NO ORDINARY MAN The Script OVERTURE Many people … Ordinary Man Script.pdf · Father, (Crowd bows...


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The Script


Narrator: Many people throughout the ages have become followers of Christ… Some

unschooled commoners… Other prominent leaders. All came to redemption through the

blood shed on the cross of Calvary. As all other believers who have gone before us, we

are waiting for the Kingdom of God. That Kingdom can only come to those who have

experienced the Resurrection and the Life of Jesus Christ. He was NO ORDINARY



Scene 1

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Phillip: I can’t help but know that God is rejoicing as we have all traveled to join here

in Gaul. Our preaching mission to which we are about to embark will bring honor to our

Savior, Jesus. Each of you has seen the glory of the Son of God. The world needs to

know what you have seen and experienced through Jesus. That is why I invited you on

this journey.

St. Joseph of A.: Thank you, Phillip. It has been an honor to proclaim the Good News of

our Savior, Jesus for nearly twenty years. For those who might not remember me, I am

Joseph of Arimathea, former Jewish Sanhedrin Council member and Mother Mary’s


St. Mary Magdalene: Oh, God be praised! Joseph, I knew I recognized you. I am Mary


St. Joseph of A.: (Embracing her) Mary Magdalene, my child, it has been so long.

(Turning to Lazarus) And who might you be?

St. Lazarus: I am Lazarus of Bethany. (Referring to his sisters) My sisters, Mary and

Martha serve with me in ministry.

St. Mary of Bethany: (Nodding) Phillip….Joseph. I am Mary of Bethany. It has been

some time since we last saw you. We had to flee to Judea after the stoning of Stephen.

St. Martha: Yes. And I am Martha of Bethany. For years now, our family has been

proclaiming the gospel in different lands. We now live in Cyprus.

St. Lazarus: I am currently serving as the Bishop there. Jesus did have a purpose for my

life after all.

St. Phillip: No, doubt.

St. Joseph of A.: After all, Lazarus, He did raise you from the dead. You of all people

have truly experienced the power of His resurrection and life.


St. Lazarus: How could I ever forget?


St. Phillip: (Narrating) I can remember as if it were just yesterday. We were in Perea just

outside of Jordan when we got word from Mary and Martha that Lazarus was sick. When

Jesus heard this, He said…

St. Joseph of A.: "This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God's glory so that

God's Son may be glorified through it." (Referring to Lazarus, Mary and Martha) Jesus

loved all of you so much.

St. Phillip: Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick, we stayed where we were two more

days. At the time, none of us understood why.

St. Joseph of A.: No, but Jesus did.


Scene 2

(Perea Outside of Jordan)

(We travel back in time to watch the scene. Jesus, Peter, James, John, Phillip,

Thomas, other apostles)

Jesus: Let us go back to Judea.

Peter: But Rabbi, a short while ago the Jews tried to stone you, and yet you are going

back there?

Jesus: Peter, are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not

stumble, for he sees by this world's light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles,

for he has no light.

James: What do you mean?

Jesus: Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him.

John: Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better.

Jesus: No, John. Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you

may believe. But let us go to him.

Peter: But they will kill you.

Jesus: Peter… (Jesus puts hand on Peter then exits)

Thomas: (to the rest of the disciples) Let us also go, that we may die with Him.



Scene 3

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Joseph of A.: On his arrival, Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for

four days.

St. Phillip: We were nearing Bethany. None of us knew what to expect.

St. Mary of Bethany: Many Jews from all over had come to us to comfort us.

St. Martha: I heard that Jesus was coming, so I went out to meet Him. Mary stayed at



Scene 4


(Jesus enters with the Apostles and Martha comes running to Him)

Martha: (Entering) Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I

know that even now God will give you whatever you ask. (Falling) Please, please….

Jesus: Your brother will rise again.

Martha: (Rising up) I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.

Jesus: (Voice with effects) I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me,

though he may die, yet shall he live. And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never

die… (Voice effects gone) Martha, do you believe this?

Martha: Yes, Lord. I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come

into the world.

Jesus: If you believe this, you will see the glory of God. Where is Mary? (She backs

away and runs to Mary)

Martha: (Entering the house and pulling Mary aside) Mary, Mary….The Teacher is here

and is asking for you.

Mary: (Running to Jesus. Mourners follow her. Other crowd members gather. Malchus

and Sanhedrin members are present as well. Mary reaches Jesus and falls at his feet)

Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. (Others are crying)

Jesus: Where have you laid him?

Mourner: Come and see, Lord.

Jesus: (Jesus and the crowd move to the tomb. Jesus kneels and weeps) Father!


Crowd #1: See how he loved him!

Crowd #2: We know that he has opened the eyes of the blind. Couldn’t he have kept

Lazarus from dying?

Jesus: (Standing and moving to tomb) Take away the stone.

Martha: But, Lord, by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.

Jesus: Martha, did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?

(Martha backs away. Apostles move the stone)

Jesus: (Looking up) Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always

hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe

that you sent me. (Jesus steps to the side of the tomb. Voice with effects)

Lazarus…come forth!


(Lazarus resurrects)

Jesus: Take off the grave clothes and let him go.

Crowd #3: We believe, Jesus. We believe…

Crowd: We believe. Hallelujah….

Malchus: (Watching at a distance and speaking to the Sanhedrin members) This trickery

will cause an uproar in Jerusalem. I must tell Caiaphas about this. (He exits)


Scene 5

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Lazarus: I will never forget His voice.

St. Mary Magdalene: And I will never forget His touch. Jesus always walked among the

rejected and the outcasts. I had heard about him raising the dead. I heard how he caused

the lame to walk and the blind to see. Gossip had spread that he even hung out with tax-

collectors and sinners. Who could have expected what would happen when I met Jesus

that day in Jerusalem?

St. Phillip: Following Jesus, we Apostles learned to expect the unexpected. I remember

the day we met you, Mary.

St. Joseph of A.: I had heard that a prophet named Jesus was teaching throughout

Galilee. Stories of His miracles had reached the Sanhedrin Council in Jerusalem. I knew


this same Jesus was my great nephew. I knew of His miraculous birth and watched him

grow up. I had to see His ministry for myself.

St. Mary Magdalene: I needed something that day…a miracle perhaps. I had been

tormented for so long. I had searched the world over to find love and peace for my soul

instead of rejection and shame. I had no idea what was in store…


Scene 6

(Jerusalem Streets)


(City streets fill with merchants, dancers, and townspeople. Joseph of Arimathea,

Nicodemus, and Malchus are present. Centurion enters with Claudia and guards. Mary

Magdalene joins the dancers and begins to dance as possessed by a demon. The crowd

jeers her. She finishes and starts teasing the guards.)

Mary Magdalene: Do you like what you see, Centurion?

Centurion: Silence, harlot.

Mary Magdalene: (Noticing Claudia) Don’t I recognize you?

Claudia: No. (Moving away. Centurion starts to follow. Mary Magdalene grabs his arm)

Mary Magdalene: I can make you and your men very happy.

Centurion: Away woman. We have more important things to do than deal with the likes

of you.

Mary Magdalene: (Moving to guards) That isn’t what some of your men said last night.

(Guards laugh and are rebuked by the Centurion.)

Crowd Woman #1: You sicken me, Mary Magdalene… You are filth. Your presence

brings evil to this place.

Mary Magdalene: You are just jealous, because I stole your husband.

Judean Wife: Silence, Magdalena… You aren’t welcome here. Go away…

Mary Magdalene: I have as much right to be here as you. Be careful or your husband

might be next.

Crowd Woman #2: Throw her out of the city! (Crowd joins in)


Centurion: Guards! Escort her from the marketplace… (They man handle her and throw

her out)

Martha: Hurry Mary! We need more bread and fish. We have so much to do. Jesus will

be arriving soon.

Mary: Oh Martha, what a privilege it is to have Jesus staying with us. We are so blessed

to have Him in our home and listen to him speak.

Lazarus: We must be careful not to be noticed. The Sanhedrin Council wishes to silence

me. The Pharisees are angry with Jesus and are looking for an opportunity to arrest me.

Mary: They have made a mockery of you being raised from the dead.

Lazarus: They only make fools of themselves…

(Jesus enters the scene with Mother Mary, Salome, and Apostles)

Rapha: Jesus is coming! (Running in ahead of Jesus) Jesus is coming! (Moving to

Bethany family) Mary…Martha… I have been with the Master. We just came from the

Mount of Olives.

Lazarus: Did He share a parable today, Rapha?

Rapha: No, but I will ask Him to. (Moving to Jesus) Jesus, Jesus… (All the children

move toward Jesus)

James: Step away, children. Jesus has more important things to attend.

Jesus: (To James) Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the

kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth; anyone who will not

receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. Come Children. (Jesus

takes the children in his arms)

Father, (Crowd bows their heads) bless these for they are your children. Teach us

to have their childlike faith… Raise them to become Children of Your Kingdom. Amen.

Rapha: Jesus, tell us about the Kingdom of Heaven again.

Malchus: (Yelling to Jesus) No one wants to hear your childish fables.

Joseph of A.: I do. I am also awaiting the Kingdom of God. I wish to hear what you

have to say.

Jesus: (Turning to the children) The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a

man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it

grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air

come and perch in its branches.


The kingdom of heaven is also like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a

large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.

Malchus: He speaks in riddles.

Joseph of A.: He speaks simple truths, Malchus. The Kingdom of God began small,

almost unnoticed. It continues growing to this day and will soon impact the whole world

through those who believe.

Malchus: You are beginning to sound like Jesus.

Nicodemus: How do you understand this teaching?

Joseph of A.: Perhaps, I am wise or maybe it is that I have been around a long time. (He


Rapha: Please tell us about the Sermon you shared on the Mount today.


Jesus: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (To Nicodemus and

Joseph of A.), for they will be filled.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, (To Rapha) for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the

kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when people insult you, (To Mary and Martha) persecute you and

falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.(To Lazarus)

Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way

they persecuted the prophets who were before you.


Scene 7

(Healing of Mary Magdalene)


(There is a commotion and Mary Magdalene is charged into the city. Screaming…)

Judean Wife: (Standing with Accusers) Master. This is Mary Magdalene. By her own

admission, this woman is possessed by demons from hell.

Jesus: Bring her to me.


Mary Magdalene: (Pulls Away. Voice effects) Away from me Nazarene!

Judean Wife: Grab her! (Mary Magdalene is distracted. Accusers grab her once more)

Jesus: Bring her here.

Mary Magdalene: Leave me alone.

Malchus: Stand her before her accusers. I am certain that someone can testify that one of

her demons is adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women.

Mary Magdalene: Come now, hypocrite. I have seen you cast your lustful eye at me.

(She lunges at Malchus. He jumps back. The crowd laughs)

Malchus: Well, teacher. What do you say?

Joseph of A.: No, Malchus. Stay out of this. We do not know her sin…only that she is


Mary Magdalene: (With Voice effects) There are seven of us here. What will you do with

us Jesus?

Jesus: I command you, spirits. Come out of her and never enter her again. (Mary

shrieks and falls to the ground)

Judean Wife: He killed her! (The Crowd reacts)

Jesus: (Kneeling) Mary Magdalene…Arise. (Referring to Mother Mary) Mother, take

this child.

Mother Mary: Yes, my Son. (To Mary Magdalene) Come, child. Do not be afraid.

Crowd # 3: Could this be the Son of David?

Malchus: How dare you speak such words! It is only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons,

that this fellow drives out demons.

Jesus: Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household

divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against

himself. How then can his kingdom stand?

And if I drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your people drive them

out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God,

then the kingdom of God has come upon you. (To Joseph of A.)

You brood of vipers; (To Malchus) how can you who are evil say anything good?

For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. (To Joseph of A.) The good man

brings good things out of the good stored up in him, (To Malchus) and the evil man

brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. (To the crowd) But I tell you that men

will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have


spoken. (To Malchus) For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you

will be condemned. (Malchus exits. Sanhedrin follow)

Rapha: Jesus, (Running to Jesus) I will always believe in you.

Jesus: I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these

things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for

this was your good pleasure.

All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except

the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son

chooses to reveal him.

(To the Crowd) Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give

you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Jesus

exits with Apostles. Crowd exits. Mary group is left behind)


Scene 8

(Women of Worship)

Mary Magdalene: Jesus did a miracle in my life today. I am no longer condemned. He

showed me so much mercy.

Mother Mary: Yes, child. My Son came to seek and to save the lost and hurting.

Martha: He has come to bring deliverance to us all. He is the Master and Healer.

Mary of Bethany: He is the Resurrection and the Life…


(The ladies sing)

Mary Magdalene: I will follow Him no matter the cost. I owe him my life.

Mother Mary: Let us go to Jesus. (They exit)


Scene 9

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Mary Magdalene: I still owe Him my life…

St. Joseph of A.: We all do, child. It was that day that I realized that I could no longer

hide that I was a follower of Jesus. I knew that being on the Sanhedrin Council could

cost me my position and possibly my life. There was someone else who felt the same.


Lazarus: Nicodemus.

St. Joseph of A.: That’s right…my trusted friend and ally. He went to visit Jesus at

night in fear of his life. He had to know for himself.

Phillip: Yes, I remember his visit. we were all there that night…all twelve of us.


Scene 10

(Nicodemus at Night)


(Scene comes up on Jesus as the following is spoken)

St. Joseph of A.: Jesus designated you apostles--that they might be with him and that he

might send you out to preach … (Apostles enter the scene and join Jesus as they are


St. Martha: Simon…to whom he gave the name Peter.

St. Mary Magdalene: James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They would be called

Sons of Thunder.

St. Mary of Bethany: Andrew.

St. Joseph of A.: (Putting his arm around Phillip) And you, Phillip.

St. Lazarus: Bartholomew.

St. Martha: Matthew

St. Mary of Bethany: Thomas.

St. Phillip: James son of Alpheus.

St. Lazarus: Thaddeus.

St. Mary Magdalene: Simon the Zealot.

St. Joseph of A.: and Judas Iscariot, who would soon come to betray him.

(Lights fade on the Chamber at Gaul and up on Jesus and the Apostles)

Jesus: We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief

priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will turn him

over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be

raised to life!


Nicodemus: (Entering the scene) Rabbi, I am Nicodemus.

Peter: I know who you are. Master, I recognize this man from the temple steps. (To

Nicodemus) You were with the Sanhedrin Council. Why did you come here?

Jesus: Peter, let him speak.

Nicodemus: Joseph of Arimathea and I have been watching you for some time. We

know that you are a teacher from God; for no man can do these miracles that you do if

God were not with Him.

Jesus: I tell you the truth, Nicodemus. Unless a man is born again, he cannot see the

Kingdom of God.

Nicodemus: How can a man be born again when He is old? Can he enter his mother’s

womb and be born a second time?

Jesus: In truth, I say to you. Unless a man is born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter

the Kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh. That which is born of spirit is

spirit. You should not be surprised at what I have said…You must be born again from


Nicodemus: How can this be?

Jesus: You are a religious leader and you do not understand? It is necessary that the Son

of Man be lifted up, that every one that believes in Him should not perish, but have

everlasting life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son that

whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life…. (Nicodemus nods

his head as Jesus moves to him.)


Scene 11

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Phillip: Nicodemus became a follower of Christ that night.

St. Joseph of A.: Yes, but his new found faith and my open support of Christ began to

weigh heavy at the Sanhedrin Council meetings. But, we could no longer keep silent.

St. Lazarus: The miracle that Jesus performed in my life didn’t help matters for any of

us. There was pressure to silence any witness for Jesus Christ.


Scene 12

(Sanhedrin Council)

Caiaphas: So what news do you bring me about this prophet, Jesus?


Malchus: Caiaphas, We have seen and heard this man in some of our synagogues. He

seems to be following in the steps of John the Baptist. He will bring great trouble to the


Annas: Herod has already had John the Baptist arrested for his accusations of adultery

with Herodias. Jesus is associated with John. Perhaps Herod needs to arrest Jesus as


Nicodemus: Why are you saying these things? What has Jesus done to bring trouble to

the people?

Joseph of Arimathea: I have been hearing about his teachings throughout Galilee and I

have no reason to believe that he poses a threat.

Annas: Enough! Joseph…Nicodemus….surely you haven’t been swayed into believing

that this prophet, Jesus, is a good man.

Malchus: The fact is: Our streets are filled with sin and vermin. Jesus appeases the

outcast. He is beginning to have many followers.

Annas: I agree with Malchus. Jesus is trouble.

Malchus: That’s right, Annas. It’s not that Jesus is just preaching and teaching. He is

performing miracles and healings everywhere he goes.

Caiaphas: What do you mean…..miracles and healings?

Malchus: He makes the lame to walk, the blind to see and the deaf to hear. He even

raised a man named Lazarus from the dead. I saw his trickery first-hand.

Annas: Jesus is using deception to win the people over. We must do away with this

Lazarus. There are too many Jews going to Jesus and putting their faith in him.

Malchus: What must we do? Caiaphas, we cannot have these people following this man.

Nicodemus: We have more important concerns in Judea. Jesus of Nazareth is a man.

Joseph of Arimathea: Yes, Annas, What could one man do to harm this council or these


Annas: Jesus is causing too many problems…

Caiaphas: Why didn’t you have the guards bring Him in?


Malchus: It isn’t going to be that easy. The people could turn on us. We must seize him

outside the city. I think that we might be able to convince one of the twelve to betray

Jesus…if the price is right.

Annas: Especially the one they call, Judas.

Caiaphas: We must do what is necessary…Every man has a price.

Joseph of Arimathea: Caiaphas, we might be making a mistake. No one ever spoke the

way this man, Jesus, does.

Caiaphas: (moving to Joseph) Do you mean that He has deceived you also, Joseph?

Have any other rulers or Pharisees believed in Jesus? (Looking to Nicodemus. Nicodemus

drops his head).

Annas: No! None of us have... (Glaring at Joseph and Nicodemus) This mob that

follows Jesus knows nothing of the law----there is a curse on them.

Nicodemus: Does the law condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he

is doing?

Malchus: Are you a Galilean also, Nicodemus?

Annas: (moves to Nicodemus) Look into the scriptures, and you will find that no prophet

ever came form Galilee.

Nicodemus: What about Jonah, the prophet? He was from Galilee and perhaps others…

Caiaphas: (Standing) Silence! Stop bickering. I shall go and observe this so-called

prophet myself. We must have more evidence to bring this man to justice.


Scene 13

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Joseph of A.: I knew that it was the beginning of the end. Caiaphas had it out for

Jesus. There was nothing more that Nicodemus or I could do.

St. Martha: It was about that time that Jesus came to our home. I could tell he was weary.

I wanted only to serve Him.

St. Joseph of A.: (Taking the pitcher and serving her) Not much has changed, Martha.

You have a true servant’s heart.

St. Martha: Yes, but I missed so much by not listening more. Mary understood Him

more than most, because she took the time to sit at His feet and listen.


St. Mary of Bethany: Because I listened, I knew what would soon take place. Jesus

arrived at our house on Friday, the week before his death.

St. Phillip: That’s right. We began our trip to Jerusalem from Galilee. We

traveled south on the eastern side of the Jordan River. We came through the city of

Jericho and arrived at Bethany Friday afternoon. We were tired and weary.

St. Lazarus: Martha had prepared a great meal as always. We had just finished eating

when Mary entered the room.

St. Mary of Bethany: God spoke to me like never before. He told me what to do. He

asked me to give all that I had. I was so broken and scared. I found myself at Jesus’ feet.



Scene 14

(The Bethany House)

Judas: Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a

year's wages.

Peter: (to Mary) Why have you wasted this ointment?

James: Yes, Lord, what about the poor?

Jesus: Leave her alone. It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of

my burial. You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.

She has anointed me for burial. And truly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached

throughout the whole world, this deed will be spoken as a memorial of her.

(Mary finishes the scene by singing the chorus again. When the song is finished, Jesus

continues to speak.)


Scene 15

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Phillip: The time had come for the Lord to make His entrance to the city. He asked

two of us to go ahead of Him and prepare a colt for him to ride.

St. Joseph of A.: The people praised God for all the miracles they had seen. The

Sanhedrin Council was furious.

St. Mary Magdalene: It was the time of His Triumphal Entry into the city.



Scene 16

(The Triumphal Entry)


Rapha: I have been with Jesus. He is just outside the city!! He will be here soon.

(Merchants shout their wares as song begins)

Timotheus: (Entering the city waving a piece of red material) He is coming! Jesus is

here! (We see the Sanhedrin Council move onto the porch to observe)

Peter: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

(Mother Mary and Mary Group enter the city. Jesus and the Apostles enter the city.

Jesus is on the back of a donkey. During the song, Blind Bartimaeus and a cripple child

are healed.)

(After the song ends, the crowd says: “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of

the Lord! (After the song ends, the crowd says: “Blessed is He who comes in the Name

of the Lord! Jesus, Son of David, Hosanna, Blessed is the coming Kingdom of our

Father, David!, Peace in Heaven and glory in the highest!”)


Scene 17

(The Confrontation)

Caiaphas: Teacher, rebuke your disciples!

Jesus: I tell you, if these be silent, the rocks and stones will cry out. (Crowd shouts,


Malchus: See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!

Sanhedrin Priest: Who is this man?

Bartimaeus: This is Jesus. He is from Nazareth of Galilee. My name is Bartimaeus. I

was blind, but He healed me.

Annas: No good thing ever came out of Galilee.

Malchus: (To Bartimaeus) Give glory to God. We know this man is a sinner. (Pointing

to Jesus).

(Crowd continues to praise Jesus in spite of the accusations)

Bartimaeus: Whether He is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know --- I once

was blind, but now I see!!!(Crowd cheers)


Rapha: It is a miracle!!!!

Malchus: (to Jesus) Do you hear what they are saying?

Jesus: Yes! Have you never read, “Out of the mouths of babes and infants, you have

perfected praise”?

Caiaphas: Everything you say profanes the laws of God. This is blasphemy!!!

Jesus: Blasphemy? You speak to ME of blasphemy? It is written, “My house shall be

called a House of Prayer”, but you have made it a den of robbers. (Jesus cleanses the

Temple) Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees! You are like white washed tombs, which

look beautiful on the outside, but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and

uncleanness. In the same way, you appear righteous to people, but within you are full of

hypocrisy and wickedness.

Malchus: Leave this place and go somewhere else.

Jesus: The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey

them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice

what they preach. They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they

themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for

men to see.

Annas: Watch your tongue, Nazarene.

Jesus: Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the

kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those

enter who are trying to.

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land

and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much

a son of hell as you are.

Annas: Careful, Jesus…even Herod wants to kill you.

Jesus: Go tell that fox, I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow. And

on the third day, I will reach my goal. In any case, I must keep going …for surely no

prophet can die outside Jerusalem.

(Jesus turns to the crowd) O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, I weep for you. You kill the prophets

and stone those sent to you by my Father. How often have I longed to gather your

children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.

Behold, your house is left to you forsaken and desolate. (To the Sanhedrin) You will not

see me again until you learn to cry, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”.

(Jesus exits with the Apostles. As they are leaving, Malchus catches Judas and offers him

some money. He refuses.)



Scene 18

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Mary of Bethany: Jesus was very quiet the next day.

St. Martha: We knew that the prophecy of his death was coming to pass, but we chose

not to believe it to be that soon.

St. Joseph of A.: The Passover was approaching, and the chief priests and the teachers of

the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus. Then Satan entered Judas and he

went to the chief priests and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus.

St. Phillip: At about this same time, Jesus asked Peter and John to prepare for the

Passover feast.


Scene 19

(Sanhedrin Council)

Caiaphas: Judas, my friend. What brings you here?

Judas: Caiaphas, what are you willing to give me if I hand Jesus over to you?

Annas: Malchus, bring me the treasury. (Malchus crosses with wooden box)

Caiaphas: So it is true. Every man does have his price. Doesn’t he, Judas?

Annas: (Putting money into a bag) Ten, Twenty, Thirty pieces of silver. Yours.

Judas: Meet me in the Garden of Gethsemane later tonight. The one I kiss is the one you

want. (Exits)


Scene 20

(Bethany House)

Jesus: Peter and John, go and prepare the Passover for us that we may eat.

John: Where would you have us to go, Lord?

Jesus: Go into the city and behold, there you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water.

Follow him into the house that he enters. You will be shown a large upper room

furnished and ready. Prepare for us there.



Scene 21

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Joseph of A.: Jesus’ ministry on earth would soon be coming to an end. It was the day

before He was to be crucified when Jesus and His apostles came to the Upper Room.

It was just before the Passover Feast and Jesus knew that the time had come for

Him to leave this world and go to His Father. Having loved His own that were in the

world, He now showed them the full extent of His love…


Scene 22

(Upper Room – The Lord’s Supper)

(Scene opens as a frozen portrait of the Last Supper)

Jesus: Friends, with all my heart, I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I

suffer. For I will not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.

St. Phillip: As we were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it:


Jesus: (Raising the bread toward heaven in prayer. All apostles bow their heads for the

blessing) Blessed be thou, O Lord our God, King of the Universe who brings forth bread

from the earth.

St. Phillip: And He broke the bread and gave it to us.

Jesus: Take and eat. This is my body. (As verse is sung, the apostles break and pass the

bread. They eat the bread as they receive it)

St. Phillip: And Jesus took the cup and gave thanks.

Jesus: Blessed be Thou, O Lord our God, King of the Universe who created the fruit of

the vine.

St. Phillip: And He gave the cup to us and said:

Jesus: Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed

for many for the remission of sins. But I say to you, I will not drink again of this fruit of

the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s Kingdom. (Jesus

gives the cup to Peter. As verse and chorus is sung, the cup is passed and each apostle


St. Phillip: And as we were eating, Jesus revealed to us that one of us was planning to

betray Him to the enemies who sought his death.


Jesus: Truly, I say to you, that one of you shall betray me.

Peter: (to John) Ask Him which one He means.

John: (to Jesus) Lord, who is it?

Apostles: (adlib) “Lord, is it I?”, “Who is it, Lord? “Who could it be?”, “Surely not,

Lord!” , “Master, you must tell us”, etc.

Jesus: The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who

betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born. He that has

dipped his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.

Judas: (Dipping into the dish) Master, is it I?

Jesus: Judas, what you must do, do quickly. (Judas exits quickly, pausing to look back

into the face of Jesus)


St. Martha: Jesus got up from the meal, laid aside his outer garments, and took a towel

and girded himself. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his

disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel with which He was girded. (Music plays as

Jesus washes the disciples’ feet – all except Peter)

St. Mary of Bethany: (Song ends) Then Jesus came to Simon Peter. (Jesus kneels before


Peter: (Trying to stop Jesus) Lord, are you going to wash my feet?

Jesus: You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.

Peter: (Standing) No, you shall never wash my feet.

Jesus: Unless I wash you, you will have no part of me. (Jesus washes Peter’s feet)

(Turning to the apostles) Do you understand what I have done for you? I have

set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no

servant is greater than his master, neither is a messenger greater than the one who sent

him. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are

my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant

does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything

that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

My children, I will be with you only a little longer. This very night, you will all fall

away on account of me. (Apostles show disagreement with what Jesus says) Where I am

going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later.


Peter: (Moving to Jesus) Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for


Jesus: Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster

crows, you will disown me three times.

Peter: Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you.

Jesus: (Placing his hand on Peter’s cheek) Come, Peter, we must pray. (All apostles bow

their heads and comfort one another)

Father, the hour has come. Glorify you son, that your son may glorify you. This

is eternal life that they may know you….the one true God and Jesus Christ whom you

have sent…I pray for them that you have given to me for they are yours…Protect them

by your name that they be as one…even as we are one. Amen.


Scene 1

(A Meeting House in Gaul)


St. Phillip: (St. Joseph of A. holding the chalice) I recognize this chalice. It is the Holy

Grail from the Last Supper.

St. Mary Magdalene: You have kept it all these years?

St. Joseph of A.: It was entrusted to me by the Apostles and Mother Mary. Many of us

have come to understand what Jesus meant when He asked if we could drink of His cup

of suffering.

St. Lazarus: All of us have faced persecutions and exile.

St. Mary of Bethany: But none of us would face what Jesus was about to face as He

prayed that night in the garden of Gethsemane.

St. Phillip: Going to Gethsemane, Jesus took with Him…Peter, James, and John to watch

and pray. And going about a stone’s throw away from them, Jesus knelt down and



Scene 2

(Garden of Gethsemane – Jesus Prays)

Jesus: Father, my soul is exceedingly sorrowful – even unto death. Abba, all things are

possible with you. If it be your will, let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will

but your will be done. (Jesus crosses to the apostles.)


Peter, are you still sleeping? I come to you a third time. Could you not watch with me

one hour? Why do you sleep? Watch and pray that you will not enter into temptation.

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

(As Malchus and Judas enter with angry mob, Jesus turns to face them). The

hour has come. Behold to Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. (Speaking to

the mob) Who is it that you seek?

Malchus: Jesus of Nazareth!

Jesus: (To Judas) Friend, do that which you have come to do.

Judas: Master… (Judas kisses Jesus)

Jesus: Judas, do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss? (Judas drops his head and runs


Malchus: Jesus?

Jesus: I am he, if you are looking for me, then let these men go.

Malchus: (Commanding the guards) Seize Him!!!!!

Peter: (Cutting off Malchus’ ear) No!!!

Malchus: (Falling to the ground) My ear! You’ve cut off my ear!!!

Peter: Lord, shall we strike them all with the sword?

Jesus: Peter, put away your sword. (Moving to Malchus –who is weeping and moaning.)

For all that take up a sword shall die by the sword. (Jesus touches his ear and heals him)

Angry Mob: What is He doing?

Malchus: (Healed) He healed me. Jesus healed me…

Angry Mob: It’s a trick. It’s witchcraft.

Jesus: (To the mob) Am I leading a rebellion that you have come with swords and clubs

to take me? Everyday, I was with you teaching in the Temple courts and you did not lay

a hand on me. But this is your hour of darkness…

Centurion: Guards! Seize Him! (The guards take Jesus as the apostles run in the opposite

direction. Malchus is left alone)

Malchus: (Crying) He is who He says He is. Forgive me, Jesus. Forgive me… (Falling

to the ground. Music begins to play)



Scene 3

(A Meeting House in Gaul)


St. Joseph of A.: And so the trials began. The soldiers bound Jesus and brought Him first

to Annas, who was the father-in-law to Caiaphas, the high priest.

St. Martha: Peter followed Him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest.

There he sat and warmed himself by the fire.


Scene 4

(Sanhedrin Council)

Annas: So Jesus, tell us about your disciples and your teaching.

Jesus: I have spoken openly to the world. I always taught in the synagogues or at the

temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret. Why question me?

Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said.

Annas: Guard! (Guard slaps Jesus)

Guard: Is this the way you answer the high priest?

Jesus: If I said something wrong, testify to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why

did you strike me?

Annas: Watch your tongue, Jesus. Get Him out of my sight. I must consult Caiaphas.

(Soldiers move Jesus out into the courtyard)


Scene 5

(Sanhedrin Courtyard)

(Guards lead Jesus away to the courtyard)

Courtyard Maiden: (To Peter seated by the fire) Aren’t you one of the disciples?

(Standing and telling the others) This man was with Jesus.

Peter: Woman, I tell you, I am not. I don’t know Him!! (Crossing away from her)

(Scene shifts and opens on Jesus and guards)

Guard # 1: Jesus! Son of David! They say you are a great prophet. (Places blindfold on



Guard # 2: Tell us, Jesus! Prophesy!! (He hits Jesus.) Who was it that hit you? (Both

guards break out into laughter)

(Scene shifts back to Peter)

Court Servant # 1: (to Peter) Didn’t I see you with him in the olive grove? You are also

one of them.

Peter: Listen to me. I am not.

Court Servant # 2: I tell you the truth. This man was also with Him, for he is a Galilean!

Peter: I told you already. I don’t know what you’re saying.

(Rooster crows twice. The Lord stands and turns to Peter. Peter turns to Jesus.)

Voice of Jesus: I tell you the truth. Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three


Peter: (Running away) No! No! No!

Annas: (Walking toward the courtyard and addressing the guards) Bring Him in!

Caiaphas wishes to see him. (Guards bring Jesus into the council chambers)


Scene 6

(Caiaphas Court)

Sanhedrin Priest: (Questioning Jesus) Are you the Christ? Tell us!

Jesus: If I tell you, you will not believe me. And if I ask you, you will not answer me,

nor let me go.

Caiaphas: Bring in the two witnesses. (Guard gets the two witnesses) Speak!

Witness #1: (Addressing the council) We heard this man say, “I will destroy the temple

that is made with hands, and in three days, I will build another not made with hands”.

Witness #2: This man said, “I am able to destroy the temple of God, and in three days can

build it back again”.

Caiaphas: (to the witnesses) You may go…. (To Jesus) Do you answer nothing? What is

it that these are testifying against you? I beg you by the mercies of the living God. Tell

us if you are the Christ.


Jesus: I am… (All the Sanhedrin react) Hereafter, you shall see the Son of Man seated at

the right hand of the Mighty God.

Caiaphas: (Ripping his garments) He has blasphemed! We need no further witness!

Sanhedrin Priest: Put him to death! (All Sanhedrin agree except for Joseph and


Joseph of A.: Caiaphas, how can you do this?

Nicodemus: You are going to kill an innocent man.

Caiaphas: Silence or you two will be charged as conspirators. (To the Centurion) Take

him to Pilate to be punished! (Guards lead Jesus away) We will join you there.

Judas: (Entering the Sanhedrin Council chambers, he holds the moneybag up) This is

blood money! I have sinned. I have betrayed an innocent man!

Annas: What is that to us?

Caiaphas: Yes. This is not our concern.

Judas: (Judas crosses to the temple and throws the money and runs away. Caiaphas

laughs exiting the council. We hear Judas’ voice in the distance) Jesus! Jesus.



Scene 7

(A Meeting House in Gaul)


St. Joseph of A.: The assembly rose and led Jesus off to Pilate. Upon hearing that Jesus

was a Galilean and finding no fault in Him, Pilate sent Jesus to Herod to be tried.

St. Phillip: Herod the tetrarch heard the reports about Jesus and was anxious to meet him.

He believed that Jesus could possibly be John the Baptist back from the dead.


Scene 8

(Herod’s Palace)


(Music plays as Herod’s Salome dances. Herod finally stops the music)

Herodias: Your dancing pleases me my daughter. (Herod agrees and laughs)

Herod: Yes, it is quite intoxicating.


Salome: Anything for you my king.

Herod Servant #1: (Entering the room) Herod, Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin Council are

here with Jesus the Nazarene. They have been sent by Pilate.

Herod: Let them in. Well, I finally get to meet the Nazarene.

Salome: The one that John the Baptist kept speaking of?

Herodias: This should be very interesting.

Herod: (Sanhedrin and Caiaphas enter with Jesus. Annas hands Herod a scroll. Reads

scroll and crosses to Jesus) From this, I understand that I am to try you? So, You are

Jesus of Nazareth. (He laughs)

Herodias: (After a long pause) What arrogance. He does not answer!

Herod: Perhaps, you are John the Baptist…back from the dead? (Jesus does not answer)

I have heard a great deal about you, Jesus. Your fame has spread throughout Galilee. I

hear that you do miracles.

Salome: Have Him perform one for us.

Caiaphas: He is a sorcerer!

Annas: They are evil works of trickery.

Herod: Tricks or not, I wish to see a miracle. Servant, bring me some water. (Servant

brings a large pitcher and places it before Jesus) So Jesus…If you are as they say, turn

this water into wine. (Herod claps his hands, music starts and Herod’s Salome dances

around Jesus)

Salome: (Stops dancing and moves to pitcher and looks inside) Nothing! This man is a


Annas: I told you…

Herod: This does not seem to be the zealot that I have heard about.

Nicodemus: He is not a zealot

Joseph of Arimathea: Jesus poses no threat to anyone.

Caiaphas: Silence, both of you. (To Herod) Herod, this man calls you a fox.

Herodias: What mockery! (To Jesus) You seem to be the crafty one here!


Herod: (laughing and moving to Jesus) Is this true? (Pause. Jesus is silent) And what do

you call yourself?

Annas: A king! He calls himself the King of the Jews….

Herod: Is that so? (laughing) How many kings do we need in Galilee?

Herodias: There is only one King, Nazarene!

Herod: (To Jesus) You hear these accusations and you say nothing? Surely, if you are

the Christ…you can call on your God to help you.

Caiaphas: You must punish him, Herod!

Herod: Stifle yourself! You have no authority here. I must do what I must do. Bring out

my robe. (Servant brings out a beautiful Robe) Place it on Him. (Servant does as

instructed. Herod crosses to Jesus) Here is my scepter. (Hands scepter to Servant and

the servant places it in Jesus’ hand) Bring Him my crown! (Servant places it on Jesus’

head. Herod turns to Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin) Look, behold the king!! (He laughs.

The Sanhedrin get very upset)

Herodias: You look ridiculous (to Jesus).

Caiaphas: You shall never be a king! (Sanhedrin Council agrees)

Herod: (Getting angry) I will have nothing to do with this man. Get Him out of my sight.

Take Him back to Pilate. (To Jesus) Let him try you…fool! (Motions for Servant.

Servant moves in and removes royal objects. ) Take Him away!

(Guards move in and take Jesus away. Sanhedrin and Caiaphas follow)

Herod’s Salome: John the Baptist indeed!


Scene 9

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Martha: Many followers retreated to our house at the time. Peter and James came

that evening.

St. Mary of Bethany: Jesus was the Messiah. The Nazarene had changed our lives


St. Lazarus: In fear of their lives, the followers of Christ found themselves retreating

behind locked doors.

St. Joseph of A.: Jesus’ prophecy that all would fall away had been fulfilled….



Scene 10

(Bethany House – Hiding Place)

(Scene opens with Mother Mary, John, James, Phillip, Lazarus, Martha and Mary of

Bethany in hiding)

James: How could we just abandon Jesus?

John: We just ran and left Him in the Garden.

Mary of Bethany: We have all failed Him. Tonight, we are scattered like frightened


(There is a knock at the door)

Lazarus: Who’s there?

Peter: It’s me…Peter. I am alone.

Martha: (looking out the window) I will let him in.

(Martha goes to the door. Peter enters followed by Martha)

Peter: (To Mother Mary) Mary, I am sorry. I denied Him just as He said I would. The

Sanhedrin Council just left Herod’s Palace. They are on their way to Pilate for trial.


Scene 11

(Pilate’s Inner Chamber)

Pilate: Do you understand what charges are being brought against you? Are you the king

of the Jews?

Jesus: Is that your own idea, or did others talk to you about me?

Pilate: Am I a Jew? It was your people and your chief priests who handed you over to

me. What is it you have done?

(Claudia enters and listens)

Jesus: My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent

my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.

Pilate: You are a king, then!


Jesus: You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for

this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. (Looks to Claudia) Everyone on the side

of truth listens to me.

Pilate: What is truth? (to the Centurian) Have him flogged. Perhaps that will satisfy the

Jews.(Centurian exits with Jesus)

Claudia: Pilate, have nothing to do with this just man. I have seen him teach. I have

suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.

Pilate: There is a custom to release a prisoner at the time of Passover. I must address the



Scene 12

(Bethany House – Hiding Place)

Mary of Bethany: How can this be happening?

Phillip: Simon Peter, you were right in following Jesus. When I saw you with Him that

day on the shore, I knew He was no ordinary man.

John: Jesus called you the Rock, Peter.

James: Just like you, Peter. We made the right choice. Jesus is still our Master and Lord.

Mary of Bethany: Nothing can change that. I’d rather have Jesus than anything this

world could offer.


(As song is being sung, we see Jesus brought before Pilate by the Sanhedrin. Pilate has

Jesus beaten, a robe placed on Him, and a crown of thorns placed on His head. The

scene switches back and forth between Pilate’s court and the Hiding Place.)

Mother Mary: (To Peter) Peter, don’t lose faith. Jesus knows how much you love him.

John and I must go to Jesus.

Mary of Bethany: I will go with you. (They exit. Phillip and James move to Peter)


Scene 13

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Joseph of A.: Pilate found no fault in Jesus. He hoped that the flogging would satisfy

the Sanhedrin and the crowd and enable him to release Jesus.

St. Mary Magdalene: Pilate brought Jesus before the people.



Scene 14

(Pilate’s Court)

(Sanhedrin council and angry crowd stands before Pilate. Mother Mary, Mary

Magdalene, Mary –the mother of James, John, the Adulteress, Bartimaeus, Joseph of

Arimathea, and Nicodemus stand weeping in the distance.)

Pilate: Are you the King of the Jews? (Addressing Jesus)

Jesus: So you say.

Crowd: Don’t listen to him. He is no king, (Adlibs of mockery)

Caiaphas: He is a blasphemer! He claims to be the Christ. (Sanhedrin agree)

Annas: Pilate, he is subverting our nations and opposes payment of taxes to Caesar.

Pilate: (to Jesus) Do you hear what they say against you? (Jesus does not answer. Pilate

turns to the crowd) He does not answer. It is customary at the feast of the Passover to

release a prisoner to the people. Bring out Barabbas. (Guards bring out Barabbas who is

bound in chains)

Crowd: Give us Barabbas! Barabbas!!, etc.

Pilate: Who do you want me to release? Barabbas or Jesus who is called the Christ?

Mary Magdalene: (Running to the front of the crowd) Claudia, you must tell him. Tell

Pilate what you saw in the city. (Sanhedrin priest drives Joanna into the crowd)

Claudia: (Moves to Pilate) Pilate, please. Remember what I spoke to you about.

Crowd: Don’t listen to her. Give us Barabbas! Give us Barabbas!! Death to Jesus!!

Pilate: If I give you Barabbas, What do I do with this Jesus the Christ?

Caiaphas, Annas and Priests: CRUCIFY HIM!!!!

Pilate: (to the Sanhedrin) I find no fault in Him!

Crowd: Crucify Him!

Pilate: (Silences the crowd. Turns to Jesus) Where are you from? …. Why don’t you

speak to me? Don’t you know that I have the power to crucify you or to release you?

Jesus: (to Pilate) You have no power over me that was not given to you from above.


Caiaphas: Pilate, if you let this man go, you are no friend to Caesar!

Crowd: Yes Pilate! Crucify Him!! We demand justice!!!, etc.

Pilate: (to the guards) Release Barabbas! (Signals for the servant to bring a bowl of

water.) He washes his hands) I wash my hands of this. I am innocent of this just man.

(Pilate makes an inscription –“King of the Jews”)

Annas: His blood shall be on us and our children!

(Pilate holds up the inscription –“King of the Jews”) John 19:21

Caiaphas: Do not write 'The King of the Jews,' but that this man claimed to be king of the


Pilate: What I have written, I have written. Take Him away.

Crowd: Kill him! Crucify Him!, etc. (Crowd exits)


Scene 15

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Joseph of A.: Finally Pilate handed Jesus over to them to be crucified. So the soldiers

took charge of Jesus.

St. Mary of Bethany: Carrying his own cross, he went out to Golgotha, the place of the


St. Lazarus: It was there they crucified Jesus, and with him two criminals--one on each

side and Jesus in the middle.

St. Mary Magdalene: Near the cross of Jesus stood Mother Mary, Her mother’s sister

(Salome), Mary the wife of Clopas, and me.


Scene 16

(The Crucifixion)


(The walk to Calvary and the Crucifixion take place during the song. Jesus’ words are

heard above the music.)

(Crowds line the scene. Jesus enters carrying the cross toward Calvary. The guards are

whipping him as He stumbles. As He falls, Mary Magdalene moves to Him and wipes His

face with a cloth. At the same time,Rapha tries to give Jesus a drink. Both are pushed

away by the guards.)


Jesus: O Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but for yourselves and your children.

(Sanhedrin Council including Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus follow the cross.

Jesus carries the cross up to Calvary and is laid on the crucified. The guards nail Him to

the cross)

Jesus: (As the cross is being raised) Father, forgive them. For they know not what they


Mother Mary: (Falling to her knees and being comforted by John) No! No!

(Following action and dialogue takes place as music continues.)

(Guard raises sponge with vinegar for Jesus to drink. Jesus refuses)

Caiaphas: Jesus! Come down from the cross and save yourself!

Jesus: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Annas: Listen, he is calling on Elijah. He saved others, but cannot save himself!

Caiaphas: Let His God come and rescue Him. (To Joseph of A. and Nicodemus) Let us

leave this place.

Joseph of Arimathea: No… We will stay with Him.

Nicodemus: And so will I.

Annas: Careful, or you both will be guilty of sedition!

Joseph of Arimathea: So be it…

Caiaphas: Let us leave these fools. (Sanhedrin exit except for Joseph and Nicodemus)

Jesus: Father, into thy hands, I commit my spirit….It is finished!!! (Jesus drops his head

and dies. Lightning flashes and thunder roars). Mary: Jesus, My Son!

(Song continues with verse being sung. The Centurion falls to his knees)

Centurion: Surely, this was the Son of God.

St. Lazarus: Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends…

St. Joseph of A.: He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted

with grief;


St. Mary of Bethany: And we hid as it were our faces from Him;

St. Phillip: He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.

St. Mary Magdalene: Surely, He has born our griefs, and carried our sorrows;

St. Martha: Yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

St. Joseph of A.: But He was wounded for our transgressions,

St. Mary of Bethany: He was bruised for our iniquities;

St. Martha: The chastisement of our peace was upon Him;

All Saints: And with His stripes we are healed.

(The crowd leaves including Joseph and Nicodemus. The stage fades to blackout)


Scene 17

(A Meeting House in Gaul)


Joseph of A.: (We see this acted out) Later, I asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. I had

become a true disciple of Jesus, for years I had feared for my life.

Lazarus: You were accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at


Joseph of A.: Yes and with Pilate’s permission, we came and took the body of Jesus.


Scene 18

(The Lowering and Processional)


(Joseph, Nicodemus, and Malchus enter the crucifixion scene. We see the following take


Joseph of Arimathea: (Talking to the Centurion and handing him the scroll) We have

permission to take the body. (The Centurion looks at the scroll, nods, and hands it back

to Joseph)

Nicodemus: Here is the burial linen, myrrh and aloes. (He hands the cloth to Mary



Malchus: Please, let me help lower the body. (Joseph nods in agreement)

(Mary group lays out burial cloth. Guards lower the body from the cross to the lap of

Mother Mary.)

(As song continues, Joseph moves and picks up the crown of thorns. Joseph leads guards

and the men as they carry the body to the tomb. Before Jesus goes into the tomb, Joseph

of A. places a napkin over Jesus’ face before Jesus is taken inside the tomb. Mary group

exits the opposite direction as the tomb closes)


Scene 19

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Phillip: Now on the following day, the chief priests and Pharisees went to Pilate to

ask for guards to secure the tomb so that the disciples could not steal the body and say to

the people that Jesus had risen from the dead.

St. Martha: Pilate granted their request.

St. Joseph of A.: At the same time, the Sanhedrin Council expressed anger at me for

burying the body of Christ. I knew that it would cost me, but I could no longer deny my


(Lights come up on the Bethany House. Peter, Mother Mary, Mary of Bethany and

Salome are present.)


Scene 20

(Calvary & Jerusalem)


Peter: It’s been three days. Why hasn’t Jesus risen like He promised?

John: Peter, we can’t lose faith.

James: Jesus will do as He promised.

(Scene shifts and we see Joseph of A. in prison and chains)

Annas: Do you know why you are here, Joseph?

Caiaphas: How dare you undermine my Council.

Joseph of A.: Why are you angry with me because I begged the body of Jesus? I have put

Him in my new tomb, wrapped in clean linen and laid a burial napkin on His face; and I

have rolled a stone to the door of the tomb.


Caiaphas: These are the actions of a fool.

Joseph of A.: And you, Caiaphas, have not acted well against this just man. You have

not repented of crucifying Him, and piercing Him with a spear.

Annas: Silence…fool. A seal has been placed on your door and a guard has been posted

just as the tomb that holds your Jesus.

Joseph of A.: The Son of God whom you have hung upon the cross, is able to deliver me

out of your hands. All your wickedness will return upon you.

Caiaphas: So be it, traitor.


(As song is sung, we see Peter kneel at the cross with the nails. Joseph is alone in

Prison. The cross is taken down. James and John the Beloved come to comfort him. We

can see the Bethany House with Mother Mary, Martha, Mary of Bethany, Phillip, and

Lazarus. Mary Magdalene, Mary wife of Clopas, and mourners go to the Bethany

House. Mary Magdalene enters home while Mary wife of Clopas and mourners wait


Mary Magdalene: We are on our way to the tomb to anoint the body.

Mary of Bethany: I want to go with you. (They exit and Peter falls to his knees at

Calvary. Mother Mary is comforted by the others in the Bethany house)


Scene 21

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Mary of Bethany: (Looking at the crown of thorns that St. Joseph of A. is holding):

He suffered and shed his blood to take away our sin.

St. Mary Magdalene: Yes, but His resurrection gave us the power unto Salvation.

St. Joseph of A.: And then on the third day, behold there was a great earthquake, for an

angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone

from the grave…


Scene 22

(The Resurrection)


(The following scene takes place as the song is being sung)

(Guards are at the tomb. The stone is rolled away. The guards fall. Mary

Magdalene, Salome, Mary wife of Clopas and mourners go to the tomb. The mourners,


Mary wife of Clopas and Salome wait outside as Mary Magdalene enters the tomb. Mary

comes out of the tomb)

Mary Magdalene: (To those waiting) They have stolen His body! Go and tell the others!

(Mourners leave in opposite direction. Salome goes to the Hiding place to tell the others)

Peter! John! Thy have taken the body of Jesus!!! (She runs to get Peter and John.

Peter and John enter and run toward the tomb. John gets there first and motions for

Peter to hurry. Peter arrives at the tomb and goes inside. Peter exits the tomb, shows

the burial cloth to John)

John: We must tell the others! (They exit to the side)

(Mary Magdalene enters and goes to the tomb once more. She starts to enter and backs

out. Two angels emerge from the tomb.)

Angel #1: Woman, why are you crying?

Mary Magdalene: They have taken my Lord away and I don’t know where they have put


Angel #2: Why do you seek the living among the dead?

Angel #1: He is not here. (Mary falls to her knees. The angels motion for Mary to look

behind her. Mary turns and sees Jesus. She moves toward Him and falls to her knees)

Mary Magdalene: (When song ends, Mary Magdalene runs and yells) He is risen! He’s

alive! I have seen Him! Jesus is alive!!!


Scene 23

(A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Mary Magdalene: Hallelujah! Jesus rose from the grave. The tomb could not hold

Him. I couldn’t wait to tell the others.

St. Joseph of A.: That same resurrection power set me free. This is the burial napkin that

I placed on his face as he laid in the tomb. It was found folded and set aside to remind us

that as sure as He has ascended to the Father; He will return again some day in the clouds

of glory.

St. Phillip: There is a story that Jesus came to the prison where you were held.

St. Joseph of A.: From the tenth hour of the Preparation day, I remained in my cell the

whole Sabbath in full. When midnight came, as I was standing and praying, the prison

house shook and there was a flashing of light in mine eyes. And I fell to the ground




Scene 24

(The Appearance and The Ascension)


(Light comes up on the prison.)

Joseph of A.: O merciful, Lord. How could have I have ever denied knowing you.

Forgive me… (There is a rumble and strobe lighting. Jesus appears behind Joseph.

Places His hands on Joseph’s head)

Jesus: Joseph, fear not; but open your eyes, and see who it is that speaks to you.

Joseph: (Opening his eyes and turning. Falls to his knees) Are you Elijah?

Jesus: I am not Elijah.

Joseph: Who are you, my Lord?

Jesus: I am Jesus, whose body you begged from Pilate, and wrapped in clean linen; and

you laid a burial napkin on my face. You laid me in your new tomb, and rolled a stone in


Joseph: Jesus, my Lord.

Jesus: Come, I will show you where you laid me and then will return you to your home.

Peace to you…

(There is a scene switch. Lights come up on the Bethany House. James, Mother Mary,

Martha, Lazarus, Phillip are present)


Mary of Bethany: I have just come from the tomb. The body is gone.

James: Peter and John are not here. What must we do?

Mary of Bethany: I tell you. I have not seen Him, but I know that He is alive. (She


(Mary Magdalene enters and tells Peter and John that she has seen Jesus. Crowd and

Apostles enter in all directions. The crowd adlibs: “He’s alive!”, “Jesus is risen!”,

Hallelujah!”, etc. Mary Magdalene goes to the Bethany House)

Mary Magdalene: Jesus is alive! He’s on the mount. Come with me.

(Crowd moves into place as Jesus takes top center stage. Mary of Bethany enters the

ascension scene as she sings. Everyone in the crowd turns to Jesus. Jesus ascends. Peter,

James, John, Phillip, Joseph of A. and Nicodemus are seen in the front as Jesus ascends.

After blackout, crowd exits stage)



Scene 25


St. Phillip: Who are we that God would call us friends?

St. Mary Magdalene: We are but sinners in need of a Savior.

St. Martha: A Savior who would take the nature of a servant and humble himself.

Lazarus: And become obedient to death---even death on a cross.

St. Mary of Bethany: He is the Resurrection and the Life.

St. Joseph of A.: He is NO ORDINARY MAN.

All Saints: He is Jesus. Son of the Living God.


(Lights come up on the city overlook. Singer begins song. Sings verse and one chorus)

Jesus: All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore, go into all the

world and preach the gospel to every creature, and make disciples of all nations,

baptizing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to

obey everything that I have commanded you; and behold I am with you always, even to

the end of the world…





NO ORDINARY MAN Scene Breakdown


Scene 1 - (A Meeting House in Gaul)

St. Phillip, St. Joseph of Arimathea, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Lazarus,

St. Mary of Bethany, St. Martha


Scene 2 - (Perea Outside of Jordan)

Jesus, Peter, James, John, Phillip, Thomas, (other apostles available)


Scene 3 - (A Meeting House in Gaul)



Scene 4 - (Bethany)

Jesus, Peter, James, John, Phillip, Thomas, (other apostles available)

Martha, Mary of Bethany, Malchus, Lazarus, Sanhedrin Priests, Mourners, Bethany Villagers


Scene 5 - (A Meeting House in Gaul)



Scene 6 - (Jerusalem Streets)

Village Merchants, Village Dancers, Jerusalem Villagers, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Malchus, Sanhedrin Priests, Centurion, Guards, Claudia, Mary Magdalene, Judean Wife,

Accusers, Martha, Mary of Bethany, Lazarus, Rapha, Jesus, Peter, James, John, Phillip, Thomas,

(other apostles available), Mother Mary, Mary Wife of Clopas


Scene 7 - (Healing of Mary Magdalene)

Village Merchants, Village Dancers, Jerusalem Villagers, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus,

Malchus, Sanhedrin Priests, Centurion, Guards, Claudia, Mary Magdalene, Judean Wife,

Accusers, Martha, Mary of Bethany, Lazarus, Rapha, Jesus, Peter, James, John, Phillip, Thomas, (other apostles available), Mother Mary, Mary Wife of Clopas


Scene 8 - (Women of Worship)

Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Martha, Mary of Bethany, Mary Wife of Clopas


Scene 9 - (A Meeting House in Gaul)



Scene 10 - (Nicodemus at Night)

St. Phillip, St. Joseph of Arimathea, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Lazarus, St. Mary of Bethany, St. Martha, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Thomas, Matthew, James

the Son of Alphaeus, Thaddeus, Simon, Judas, Bartholomew, Nicodemus



Scene 11 - (A Meeting House in Gaul) Saints


Scene 12 - (Sanhedrin Council) Caiaphas, Malchus, Annas, Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, Sanhedrin Priests


Scene 13 - (A Meeting House in Gaul)



Scene 14 - (The Bethany House)

Judas, Peter, James, John, Jesus, Phillip, Mary of Bethany, Jesus


Scene 15 - (A Meeting House in Gaul) Saints


Scene 16 - (The Triumphal Entry)

Timotheus, Blind Bartimaeus, Cripple Child, Village Merchants, Village Dancers, Jerusalem

Villagers, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Malchus, Sanhedrin Priests, Centurion, Guards, Mary Magdalene, Judean Wife, Accusers, Martha, Mary of Bethany, Lazarus, Rapha, Jesus,

Peter, James, John, Phillip, Thomas, (other apostles available), Mother Mary, Mary Wife of



Scene 17 - (The Confrontation)

Timotheus, Blind Bartimaeus, Cripple Child, Village Merchants, Village Dancers, Jerusalem

Villagers, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Malchus, Sanhedrin Priests, Centurion, Guards,

Mary Magdalene, Judean Wife, Accusers, Martha, Mary of Bethany, Lazarus, Rapha, Jesus, Peter, James, John, Phillip, Thomas, (other apostles available), Mother Mary, Mary Wife of



Scene 18 - (A Meeting House in Gaul) Saints


Scene 19 - (Sanhedrin Council)

Judas, Caiaphas, Annas, Sanhedrin Priests, Malchus


Scene 20 - (Bethany House) Jesus, Peter, John


Scene 21 - (A Meeting House in Gaul)



Scene 22 - (Upper Room – The Lord’s Supper)

Jesus & Apostles



Scene 1 - (A Meeting House in Gaul) Saints


Scene 2 - (Garden of Gethsemane – Jesus Prays)

Jesus, Peter, James, John, Malchus, Judas, Centurion, Guards, Angry Mob


Scene 3 - (A Meeting House in Gaul)



Scene 4 - (Sanhedrin Council)

Courtyard Maiden and Servants, Witnesses, Peter, Jesus, Annas, Sanhedrin Priests, Centurion,



Scene 5 - (Sanhedrin Courtyard)

Courtyard Maiden and Servants, Witnesses, Peter, Jesus, Annas, Sanhedrin Priests, Centurion, Guards


Scene 6 - (Caiaphas Court) Courtyard Maiden and Servants, Witnesses, Peter, Jesus, Annas, Caiaphas, Sanhedrin Priests,

Centurion, Guards, Judas


Scene 7 - (A Meeting House in Gaul)



Scene 8 - (Herod’s Palace)

Jesus, Annas, Caiaphas, Sanhedrin Priests, Centurion, Roman Guards, Herod, Herodias, Herod’s

Salome, Herod’s Servants, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus


Scene 9 - (A Meeting House in Gaul) Saints


Scene 10 - (Bethany House – Hiding Place) Phillip, John, Mother Mary, James, Phillip, Lazarus, Martha and Mary of Bethany


Scene 11 - (Pilate’s Inner Chamber) Pilate, Claudia, Jesus, Centurion


Scene 12 - (Bethany House – Hiding Place) Phillip, John, Mother Mary, James, Phillip, Lazarus, Martha and Mary of Bethany


Scene 14 - (Pilate’s Court) Pilate, Angry Mob, Pilate Crowd, Mother Mary, Mary of Bethany, Mary Wife of Clopas, Mary

Magdalene, James, John, Bartimaeus, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Sanhedrin Priests,

Caiaphas, Annas, Thieves, Barabbas



Scene 15 - (A Meeting House in Gaul) Saints


Scene 16 - (The Crucifixion) Jesus, Roman Guards, Mother Mary, Mary Group, Malchus, Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea,

John the Beloved, Crucifixion Crowd, Sanhedrin Priests, Annas, Caiaphas


Scene 17 - (A Meeting House in Gaul) Saints


Scene 18 - (The Lowering and Processional) Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Pilate, Malchus, Claudia, Pilate Servants, Mary Group, Jesus,

Roman Guards, Centurion, Bartimaeus


Scene 19 - (A Meeting House in Gaul)



Scene 20 - (Calvary & Jerusalem)

Peter, John, James, Annas, Caiaphas, Joseph of Arimathea, Mother Mary, Martha,

Mary of Bethany, Phillip, Lazarus, Mary Magdalene, Mourners, Mary Wife of Clopas


Scene 21 - (A Meeting House in Gaul)



Scene 22 - (The Resurrection)

Angel of God, Tomb Angels, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mary Wife of Clopas, Mourners, Peter,

John the Beloved, Guards


Scene 23 - (A Meeting House in Gaul)



Scene 24 - (The Appearance and The Ascension)

Joseph of Arimathea, Jesus, James, Mother Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Phillip,

Mary of Bethany, Peter, John, Nicodemus, Bartimaeus, Claudia, Rapha, Ascension Crowd, Apostles


Scene 25 - (Epilogue) Saints


Entire Cast



St. Phillip: Dodie Daniels St. Joseph of Arimathea: Larry McClure

St. Mary Magdalene: Vickie Collea St. Lazarus: Lenny Owens St. Mary of Bethany: Terri Weaver St. Martha: Angie Fowler

Jesus: Tyler McMullins Peter: Casey Osborne

James: Nathan Raines John: Derek Cress

Phillip: Daniel McPherson Thomas: Clayton Laney Andrew: Matthew: Todd Scharringhausen

James, Son of Alphaeus: Butch Laney Thaddeus: Hayden Joyner

Simon: Clayton Patrick Judas: Isaiah Burrows

Bartholomew: Evan Patrick

Martha: Amy Bledsoe Mary of Bethany: Carmen Phillips

Mother Mary: Traci Pate Mary Magdalene: Alexis McMillan Mary of Clopas: Michelle Ireson Lazarus: Justin Davidson

Mourners: Tammy Pope, Felicia Rowland Rapha: Rylan Brown & Karsten Friske

Joseph of Arimathea: Jacob Phillips Nicodemus: Austin Mitchell

Caiaphas: Billy Sturgill Annas: Scott Combs

Malchus: Chace Vineski Sanhedrin Priests:

Village Merchants: Village Dancers: Wine: Lisa Presnell, Lisa Wagner Kelly Smith, Cydnie Arrington Bread: Theresa Perdue, Jill Raines Kristen Hutchins, Braylee

Yarn: Brenda Cash, Eva McCrary Polson, Tiffany Bradley, Avy

Fish: Lana Laney, Janice Owens Fowler, Callie Greene, Chelsea

Linens: Robin Huffman, Christy Miller Perry, Samantha Donoho Breeann Laney, Amber Revty

Alexis Wallen, Hannah Witt

Jade Williams, Jada Lane, Ruby Lane, Eliza Sanders, Lorna

Rollins, Rebecca Harrell

Hanna Taylor

Jerusalem Villagers:

Amy Patrick, Kristie Hood, Felicia Rowland, Tammy Pope, Kellie Taylor

Cindy Patrick, Mia Stone, Sarah Dittie, Sarah Revty, Julia Cooper Matti-Jo Spivey, Sissy Ray, Keirston Turner, Taylor Torbett, Autumn France

Kayce Raines, Cassidy Fleenor, Emily Patrick, Whitney Long

Savanna Huffman, Kati Smith, Hope Ketron, Breanna Utsmann, Izzy May Kaitlyn McMillan, Rylan Brown, Karsten Friske, Aiden Polson, Jared

Harrell, Jacob Kirby, Luke Bledsoe, Chris Ray, Angie Scharringhausen

Centurion: Travis Harris Claudia: Stephanie Mitchell & Breanna Terry

Guards: Richard Peters Judean Wife: Victoria Ward & Autumn Strickler


Accusers: Connie Brooks, Amy Wooten, Lisa Bowman, Kala Tipton

Timotheus: Aiden Polson & Jared Harrell Blind Bartimaeus: Kyle Beagle

Cripple Child: Chris Ray

Angry Mob:

Connie Brooks, Amy Wooten, Felicia Rowland, Samantha Donoho, Autumn Strickler, Breanna Utsmann, Izzy May, Lisa Bowman, Kala Tipton, Lisa Presnell, Taylor Torbett,

Hayden Joyner, Evan Patrick, Butch Laney

Courtyard Maiden: Savanna Huffman

Courtyard Servants: Kati Smith, Hope Ketron, Witnesses: Breanna Utsmann & Izzy May

Kaitlyn McMillan Herod: Joel Sanders Herodias: Stephanie Davidson

Salome: Riley Collea Herod’s Servants: Braylee Polson, Alexis

Wallen, Cassidy Fleenor, Callie Greene

Pilate: Henry Harrell

Barabbas: Thieves: Clayton Laney & Clayton Patrick

Pilate Crowd: Angry Mob, Merchants

Crucifixion Crowd: Jerusalem Villagers (13 & up)

Angel of God: Whitney Long ResurrectionAngels: Cydnie Arrington,

Tomb Angels: Savanna Huffman

Village Singers: Autumn France, Whitney Long, Stephanie Mitchell
