Notice of Meeting - · PDF fileAfsha Munir Colleges Karl Levy Aishah Naim ... Children in Care...


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Assistant Director of Legal, Governance and Monitoring Vanessa Redfern

4th Floor

Civic Centre 1



Tel: 01484 221000 Ext 1783

Direct Line: 01484 221711

Fax: 01484 221707

Please ask for: Alaina McGavin


24 October 2012

Notice of MeetingDear Member

Kirklees Youth CouncilThe Kirklees Youth Council will meet in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Huddersfield, HD1 2TA at 3:00pm on Friday 2 November 2012. An informal briefing will be held for all Youth Councillors at 1.00pm in the Reception Room at the Huddersfield Town Hall, prior to the formal meeting.

The items which will be discussed are described in this agenda and there are reports attached which give more details.

Vanessa RedfernAssistant Director of Legal, Governance and Monitoring

The Kirklees Youth Council members are :-

Batley, Birstall and BirkenshawMarwah Ahmad Saad Aziz Amara Darr

Co-opteeKhizar Akbar Jess Cullen Jake Elliott Kieren Hudson Steph Hughes Afsha Munir

CollegesKarl Levy Aishah Naim Reyan Saghir

Denby Dale, Kirkbuton and MirfieldChelsea Beaver Megan Carpenter Holly Crowe Chris Gordge Brodie Simpson Elle Wright

Dewsbury Sunila Khan Zain Malik

Holme and Colne ValleysLaura Bowen Alexandra Docherty Timothy Potter

Huddersfield NorthKarandeep Kaur Aimen Mahmood Aleena Razzaq Tabraiz Sajid Shannon Smith

Huddersfield SouthMatthew Levene Robert Morris Jess Senior Chloe Sutcliffe Cameron Whittingham

Representing Young People with DisabilitiesCameron Steele Kyle West Matthew Whyman

Spen ValleyJames Khan Atiqa Aziz Alisha Imtiaz Sumren Imtiaz

AgendaReports or Explanatory Notes Attached

1: Welcomes and IntroductionsThe Chair will welcome everyone to the meeting and inform the Youth Council of any announcements.

2: Minutes of previous meetingTo approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 15 September 2012.

3: Admission of the publicMost debates take place in public. This only changes when there is a need to consider certain issues, for instance, commercially sensitive information or details concerning an individual. You will be told at this point whether there are any items on the Agenda which are to be discussed in private.

4: Deputations / PetitionsThe Committee will receive any petitions and hear any deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also hand in a petition at the meeting but that petition should relate to something on which the body has powers and responsibilities.

5: Updates on KYC ProjectsA brief update from Youth Councillors from the work they have undertaken and plan to carry out in their locality. Includes Road Safety Champions, Our Voice and Police Crime Commissioners updates.

Contact: Michelle Ross 01484 223603

6: KYC Grant SchemeTo receive a presentation regarding the KYC Grant Scheme.

Contact: Michelle Ross 01484 2263603

7: Children in Care CouncilTo receive an update from the Co Chairs of KYC on joint working with CICC.

Contact: Chair of Youth Council e-mail:

8: Kirklees Young Carers CouncilA brief presentation by members of the Young Carers Council.

Contact: Michelle Ross 01484 223603


9: Discussion TopicThe Youth Councillors will debate on a topical issue relevant to young people.

Contact: Michelle Ross 01484 223603

10: Panel Question TimeA Panel guest will take the hot spot to answer questions from the Youth Councillors .

Contact: Michelle Ross 01484 223603

11: Get InvolvedA presentation detailing things young people can do, locally, regionally and nationally.

Contact: Michelle Ross 01484 2233603

12: Chairs UpdateTo receive updates from the Chair on various issues.

Contact: Chair of Youth Council e-mail:

13: Public question timeThe Committee will hear any questions from the general public.

14: Kirklees Youth Council Co Chair Election 2012/13The Youth Councillors will elect their new Co Chairs.

Contact: Michelle Ross 01484 223603

15: Future dates for meetingsSaturday 15th December 2012 Huddersfield Town Hall


KYC3 Contact Officer: Alaina McGavin - Tel. 01484 221711



Saturday 15 September 2012 Present: Laura Bowen - Holme and Colne Valley Locality (Co-Chair) Jess Senior - Huddersfield South Locality (Co-Chair) Afsha Munir - Co-optee Marwah Ahmad - Batley, Birstall and Birkenshaw Timothy Potter - Holme and Colne Valley Locality Megan Carpenter - Denby Dale, Kirkburton and Mirfield Locality Chris Gordge - Denby Dale, Kirkburton and Mirfield Locality Chloe Sutcliffe - Huddersfield South Locality Matthew Levene - Huddersfield South Locality Aleena Razzaq - Huddersfield North Locality Aishah Naim - Colleges Karl Levy - Colleges Khizar Akbar - Co-optee Zain Malik - Dewsbury Locality Cameron Steele - Representing Young People with Disabilities Matthew Whyman - Representing Young People with Disabilities Atiqa Aziz - Spen Valley Locality Observers: Will Thompson, Saad Aziz, Brodie Simpson, Jake Elliott and Cameron Whittingham 1 Welcome and Introductions The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and informed the Youth

Council that the meeting was being held on International Democracy day. The Youth Council was informed that the Chairs had agreed that an urgent

item be considered at Item 8 in respect of an update on the the Kirklees Annual Report.

The Chair welcomed all those present to the meeting and announced that

apologies for absence had been received on behalf of Elle Wright, Sunila Khan, Steph Hughes, Jess Cullen, Kyle West and Karandeep Kaur.

The Chair also advised the Youth Council that this would be Chris

Gordge’s last meeting with the Youth Council and that he had been a member of the Youth Council since its conception, four years ago.



2 Minutes of Previous Meeting RESOLVED - That the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2012 be

approved as a correct record. 3 Admission of the Public It was noted that all agenda items would be considered in public session. 4 Deputations/Petitions No deputations or petitions were received. 5 Update on KYC Projects The Chair invited representatives to provide an update on current KYC

projects. Aishah advised the Youth Council that the College Network had met with

the Chief Executive of Kirklees Council, Adrian Lythgo to discuss their transport work. Aishah also informed the Youth Council that the group had spoken with Metro regarding the SafeMark Training available for young people.

The Youth Council received an update from young carer, Stephanie

Hughes, advising that Khizar Akbar had been shadowing her role in preparation for the hand over of the position in September. Stephanie also informed the Youth Council that she had met with Paul Johnson, Assistant Director for Family Support and Child Protection and that Paul had been very supportive and had offered to assist in several areas including identifying future funding.

Afsha Munir informed the Council that she had summarised the feedback

received for the apprentices travel cost survey and that she had shared this information with the College Network Group.

The Youth Council also received an update on the Young People with

Disabilities Group. Kyle informed the Youth Council that the group had made a leaflet informing people of their work.

Zain Malik and Allena Razzaq updated the Youth Council on the localities

updates. They informed them that the group had met with Councillor Mehboob Khan, Leader of the Council, to share information and create links for the Youth Council. They also advised the Youth Council of details surrounding their current ongoing projects, Twinning and Positive Images of Young People in the Media.

RESOLVED - That the update reports be noted. 6 Children in Care Council (CiCC) Youth Council received an update on the developments and plans for

young people across Kirklees. Karl Levy informed the Youth Council that the group had had their third Chair’s meeting with the CiCC to help


develop links between both Councils and that these meetings would continue. Karl also informed the Youth Council that the the CiCC Together 2012 residential had taken place in June 2012 and was attended by Children in Care Councils from 12 local authorities across Yorkshire and Humberside and the North West.

RESOLVED - That the update report be noted. 7 Olympic/ Paralympic Experience The Youth Councillors received a presentation from Timothy Potter about

his experience at the Olympics and Paralympics. RESOLVED - That the presentation be noted. 8 Annual Report The Youth Council received a verbal update regarding the content of the

Kirklees Youth Council Annual Report. RESOLVED - That the update be noted. 9 Money Personality Quiz Youth Councillors participated in a quiz based on the way in which people

choose to spend their money. 10 KYC Discussion Topic Youth Councillors participated in a debate titled “July 2012 English GCSE

Boundary”. 11 Hot Spot Seat Youth Councillor Afsha Munir, attended the meeting to participate in the

'hot spot' session and answer a variety of questions from Youth Councillors regarding her apprentice position within the Streetscene and Housing department in Kirklees Council.

12 Get Involved The Youth Council received a presentation detailing current opportunities

for young people’s involvement in the local area.

RESOLVED - That the presentation be noted.

13 Chairs Update Jess informed the Youth Council that as part of their role on the Youth

Advisory Board, herself and Steph Hughes had been working on creating a Charter for the Police and Crime Commissioner Election. They asked that the Youth Councillors fill out the survey they had created so the Youth Council’s views could be considered when the surveys were analysed and collated.

RESOLVED - That the update be noted.


14 Public Question Time The Youth Council responded to a suggestion from Sinead Boyle, Senior

Voice and Influence Officer regarding the content of the Discussion Topic being shared with Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Education.

15 Future Meeting Dates The schedule of meetings for 2012 was noted.

Locality Update Youth Councillors representing Localities within Kirklees. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans for the Youth Councillors representing Young People across Kirklees. Update General Elections We have had a very successful election period. We would like to welcome: Huddersfield North - Shannon Smith, Aleena Razzaq & Aimen Mahmood Huddersfield South Cameron Whittingham & Robert Morris The Valleys - Tim Potter & Alexandra Docherty Denby Dale & Kirkburton- Brodie Simpson & Chelsea Beaver Spen Vally - Sumren Imtiaz Batley Birstall & Birkenshaw - Saad Aziz Co optee Representing Volunteers - Jake Elliott Colleges - Jess Senior & Rayan Saghir The new Youth Councillors have already taken part in an introduction meeting and training session. KYC Media Representatives

Tim and Aishah have been developing ways that KYC can reach more young people using technology. They have also created news ways of communicating within the Youth Council. Projects Twinning

• We have made links with a school in Poland that is willing to take part in our

project. • A small group of Youth Councillors visited Moorend Academy to interview local

Polish young people about their experience of moving to Kirklees.


Positive Images of Young People

• Our Facebook page now has 242 pictures of positive contributions that local young people make to our communities.

• Young people have also written short stories about their contributions. Working with Others

• We attended the British Youth Council/UK Youth Parliament regional meeting in Hull where we gained lots of tips about becoming a young reporter..

• We are planning activities for the Children's Commissioner's Takeover Day 2012 in November. We have had an offer to attend a Cabinet meeting and a shadowing opportunity from a local Elected Member.

• We have agreed to attend future Colne Valley Young People’s Portfolio meetings • We collected 264 ballot papers for the UKYP Make Your Mark vote and the top

issue locally was “Being prepared for work”

What have we learned? What it is like for some young people to move here from another country. We will be reporting on this very soon. That lots of local young people do great things in their spare time and make a positive contribution to our communities. That money, jobs and opportunities continues to be a priority for local young people. What are we doing next? Attending the University of Huddersfield’s Youth Citizenship conference. The day will provide a range of interactive sessions which will give us the chance to explore current issues relevant to young people in society. Completing existing projects and deciding on new areas of work. Looking at the priorities in the Children and Young People Plan. Continue to build links with other young people’s groups. Does anyone have any questions or comments? Contact Officer Michelle Ross Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail:

Kirklees Young Carers updates

Youth Councillors representing Young Carers within Kirklees. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans for the Youth Councillors representing Young People across Kirklees. Update - Kelsey What have we done? In June we went to the National Young Carers Festival in Southampton where we stayed for a weekend and stopped in tents. We did a range of activities including canoeing, abseiling, disco, live music, fairground rides and lots more. What have we learned? We learned there are lot’s more people in the same situation as us. What are we doing next? Hopefully planning to go again next year and meet the friends we made from across the country. We may have to do some fundraising towards this. Update - Hannah What have we done? During September and October some of us went on an archery course. As well as archery we also talked about our physical and emotional health including sleeping routines and feelings. What have we learned? We learnt some archery skills and it taught us how to be emotionally healthy. We also learnt how to eat healthily for our minds. We learnt things to help us to sleep and got more confident in ourselves. What are we doing next? We are going to apply for funding and do some fundraising to run more courses.

Update – Savannah What have we done? During the summer holidays the senior group went on trips to Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Scarborough, picnic in the park, cinema and bowling. The junior groups went on lots of different activities including Flamingo Land and Bradley woods. What have we learned? We learnt it was helpful to spend time with other young people and to get a break. What are we doing next? Our next trip will have been to Blackpool to visit Madam Tussauds and the Dungeon and to look at the illuminations. After that we will be having a Christmas party in December. Does anyone have any questions or comments? Contact Officer Michelle Ross Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail:

Our Voice Update Our Voice Crews represent young people throughout Kirklees. They help review, support and make changes to Council Services. Purpose of this summary To introduce the Our Voice project to the Youth Councillors and others Does anyone have any questions or comments? Contact Officer Kay Parry Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail:

Police Crime Commissioner Youth Advisory Board Update

Youth Councillors representing young people within Kirklees. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans for young people across Kirklees. Update What have we done? Created a Youth Charter for the new Police Crime Commissioners to sign up to Launched the Charter online The charter aims to encourage elected Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) to pledge their engagement with young people and to listen to their views in a meaningful way. What have we learned? We have had lots of support for the charter What are we doing next? Presenting at the next Integrated Youth Support Service celebration evening for young people. We have invited Chief Superintendent Tim Kingsman Does anyone have any questions or comments? Contact Officer Michelle Ross Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail:

Road Safety Champion Update Road Safety Champs representing young people throughout Kirklees A PowerPoint presentation will be made during the next Youth Council meeting. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors and others on developments and plans from the Road Safety Champs. Update General What have we found out?

The top 2 Pledge themes are: • For young people: distraction whilst crossing the road • For children: to cross the road safely


• We will be working with providers of mobile phones and accessories to encourage them to share messages on the ‘Pull the Plugs from your Lugs’ campaign with people who buy mobiles as gifts.

• We have started working with the Road Safety Partnership to develop ways in

which we can help 11-15 year olds cross the road more safely.

• LV have agreed to fund a mascot suit for the Road Safety Champs, so we will be getting our ‘Toucan’ mascot soon! This comes from the two-can crossings!

What have we learned? That we have lots more work to do! What are we doing next?

• Preparing for National Road Safety week…join us to sign up to a Road Safety Pledge during National Road Safety Week, 19th November 2012. We will be working with the Fire Service and the Police to cut someone out of a car.

Does anyone have any questions or comments? Contact Officer Sinéad Boyle Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail:

KYC Grant Update

Youth Councillors update for other young people within Kirklees. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans for young people across Kirklees. Update What have we done? Designed a small grant scheme for local young people. We have a budget of £3000 available to fund projects that help to improve young people’s skills and experience which may be relevant to their future employment or financial wellbeing Applications are open to groups of young people living in Kirklees aged 13-19 who can apply for up to £500 to fund their project. The project ideas and applications must come from young people who must also be responsible for leading and running their own projects What are we doing next? Launching the scheme very soon

Does anyone have any questions or comments? Contact Officer Susan Adams Tel: 01484 223603 E-mail:


Children in Care Council Update

Youth Councillors representing young people within Kirklees. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans for young people across Kirklees. Update What have we done?

• We hosted the first regional meeting of Children in Care Councils for the Yorkshire and Humber region in September.

• We hosted a Corporate Parent Meeting on 17th Sept where we shared information with Senior Managers and Elected Members around the issues Care Leavers face in respect of housing. We had members of staff from housing present as well. We looked at two different budgeting scenarios and worked in teams with Senior Managers to look at how difficult it is to budget money

• We had a focus group meeting to help the Leaving Care Team design a leaflet about their service.

• We had an activity session in October at Hollywood Bowl. What have we learned?

• Some young people have gained in confidence and spoke in front of professionals at the Corporate Parent Meeting.

• How to work as a large group and smaller focus groups • Working with new professionals. What are we doing next?

• We are attending the regional meeting in York • National Voice bringing regional CiCC consultation to Brian Jackson House • Planning Christmas Party

Does anyone have any questions or comments? Contact Officer Michelle Ross Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail:
