North East Partnership September 2012. Personalisation What does this mean to you?


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North East Partnership

September 2012


What does this mean to you?

The Social Care Institute….

Personalisation means finding new ways to give people •more choices•making sure the right help gets to the right people•making sure that carers and support workers get the help they need•making sure that everyone knows about the services that can help them

•All this means it is about the person not just health or social care services.

People who replied

• In total we heard from 13 different groups or people from at least 6 different areas

5 Big Questions

1. How Personal Budgets are working2. How people are getting support to use ordinary services or be part of their community3. What is helping to make Personalisation work?4. What is getting in the way of making Personalisation work?5. Do you want to share your story?

How Personal Budgets are working?

Getting support to use community services

• Some great things – Get Connected• Friends Action North East

We need to…• Think about travel • Work to help stay safe

What is helping make Personalisation work ?

Local Leaders who make change happen - Families, Providers, Personal Assistants,

We need to have…Better informationMore help to think differently More choices of what to buy

What is getting in the way?

• Confusing and not enough good information• Not having the right kinds of supports • The ‘rules’ not being clear• Staff or services finding it hard to change to

new ways of working

Big Things

Having a budget, can be great, but getting it can be hard and confusing

Its more than the money, Its about having a good lifeIn your community

In Groups

• What are you really proud of?• What do you want to change?• What’s your big message to ADASS?

Having a budget, can be great, but getting it can be hard and confusing.

In Groups

• What are you really proud of?• What do you want to change?• What’s your big message to ADASS?

Its more than the money, Its about having a good lifeIn your community

Planning for what you are going to next

Your action plan