Northminster Presbyterian Church€¦ · effective witnesses of Jesus Christ by reaching out to...


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Northminster Presby terian Church 7720 Alaska Avenue, N.W. - Washington, D.C. 20012

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Reverend Gail Porter Nelson, Teaching Elder

The mission of Northminster Presbyterian Church, PC (U.S.A.) is to give, through God’s grace and power, glory to God and to be a community of inspired Christians nurtured and equipped to become effective witnesses of Jesus Christ by reaching out to others with hands that serve, hearts that welcome, and voices that carry the Good News of God’s redeeming love to all. November 27, 2016 11:00 A.M


PRELUDE Elder Henry Jones


*CALL TO WORSHIP Elder Reginald Holt There are in our world many idols, many gods, many ideologies, and many authorities who demand our loyalty, our devotion, and our time. We come here to declare that we serve one God, one Savior, one Holy Spirit, who deserves all that we are and all that we hope to be. *OPENING HYMN “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” No.9 Congregation

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OPENING PRAYER Elder Reginald Holt We honor you as our Creator. We obey you as our Lord. We learn from you as our Teacher. We thank you as our Savior. We follow you as our Shepherd. PRAYER OF CONFESSION (in unison) Elder Reginald Holt O God of all knowledge, in whom there is no darkness and before whom there are no secrets, we appear before you with souls fully exposed. Bring to light anything in us that is unworthy, And call us out of darkness into your marvelous light. Amen ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS Reverend Gail Porter Nelson There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. —Romans 8:1-2 *DOXOLOGY “Gloria Patri” No. 579 Congregation THE APOSTLES CREED (page 14 in the front of the hymnal) Congregation WELCOME TO VISITORS Elder Reginald Holt PRAYER REQUEST —If you have a concern or request that you would like included in the Pastoral Prayer, please jot it down on the index card found in the pew rack and hand it to a deacon as they walk the aisle during the singing of the Welcome Song. THE WELCOME SONG Congregation THE LIFE OF NORTHMINSTER Elder Reginald Holt THE CHILDREN’S MOMENT Elder Mimi Stevenson PASSING THE PEACE (To your North, South, East, and West, pass the peace and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.)

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WE PROCLAIM GOD’S WORD PRAYER OF INTERCESSION Reverend Gail Porter Nelson (For those who need encouragement) We pray this morning for those who need encouragement along the difficult pathways of life. We remember those who are discouraged by closed doors as they seek employment. We remember those who are discouraged by the waywardness of their children. We remember those who are discouraged by continuing health problems. We remember those who are discouraged by the absence of marital harmony. We remember those who are discouraged by the lack of social acceptance in school, or work, or church, or society in general. We remember those who are discouraged because of physical or emotional challenges. We remember those who are discouraged by their lack of spiritual progress. FIRST SCRIPTURE LESSON (Old Testament) Elder Reginald Holt Psalm 122 (pew bible page 547) One: The Word of the Lord All: Thanks be to God! SECOND SCRIPTURE LESSON (New Testament) Reverend Gail Porter Nelson Matthew 24:36-44 (pew bible page 25) One: This is the Gospel of the Lord All: Praise be to you, O Christ SERMON: “THE NECESSITY OF BEING READY” Reverend Gail Porter Nelson

WE RESPOND TO GOD’S WORD PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE Reverend Gail Porter Nelson THE LORD’S PRAYER Congregation in unison

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THE OFFERTORY SENTENCE Elder Reginald Holt All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. —2 Corinthians 5:18 OFFERTORY MUSIC Elder Henry Jones *DOXOLOGY “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” No. 592 Congregation OFFERTORY PRAYER Elder Reginald Holt Receive these gifts in order that our ministry in this community can be strengthened, that our ministry around the world can be expanded, and that the ministry to our own souls can be deepened.

WE GO IN GOD’S NAME *CLOSING HYMN “I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me” No. 369 Congregation BENEDICTION Reverend Gail Porter Nelson Hear these words of prophecy: At the name of Jesus every knee will bend, in heaven and on earth, and under the earth; and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. —Adapted from Philippians 2:10-11 *CHORAL BENEDICTION “Three Fold Amen” No.587 Congregation POSTLUDE Elder Henry Jones

Please keep these members of our community in your prayers: Debra Bennett • Norris Capers • Nadine Connor • Jackye Lee Andrew Mickens • Martha Parker • Wardley Patterson • Aggie Trantham

ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MEETINGS Let us send up our prayers for Thelma Diggs whose brother passed away, and for Elder Lorethea Davis whose sister passed away. Please remember them and their families in your prayers during this time of loss. Please check the Northminster webpage at The page is currently under construction and all constructive comments are welcomed. We will have an introduction to our web designer, Eric Jones, and a demonstration to the various aspects of the Northminster web page, after service today. ANGEL TREE: The Board of Deacons' Annual Angel Tree program has launched. The Prison Fellowship Ministries has assigned our church 31 children. Please support the program by choosing a child's name. The Deacons will be in the social hall on November 27th (today) after service to record church members’ participation. Please plan to bring your wrapped/bagged gifts to the church on or before December 10th. Gifts can be given to Anne Pillay, Church Administrator, on Friday and Saturday if necessary. THE ANGEL TREE PARTY will be on Saturday, December 17th at noon in the Social Hall. Hope you have time to attend the party to meet the children whose lives you will touch in a special way during the holiday season. Donations are appreciated and will be used to help finance the party. If you are available to volunteer your time in assisting with the day's activities, please let Stacy or one of the other Deacon's know. PLANT SALE: The Board of Deacons Annual Christmas Poinsettia Sale is underway. Order forms have been placed in your church bulletin. If you are interested in purchasing poinsettia(s) at $20 a plant, please complete the order form by 12/18/16 and place in the collection plate or give to any member of the Board. In keeping with tradition, the flowers will be used to decorate the church. Feel free to pick up your flower(s) on December 24th after the Christmas Eve service. CHRISTMAS SERVICES: The Wassail Party this year will begin at 10:30 pm on December 24th, followed by the Christmas Eve Service at 11:00 pm, and Christmas Service at midnight. Anyone in need of transportation to the Christmas Eve services should please call and leave a message on office answering machine. Funds2Org organization: For those of you who are cleaning out your closets between now and the first of the year, DKG NuState is collecting slightly worn, used, or new shoes for the Funds2Org organization. The shoes will be distributed to Africa, Haiti and third world countries. Please bring your shoes to the church and they will be picked up by Rochelle Mickens in January to be donated to the Funds2Org organization.

Sharing Our Blessings: Living on the streets in the District of Columbia there remain thousands of homeless people. During this season of the year we should especially remember people in need. Following the success of last year’s drive, Northminster Board of Deacons and the “feed the homeless” volunteers are collecting hats, scarfs, gloves and socks for male and female adults. Our volunteers will deliver the items on Tuesday, December 13th. A collection box will be available in the Narthex. We would appreciate your support in our efforts. I have shown you that by so toiling one must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, and “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. Acts 20:35 The Community Biblical Dialogue holds explorations of spiritual disciplines every second Saturday of the month from 10:00 to 12:00 p.m. in the Library. This year discussions will be on the Letters of Paul. We hope to see you there. Bring a friend. The children’s Church Teachers meet every first Sunday in the Church Library immediately following Sunday service. Bible study class for adults meets Sunday mornings, 9:30–10:55 am, in the church library (Room 203). Sunday school for students ages 3-15, meets on 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays from 11:15am to 12:45pm. New students are welcomed. Northminster Sewing Circle meets on Wednesday mornings. For more information please contact Bettie Coles at (202) 882-7951. Boy Scouts meet on Fridays. Please contact Franklin Austin at (202) 829-6577 for more information. Cub Scouts meet on Saturdays. Please contact Keith Dean at (202) 841-4094 for more information. GOD’S MEN meet for rehearsals on Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the church music room, under the direction of Joya Follette. New members are welcome. For more information please contact Reginald L. Holt at 202-882-4446. CHANCEL CHOIR meets for rehearsals on Thursdays at 8:00 pm in the choir room. New members are welcomed. For more information contact Elder Herb Scott at 202-327-4902. Fitness for Life Program (physical fitness for mature adults) has sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please contact Debra Floyd at (202) 607-8118 for more information.

NORTHMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH — MINISTRY DIVISIONS The Session of Northminster Presbyterian Church is organized into four ministry divisions: The Administrative Division oversees the Budget, Finance and Fund Raising activities of the Church. In addition, this Division is responsible for nominating new officers (Elders and Deacons) and coordinating Trustee and Deacon Activities. The Administrative Division meets on the first Sunday of the month after church. The Communication Division coordinates Northminster’s Worship & Music, Christian Education, Mission, and Social Witness activities. The Communication Division meets on the second Sunday of the month after church. The Stewardship Division directs the Stewardship activities of the Church and is responsible for Personnel matters. The Division meets after church on the third Sunday of each month. The New and Current Membership Division oversees Northminster’s Fellowship and Evangelism activities and coordinates the continuing nurture of our members. The Membership Division meets on the fourth Sunday of each month after church. All ministry Division meetings are open (unless otherwise stated) and we want to hear from you. We invite you to participate in the life of Northminster Presbyterian Church!


Board of Elders (Session) Rev. Gail Porter Nelson, Teaching Elder, Stated Supply Pastor – Acting Moderator

Class of 2017: Michael Kauffman, Kosi Kumi, Nathaniel Sims Class of 2018: Lorethea Davis, Jackie Holt Class of 2019: Dan Acker, Sandra Riviears, Mimi Stevenson

Board of Deacons

Class of 2017: Renee Butler, Theresa Wilson, Marie Richardson Class of 2018: Stacey Jones, Henry Jones, Maya Jones, Gloria McClure, Barbara Mecaley,

Zayani Sims Class of 2019: Andrea Rander, Willie Williams, Adolph Tengen, Evelyn Ngeloh, Renee Hutchins

Board of Trustees

Class of 2017: Serah Kauffman, Mark Sturdivant Class of 2018: Andrew Mickens, Nathaniel Sims Jr. Class of 2019: Celestine Brown, Juliane Tengen, Carole Woolfork

Leading us in Worship: Reverend Gail Porter Nelson Liturgist: Elder Reginald Holt Music Director: Elder Herb Scott Pianist: Elder Henry Jones Administrator: Anne Pillay Custodian: Neil Clarke

NOVEMBER 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



3 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults

4 Cub Scouts

5 Boy Scouts


Adult Bible Study


8 ELECTION DAY Physical Fitness for Mature Adults Girls Scouts

9 Sewing Circle

10 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults

11 Veteran’s Day God’s Men Rehearsal Cub Scouts

12 Boy Scouts


Adult Bible Study


15 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults


16 Sewing Circle

17 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults

18 God’s Men Rehearsal Cub Scouts

19 Boy Scouts

20 CHRIST THE KING Adult Bible Study


22 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults Girl Scouts

23 Sewing Circle


25 Cub Scouts

26 Boy Scouts



Adult Bible Study


29 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults Girl Scouts

30 Sewing Circle

DECEMBER 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults

2 Cub Scouts

3 Boy Scouts




Adult Bible Study


6 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults Girls Scouts

7 Sewing Circle

8 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults

9 God’s Men Rehearsal Cub Scouts

10 Boy Scouts



Adult Bible Study


13 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults


14 Sewing Circle

15 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults

16 God’s Men Rehearsal Cub Scouts

17 Boy Scouts




Adult Bible Study


20 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults Girl Scouts

21 Sewing Circle

22 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults

23 Cub Scouts







27 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults Girl Scouts

28 Sewing Circle

29 Physical Fitness for Mature Adults

30 Cub Scouts

