NTS 501 NT INTRO AND SURVEY Class VI: Paul – Life & Teachings


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Class VI: Paul – Life & Teachings

Paul – Life and Teachings

1.1 Introduction to Paul – Life & Teachings• How would you describe Paul to person who’d never heard of him?

• Paul’s teachings – what aspects are… • Easy to understand?• Difficult to understand?• Most beneficial in ministry?• Difficult to accept or practice today?

• Scholarly debates in Paul’s life and teachings• Chronology of Paul’s life• Relationship between Paul’s letters and Acts• Pseudepigrapha & authenticity • Paul’s theology & New Perspective on Paul

Paul – Life and Teachings

1.2 Difficulties in constructing the “Life of Paul”• Sources – how to weigh them?

• Paul’s letters• occasional & brief – question of pseudepigrapha

• Acts of apostles – selective and secondary• Later church tradition – late & often inaccurate jig-jaw puzzle

• Firm chronological footings• Lucius Gallio proconsul of Corinth AD 51-52 (Acts 18:12; Delphi inscr.)• Cesarean imprisonment during the governorship of Felix & Festus (AD

58-60; Acts 23:23-26:32)

Paul – Life and Teachings2.1 Paul Life

2.1.1 The Early Years• When was Paul born? – AD 3(?)

• Jewish family in Tarsus (Acts 22:3) – app. 3-5 AD• Citizen of Rome & Tarsus (Acts 22:28; 21:39)

• Paul’s father’s citizenship: conducted special favor or freed slave?

• “Hebrew of Hebrews”• from tribe of Benjamin; Pharisee Phil 3:4-6• Blameless before the Law Phil 3:6• Zealous for the tradition of the elders Gal 1:14• ‘advanced beyond others’ Gal 1:13

• Trained as Pharisee under Gamaliel (Acts 22:3; cf. 5:34-39)• Gamaliel – one of the 13 great rabbis

• “When Rabbi Gamaliel…died the glory of the Law ceased…” (m.Sotah 9:15)

• Tent-maker by trade (Acts 18:3; 1 Th 2:9)

Paul – Life and Teachings• Paul and the persecution of Christ followers

• Paul in his thirties w/ authority (m. Avot 5:21)• Phineas – zeal to kill (Num 25:1-13)• Heroes of the Maccabean revolt 1 Macc 2:27, 44-47, 3:8

“turned away wrath from Israel”

• Paul’s zeal was sincere – no guilt (Phil 3:6)• Wanted to obliterate the church (Gal 1:13; Acts 8:3; 26:9-11)

• Jesus – law breaker and blasphemer• Paul “ravaged the churches” (Acts 8:3)• For Christ-believers – punishment, imprisonment & death (Acts 26:10-11)• Extended search for believers (9:1-2)

Paul – Life and Teachings

2.1.2 Paul’s conversion (AD 34) • Paul’s turn-around (Gal 1:15-16; Acts 9:1-22; 22:6-21; 26:4-23)

• Prophetic call or conversion?

• Appearance of the risen Christ (1 Cor 15:3-8; 9:1)• “hard to kick against the goads” (Acts 26:14)• Authority of the risen Christ – Paul obeys immediately (Acts 9:6)• Paul connected Jesus who ‘hung on a tree’ w/ Messiah (Dt 21:23)

Paul – Life and Teachings• How did Paul’s life change theologically after meeting w/ Christ?

• Before: Jesus – false Messiah and blasphemer; cursed by God• Now: Jesus – true Messiah & God’s Son and Lord• Before: Law – God’s standard which enables righteousness w/ God • Now: Sacred but Law is relative compared to Christ; demonstrates sin• Before: Spirit – God’s life giving Spirit would be poured out in the last days• Now: Spirit as the new reality right now • Before: zeal to persecute Christ believers• Now: zeal to advance the gospel• Before: Resurrection – happens once at the end• Now: began w/ Christ as the first fruit; completed in the end• Before: Gentiles – alienated from God & covenant• Now: Inclusion of the Gentiles into the people of God Eph 2:14-15 • Much of Paul’s theology remained the same

• One God, Scripture, resurrection; covenant w/ Abraham etc.

Paul – Life and Teachings

2.1.3 The Early Years of ministry – AD 34-47 • According to Paul’s letters – right after conversion

• Arabia and Damascus (Gal 1:15-17; 2Cor 11:32-33 – AD 37-39)• After 3yrs. visit only Peter & James in Jerusalem (15d; Gal 1:18)• Syria and Cilicia [unknown to churches in Judea] (Gal 1:21)

• After 14yrs. & ‘private meeting’ in Jerusalem (Gal 2:1-10)• ‘right hand of fellowship’ & ‘remember the poor’ (2:9-10)

• Antioch controversy erupts – Peter & Barnabas (Gal 2:11-14)

Paul – Life and Teachings• Acts of Apostles – right after conversion

• In Damascus w/ disciples & preaching Jesus (9:19-20)• ‘plot to kill Saul’ – narrow escape (9:23-25; cf. 2Cor 11:32-33)

• In Jerusalem: Barnabas introduces; meets the apostles• Preaches boldly in Jerusalem; ‘goes in and out’ (9:26-29) – cf. Gal 1:22• Sent to Caesarea & Tarsus (9:30)

• Paul brought to Antioch by Barnabas (11:22-29)• Paul’s first missionary journey (Acts 13-14)

• AD 49 Apostolic council (15:1-35) “Not…circumcise…cannot be saved”

• No need for circumcision• Ritual requirements – things polluted by idols; fornication; ill-prepared

meat & blood (cf. Lev 17:8-18:30) – WHY?• Safeguard table fellowship w/ Jewish Christians

Paul – Life and Teachings• Some difficult questions

• Gal 1:22 – ‘unknown to churches in Judea’• Acts 9:26-29 – preaches boldly in Jerusalem

• Gal 2:1-10 Jerusalem council or famine relief meeting? (11:27-30)• Jerusalem council (Acts 15:1-35) – difficulties w/ Gal 2:1-10

• Why did Paul never mention or appeal to Apostolic decree?• Why does Paul not comply with the decision? (cf. 1 Cor 10-11)• What about the dating of Galatians?

• Did Paul consider the decree as temporary compromise?

Paul – Life and Teachings

2.1.4 Paul’s Missionary Journeys (AD 47-) • 1st missionary journey AD 47-48 from Antioch Acts 13:1-14:28

• 2nd missionary journey AD 49-51 15:36-18:22

• 3rd journey AD 51-54 18:23-21:16

• Bound to Rome (27-28)

• 4th journey?

Paul – Life and Teachings

(i) 1st Journey AD 47-48 from Antioch Acts 13:1-14:28 • “First to the Jews…then to gentiles”• the conversion of proconsul Sergius Paulus (Acts 13:4-12)• In Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:14-52)• Lystra & the stoning of Paul (14:8-20)

• from god to criminal (Paul = Hermes & Barnabas = Zeus)

• Paul embodies the sufferings of Christ = the gospel• on the way back: strengthening disciples, appointing elders, prayer &

fasting, entrusting them to the Lord, encouraging; ‘we must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God’ (14:22)

• Summary of 1st journey:• 2 yrs.• 1400 miles• Churches in nine cities• Galatians (AD 47-49?) – if written for churches in south Galatia

Paul – Life and Teachings

(ii) 2nd Missionary Journey AD 49-51 15:36-18:32• Apostolic council • Dispute b/w Paul and Barnabas over John Mark (15:38)

• Travels w/ Silas

• Anatolia – Macedonia – Achaia• Philippi (in prison), Thessalonica (‘world upside down’), Berea;

Athens (Areopagus); 18 months in Corinth (Gallio the proconsul) • Follow up with newly planted churches • Specific guidance of HS (16:6-10)

• Summary:• Wrote 1-2 Thessalonians• 3 years • 2800 miles

Paul – Life and Teachings

(iii) 3rd journey AD 51-54 - Acts 18:23-21:16 • Through Galatia, Phrygia to Ephesus – Macedonia and Achaia• Focus on Ephesus (27 months - almost 3yrs. 19:8-10)

• Apollos taught & disciples of John the Baptist receive the Spirit (19:1-7)• Synagogue & lecture hall of Tyrannus (19:8-10)• Extraordinary miracles & sons of Sceva (19:11-30)• Riot of the silversmiths (19:23-41)• Speech to Ephesian elders (20:25-35)• To Jerusalem (21:17)

• Summary:• 4yrs.• 2700 miles• 1-2 Cor, Rom, Galatians if written for northern Galatian churches

Paul – Life and Teachings• ‘Journey’ to Rome and onward

• Paul’s ‘capture’ in Jerusalem (21:27-28)• Caesarean imprisonment AD 57-59 (24:1-26:32)• Roman imprisonment AD 60-62 (27:17-28:31)

• Was Paul released & beheaded during Nero (Eccl. Hist. 2.22.3)? • To Spain (Rom 15:22-24; 1 Clement 5:7 & Muratorian Frag. AD 180)• Asia Minor (pastoral epistles)

prison epistles from Caesarea or Rome or Ephesus? • Paul’s execution probably AD 66/67 during Nero’s reign

Paul – Life and Teachings

5:5 Through envy Paul, too, showed by example the prize that is given to patience: 5:6 seven times was he cast into chains; he was banished; he was stoned; having become a herald, both in the East and in the West, he obtained the noble renown due to his faith; 5:7 and having preached righteousness to the whole world, and having come to the extremity of the West, and having borne witness before rulers, he departed at length out of the world, and went to the holy place, having become the greatest example of patience. 1 Clement 5:5-7 (c. AD 90-110)

Paul – Life and Teachings

2.1.5 A Glance at Paul as a Missionary • 4 major areas: Galatia, Asia, Macedonia, Achaia

• Rome, Jerusalem, Cyprus, Illyricum, Crete, Malta…

• Targeted major urban areas along major trade routes • Ephesus, Corinth, Philippi, Thessalonica• Urban imagery: politics (Phil 3:20); commerce (Philem 18);

athletics (1 Cor 9:24-27); law & courts (Rom 7:1); slave trade (1 Cor 7:22)

• Team w/ assistants & emissaries (1 Cor 4:17; 2 Cor 7:6-8)• Paul & money – work & occasional support (1Thess2:9; Phil 4:15-16)

• Paul’s financial base & social status (1Thess 2:9; Phil 4:12)

• To what extent was Paul independent? (1Cor 3:4-6; 2Cor 8-9; Gal 2:10)• Trials & persecutions – ‘thorn in the flesh’ (2Cor 11:24-28; 12:7-9)

Paul – Life and Teachings

2.2 Aspects of Paul’s Teachings • Difficult areas in Paul’s theology

• Occasional nature of Paul’s letters – no systematic theology • Paul in his letters and Acts – use one or both • Authenticity of some letters• New perspective on Paul

Sketch of some aspects

Paul – Life and Teachings2.2.1 God - <500 times in Paul’s writings

• Infinitely wise and all-knowing (Rom 11:33-36)

• Glorious and magnificent (Rom 16:27; Gal 1:5; Eph 3:21)

• Eternal, invisible (1 Tim 1:17)

• Lord of all and Ruler (1 Tim 6:15-16)

• Faithful and comforting (2 Cor 1:18, 3, 9)

• Merciful, loving, gracious (Rom 3:21-30; 5:8-10)

Paul – Life and Teachings• God is Sovereign

• God predestines Eph 1:5; Rom 8:29-30 – election or pre-destiny?

• God has foreknowledge Rom 8:29; 11:2 – foresight or relational?

• God elects/chooses Eph 1:4; 1 Thess 1:4 - individual or corporate?

• God’s purpose & will Eph 1:9-10 - God’s own purposes

Paul – Life and TeachingsChrist• Humanity

• True human & descendent of David – Gal 4:4 Rom 1:3 • Sinless life 2 Cor 5:21; 8:3• Jesus’ teachings – little attention (1Cor 7:10-11; 9:14; 11:23-25; 2 Cor 12:9)

• Lordship & exalted status • Makes God visible & accessible

• In some sense subordinate & distinct from God (1 Cor 15:27-28)• One God/Lord 1 Cor 8:6 cf. Deut 6:4 - cf. Jewish monotheism

• “in the form of God” Gk. morphe Phil 2:6• “fullness of deity” Col 2:9 • “God” Rom 9:5, Tit 2:13 • “Lord” (YHWH) Rom 10:9 (Joel 2:32); Phil 2:9 (cf. Is 45:23)

Paul is consumed w/ Christ and knows him personally

Paul – Life and TeachingsHoly SpiritHis person

Personhood: intellect 1Cor 2:10; will 12:11; emotions Eph 4:30 Deity: 2 Cor 13:14; “searches the depth of God” 1Cor 2:10

His works Enables conversion 1 Cor 12:2-3; Tit 3:5 Indwells, helps, intercedes Rom 8:9, 26-27 Testifies to reality of God & seals Rom 8:14-17; Eph 1:13 Gives gifts 1 Cor 12,14 Gives life, fills Rom 8:10-17; Eph 5:18 Enables transformation & enables obedience Rom 8:4-11; Gal 5:16

Paul – Life and Teachings• Human beings and evil

• Human guilt before God Rom 3:10, 19• Conscience & ‘law written in heart’ 2:15• Human beings need salvation Rom 3:19-20

• Evil is real and influential Eph 6:11-12; 2 Cor 11:12-15• Principalities and powers (Eph 6:12; Rom 8:38)• Rule and authority Col 2:10, 15

Evil forces defeated by Christ but still has an influence on believers

Paul – Life and TeachingsSin

• Images and words:• Lawlessness, missing the mark, sinful acts, deviation, debt

• Bondage Rom 5:21 • Power, death, condemnation 6:12, 16-17, 7:14ff. • External acts and inner attitude Rom 1:29-31

• Eternal condemnation & consequences now

• Connected to ‘rulers and powers’ 1 Cor 2:8 • Social dimension of sin

Paul – Life and TeachingsSalvation• Forgiveness

• Gk. Charizomai – forgive out of grace; aphiemi - forgiveness/release

• Redemption • Gk. apolutrosis – setting free from bondage of slavery & death

• Exodus background & slave market idea e.g. Rom 3:24

• Propitiation/Expiation • Gk. hilasterion – ‘expiate, atone, appease’ Rom 3:26

• Propitiation: Appeasing of wrath – object is God• Expiation: Sins are covered or wiped out – object is sin

Paul – Life and Teachings• Justification

• Gk. dikaioo and cognates – ‘declare righteous’ or ‘make righteous’ • Legal background of the terminology • Righteousness – by grace, through faith Rom 3:24, 5:1 • Apart from the ‘works of the law’ Rom 3:20; Gal 2:16• Fundamental basis for all other things “in Christ”

• NP on Paul • Justification = covenant faithfulness - corporate dimension • Calling initial act of salvation – justification subsequent • Two stages: early phase; in the end by works (i.e. vindicated by God

because of works wrought by HS within the believer )

Paul – Life and TeachingsEschatology Last days ‘now’ Rom 13:12

‘already and not yet’ dimension Redemption of the whole creation Rom 8:18-25 HS as “first fruits” & final consummation Rom 8:23; 1 Cor 15:51-57

World, believers, Israel Resurrection of the body & redemption of all things 1 Cor 15; Rom 8 “wrath of God” – judgment of the world Rom 2:5; 5:9; 1 Cor 3:15 “Man of lawlessness” before the end 2 Thess 2:8 Israel’s believing remnant Rom 11: 1,5 “all Israel will be saved” 11:26

Paul – Life and TeachingsEthics

• Theology and ethics cannot be separated • Ethical imperative is based on theological indicative

• “lead a life worthy of your calling” Eph 4:1

• Empowerment of the HS Gal 5:19-20• Encouragement & guidance of the Scripture Rom 15:4; 2 Tim 3:16• Primacy of love Rom 13:8-10; 1 Cor 13:13; Gal 5:6; 1 Tim 1:5

• Community dimension Rom 13:10; 14:1-23• Law of Christ Gal 6:2

• Example of Christ & Paul Phil 2:5-11; 1 Cor 4:16