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nsider Spring 2006

A publication of theHousing Authority of theCity of Macon, Georgia

Inside This Issue

Budgeting and CreditWorkshops for Homeownership Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 2

Head Start Program . . . . pg 3

The WINGS XI Program, inFlight! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 5

Georgia WIC Program . . . pg 4

McAfee Towers VolunteerMonitors Banquet . . . . . . pg 4

Mrs. LaConstance Smith,Retired! . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 6

Myths Regarding RentersInsurance . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 7


Employment . . . . . . . . . . pg 3

HUD ... Community ServiceSelf SufficiencyRequirement . . . . . . . . pg 2

GAHRA BasketballTournament 2006 . . . . pg 4

Photo Gallery . . . . . . . pg 5

Summer Lunch Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 7

Out & Up, Inc. Celebrates theGrand Opening of Joshua’sHouse After School Program

by Patricia Walker, President of Out & Up, Inc.

Out & Up, Incorporated continues to pursue the goals of theirorganization in its efforts to positively impact the lives of the children inthe Tindall Heights Community. December 18, 2006 marked a significantmilestone in this effort with the formal Open House Ceremony forJoshua’s House After School Program at the Hester Bivins Center in theTindall Heights Housing Project.

This relocation of the program from Greater Little Rock BaptistChurch was made possible by the continued collaborative support ofMercer Center for Service-Learning and Community Development andthe Macon Housing Authority. Through a Memorandum of Agreement,space at the Center and utilities with some maintenance is provided bythe Macon Housing Authority. MCSCD continues to provide work studystudents who function as tutors to the after school students who attendthe program. MCSCD also furnished computers, office furniture, tablechairs, as well as some tutoring supplies. The new location is an attra-tive and promising environment which is a great source of pride to allinvolved and to the community it serves.

The ribbon cutting ceremony featured John Hiscox, MHA; PeterBrown, MCSCD; and H. Larry Eason, Pastor of Greater Little RockBaptist Church. The children of the After School Program treated guestsof the Grand Opening to Christmas songs, and refreshments wereenjoyed as the new location was showcased.

Currently, the Center serves approximately 21 children from theTindall Community and Burke Elementary. As Out & Up, Inc., contin-ues to pursue licensing under the Department of Early Care andLearning, the plans are to offer a year-round program for up to 50 chil-dren.


3 Macon Housing Authority IINNSSIIDDEERR * Spring 2006 .2

The Macon-Bibb County EOCIHead Start program is once againannouncing recruitment of eligible three(3) and four (4) years old childrenwhich includes our children with specialneeds/disabilities.

Because Head Start is mandatedto make available at least ten (10%) ofits total enrollment to children with dis-abilities, we are continuing our recruit-ment efforts to agencies/programs thatserve these special needs children.

Applications for acceptance canbe completed by calling any one of thefollowing Head Start Centers listed :

Bellevue Center4090 Napier Avenue

Macon, GA 31204(478) 471-1486

Bloomfield Center5263 Bloomfield RoadMacon, GA 31206(478) 788-8054

Hall Center2312 Shurling DriveMacon, GA 31211(478) 738-3245

Monroe County Center375 College StreetForsyth, GA 31209(478) 994-5174

Macon-BBibb County EOC Head StartMass RegistrationMarch 20-24, 20069:00 am - 12:00 noon and 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Registration for Felton Homes, Murphy Homes and PendletonHomes will be held at the Bloomfield Center.

Head Start Program


Bellevue Center4090 Napier AvenueMacon, GA 31204478-471-1486

Bloomfield Center5263 Bloomfield RoadMacon, GA 31206(478) 788-8054

Murphy Homes2420 D Street

Macon, GA 31206(478) 742-4291

Felton Homes2035 College StreetA13 & B13Macon, GA 31204(478) 746-7726

Hall Center2312 Shurling DriveMacon, GA 31211

(478) 738-3245

Davis Homes Center904 Main StreetMacon, GA 31201(478) 752-5178(478) 752-5189

Monroe County375 College StreetForsyth, GA 31029(478) 994-5174

Pendleton Homes3406 Houston AvenueMacon, GA 31206(478) 788-7891

Budgeting and Credit Workshops forHomeownership Preparation

Residents are paving the way forhomeownership by signing their Leaseto Purchase Homeownership agree-ments. The residents completed aseries of housing counseling, budgetingand credit training sessions. They arenow enjoying brand new homes in therevitalized and historic Beall’s Hill com-munity around the new Tattnall Placemixed income apartment complex.

For more information about ourLease to Purchase Homeownershipprogram, contact our HOPE VI staff at(478) 752-5078.

Macon Housing Authority IINNSSIIDDEERR * Spring 2006

March’s Session: Family Investment CenterMarch 16th and 30th ~ Evening sessions 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

April’s Session: Family Investment CenterApril 13th and 27th ~ Evening Sessions 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

May’s Session: Family Investment CenterMay 11th and 25th ~ Evening Sessions 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Attendance to all sessions is strongly encouraged and open toany resident. This is a three-month continuous session; missing oneor more sessions would result in not getting all of the necessary infor-mation to complete the sessions. The material is presented in chrono-logical order to best serve your learning needs.

To register, contact Cathy Jo Hogan

HOPE VI PersonalAdvisor at

(478) 752-5173

BBuuddggeettiinngg//CCrreeddiitt WWoorrkksshhoopp



Residents who are 18 yearsof age or older who live inpublic housing have beeninformed that they arerequired to perform communi-ty service or participate in aself-sufficiency program for atleast 8 hours per month for atotal of 96 hours per year.This lease requirementapplies to the following:

* Residents who are notworking* Residents who are not par-ticipating in a welfare to workprogram* Residents who do notreceive Temporary Assistancefor Needy Families (TANF)* Residents who are notenrolled in college or techni-cal school

The Community Service SelfSufficiency Requirement isdesigned to assist participantswith volunteer opportunitiesthat may improve the qualityof their lives by encouragingmobility activities.

For more information, contactthe Resident ServiceCoordinator in your neighbor-hood.


Part-Time $10 per hourA Community Center

Coordinator will be hired towork at the Hester Bivins

Center located in the TindallHeights community. This per-son will report to the ExecutiveDirector of Board of Out & Up,Inc., which is the 501c3 com-

munity organization.

Contact Cheryl RobinsonMercer Center for Community

Engagement at 301-5322.Deadline to apply 3/30/2006...........................................

Will provide specifically defined,non-medical care servicesunder the supervison of a

Registered Nurse to enable theclient to remain in the home.

Contact MHA’s ResidentInitiatives Department by call-

ing 752-5145 or 752-5146Deadline to apply 4/30/2006...........................................

The Home Companion providesspecifically defined, non-skilledhealth care services under the

supervison of a RegisteredNurse to enable the client to

remain in the home.

Contact MHA’s ResidentInitiatives Department by call-

ing 752-5145 or 752-5146Deadline to apply 4/30/2006

Home Companion

Personal Care Aide(PCA)

Community CenterCoordinator

5 Macon Housing Authority IINNSSIIDDEERR * Spring 20064

Georgia WIC ProgramYou may be eligible to receive

FREE food items through the WIC pro-gram. If your income qualify, the WIC(Women, Infant and Children up to 5 years)Program provides milk, cheese, eggs, cereal,fruit juices, peanut butter, dried peas, beansand infant formula. Anyone may be eligi-ble for the WIC Program, regardless of race,color, national origin, age, sex, or disability.USDA prohibits the discrimination in theadministration of its program. To find out ifyou are eligible to receive these free WICfoods, please contact:

Your Local Health Department or The WIC Hotline at


Georgia WIC Branch Income EligibilityGuidelines (Effective for April 15, 2004 toApril 15, 2006) 48 Contiguous UnitedStates, District of Columbia, Guam andTerritories. If your income meet the guide-lines below, please contact your local HealthDept. to apply for WIC Servcies. “This Institution is an Equal Opportunity


McAfee Towers Volunteer Monitors BanquetMcAfee Towers Voluntter

Monitors Banquet was held on January27, 2006 at Willow on Fifth Restaurantin Macon. The occasion is held annu-ally to honor and express appreciationfor over thirty McAfee Tower’s resi-dents who volunteer their time on thesecurity desk or as floor monitors

Ms. Angelia Martin entertainedour residents with a beautiful solo.Also Mr. John Hiscox, ExecutiveDirector and Mr. Michael Colbert,Director of Housing Managementexpressed their appreciations to thesewonderful volunteers

GAHRA BasketballTournament 2006

Host: Albany HousingAuthority

Thurs July 20 - SatJuly 22, 2006

Males ages 13-18 PHA or Section 8

Resident 3-Day Trip to the

“Good Life City”

If you would like to jointhe team, contact yourlocal Housing Authorityoffice for more informa-tion

752-5145 or752-5146Get your game on!


Resident leaders and staffenjoy Christmas Luncheon

at the Hiscox's home.

Residents attend and participate in AnnualResident Leadership Development

Conference, Pooler GA

2005 JohnWhitehead

Award Winner-Rose Lowe, res-

ident, withMichael Colbert,



WINGS XI (11) Program is cur-rently in session with an activeenrollment of 22 ladies. WINGS isan acronym stading forWomenInitiating NewGoals forSuccess.

Who’s InvolvedIn TheProgram?

Any ladieswho have hope, drive initiative,desires, dreams and the aspiration tomove forward but need a littleassistance identifying barriers andmaking necessary plans to improveand achieve a good quality of life.

WINGS Mission StatementTo reach the hearts of

women with education, training,personal development and hands-onjob skills to impel them to learn,grow and gain the skills and confi-dence needed to gain suitableemployment and ultimately becomeeconomically independent.

Sponsors andCollaborative Partners

Macon HousingAuthority along with thefollowing collaborative partners:Central Georgia Technical College-New Connections program,Department of Family and Services,Economic Opportunity Center,Entrepreneurial and EmploymentTraining Center, Inc., FamilyCounseling Center, Inc., AngerManagement Centers, Inc.,Worforce Development, Universityof Georgia Cooperative ExtensionService and Mercer UniversityEducation Opportunity Centersponsors this program.

How Does The Program Work?

The WINGS Programoffers extensive training for tenweeks in the following areas: LifeSkills, Employability, Health and

Nutrition, AdvancedComputer Skills,

Personal Development,Group Development,

Action & Career Planning,Budgeting, Parenting,Education and House

Keeping. The Ladies arerequired to attend classes

Monday through Friday from 9:00am until 3:00 p.m. for 10 weeks.You are also required to complete25 hours of volunteer service atthe agency or business ofyour choice.

There have been____ graduates from thiswonderful program. ____of our ladies are gainfullyemployed. ____ of the____ ladies are attendingschool.

Join our next class or become apartner or sponsor!

When: Twice a year inJanuary and October. Time:From 9:00 am to 3:00pm

Monday-Friday for 10 weeks atthe Where: Macon Housing Authority,Family Investment Center 905Main Street (Davis Homes)

For more information contact:Rhonda Green-Barnes, WINGSCoordinator at (478) 752-5097 or email at rgreen-barnes@maconhous-ng.com

Macon Housing

Authority celebrate

their United Way

Campaign at Lake

Tobesofkee, reach-

ing their goal of


TThhee WWIINNGGSS XXII PPrrooggrraamm,, iinn FFlliigghhtt!!

Macon Housing Authority IINNSSIIDDEERR * Spring 2006

7 Macon Housing Authority IINNSSIIDDEERR * Spring 2006 .6

MMrrss.. LLaaCCoonnssttaannccee SSmmiitthh,, aaSSeerrvvaanntt NNooww RReettiirreedd!!

On November 1, 2005, Mrs.LaConstance Smith, affectionatelyknown as Connie, retired from MaconHousing Authority after twenty yearsof dedicated service as ResidentService and Social ServicesCoordinator. She was honored withmany friends, family, residents andco-workers attending her Retirement

Tribute, held at the Family Investment Center. The program featured musicaltributes, inspirations, wishes and reflections by the special friends, a video,dance ensemble, and a Resolution in Honor of Mrs. Smith on the Occasion ofHer Retirement from the Board of Commissioners of the Macon HousingAuthority.

Mrs. LaConstance “Connie” Smtih joined the Macon Housing AuthorityNovember 1985 as Resident Service Coordinator for Anthony Homes and scat-tered sites, assuming responsibility for the neighborhood management andoperation functions. She continually progressed and grew with the positionand the housing agency, and was promoted to the position of SocialCoordinator in September 1990.

Connie approached her work with professionalism, energy, dedicationand genuine concern for the integrity of the Housing Management andResident Initiatives Department and daily brightened her work environmentand contributed to team morale with her experience and wisdom, cheerfulnature, humor, and cooperative attitude. In her everyday and natural role,Connie provided opportunities for social and economic development leading toincreased self-sufficiency and independence for families residing in housing-assisted programs; in doing so, she established and maintained positive work-ing relations with nearly every social service agency in the agency and thecounty for the benefit of famiies.

Connie delighted in providing guidance and leadership developmentopportunities and training for resident associations and councils locally andthrough the initiation of and annual, state-wide Resident LeadershipDevelopment Conference. For many years, she was an active member andserved as a Committee Co-Chair of the Georgia Association of Housing andRedevelopment Authorities (GAHRA) and the South Eastern Region Council(SERC) of the National Association of Housing and editor of Macon HousingAuthority’s “Insider”, an award-winning publication of news, views, activitiesand highlights of residents’ and management operations.

When Connie made the decision to retire from the Macon HousingAuthority effective Tuesday, November 1, 2005, Macon Housing Authoritywould immediately know and feel the difference without her daily presence,advocating for and assisting families on their journeys.

Therefore, the Board of Commissioners of the Macon Housing Authority,on behalf of employees and residents, congratulates Connie on a job well doneand offers its heartfelt thanks to her for twenty years of exemplary service anddeclare its sincere best wishes for Connie’s retirement years.

By the way, Connie has already reconnected with us, under contract withInFill Housing, Inc., a subsidiary of Macon Housing Authority. Welcome back


MMyytthhss RReeggaarrddiinngg RReenntteerrss IInnssuurraanncceeWe strongly recommend that all resi-dents carry renters' insurance. The cov-erage is affordable and provides impor-tant security and peace of mind. Thelandlord's insurance policies only coverthe building itself. Your belongings arenot covered under the landlord's policy.

ImportantInformation forRenters

Even if yourent, a mishap cancost you money, ormake you the targetof a lawsuit. Youcan protect yourselfand your propertywith renters insur-ance.

When it comes to your cloth-ing, jewelry, furniture, stereo, TV andother personal belongings, renting anapartment or house is no different thanowning a home. You could still facethe cost of repairing or replacing thoseitems because of fire, theft, wind andother hazards.

Similarly, your exposure tolawsuits isn't that much different fromthat of homeowner. You could still beheld legally responsible for an accident,whether it happens at your residence orelsewhere.

Top 5 Common Myths RegardingRenters Insurance

1. Affordability Myth:"I hearrenters insurance is too expensive."Standard policies can provide afford-able basic protection of your personalproperty and can protect you in case ofliability lawsuit. "For example, a typi-cal policy which would provide$20,000 of personal property coverageand $100,000 of personal liability cov-

erage with $250 deductible costsaround $20 per month. Call today andask for a quote based on your specificneeds."

2. Landlord Myth: "I think mylandlord's insurance covers me."

The landlord's insurance onlycovers the dwelling - no yourpersonal belongings and yourliability.

3. Ownership Myth: "Idon't own very much."Most people's belongings areoften worth more than theyexpect. That's one reasonwhy you need renters insur-ance. However, it's important

to know how much you need. You willbe surprised at how much your belong-ings would actually cost to replace inthe even of a catastrophe.

4. Complicated Myth: "I don't havetime for long applications or anapproval process."The application process has beenstreamlined so that completion takes 3to 5 minutes. Even better, every appli-cation is approved so there is no wait-ing to find out if you're good enough'.You already qualify!

5. Longevity Myth: "I probablywill be moving soon, so I'll get cover-age later"Renters insurance is portable. Thatmeans that when you move, the policycan move with you. Just notify theinsurance company of your newaddress within 30 days of your move.All of the protection that you enjoy atyour current residence will be waitingfor you at your new home.

Best Wishes from Executive Director, John Hiscox

Sashei Dance Ensemble Performs

Resolution presented by Board ofCommissioners' Chair, Dr. Joyce Schafer

Connie receives treasured desk of 20 years as gift

Mrs. Beverly Hiscox and Mrs. LaConstance Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Willie Smith

Coming this Summer!

Summer Lunch ProgramJune 1 - July 31, 2006

12:00 - 1:00 pm

in the following Neighborhoods:

Anthony HomesBloomfield Way

Davis HomesFelton Homes

(to include Tindll Heights) Murphy Homes

(to include Bowen Homes) Pendleton Homes

Youth ages 5-18( Anyone younger than 5 yearsof age must be accompaniedby an adult)

Volunteers Needed to assist with monitoring chil-dren! Other family activitiesplanned and will be announced!

Sponsored by:

II Corinthians 5:17, Inc.,Macon Housing Authority,and the U.S. Department ofAgriculture - Food and NutritionServices

Everyone wins with Summer Food!

Children have nutritious meals.Parents stretch food dollars.Food service workers havesummer employment.Organizations receive funds toprovide meals to complimentscheduled programs.Communities provide safeplace for children to go.

For more information, contatResident InitiativesDepartment at (478) 752-5145or 752-5146

Macon Housing Authority IINNSSIIDDEERR * Spring 2006



CENTRAL OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . .752-5000

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR . . . . . .752-5071

MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .752-5115



HOPE VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .752-5078

TEAM WATCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .752-5036

RESIDENT INITIATIVES . . . . .752-5146

SOCIAL SERVICES . . . . . . . . . .752-5032

FAMILY INVESTMENT CENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .752-5185

RESIDENT ORGANIZATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . .752-5033



TINDALL HEIGHTS . . . . . . . . . .752-5002

BOWDEN HOMES . . . . . . . . . . .752-5003

MURPHEY HOMES . . . . . . . . . .752-5004

PENDLETON HOMES . . . . . . . . .752-5005

FELTON HOMES . . . . . . . . . . . . .752-5006

DAVIS HOMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .752-5008

ANTHONY HOMES . . . . . . . . . . .752-5010

MCAFEE TOWERS . . . . . . . . . . .752-5011

SCATTERED SITES . . . . . . . . . .752-5021

Important Numbers

MACON HOUSING AUTHORITYP.O. Box 49282015 Felton AvenueMacon, Georgia 31208



Permit No. 459

Neighborhood Outreach ProgramsAunt Maggie’s Kitchen Table-Anthony Homes . . . . . . . . . 781-9289DFCS-Child Care Center-Anthony Homes . . . . . . . . . . . 788-0819DFCS-Child Care Center-Murphy Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . 751-6414Economic Opportunity Council-Anthony Homes . . . . . . . 738-3251Family Self Sufficiency Program-Murpy Homes . . . . . . . 741-3844Head Start-Felton Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743-4502Head Start-Murphy Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742-4291Head Start-Pendleton Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788-7891Health Department-Felton Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743-5893Inter-Neighborhood Resident Assoc. -Felton . . . . . . . . . 742-9160Meals on Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745-9140Women’s, Infants & Children-WIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 752-1732

Adult Learning Center . . . . .742-5185Community Health Works ............................................ 752-5013/3798 752-3733Family Counseling . . . . . . . .752-5177

Family Self Sufficiency Case Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .752-5097FIC-Computer Class . . . . . . . .752-5185Mercer Education Opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .752-5253Sashei African Dance Class . .461-7602