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North KoreaJunior Orellana + Jacob Holtzclaw: 2nd period

Geographical Location● North Korea's bordering countries: South Korea and China● Total land area:

○ 46,490 miles ○ Ranks 100th

● Coastline length: 1550 miles● Capital: Pyongyang

Climate and Landscape● The climate is temperate, there is some rainfall in the summer, there are long

winters, and a two week monsoon season.● Physical landscape: Mostly hills/mountains separated by deep narrow valleys,

wide coastal plains in west.● Paektu-san, the largest mountain in North Korea, stands at a whopping 9003

feet. This is pretty much the only major physical feature.

The Lay of the Land● Major natural resources of North Korea include: coal, limestone, magnesite,

graphite, copper, zinc, limestone, lead, precious metals, and hydropower. ● The land is used as 21.8% agriculture, 46% forest, and other 32.2% used as

“other”.● Most of the population lives in Pyongyang/the plains and lowlands. No other

data is given.● Major environmental issues: Late spring droughts, followed by flooding,

typhoons, and volcanism year round.

North Korea’s HistoryIn the beginning, the Korean Peninsula was always inhabited by Koreans.

There have always been Koreans and nobody else has ever lived in there. In the late 1900’s there were some differences in the types of governments that the parts of Korea wanted. North Korea, founded on September 9, 1948, wanted a communist type of government and South Korea wanted a more democratic government. This is what sparked the Korean War. Other countries started getting involved and eventually, the two countries finally separated into the two countries we know now as North and South Korea.

By the Numbers● 25,248,140 people live in North Korea, and it is the 51st in the world in terms

of inhabitants.● Urban: 61.2%, and these people live in Pyongyang● Five most populated cities in North Korea:

○ Pyongyang (3.3 million) Haeju (272,300) Kanggye (251,971) Sinuiji (192,680) Hyesan (192,680)

● Ethnic groups: Mostly racially homogenous, small chinese and japanese population. (No percentages included)

● Languages: Only speak Korean● Religion: Traditionally Buddhist and Confucianist

Statistics - A Typical Korean● Median age: 34 years old● Total life expectancy:

○ Overall: 70.7 years old○ Male: 66.9 years old○ Female: 74.8 years old

● Infant mortality rate: 22.1% of infants● Fertility rate: 1.95 children per woman

Education In North Korea● Total Literacy Rate

○ Male: 100%○ Female: 100%○ Overall: 100%

● North Korea has an 11 year education program for both males and females.

● North Korean Universities are available in every city, also have study halls.

Education In North Korea● Typical School Life

○ School starts at roughly 8 a.m. and ends at roughly 1 p.m. every day nationwide○ Schools usually don't have enough pens and paper for the students, so they have to be

conservative with them○ They have Universities in every city, and “study halls” in some cities.

● There are universities in every city but the two largest universities are very competitive to get into.

General AttitudesTypical North Koreans have very positive outlooks on things. They all praise their leader and love him dearly, and they are always looking for ways to show him off. They are fiercely proud about both their country and their leader. They are always paranoid about attack however, and are constantly on the lookout. However, despite being so paranoid they are still honest and hard working people, and even though they don't get the best education, the North Koreans are proud to be a part of and be under Kim Jung Un’s rule.

Personal Appearances

North Koreans don’t dress too specially. They wear what every other person would wear in public. Their wardrobes mainly only consist of simple attire, one color jumpsuits(for work) and traditional dresses. Their personal hygiene is pretty good as well, and honestly they aren’t much different from you and I. Just people trying to get stuff done.

Diversity isn’t really a factor either.

This image depicts typical attire

of the women in North Korea.

Greetings In North KoreaGreetings in North Korea are very similar to the greetings in America. To

greet somebody, one says Annyeonghaseyo which means peace be upon you in Korean. Also, similar to America, people shake hands. Hand shakes are usually among men but sometimes among women too.

Common GesturesCommon gestures are slightly strict in North Korea. Some include to always have very good posture at all times. Also, it is normal for men to be holding hands in public. Lastly, when somebody gives you a gift no matter the reason, it is essential to receive the gift with both of your hands.

Visiting EtiquetteWhen visiting ones house, you have to pay attention to hosts. Also, when you enter someone's house, you have to take off your shoes and hats. If you are eating at a table with guests, conversation is very limited, you cannot eat with your fingers, and you do not tip the waiter if you are at a restaurant.

Food and DrinkA typical meal for a Korean is usually soup, fish, spicy vegetables, and marinated beef. Typical drinks of a North Korean consists of cider, beer, and water.

Family LifeIn North Korea, like most countries, people love their families and they usually have larger families than usual. The relationship between children and parents are like usual, parent goes to work and child does chores around the house.

Gender RolesGender roles are not very out there but, they are a bit different from what americans are used to. Male adults work almost everyday and adult women stay at home and cook, clean, and take care of children if they have any.

HousingIn the urban areas of North Korea, people live in high rise apartments. Contrasting, rural area housing are usually built locally.

Dating and EngagementDating courtship in North Korea is like most countries, the boy asks the girl on a date and they go somewhere nice.

Marriage and Weddings The whole process of engagement is usually very private and happens shortly happen after two people meet.

RecreationTwo of the major sports played in North Korea are soccer and volleyball which is encouraged by the government. For leisure, the workers day of rest is Sunday. They watch TV and go to picnics. For vacations, Koreans go visit families or close friends. They also visit different cities that in North Korea.

The ArtsThe arts done in North Korea are like normal, they do music, theater, and intertwine with North Korean propaganda, the usual.

Holidays● Three major North Korean holidays:

○ Kim Il Sungs Birthday○ Liberation day○ And Chusok

● Chusok is a three day event event that North and South Koreans celebrate which consists of a large meal for the family. (Basically Thanksgiving for Koreans)

HealthcareThe healthcare in North Korea is pretty bad. One good thing about it is that it is free healthcare, and is widely available because it’s free. Some diseases in North Korea are tuberculosis, malaria, and hepatitis B.

This Image is depicting some deadly viruses, some of which are found in North Korea.

Government● North Korea has a Single Party State aka a communist dictator as their

government.● They gained their independence on August 15, 1945.● Everyone can vote at 17, though it's unfair and they can only vote for Kim

Jung Un.● The title given to the leader in North Korea is State Affairs Commision

Chairman/Kim Jung Un● The KWP(Korean Workers Party) controls everything.● The people can vote, however it is an unfair election having Kim Jung Un

running unopposed.

North Korea’s Flag

The colors in North Korea are red, white, and blue. The red star in the circle means socialism. The white strands in the flag mean purity. The blue strands mean peace and friendship.

Economy● Country GDP: $40 billion. 118th in the world.● Country GDP per capita: $1,700. 214th in the world.● Unemployment rate: 25.6%. 194th in the world.● % of poverty: N/A● Major exports: minerals, agricultural products, and fishery. It is worth $3.985

billion● Major imports: petroleum, coking coal, and grains. It is worth $3.72 billion.

Energy and Communication● 30% of citizens have access to electricity● 18,400,000 citizens in North Korea live without electricity.● 3.24 million people have cellphones in North Korea. It is the 140th in the

world.● Number of people who have internet: N/A

Transportation● North Korea has 82 airports, and ranks 67th in the world in terms of sheer

numbers of airports.● North Korea has 4,619 total miles of railroads, ranking 29th in the world.● North Korea have 15,878 miles of total roadway, and only 449 miles of that is

paved, leaving 15,428 miles of unpaved road, ranking 100th in the world.● Major Seaports include:

○ Chongjin, Haeju, Hungnam, Nampio, Songnim, SonBong, and Wonsan

● Citizens mostly use public transportations, due to the fact that cars aren’t widely available and no one can afford them.
