NS PTO Wellness Team Teacher Catalog



Teacher Wellness Items

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Run. Walk. Move. Classroom Wellness Items Please use this catalog to choose items for you and your classroom!

Northside PTO Wellness Team


Wellness Items for the Classroom

Peace Corner 3 ........................................................Standing Desk 4 ......................................................Desk Pedals 5 ..........................................................Strength and Stretch Instruction 6 ........................UltraFit Core Balance Discs 7 .................................Child Strength and Stretch Mats + Yoga Pretzels 8 Fruit Friday 9 ..........................................................FitDeck + Timer 10 ................................................Wellness Books or Flash cards for the Classroom 11 Stability Balls 12 ....................................................Pedometers 13 ........................................................Gratitude Journals 14.............................................


Peace Corner


Master of Mindfulness: How to Be Your Own Superhero in Times of Stress Grossman, Laurie Sold by: Amazon.com


A peace corner (quiet corner or mindfulness corner) is a dedicated space in a classroom where students can calm their minds and bodies in a soothing environment with tactile objects. For use with Tibetan chime bowls that are already available for your use.

Spiral Timer Liquid Motion Timer Toy - Assorted Colors

Sold by: ARTHA RETAIL $8.00

Califone Hearing Safe Hearing Protector

Sold by: Amazon.com LLC $9.00

Traditional Mexican Yoga Blanket

Sold by: YogaAccessories


Standing Desk


Safco Products 1206BE Alphabetter Stand-Up Desk with Swinging Footrest Bar, 36" x 24" Standard Top

by Safco

$251.29 Prime

Try a standing desk for your classroom! One desk can be shared and rotated for all students who are interested. Check out www.standupkids.org for more information about the benefits of standing desks in the classroom.

Here is just one of the FAQs answered at standupkids.org:

Why Standing Desks?

• Sitting too much causes disease and orthopedic dysfunction, and impedes children’s ability to learn.• Kids at standing desks burn between 15% to 25% more calories during the school day than the ones

who remained sitting.• Obese students the desks had an even bigger impact, increasing calorie use by up to the 25% to

35%.• Small movements at standing desks, such as fidgeting, has a large impact on calorie expenditure.• Kids in standing classrooms are more engaged.• Classroom management is easier.• If kids are given the opportunity to move throughout the day, they will do so.• When students move more, their education improves.• Children feel happier when they can move more and aren’t restricted to a chair.• Classroom behavior improves with active learning.• Children who move more have greater creativity.• Educational test scores improve• Students can shift their bodies and change position when they need to stay focused.• Standing prevents the body’s tissue adaptation to static positions (i.e. short hip flexors & hamstrings,

rounded upper back, poor shoulder position) AND it does not erode the child’s physiology like sitting does.

• Standing maintains the integrity of all the complex motor skills required for optimal physical function.• Reducing daily sedentary time literally reduces cell aging, which means kids will live longer and be


Desk Pedals


"The teacher's bottom line is that when the kids are moving, they learn and retain information more efficiently and are less prone to act out.” says Ms. Lease of Oakridge Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia. The Desk Cycle has a low, 10" pedal height that fits easily under existing desks to quickly, easily, and unobtrusively integrate activity into the classroom. A heavy-duty, magnetic flywheel offers smooth quiet, pedal motion in forward and reverse with adjustable resistance. Five function display shows time, speed and distance.

Desk Cycle

Sold by: GopherSport


Strength and Stretch Instruction


This classroom wellness activity is a great way for teachers and the students to learn a new wellness activity together. With $200, classrooms are able to schedule four strength and stretch classes in the classrooms with a teacher certified in (strength and stretch) for children. These instructional times can then be replicated on a regular basis long after the certified teacher has left the classroom!

Check out this PBS Parents Article about why (Strength and Stretch) and kids go together!


Strength and Stretch Instruction

Sold by: a private instructor for 4 weekly instructions in your classroom


UltraFit Core Balance Discs


“Wiggle seats” can be beneficial for all students! These Balance Discs are designed for the utmost safety with traction spikes and extra-thick PVC construction.

A balance cushion that will force students to balance while they sit; causing constant micro-movements that will strengthen the core, improve posture, boost circulation and improve focus.

Convert any chair into an active one!

UltraFit Core Balance Discs

Sold by: Gopher Sport

$25.00 (approximate price)

Child Strength and Stretch Mats + Yoga Pretzels


Strength and Stretch Instruction is a fun, playful way for kids of all ages to learn the many asanas (poses) of yoga and principles of mindfulness.

Strength and Stretch Mats

Sold by: YogaAccessories

$8.00 each

Yoga Pretzels (Yoga Cards) Tara Guber

Sold by: Amazon.com


Fruit Friday


Bananas or Clementines

Sold by: MCPASD

$8.00 / week

Strength and Stretch Instruction is a fun, playful way for kids of all ages to learn the many asanas (poses) of yoga and principles of mindfulness.

FitDeck + Timer


“Parents and teachers can use FitDeck to motivate their kids to move around and exercise. Kids love pulling cards from a fanned-out deck. They feel empowered, in control, and excited to see what card they chose. Use this instinct to your advantage by introducing FitDeck to your kids.”

The Teacher Bundle is perfect for in-classroom or PE teachers, parents, coaches, or childcare providers. FitDeck Junior targets children in K-8th and FitDeck Bodyweight from 9-12th. The Games Booklet includes over 70 fun games and activities that can be used in any environment. Games are fun, silly, challenging, and motivating.

FitDeck Junior

by FitDeck


FitDeck Teachers Bundle

by FitDeck


Extra Large Digit Countdown Timer

Sold by: Supreme Home Cook


Wellness Books or Flash cards for the Classroom


Stability Balls


Replace your classroom desk chairs with stability balls!

Improve your students' attention, concentration, posture, balance, coordination, and more, while strengthening their core muscles. Unique BALLance™ Stability Balls feature feet to keep the ball in place when it's unoccupied, but when a student sits on it, the feet go away and the ball is unstable and core-engaging. Burst resistant up to 500 lb for safety.

Packs include 24 Rainbow® BALLance™ Stability Balls. Choose from 45 cm or 60 cm.

“Instead of slouching and gazing off into space, students on an exercise ball have to keep their mind engaged to stay balanced, administrators at the school say. The balls give the kids a way to

AHS Classroom Stability Ball Pack- Qty. 24

Sold by: Gopher Sport




With a pedometer for each student in your classroom, you can track activity, study the statistics and provide inspiration for your students to move around the track at recess! It is recommended that pedometers be stored at the end of each day in a wall pocket chart.

Digital Sport Pedometer + Distance Counter

Sold by: Haptime


Gratitude Journals


Gratitude Journals

Sold by: Target


What if the world were a kinder, wiser, more compassionate place?

Check out the website for the Center for Healthy Minds at University of Wisconsin - Madison. where one can find five simple well-being tips for children. http://goo.gl/z4DLGs

What is number 5? Practice Gratitude.

Asking ourselves what we are grateful for opens our eyes to the goodness around us and supports our overall sense of well-being. We can cultivate gratitude in simple ways, for example, we can take a few minutes to reflect on the good things that happened during the day, keep a list of people and things for which we are grateful and/or create a gratitude journal using words and pictures. By pausing and paying attention, we can appreciate things we might otherwise take for granted such as the warmth of the sun, clean water to drink, a neighbor’s smile and even our breath.

Perhaps one entry per day or 10 seconds. A moment of happiness and gratitude to start the day. Simple and perhaps even impactful.


ITEM Quantity Approximate Unit Price


Fruit Friday $ 8.00

Five for Five - Fitdeck + timer $ 25.00

Five for Five - Fitdeck Bundle + timer $ 45.00

Wellness books or flash cards $ 100.00

Pedometers $10.00

Standing desk 1 $250.00

LifeCycle desk pedals $150.00

Stability balls /Chairs 24 $470.00

Wiggle seats $25.00

Strength and Stretch instruction $200.00

Strength and Stretch mats & cards $215.00

Peace Corner supplies 1 $44.00

Gratitude journals $2.00





