noga shimshon - portfolio 2013




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Savages | Urban wild plants, 2012

Savages are the wild flowers that grow in our streets, at the foot of road signs, in the cracks in the pavement, at the entrances to the eaves; those savages are ancient inhabitants of the city, before it was a city. In the urban space, where asphalt and concrete strips push out fallow fields and open spaces, I chose to see the walls as an untapped field for the development of a living tapestry of flora and fauna. following a preliminary design, a variety of ecological niches and alcoves were formed along the wall. The way the wall was constructed, the chiseling and cutting of the stone, allowed the accumulation of dust an soil, absorption and germination of wild plants and hiding places for various animals.this project examines the issues of nature in the city, randomness as part of planned model, and the affects of the time dimension as a forming and developing element.

savages on youtube

Savages | Urban wild plants , 2012, Chiseled limestone cladding, aluminum plastic and wood add on’s

Savages | Urban wild plants research, area map

Savages | Urban wild plants research, scanned flora

Savages | Urban wild plants research, chiseling Variations

Grebelsky | ston factory, Beit Shemesh

Savages | Green wall system behind the tiles

Savages | Design process

Savages | Design process

Freckles | UV sensitive tiles

Sunlight makes us happy.In this project I look back at those joyful flickering light spots on the floor and harness them to re-sharpen our child sensesI have created light sensitive tiling in two different techniques that react to sunlight and change color and pattern as sunlight passes through the house.Cast tiles, an ancient technique to produces "paint nt was printed on an existing tile.The results are fascinating since as sun patch travels across the room and throughout the day tiles changes color and reveal patterns that were hidden before. When the sunlight moves on, the tiles changes back to their previous, anonymous appearance.

Freckles | UV sensitive tiles, 2012, light sensitive pigmant test

Up | Silk-screen tryouts Down | Gluska, Tiles Factory, Tel Aviv

Tin stories | Now and then, 2011, 1 kg tin ,Chemical etching on pewter plates

Tin stories | Now and then, 2011, 1 kg tin ,Chemical etching on pewter plates

Tin stories | Making

Tin stories | Making

Heap | Storage unit for the kitchen, 2011, 3D rendering and sktches

Heap | Storage unit for the kitchen, 2011

This heap, collection of shapes, patterns and colors, combine’s between two worlds, One of the crafty, most original, woven baskets, and the other, the world of mass product, plastic injection baskets, both are very colorful and voluminous worlds.The unit is designed to contain onions, garlic, potatoes, etc.The three collapsible parts can be opened, each to two additional parts, top and bottom, so the various parts can also be used as serving fruit bowls.

Capitalist pigs | Multiple, breakable piggy bank, 2011

Pigs have inspired many idioms, and are frequently referenced in culture. They have become synonymous with several negative attributes, especially greed, gluttony, and uncleanliness, and these ascribed attributes have often led to critical comparisons between pigs and humans

Capitalist pigs | Multiple, breakable piggy bank, 2011, Moulding clay of different pigments

Traditional craft as an inspiration | From willow weaving to design process, 2011, Plexiglas, paper, threads

Traditional craft as an inspiration | basketry master, Esmé Hofman, workshop, the Netherlands

Pka’at (pupa) | 2010, found objects, thread, yarn

Pka’at (pupa) | 2010

The project deals with creation as an obsessive and therapeutic doing.By binding and coiling all kinds of leftover, broken, forgotten and disused objects found at home, I made a series of transitional objects.

Plus | turned bowls , 2009, acrrylic color mixed with carpenter’s glue, paper, wood

Déjud | Outdoor cooking system, 2010, Metal spinning bowl, molded silicone, laser perforated Sheet of spring stainless steel

Déjud | Outdoor cooking system

The system includes three different objects, fitted one on top of the other.The base bottom part is a windshield made of spring stainless steel with fitted alcohol stove inside.On top of the windshield sits an aluminum light weight pot with non-stick coating and a collapsible handle.The lid of the pot is a flexible silicon bottle shaped to be versatile so that it can be used as water container during day walk, kettle at dinner and a warm friend at night.All the materials, silicon rubber, spring stainless steel and aluminum, were selected to produce a lightweight set that folds inward for utmost saving of packaging space.

Cockoo | Doorbell , 2009, vacum formed sheet, redy-made plastic parts

Loocka | Keyhole assist , 2009, painted 3D printed parts

Loocka | Keyhole assist

In collaboration with GeronTech - The Israeli Center for Assistive Technology & Aging

The “Loocka” is designed for elderly people, disabled and practically anyone who has difficulty with the accurate hand movements of inserting a key into the keyhole.

The pushing motion of the key towards the “Loocka” “walls” slides and guides the key straight into the keyhole slot.

As results of the pushing motion the inner ring spins inside the frame in the right direction and appropriate force to enable the key to open the lock.

The “Loocka” is designed to be cheap and affordable for all.For clear and good visibility the “Loocka” is painted with night-glow color and has a unique adhesive, which allows long tuning time and extra strong fixing

Magenta | Design studio, 2012-2013

Magenta is a boutique studio for Industrial design accompanied by a large metal workshop. As a designer I was involved in the development and design of lighting fixtures, seating furniture and various objects.Four industrial designers working together In the studio.During my working period at Magenta we set up the studio’s solo exhibition at the “Periscope” gallery and A second exhibition at the “Fresh Paint” fair for art and design in Tel Aviv.

Magenta | Design studio, 2012-2013

Magenta Studio provides design and planning services of metal products for the Israeli fashion company “Castro”. During my work in the studio we planned and produced the displays for the new children stores.

Variety joy | 2013, Projects made by children with specialneeds at the wood workshop, Variety Center, Jerusalem

On going | 2013, Chair in the process. A rigid body wrapped by folded single cut out upholstery.

In minde | 2012, During a trip to the Negev Desert, Israel, we came across army training targets. Those metal blocks were joined together to simulatehouses, vehicles, and other various objects

These metal blocks, sculptural and open, seemed like rough sketches which has not yet materialized, I would like to try and see what the poet intendedand what will come out of these great sketches


mail | nosh14@gmail.comweb |
