NSIDC Showcases the State of the Cryosphere via Google Earth Lisa Ballagh, Mark Parsons, Ross Swick...


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NSIDC Showcases the State of the Cryosphere

via Google Earth

Lisa Ballagh, Mark Parsons, Ross Swick and Richard ArmstrongMarch 2006

Additional contributors: Mary Jo Brodzik and Clark Judy

36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO


• NSIDC’s State of the Cryosphere• Google Earth overview• Keyhole Markup Language (KML) sample• How to view NSIDC data via Google Earth• State of the Cryosphere in Google Earth

Static and dynamic data

• Conclusion

36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO

State of the Cryosphere at NSIDC

Project science lead: Richard Armstrong

State of the Cryosphere: http://nsidc.org/sotc/

Glaciers Permafrost Sea Ice Ice Shelves Snow

Sea Ice Index (February 2006)http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index

36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO

Google Earth Overview

• Google Earth http://earth.google.com

• Viewing capabilities no analysis

• Earth in 3-D• Can add data layers to

Google Earth through the use of the Keyhole Markup Language (KML)

• KMZ file is a compressed KML file Image from Google Earth web page

36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO

Google Earth Overview

Keyhole Markup Language (KML): Sample Ground Overlay code:

<GroundOverlay> <name>overlay</name> <color>aaffffff</color> <visibility>1</visibility> <Icon>


</Icon> <LatLonBox id="snow_and_sea_ice"> <north>90</north> <south>-90</south> <east>180</east> <west>-180</west> <rotation>0</rotation> </LatLonBox></GroundOverlay>

36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO

How to view NSIDC data via Google Earth

Steps to view NSIDC data in Google Earth:

1. Download Google Earth:o http://earth.google.com

2. Download KMZ file from NSIDC web pageo http://nsidc.org/sotc/

3. Double click on KMZ file on your Desktop

36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO

State of the Cryosphere via Google Earth

Online Glacier Photograph Database (approx. 3,000 glacier images) http://nsidc.org/data/g00472.html

36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO

State of the Cryosphere via Google Earth

Glacier Pairs (images contributed by Dr. Bruce F. Molnia, USGS) http://nsidc.org/data/glacier_photo/special_collection.html

36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO

State of the Cryosphere via Google EarthGlacier Pairs - http://nsidc.org/data/glacier_photo/special_collection.html

36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO

State of the Cryosphere via Google EarthPermafrost data (Circum-Arctic Map of Permafrost

and Ground-Ice Conditions) – Static data set

http://nsidc.org/data/ggd318.html - Brown et al. (1998)

Permafrost Map Legend

36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO

State of the Cryosphere via Google EarthSnow and ice data

(Near Real-Time SSM/I EASE-Grid Daily Global Ice Concentration and Snow Extent) http://nsidc.org/data/nise1.html

Dynamically created (file on NSIDC web page updated daily)


36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO

State of the Cryosphere via Google Earth

Importance of cryospheric data in Google Earth:

Easy to use (download KMZ file from NSIDC) Spatially view cryospheric data sets Outreach to the public, educators, scientists

and more

36th International Arctic Workshop 2006, INSTAAR, Boulder, CO

Conclusion• Provided an overview

of Google Earth and cryospheric data sets in KML file

• Sample KML code

• Outreach

• Please try it out and send us feedback Email:

vtlisa@nsidc.org User Services:


Field, William O. 1931. Columbia Glacier: From the Online glacier photograph database.Boulder, CO: National Snow and Ice Data Center/World Data Center for Glaciology. Digital media.
