Novels With Vampires




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Novels with Vampires

Liceul Teoretic Mihai Eminescu

Novels with Vampires

Silivestru Maria Luciana

Class XI F Novels with Vampires

A vampire feeds on the life essence of their victims. This usually occurs by drinking the blood of their victim. The reasons that the vampire needs blood to survive varies from culture to culture. Some feel that the vampire needs blood to flow through their veins to keep their bodies animated and limit the damage of decay. Others feel that the beasts feed as a sadistic habit in order to wreak havoc and fear.This theory of course also makes on think that it may not be the blood that animates the vampire, but the fear & pain. Vampires aren't particular they will drink the blood of animals as well as humans.

The most obvious characteristic that you think of when referring to the vampire is of course that the creature is dead a yet walks among the living. Most tales of vampirism tell us that these beings have fangs, are afraid of sunlight, they can shape-shift, (i.e. bats and wolves), they cry tears of blood, sleep in a coffin during the day and have extreme levels of strength and speed. Of course it goes without saying that this creature is immortal, unless of course killed using the proper methods. Bram Stoker

When you think about vampires usually the first name that you think of is Dracula. Bram Stoker is the man who penned the famous novel "Dracula". It is thought this story that most of us are introduced to vampires.

"Dracula" was actually based on a true Romanian Prince named Vlad Tepes, He was seen as a hero by his countrymen. According to most legend he was considered a fair, but very cruel man. Most of the information about this prince has been handed down to us by verbal tradition in his homeland, and by Russian and German pamphlets printed shortly after his death. The verbal form tells us of his conquests for his country, whereas the pamphlets portrayed him as an evil demon. There is never any mention of Vlad being a Vampire, just a sadistic ruler. Vlad was a hero to his people, even though his methods of his punishment were unequivocally severe and cruel. He helped defeat the Turks and kept them out of Romania for many years. Anne Rice Anne Rice's vampires are different in several ways from classic vampires likeDracula. Rice's creatures are not affected by the usual weapons against classic vampires:garlic,crosses, and they cannot be killed with wooden stakes. Like classic vampires, most do choose to sleep in some form of coffin during the day because sun exposure can cause death/pain. She wrote book like Interview with the vampire, Queen of the Damned, Vampire Lestat etc.

Charlaine Harris

The Southern Vampire Mysteries, also known asThe Sookie Stackhouse Novels, is a series of books written bybestsellingauthorCharlaine Harristhat were first published in 2001 and now serve as the source material for theHBOtelevision seriesTrue Blood. InThe Southern Vampire Mysteriesseries, Harris develops a detailed mythology and alternate history that approaches supernatural beings as real; at the beginning of the series,vampireshave only been public knowledge for a couple of years. Other supernatural beings, such aswerewolves, shapeshifters, etc., exist but do not go public until later in the series. Its history has otherwise unfolded so closely to that of the real world that the series contains occasional references to popular culture.

Prior to the first novel's time line, vampires around the world have revealed themselves, via television, to the world as actual, and not mythical, beings after the development of asynthetic bloodproduct (the most popular marketed brand of which is called "TrueBlood") that provides adequate sustenance for vampires and therefore does not require them to feed on humanblood. Vampires are pale and cold, possess unfathomable strength as well as speed, and have keen senses of hearing, smell and vision. This makes it easy for them to protect themselves. They have the ability to remain completely still, expressionless and silent.[14]Vampires can control the minds of humans (glamour, often seen as a form ofhypnosis), and a few can even fly; individuals may have other powers and abilities. Stephenie Meyer

The majority of vampire novels and films centre around the idea that vampires are creatures of the night and must stay inside during the day. From sleeping in coffins to burning when the sun touches their skin, vampires have always been portrayed as only going out in the dark.

Stephenie Meyer is the author of The Twilight Saga (Twiligh,New Moon,Eclipse and Breaking Dawn).Meyer challenged this idea by having the vampires in her novels able to go out in the sunlight. When it is overcast, they appear like regular people, which is how the majority of the Cullen family are able to attend their school in Forks, where the weather tends to be bad. It is only on sunny days that any difference can be noted. On these days, the vampires sparkle, as if they have a layer of gold dust over their skin. In the books, the Cullen family do not attend school on days such as this, as it would reveal their secret, and therefore go camping.