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Noack Blister Systems all you need to optimise - Performance - Availability - Quality

NOACK BLISTER SYSTEMS“configured to your need for maximum productivity“Noack offers a comprehensive blister packaging portfolio that is designed to optimise production performance, availability and quality.

Based on a modular system with fully integrated options which can be confi- gured according to individual blister pa- ckaging applications, the Noack Blister System provides full line capability from primary blister packing to secondary cartoning to end-of-line wrapping or case packing.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness, in terms of high performance, ready availability and top quality, has always been at the core of the Noack design philosophy.

The integration of advanced automati-on and robotic technologies, together with the latest cGMP design, provi-des for a compact and reliable blister packaging system that is fast to chan-ge over and easy to operate.

Noack Blister Systems are at the lea-ding edge of blister packaging solu-tions and offer the highest productivity at a very competitive price.

- modular - flexible - efficient -The blister machines in the Noack 900 range can be integrated with either continuous or intermittent horizon-tal cartoners from the Promatic PC 4000 series to form a highly efficient system. The two machine ranges are optimally harmonised and simple to operate thanks to their shared design architecture.

Robotic solutionsA unique line configuration lets you monitor the packaging continuously. The robotic QuickTransfer station provi-des even better protection for the pro-ducts when the blisters are transferred to the cartoner.

Compact designOwing to its modular architecture, the line can be individually adapted to the specific requirements of each manu-facturing site.

Pharmaceutical expertiseThe Noack 900 system combines ever-ything pharmaceutical clients expect from a fully automatic blister packa-ging line: Its cGMP compliance, balcony design, ergonomic processes and mo-dern track & trace systems all testify to Romaco’s proven expertise when it comes to pharmaceutical packaging.

Noack 960“combining innovation with overall operating efficiency“Based on the new 900 series design platform, this innovative Noack 960 blister packer combines the latest in servo technology with advanced ro-botic product handling systems to achieve the highest system availabi-lity and overall equipment efficiency or OEE values on the market today. Several unrivalled concepts are in-cor-porated into this new model to facili-tate frequent product changeovers, to reduce retooling and clean down time, to improve blister pack quality and to minimize product or material waste:

QuickFeed - for rapid tool-free re-moval and replacement of product feeding including a unique airglide system for easy handling

QuickAdjust - an advanced laser de-tection system providing continuous adjustment of sealing, coding, perfo-ration and cutting station.

QuickTransfer - an innovative com-pact robotic system for the direct and controlled transfer of individual blisters into the cartoner

The Noack 960, designed to the latest cGMP standards, can be supplied in eit-her rotary or platen sealing configurati-on. With small to medium batch sizes in mind, the Noack 960 achieves a high output of up to 700 blisters per minute within a compact footprint.

Noack 960 - high speed blister packer Up to 700 blisters per minute Rotary or platen sealing option Compact footprint Latest cGMP design Quick retooling and cleandown Fast setup Continuous automatic adjustment of production station alignment

User-friendly HMI Controlled transfer of individual

blisters into cartoner

High operational availability Excellent overall equipment efficiency

Reduced material waste Low lifecycle costs Additional formats in 4 weeks High productivity at a very competitive price

Noack 930“combining flexibility with low investment and operating costs“Based on the unique 900 series de-sign platform the Noack 930 is the benchmark for application versatility and production reliability. Featuring quick retooling and clean down, the ergonomically designed Noack 930 is easy to operate and user-friendly.Standard optional modules such as ther-mo or cold forming, dedicated or brush box feeding, rotary or platen sealing pro-vide for a high degree of customisation but in the shortest delivery times.

The initial low investment and running costs, together with excellent overall operating efficiency, results in high pro-ductivity at a very competitive price.

In common with other models in the Noack 900 series, the Noack 930 incor-porates several unique concepts that facilitate the highest level of producti-on performance and availability.

QuickFeed - rapid tool free removal and replacement of feeding unit

QuickAdjust - fast format part alignment and production start up

QuickTransfer - precisely control-led placement of blisters into the cartoner

With small and medium batch sizes and 24/7 production in mind, the Noack 930 is designed to the latest cGMP standards and achieve high outputs of up to 400 blister per minute within a compact footprint.

Noack 930 – high performance blister packer Up to 400 blisters per minute Rotary or platen sealing option Compact footprint Latest cGMP design Quick retooling and cleandown Fast setup Continuous automatic adjustment of production station alignment

User-friendly HMI Controlled transfer of individual blisters into cartoner

High operational availability Excellent overall equipment efficiency

Reduced material waste Low lifecycle costs Additional formats in 4 weeks Very competitive

price / performance rating

Promatic PC 4000“integrated cartoner providing optimum production output“With their shared design architecture, the N 900 blister and Promatic carto-ner range are readily integrated into a variety of blister system configura-tions. The innovative Promatic PC 4000 continuous motion cartoner delivers improved flexibility and ergonomics with production speeds of up to 400 cartons per minute.Incorporating state of the art electro-nic technologies, the PC 4000 provides optimum blister packaging outputs across a wide variety of products and pack dimensions.With quick and easy changeovers, mi-nimum downtime, a significant reduc-tion in maintenance costs and optimi-zed production speeds across a wide range of pack sizes, the Promatic PC 4000 achieves excellent production availability.

Wide carton size range Up to 400 cartons per minute Quick and easily reproducible product changeover

Possibility to switch from conti-nuous to intermittent motion

cGMP balcony design Easy access and convenient operator interfaces

Clear visibility of handling processes Reduced packaging materials loading interventions

Easy integration of quality and security inspection system

Minimum noise and vibration levels Low maintenance requirement High operational availability Excellent overall equipment efficiency Low lifecycle costs High productivity at a very competitive price

Promatic P 91“the efficient alternative cartoner“The intermittent motion Promatic P 91 cartoner handles a very wide variety of blisters and cartons in small batch si-zes with an output of up to 130 cartons per minute. The cGMP balcony design facilitates high accessibility, easy cle-aning and reduced risk of cross con-tamination. The P 91 achieves a high level of operator comfort and safety through minimum noise and vibration levels and ergonomic magazines provi-ding easy accessibility. The HMI touch screen panel offers complete diagno-stics and troubleshooting functions, making operation and handling more intuitive and efficient.

Patented carton pick-up and positive opening system

Highly tolerant regarding carton quality

Reliable product feeding Carton closing options: tuck-in, hot melt or tuck-in + hot melt with tamper evidence

Belt carton transport GMP balcony design Operator ergonomics Easy and quick change-over Low maintenance and minimum intervention times

Easy integration of quality and security inspection systems

Very competitive price / performance rating

Promatic SM 2000“end of line options for blister systems“The SM 2000 bundling and wrapping machine provides ultimate flexibility and productivity in a wide range of end of line blister system configurations.Used for production with frequent car-ton/bundle size change overs and re-aching outputs of up to 50 cycles per minute, the SM 2000 is the perfect match to the Promatic high speed car-toner range.Designed to comply with pharmaceuti-cal cGMP requirements, the SM 2000 balcony-style construction allows for maximum accessibility to all operating parts, optimising maintenance and cleaning operartions. This open archi-tecture ensures the simple integration of quality and security inspection sys-tem including those required for „Track & Trace“.

All format changes are performed wi-thout tools and adjustments are cont-rolled by digital indicators; resulting in pack size changes at around 5 minutes. With quick and easy changeovers mini-mising down time, the SM 2000 provi-des excellent production availability.As part of a modular blister system with integrated options, which can be configured according to individual packaging applications, the SM 2000 can also be converted to a shrink wrap-per when required.

Key Benefits:

High output Quick, easy, tool-less change-over cGMP pharma compliance Self-cleaning hot sealing-bar Compensating reel diameter unwind system

Automatic quick-lock reel shaft Pusher lift-up during back stroke

Promatic PAK 320 / 100“designed for pharmaceutical applications“The PAK 320 automatic case packer is designed specifically for pharmaceuti-cal applications. The balcony style con-struction of the cartoner infeed /sta-cking, case erection and filling zones facilitate ease of inspection and clea-ning. This open architecture also en-sures the simple integration of quality and security inspection systems, such as required for „Track & Trace“. The high-capacity, low-level case ma-gazine with automated lift to working height, the unique forced case erec-tion and base flaps closing systems, together with the bottom-to-top carton collection and insertion system; ensu-re high operating efficiency, minimum downtime, with enhanced operator er-gonomics and safety.

Product and packaging changeovers, performed with easy fit size parts and with adjustments controlled by digi-tal indicators, can be completed in 15 minutes. With outputs of up to 8 cases per minute, the PAK 320 offers excel-lent production performance and sys-tem availability. The PAK 100 semi-au-tomatic case packer is an alternative option for outputs of up to 5 cases per minute. The compact design, ease of operation, initial low investment and running costs result in a very compe-titive price performance ratio.

Key Benefits:

cGMP balcony design Quick and easy change-over Enhanced operator ergonomics and safety

Low maintenance and long service intervals

Wide range of solutions for cartons stacked flat or on edge

Choice of case closing systems - tape or hot glue

ROMACO CUSTOMER SERVICE“improving overall equipment effectiveness“

Net operating Time

Running Time

Target Output

Actual Output

Actual Output

Good Output


Down time losses

Not scheduled

Speed losses

Defect losses


OEE = B/A x D/C x F/E x 100Availability



Romaco assists its customers to optimise blister packaging out-put, significantly improving productivity and profitability. Their team of experts follow a structured process to assess current performance status, define improvement opportunities and help implement recommendations. The Romaco Customer Ser-vice team provides a variety of optimisation services

Product change over optimisation Waste minimization OEE audit OEE improvement projects Upgrade options

Romaco offers a range of services in support of customers’ blister systems that help manufacturers to continuously improve pro-ductivity and allowing them to focus on their core competence

Blister- and package design and optimisation Foil consulting and testing Machine evaluation Performance check Spares stocking- and maintenance consulting Machine relocation Validation support

Correct know-how enables manufacturers to extract optimal per-formance from their blister systems. Properly training operators and technicians pays off and qualified personnel can use equip-ment to its full potential, increasing productivity and competitive advantage. Romaco offers training according to FDA CFR 21 for both operators and maintenance technicians, automation training for electrical trouble shooting and customised training programs.

On-site Off-site in the ROMACO Karlsruhe training centre

“a complete package“

Format drawings in 3-D

Manufacturers operating time is valuable. The Romaco custo-mer service team’s goal is to minimise disruption to customers’ operations, during the installation and commissioning of new blister systems. Romaco follows a well-planned, practised and documented procedure throughout the FAT, installation, com-missioning and SAT phases; which ensures minimum operatio-nal disturbance and a fast production ramp up.Romaco customer service installation managers consult with customers at an early stage to discuss testing, installation and commissioning requirements and agree process plan timelines.To enable you to maximise the return of your investment Romaco offers:

New production line ramp-up support

Format parts are high-precision parts which are carefully opti-mised to customers product and packaging specifications. They have a direct influence on output, quality and the effective cycle time of the blister system.

Romaco’s original formats are guaranteed to be perfectly aligned to its blister system specifications and long lasting; ensuring high cycle rates and fast set-up times. All formats are fully tested before delivery to assure the highest performance and quality.

Romaco Customer Service offers a range of blister systems ser-vices developed to optimise operating efficiency including:

Format performance optimisation Waste and scrap reduction programs Format changeover training Format FAT, SAT and validation Format storage, handling and cleaning accessories

Blister Packer Noack 930 Noack 960

Foil width max, in mm 165 235Forming depth max, in mm 12 12Ø Forming film max, in mm 700 (400) 700Ø Lidding foil max, in mm 300 280Output max, blister/min 400 700

Cartoner - Continuous Motion PC 4200 PC 4250 PC 4300 PC 4400

Mechanical speed 230 270 320 420Size range A (min-max), in mm 20-120 20-120 25-95 25-75 B (min-max), in mm 15-80 15-80 15-70 15-70 C (min-max), in mm 60-210 60-210 60-200 60-160A + B (min-max), in mm 200 200 165 145

Cartoner - Intermittent Motion P 91 P 91S P 91L

Mechanical speed 100 140 80Size range A (min-max), in mm 15-120 15-95 35-150 B (min-max), in mm 12-80 15-70 15-80 C (min-max), in mm 55-200 60-160 70-250A + B (min-max), in mm 200 165 230

Noack Blister Systems„configured according to your individual blister packaging applications“

Based on a modular system with fully integrated options which can be con-figured according to individual blister packaging applications, the Noack Blister System provides full line ca-pability from primary blister packing

to secondary cartoning to end of line wrapping or case packing. With their shared design architecture, these modules can be optimally harmoni-sed within a variety of blister system configurations.

Bundler & Wrapper SM 2000MV SM 2000EV

Max speed (bundles/min) 40 50A (min-max), in mm 20-150 20-150B (min-max), in mm 12-85 12-85C (min-max), in mm 60-210 60-210D (min-max), in mm 50-280 50-280E (min-max), in mm 25-200 25-200F (min-max), in mm 60-210 60-210H (min-max), in mm 40-300 40-300Reel diameter, in mm 300 300

Case Packer PAK 320 PAK 100

Mechanical speed 8 5Carton size range A (min-max), in mm 20-150 20-200 B (min-max), in mm 15-85 15-85 C (min-max), in mm 60-210 50-210Case size range a3 (min-max), in mm 180-500 230-550 b3 (min-max), in mm 120-350 160-500 c3 (min-max), in mm 120-350 150-350

Key Technical Data

Noack Blister Systems all you need to optimise - Performance - Availability - Quality

Noack Blister Systems are state of the art. For more than 45 years, we have been developing blister lines for pharmaceutical companies worldwide. Excellent OEE values and quick format changes are the hallmarks of Noack blis-ter technology. The systems have a reputation for handling flexibility that makes them ideal for producing very small to large batch sizes at high outputs. That‘s why contract, generics and multinational manufacturers all trust in Romaco equipment.

We help Noack customers install and commis-sion their new systems wherever they happen to be located around the globe. Our Romaco Customer Service experts provide prompt as-sistance, regardless of whether you are seeking routine maintenance or answers to technical questions. Low lifecycle costs and optimal value for money are other distinguishing fea-tures of Noack technology.

Romaco is a Blue Competence partner in the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) sus-tainability initiative. Low-waste formats are an important part of the Noack philosophy. Seve-ral retrofit packages enable the service life of our blister machines to be extended to 15 or 20 years – our contribution to protecting resour-ces and bringing down costs.

RomacoNoack / Siebler / Bosspak

Romaco Pharmatechnik GmbHAm Heegwald 1176227 KarlsruheGermany

Phone +49 (0)721 4804 0Fax +49 (0)721 4804 225


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