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The Middle Way Ltd

The Middle Way LtdHawkwell, Angel Close, Langton Herring,Weymouth, Dorset. DT3 4NY. Tel: 01305 871174NOSODE ADVICE & RECORD SHEET.Owners name ........... Animals name ...........

Date of Supply ..........

Issued By .............PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.

Nosodes have been supplied to you in tablet form in the 30c potency for the following diseases.

Distemper/Hard Pad ( Cat Flu ( FIP

Leptospirosis ( Feline Enteritis ( Chlamydia

Hepatitis ( FelV ( Tetanus

Parvovirus ( FIV ( Equine Flu

Kennel Cough ( FIA ( Myxomatosis/VHD

1 dose = 1 pill or enough granules to cover the base of the bottle cap.

Ideally Nosodes should not be given with food. They should be given directly from the vial cap or from the powder paper. Try not to handle them and do not return any tablets or granules that you have handled to the vial. Nosodes should be stored in a cool dark place away from strong odours, including garlic, vick and camphor and sources of electromagnetic radiation. Animals should not be given garlic for 24 hours either side of dosing.

The recommended dosing regime for the initial course is:

1 dose morning and night for 5 days

1 dose once weekly for 4 weeks, then

1 dose monthly for six months

The booster dose is 1 dose morning and night for 5 days.

This should be repeated yearly. However in areas of risk it may be advisable to do this at 6 monthly intervals.


1). The dosage regime recommended above has been developed through the experience of homoeopathic veterinary surgeons and pharmacists.

2). Nosodes have, as yet, not been scientifically proven to offer the same protection as orthodox vaccines. However, they do not carry the risk of unwarranted side effects.

3). It is well known that a small number of animals will not respond to orthodox vaccines. It would seem reasonable to assume the same is true of nosode protection.

4). The mechanism of any protection offered by nosodes is unknown. Unlike conventional vaccines, it appears not to involve circulating antibodies. This carries two consequences:-

a) Standard blood tests DO NOT indicate the success or otherwise of protection.

b) Pregnant animals will not have additional antibodies (other than those already present) to pass onto offspring in their milk. This may leave some very young animals with reduced protection.