Notices 22nd April 2012 - · Pledge to Mortgage: $86.00 IItemsN ewsI A rticle...


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SUNDAY SERVICES: Morning 11am Evening 5:30pm




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2 8 t h J a n u a r y 2 0 1 8

leads this morning’s worship

Musical Prelude by

Call to worship

Worship Hymn: 864 Isn’t the Love of Jesus Something Wonderful Welcome and Opening Prayer


Worship Hymn: 223 Take Time to be Holy

Tithes & Free will offering – Pastor

Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:39 – 12:3 Worship Hymn: 215 If the Lord My Saviour Comes

Bible Message

Closing Hymn: 417 It is Well with My Soul Closing Prayer

Benediction – Pastor

See back page of the Hymn book

If you have been a visitor today, we hope that you will worship with us again

You as a Christian are witnesses historically and presently. - R Boersma

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This morning’s service – “Cloud of Witnesses” – Hebrews 12:1. Pastor introduced our new theme for this year 2018 last week. This morning we will begin looking at what it means to be a witness.

If you did not receive themed bookmarks, 2018 desk calendar, fridge magnet, “My church Companion” notebook (One per family), “My Sermon Notes” (for all that wish to have one), a pen, and Bible in one year reading plan there are spares on the entrance table. If we have run out then please speak to the pastor so he can get some more.

Evening services today at 5:30pm. Pastor will continue a series through the minor prophets. We started with Hosea last week and will continue with this book for a few more weeks. Remember that Minor Prophets are not minor at all but are considered minor in the sense of the amount of the written word. In fact the minor prophets are often major in their prophetic writings. After this series pastor will begin a series entitled “The Antichrist and the Spirit of Antichrist”. We don’t know who the antichrist is or who he will be however the spirit of antichrist is alive and well today and sweeping the world. What are the signs of the Antichrist and the signs of the spirit of Antichrist which is in the world today?

Choir practice – for both adult and children’s choirs in preparation for Chris Hustler’s visit. “More than Conquerors” resumes Thursdays commencing 8th February. No Sunday school till 11th February 2018. Pray for Eric and Jason as they take over Josh’s role

while he is in Hastings. Prayer time before the morning service as usual. Music lessons – Start date and times will be announced closer to the time when pastor has

received his school timetable. Regular Prayer meeting this Wednesday. We will continue our study in the Book of Daniel. This

week Daniel 6 Please continue to pray for all our church family – in particular for Elizabeth James, the Emnas

family who flew to the Philippines yesterday, for the Morgan family as they spend a month or so from late February to early April in Hastings for Josh’s work. Please also pray for our pregnant ladies Jess and Anna.

Praise the Lord for a great Church working bee yesterday. Pray for the completion of the last few bits that need done.

February 1st 2018 – Our church will celebrate 20 year anniversary since it officially constituted as a church. On Saturday 3rd February 6pm – there will be a Fellowship meal (ladies a plate please). Then on Sunday 4th February there will be a Celebration Church Service, cutting the cake, then followed by a church picnic and devotional at the local park.

Coming up

“For a Time Such as This” – Pastors Fellowship and Bible Conference: 5 – 7th February 2018 in Wellington

Sunday School 11th February. Adult study topics will be distributed to various men to teach next week. If there is a particular topic you wish to be taught or if you wish to teach a particular topic please speak to the pastor. Importance is growing for this.

Evangelist Chris Hustler will be here Wednesday 21st - Sunday 25th February 2018. He will also be in Nelson and Blenheim Sunday 4th March. Please be in prayer for this event.

Reminder that you are invited to take part in The Booties Project. We would like to have sufficient pairs of booties (12,000) by 1 June 2018, to form a public display on Parliament grounds within weeks of the 2017 abortion figures being publicised. Please pass baby booties onto Dale by April 2018. Following the display, all booties will be distributed to maternity wards & birthing centres in towns & cities all around New Zealand. (See Poster or speak to Dale if you require more information.)

Reminder to continue to pray as we host the Herald of Hope Prophecy Conference with Peter Jackson at our church August 3rd to 5th 2018. Please be in prayer for this event.

Pastor received an email from Creation Ministries International about a movie called “Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception”. See below for further details.

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Hi Pastor Ron, I am making contact with you as Christchurch Baptist on Burwood has had a Creation Ministries International speaker in the last few years. You may be aware that CMI has been working on the biggest documentary project in our ministry’s history. It is called Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception. The film recently had a successful one-night screening in over 700 theatres across the United States and will be appearing at selected cinemas around New Zealand in Feb/Mar. (Details of screening(s) near you are further down this email.) The documentary is a powerful scientific and biblical investigation of the deception behind the global alien/UFO phenomenon. It is a spiritual deception that has fascinated, deceived and often traumatised thousands around the world. This phenomenon has obvious links to evolutionary thinking, as well as undeniable spiritual connections that we believe every Christian should know about. You may be surprised to hear that Christians are the only ones truly equipped to deal with the alien abduction phenomenon! (Click the image above to view a trailer.) This is an incredible outreach opportunity for your church. The film challenges conventional, secular ideas about evolution and the associated alien/UFO topic, but more importantly, it glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ as our Creator and Saviour. Not only will your congregation be edified but they will be motivated to bring their unsaved family and friends along to see a movie with intriguing subject matter. Pastor Johnny Hunt, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, USA, explains in this short video clip (click the image to view) as to why it is so important for the Church to see this movie. Locally, Pastor Rob Holding of Katikati Christian Centre, broadcaster and speaker, had this to say about the film: Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception provides absolutely compelling evidence for the real origin of UFOs and aliens and their connection with the theory of evolution, concluding with a get-right-with-God message. CMI has turned one of their best books into their best film. We’re very much aware that Pastors and church leaders need to be confident that anything they recommend to their congregation is theologically sound. So, I would like to offer you a free private screening which you can watch online. I’m convinced that you will be genuinely impressed by the content and quality of the film. Contact me at to request a private screening. It is about 110 minutes long. We have organised a public (cinema) screening in your area: Monday 5 March, 6:45pm, Reading Cinemas The Palms Cnr Marshland Road and New Brighton Road, Shirley, Christchurch Pastor Ron, it’s easy to get your church involved: Please consider promoting this cinema event in your church. You can use the trailers at and we have .pdf flyers and posters you can print at Or send me an email to and we will mail you free posters and flyers. Please promote the film on your church’s social media platforms and you can post movie trailers too.

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Tickets must be pre-purchased by going to These special screenings are ‘fan’ driven and require a minimum number of tickets to be sold early (about 2 weeks before the screening) to ensure the screening is locked in. Please consider sharing with your ministers fraternity or similar group. We would welcome the opportunity to share this widely. Thanks for considering this. Feel free to contact me on (09) 537-4818 or reply to this email if you have any questions. PS: if you would like to book a refresher visit to your church from an accredited CMI speaker please contact our Events Manager Victoria Drinnan or myself at the same number. Blessings, Ross Peeters CEO, Creation Ministries International (NZ) Phone: +64 (9) 537 4818 Postal: PO Box 39005, Howick, Auckland 2145 Office: 215 Bleakhouse Road, Mellons Bay, Auckland 2014

Today: Next week: Song Leading Jason Shane

Song Leading Evening

Josh Eric

Door Josh Rick

Morning Tea & Dishes

Jessie Fely

Crèche Kim & Krystal Anna & Dale

Church Cleaning

Morgans - Jan Harveys - Feb

Tithes and Offerings Tithes &

Offerings $1740.40

Missions: $160.00

Pledge to

Mortgage: $86.00



Israel – 28th January

Pastor– 13th February

Abby– 27th February

Josh and Anna - 31st January

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Ten Ways Every Christian Can Strengthen Their Church by Paul Chappell | Jan 15, 2018 | Christian Life

In the early days at Lancaster Baptist Church, I gave a “Visit with the Pastor” almost every Sunday night in which I tried to infuse our young church with the DNA of New Testament Christianity. Usually these were a brief topical lesson on topics ranging

from how to lead someone to the Lord to having family devotions to encouraging new Christians. Now fast forward thirty years. This past fall, one of our early members, Denise Lofgren, went to be with the Lord after a sudden battle with cancer. Denise and her husband, Gary, came to Lancaster Baptist in 1987 and have stayed for these thirty years as they raised their three boys here. Shortly after Denise went to be with the Lord, her husband Gary found the handwritten outline below on a scrap of paper in her files. It was from a Visit with the Pastor titled, “How to Build a Great Church.” In the top right corner, she had written, “May 1988.” And in the top left corner, “Read Bk. of Acts.” Below was a list of ten basic principles I had given that night on how every Christian can help build their church. I look at this list now, and I smile a little at the alliteration and even the order in which I listed some of these. But I also thank God for people like Gary and Denise Lofgren who took these biblical principles to heart and lived them. The truth is, these are what builds a godly church. These are the attributes of church members who are growing in the Lord and helping to strengthen their church family.

1. Stay—Learn to stick. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.—Hebrews 10:25 (Obviously, there are times God moves people. But don’t allow an offense with another Christian or backsliding in your own heart to keep you from your church family.)

2. Sweet Spirit—Love your church. And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:—Hebrews 10:24

3. Stewardship—Give liberally to God and man. But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.—2 Corinthians 9:6

4. Separation—Live in a way that is distinctly for God

in this world.


Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,—2 Corinthians 6:17

5. Stick with Scriptures—Read, study, and hear the

preaching of God’s Word. Make it your ultimate

authority. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.—Hebrews 4:12

6. Sold out—Be fully committed to the things of the

Lord, your marriage and family, and your church

family. And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.—Luke 9:62

7. Soulwinning—Go to others with the message of

salvation. For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.—Luke 19:10

8. Spiritual—Live in a way that is holy, godly, pure,

and clean. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.—2 Timothy 2:21

9. Sensitive—Be responsive to the needs of others,

especially your church family. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.—Galatians 6:10

10. Stand—Take a stand for the things of God. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:—2 Timothy 4:7 I was twenty-six years old when I wrote this list, and I had been pastoring for not quite two years. I’m now fifty-five, and I have been pastoring for over thirty-one years. And I can still say that every one of these points are needed. From pastor to pew, if you want to help build your church, I still would encourage you to read the book of Acts and to invest yourself in the ways listed above.


1. RECOGNISE YOUR CONDITION “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) God’s Word says that we are ALL sinners. No one is good enough to get into Heaven.

2. REALIZE THE PENALTY FOR SIN “For the wages of sin is death...” (Romans 6:23) Just as there are wages for good, there is punishment for wrong. The penalty for our sin is eternal death in a place called Hell.

3. BELIEVE CHRIST DIED FOR YOU “But God commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) Christ showed his love when he died on the cross to pay our debt.

4. TRUST CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOUR “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:3) Everlasting life is a gift purchased by the blood of Jesus and offered freely to those who can call on him by faith.

Dear Lord Jesus, I realise that you died on the cross to take my

punishment I deserve, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that you

rose from the dead. I ask you now, Lord Jesus Christ, to save me from

my sins and to be in my life. Thank you for your gift of eternal life, in

Jesus Name, Amen

Contact Details

Pastor: 021 237 5566

Church address 9 Burwood Rd


Postal Address: PO Box 19971

Christchurch 8241

New Zealand


Web Address:
