NSPCC Chief Executive Mr Peter Wanless Visits...


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Issue No 27

28th April 2017


Executive Mr

Peter Wanless

Visits Trinity Trinity recently welcomed Mr Peter

Wanless, the CEO of the NSPCC

who came to talk to our Year 10 as

part of our Gifted and Talented

programme. Peter gave an insightful

and honest account of his career,

which spanned the Civil Service, HM

Treasury and the Big Lottery Fund

before he became the CEO of the


Peter linked his career and the path

it has taken into his love for cricket

and his passion for music and rock

bands. Peter described how these

two main interests shaped his life

and set his career, in particular his

post with Sir John Major, in motion.

Mr. Peter Wanless speaking to

our Year 10

A main part of the talk was about

leadership and Peter set out his five

main points:

1. A leader is on display all the time

2. Listen and learn from others

3. It can be tough

4. It costs nothing to be nice to


5. Surround yourself with people

you trust and respect

Above all, Peter impressed upon

our Year 10 the need to be

authentic, work hard, build

relationships and to have a strong

moral purpose.

After the talk, there was a question

& answer session where students

asked pre-prepared questions; Peter

did not disappoint in his full and

lively answers.

Kyle Bonar asking a question

about skills required in an


George Udale asking his

question about supporting the

London Marathon

Cameron and Abigail gave Mr

Wanless a tour of our school after

the talk.

Mr Wanless thoroughly enjoyed his

visit to the school and commented

on the engagement of and the warm

welcome he received by our


Education for life in all its fullness

Cameron Renwick, Head Boy &

Abigail Lester, Head Girl with Mr. Peter Wanless

Mrs A Hussey

Gifted & Talented Coordinator

Staff Q+A Each week we will be doing a short

Q+A with staff members. This

week is Miss Johnson:

Role: Teacher of English

Favourite subjects when you

were at school: History and


Hobbies: Knitting and swimming

Favourite book: Harry Potter and

the Prisoner of Azkaban

Prayer request: We pray that

Miss Johnson will continue to settle

in well with our Trinity family.

Prayer and

Reflection Space

Our annual prayer and reflection

space will be held at Trinity School

from Wednesday 3rd May to

Monday 8th May this year. We will

be transforming one room in the

school into a quiet and inspiring

prayer space for students and staff

to spend time praying and reflecting

in. Each class will have an hour in

the prayer space during one of their

lessons during the set dates. Last

years’ prayer space was a great

success and we hope for an even

more eye-opening and exciting time

for the students.

Year 10 Travel &

Tourism Exam Please be advised that the Year 10

students who study BTEC Travel &

Tourism will be sitting their Unit 1

exam on Monday 15th May at

9.00am. This exam will be marked

externally and counts towards their

final grade for this subject. In

addition to class time, students can

attend revision sessions with Mrs

Turner on Thursdays after school

from 3.30pm – 4.30pm. Please could

you encourage your son/daughter

with their revision and preparation

for the exam.


Children’s Choir

On Thursday 18th May the Watoto

Children’s Choir will be coming to

Trinity! Please go to

https://www.watoto.com to find out

more about them. This amazing

choir of orphans and the volunteers

who care for them will be putting

on a free concert at Trinity of

amazing songs, dances and

testimonies. During the event,

there will be a gift offering and craft

items to purchase from Watoto so

please bring along some money to

support this amazing group. TO

BOOK your free place, please go to


Please email


Spinner Toys We are seeing an increase in the

number of students bringing into

school spinner toys. These are

being sold in shops as fiddle toys

with the aim to support

concentration. Unfortunately, they

are causing distractions in lesson

and it is important that these are

used discretely in lesson to avoid

distracting others. Whilst we are

supportive of students who need to

use these genuinely, we need to

restrict the use to those who have a

medical diagnosis e.g.

ADHD. Going forward, only

students who have had permission

from the SENCo may use these in


Education for life in all its fullness

Please get in touch via email

senco@trinitysevenoaks.com should

you wish to discuss this further.

Fame Reunion

Friday 5th May 2017 3.30pm – 4.30pm

School Hall

Watch back the Friday


Invites are for Cast and Crew Only.

Second Hand

School Uniform The Friends of Trinity would be

very grateful if you have any spare

uniform for their second hand

uniform sale. Please bring to school

and leave at reception.

Termly Maths

Puzzle Please remember to have a go at

our Termly Puzzle – Dividing

Squares. It is attached at the end of

the newsletter. Closing date is May



Friends of Trinity

Coffee Morning

May – Monday 15th

(9.30am – 11.00am) Teal Café

July – Wednesday 5th

(9.30am - 11.00am) Café on The

Vine (Vine Gardens, Sevenoaks,

TN13 3UH)

Sporting News!

Kent Schools Athletic

Track and Field

Championships If you take part in athletics outside

of school and would like to

represent Trinity please email Miss

Trew ktrew@trinitysevenoaks.com

with your son/daughter’s name, the

event and their PB by the end of the


Competitors can enter a maximum

of two events as per UKA rules.

These championships are to be held

at The Julie Rose Stadium, Ashford

TN24 9QX on Saturday 10th June

2017. Parents will need to take


Finally, the organisers are

desperately short of helpers

and officials. If you know of

anyone who would be willing to

help please let Miss Trew know.

Fixture Results Year 7 Monday 24th April

Trinity vs Knole cancelled

Year 9 Tuesday 25th April

Rugby Tournament Year 9 came 2nd

Year 8 Wednesday 26th April

Rugby unfortunately only two

schools went, Trinity and Bennett

which was a real shame, however

the boys did tremendously and

played their best rugby.

Year 7 Friday 28th April

Rugby Tournament

Fixtures for week

beginning 1st May


Year 7 and 8 Rounders match

Tuesday 2nd May away to Wally

Hall start @ 4.00pm pick up from

Trinity 5.30pm

Year 9 and 10 Rounders match

Thursday 4th May away at home

against St Greg’s @ 4.20pm pick up


U13 and U15 Tag Rugby

Festival Thursday 4th May at

TWRFC KO 4.00pm pick up from

Trinity 6.30pm


U13 Cricket Match Friday 5th


Please speak to Mr Sherwood on

Tuesday break for all the information

on the match and venue. This is a Kent

cup match.

U12 Boys Kent Football Final

Wednesday 3rd May away at

Tonbridge Angels FC 1.30pm KO

Year 7 Football Final A reminder that the date and time

for the Year 7 football final is 3rd

May, KO 1.30pm. You are all invited

to come and watch the boys play.

Please just be mindful that the

parking may be quite chaotic.

Venue: Tonbridge Angels FC.

Education for life in all its fullness

Martial Arts Club Great news we have been able to

secure our Martial Arts coach to

the end of the school year.

The cost of each hour session is £3

however if you pay in blocks of 6

weeks you get one week free, a

cost of £15. Please make cheques

payable to Nick Wilkinson and put

in a sealed envelope addressed

Martial Arts Coach and hand to

Nick directly on the Friday. He will

also accept cash.


Cricket Interhouse Sport will take place in

week 9 on the following dates and

times. Please can you ensure that you

are all signing up to a team and that

you are representing your House.

Please be mindful that YEAR 10



Sports Ambassadors will be

communicating between students

and the PE department to ensure

that they have all the relevant


Interhouse Competition May Cycle

3 Week 9&10 (week1&2)

Yr Sport Date Peri

ods Time

7B Cricket


Fri 5th


1&2 9:20





Fri 5th


1&2 9:20

8B Cricket


Mon 8th


1&2 9:20





Mon 8th


1&2 9:20

9B Cricket





4&5 1:15








4&5 1:15

You are allowed up to 10 in a

team. 1 Captain, 1 Coach (who

does not have to be a player in

the squad)

12 from each house

If you want your coach to be of

the opposite sex that is fine, but

they will not be able to play for

their team as well as coach, as

you will play at the same time


“And God raised us up with Christ and

seated us with him in the heavenly

realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in

the coming ages he might show the

incomparable riches of his

grace, expressed in his kindness to us

in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you

have been saved, through faith—and

this is not from yourselves, it is the gift

of God— not by works, so that no one

can boast.”

Ephesians 2:6-9

With lots of exciting events

happening at school, such as our

annual prayer space and the visit of

the Watoto children’s choir, it

makes me feel very grateful for the

opportunities that I, and all our

Trinity family, can have. This

reading tells us that so much of

what we have comes from Jesus and

that he gives us so much through

the gifts of his grace.

Giving thanks for:


So many wonderful


A great start to the new


Praying for:

All the activities, trips and

visits coming up in the next

few weeks

Health and wellbeing for all

Many thanks and God bless,


Education for life in all its fullness

Education for life in all its fullness

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Education for life in all its fullness


Find SEVEN more ways of

dividing a square in half.

Submit your entries to Mrs Penfold

(S06 or S15) with your name and form

by Friday 19th May 2017

by Friday 19th May 2017
