No New Reason for Concern by Board Members



by Aaron Shmulewitz

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Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman, LLP


By Aaron Shmulewitz

The July 3 Appellate Division decision in

Fletcher v. The Dakota, Inc. has engendered

much media coverage indicating that co-op

and condo Board members now face increased

chances of being sued. A close reading of the case, however,

indicates that the good news is that Board members do not face

significantly greater risk of being sued successfully; the bad news

is that that risk was always there, and continues unabated.

In Fletcher, an African-American shareholder sued The Dakota

and two of its Board members, alleging that they discriminated

against him based on race and other factors in declining consent

to his proposed purchase of an apartment adjacent to his. The

Dakota and the two directors moved to dismiss most of his

claims, based on prior Court precedents.

While the Court did dismiss many of the targeted claims, the

Court declined to dismiss several of the claims against the

individual Board members, holding that participation by a

Board member in a co-op’s tortious conduct could give rise to

individual liability by the Board member. The Court emphasized

the remedial intent of anti-discrimination laws, and noted

that such laws do not contain any exemption for individual

Board members. The Court cited a long line of cases in which

corporate directors were held personally liable for participation

in a corporation’s tort, and noted that discrimination and other

unlawful acts were never protected under the “business judgment

rule” that was applied to co-ops in the seminal Levandusky case.

The Court’s most noteworthy holding—departing from a prior

decision’s ruling that, to face personal liability, a director must

have committed his/her own tortious conduct independent of

the co-op’s tort—merely clarified pre-existing law within the

context of the business judgment rule. The Court held that,

while a Board member could not be held personally liable in

connection with a breach of contract by the co-op, he/she could

potentially face personal liability for participating in tortious acts

such as discrimination. (Query to what extent a corporation can

discriminate in the absence of discriminatory intent by its Board


In short, co-op and condo Board members do not face any

significantly greater potential liability now than they did before

the Fletcher decision. Board members can (and always could)

potentially be held liable if they discriminate, or commit any

other act that is unlawful or beyond the scope of their authority.

Aaron Shmulewitz heads the Firm’s co-op/condo practice. If you

would like to discuss any of the cases in this article or other related

matter, you can reach Aaron at 212-867-4466 or
