Norse Mythology · 7/10/2017  · 1. Odin • All-Father of the Gods. • Odin knows all news from...


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Norse Mythology

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Modern Day Impact

Let’s be real. We all have some point have a relative idea of what Norse Mythology is due to

our influences such as:


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‘Norse’What does it mean?


Norse is another way of saying the Norwegian language

Also it is best defined as the people who lived in Scandinavia during the medieval period.

The origins of Norse Mythology was written in Iceland. Most of them have been presented by someone who is named Snorri Sturluson

Other accounts have been recorded by Skalds.Skalds: Poets

Most Skaldic poetry consisted of epic sagas of kings and gods that intertwined the story of both men and the involvement of the gods.

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Creation Account

The Beginning


In the beginning there was nothing but a void called Ginnungagap.

In Ginnungagap existed two realms, Niflheim and Muspelheim.

Niflheim• Ice Realm that releases poisonous rivers that fill the void and

frost is formed.

Muspelheim• Lava Realm that releases sparks into this water.

When the frost and sparks mix life is formed and the very first being was named Ymir, Father of all giants.

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Creation of theWorld

Ymir’s fall


There was a cow named Audhumla who provide milk for Ymir to survive.

She stayed alive by licking frost and by doing so uncovered Buri, the very first god.

Buri who has a son named Bori. Bori marries with giantess named Bestla, who gives birth to Odin and his siblings.

Odin and bros wanted to build world. With no materials around they decided to kill Ymir and formed the world with his body.• Blood was bodies of water• Flesh made up grass• Bones are the mountains• Skull was the sky• Dwarves were maggots living in Ymir’s flesh (more on

them later)

The world where we live in is known as Midgard or Middle Earth and humanity was formed from driftwood

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Nine WorldsYggdrasil and the Nine Worlds


There are nine realms that exist and are located on different branches of a world tree known as Yggdrasil

It is preserved by Norns, the three women of fate. It is their responsibility to care for it. The day it dies the world will end in a time known as Ragnarök.

Here are the Nine realms in quick summary

1. Asgard• Home of the Gods. Odin sees all things from his throne. • Rainbow bridge named Bifrost runs from Asgard to

Midgard.• There are two realms for warriors

• Valhalla: Land for Odin’s warriors• Folkvang: Land for Freyja’s warriors

2. Vanaheim• Realm to other gods such as Freyr & Freyja• War between them (Vanir) and Aesir (Asgard’s gods)• Home left to destruction and Vanir coexist with the Aesir in


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Nine WorldsYggdrasil and the Nine Worlds


3. Jotunheim• Home of the Giants. • Wildlands of mountains and forests.• River separates this realm to Asgard• Giants are embittered for the death of Ymir

4. Alfheim• Home of the Elves.• Beautiful land ruled by Freyr• Near top of Yggdrasil

5. Svartalfheim• Home of Dwarves and Dark Elves• Located in roots of Yggdrasil• Underground

6. Midgard• Home of Humanity

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Nine WorldsYggdrasil and the Nine Worlds


7. Niflheim• Icy Realm filled with poisonous serpents

8. Muspelheim• Fiery Realms• Ruled by a fire giant known as Surt. He is major player in


9. Hel• Realm of Death• Monstrous creature known as Hel is ruler.• Those who did not perish in battle end up here• River separates it from other realms.• Guard dog keeps watch at a cave known as Gnipa.

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Gods & Goddesses

Yggdrasil and the Nine Worlds


As of all mythologies there are a list of many gods who rule the cosmos and interfere with other realms outside of Asgard.

Norse gods are significantly powerful but not necessarily moral.They have many strengths and weaknesses which will eventually lead to their demise.

1. Odin• All-Father of the Gods. • Odin knows all news from his ravens Hugin and Munin• Obsessed with wisdom

• Traded his eye at Mimir’s well for it• Hung on a tree for 9 days to learn art of writing and

shared it with humanity• Insitgator

• Mocks Thor for signs of cowardice• Seduces a giantess to steal Mead of poetry

• Bad poetry: Came from his butt• Good poetry: Remaining

2. Frigg• Odin’s wife• Protector of Marriage• Mother of Baldr• Known to outwit Odin various times

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Gods & GoddessesYggdrasil and the Nine Worlds


3. Thor• God of Thunder• Short Tempered and loves to fight giants all the time• Mjolnir is his mighty hammer made by dwarves

• Cross-dressed as Freyja to deceive giant who stole his hammer• Rides a chariot of two goats, one of them limps.

4. Sif• Thor’s wife• Most desired goddess• Golden Haired Goddess

• Loki cut her hair, Thor forced him to get wig for her• Had multiple love affairs

5. Freyr• God of Prosperity and Plenty• Overly obsessed with a woman named Gerd

• Gave up his sword which will lead to his demise against Surt

6. Freyja• God of Love and Beauty (Freyr’s brother)• Willing to be ‘open’ to four dwarves for Brinsingamen

• Odin allowed Loki to steal it and sparked Heimdall to hate Loki into a duel.

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Gods & GoddessesYggdrasil and the Nine Worlds


7. Baldr• Shining God who had no flaws• Frigg made deals to all things to cause no harm except for one.• Loki deceived Hod the blind god to throw a spear made of mistletoe

• Most tragic death in North mythology• His wife Nanna dies from heartbreak

8. Loki• God of Mischief• He is son of a giant and goddess• Sworn brother of Thor• Cause of Ragnorok with his children

9. Tyr• God of Glory• Most loyal even though he is half-gaint

• Lost his hand to Fenrir as Gods put leash around Fenrir• Gave up his sword which will lead to his demise against Surt

10. Heimdall• God of the Watch• Guards Bifrost• Eternally hates Loki• Gave up his ear for the horn

• He will blow the horn that sounds the end of the world

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Creatures &Supernatural

BeingsYggdrasil and the Nine Worlds


1. Sleipnir• Odin’s eightlegged horse• Birthed by Loki (who was disguised as a horse)

• Deal to prevent a giant from fulfilling his deal to get Freyja

2. Loki’s children (Birthed from an old giantess)

1. Hel• Dark bloated body• Ruler of Hel

2. Fenrir• Monstrous wolf who bit Tyr’s hand off• He was shackled until Ragnarök • He will be Odin’s bane

3. Jormungand• Midgard serpent who causes the oceans to surge• He fights Thor twice, the latter time in Ragnarök

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Creatures &Supernatural

BeingsYggdrasil and the Nine Worlds


3. Valkyries• Shieldmaidens who decided the fate of warriors in the battlefield• Served under both Odin and Freyja• Freyja is known as the most powerful of them• Birthed by Loki (who was disguised as a horse)

• Deal to prevent a giant from fulfilling his deal to get Freyja

4. Elves• Most mysterious and friendliest to Aesir• Party with the gods a lot• Known for enchantment and charm spells

5. Dwarves• Crafters of various jewels, weapons and treasure• ‘Maggots of Ymir”

• Sif’s golden wig, Mjolnir, Skidbladnir, etc.

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Ragnarök .

