Nontraditional Career Preparation: Root Causes and Strategies Tools for Professional Development...


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Nontraditional Career Preparation: Root Causes and Strategies

Tools for Professional Development Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mimi LufkinChief Executive Officer

National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity Education Foundation


• How did you hear about this webinar?– Email from the STEM Equity Pipeline listserv– Email from another listserv (chat)– Email forwarded from a colleague– Presentation at a conference (chat)– Announcement in the Pipeline Press– Announcement in another newsletter (chat)– STEM Equity Pipeline website– Another website (chat)– Search engine result

STEM Equity Pipeline

• Project of the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity Education Foundation

• Funded by the National Science Foundation

• Human Resources Directorate, Gender in Science and Engineering Program, Extension Services Grant


• Build the capacity of the formal education community to provide high quality professional development on gender equity in STEM education

• Institutionalize the implemented strategies by connecting the outcomes to existing accountability systems

• Broaden the commitment to gender equity in STEM education

STEM Equity Pipeline Project Methods

• Professional Development

• Teacher Training

• Consulting and Technical Assistance

• Virtual Web-based Professional Learning Community

• Best Practices Handbook

How can you get involved?

• Participate on your State Team if from – CA, IA, IL, MN, MO, OK, WI

• Participate in the virtual learning community by going to


Who is participating in today’s webinar?1. School/College Administrator

2. Teacher/Faculty Member

3. Counselor/Student Services Staff

4. State Agency Staff

5. STEM Organization Staff

6. Other

STEP 1Document

Performance Results

STEP 5ImplementSolutions

STEP 4Pilot Test and

Evaluate Best Solutions

STEP 3Choose

Best Solutions

STEP 2Identify

Root Causes

The Five Step



What do you know about STEP 2 of the Five Step Program Improvement Process?

1. Nothing2. I have read materials on the STEM Equity

Pipeline Website3. I participated in the live STEP 2 webinar on

November 19, 20084. I viewed the archived STEP 2 webinar5. I have attended a Five Step Program

Improvement Process Training or Workshop6. Other

Review Research Summary

•“Nontraditional Career Preparation: Root Causes and Strategies”

•Authors: Lynn Reha, ICSPS; Mimi Lufkin, NAPE; Laurie Harrison, Foothill Associates

Research Literature Review

•“Nontraditional Career Preparation: Root Causes and Strategies”

•Authors: Lynn Reha, ICSPS; Mimi Lufkin, NAPE; Laurie Harrison, Foothill Associates

Part I: Introductory Guide

• Organized by categories based on areas of influence

• Within each category-– Root cause

– Theory

– Strategies

Root Causes Categories

• Education

• Career Information

• Family

• Internal/Individual

• Societal Issues

Part II

• More comprehensive information– Root Cause

– Theory

– Evidence

– Recommendations and Strategies

– Effective Practices and Resources


• Academic Proficiency

• Access to and Participation in Math, Science and Technology

• Curriculum

• Instructional Strategies

• School/Classroom Climate

• Support Services

Career Information

• Materials and Practices– Assessment– Interest Inventories– Marketing – Recruitment

• Early Intervention• Characteristics of an Occupation

– Job Satisfaction– Career-Family Balance– Occupational Perception– Wage Potential

Family• Family Characteristics


• Self-Efficacy

• Attribution

• Stereotype Threat

Societal Issues

• Media (negative)

• Media (positive)

• Peers

• Role Models/Mentoring

• Collaboration


• Downloadable document and web-based exploratory tool available at

or at

- click on Resources

- click on Root Causes and Strategies under the Five Step Program Improvement Process

Use as a Professional Development Tool

• Introductory Table as a review – Break into groups around each category or

root cause– Discuss a root cause they have witnessed– Identify strategies implemented by group

members– Report out results

Use as a Professional Development Tool

• Complete Document– Jigsaw each root cause– Have individuals present on what they learned

from the reading or web-based exploration

• Developing a Root Cause Theory Exercises (available at

– Group exercise– Individual exercise

Use as a Professional Development Tool

What do you propose?


How do you see yourself using this tool?

1. For my own education

2. I will share immediately with my colleagues

3. I am going to use this in a professional development presentation

4. Other

Thursday, June 18, 2009 2pm ET, 1pm MT, 12 noon CT, 11am PT

Girl TechMentoring Girls for STEM Careers

Jessica BullockGirl Tech Site CoordinatorFrancis Tuttle Technology CenterOklahoma City, OK

For more information go

Questions?Mimi Lufkin

Chief Executive OfficerNational Alliance for Partnerships

in Equity Education Foundation
