5pm, $2. Kids 4 and under free.buckmanelementary.org/artsale

Feb 2northwest library - Japanese doll festivalLearntomakeorigamidollsorcandleholders in honor of Hinamatsuri, the Japanese Doll Festival. Free, 2-4pm.multcolib.org

Feb 2shining star waldorf school - 3rd annual candlemas: festival of the beesCelebratethesebuzzingwonderswithbeeswaxcandlemakingandothercrafts,honeyandotheryummies,beekeepingworkshops,andmore.AllproceedsbenefitShiningStarWaldorfSchool.$5-10suggesteddonation,10am-2pm.shiningstarschool.com

February 2013

remember to check the nW kids online calendar for dozens more outings and activities each day. share with friends, subscribe to the rss, add directly to your calendar, and more features. there’s something going on you don’t want to miss!! nwkidsmagazine.com/calendar

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Feb 3 & 17pink feather restaurant and lodge - kids karaoke9-year-old karaoke star, Emma Rose, emceesafamily-friendlysingingevent!Kids menu and happy hour prices available. Free, 1-4pm. pink-feather.com

Feb 6world forestry center discovery Museum - wondrous wednesdaysExploretheworldoftreesforjust$3thefirst Wednesday of the month. $3, 10am-5pm. worldforestry.org

Feb 7 & 9Multnomah county library - Valentine funCrafty and love-y fun for the kiddos and theirspecialones.Free!Feb7Belmont3:15-4:45pm,Feb9Sellwood12-2pm,Hollywood1-3pm,Central2-3:30pm.multcolib.org

Feb 9sunnyside library - elephant and piggie partyCome dressed in your favorite party clothes and celebrate Mo Willems’ beloved characters,ElephantandPiggie.Free,10:30-11:30am.multcolib.org

Feb 9zimmerman community center - festa di carnevaleScuolaItalianahostsitsannualcostumepartyforkids!Costumecontest,clownentertainment, and more. 3-6pm.scuola.us

Calendar cont’dFeb 12beaverton city library - lovey babies kids dance partyCelebrateValentine’sDaywithcard-makinganddancing.Kids0-6andtheirfamilieswelcome,10:30-11:30am.beavertonlibrary.org

Feb 12oregon zoo - second tuesdayVisitthezooforjust$4!Kids0-3free,10am-4pm. oregonzoo.org

Feb 12 & 13lake oswego library - Make Valentine animalsCreateanimalscompletelyoutofhearts!Registrationrequired,call503-697-6580.Free,11-11:30am.ci.oswego.or.us/library

Feb 14out of this world pizza & play - family Valentine’s partyPizza,drinks,desserts,andaDJ-eddancepartyforthewholefamily.Bingoandgiveawaysroundoutaneveningof Valentine’s fun. $7-10, kids 0-1 free, 6-9pm. outofthisworld.net

Feb 14portland spirit - Valentine’s day dinner cruiseTreatyourtruelovetoanelegant4-course dinner on the Willamette, completewithachampagneorsparklingcidertoast.$99,7-9:30pm(boarding6:30pm).portlandspirit.com

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Feb 15hillsboro library - friday family flicksMunchonfreepopcornandwatchParaNormanonthelibrary’sbigscreen.Seatingislimitedto100peoplesogetthereearlyforapremiumspot.Free,6:30-8pm. wccls.org/libraries/hillsboro

Feb 16st. Johns library - papagayoAbilingual,SpanishandEnglishpuppetperformancefeaturingPapagayotheparrotandtheMoonDog,courtesyofTearsofJoyTheatre.Free,11-11:30am.multcolib.org

Feb 16 southwest community center - daddy daughter nightThethemeis50’sSockHopforthisnightofdinner,dancing,andfun.Kids4-12yearsold, admission includes dinner and sundae dessert. $18, 6-8pm.southwestcommunitycenterwordpress.com

Feb 19hillsdale library - the remarkable snowflakeAmusicalshowfromPenny’sPuppetProductionstellsthestoryofCrystalthesnowflake.Arrive30mininadvanceforfreetickets.4-4:45pm.multcolib.org

Feb 20beaverton city library - Messy art for little kidsThenamesaysitall!Letyourlittleonegetblissfullymessywithpaint,Play-Doh,andothermedia.Ages2-7.Free,4-5:30pm.beavertonlibrary.org

Calendar cont’d Feb 23Mississippi pizza - the alphabeticiansPizza,drinks,andkindierock.Maybeevensomedancing!$10/family,4pm.thealphabeticians.com

Feb 24central library - the 90-second newbery film festivalViewacollectionofvideoscompressingstoriesofvariousNewberyaward-winningbooksinto90secondsoffilmorless. Hosted by author James Kennedy. Free,12:30-2pm&3-4:30pm.multcolib.org

Feb 26nature park interpretive center - nature kids preschool preview: squirrels scamperGive your kidlet a sneak peek of Nature Kidspreschoolwithgames,crafts,andshorthikes.Thismonthisallaboutsquirrels!$14,pre-registrationrequired,1-3pm. thprd.org/nature/programs/naturekids.cfm

Feb 28belmont library - it’s raining cats and dogs!MakealovelyumbrellamobilewithartistAnya Hankin, then take it home and put itondisplay.Free,3:30-4:30pm.multcolib.org

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IngredientsMakes about 40 dumplings. Peanuts have also been used in place of dates; try almonds for kids who have peanut allergies.

½lbgroundpork¼lbcabbageorbokchoy,finelychopped2clovesgarlic,minced¼ cup soy sauce¼cupvegetableoil¼ tsp sesame oil1egg,beaten1 tsp salt½ tsp black pepper1pkgdumplingskins(circular)bowloflukewarmwater1smallcoin(dimesorpenniesworkbest),preferablynewfromthebank!1 date

You can usually find dumpling skins (some-times called gyoza wrappers) in the produce section of your local grocery store. If not, try an Asian food store, where they may be frozen.

Directions1.Combineallingredients(exceptdumplingskinsandwater)inalargebowluntilcompletely mixed.

2.Ifyourdumplingskinsarefrozen,wraptheminadamptowelandmicrowavefor30seconds.Keepcoveredwhilewrappingsotheydon’t dry out.

Making Dumplingsfor Lunar New YearBY KAREL CHAN

Karel Chan handles client services and addesignforNWKids.Shelovescoffee,cooking,knitting,andskinnyjeans.Formoreofherrecipes,visithercookingblogatfreestylekitchenexperiments.wordpress.com

Growing up in a Taiwanese-american household, boiled dumplings were a favorite staple food. My brothers and i loved helping our mom make the filling and wrap the dumplings, and felt a sense of pride that we’d had a hand in creating a family meal. dumplings are traditionally eaten during lunar new year celebrations because they are shaped like little purses, a symbol of good fortune for the coming year. When wrapping new year dumplings, families hide a coin in one dumpling and a date in another. after the dumplings are cooked and served, the person who gets the coin in his or her dumpling is said to receive wealth in the new year, and the person who gets the date is said to be blessed with a new child in his or her family.

3.Wrapdumplings:Place1dumplingskininyourpalmand•putabout½Tbspoffillinginthemiddle.Dipafingerinthewaterandtraceacircle•aroundtheouteredgeofthedumplingskin.Nottoowet!Foldtheskininhalfaroundthefillingand•pinchtheedgestocreateaseal.Crimptheedgestocreateapurse-like•shape (see photo). Repeat until you’ve used all the skins or all •thefilling.Don’tforgettohidethecoininone•dumplingandthedateinanother!






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Making Dumplingsfor Lunar New Year