NP3 Neighbourhood Partnership - Henleaze, Stoke...


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Henleaze, Stoke Bishop and Westbury-on-Trym

Neighbourhood Partnership (NP3)

Notes of the Transport Working Group Meeting

Tuesday 29th April 2015, W-O-T Academy

Present: Alan Aburrow (AA) (Chairman & WOT Ward Rep), Rob Grieve (RG) (BCC Highways Engineer) Andrew McGrath (BCC Area Coordinator NP3) NP3 Ward Reps: Gay Huggins (GH) (SB Rep), Alan Preece (AP) (SB Rep), David Mayer (DM) (WOT Rep), Graham Donald (GD) (Co-opted Rep), Simon Tomlinson (ST) (Hen Rep), Helen Furber (Hen Rep) Other attendees: Susan Mayer (SM), Sheila Preece, Chrissie Decker (CD) (Henleaze School Travel Action Group), Hilary Long (WOT Society), Libby Bloor (Action Group to improve crossing on Wellington Hill West), Mike Stephenson (Harbury NW), Keith Yeandel, Katie Martin, Erik Newton, Mildred Miller 1. Apologies: Charlotte Leslie (prospective MP), Cllr Alastair Watson, Janet Brewer, Peter Hobbs, Jenny Hodges, Stephanie French, Maggie Clarke (Hen Rep), Chris Chubb, Terry Miller. Alan Aburrow welcomed everyone and made introductions. 2. Notes from Previous Meeting on 20th January 2015: Agreed. Matters Arising: ClimbBristol project - RG had nothing to report from Mark Sperduty. 3. GBBN (Greater Bristol Bus Network) – Westbury Road Review: Mark Sperduty (MS) was due to have the results of the monitoring review available but he was on leave. He is working on it and hopefully will let us have his report for presentation at the next NP Meeting (15 June). 4. Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood (CPNN): MS was due to give an update on the mitigation proposals for the A4018 corridor. Negotiations with South Glos over Section 106 payments were nearing a conclusion. The Transport Development Team was now closely examining the potential impact on the A38 and B4056 corridors into Bristol. In addition to the 8,000+ homes, there is now a planning application to enlarge The Mall by 50%. AA had submitted an objection to South Glos - on behalf of the Neighbourhood Partnership – expressing concerns over the potential increased traffic flows, especially at Junction 17 on the M5 (see Attachment 1). GD – when will BCC Transport Planners be in a position to discuss publicly and how do they plan to do so? AA was not able to answer this important question. Discussion took place as to whether to have a joint meeting with other NP groups across northern Bristol. This is on the agenda but only when we have something worthwhile to discuss. ST commented that the impact on other roads, including Southmead Road and Henleaze Road needs to be considered. RG confirmed that the Transport Development Team was looking at the whole area. 5. Highway Issues: at the last NP Meeting (9 March) AA had raised concerns at the lack of budget monitoring for the NP’s Minor Traffic Schemes’ budget over the last 5 years. As a consequence, the NP had no idea as to the level of funding available for any additional “minor works”. MS was going to let us know the current position but RG reported that the work was still in progress. To date, the majority of the schemes that have been completed are parking schemes (yellow lining). Other

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schemes sanctioned by the NP in 2012, 2013 and 2014 had yet to be completed. It was MS’s intention to clear this backlog of sanctioned schemes during 2015/16. The following on-going schemes and potential new schemes were then discussed – at length: (1) H112 – new Pedestrian Crossing on Westbury Road, near Brecon Road: a current Planning Application for the expansion of St Ursula’s school had included a crossing at this location. However, following representations from the Transport Development Team, this had been changed to a £70k Section 106 Agreement to improve the crossing and junction at Westbury Road/Falcondale Road (W121), as the whole of the A4018 was being studied as part of the CPNN mitigation review. (Secretary’s Note: the St Ursula’s Planning Application has now been Granted, subject to the agreement of the Secretary of State). The school plans to have 690 pupils. (2) H114 – Northumbria Drive, entrance to Waitrose Car Park: RG reported that Cllrs Glenise Morgan and Clare Campion-Smith had met with Waitrose management about the recently constructed new entrance and there will now be some additional enhancements carried out by Waitrose. (3) H115 – Henleaze Road, exit from Tesco/Esso Garage site: ongoing. Original assessment of the physical characteristics will be reviewed and recommendations brought back to the NP. (4) H118 – Park Grove, near Junction with Henleaze Park: Plans are being drawn up for a preliminary local consultation based on a proposal to (a) install a platform just north of Henleaze Park, (b) install a platform on Springfield Grove and (c) to close the top end of Howard Road to southbound cars. All of the proposals are subject to site conditions. CD is liaising with the local schools through Henleaze School Travel Action Group. (5) H123 – West Broadway/South Croft: local residents reported that these roads are still being used as rat-runs, despite Highways’ traffic surveys indicating that this was not the case. Residents reported that the recently-introduced 20mph speed limit has not slowed down the traffic and West Broadway is a popular link road for a lot of roads in the Henleaze area to gain access to Tesco at Golden Hill. AA suggested that local residents convene a Meeting to agree a consensus as to what they thought was needed. RG indicated that he would be happy to attend such a Meeting. Any practical schemes could then be brought back to the Working Group to be included on the NP’s list for possible future funding. (6) H137 – Improvements to Zebra Crossing on Wellington Hill West: residents raised their on-going concerns about drivers ignoring the presence of pedestrians on the crossing and wanted the Zebra Crossing replaced by a light-controlled crossing. The latter was outside the NP’s limited budget and RG expressed concerns about the practicalities of siting such a crossing at that location. In the short term, it may be possible to fund high-viz halos for the Belisha beacons and anti-skid surfacing at a total cost of approx £10k. Joint funding would have to be agreed with NP4, as the crossing straddled the border of the two Partnerships. RG agreed to raise the issue at the next Meeting of NP4 Transport Working Group. Some residents are pursuing SpeedWatch training, so that speeds can be monitored on Wellington Hill West. ST commented that SpeedWatch does work but it has to be done several times a week for several weeks for people to get the message. DM commented that, currently, there are sanctioned schemes covering the next two years, plus a backlog of uncompleted sanctioned schemes. At the current rate of progress, it would take at least another 10 years to complete the projects already on the NP’s “wish list”. The redevelopment of Southmead Police Station may provide some CIL funding which could be used towards highway improvements in the area – but this would be subject to the availability of BCC resources to project-manage them! (7) H125 – Coldharbour Road Pedestrian Crossing: the Public Consultation phase is now complete and final revised plans are currently being produced, prior to Statutory Consultation. (8) H127 - H133, Additional Parking Restrictions in Henleaze: – sanctioned for Public Consultation and implementation in 2016/17. (9) H134 – Brecon Road, outside St Ursula’s School: provision of additional “safety features” would be included when plans to expand the size of the current campus were implemented. (10) S105 - Stoke Road Parking Improvements/Restrictions: included with the current Statutory Consultation for the Downs Parking Review which closes on 26 May. AA will circulate details to WG Members and post a note on the NP3 website.

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(11) S120 – Bus Stop Markings on Stoke Hill: GH asked RG that this be kept on the list for a minor relocation when repainting the bus cage next took place. If the bus markings were moved up the hill, this would allow for additional parking outside No 59. (12) S121 – Roman Way/Portway Junction: Advisory white lining had recently been painted in Roman Way, at the exit from the Portway, to dissuade vehicles parking too close to the junction. This appeared to have been very successful and written thanks had been received from a grateful local SB resident. (13) W109 - Eastfield Road; W114 - Chock Lane; W137 - Channells Hill: all three of these minor traffic schemes for dropped kerbs, over-runnable chicanes and lining work had been “bundled” into one contract for completion by the end of June. Local residents (including Keith Yeandel) were absolutely gob-smacked when RG announced this long-awaited piece of good news! (14) W112 – Stoke Lane Area Parking Restrictions: the majority of the new double yellow lines had been painted and the Council’s contractor was due to complete the outstanding lines shortly. (15) W117 – Southmead Road Zebra Crossing: revised plan currently being discussed with local residents and businesses, prior to implementation. RG confirmed that the overrun of this and other LST-funded schemes would not result in a loss of funding. (16) W136 etc – Westbury Village Parking Review: funding was sanctioned at the June 2014 NP for implementation during 2014/16 - subject to local consultation. No progress to date. (17) W138 – Westbury Road Pavement Parking: the status of this section of highway has now been confirmed as “adopted” and the incidents of pavement parking would be monitored. Formal parking restrictions could be introduced if the problem persisted but the introduction of DYLs would only be considered as a last resort. (18) W143 – Canford Lane (One Way Section): no further action required, as incidents of drivers driving the “wrong way” appear to have abated. (19) ZCD...768 – Shipley Road PRoW: Mary Knight (PRoW Officer) is dealing with this but a schedule of work has yet to be published. It is expected that the work will be carried out in the next few months. 6. Highways Maintenance Issues: the responsibility for prioritising footway and surface dressing schemes has now been returned to highway officers, with effect from April this year. Information derived from Footway Network Surveys would be the cornerstone of the prioritisation process going forward. An update of the Survey’s status would be provided to the NP, for comment, by MS in the near future. In answer to a query from SP, RG commented that the quality of footway reinstatement work by utilities following emergency repairs would always be a problem. 7. Any Other Business: SM reported that there had been numerous unreported minor accident incidents on the Portway, where the two lanes converge into one near Roman Way. This was a matter of bad driving and nothing could be done. 8. Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 16 July 2015, 7.00pm at Westbury Academy and would include the WG’s AGM. The meeting closed at 9.10pm

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