NTP Year-end Evaluation and Planning Workshop



NTP Year-end Evaluation and Planning Workshop. Nov 14-18, 2011 Bohol. City Profile, 2011. Population, 2011: _________ (Source: ____ ) No. of health centers: ___ No. of health personnel:. City Profile, 2011. No. of Existing TML (TB Microscopy Laboratory) ___ HC- based - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NTP Year-end Evaluation and Planning Workshop

Nov 14-18, 2011Bohol

City Profile, 2011• Population, 2011: _________ (Source: ____ )

• No. of health centers: ___ • No. of health personnel:

HC based Non-HC based TotalPhysiciansNursesMed TechMidwivesBNSBHWs/Vol.

City Profile, 2011• No. of Existing TML (TB Microscopy Laboratory)

___ HC- based ___ with full time Med Tech___ without full time Med Tech

___ Hospital- based (DOTS-engaged) ___ public___ private

___ Private facilities (DOTS-engaged)

• Total no. of lying-in clinic(s): ___• Total no. of Puericulture Center(s): ___• Total no. of NGOs present: ___– Total no. of NGOs involved in NTP: ___

City Profile, 2011• No. of hospital(s) and DOTS engagement: __ (Total)

• No. of TBDC at:

Type Existing Type of engagement No. Engaged

PublicDOTS Referring

DOTS Providing

PrivateDOTS Referring

DOTS Providing

LGU Public hospital Private hospital TOTAL

City Profile, 2011• No of certified and accredited DOTS facilities

PhilCAT Certified as of ______

PhilHealth Accredited as of _______

Expiredas of ________

HCPrivate clinicsPublic HospitalPrivate HospitalLying-in ClinicPuericulture center



Trend of Total Slide Reading Errors 2009-Q1-Q3 2011

Trend of Smear Preparation based on 6 Assessment Points, 2009-Q1-Q3 2011

QA Monitoring, 2011

• Total no. of lab monitoring done: ___• Total no. of laboratories monitored:



2009 Performance

2010 Performance

Q1-Q3, 2011 Performance

Over-all Performance



TARGETSYear Case Detection Rate Cure Rate

Strat Plan c/o Oasis

CIPH Strat Plan c/o Oasis



ACTIVITIESin Achieving 2012 Direction

PhilPACT Strategy 1: Localize implementation of TB


PhilPACT Strategy 2: Monitor health system


PhilPACT Strategy 3: Engage ALL health care providers

PhilPACT Strategy 4: Promote and strengthen positive

behaviour of communities

PhilPACT Strategy 5: Address MDR-TB,TB/HIV and needs of

vulnerable populations

PhilPACT Strategy 6: Regulate and make available quality

TB diagnostic tests and drugs

PhilPACT Strategy 7: Certify and accredit TB care


PhilPACT Strategy 8: Secure adequate funding and

improve allocation & efficiency of fund utilization

CHALLENGES in Attaining 2012 Direction

TECHNICALChallenges Recommendation/Plan

MANAGERIALChallenges Recommendation/Plan

ADMINISTRATIVEChallenges Recommendation/Plan
