North Platte, Nebraska 69101 ·...


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First Evangelical Lutheran Church 305 West 5th Street North Platte, Nebraska 69101

Contact Us...

Phone: 308-532-0250 Fax: 308-532-5291 Email:


Pastor: Pastor Arnold Flater 563-542-5434

Church Council, President: Mark Obermeier: 308-530-1682 Office Manager: Ellie Nelms Financial Secretary: Claudette Nelson Music & Preschool Director: Gail Jensen: 308-534-4290 Confirmation: Pastor Flater & Emily McCreery VBS: Heather Jensen

Monday - Fr iday 9 a .m. — 4 p.m.

Closed: Sat -Sun


God’s Vision is Our Future Stewardship 2020

Jeremiah 17:8 “They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream… and it does not cease to bear fruit”

This year’s biblical focus for our yearly stewardship emphasis from Jeremiah, chapter seventeen, makes reference to a year of drought. Verses eight and nine read, They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit. (Jeremiah 17:8-9)

As I remember all those who work with the land and the production of food and fiber, I know, from personal experience, that a drought causes a great deal of anxiety and fear. The gift of abundant rainfall and its result is the very basis of the farmer’s and rancher’s livelihoods. This year’s persistent rain, overwhelming at times, has also given reason for us all to have concern. This concern comes not only for our sisters and brothers who work on the land locally but those in Nebraska and beyond who have lost so much in the flooding. While we have not experienced the devastation of a drought, we do know that extreme weather always brings challenge.

In a time of drought in the history of God’s people, Jeremiah challenges the people of Judah to remain trust filled. The context in which he wrote these words is one of utter destruction of all that is central to the people and is cast in the shadow of their sinfulness. Jeremiah had no easy task! He is to pronounce God’s disappointment and judgment while guiding the people in continued trust in God who remains faithful and loving.

As we venture into a new year of ministry possibilities, we are reminded that our energy must be based in God’s elusive agenda. What that means for us is not always clear. What is clear is the place in which we put our roots. In the verses before our focus passage, Jeremiah reminds us that who trust in the way of human endeavor are like a shrub which grows in the desert. It does not produce fruit and is soon to pass away. Even if “abundant” rain should fall, it is still an unproductive shrub which contains no capacity for fruit.

Rooted in the Word of God, seeking God’s ever flowing stream of abundant love, we bear fruit. In our first stewardship emphasis as congregation and pastor, I will ask you to step out in bold trust to share only what God has given you! Commitment Cards for 2020 will be available at worship and received via postal mail. In that model of commitment, our corporate thanksgiving and joy will grow. I hope you will strive to join me in worship in the four Sundays of October and that you will participate in a three-week process of daily reflection and thanksgiving. I am eager to offer our congregation a process of five important practices which I am convinced will increase in us a vibrant stewardship center.

Each day for three weeks, you will be invited to do five things. The first is to write down three things for which you are thankful. The second part is to journal about a positive “God” experience from the previous day. Third, find time for physical exercise on a daily basis in what every capacity you are able. Fourth, meditate on God’s Word alone or with another person. Finally, plan either a daily or weekly event of Christian service. This template for life practiced for just twenty-one days will empower us to better understand how we are to

“Imagine God’s Vision as Our Future!” Pastor Flater

MISSION STATEMENT: To make Christ known in our love for one another, by service to our neighbor, and in worship of God.

● Christian Ed/Youth & Family: Oct. 27 family festival meeting at pumpkin patch to enjoy activities there. Nov. 22 Youth Group is offering babysitting in gym so parents can enjoy a date night.

● Care Committee: Ordered crosses for confirmation students. Delivered food to Grace Food Pantry on Monday. Will use Good Samaritan fund to purchase meat for pantry. ● Property: Jim has been gathering bids for updating security system and will turn that information over to the property committee. The window project is completed for the time being.

● Worship & Music: A volunteer schedule is being completed to help assist with worship duties for the 10:30 service. With stewardship month, there will be regular services on Reformation Sunday.

● PMA update: Oct 6, Emily will be in Lodgepole for Spiritual Discernment/Faith Formation. She will participate in a webinar on Trustworthy Servant. Oct. 7-9 Pastor and Emily will attend a Theological Conference in Kearney.

● Office Manager: Ellie will start working on putting the newsletter together for November.

● At the Special Council Meeting held September 12, Pastor Flater stated that as a pastor he understands that his call to First Lutheran is one of revitalization and sustainability. That process will, at times require, a call for challenging change.

Full minutes and financials available in

the narthex and office.

Congregational Council Meeting

Highlights — September 15, 2019

After a year and a half, the window project is now complete. The ground floor was done last summer, and the second level was completed this summer. The entire project consisted of 40 windows, 475 pieces of wood and pvc trim. It took approximately 800 hours of labor and 29 mini blinds, and three door windows for offices. Materials cost a little less than $10,000. Almost $1,000 was saved by utilizing sales and rebates. I estimate that our volunteers saved First Lutheran $20,000 in labor costs. A special thank you goes to Mel Kempke for the use of his scaffolding and his many hours of labor. The crew was performing like a well oiled machine by the end of the project. Many thanks go out to Bruce Jensen, Steve Evans, Steve Sanford, and Mark Obermeier. The second floor required some high altitude work and the members were fearless. We have a beautiful facility and we have much more work to do. When you see these individuals, please give them a pat on the back, and say “well done, good and faithful servant.”

Jerry Stoll Project Coordinator


1 11:00 Staff Meeting 5:00 Yoga/East 7:00 Boy Scouts


8:30 Preschool Chapel 1:00 Quilts/Ed Unit 5-6 WELCA Meeting

3 8:30 Preschool Chapel 5:30 Harmony Bell Practice

4 1-3 Grace Pantry



8:15 Worship Service 9:15 Fellowship donuts/coffee 10:00 Praise Band 10:30 Worship Service

7 PAF’s Day Off

8 11:00 Staff Mtg. 2:00 Bingo at Centennial 5:00 Yoga/East 7:00 Boy Scouts

9 1:00 Quilts/Ed Unit


1:00 Quilt Group 7:30 Council Work Session 5:30 Harmony Bell Practice 6:30 CCC Meeting

11 1-3 Grace Pantry



8:15 Worship Service 9:15 Fellowship donuts/coffee 10:00 Praise Band 10:30 Worship Service 10:30 Micah Connick Baptism

14 PAF’s Day Off

15 11:00 Staff Meeting 9:00 Adah Circle 2:00 Buffalo Bill Communion 3:00 Centennial Communion 5:00 Yoga/East 7:00 Boy Scouts

16 1:00 Quilts/Ed Unit 2-6:30 Downtown Community Dinner


5:00 Christian Ed Meeting 5:30 Holy Harmony Bell Practice

18 1-3 Grace Pantry



8:15 Worship Service 9:15 Fellowship donuts/coffee 10:00 Praise Band 10:30 Worship Service 12:00 Council Meeting 2:00 WELCA Meeting

21 PAF’s Day Off

22 11:00 Staff Mtg 5:00 Yoga/East 7:00 Boy Scouts

23 1:00 Quilts/Ed Unit

24 5:30 Holy Harmony Bell Practice

25 1-3 Grace Pantry

26 6-10 PM FOCAS group (Ed unit)


8:15 Worship Service 9:15 Fellowship donuts/coffee 9:30 Eve Circle 10:00 Praise Band 10:30 Worship Service

28 PAF’s Day Off

29 11:00 Staff Meeting 5:00 Yoga/East 7:00 B

30 1:00 Quilts/Ed Unit

31 5:30 Holy Harmony Bell Practice

Church Office Hours (unless noted on the calendar): Monday - Friday 9 a.m. — 4 p.m.

Pastor Arnold Flater Cell: 563-542-5434


Monday is Pastor’s day of rest (unless noted). Non-emergency correspondence

will be returned on the following day.

FIRST EVANGELI CAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 305 West 5th Street * North Platte, Nebraska

Church telephone: (308) 532-0250 Web: * Email:


Theological Conference PAF & Emily attend

If you would like to provide flowers for a “special occasion”, “in honor of”, “in memory of” or “to the Glory of God”, please pick

up a form in the office.

The cost is $35.00 for one pair of bouquets.


Kristy Fisher (Jane Ann Allen’s Niece) Holly Fitch Don Parrish Marcia Cassidy (Flater’s Cousin) Robert Wright (Flater’s Cousin) Mary Ann Jorgensen (Pam Short’s Sister) Kevin Feil (Lindsay Singer’s Father) Jody Hill Madalyn Hoaglund Rae Gullion Heidi Criddle Dale Brittenham Military: Ryan Anderson The Families & Friends of: Marian Christensen Lillian Higgins Roger Lunkwitz Bruce Blanchard

Please let the office (308-532-0250) know if you have anyone you would like to include in our prayers. We will continue to pray for four weeks. If more time is needed, please inform Pastor Flater (563) 542-5434.

“The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” James 5:16

October 13 20

November 3 24

December 8

January 5 12 19 26

February 2 9 16 23

March 1 8 15 22

Apr i l 5 12 19 26

May 3 10 17 24 31


BAPTISM PREPARATION One-session gatherings are an opportunity to help

you learn about the Sacrament of Baptism and to schedule a baptism. Please call the church office to sign-up. The next meeting is October 17 from

6-7 p.m.

BAPTISMAL STORY BIBLES Norman & Mary Sue Grabenstein have started a

fund for story Bibles to be given to newly baptized children. Contact the church if you are interested in providing or using a memorial for the Bibles.

FUNERALS Lillian Higgins

Marian Christensen


Interested in knowing more about the community of Christ gathered at First Lutheran Church? We invite you to join us monthly in the Pastor’s office. Please call the church office to sign-up. The next meeting will be October 17 from 7:30-8:30 p.m.

BINGO Second Tuesday @ 2 PM: Centennial Park

BELL CHOIR Holy Harmony 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays.

CIRCLES (WELCA) Board Meeting: First Wednesday @ 5PM Miriam Circle: First Monday @ 7 PM Adah Circle: Third Tuesday @ 9 AM Eve Circle: Third Sunday @ 9:30 AM

COMMUNITY COMMUNION Third Tuesday at Buffalo Bill @ 2 PM Third Tuesday at Centennial Park @ 3 PM

DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY MEAL Thank you for signing up to help prepare or serve the Downtown Community Meal at the Episcopal Church. Sign up on bulletin board in Narthex. Upwards of 100 people or more are served each Wednesday evening. Contact Shari Shore at 539-1715 if you wish to make donations of protein such as meat, sausage, or eggs.

FOCAS GROUP (Singles Group) FOCAS singles group will gather in the west

educational unit. Contact Vickie O’Neal 402-690-3329 or Elyse Bohling 308-539-2397 for more information.


QUILTS Tie Quilts: Second Thursday at 1 PM Quilting: Every Wednesday at 1 PM

2019-20 Available Sundays

Preschool off to great start

in fall 2019

You are needed to serve!

Contact Pastor Flater for more information at 563.542.5434.

Stewardship Emphasis 2020 During the month of October, worship vitality will center in our Stewardship of God’s Gifts. Primarily we will come to recognize that trust in God calls us to share what has been given to us by God. Our time, treasures, and talents will be on display calling for a new and growing promise to share. Each of the four weeks of October, we will prayerfully consider what we are to share. On the fourth Sunday, Oct. 27, we will all make a financial commitment for the year 2020. I understand that making a personal commitment will be new to many of you. I will explain its biblical foundation and growth giving power.

~ Pastor Flater


Correspondence September opened a new

semester for me. I am loving my “Getting

Down to Basics: Augsburg Confession and Small Catechism” class. This is a very large class with students scattered throughout the United States. There are only two from Nebraska.

The New Testament course started later in September. I will travel weekly to Gothenburg for this class and it is made up of area PMA students. I was also able to secure an elective by participating in a

webinar sponsored by the ELCA about being a trustworthy servant.

I enjoyed the opportunity to work with our Confirmands last month in their preparation to Affirm their Baptism. I am excited to see their promises of faith unfold.

On October 5 I will finish the Spiritual Discernment and Faith Formation requirement. I will participate in a day-long retreat at Sullivan Hills in Lodgepole.

Following the retreat, PAF and I will take part in the Theology Conference sponsored by the Nebraska Synod in Kearney Oct. 7.

Blessings for a wonderful October and thank you for the continued support from the community here at FELC.

Emily McCreery is currently a Parish Ministry Associate Candidate in the ELCA Nebraska Synod and is a lifelong member at FELC.

Thank you so much for the great items that were put into my welcoming basket! My time working here has been going very well, and everyone has been so helpful and welcoming! - Ellie Nelms, Office Manager

The Caring Christians Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in "God's Work, Our Hands" Sunday by donating the food items given to Grace Ministry Pantries. This food pantry was very appreciative of the donation.

WELCA BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 4, 2019 Duties: Bingo at Centennial (see below)

President Heather Jensen called the meeting to order with prayer and devotions from Proverbs and Philippians. Attendance: Adah-2, Elizabeth-1, Eve-4, Miriam-0, Other-1 Secretary Report: Sharon read the August 14th minutes. Jill Falcon moved and Linda Lehmann seconded to approve the minutes. Motion carried. Treasurer Report: In the absence of Treasurer Tammie Sanford, Heather read the report. Jill moved and Claudette Nelson seconded to approve the treasurer report as read. Motion carried. Correspondence: None Old Business: Heather reported the ELCA Convention paperwork has been sent to the appropriate committee for processing. Heather reported there were 50 VBS children and 50 adult volunteers for the July VBS. New Business: New Treasurer Jill Falcon has purchased the paper products for the September 5th Autumn Bread & Salad Luncheon. Adah Circle will be the hostesses. Sarah Talbott from The Flower Market will be the guest speaker. Everyone is to bring a salad or bread for the luncheon. Heather and Pastor Flater are working together to plan a dedicated work/storage space for WELCA and meeting times may be reevaluated as we progress toward the vision for the church’s future. The Fall Harvest Dinner scheduled for November 7th was discussed. Food volunteer sheets were handed out to the circle chairman. Heather, Pastor Flater and Gail Jensen will work together to plan space for the mutually beneficial ministries of the Preschool Silent Auction and Harvest Dinner. The Boy Scouts will sell Christmas wreaths and help serve at the Harvest Dinner. The WELCA quilters and Carla Jensen would like to pursue the option to raffle or auction some quilts at the Harvest Dinner to supplement women’s ministries at FELC. Advertising options for the Harvest Dinner were discussed. Mary Johnson reported she has ordered the batting needed to finish this year’s quilts. Georgia Nelms reported on the Red Basket Project that Eve Circle would like to promote. We feel there is a need for feminine hygiene products for our junior and senior high school age young ladies. Georgia will get more details and report at the next board meeting. Bingo: September 10-Pat Glass, Mary Johnson, Linda Lehmann, Sandy Stoll October 8-Jane Ann Allen, Loretta Ellett, Carla Jensen, Bonnie Johnson, Linda Lehmann Next Meeting: October 2, 2019 at 5:00 P.M. Secretary, Sharon Riley

Year 2019 JAN FEB MAR




C&B Income $18,380 $12,818 $16,216 $23,153 $23,686 $13,177 $24,257 $13,470 $145,157

Expenses $16,444 $17,231 $17,607 $30,882 $22,295 $20,525 $19,854 $22,528 $167,366

Surplus (Shortfall)

Surplus $(1,936)

Shortfall $(4,412)

Shortfall $(1,390)

Shortfall ($7,729)

Surplus ($1,391)

Shortfall $(7,348)

Surplus $4,403

Shortfall ($9,058)

Shortfall ($22,208)


Thank you for your gifts to God through

First Evangelical Lutheran Church.


Higher income levels around Easter/Christmas. Lower income levels typically received in the summer. Income excludes any donations received for “designated gifts”. The expenses vary month to month, depending on the spending requests by the ministry

leaders and committees. Detailed financial reports are available in Narthex and office.

First Lesson Psalm Second Lesson Gospel

October 6 Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4 Psalm 37:1-9 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Luke 17:5-10

October 13 2 Kings 5:1-3,7-15c Psalm 111 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Luke 17:11-9

October 20 Genesis 32:22-31 Psalm 121 2 Timothy 3:14—4:5 Luke 18:1-8

October 27 Jeremiah 14:7-10,19-22 Psalm 84:1-7 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 Luke 18:9-14

Average Weekly


Sept. 2019


Sept. 2018


Please advise the church office of any errors/omissions on the Birthday & Anniversary Calendar.

Doug Gertsch October 11 Drake Jenkins October 11 Jayme Smith October 11 Claire Smyth October 11 Joyce Stack October 11 Michael Wilcox October 11 Kellie Dodge October 12 Destinee Toole October 12 Hope Toole October 12 Linda Brockley October 13 Norma Kasson October 13 Trinity Luhring October 13 Stephanie Wiesen October 13 Shannon Peterson October 15 Debra Sandoval October 15 Scott Dike October 17 Todd French October 17 Nicholas McDougall October 17 Jack Watson October 18 Charles Aufdenkamp October 19 Cindy Glos October 19 Penny Melstrom October 19 Carol Smith October 19 Michael Sculley October 20 Marie Gertsch October 21 Martin Jepsen October 21

Lazette Knoll October 21 Sophia Walz October 21 Cory Johanson October 23 Larry Nelms October 23 Chad Northcutt October 23 Lindsay Perry October 23 Isaac Sinsel October 23 Rae Gullion October 24 Kerri Kliewer October 24 Lee Lamberty October 24 Alan Nelson October 24 Carlee Wright October 24 Mitchell Stiver October 25 Matthew Walsh October 25 Ezrah Watson October 25 Tanis Buker October 26 Pete Chrisman October 26 Nadyne Crumly October 26 Kaylee King October 26 Madison Sanford October 26 Morgan Sanford October 26 Shirley Simpson October 26 Russell Dahlgren October 27 Robert Johnson October 27 Laurie Maline October 27 Allie Murrish October 27 Linda Evans October 28 Steven Kliewer October 29 Ralph Koch October 29 Eva McCreery October 30 Anna Morton October 30 Andrew Connelly October 31 Michael Sampeck October 31 Jerry Smith October 31

Dennis & Rhonda Peterson October 1 Marion & Donna Effenbeck October 2 David & Brittany Sanford October 2 Mike & Mindee Mohr October 4 Robert & Fae Guiles October 5 Tyler & Brandi Brown October 6 Richard & Connie Haney October 6 Jason & DeeAnn Jensen October 7 Regis & Kendra Fletcher October 10 Kelli & Justin Jensen October 10 Larry & Leita Hatch October 12 Amanda & Michael Connick October 15

Katelyn Rossell October 1 Jacob Zabor October 1 Laurel Condon October 2 Eldora Ellis October 2 Tyce Wright October 2 Hartley Garges October 3 Marissa Schledewitz October 3 Alee Stout October 3 Ella Janas October 4 Bonnie Johnson October 4 Mavis Johnson October 4 Lilli Tobiasson October 4 Ralph Tysdal October 4 Leona DeVol October 5 Mel Kempke October 5 Steve Buntemeyer October 6 Justin Janas October 6 Kathryn Paulsen October 6 Kayley Powell October 6 Johnny Schledewitz October 6 Cameron Thompson October 6 Pamela Wever October 6 Jennifer Hinrichs October 7 Shyla Stearns October 7 Marilyn Hastings October 8 Casandra King October 9 Rebecca Morrison October 9 Tonia Rudnick October 9 Amanda Brei October 10 Arlene Hardin October 10 Scott Moses October 10 Teegan Sonneman October 10 Bob Coleman October 11 Cabot French October 11

Jim & Marilyn Harvey October 15 Sean & Rosalee Pacheco October 15 Mark & Dee Luttrell October 18 Glenn & Maurine Cofer October 19 Duane & Beth Dunbar October 19 Bryan & Crystal Siefford October 21 Frank & Sandi Carland October 22 Benjamin & Katie Bailey October 23 Tommy & Becky Kelsey October 24 Ronald & Lois Reed October 24 Stacy & David Walker October 25 Melvin & Maurine Miller October 27

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Worship Services

Sunday Morning: 8:15 AM ~ Traditional

Service 10:30 AM ~ Praise Service

FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT: First Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the ELCA.

Our mission is “To make Christ known in our love for one another, by service to our neighbor, and in worship of God.”


Address Service Requested

Message from Pastor Arnold Flater 1 Preschool/Called to Serve 6

Council 2 Stewardship 7

Calendar 3 WELCA/Candidate Correspondence 8

Prayers/Ministries/Flowers 4 Anniversaries/Birthdays/Financials Lessons and Attendance


Announcements 5 Worship Services 10

Inside This Issue: October 2019


Sunday 8:15 a.m. Worship This worship aims to faithfully and energetically carry forward the best of our heritage as Lutheran Christians. Using a variety of liturgies and hymns, we gather around Word and Sacrament with an order of service in the classic Western tradition of the church. The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday.

Sunday 10:30 a.m. Worship This worship format provides a welcoming blend of the familiar and the innovative. Each week the worship band supports our singing, and the pastor proclaims the good news of Christ. The service begins in an informal style with greetings and opening songs, and then moves to the Word (from the lectionary) and our sharing in the Lord's Supper each week.
