Non-Profit FRIENDS OF MUSSELSHELL SCHOOL, INC P.O. Box 14 ... · A dinner theatre presented by...


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Dinner-Theatre Friday, September 18th

And again on

Saturday, September 19th $25.00 per person

Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

Reservations Required for Dinner-Theatre To make Reservations Call

406-947-5200 or 406-947-3131

Where the Illustrious Musselshell Players

will present the two act frantically-paced


Friends of Musselshell School, Inc.

P.O. Box 14 Musselshell, MT 59059

2015—Vol. XII Num.3


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Musselshell, MT

Permit #14




Matinee Performance Sunday, September 20

$10.00 per person (preschool free)

Performance begins at 2 p.m. No Reservations Required to attend matinee

Welcome to

Hoodwinked and Hoodooed

Written by Ray Sheers

Produced by special arrangement with HEUER PUBLISHING LLC, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Meet you at the Musselshell School

Illustrious Musselshell Players will be serving up

laughter at their 12th Dinner Theatre & Matinee A dinner theatre presented by Friends of Musselshell School, Inc. and enhanced by the spectacular

talents of the Illustrious Musselshell Players will be held two nights, Friday, September 18, and again

Saturday, September 19. The evening will feature dinner and a two act frantically-paced farce theatre

production. A matinee performance will be presented on Sunday, September 20. Seating for the dinner

theatre performances begins at 5:30 pm, and seating for the matinee begins at 2 pm.

Dinner theatre evenings begins with the Illustrious Musselshell Players seating, then serving guests a

sit down dinner on the main floor. The three-course dinner centers on a roasted pork loin and all the

trimmings. After dinner the guests retire to the second floor auditorium, where the cast members will

perform the featured production, “Hoodwinked and Hoodooed,” written by Ray Sheers. There are

stair lifts on every level of Musselshell School for those guests needing assistance.


dinner-theatre is $25.00 per person. Reserve your seat for the dinner theatre by calling 406-947-5200, or

406-947-3131. If there is no answer, leave a detailed message. All messages will receive a return call.

Seating is limited and tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis.


the matinee is $10 per person (pre-school is free). Coffee and cookies are served following the afternoon

matinee performance.

The comedy production centers around an old has-been, venom spewing, actress, Lulu LaGroux,

(Annie Shirley), who has become stranded at Eddie’s Café when her agent, (Jason Hagstrom), wrecks

their car colliding with a local farmer’s prize winning heifer. Lulu began the trip in a foul mood when

movie critics declared her latest film a disaster, igniting rumors of her long-overdue retirement. While

their car is getting repaired in the little Podunk town, Lulu is hounded by the press, made to endure

spontaneous auditions by acting hopefuls, and spurred with playful barbs by the waiter at the cafe. All

this and more has gotten Lulu LaGroux spittin’ mad—madder than usual! Speaking of mad, wait until

Lulu meets the owner of the prize winning heifer! Mix up all the eccentric characters and you’ve got a

recipe for laughter dished up by the saucy staff and crazy customers at Eddie’s Café.

This year’s fun-loving cast includes the talents of Sherie Milburn, Ralph Goffena, Joanie Rettig, Ken

Eickhoff, Sara Allen, Lynn Rettig, Annie Shirley, Jason Hagstrom, Dalen Keeney, Nan Rademacher,

Karen Shelhamer, Mike Turley, Colton Allen, Kay Rosin, Dean Carpenter, and Ronda Seder. Once

again, Ed Raastad is their faithful stage hand.

“Hoodwinked and Hoodooed” is produced by special arrangement with Heuer Publishing LLC. of

Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Volume XII Number 3 P.O. Box 14, Musselshell, MT 59059 September 2015

Over Memorial Day weekend, the McCaffree family and FoMS served a roast pork lunch to about 280 guests netting $1804. The event has generated $18,465., over 11 years. Thanks to the McCaffree Family and all supporters.

A serious bunch! Dorothy, Dan, & Hi McCaffree with Dan’s six daughters.

Making a Deal with Clean Heat

Friends of Musselshell School, Inc. to be included in

2015 Combined Federal Campaign’s “Catalogue of Caring”

2015-2016 RAFFLE Please return stub with check payable to:

Friends of Musselshell School. Inc. P.O. Box 14

Musselshell MT 59059 We Thank You.




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Karen McCaffree Smith, daughter of the late Bill and Virginia (Hansen) McCaffree, is one of many strong Friends of Musselshell School supporters. And like her Aunt Dorothy (Miller) McCaffree, she has a love for quilts. Several years ago she made and donated a quilt with a flying geese pattern to FoMS. It was used for a fundraising silent auction at that year’s Christmas Bazaar. Karen has again donated FoMS a small, (46

inch X 61inch), l ight co lo red , e m b r o i d e r e d tablecloth that had been elaborately machine quilted. Her letter read, “Enclosed is a quilt that I originally bought as an e m b r o i d e r e d tablecloth; then I had a lady quilt it

for me. I am hoping that FoMS will be able to raffle or auction it off for the school. I really do admire and appreciate the work that you do for the community. Musselshell has strong and everlasting roots for me. I know your dinner theatre show is coming up in September, so I wanted to get this to you, so you can plan to maybe sell tickets.” At the August meeting of FoMS it was decided to do just that…..sell tickets.

There are three ways to purchase mail, by contacting any board member of FoMS, or by purchasing tickets at the upcoming Dinner Theatre and Matinee (September 18, 19, & 20). By mail...Please complete and return the stub on the left with adequate payment to the address on the stub. Upon receipt, tickets will be filled out and placed in the drawing.

Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00.

Drawing will be held following the FoMS Annual Meeting, February 2016.

Thank you & Good Luck!

Purchase raffle tickets for donated quilt

Friends of Musselshell School, Inc. Established June 6, 2003

Board of Directors Adair Rademacher, President

Nan Rademacher, Vice-President Stacy Cooke, Secretary

Ken Eickhoff, Treasurer Joanie Rettig, Board Member Tana Turley, Board Member Roy Pfeiffer, Board Member

This newsletter is written, designed and edited by Friends of Musselshell School, Inc.

Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy.

If anything has been omitted, misspelled,

misplaced, or listed incorrectly, we apologize.

Please contact FoMS with questions and corrections &

Please keep us updated of any change of address.

Friends of Musselshell School, Inc. have once again qualified, and are pleased, to be included in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) “Catalogue of Caring.” This catalogue allows any federal civilian, postal, and military employee, anywhere in the United States, the opportunity to choose FoMS as an organization of their choice for payroll charity contributions. The mission of the campaign is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that provides employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. The Combined Federal Campaign began in 1961 as a result of an executive order signed by President John F. Kennedy. Each fall, federal employees are given a brochure with a list of nonprofits they can choose from to designate charitable donations given through their workplace. To be included on the list, nonprofits need to apply, and meet eligibility requirements, each year. Any qualified employee can designate FoMS for their 2015 CFC pledge The catalogue will be available on-line soon, and FoMS’s 5-digit number is 60584. For more details go to FoMS appreciates CFC for approving our organization, and for any employee who donates to the 2015 campaign.

If 10 or more households, within an 80 mile radius of

Roundup, request Clean Heat to clean their furnace and/or

chimney, Clean Heat will clean the Musselshell School’s furnace

and chimney for free! As in years past this offer has been

presented to FoMS by the owners/operators of Clean Heat, K.C

and Dan Acord.

If your furnace or chimney needs cleaning this fall, call CLEAN

HEAT at 406-323-3199 for pricing and to schedule a date.

PLEASE NOTE: Clean Heat must be called before September

30, AND Clean Heat does not clean furnaces or chimneys after

October 30!!!! Your job will be done between now and October

30. Again, Clean Heat must be contacted by September 30 for

Musselshell School to benefit from this offer.

Call Now! Be sure to tell them you want to be included in the “Musselshell School Deal.”

Pig-nic puts the fun in fundraising to equal success Spreading the word about Musselshell School

FoMS had been asked about a Musselshell School website many times. Limited population, volunteers, and knowledge had prevented the organization from taking that step. In May, Wanda (McCaffree) Case asked about such a site, and then offered to make and then maintain a website for Musselshell School. Currently if you type in your computer browser, you will find the site that gives our address, where to watch for upcoming events, and states it is “under construction.” Check back often because Wanda plans to post our Now & Then newsletters, and all our upcoming events. Thanks Wanda!

Life in Musselshell Stage changes during

There are many times that one wonders what something looked like

years before. Then someone steps in to answer in the questions.

Sometimes traces of old construction tell the tale. When new stage

curtains were being researched it was often asked, “What were the

curtains like in earlier years?” “What material were they made of?”

“What color were they?” “When were the thin green cotton curtains

made, they had to be homemade but who made them?” Those are just a

few of the questions that arose during the stage upgrade. Digging

through pictures a few of the questions were answered.

The picture taken in the early 1920’s is quite a shock compared to what

we have today. Obviously the stage was in construction but that fact did

not seem to dampen the school pride. The MHS is proudly displayed on

the back wall and seems to be adorned with some kind of garland. The

students may all look rather serious but they still look pretty sharp in

their uniforms of the time. The April 14, 1922 issue of the Musselshell

Advocate states, “The stage is now nicely equipped with curtains and

were paid for out of the receipts of this entertainment.” (The

entertainment being fundraising events held in the auditorium such as a

vaudeville show.)

The 1950 “Eagle,” the Musselshell School annual, has a completed stage

revealing a light color stage curtain that looks to be made of some very

heavy material. The pictures do not show much of the curtain but they

do show that they were hung low enough to bunch on the floor. At that

time the wood work framing the stage was dark stained fir.

The 1958 “Eagle,” shows the band (above) in front of a stage curtain

that is constructed of a shiny material hung to floor length. Both effects

give the stage a very elegant look. There does not appear to be a

valance across the front of the stage or above the stage backdrops.

Sometime within that school year, pictures show the woodwork in front

of the stage was painted a light color.

Assumptions have been made that the homemade two-tone green

curtain that was replaced this year was put up sometime in the late 1960

or early 1970’s.

Much deliberation was held about what material and color was needed to

improve the present stage. Authenticity was not sought as much as

improvements to acoustics for the annual dinner theatre production and

other events. The crimson brick color that was chosen was to match the

pews in the auditorium. The material that was chosen was the

recommendation of Kendall Stage Curtains who custom made the

curtains. The acoustics were further improved by installing a valance

around the backdrops. It was decided to replace the old homemade

semi-functional travois rod at the same time.

Before the new curtains were hung the stage ceiling was painted. The

new curtains and valances were hung. The walls on each side of the

stage were repaired and painted. The woodwork was painted to match

the new curtains.

Today, the auditorium stage has a new look for “Life in Musselshell.”

In Memory of……

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS A formal acknowledgement that a gift has been given in the name of a loved one.

May 26, 2015 through August 17, 2015 Friends of Musselshell School, Inc. is honored by your memorial gift. On behalf of the board of FoMS and

the entire Musselshell community, we send our condolences and prayers to the families and friends of those remembered below.

George Dunbar Mary McDonald-Torre

Pauline Powers Richard & Sharon Schwab

Gary Corcoran Joanne Corcoran

Leona Brown McConnell Colleen Day

Jay Erdie Karen Erdie

Aaron Brower Karen Erdie

Clint & Laura (Archer) McMullin

William McMullin

Helen Howey Rocklyn & Freda Howey Gary and Brandi Howey

Shirley Clark Pauline Powers

Gary & Julie Robinson Ray & Carmie Giebel Jay & Jennifer Graves

Chuck & Margaret Murphy

Effie Hinrichs Vi Kreider

Roger & Melissa Somerville Margret Reighard

Chuck & Margaret Murphy

Clyde Burton Ruth Amdor

Lorene Burton Stensvad Ruth Amdor

Chris Lang Jean Lang

Bill Wertman

William Wertman Sandi Sullivan

Roy & Verda McCaffree

William Wertman Sandi Sullivan

Florence Timberman

William Timberman

Earl McConnell Family Connie McConnell

Evert & Effie Pond

Orville & Sharon Treible

Charles “Charlie” Moore Wayne & Celia Anderson

Butch & Jody Treible Dale & Marla Thompson

Alberta Janich Ken & Rhea Eickhoff

Cloyd & Mileva Hudson

Ruth Lee Giebel Alan Evans Ron Schultz

Don Nelson Elmer & Jen Nelson

George & Grace Walker Edmund Giebel

Bill & Virginia McCaffree

Bob & Karen Smith Ed McCaffree

Bobbie Bosen Koenig

Dennis McGiboney Michael & Kelly Dilulo

Owen Burton Dwight Burton David Burton

Richard & Lynne Burton

Paul Hoss Ken & Rhea Eickhoff

Donnie Turley

Justin & Jenny Bean

Robert Lowe Richard & Sharon Schwab

Jack & Cody Meredith

Mike & Dixie Myhre

Donnie Kicker Mike & Dixie Myhre

Rose Barghultz Anderson

Shirley Clark

Marian White Chuck & Margaret Murphy

John Turley

Chuck & Margaret Murphy

In Honor of…… Una Belzer

Edward Dorothy

100th Anniversary Max & AnnakatrinaSchaff

Homestead Charlie & Linda Schaff

Miller Family

2015 Miller Family Reunion

Above photo courtesy of Dick & Cecelia Gordon.

New stage curtain sparks repairs to west wall in auditorium

August 26, 2015

Re: completion report for auditorium stage curtains at Musselshell School Community Center

Dear Musselshell Valley Community Foundation (MVCF), private individual donors, and FoMS fundraiser


Illustrious Musselshell Players and Friends of Musselshell School, Inc. (FoMS) is pleased to inform Musselshell

Valley Community Foundation that the new stage curtains have been installed at the Musselshell School

Community Center. We are grateful for your part in helping FoMS accomplish this improvement project that will

improve acoustics during theatre productions and other functions held at our facility.

Project planning report: Our grant application ($4000.00) was based on a rough quote from Kendall Stage

Curtains. Once MVCF awarded the grant, precise stage measurements were sent to Kendall. The exact cost was

calculated and was less than the original quote. FoMS then requested Kendall to give an exact quote for a valance

to hang over the stage backdrops. When the quote arrived it was then determined that we could purchase the

curtain and matching valance and still keep within the original budget presented in our grant application. Like

many other projects at the school this one was enhanced upon once the curtains arrived. While assessing the

installation of the curtains, the committee decided that it was a must to paint the ceiling of the stage before the

curtains could be installed.

Expenditures for the curtain project were as follows:

$3845.00 Curtain and valance

$49.00 lumber to attach the new valance

$6.00 hardware to attach tracking to ceiling

$41.00 paint for stage ceiling before curtains were installed

$3941.00 Total cost

Curtain funding sources were as follows:

Musselshell Valley Community Foundation ($3845.00)

Private individual donations

FoMS general fund

In addition to these expenditures, there was approximately 16 hours of volunteer time expended on

prepping, painting and installing the curtains.

Once again we thank Musselshell Valley Community Foundation and all our supporters for their part in

preserving and improving Musselshell School. Your trust in our organization gives us great encouragement.


Adair Rademacher, President

Grant Award and Local Support Sets the Stage for Improvements to Auditorium

Before. The view of the stage and outer wings in the upstairs auditorium, spring 2015.

Ken Eickhoff, Stuart Shirley, and Lynn Rettig installing the new velour valance above the stage drops.

To complete the look for the new stage curtains, the wings had to be scraped and patched. South side.

An overall view of progress. Note: stage backdrops have been primed for the upcoming dinner theatre.

North side being prepared for primer and paint.

The new stage curtain could not look new and classy if

the wings surrounding the stage looked old and worn out.

So while the new curtain was being installed, volunteers

began scraping the south wing. Long after the curtain

installation was completed, the work kept up on the stage

wings. After weeks of tedious scraping, packing gallons of

water to remove calsomine, and then patching, mudding

and texturing, the walls were finally ready for a coat of oil

base primer, and two coats a paint. The wings are now as

clean and beautiful as new stage curtains! The cost for this

small project was about $320.00, excluding materials

furnished by the volunteers and their many hours of labor.
