note for SAP BW ABAP.docx


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1. RSU5_SAPI_BADI is used to enhance the standard BI DataSources

Go to T-Code RSA6 Enhancing Extract Structure Go to SE24 and create a class and in the Interfaces tab of the class enter IF_EX_RSU5_SAPI_BADI. Go to BADI Definition RSU5_SAPI_BADI using Tcode SE18 and create implementation. Go to the Interface tab and enter the created class in the Implementing class name field and activate Testing through RSA3

2. InfoPackage Routines

(1) In Extraction Tab : PFILENAME(2) In Data Selection Tab : Selections using an ABAP routine (variable type 6)

(3) Selections using a variable (variable type 7)

Steps for Creating the OLAP Variable Create a new project using CMOD Transaction code. Select SAP enhancement RSR00001 and assign it to the project. Code the logic.

Creation of Variable in BEX Designer. Once Variable creation is done, the variable will appear the f4 help in the InfoPackage OLAP Variable screen.

3. DTP Filter:(1) In the extraction tab

4. Routines in Transformations(1) Start Routine:

(2) End Routine

(3) Routine for Characteristics or Key Figures

(4) Expert RoutineExpert routine has internal table SOURCE_PACKAGE which has all the source data, and need to be manipulated and transferred into Internal Table RESULT_PACKAGE, which is of the target structure.

5. BI Variables6. ABAP in APD Data can be merged from a number of sources, can go through different transformations, and can be saved to different data targets. You can access APD by using transaction code RSANWB or by clicking the Edit button in transaction code RSA1.

, right-click Routine 1 and then click the Properties line.

Enter the code after the LOOP statement and before MOVE-CORRESPONDING

7. ABAP Best Practices for Business Intelligence(1) Declaring an Internal Table

(2) Deleting a RecordDelete source_package where F1 = X.

(3) Database Access using Select

Also while selecting data from active table of an ODS, always base the selections on its key fields. If not remember to create secondary indexes.

(4) Send Messages to Monitor

(5) Value Comparison Always use IS INITIAL statement instead of is equal to

(6) Modifying a RecordModify a record of an internal table consumes time, because it copies the entire record into a separate work area. So instead use Field Symbols.

(7) Copying Internal Tables : It1[] = it2[].(8) Read data from an Internal Table While reading an internal table it is a good practice to sort it before with the fields which are used to read a record. Whenever you make a read access to a global internal table in the Individual Routines, make sure that you do it using RECNO (Record Number).

The reason is if you make a read access using with Key then it might give wrong output in case of loading deltas, since Before Image and After Images have the same keys.

(9) Using Nested Loop
