Nomenclature3A978-1-4612-4022-8%2F1.pdf · 492 Nomenclature t time t unit vector in the tangential...


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  • Nomenclature



    A(k) If

    Ar b, b l , b2 bij B Bi Bo Bo' C



    C Cc CD


    Cf C;;I/2


    cross-section area; constant of curvature in stagnation-point flow; radius of volume-equivalent sphere; semimajor axis of fluid particle; undisturbed drop radius constriction factor for necking; strength of Hill's vortex; surface area of particle; area of interface; Hamaker constant area of the ij interface for the kth configuration

    Archimedes number (gp t\p d 3 /Jlh semiminor axes of fluid particle volume-equivalent spherical radii of compound drop components transfer number Biot number (2hR/ k) Bond number (4pg R2 / a) Bond number in a thermal gradient [equation (9.131), page 473] acoustic velocity; compaction modulus; contact-circle radius; concentration specific heat at constant pressure contact-circle growth rate concentration condensation drag coefficient total drag coefficient total drag coefficient based on frontal area of equivalent sphere friction drag coefficient

    Gegenbauer polynomial of order n pressure drag coefficient

  • 488

    V V/Dt D jm Ds e e el

    eoo EI E(k)



    f(O) F F FDi

    Fer FI F2 Fo Fr g


    9 Go Ga


    capillary number (J.,LUoo/a) capillary number in a thermal gradient [equation (9.141), page 474J droplet diameter arithmetic mean diameter critical drop size volume-equivalent spherical diameter [(6 V /n) i J critical jet diameter diameter of nozzle exit orifice diameter volume-surface diameter (diameter of a bubble whose volume to surface ratio is equivalent to that of the bubble distribution) Sauter mean diameter deformation; dispersion function; droplet center-to-center spacing; mass diffusivity; dispersion function Damkohler number Jaumann or corotational derivative multicomponent binary diffusion coefficient for jth species coefficient of surface diffusion droplet thermal energy rate of strain tensor; unit vector eccentricity [(I - bi/a2)1/2J asymptotic stretching efficiency the exponential integral surface energy for kth configuration Eotvos number (4g D.p R2 / a) Blasius function; frequency of formation; frequency of oscillation; probability density function; strength of Stokeslet factor in heterogeneous nucleation drag force; electric field strength; nondimensional vorticity body force per unit volume; translational drag vector component of drag force in i direction surfactant-induced force generalized flux quantity generalized surface flux quantity Fourier number (at / R2) Froude number [U /(g R)I/2J acceleration due to gravity; mixture fraction; Shvab-Zeldovich variable; strength of irrotational sources; specific Gibbs function; square of the mixture fraction fluctuations extension rate; shear rate; surface concentration parameter [equation (3.287), page 112] apparent gravitational acceleration [~CD,R/(4)P - I)] particle-particle interaction modulus Galileo number (p2d~rg / J.L 3)

  • Nomenclature 489

    Gr Grashofnumber, [R3g(Ts - Too)/Toov~] h heat-transfer coefficient; enthalpy; Shvab-Zeldovich variable;

    adsorption depth; droplet thickness profile; length scale; height; metric coefficient

    h M mass-transfer coefficient hr radiative heat-transfer coefficient; distance between droplet centers;

    scaling factor hI distance between droplet centers hb bed height H liquid depth; liquid heat of combustion; mean curvature; surface

    and bulk concentration relationship parameter [equation (3.285), page 111]

    11. solid-phase enthalpy H generalized source term He heat of combustion

    mass stoichiometric fuel to oxidizer ratio in spherical Bessel functions of the second kind i,j, k orthogonal unit vectors In cylindrical Bessel functions of the second kind I unit isotropic tensor j mass flux J molar flux vector J steady-state nucleation rate; molar flux Ja Jakob number (cp/~T IA) la' Jakob number (cpv~T lA, page 252) k orifice coefficient; thermal conductivity; wave number; Boltzmann

    constant; turbulence energy kevap evaporation constant kn spherical Bessel function K inverse of internal vortex strength (Uoo /AR2); mass-transfer

    coefficient; reaction constant at an interface; thermal parameter, kpc p K' surface reaction constant in [equation (3.302), page 114] K resistance matrix for Stokes flow Kn modified Bessel functions of the second kind of order n Kn Knudsen number (l I R) I distance of particle center from wall; domain truncation parameter;

    length of particle; mean free path; semi major axis Ie characteristic length dimension Is largest stable drop length ise critical drop length L length scale; length of spray column £ Laplace transform operator L-l Stokes operator [equation (1.32), page 11] Le dissipation length La Laplace number ({Jado/il 2 )

  • 490 Nomenclature

    Le Lewis number (al D) m droplet mass; mass fraction; normalized stream function coordinate;

    fluid source strength; solute distribution coefficient; normal coordinate near the rear stagnation point [equation (3.325), page 118]; parameter defined by equation (8.40), page 413

    m molecular weight m interfacial mass flux rate m displaced liquid mass m unit vector along drop axis m 1 noncondensable mass fraction tlm; added mass mT total mass of system M mass of drop; Mach number (Uclc); molecular weight; Morton

    number (gJL4tlplp2a 3 or gJL4/pa 3) M mass source term; dimensionless mass rate of liquid vaporization;

    rate of change of mass of a drop M velocity gradient tensor Ma Marangoni number [2R(daldT)(8TI8f)/({Lft)] Ma' MalPr n coordinate normal to surface; integer order of the surface harmonic;

    number of moles; refractive index n unit vector normal to a surface N number density of liquid molecules; total number of species Nfl number density Nc capacitance number (4vcgPI7rd~rPor) Nn number of vapor embryos per unit volume No Avogadro number Nu NusseItnumber [hdlk orqLI(ktlT)] P pressure Po pressure at free surface Pc chamber pressure Pe external gas pumping pressure Pv vapor pressure P liquid pressure P probability P probability density function Pn Legendre polynomial of order n P; associated Legendre function Pe Peelet number (2U Ria or 2U RI D) Pee shear Peelet number (2G R2 fa) Pe' mass-transfer Peelet number (2U RI D or 2U RI D 12) Pej mass-transfer Peelet number (2U RI D jm ) PeR radial Peelet number (2U R Ria) Pe~ radial mass-transfer Peelet number (2U R RI D)

  • Pes Pev Pr q q q q).. ql Q

    Q Qrnf Qn Qjet

    QR Q r

    rf rneck


    R R R ffi Rij




    Si Sc Sh St

    Nomenclature 491

    surface Peelet number [equation (3.319), page 117] surface velocity based Peelet number [equation (3.313), page 117] Prandtl number (via) volume flux heat flux heat flux vector latent-heat flux velocity in streamwise direction characteristic bubble volume growth rate; energy per unit mass; gas pumping rate; heat of combustion; total volume flow rate total heat flow rate minimum flow rate for fluidization integral of the Legendre polynomial of order n volume flow rate at onset of jetting radiative heat flux to the drop primitive variable [equation (3.229), page 92] radial coordinate in a spherical or cylindrical coordinate system flame radius neck radius instantaneous radius of the drop; radius of volume-equivalent sphere; radius of curvature of the leading edge of the partiele; cone mouth radius bubble detachment radius gas constant per molecular weight universal gas constant real part radius of curvature of interface ij radius of curvature at the nose or lowest point of a partiele; time averaged radius principal radii of curvature radius of the outer boundary Rayleigh number (Gr Pr or Gr Sc) Reynolds number [Uoo(2R)/v] thermocapillary migration Reynolds number [equation (9.146), page 475] arc length; Laplace transform parameter; liquid drop thickness; normal coordinate near the rear stagnation point [equation (3.326), page 118] degree of supersaturation; entropy; source term; strength of Stokeslet; total amount of surfactant, Sheludko number [equation (8.59), page 421]; surface spreading coefficients for compound drops Schmidt number (vi D) Sherwood number (2RhM I D) Stokes number (pd 2 I 18J1, r)

  • 492 Nomenclature

    t time t unit vector in the tangential direction to a surface t*, t' dimensionless time tb time for bubble formation; time for jet breakup te time of collapse; mean circulation period in a drop t D mass-diffusion time scale te time for amplitude to grow by factor e t f collapse time t R growth or collapse time scale fa thermal-diffusion time scale fl time for commencement of breakup f2 time time for explosive breakup T temperature; torque; modified Bond number, ~Bocos y [equation

    (5.11), page 216] T torque vector on a particle; rotational torque vector Tc critical temperature Tk kinetic limit of superheat /). Trn logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) U velocity component u velocity vector; mass-average velocity U c condensation velocity urnf minimum velocity for fluidization Un exit velocity of fluid at the nozzle U or velocity of fluid at orifice V internal energy; magnitude of velocity V velocity of a plane relative to a drop in contact U volumetric heat-transfer coefficient Vi i -direction component of V Vjc critical jetting velocity Vjel jetting velocity V M thermocapillary migration velocity V R radial velocity at surface VOR leading-order VR

    Vor superficial orifice gas velocity Voo radial Reynolds number (vt R/v) V 00 free-stream velocity Vc capillary-wave velocity V velocity; volume; velocity potential for shear flow given by equation

    (9.11) in electric effects V volume flow rate Vc chamber volume VD diffusion velocity [equation (3.299), page 114] v specific volume

  • w

    tV WI

    wI W

    WI We x x, y, z X y

    Nomenclature 493

    dimensionless mass fraction (m - moo); distance between drops; wetness - average thickness of liquid drops on a solid surface; width of sliding drops chemical reaction rate normalized mass fraction distance between droplet centers condensation parameter (1 - ml,oo/ml,s); dimensionless vorticity; parameter given by equation (9.12) in electric effects given by equation (9.42) in electric effects Weber number (U 2dp/u or U 2dtl.p/u) mole fraction spatial coordinates boundary-layer coordinate parallel to surface boundary-layer coordinate perpendicular to surface; mass fraction of the evaporating species; surfactant surface concentration spherical harmonics breakoff distance position of bubble center; Ohnesorge number [Ji./(2prou)I/2] degree of circulation in a drop


    lr added mass coefficient; temporal growth rate; thermal diffusivity; parameter for measure of ratio of deformation and vorticity

    lrabs thermal absorptivity fJ cone angle; instantaneous angle of drop trajectory; interphase

    momentum transfer coefficient; concentration ratio between dispersed and continuous phases; ratio of droplet contact radius with a solid surface to equivalent spherical radius; solute distribution coefficient; Shvab-Zeldovich variables; thermal parameter t/J;1/2

    y adiabatic exponent; Euler-Mascheroni constant; angle of inclination of a plane; accommodation coefficient; angular parameter defined by equation (8.78), page 435

    r solute adsorption; vortex strength; surface concentration. r General transport coefficient o adsorption equilibrium constant; boundary layer thickness;

    characteristic length of vortical structure; size of turbulent structure; Dirac-o function; distance between drop surfaces; small parameter (T~/e); vapor layer thickness [equation (5.88), page 251]; perturbation parameter

    Oc critical thickness of film oij Kronecker 0; parameter for compound drops (rr - ({Jij) E deformation index; dissipation rate in turbulence; efficiency of

    droplet evaporation [equation (5.121), page 258]; heating parameter; holdup; nondimensional amplitude of oscillation; perturbation

  • 494



    ~1 ~,11,¢>

    P Pc Pe Q


    parameter (4Re); porosity; void fraction of liquid; parameter defined by [equation (9.154), page 481]; shear capillary number; surface dilatation viscosity coefficient compaction gas phase volume fraction slenderness ratio minimum voidage at fluidization dielectric constant; parameter in equation (3.216), page 84 dielectric constant of dispersed phase; emissivity of liquid surface vorticity vector drop deformation variable; radial perturbation to jet surface; thermal vibration number; vorticity condensation coefficient dimensionless length; contact angle; Blasius coordinate elliptical coordinate angle measured from the nose polar angle orientation of major axis for deformed drop in shear flow separation angle contact angle for a drop or bubble on a plane advancing contact angle receding contact angle critical receding contact angle dimensionless temperature; dimensionless activation energy surface curvature; surface activity coefficient [equation (3.320), page 118] proportionality constants [equation (5.15), page 217]; surface shear viscosity coefficient curvature of the i j interface exponential-decay constant; latent heat of evaporation; wavelength modified latent heat of evaporation (Table 5.3, page 252) eigenvalues drop deformation parameter [equation (3.44), page 45]; drop evaporation parameter [equation (5.103), page 255] coefficients for compound drop drag [equation (8.38), page 412] chemical potential; dynamic viscosity cose kinematic viscosity; stoichiometric coefficient coordinate measured along streamlines; dimensionless electric field strength; ratio of effective thermal diffusivity to thermal diffusivity dimensionless charactersitic drop radius [equation (5.37), page 227] axisymmetric geometry coordinates; spatial coordinates density chamber gas density supply gas density radial distance from the axis of symmetry; outer perturbation variable (a)

  • Nomenclature 495

    (1 surface tension; electrical resistivity; turbulent Prandtl or Schmidt number

    (1ij interfacial tension of the i j interface a Stefan-Boltzmann constant 0'0 dimensionless surface tension [equation (9.145), page 475] 'l' time; time scale associated with vortical structure (81 ll.U) T stress tensor 'l' A aerodynamic response time 'l'EI liquid-thermal diffusion time 'l'Eg gas-thermal diffusion time 'l'H droplet heating time 'l'Hg gas-hydrodynamic diffusion time 'l'HI liquid-hydrodynamic diffusion time 'l'L droplet lifetime 'l's gas-species diffusion time tP azimuthal angle; stream surface coordinate; velocity potential tP A wetted area fraction of a solid surface tPc ratio of specific heats (clc) tPk ratio of thermal conductivities (kl k) tPK ratio kpcpl(kpcp) tPR radius ratio (compound drops) tPs measure of sphericity of particle constituting solid phase tPv volume fraction of dispersions; number density of dispersion tPa ratio of thermal diffusivities (Ii I IX) tP/l ratio of dynamic viscosities (ill f.L) tP~) ratio of dynamic viscosities (il{k) I f.L) tPP ratio of densities (Pip) tPe ratio of dielectric constants (e Ie) tPv ratio of kinematic viscosities (v I v) tPu ratio of electrical resistivities (81(1) tP~ I/tPu tPpc tPP tPc qJ generic property; half-angle subtended by stagnant cap to the center

    of a spherical particle qJ' half-angle subtended by dry area to the 'center' of a compound drop

    (Figure 8.7, page 427) ip Favre average qJij half-angle subtended by interface ij to its center of curvature dimensionless temperature; general quantity (mass, momentum,

    energy or species); velocity potential; viscous dissipation X Chebyshev polynomial; dimensionless distance in equation (9.114),

    page 467; dimensionless surface concentration [equation (3.298), page 113]; parameter defined by [equation (3.131), page 63

    X' autonomous-motion parameter, [equation (3.306), page 115] 1{1 stream function

  • 496 Nomenclature

    \II availability function; outer region stream function \II H Harkins-Brown correction factor w angular frequency; shear to translational velocity ratio, 6G R / U 00 w vorticity tensor Q angular speed of particle; integral gas leakage; strained time



    A air or inert gas at atomization av average b bulk bl boundary layer bp boiling point c chamber; condensation; continuum limit; droplet center; core; critical;

    solid-liquid contact conv convective crit critical d dynamic D drop (dropwise condensation and evaporation) e evaporation; edge of boundary layer eff effective f friction; film condition; flame zone F fuel G shear h horizontal H heat transfer

    index for species component; interphase iso isothermal i j interface i j between media i and j j jth species k kinetic limit

    liquid life lifetime lub lubrication approximation Iv liquid-vapor interface Leid Leidenfrost condition m mean; mass transfer; momentum flux component (drag) mf minimum fluidization max maximum min minimum M mass transfer; thermocapillary migration n normal direction; nozzle N normal direction

  • Nomenclature 497

    Nuss Nusselt condensation o creeping flow condition or orifice o oxygen p potential; pressure pot potential flow P plane; product r radial direction; radiation; reference R radii; radial; radiative reI relative s at the droplet surface; separation; solid; static sat saturation condition sl solid-liquid interface spin spinodal point ss spherico-symmetric; steady state sv solid-vapor interface T tenninal velocity; total t thermal; turbulent v vertical; viscous; vapor V volume-based w wall W water wb wet bulb wI thermal wake () at angular position; in the () direction A latent heat JL viscosity; viscous component (drag)

  • 498 Nomenclature



    ( )


    temporal derivative volumetric dispersed phase average; mean or bulk quantity average dimensionless; equilibrium condition perturbation quantity

  • Subject Index

    Accommodation coefficient, 222 Activation energy asymptotics, 102 ADI method, see Alternating direction

    implicit method Aerosols, 80 Alternating direction implicit method,

    72,73,148, ISS, 156,303,452, 454

    Annular model, 295 Assemblages of drops, see Drops,

    assemblages of Autonomous motion, 113, 114

    surfactants, with, 112, 114-115 Average viscosity of emulsion, see

    Emulsion, average viscosity of Axially symmetric flows

    solid particles, 33-34 translating fluid particles, 35-54

    Boiling, 1,211 nucleate, 249-250

    Bond number, 215 modified, 473

    Boundary conditions, 32 Breakup of bubbles and drops, 365-392

    chaotic flow, 383

    Breakup (cont.) experimental studies, 381-392 finite Reynolds numbers, at, 389-392 large deformation theories, 376-380 numerical studies, 380-381 Rayleigh-Taylor instability, 365 small deformation theories, 372-376 stagnant media, in, 365-367 time-dependent effects, 384 tip streaming, 382 velocity gradient, due to, 367-388 weak flow, in, 371

    Breakup of drops end pinching, 384 finite Reynolds number

    bag-jet mechanism of, 390 bag mechanism of, 390 bag mode, 389 by explosive stripping, 390 stripping mode, 389 transition mechanism of, 390

    fold formation, 384 Bubble condensation

    intermediate and high Re, see Intermediate and high Re transport

    Bubble regime

  • 500 Subject Index

    Bubble (cont.) intermediate, 306 single, 306 slugging, 306 train, 306

    Bubble vapor pressure controversy, 352

    Cap, stagnant, see Stagnant cap Capillary approximation, 360 Capillary number, 20, 370

    critical, 373 Capillary wave velocity, 334 Capillary-wave velocity, 342 Cavitation, 211, 213-214, 238 Chemical reactors, 1 Chimera meshing, 279 Clouds, 1 Combustion, 1

    group, 281, 298 local, 281

    spray, 86 Compound drops, 31 Compound drops and bubbles, 276, 281,

    403-437,478-481 core centering, 420 crenation of, 421-423 oscillations of, 419-423 rupture, 420-421

    Condensation curve, 231 Condensation on drops, 94-100

    high Re, 172-177 intermediate Re, 160-171

    Conjugate problem, 150, 155 Contact angle

    advancing, 214, 218, 220, 230 receding, 214, 218, 220, 230

    Contact force, 480 Contact-angle hysteresis, 220 Containerless processing, 420 Contaminants, 38 Contamination, effect of, 22 Creeping flow, 29 creeping flow, 8 Crenation of compound drops, see

    Compound drops and bubbles Curvature, principal radii of, 18

    D'Alembert force, 186 Deformation

    drop condensation, effect on, 179-181

    droplet vaporization, effect on, 189-193

    effect of electric field, see Electric field, effect on drop deformation

    Deformation of bubbles, 474 Deformation of drops

    shear flow, with, 57-59 surface phase effects on, 42, 121 translation at low Re, due to, 45-46

    Degree of subcooling, definition of, 352 Degree of superheat, definition of, 350 Degree of supersaturation, definition of,

    352 Diffusion velocity, 114 Direct-contact heat transfer, 275 Double semiellipsoidal model, 23 Drag coefficient

    high Re, see High Reynolds number flow

    intermediate Re, see Intermediate Reynolds number flow

    Drag force effect of surfactant, 39, 46 effect of surfactants, 114 radial flow effects, see Radial flow

    effects, drag force wall effect on, 212

    Drop evaporation fuel, see Fuel droplet surface regression rate, 282 von Karman-Polhuasen method, 194

    Droplet condensation, see Condensation on drops

    Droplet interaction vaporization, 188

    Droplet lifetime, 193 dropwise evaporation, in, see

    Dropwise evaporation Drops on plane solids, 214-218

    dynamics, 217-218 static shape, 214-217

    Drops, assemblages of, 1 Dropwise condensation, 211, 218-231

    condenser conductivity, role of, 226

  • Dropwise (cont.) condenser properties, role of,

    225-228 conduction, role of, 222-223 contact angle, role of, 224-225 critical heat flux in, 231 critical radius of nucleation in, 220 formation of drops by, 364 mechanism, 219-221 multidrop models, 229-231 noble metals, on, 226 noncondensables, effect of, 228-229,

    239 nucleation in, 219 promoters, role of, 225 single-droplet models, 223-225 transport processes in, 221-223 vapor transport in, 222

    Dropwise evaporation, 232-262 binary liquids, 260 contact angle, role of, 239, 243-246 contact temperature in, 236 cryogens, 260 droplet lifetime in, 239, 241, 243,

    254-256,261 drop-wall interaction, 259 electrical effects, 260 emulsions, 261 forced,235 high superheat, 250-262 high-pressure effects, 238, 242, 248,

    259 interacting drops, 242-246

    array model, 242-246 cell model, 242 continuum model, 242-243

    intermediate superheat, 246-249 isolated drop models, 239-242 isothermal, 233-235 liquid metals, 258 low superheat, 238-246 mass diffusivity, effects of, 256-257 moving surfaces, from, 254 slurries, 260-261 solid conductivity, role of, 239-241,

    243-246 spheroidal state, 250-255

    disk model, 251, 253 underheated,232-238

    Subject Index 501

    Dropwise (cont.) nonisothermal,235-238

    Dropwise evaporation curve, 233

    Electric field alternating, transport with, 458 conjugate problem, transport with,

    460-462 creeping flow, effect on, 444-449 drag, effect on

    creeping flow, 448 intermediate Re flow, 450

    drop deformation, effect on, 463-464 external problem, transport with,

    455-460 heat and mass transfer, effect on,

    452-464 intermediate Re flow, effect on,

    449-452 internal problem, transport with,

    452-454 phase change, effect on, 462-463 strong radial flow, effect on, 445-449 thermal oscillations, see Thermal

    oscillations due to internal circulation

    transport in, 443-464 wake size, effect on, 451

    Ellipsoidal-cap regime, 21 Emulsion, average viscosity of, 57 End pinching, see Breakup of drops,

    end pinching Entropy of a probability distribution,

    287 Eotvos number, 20 Extensional flow, 64, 371 External problem, 150

    Fick's law, 12,59 Filmwise condensation, 219, 231 Finite-volume method, 189, 199 Fluidized beds, 323 Formation of bubbles

    added mass calculation, 319 constant flow condition, 314 constant pressure condition, 315 intermediate flow conditions, 316

  • 502 Subject Index

    Formation (conI.) vapor pressure controversy, 354 with phase change, 352-358

    heterogeneous nucleation, 356-358

    homogeneous nucleation, 352-356 without phase change, 313-329

    flowing liquids, in, 322-323 fluidized beds, in, 323-329 submerged orifice, at, 313-320

    Formation of bubbles and drops, 312-364

    Rayleigh-Taylor instability, 312 Formation of drops

    Harkins-Brown correction, 330 Rayleigh instability, 333 satellites, 342 with phase change, 359-364

    dropwise condensation, 364 heterogeneous nucleation,

    362-364 homogeneous nucleation, 359-362

    without phase change, 329-350 jet breakup, by, see Jet breakup low flow rates, at, 330 modest flow rates, at, 330 thread breakup, by, 349

    Fourier law, 12, 59 Fourier number, 13 Four-roll apparatus, 349, 370, 371 Froude number, 20 Fuel droplet

    combustion, 10 1-109 vaporization, 85-93, 101-109 vaporization at high pressure, 89-93

    Gibbs-Duhem equation, 109, 352

    Hadamard-Rybczynski solution, see Rybczynski-Hadamard solution

    Hamaker constant, 421 Heterogeneous nucleation, 312

    bubble formation, 356-362 drop formation, 362-364 dropwise condensation, in, 220 preexisting phase, from, 358

    Heterophase fluctuations, 352

    High Peclet number heat/mass transfer, 62-65,67-71

    High Reynolds number flow bubble in liquid, 137-140

    drag coefficient, 140 drop in gas, 142-144

    internal vortex, strength of, 144 drop in immiscible liquid, 140-142

    drag coefficient, 142 High Reynolds number transport

    droplet condensation, 172-177 droplet vaporization, 193-203

    mixed convection, 197 Nusselt number, 197 Sherwood number, 197

    Hill's spherical vortex, 36, 140 Holdup, 279

    definition of, 277 Homogeneous nucleation, 312

    bubble formation, see Formation of bubbles

    drop formation, see Formation of drops

    Hyperbolic flow, 57, 349 Hyperbolic flow, plane, 370

    Inertial effects at low Re, 43-46 Inertialess translation, 36-43 Interface conditions, 32 Interfacial mobility, 37 Interfacial stress conditions, 18 Interfacial tension, 38 Intermediate and high Reynolds number

    transport bubble condensation, 159-160 droplet condensation

    deformation, effect of, 179-181 surfactants, effect of, 177-179

    droplet vaporization, 181-203 multicomponent droplet, 198-203 Ranz-Marshall correlation, 182 Spalding correlation, 182

    with phase change, 158-203 without phase change, J 50--J 58

    conjugate problem, 155-158 external problem, 150--152 internal problem, 152-155

  • Intermediate Peelet number heat/mass transfer, 68-69, 72-73

    Intermediate Reynolds number flow fully numerical solutions, 144-149

    drag coefficient, 149 Intermediate Reynolds number transport

    droplet condensation, 160-172 drag coefficient, 171 heat flux, 171

    droplet vaporization, 182-193 deformation,effecto~ 189-193 drag coefficient, 183, 188 droplet lifetime, 193 interacting droplets, 188 Nusselt number, 183, 188 Sherwood number, 184, 188

    Internal problem, 150, 152 Internal vortex, strength of, see High

    Reynolds number flow, drop in gas, internal vortex, strength of

    Irrotational flow, 6, 9

    Jaumann derivative, 375 Jet breakup

    formation of drops, 332-349 atomization regime, 344 general immiscible systems, in,

    334-344 liquid-gas systems, in, 333 liquid-liquid systems, in, 332 mass transfer, influence of, 346 nonlinear effects, 342 spatial instability, 341 viscoelastic liquid, 348

    shear-thinning fluids, of, 348 Jet, critical diameter, 278 Jetting velocity, 278

    critical, 278

    Kinematic viscosity, 6 Kinetic limit of superheat, 355

    Leidenfrost phenomenon, 232 Leidenfrost point, 237 Leidenfrost temperature

    evaporator porosity, effect of, 262

    Subject Index 503

    Leidenfrost (cont.) surface properties, effect of, 261-262

    Line tension, 408 Line vortex, viscous, 295 Low Peelet number heat/mass transfer,

    60-64 Low Reynolds number transport,

    29-123 fluid mechanics, 31-59 heat/mass transfer, 59-123

    Marangoni number, 21 Mass continuity equation, 4 Microgravity, 31, see Thermocapillary

    flow, in microgravity Mises transformation, 62 Mixed convection, high Re droplet

    vaporization, see High Reynolds number transport

    Morton number, 21 Multicomponent system, definition of,

    275 Multicomponent vaporization

    high Re, see Intermediate and high Reynolds number transport

    zero and low Re, 79 Multidrop systems, dropwise

    condensation, see Dropwise condensation

    Multiparticle systems, 30, 275-307 Multiphase system, definition of, 275

    Navier-Stokes equation,S Nucleate boiling, see Boiling, nucleate Nucleation waiting time, see Waiting

    time, nucleation Nucleus, definition of, 359 Number fraction, definition of, 276 Nusselt number

    definition of, 16 high Re droplet vaporization, see

    High Reynolds number transport intermediate Re droplet vaporization,

    see Intermediate Reynolds number transport

  • 504 Subject Index

    Ohnesorge number, 335 Oldroyd's 8-constant model, 348 Orthogonal-rheometer flow, 370 Oscillations of compound drops, see

    Compound drops and bubbles Oscillations of drops and bubbles, 2

    Particle dispersion function, definition of, 294

    Peclet number, 13 Pendant particles, 18 Perpetual motion, 354 Phase change with moving drops,

    93-109 Phase transitions, 350 Plane flow, general, 371 Prandtl number, 13 Pressure undershoot, 351 Probability density function, 286 Probability distribution function,

    definition of, 276

    Radial flow effects, 46-54 drag force, 51-54 internal circulation, 54

    rainfall, I Random-walk computation, 291 Ranz-Marshall correlation, 182 Rayleigh-Plesset equation, 432 Resistance matrix, 33 Retardation of drops, 38 Reynolds number, 5, 32

    radial, 47, 94 Ring model, 295 Rohsenow correlation, 249 Rosin-Rammler distribution, 277 Rupture of compound drops, see

    Compound drops and bubbles Rybczynski-Hadamard solution, 36

    Satellite drops, see Formation of drops, satellites

    Sauter mean diameter, definition of, 277 Scavenging S02 by water drops, 85 Series truncation method, 146-149 Sessile particles, 18

    Shear flow drop streamlines circulation period,

    57 linear, 57 low Re, at, 5+-59, 367-389 rotation of particle with, 56

    Sheludko number, 421 Sherwood number

    definition of, 16 high Re droplet vaporization, see

    High Reynolds number transport intermediate Re droplet vaporization,

    see Intermediate Reynolds number transport

    Size distribution drops,25 particles, 27fr277

    Skirts, 21 Sloshing, effect on heat transfer,


    Slurry fuel drop, transport with, 46+-469

    Solid particles, 33 Spalding correlation, see Intermediate

    and high Reynolds number transport, droplet vaporization, Spalding correlation

    Spectral-element hybrid method, 146 Spectrum of fluid particles, 275-307 Spherically symmetric heat/mass

    transfer, 8~93 Sphericity of a moving drop, 36 Spheroidal state, see Dropwise

    evaporation, spheroidal state Spinodal limit, 351 Spray

    cell model, 301-305 condensation, 298-305 dense, 289 dilute, 288 dispersion function, 294 effect of shear layers, 293 Favre average, 289 locally homogeneous flow, 289, 290 mixture fraction fluctuation, 289 rate of turbulent dissipation, 289 Reynolds average, 289 separated flow, 289

    deterministic, 289, 290

  • Spray (cont.) stochastic, 289, 291

    shear layers discrete vortex method, 294 effect of, 288-298

    turbulence effect of, 288-298 time-average methods in, 288

    turbulence energy, 289 Spray cooling, I, 85 Spray description

    discrete particle formulation, 284 maximum entropy formulation, 287 multicontinua formulation, 285 probabilistic formulation, 286 two continua formulation, 285

    Stagnant cap, 46, 417, 477 bubble near hole, 42 conditions for formation, 120 pair of bubbles, 41

    Static particles, shape, 18 Stokes drag, 29

    general expression, 34 relation to dissipation, 34

    Stokes equation, 8, 32 Stokes flow, 8 Stokes number, 293 Stokes operator, II, 32 Stokeslet, relation to drag, 34 Stokeslet-source,54 Stream function-vorticity formulation,

    144 Surface-phase effects, 38-43, 46, 109 Surface-viscous effects, 43 Surfactant cap, see Stagnant cap Surfactants, 17,30,109-123,472-473,

    477 adsorption kinetics controlled

    transport, 123 condensation, effect on, 177-179 high Pe transport, 115-121 high surface activity, 119-121 immobile adsorbed films, 120--121 low Pe transport, 112-115

    Subject Index 505

    Surfactants (cont.) low surface activity, 118-119 mobile interfaces, 119-120 soluble and insoluble, combined, 123 surface diffusion controlled transport,

    121 Swarm of bubbles, condensation,


    Tandem droplets, vaporization of, 188 Terminal velocity, 37 Thermal oscillations due to internal

    circulation, 68, 152, 156,430 electric field, effect of, 453

    Thermocapillary flow, 31 drop in a linear temperature gradient,

    471-472 microgravity, in, 469-481 plane surfaces, interaction with,

    476-477 radiative heating of a drop, 473-474 spot heating of a drop, 474 surfactants, effect of, 472-473 with Ma « 1,474-475 with Ma ~ 1,476

    Tip streaming, see Breakup of bubbles and drops, tip streaming

    Vapor explosions, 437 Vector potential, 32 Velocity distribution, particles, 276-277 Void fraction, 281 Vorticity equation, 6

    Waiting time, nucleation, 238, 246 Wall interactions, 211-262,477 Weber number, 19 Wetness in dropwise evaporation, 243

    Young-Laplace equation, 352

  • Author Index

    Abdel-Alim, A.H., 149,203 Abdelmessih, A.H., 220, 227, 262, 269,

    270 Abdul-Hadi, M.I., 229, 262 Abraham, EE, 359, 392 Abrarnzon, B., 72,124,150,196,197,

    203 Acrivos, A., 21, 27, 36, 38, 39, 43-45,

    60,62,63,65,124,126,132, 373,375,377-380,393,395, 398,401,464,475,481,485

    Acton, E., 294, 307 Adams, A.E.S., 431, 437 Afghan, N.H., 309 Aggarwal, S.K., 124, 285, 286, 307 Aggrawal, S.K., 129 Agrawal, S.K., 43,124 Ahmadzadeh, J., 482 Ahrendts, J., 225, 262 Aksan, S.N., 263 Alamgir, M., 393 Amundson, N .R., 79, 129 Anderson, J.L., 479, 481 Anderson, R.O., 324, 400 Anderson, W.H., 392, 400 Andoe, W.V., 152,209 Andres, R.P., 438

    Annamalai, K., 280, 307 Annamalai, P., 478, 481 Antaki, P.J., 465, 481 Apfel, R.E., 393, 437 Annstrong, R.C., 393 Arunachalam, S.A., 198,204 Ascoli, E.P., 213, 263, 393 Ash, B.W., 273 Asher, W.J., 440 Ashgriz, N., 343, 344, 393, 400 Avedisian, C.T., 109, 124, 128,233,

    237-239,248,257,260-264, 269,352,393,424,437,438

    Ayyaswamy, P.S., 46, 47, 50, 51, 54, 94, 124,125,127,128,131,152, 160,171, 172, 178, 179, 185, 186,189,194,203-206,208, 301,307-309,395,438,481, 484

    Aziz, S.D., 260, 264

    Baboo1al, L.B., 124 Baer, E., 263, 266, 272, 395 Bagster, D.F., 323, 397 Bailes, P.J., 482 Balakrishnan, A., 132

  • 508 Author Index

    Balasubramaniam, R., 472, 476, 478, 482,483

    Banchero, J.T., 27, 38, 126, 149,204 Bankoff, S.G., 309, 356, 358, 393 Barrow, H., 435, 439 Bart, E., 212, 263, 412, 438 Barthes-Biesel, D., 373, 375, 393 Bartok, W.,55-57, 124 Barton, K.D., 472, 477, 482 Batchelor, G.K., 4,16,30,124,324,393 Battya,~,432,433,438,441

    Bauer, H.F., 478, 482 Bauer, S.H., 396 Baum, H., 235, 265 Baum, S., 266 Baumeister, K.1., 250, 253-256, 260,

    261,263,271 Bays, G.S., 269 Beard, K.V., 182,203 Beckmann, R.B., 68, 128, 152, 196,

    206,439 Beggs, G.e., 442 Bell, KJ., 250, 256, 266, 267 Bellan, J., 281, 298, 307, 308 Benjamin, T.B., 214, 263 Bentley, B.1., 367, 368, 376, 379, 380,

    382-384,393,399 Berg, J.e., 203, 346, 393, 449, 451, 457,

    461,482 Berger, S.A., 338, 341, 393 Bergles, A.E., 246, 267 Bexon, R., 234, 235, 270 Bhaga, D., 21, 26 Bharat, v., 424, 438 Bhavaraju, S.M., 315, 393 Biasi, L., 208 Bird, R.B., 4, 16,393 Birt, D.e.P., 273 Bivins, R., 130 Blackman, L.e.E., 263 Blake, J.R., 213, 214, 263, 264 Blanch, H.W., 315, 393 Blander, M., 355, 393, 396 Blenderman, L.M., 269 Block, M.J., 471, 485 Bobco, R.P., 264 Boehm, R.F., 206, 279, 308, 309 Bogy, D.B., 342, 344, 393 Bolle, H., 268

    Bolle, L., 259, 264 Bonacina, C., 240, 260, 264 Bond, W.N., 30, 38, 109, 124 Bonne, H., 250, 273 Borde, 1.,72, 124, 150,203 Borhan, A., 414, 438 Borishansky, V.M., 250, 264 Borisov, A., 390, 393 Borman, G.L., 206 Boussinesq, J., 43, 125 Boutigny, P.M., 250, 264 Bowen, J.R., 207 Bracco, F.V., 292, 307, 398 Brady, J.F., 393 Bratukhin, Y.K., 474, 482 Brenner, H., 27, 31, 33,125,127,212,

    264,267,373,394 BrignelI, A.S., 45, 46, 125, 152, 153,

    203 Brink, J.e., 67-69, 128, 152,206 Bromley, L.A., 264,273 Brophy, J., 366, 395 Brown, A.R., 264 Brown, R.A., 216, 264 Bruijsten, J., 60, 129 Brunn, P.O., 60--62,125,414,438 Brunson, R.J., 152,209 Brzustowski, T.A., 198, 206, 309 Buckmaster, J.D., 125,377,380,393 Buikov, M.V., 39,126 Burkholder, H.e., 346, 393 Bussmann, M., 199, 208 Butcher, D.W., 264 Buzukov, A.A., 392, 394

    Cable, M., 125 Cacoso,A.G., 315,397 Caram, H.S., 325, 394 Card, J.M., 125 Carey, v.P., 253, 264, 358, 394 Carleson, T.E., 440, 452, 461, 482, 484 Carra, S., 300, 307 Case, K.M., 338, 394 Castleman, R.A., 394 Celata, G.P., 299, 307 Chadwick, R.S., 268 Chaffey, e.E., 373, 394 Chahine, G.L., 264. 274

  • Chai, A.T., 472, 482 Chalmers, B., 362, 364, 400 Chalyuk, A.T., 127 Chambers, R., 404, 438, 439 Chandra, S., 233, 237-239, 248, 260,

    262,264 Chandrasekhar, S., II, 16,333,340,394 Chang, L.S., 449, 451, 457, 461, 482 Chang, R., 85, 125 Chang, T.H., 204 Chao, B.H., 125 Chao, B.T., 25, 27, 70,125,142,205,

    209,482 Chapman, R.B., 214, 270 Charlesworth, D.H., 81,125 Chatwani, A.V., 292, 307 Chaudhary, K.C., 343, 344, 394 Chavez, A., 300, 308 Chein, R., 294, 307 Chelen, E.J., 324,400 Chen, J., 123, 125 Chen, J.C., 238, 247, 264 Chen, L. W., 182, 209 Chen, P.P., 291, 307 Chen, S.H., 479, 483 Chen, Y.M., 159,204,305,307 Cheremisinoff, N.P., 27, 307, 309, 393,

    395,398-400,437 Cheremisinoff, P.N., 203, 481 Chhabra, R.P., 27, 485 Chiang, C.H., 185, 188, 189,204 Chigier, N.A., 280, 307 Chilton, C.H., 317, 398 Chiu, H.H., 281, 307 Chmielewski, C.E., 263 Cho, S.K., 264, 268 Choi, KJ., 258-260, 264, 265, 273 Choi, Y.l., 124,203,481 Chorin, AJ., 204 Choudhury, P.N., 125 Chow, R.T., 216, 217, 265 Chow, T.e., 247, 271 Christiansen, R.M., 332, 335, 394 Chudacek, M.W., 323, 397 Chung, J.N., 72, 94,125,130,146,148,

    149, ISS, 156, 158,204,207, 280,288,294,307,308,438, 440,446,452,461,462,465, 482,484

    Author Index 509

    Cicero, D.C., 324, 400 Citakoglu, E., 265 Clift, R., 21-23, 26, 40, 69,125, lSI,

    167,204,313,367,394 Cohen, E.R., 361, 398 Cohen, I.M., 47, 50, 51, 54,128,206 Cokelet, G.R., 396 Cole, R., 249, 273, 352, 356, 394, 400,

    478, 481, 484 Collier, J.G., 359, 394 Comini, G., 240, 260, 264 Continillo, G., 295, 309 Cooper Jr., A.R., 83, 130 Cooper, E, 70, 125 Cooper, M.G., 265 Coultas, T.A., 258, 270 Coutant, R.W., 235, 265 Cox, R.G., 59, 125, 132,349,373,374,

    394,397,400,458,485 Croke, E.J., 281, 307 Crowe, C.T., 280, 288, 291, 293, 307,

    308 Cumo, M., 259, 265, 299, 307, 308

    Da Cunha, EM., 440 Dagan, Z., 42, 121, 125, 128 Daily, J.W., 268 Dandy, D.S., 204, 213, 263 D' Annibale, E, 307 Das, N., 128 Davidson, J.E, 315, 324, 325, 394, 399 Davies, G.A., 265, 412, 414, 441 Davis, E.J., 78, 79,85,125,126,130 Davis, R.E., 38, 39, 126 Davis, R.H., 412, 413, 438, 442, 480,

    483 Davison, B., 79,126 Dawson, H.E, 245, 265 de Nie, L.H., 395 de Chazal, L.E.M., 308 De Croisette, D.H., 441 De Kee, D., 27, 485 De Nie, L.H., 330 de Vahl Davis, G., 204 De Vries, HJ., 330 de Vries, HJ., 395 De Witt, KJ., 69, 130,151,207,473,


  • 510 Author Index

    Deb, S., 258, 265 Del Giudice, S., 240, 260, 264 Delcorio, B., 258, 265 Delitzsch, Y., 475, 482 Delplanque, J.P., 389, 394 Den Hond, R., 259 den Hond, R., 267 Denk, Y., 279, 308 Dennis, S.c.R., 204 Denny, Y.E., 128 Depew, c.A., 265 Derjagin,B.Y., 116 Derjaguin, B.Y., 126 Deryagin, B.Y., 116, 126 Deryagin,B.Y., 116 Detz, C.M., 265 Dewar, M.J.S., 263 Dhir, Y.K., 249, 265 Di Marzo, M., 235, 236, 245, 265, 268,

    272 Dill, L., 472, 482 Dimic, M., 204 Doherty, G., 264 Dolittle, J.S., 265 Dombrowski, N., 308 Dongchang, Z., 265 Donnelly, R.J., 394 Donohue, M.D., 439 Downing, T.M., 266 Drake, D.G., 125 Drew, T.B., 218, 265, 269, 396 Dryer, EL., l32, 206, 209, 439 Duesberg, J., 389, 395 Dukhin, S.S., 39,116,119,126 Dukowicz, J.K., 285, 308 Duncan, J.H., 274 Dussan Y., E.B., 216, 217, 265 Dwyer, H.A., 187,204,207,279,301,


    Eckelmann, H., 475, 482 Edwards, D.A., 27 Edwards, J.A., 265 Eibling, J.A., 266 Eidel, w., 478, 482 Einstein, A., 54,126 Eisenklam, P., 198,204 El-Shirbini, A.A., 432, 440

    Elata, c., 72, 124 Elleman, D.D., 420, 439, 441 Ellis, A.T., 214, 263, 269 Elzinga, E.R., 27, 38, 126, 149,204 Emmerson, G.S., 261, 266 Engelberg-Forster, K., 249, 266 Epstein, M., l30 Epstein, P.S., 126 Erb, R.A., 226, 266 Eucken, A., 219, 266 Evans, D.D., 235, 236, 265 Eyring, H., 392

    Faeth, G.M., 184, 198,205,280, 288-290,292,308

    Farello, G.E., 259, 265, 307 Fatehi, M., 261, 263 Fatica, N., 223, 266 Fauske, H.K., 208 Felske, J.D., 265 Feng, I., 420, 439 Fernandez-Pello, A.C., 197, 198,

    205-207,209,439 Ferrari, G., 259, 265 Ferrenberg, A., 389, 390, 395 Feuillebois, E, 479, 481, 482 Fichot, E, 281, 298, 308 Fishbein, G.A., 124, 146, 151,208 Fishburn, B.D., 395 Fitzpatrick, J.P., 266 Fix, GJ., 286, 307 Florschuetz, L.w., 205 Forslund, R.P., 246, 266 Forster, H.K., 249, 266 Franck, J.P., 395 Frenkel, J., 395 Frenkel, N.A., 63, 65, 126 Frisch, H.L., 60,126 Fritz, w., 395 Frossling N., 182 Frossling, N., 205 Fuchs, N.A., 78,82, 126 Fuentes, Y.O., 413, 438 Fujita, Y., 266 Fukuta, N., 83, 129 Funaba, H., 405, 440 Furman, T., 266 Furmidge, c.G.L., 217, 266

  • Ganic, E.N., 247, 266 Gardner, G.c., 126 Gamer, EH., 27, 38,126 Gat, Y., 429, 441 Gaugler, R.E., 266 Gel'fand, B., 390, 393 Gershfeld, N. L., 438 Ghosh, A.K., 395 Gibson, D.C., 214, 263 Glaberson, W., 394 Glazunov, G.P., 269 Glicksman, L.R., 229, 230, 266, 271 Goddard, J.D., 124 Godleski, E.S., 266 Godsave, G.A.E., 127 Gogos, G., 89,127,128,257,274 Goldstein, I.S., 471, 485 Golovin, A.A., 127 Good, R.I., 438 Goren, S.L., 348, 395 Gose, E.E., 266, 395 Gosman, A.D., 292, 308 Gosman, A.L., 264 Gottfried, B.S., 250, 256, 266, 267 Gottlieb, M., 348, 395 Grace, H.P., 380, 382, 384, 395 Grace, I.R., 21-23, 26, 27, 40,125,204,

    313,330,366,367,394,395 Gradon, L., 438, 441 Graham, C., 267, 395 Green, A.E., 344, 395 Green, S.I., 308 Greenspan, H.P., 421, 439 Greif, R., 249, 266 Griffith, P., 219, 223,224,227,238,

    246,247,267,268,270,273, 358,395,400

    Griffith, R.M., 38, 127, 151,205 Griffiths, S.K., 456, 458, 482 Grigull, U., 268 Grissom, W.M., 241, 267 Groendes, V., 258, 267 Grover, P.D., 428, 431, 441 Guedes de Cravalho, J.R.E, 324, 394 Gunn, D.I., 328, 395 Gunther, F.C., 249, 267 Gupalo, I.M., 61, 62, 64,127 Gupalo, Y.P., 127 Gupta, R., 309, 395, 399

    Author Index 511

    Gushee, D.E., 400

    Haber, S., 412, 438 Haberman, W.L., 38, 127,438 Hadamard, lS., 29,36,127 Hiilmel, M., 475, 482 Haigh, T.I., 266 Haj-Hariri, H., 414, 438 Hakimi, F.S., 382, 395 Hall, W.B., 267 Hall, W.D., 206 Hameed, A., 220, 269 Hamielec, A.E., 68, 132, 149,152, 182,

    203,206,209 Hamill, T.D., 250, 253, 263 Hammitt, EG., 268 Hampson, H., 218, 263, 266, 267 Han, J.C., 239, 267 Hannemann, R.J., 227, 267 Happel, J., 31,127,212,267 Harker, J.H., 482 Harper,J.F.,39-41,113, 114,116, 117,

    119, 120, 127, 129, 134, 140, 142,144,205

    Harpole, G.M., 193,205 Harris, I.J., 313, 316--320, 396, 399 Harrison, D., 324, 325, 394, 399 Harstad, K., 281, 298, 307, 308 Hartland, S., 278, 309, 331, 332, 396,

    399 Hartnett, J.P., 124,203,309,394,397,

    399,481,482 Hashemi, A., 393 Hashimoto, H., 406,417,425,438,439 Hashimoto, K., 299, 310 Hashimoto, Y., 485 Hassager, 0., 393 Hatamiya, S., 272 Hayakawa, T., 419, 438 Hayduk, W., 91, 127 Haywood, R.J., 184, 185, 187-189,205,

    208 He, Z., 121, 128 Heertjes, P.M., 330, 395 Heist, R.H., 395 Henderson, D., 392 Henry, R.E., 258, 274 Hertz, H.G., 395

  • 512 Author Index

    Hetsroni, G., l30, 412, 438 Hibino, S., 3l3, 320, 400 Higeta, K., 440 Hijikata, K., 180,205,423,440 Hill, M.1.M., 36, 69, 128 Hill, P.G., 395 Hinch, E.1., 379, 380, 395 Hirosawa, Y., 295, 310 Hirsch, G., 429, 433, 441 Hixson, A.N., 332, 394 Hogan, J.M., 395 Holbrook, J.A., 41, 110, 1l3, 121, 122,

    128 Holcomb, E.G., 315, 397 Holman, J.P', 247, 269 Homsy, G.M., 420, 440 Honour, C.w., 264, 273 Hoogendoom, C.J., 259, 267 Hooper, A.P., 316, 395 Hooper, F.C., 132 Hoopes, J.W., 396 Horowitz, J.S., 227, 267 Horton, T.J., 38, 40,123,128 Horvath, M., 332, 396 Hsiao, C.C., 131 Hsu, K., 325, 394 Hsu, Y.Y.,233,234,271 Hu, S., 38,128 Huang, L.J., 160, 171, 178, 179, 185,

    203,205,301,308,309 Huang, W.S., 40,128 Huang, Y. Y., 330, 331 Hubbard, G.L., 128 Huckaby, J.L., 85, 128, l30 Huebner, K.H., 205 Hughmark, G.A., 396 Humphrey, J.A.c., 331, 396 Hung, C.H., 362, 396 Hunt, A.W., 230, 266 Hunt, K., 389, 395 Hurst, c.J., 224, 267 Hyatt, D.L., 266 Hynek, S.J., 246, 267

    Iloeje, O.C., 238, 246, 247, 268 Inada, J., 440 Ioannides, E., 292, 308 loffredo, c., 260, 263

    Irvine Jr., T.F., 124,203,309,394,397, 399,481,482

    Isbin, H.S., 208 Isenberg, J., 434, 438, 441 Issapour, I., 268 Iyengar, S.R.K., 452, 483

    Jackson, G.S., 128 Jacmic, J.J., 315, 397 Jacobs,H.R.,150,205,279,308,309,

    434,439 Jakob, M., 218, 268 Jameson, G.J., 396 Janssen, R.D., 128 Jarvis, T.J., 439 Jeffrey, D.J., 4l3, 438 Jia, H., 89,128 Jiafang, L., 265 Jiliang, X., 269 Jin, J.D., 206 Jog, M.A., 47, 50, 51, 54,128,206 Johns,L.E., 68, 128, 152, 196,206,439 Johns, W.R., 308 Johnson, A., 68 Johnson, A.I., l32, 152,209 Johnson, K.R., 278, 309, 332, 399 Johnson, R.E., 39-42, l31, 407, 408,

    417,439,441,472,484 Jones, D.R., 254, 271 Jones, T.B., 482 Joseph, M., 206 Jotaki, T., 295, 310

    Kakutani, T., 315, 400 Kalman, H., 434, 439 Kamimura, H., 269 Kao, Y.S., 477, 483 Karamchandani, P., 128 Katayama, T., 485 Katoh, S., 322, 399 Katsuta, K., 364, 399 Katz, D.L., 223, 266 Katz, J.L., 355,361,362,393,396,398,

    439 Kawaguchi, S., 180,205 Kawamura, H., 236, 271 Kawano, S., 406, 417, 425, 438, 439

  • Kazimi, M.S., 433, 442 Keairns, DL, 324, 400 Keh, H.1., 479, 483 Keller, J.B., 341, 342, 396 Kendall, G.E., 247, 268 Kennedy, I.M., 209 Kenning, D.B.R., 477, 483 Kerschl, P., 279, 308 Keshock, E.G., 260, 263 Kessler, R., 191,207 Khakhar, D.V., 379, 396 Kidder, C.H., 265 Kim, H.S., 472, 483 Kim, H. Y., 281, 307 Kim, J .H., 393 Kim, S., 413, 438 King, P.J., 253, 268 Kinoshita, C.M., 335, 336, 396, 400 Kintner, R.C., 38, 40, 128 Kitada, H., 299, 309 Kitani, S., 299, 310 Klassen, M., 268 Klee, A.1., 27, 38,128 Klett, J.D., 151,207,359,398 Kling, c.L., 268 Knapp, R.T., 268 Kolach, T.A., 268 Kolesnik, I.Y., 82, 132 Komotori, K., 405, 440, 442 Konopliv, N., 128 Kopac, M.J., 404, 438, 439 Kopchikov, LA., 268 Koplik, J., 262, 263 Kornfeld, M., 214, 268 Kosik, N., 269 Kosky, P.G., 268 Kossor, 0., 390, 393 Krasnopoler, M.J., 362, 396 Kreith, E, 206, 249, 267, 308 Krishnamurthy, L., 206 Kronig, R., 60, 67-69, 128, 129, 152,

    206 Krylov, V.S., 70, 129 Krzeczkowski, S.A., 389, 390, 396 Kuipers, J.A.M., 326,396 Kuloor, N.R., 313, 396 Kumar, N.G., 396 Kumar, R., 313, 396 Kung, C.T.V., 396

    Author Index 513

    Kunii, D., 401 Kupferberg, A., 396 Kuriwaki, Y., 269 Kutataladze, S.S., 264

    Labuntsov, D.A., 268 Labus, T.L., 485 Ladyzhenskaya, 0., 381, 396 Lamb, H., 180,206,419,439 LaNauze,R.D., 316,320,396 Landau, L.D., 4,16 Landis, R.B., 82,129 Landman, K.A., 421-423, 439 Lando, J.L., 330, 396 Lane, 1.1., 27 Lapple, C.E., 25, 27 Lara-Urbaneja, P., 193, 195,198,206 Larkin, B.K., 477, 483 Lasheras, J.C., 206, 293, 308, 439 Lauterborn, W., 268 Lavery, J.E., 476, 482 Law, C.K., 82,125,129,193,205,206,

    209,254,271,439,483 Law, H.K., 483 Lazaro, B.1., 293, 308 Le Croisette, D.H., 439 Leal, L.G., 63, 129,204,208,213,263,

    268,367,368,376,379,380, 382-384,386,388,393,399, 413,442

    Lebedev, P.D., 268 LeClair, B.P., 146, 180, 206 Lee, C.H., 483 Lee, C.1., 250, 256, 267 Lee, e.P., 420, 439 Lee, D.N., 286, 301, 307, 309 Lee, F., 341, 396, 397 Lee, H.e., 342, 398 Lee, K., 435, 439 Lee, M.e., 420, 439 Lee, M.S., 227, 267 Lee, S.H., 268 Lee, S.L., 268, 273 Lee, S.S., 264 LeFevre, E.J., 229, 268 Leibson, I., 315, 397 Leidenfrost, J.G., 250, 268 Lerner, L., 41, 129

  • 514 Author Index

    Lerner, Y., 306, 308, 434, 439, 440 Letan, R., 150,206,277,306,308,434,

    439,440 Leung, L.S., 324, 398 LeVan, M.D., 36, 41, 43, 110, 113, 121,

    122, 128, 129 Levich, V., 39, 70,120,129,139,206 Levich, V.G., 206 Levizzani, V., 414, 441 Li, N.N., 203, 440 Li, X., 184,208 Liao, Y., 235,265, 272 Liaw, S.P., 265 Lienhard, J.H., 393 Lifshitz, E.D., 4, 16 Lightfoot, E.N., 4, 16 Lighthill, M.1., 120, 129 Lin, C.C., 338, 397 Lin, J., 226, 274 Liiian, A., 129 Lisichenko, V.A., 116, 126 Liu, L., 258, 268 Liu, X.Q., 209 Lloyd, A.J.P., 265 Lo, T.S., 377, 378, 380, 393 Lochiel, A.C., 129 Lorenz, J.1., 268,358,397,483 Lothe, J., 361, 397 Lowenberg, M., 480, 483 Loyalka, S.K., 76, 78, 79, 129, 132 Lu, S.M., 330, 331 Ludford, G.S.S., 125

    Major, B.H., 434, 439 Makino, K., 255, 269 Maldarelli, c., 121, 128 Mallinson, G.D., 204 Manga, M., 413, 440 Mann, R.E, 268 Manohar, R.P., 452, 483 Manwani, P., 485 Marmur, A., 316, 397 Maron Moalem, D.M., 440 Maron Moalem, D.M., 429 Marshall Jr., W.R., 81, 125 Marshall, S.H., 323, 397 Marshall, w., 182, 207 Martin, w.w., 224, 271

    Mason, B.1., 362, 397 Mason, S.G., 55-57,59, 124, 132,349,

    382,397,399,400,405,407, 442,458,485

    Mastin, C.W., 209, 310 Masutani, S.M., 335, 396, 400 Masuyama, T., 438 Mattox, D.M., 476, 483 Maude, A.D., 268 Mawid, M., 129 Maxworthy, T., 269, 343, 394 Mayinger, F., 159,204,300,305,307,

    308 McAdams, W.H., 266 McCann, D.J., 313, 397 McCarthy, M.J., 335, 344, 397 McDonald, J.E., 397 McDonell, V.G., 292, 309 McGinnis III, F.K., 247, 269 McKelvey, J.M., 263 Megaridis, C.M., 206 Meister, B.1., 33~332, 335, 348, 397,

    399 Mercier, J.L., 440 Merritt, R.M., 472, 476, 483 Merte Jr., H., 269, 359, 364, 397 Mesler, R., 258, 267 Mesler, R.B., 271 Metropolis, N., 130 Meyyappan, M.,269, 476, 478, 483 Michiyoshi, I., 223, 247, 255, 269, 271 Miesse, c.c., 335, 397 Mikami, T., 349, 350, 397 Mikhailov, I.F., 269 Milcic, B.B., 224, 227, 267-269, 358,

    397,483 Miller, C.A., 419, 440 Mills, A.F., 82, 128, 129 Mills, R., 341, 397 Milne-Thomson, L.M., 397 Miloh, T., 429, 440 Mingdao, X., 269 Minhas, B.S., 91, 127 Mirabel, P., 396 Mirable, P., 396 Mitra, S.K., 132 Miyasaka, K., 483 Mizushina, T., 269 Moalem-Maron, D., 309,442

  • Modell, M., 355, 398 Mokhtarzadeh, M.R., 432, 440 Molloy, N.A., 335, 344, 397 Monaghan,M.T., 129 Mongia, H.C., 292, 308, 309 Moore, D.W., 138-140, 142, 144,205,

    206 Moore, G.R., 440 Morbidelli, M., 300, 307 Mori, Y., 180, 205 Mori, Y.H., 330, 398, 405, 407, 423,

    440,442 Moriyama, A., 255, 269 Morrison Jr., EA., 455, 456, 458, 464,

    482-484 Morton, D.S., 478, 483 Morton, R.K., 38,127,438 Mostafa, A.A., 292, 308, 309 Motoki, Y., 299, 310 Moureau, J.C., 259, 264 Mucciardi, A.N., 266, 395

    Nadim, A., 414, 438 Nafziger, R., 184,205,208 Nagai, K., 405, 440 Nagata, S., 269 Nagatani, T., 423, 440 Nagle, W.M., 218, 265, 269 Nallani, M., 473, 483 Naritorni, M., 299, 310 Nash, C.A., 269 Natanzon, M., 390, 393 Natarajan, R., 198, 206 Naude, C.E, 214, 269 Nazir, M., 433, 440, 442 Necmi, S., 269 Nelson, R.A., 300, 309, 393 Neumann, A.W., 220, 262, 269 Newbold, ER., 79, 129 Newman, A.B., 66, 69, 129,207,483 Newman, J., 129 Newmann, A.B., 67,69 Newton, D.A., 30, 38, 109, 124 Nguyen, H.D., 156,207,446,461,462,

    484 Nguyen, T.H., 22, 27 Nguyen, T.K., 257, 269 Nguyen, X.T., 324, 398

    AuthorIndex 515

    Nijaguna, B.T., 223, 227, 269, 270 Nilmani, M., 398 Nirschl, H., 279, 308 Nishiguchi, A., 299, 309 Nishio, G., 299, 310 Nishioka, M., 322, 399 Nix, N., 83,129 Nouri, A., 239, 273 Nowakowski, B., 78,131 Nurick, W.H., 258, 270

    Oakley, H.T., 330, 396 Ochai, J., 272 O'Connors, M.J., 260, 263 Oguz,H.N., 39, 40,46, 121, 123, 129,

    130,322,398,415,417,430, 436,440,441,484

    Ohba, K., 299, 309 Oliver, D.L.R., 69, 72, 130, 146, 148,

    149,151,155,158,207,440, 452,473,482,484

    Ollis, D.E, 440 Olson, D.R., 224, 267 O'Neill, M.E., 30, 33, 130,270 Orr, EM., 216, 264 Oseen, e.w., 43,44, 130 Osment, B.DJ., 270 OUino, J.M., 379, 383, 396, 400 Ozisik, N., 267 Ozkaynak, ET., 238, 247, 264

    Paik, S., 156,207 Pais, M.R., 247, 271 Pantaloni, J., 432, 442 Pasamehmetog!u, K.O., 300, 309 Patankar, S.Y., 207 Patnaik, G., 187,207 Patzer II, J.E, 420, 440 Payne, L.E., 130 Pearson, J.R.A., 43,61,130 Pedersen, e.O., 259, 270 Pell, W.H., 130 Penski, E.C., 235, 265 Peric,M.,191,207 Perry, R.H., 317, 398 Picknett, R.G., 234, 235, 270 Pimbley, W.T., 342, 398

  • 516 Author Index

    Pinczewski, W.V., 319, 398 Pinder, K.L., 428, 431, 437, 441 Pitter, R.L., 180,207 Plass, S.B., 279, 309 Plesset, M.S., 75, 76, 83, 84, 126, 130,

    207,213,214,222,224,225, 227,239,240,270,354,398, 423,440

    Plummer, D.N., 246, 270 Poll, A., 272 Ponter, A.B., 265 Poo, J.Y., 393 Pope, D., 272 Porter, J.W., 264 Porter, W., 440 Potter, 1., 272 Pound, G.M., 361, 397 Pozrikidis, C., 142,207,213,270,388,

    398 Prakash, C.B., 428, 441 Prakash, S., 142, 152, 153, 155, 193,

    195,198,206,207,309 Pratt, J.A., 126 Prince, R.G.H., 313, 397 Prins, w., 326, 396 Prosperetti, A., 75, 76, 130,207, 213,

    222,239,270,322,338,398 Proudman, L., 43, 61, 130 Pruppacher, H.R., 124, 132, 151, 180,

    182,203,206,207,359,398, 414,441

    Pucci, D.A., 260, 263

    Quartapelle, L., 204

    Riibiger, N., 313, 398 Raghavan, V.R., 432, 438 Raina, G.K., 428, 431, 441 Raiszadek, E, 301, 308 Raithby, G.D., 189,205 Raju, M.S., 185,204 Rallison, I.M., 59, 130,367,368,373,

    374,376,378-381,383,398, 412,438

    Rangel, R.H., 197,207,280,295,309 Ranger, K.B., 30, 33, 130 Ranz, W.E., 182,207,398

    Rao, P.S.V.K., 252, 270 Rasmussen, R., 182,207,414,441 Ravindran, P., 78, 79,125, 126, 130 Ray, A.K., 78,85, 125, 126, 128, 130,

    424,438 Rayleigh, R.S., 270, 309, 333-336, 340,

    342,398 Read, S.M., 264, 273 Readey, D.W., 83,130 Redekopp, L.G., 344, 394 Rednikov, A. Y., 114, 130 Reid, R.c., 355, 398 Reisbig, R.L., 265, 270 Reiss, H., 361, 395, 398 Reitz, R.D., 398 Renksizbulut, M., 183-185, 189, 193,

    199,205,208 Revay, D., 324, 400 Rhim, W.K., 420, 441 Riazantsev, I.S., 127 Richardson, F., 440 Rivkind, V.Y., 146,208 Rizza, J.J., 243, 270 Robinson, P.B., 264 Roco, M.e., 438 Roden, T., 414, 438 Rohsenow, W.M., 238, 246, 247, 249,

    266-268,270,358,397,433, 442

    Rose, J.w., 224, 228, 229, 263, 265, 268-271,273

    Rosner, D.E., 130 Rottenberg, M., 130 Rowe, P.N., 399 Rubel, G.O., 79, 130 Rubin, E., 316, 397 Rubinow, S.1., 341, 396 Ruckenstein, E., 70, 71, 130, 271 Rugman, w., 270 Rumscheidt, F.D., 382, 399 Rushton, E., 412, 414, 441 Russell, T.W.F., 315, 393 Ruth, M.F., 442 Ryan, J.T., 308 Ryan, w., 280, 307 Ryazantsev, I.S., 61, 62, 64,127 Ryazantsev, Y.S., 114, 127, 130 Rybczynski, w., 29,36, 130 Ryskin, G., 208

  • Ryskin, G.M., 146,151,208

    Sada, E., 322, 399 Sadhal, S.S., 39-42, 46, 47,50,51,54,

    66,75,81,84,94, 121, 123. 125,127,129-131,203,224. 225,227,239,240,242.243, 271,272,274,354,398,407, 408,415,417,423,430,436, 438-442,472,474,476,479, 484

    Saffren, M., 420. 441 Sahni. D.C., 78,131 Saito, M., 484 Sakai, T .• 484 Sampson, R.A., 42, 131 Samuelsen, G.S., 292, 309 Sanders,B.R.,187,204,207,301,308 Sanokawa, K., 236, 271 Santini, R., 432, 442 Sarma, P.K., 252. 270 Satrape, J.A., 479, 484 Savic, P., 38, 131 Saville, D.A., 116, 131 Scheele, G.F., 330-332, 335, 348, 397,

    399 Scheurer, G., 191,207 Schlunder, E.U., 81,131 Schmidt, E., 218, 271 Schmidt, w., 43, 132 Schoessow, GJ., 250, 253, 254, 256,

    263,271 Schonberg, J.A., 412, 438 Schowalter, W.R., 382, 395 Schrock, V.E., 152, 182,209 Schuler, B.O.G., 315, 394 Schurig, G., 218, 271 Schwartz, FL, 263 Schwartz, L.W., 217, 266 Scofield, M.P., 440 Scoppa, CJ., 396 Scott, T.e., 484 Scriven, L.E., 43, 131,216,264,419,

    440 Scully, D.B., 253, 268 Seader, J.D., 258, 270 Seetharamu, K.N., 432, 433, 438, 441 Sehmbey, M.S., 247, 271

    Author Index 517

    Seki, M., 236. 271 Selecki, A., 438. 441 Sellens, R.W., 276, 287, 309 Sellschopp, W., 218, 271 Sen, A.K., 254, 271 Seshadri, K .• 206 Shah, T., 130 Shakoor, A., 260, 264 Shankar, N., 478, 481, 484 Shankar, P.N., 76,131 Sharpe, L., 484 Shehu Diso, I., 432, 442 Shen, H., 42, 125 Shepherd. J.E., 437. 441 Sherwood. J.D., 399 Shigeta, M., 419, 438 Shima, A., 264 Shimizu, S., 231, 271 Shokoohi, F., 344, 399 Shuen, J.S., 131, 132 Siddall, R.G., 129 Sideman, S., 309, 426, 427. 429,

    432-434,438,441.442 Siekmann, J., 485 Simon, F.F., 233, 234, 261. 263, 271 Simpson, H.C., 442 Sirignano, W.A., 124, 129, 131, 142.

    152,153, 155, 185, 187-189, 193,195-199,203,204, 206-209,280,285-287,301, 307,309.310

    Sirkis, J., 268 Sitarski, B., 78 Sitarski, M., 131 Sizov, A.N., 84, 131 Skelland, A.H.P., 38, 126,278,309,

    332,399 Slattery, J.C., 27, 43,121,132 Sleicher, e.A., 333, 337, 399 Smelt, R., 400 Smith, H.D., 476, 483 Smith, R.C., 433, 442 Smith, R.H., 271 Smith, W.Q., 218, 265 Smolik, J., 131 Snoek, e. W., 266 Solan, A., 412, 438 Son, S., 269 Sontoro, R.J., 265

  • 518 Author Index

    Spalding, D.B., 131 Sparrow, E.M., 128 Spiers, R.M.M., 270 Spoelstra, H.I., 218, 271 Springer, G.S., 359, 361, 399 Sripada, S.S., 301, 308, 309 Stebe, K.I., 123, 125 Steiner, L., 278, 309, 331, 332, 396, 399 Sterling, A.M., 333, 337, 399 Stevens, M.M., 128 Stewart, M.B., 464, 484 Stewart, W.E., 4,16 Stokes, G.G., 29, 131 Stone, H.A., 367, 376, 384, 386-388,

    399, 413, 440 Stoos, I.A., 413, 442 Strikwerda, I.C., 208 Sturtevant, B., 437, 441 Stylianou, S.A., 271 Subramanian, K., 440 Subramanian, R.S., 269, 471-473,

    475-478,481-485 Sugawara, S., 223, 271, 364, 399 Sundaram, R.K., 238, 247, 264 Sundararajan, T., 127, 160, 17l, 172,

    208 Suresh, K., 424, 438 Sutugin, A.G., 78, 126 Suvorov, L., 214, 268 Szymczyk, 1.A., 485

    Tachibana, E, 272 Tadrist, L., 432, 442 Taib, B.B., 264 Taitel, Y., 426, 427, 432, 442 Takahashi, S., 131 Takamatsu, T., 485 Takeyama, T., 231, 271 Tal, R., 301, 309, 310 Talke, E, 341, 397 Talley, D.G., 208 Talman, J.D., 131, 147,208 Tamura, Z., 250, 271 Tan,R.B.H., 313,316-320,399 Tanaka, H., 227, 230, 271-273, 364,

    399 Tanaka, M., 299, 310 Tanasawa, I., 269, 272

    Tanasawa, Y., 250, 271 Tanner, D.W., 272 Tartarini, P., 235, 265, 272 Taub, H.H., 344, 399 Taylor, G.I., 54155, 57, 59. 131, 132,

    370,373,375,381,382,384, 399,444,485

    Taylor, T.D., 21, 27, 36, 43-45, 60, 62, 124,132,464,475,481,485

    Teixeira, I.e., 440 Temple-Pediani, R.W., 238, 248, 259,

    272 Teng, H., 335,336,396,400 Thames, EC., 209, 310 Thelen, E., 266 Theofanous, T.G., 208 Thomas. M.A., 264 Thompson, I.B., 440 Thompson, I.E, 189,209,310 Thompson, R.L., 474, 485 Thompson, R.Y., 79, 132 Thomson, W., 400 Thornton, I.D., 482 Thring, M.W., 129 Tien, CL, 124,203,309,481 T'ien,I.S., 125 Tio, K.K., 242, 243, 272 Tjahjadi, M., 383, 400 Tochitani, Y., 429, 442 Toda,S., 241,255,272 Toei, R., 401 Togashi, S., 227, 273 Tomita, Y., 264 Tomotika, S., 334-336, 400 Tong, A.Y., 124, 195, 196, 199,209,

    285, 307, 310 Topalian, I.H., 124, 132 Topper, L., 272 Torza, S., 59, 132, 376, 382, 400, 405,

    407,442,458,485 Tower, R.E., 272 Trefethen, L., 272, 485 Treybal, R.E., 27, 38,128,310 Tribus. M., 310 Trinh, E.H., 474, 484 Troutt, T.R., 280, 288, 308 Tsuge, H., 313, 314, 320, 400 Tsuruta, T., 227, 273 Tu, Y.O., 341, 396

  • Tuck, E.O., 217, 266 Tucker, A.S., 84, 132 Tudor, D., 270

    Ueno, N., 247, 269 Uhlmann, D.R., 362, 364, 400 Ulbrecht, J.J., 395 UIin, V.I., 64, 127 Umur, A., 219, 223, 224, 273, 400

    Van Beckum, F.P.H., 326, 396 Van Duin, K.J., 326, 396 Van Dyke, M.D., 132 Van Nouhuis, H.J., 250, 273 Van Stralen, S., 249, 356 van Stralen, S., 273, 400 Van Swaaij, W.P.M., 326, 396 Vassallo, P., 343, 344, 400 Velarde, M.G., 114, 130 Vermesh, R.J., 265 Vermeulen, T., 396 Virkler, T.L., 396 Vitovek, J., 131 Vogelpohl, A., 313, 398 Volintine, B.G., 265 Volmer, M., 356, 361, 400 Voronin, G.I., 268 Vorotilin, V.P., 70, 129 Vuong,S.T., 417,430, 442 Vy1kov, Y.T., 273

    Wac holder, E., 412, 442 Wachters, L.H.J., 250, 273 Wagner, P., 474, 484 Wairegi, T., 21-23, 27, 366, 395 Wakeshima, H., 400 Walcek, C., 132 Walker, w.w., 268 Wallis, J.D., 358, 395 Wanchoo, R.K., 441 Wang,C.H., 82, 124, 129,209 Wang, P.K., 132 Wang, T.G., 420, 439 Ward, e.A., 84, 132 Wares, c., 268 Wasan, D.T., 27, 43,124

    Author Index 519

    Wasserman, M.L., 121, 132 Watada, H., 68,132,152,209 Watanabe, H., 299, 310 Watson, R.G.H., 273 Weber, A., 400 Weber, e., 335, 336, 356, 361, 400 Weber, M.E., 21, 22, 26, 40,125,204,

    313,394 Wegener, P.P., 400 Wei,H.,485 Wei, L.Y., 43 Weihs, D., 412, 442 Welch, J.F., 364 Wellek, R.M., 152,209 West, D., 272 Westbrook, C.K., 132, 209 Weston, J .A., 198, 204 Westwater, J.w., 269, 272, 273, 364 Whalley, P.B., 400 Whitehead, A.N., 43,132 Wierum, F.A., 241, 267 Wilcox, W.R., 476, 478, 483 Wilkins, D.G., 273 Williams, F.A., 125, 129,206,287,310,

    481 Wilmshurst, R., 273 Winnikow, S., 25,27,142,209 Withington, J.P., 132 Wolfe, H.E., 392, 400 Wolynic, E.T., 440 Woo,S.E., 182,209 Woodruff, D.W., 273 Wooten, J .K., 130 Wozniak, G., 485 Wraith, A.E., 315, 400 WU,X., 209

    Xiong, X.T., 82,129

    Ya1amov, Y.I., 82, 132 Yamaguchi, M., 485 Yamali, e., 269 Yan, Z.Y., 42, 125 Yang, J.e., 124, 128 Yang, J.w., 132 Yang, S., 262 Yang, S.M., 413, 442

  • 520 Author Index

    Yang, v., 131, 132 Yang, W., 324, 325, 400 Yang, W.J., 239, 240, 267, 273 Yang, Z.H., 273 Yao,S.C., 152, 182,208,209,258,259,

    264,265,268,273,274,485 Yap, L.T., 209 Yasukouchi, N., 295, 310 Yasunishi, A., 322, 399 Yiantsios, S.G., 413, 442 Ylh, C.H., 40 1 Young, A.T., 420, 439 Young,N.O., 471, 472,475, 481,485 Youngren, G.K., 380, 401 Yuen,~.C., 182, 183, 193,208,209

    Yuen (cont.) Yuu, S., 295, 310

    Zeldovich, J., 40 1 Zenz, F.A., 325, 401 Zettlemoyer, A.C., 397 Zhang, B., 243,274 Zhang, D., 226, 274 Zhang, S., 257, 274 Zhang, X., 442 Zhang, Z.H., 268 Zhao, Q., 226, 274 Ziaqi, L., 265 Zuber, N., 249, 266 Zwick, S.A., 83, 84,130

  • Mechanical Engineering Series (continued)

    Laminar Viscous Flow V.N. Constantinescu

    Thermal Contact Conductance C.V. Madhusudana

    Transport Phenomena with Drops and Bubbles S.S. Sadhal, P.S. Ayyaswamy, and J.N. Chung

    Fundamentals of Robot Mechanical Systems J. Angeles
