Nourishment for the Soul



Nourishment for the Soul. Nourishment for the Soul. “The book of Psalms is God’s prescription for a complacent church, because through it He reveals how great, wonderful, magnificent, wise, and utterly awe-inspiring He is.” –NIV Bible Commentary. Nourishment for the Soul. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nourishment for the SoulNourishment for the Soul

Nourishment for the SoulNourishment for the Soul“The book of Psalms is God’s prescription for a complacent church, because through it He reveals how great, wonderful, magnificent, wise, and utterly awe-inspiring He is.”

–NIV Bible Commentary

“The book of Psalms is God’s prescription for a complacent church, because through it He reveals how great, wonderful, magnificent, wise, and utterly awe-inspiring He is.”

–NIV Bible Commentary

Nourishment for the SoulNourishment for the Soul

Nourishment from God offers unchanging satisfactionNourishment from God offers unchanging satisfaction

Nourishment for the SoulNourishment for the Soul

Psalm 63:1-6 (NET Bible)

A psalm of David, written when he was in the Judean wilderness.

1 O God, you are my God! I long for you! My soul thirsts for you, my flesh yearns for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. 2 Yes, in the sanctuary I have seen you, and witnessed your power and splendor. 3 Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself, my lips will praise you.

Psalm 63:1-6 (NET Bible)

4 For this reason I will praise you while I live; in your name I will lift up my hands. 5 As if with choice meat you satisfy my soul. My mouth joyfully praises you, 6 whenever I remember you on my bed, and think about you during the nighttime hours.

“David had worshipped God in happier days at Zion, and God had revealed himself. It would be the same now, desert or no desert, for God is not the prisoner of his sanctuary.”

–Derek Kidner

“David had worshipped God in happier days at Zion, and God had revealed himself. It would be the same now, desert or no desert, for God is not the prisoner of his sanctuary.”

–Derek Kidner

Nourishment for the SoulNourishment for the Soul

“David’s experience in the dry, waterless wilderness prompted him to think of the thirst of his soul for God.”


“David’s experience in the dry, waterless wilderness prompted him to think of the thirst of his soul for God.”


Nourishment for the SoulNourishment for the Soul

Nourishment from God offers unchanging satisfactionNourishment from God offers unchanging satisfaction

Nourishment for the SoulNourishment for the Soul

Nourishment from God offers unchanging satisfaction

Nearness to God offers unchanging security

Nourishment from God offers unchanging satisfaction

Nearness to God offers unchanging security

Nourishment for the SoulNourishment for the Soul

Psalm 63:7-11 (NET Bible)

7 For you are my deliverer; under your wings I rejoice. 8 My soul pursues you; your right hand upholds me. 9 Enemies seek to destroy my life, but they will descend into the depths of the earth. 10 Each one will be handed over to the sword; their corpses will be eaten by jackals. 11 But the king will rejoice in God; everyone who takes oaths in his name will boast, for the mouths of those who speak lies will be shut up.

Nourishment from God offers unchanging satisfaction

Nearness to God offers unchanging security

Nourishment from God offers unchanging satisfaction

Nearness to God offers unchanging security

Nourishment for the SoulNourishment for the Soul

•How is your soul?•Do you experience sustained satisfaction and security from God?•Do you fast to be reminded of your dependence on God?•Do your thoughts turn to God when you’re tempted to worry?•Do your circumstances or your God determine your outlook on life?

•How is your soul?•Do you experience sustained satisfaction and security from God?•Do you fast to be reminded of your dependence on God?•Do your thoughts turn to God when you’re tempted to worry?•Do your circumstances or your God determine your outlook on life?

Nourishment for the SoulNourishment for the Soul
