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F ort Meade is home toseven of the top nineDoD organizations de-

fendingournational interests incyber space: The 21st-century’snewest domain of human con-flict and competition.

The installation is also ournation’s center for information,intelligence and cyber op-erations, so it is easy to see whyFort Meade is on the forefrontof global defense every day.

As garrison commander, my primaryresponsibility is to ensure the safety andsecurity of themore than 50,000menandwomen who execute these vital nationalsecurity missions every day, and the10,000 residentswho live here.

Our security beginswith access controlat the gates. Last month I mentionedaccess control procedures are continuingto evolve and that we should be preparedfor changes at our gate andDempsVisitorControl Center operations.Well, on April4, those changes become a reality!

As I have stated throughout my tenurehere, safetywill always bemy toppriority.

These changes are designed to1. Improve safety and security for our

communitymemberswho liveorworkonthe FortMeade enclave.

2. Meet the requirements set forth byhigher headquarters to align access pro-cedures at military posts across theUnited States.

During our town hall last week at thePost Theater, I laid out how we have

changed theaccessprocedures tomake FortMeade safer.

We have also created thisresource guide insert in Soun-doff! to answer questions andprovide information that willhelp make the changes work foreach of you.

You also will have at yourdisposal the Fort Meade websitethat features several more de-tailed information articles de-signed to simplify the access

control procedure changes.I expect the changes will cause initial

confusion and delays. That is why I’veasked our Directorate of EmergencyServices and Public Affairs Office todevelop the information products men-tioned above, including this insert.

Myhope is thatyouwillunderstandtherequirements and help us through thesechanges by planning ahead, and preregis-ter your guestswhenever possible.

Additionally, these access control pro-cedures are only a part in ensuring thesafety of Fort Meade. Your vigilance isparamount, so “If you see something, saysomething.”

It truly is a great time to be a part ofTeam Meade. We are at the forefront ofbuildingAmerica’s ability to fight andwinin a complex environment.

We can only do that if we are safe andsecure. I look forward to ushering in ourprogress togetherwith you.

Thank you again for your continuedpatience.


Preregister and patience

GarrisonCommanderCol. Brian P.Foley

Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley leads the discussion during a community townhall meeting held March 24 on new access control procedures for visitors to Fort Meade.


D id you know, effective April 4, thatall visitors, contractors and ven-dors entering FortMeadewithout

a DoD identification card will be requiredto pass a background check before gainingaccess on the installation? Find out whatyou need to know about FortMeade’s newaccess control policy.

Q I am a Gold Star ID cardholder.Can I use that ID to get onpost?

A No. A Gold Star ID card is not anacceptable credential for accessing

Fort Meade without a background check.You will require a background check andaccess pass if you do not have a validmilitary ID card.

AGold Star ID can be used alongwith avalidFortMeadeaccesspass to gain accessto the installation.

Q Is the Trusted Traveler Programstill in place?

A Yes. The Trusted Traveler Programallows all DoD identification card-

holders (DoD employees, active-duty andretired military and spouses, and familymembers ages 18 and older) to vouch foroccupants in their immediate vehicle,provided the Trusted Traveler vehicleoperator or passenger possesses a validDoD IDcard.

Under theprogram,aDoDIDcardhold-er can bring up to 12 passengers onto theinstallation.

Q What is a specialwaiver pass?

A A special waiver pass is issued topeoplewhodonothaveamilitary ID

or DoD Common Access Card and do nothave an official reason for being on theinstallation.

A non-official reason includes: visitingthe museum, going to the bowling alley orjust having a look around.

Visitorswishing to enter the installationwithout an official reason must request aspecial waiver pass. Special waiver passestake at least 10 business days to process,and the request must be approved by thegarrison commander. Special waiver pass-es are good for one day or one event.

Q If I have amilitary ID andwant totake relatives on post, do they

need to get a background check?

A If you are a military ID cardholderand relatives (mother, father, grand-

parents, etc.) are traveling in your vehicle(escorted), then they only need to show aphoto ID such as a driver’s license.

If the visit is for an extended period oftime and you want your relative to travelonto, off and around the installation ontheir own, they must obtain a Fort Meadeaccess pass by undergoing a backgroundcheckat theDempsVisitorControlCenter.

Q What if I have a live-innannywhois authorized to reside with us in

government quarters but they don’thave amilitary IDcard?

A Certain individualswill be eligible toreceive long-term passes to access

the installation, provided they have a clearbackground check and depending on thepurpose and frequency of their visits.

To qualify for the Fort Meade accesspass, individuals need to be sponsored bysomeone with an approved military ID orDoDCommonAccessCard.

Q If I have a military ID or DoDCommonAccessCardandwantto

bring my civilian friends on post to gobowling, do they need an access pass orjust a driver’s license?

A If your friends are in the samevehicle as you, then they donot need

access passes. However, if they are inseparate vehicles, or if you will not beescorting them the entire time they are onpost, then they require both backgroundchecks and access passes from theVCC.

Q I am a volunteer who frequentlyworks on Fort Meade. Do I need

to get an access pass every time I cometo thepost?

A Volunteers are eligible for long-termpasses to access the installation. The

authorized sponsoring organization willhave to sponsor you.

For the complete list of FAQs,

Q & A

No ID, No Entry: Getthe facts about accessFortMeade Directorateof Emergency Services


BeginningMonday,visitors toFortMeadewho do not have a DoD identification card,must be vetted and credentialed beforegainingunescortedaccess to the installation.

“The number one priority is the safetyand security of the installation,” said Lt. ColJeffrey E. Winegar, provost marshal anddirector of Fort Meade’s Directorate ofEmergency Services. “Actions taken are forthat reason.”

Fort George G. Meade Policy Memoran-dum No. 70, which supplements ArmyRegulation 190-13 and Army Directive 2014-05, goes into full effect April 4.

“This is nothing new or extreme,” Wine-gar said. “We’re coming into full compliancewithArmypolicy.”

The new policy requires all non-DoD IDcardholders age18 and older to be vetted.

“Vetted means we have confirmed thecardholder’s identity, we have determinedthat their request to access the installation isvalid and that we have checked them at aminimum against the Interstate Identifica-tion Index (III), which is accessed throughthe Criminal Justice Information System,”Winegar said.

All non-DoD ID cardholders must reportto theDempsVisitorControlCenter, locatednear the Reece Road gate, to complete abackground check and be issued an in-stallation access badge.

The visitor must present a valid, state

driver’s license or state identification cardwith photo or a valid passport from othercountries cleared by the State Departmentto request access toArmy installations.

“Theprocess is entirelydependent on theapplicant themselves,” Winegar said. “Thegoal is, once you sit in front of a VCC staffmember [the process is] complete 15 min-utes later.”

If an unfavorable background check isreturned, the visitorwill be denied access tothe installation.

Access also will be denied if securitypersonnel cannot verify the individual’s

claimed identity.Those who have not been vettedmust be

escorted while on the installation by a DoDIDcardholder.

If a visitor or guest of a resident is notDoD-affiliated, the sponsor will notify theVCC in writing at least 10 business days inadvance of the scheduled visit and providevisitor information that includes: name,driver’s license number, vehicle description,and reason andduration of visit.

To access Policy No. 70, go

New policy mandates access changesBy Sgt. 1st Class Frank InmanFort Meade Public Affairs Office

All unescorted non-DoD ID cardholders must report to the Demps Visitor ControlCenter, located near the Reece Road gate, to complete a background check andbe issued an installation access badge.


ACCESS DENIEDAccess will be denied if thebackground check reveals thatthe individual:

■ Is barred entry or access toany federal installation or facility

■ Is a registered sex offender.

■ Has any active warrants, nomatter how old

■ Has known terroristassociations at any time or hasattempted to overthrow thegovernment

■ Was convicted of espionage,sabotage, treason, murder,criminal homicide,manslaughter or negligenthomicide, no matter how longago

■ Has any felony firearms orexplosive violation, no matterhow long ago

■ Has been charged withkidnapping, hostage taking,human trafficking, humansmuggling or conspiracy tocommit such an offense, nomatter how long ago

■ Was convicted of sexualassault, armed robbery, rape,child molestation, possessing ordistributing child pornography,drug possession with intent tosell or distribute, or conspiracyto commit any of theseoffenses, no matter how longago

■ Has been charged with armedrobbery or conspiracy tocommit, no matter how long ago

■ Has been charged with childabuse with serious bodily injury,no matter how long ago

■ Has been charged with anyfelony, or conspiracy to commita felony, within the last 10 years

For the full list, see Question 10in the Frequently AskedQuestions

DempsVisitorControlCenterNEWHours7:30 a.m. to 9p.m.Monday -Friday

Gate1: RockenbachRoad5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.,Monday - Friday

9 a.m. to 9 p.m.weekends, closed holidays

Gate 3:ReeceRoad&Md.Route175DempsVisitorControl CenterGate&Inspection Station (24-hour access)

Gate4:MapesRoad&Md.Route1756 a.m. to 6 p.m.Monday - FridayClosed onweekends andholidays

Gate 5: LlewellynAvenue andMd.Route175Closed until further notice

Gate 6: PepperRoad&Md.Route 32Open for construction vehicle trafficfrom6 a.m. to1p.m.Monday - Friday

Privately owned vehicles are not permittedentry at this gate

Authorized/Registered usersmay enterand exit via the bicycle gate

Pedestrian traffic is not allowed on the road

Gate 7:MapesRoad&Md.Route 325:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.Monday - Friday

9 a.m. to 9 p.m.weekends andholidays

Fort Meade Gate Hours


Visitors using a driver’s license oridentification card issued from Illinois,Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico,Washington State or American Samoa,must present two additional approvedforms of identification in order to enterFort Meade and all other military in-stallations.

The REAL ID Act of 2005 establishedminimum standards for the productionand issuance of state-issued driver’slicenses and identification cards. Mini-mumrequirements includeaphotographand such information as name, date ofbirth, gender, height, eye color andaddress.

Visitors to Fort Meade who do nothave a state-issued ID that complieswiththe legislation must present two otherforms of approved identification, or theywill not be allowed to enter the in-stallationwithout an escort.

Twenty-three states arepursuingcom-pliance for their ID card programs andhave anextendedcompliancedeadline ofOct. 10, 2016.

This new requirement does not affectthosewith validDoD-issued ID cards.

All people requesting unescorted ac-cess will continue to be vetted throughthe National Crime Information Centerprior to being issued a locally producedIDor pass.

The REAL ID Act is a coordinatedeffort by the states and the federalgovernment to improve the reliabilityand accuracy of state-issued identifica-tion documents, which are designed toinhibit terrorists’ ability to evade detec-tion by using fraudulent identification.

The law, which implements a 9/11Commissionrecommendationurging thefederal government to “set standards forthe issuance of sources of identification,such as driver’s licenses,” is designed toimpose much stricter measures on howpeople can obtain a driver’s license or IDcard, and sets more thorough standardsas towhatwill be displayed on them.

“We began talking about the new IDrestrictions last year,” said George Carta-gena, supervisor of the Demps VisitorControl Center. “Hopefully, individuals

with IDs from non-compliant statesalready know they need additional formsof identification and are ready to complywith the Homeland Security Directivesand theREAL IDAct of 2005.”

The REAL ID Act covers 56 juris-dictions including the 50 states, theDistrict of Columbia, and the U.S. Terri-tories of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands,Guam and the Commonwealth of theNorthernMariana Islands.

New York and Minnesota have issuedsome IDs that are enhanced to therequired standards. Minnesota-en-hanced IDs are indicatedwith a gold star.New York IDs are indicated by the word“enhanced” across the top. Visitors fromthese states without enhanced IDs willnot be allowed access to the installationwithout two additional approved formsof ID.

To check if your state-issued ID iscompliant with the legislation, go to theHomeland Security website

Editor’s note: For more information oninstallation entry procedures, call theDemps Visitor Control Center at 301-677-1064 or 301-677-1065.

Driver’s licenses from 5 statesnot compliant with REAL ID ActFortMeade Public Affairs Office

Visitors to Fort Meade who do not have a state-issued ID that complies with theREAL ID Act of 2005 must present another approved photo ID with their DoD-access badge, or they will not be allowed onto the installation without an escort.


List of Approved IDMust have at least one Primary Identity Source Document■ U.S. passport or U.S. passport card■ Permanent Resident Card/Alien Registration ReceiptCard (Form I-551)■ Driver’s license or ID card issued by federal or localgovernment agencies meeting REAL ID standards withphoto, name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color andaddress■ U.S. military card■ U.S. military dependent/spouse ID card■ Personal Identity VerificationSecondary Identity Source Document:■ U.S. Social Security card issued by the Social SecurityAdministration■ Original or copy of a birth certificate issued by a state,county or municipal authority, possession or outlyingpossession of the U.S. bearing an official seal

■ ID card issued by a federal, state or local governmentagency or entity, provided card contains photo■ Voter Registration Card■ U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card■ Certificate of U.S. citizenship■ Certificate of naturalization■ U.S. Citizen ID Card■ ID Card for Use of Resident Citizen of Report of Birthissued by the Department of State■ Temporary Resident Card■ Employment authorization card■ Re-entry Permit Form■ Employment authorization document issued byDepartment of Homeland Security■ Employment authorization document issued by DHSwith photograph■ Foreign ID with photograph■ Driver’s license issued by a Canadian government entity■ Native American tribal document


Following Army guidance and joiningthe ranks of other Army installations, theFort Meade Directorate of EmergencyServices implemented in 2012 theTrustedTraveler Program at all gates, except fortheNational SecurityAgency.

Thisprogramis intendedtoreducewaittimes during the identification processand increase traffic throughout the gates.

According to AR 190-13, the ArmyPhysical Security Program, Common Ac-cess Cardholders, military retirees andmilitary familymembers have an inherentpurpose and are authorized access toArmy installations.

The Trusted Traveler Program allowsDoD identification cardholders (DoD em-ployees, active-duty and retired servicemembers and their spouses) to sponsorupto 12 passengers in their vehicle withouthaving to go through the inspectionstation.

Passengers ages 18 and older do notneed a DoD ID card to enter under theTrusted Traveler Program, but guards

maystill request to see their identification.Individuals with a Fort Meade Access

Badge, such as contractors and DoDcivilian spouses, cannot bring individualson post using the Trusted Traveler Pro-gram.

This program is intended to• Expedite access to FortMeade• Mitigate traffic congestion on ad-

joining state highways• Provide flexibility for trusted travel-

ers to sponsor familymembers and guestsAt no point will the safety and security

of Fort Meade be compromised by thischange. TheDESwill continue to executeprograms that monitor and take aggres-sive action against possible illegal activ-ities.

A key factor of any program is activecommunity involvement. Everyone is en-couraged to participate in Fort Meade’siWatch program at 301-677-2619 and callthe Fort Meade Police immediately at301-677-6622 if they observe suspiciousactivity.

Editor’s note: For more information onthe Trusted Traveler Program, call the DESPhysical SecurityOffice at 301-677-6618.

Trusted Traveler Program reduces wait time at gateFortMeade Directorate ofEmergency Services

The Trusted Traveler Program allows DoD identification cardholders ages 18 andolder to vouch for up to 12 people in their vehicle.


From birthday and graduation parties tobook club meetings and promotionceremonies, small functions can contin-ue to be hosted on post by Fort Meaderesidentswho areDoD IDcardholders.Here’s what you need to know about thenew installation access procedures if youare planning to sponsor your nextfunction on post.

■ Event sponsor must be a DoD IDcardholder.■ Access requests for private eventsmust be submitted directly by the DoDID cardholder hosting the event to theDempsVisitor Control Center.■ Request must include a list of invited

guests and the following:• Type of event• Date& time• Location• Point of contact’s name• Phone number• Total number of guests• Alphabetized list of guests’ names(last, first,middle initial)■ Guest list must be submitted in anExcel spreadsheet format.■ Guests will be subject to an identifica-tion check and verification.■ Submit the list directly to the VCC atleast10 business days prior to the event.For more information, call the VCC at301-677-1064 or 301-677-1065.

You’re Invited: Access ControlProcedures for events on post

From birthday and graduation parties to book club meetingsand promotion ceremonies, small functions can continue tobe hosted on post by Fort Meade residents who are DoD IDcardholders.



Same services, expandedhours.That’s basically what it all comes

down to as far as how theDempsVisitorControl Center will operate when FortMeade changes access procedures onApril 4, said George L. Cartagena, VCCsupervisor.“This is a good thing that will really

help the community,” he said. “It pro-vides people who work at the Pentagonor anywhere else off post with theopportunity to visit us. It gives them abiggerwindow to comehere.”Dedicated in memory of Col. Roder-

ick G. Demps, who served as FortMeade’s director of the Directorate ofEmergency Services from 2002-2003,the VCC is located at 902 Reece Road(ReeceRoad gate).Beginning Monday, the VCC will

operate Mondays through Fridays from7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Previously, the facilitywas only open weekdays from 7:30 3:30 p.m.The VCC will now conduct on-the-

spot Automated Installation Entry andNational Crime Information Centerbackground checks, Cartagena said.ThesechangescomplywithArmyRegu-lation 190-13 regarding the physicalsecurity and management of militaryinstallations, particularly in regard toaccess control.TheVCC’s computer systemhas been

updated and overhauled, and four newpersonnel members have been hiredand/or recruited to work at the facility.The new employees will help conductthe background checks and expedite thevisitor vetting process.“We needed to tighten up and make

sure everything is being enforced, and

now we have the manpower and facili-ties to do it,” Cartagena said. “If a visitorhas a criminal history, the systemwill letus know. It will ping us and let us knowthere’s something to look for.”The VCC services more than 30,000

visitors annually, most coming fromMaryland, the four contiguous statesand Washington, D.C. The facility cur-rently has a staff of four securityassistants, two borrowed service mem-bers and two staffers.Cartagena noted that as a result of the

Real ID Act of 2005, driver’s licensesand/or identification from Illinois, Min-nesota, Missouri, Washington State andAmerican Samoa will not be providedaccess to the installation without anadditional form of ID such as a currentU.S. passport or birth certificate.“If you’re from a ‘[noncompliant]

state,’ theDoDagencycansendsomeonewith a [Common Access Card] and theytake responsibility for you,” Cartagenasaid.Frequent visitors to the post are

encouraged topreregister at theVCCfora long-termpass.All forms of identification must be

valid, Cartagena said, and the systemwill authenticate and cross-check forms

of IDtoensure thatvisitors arewho theyclaim to be.“We have to verify as much as

possible,” Cartagena said. “A lot ofpeople try to get away with stuff. I’mhoping that some of these peoplewill bevetted first [by the agency or personnelthey are visiting] before sending them tous.”During the hours when the VCC is

closed, Cartagena said, visitors will berequired to go to the Reece Roadinspection station. There, a guard willcontact the visitor’s sponsor and verifythe visitor is expected and request thesponsor come to the gate to escort theguest onto the post.The visitor will still be subjected to

identity and criminal backgroundchecks. New scanners at the gates willnow help expedite that process, Carta-gena said.All privately owned vehicles can be

subjected to 100 percent identificationchecks and/or inspection by securitypersonnel. All vehicles allowed on postmust be registered and insured ac-cording to state and local laws.“Our goal is to have longer hours,

simplify things for people and enhancethe security of the installation,” Cartage-

na said. “It’s just an expansion of ourcustomer service.Our policies are prettymuch the same, just a bigger timeframe.”Lt. Col. Jeffrey E. Winegar, provost

marshal and director of DES, said thenew regulations for gaining access onpost bring Fort Meade in line withmilitary installations and access controlpolicy across the country.“This is nothing extreme or new,” he

said. “We just have not been in fullcompliance of the Army policy. We’vebeen slowly implementing the greatercompliance. The requirement has beenout there for years, but we didn’t havethe resources to comply.Now, it’s time.“You can’t just come on the in-

stallation if youwant to seeBurbaLake,”Winegar said. “If you just show up on aweekend or are not pre-vetted and don’thaveaDoDescort, you’re justnotgettingon the installation.“Non-vetted, non-escorted, no access.

We’re keeping out the bad guys. That’sour purpose in life, to stop those guys.”Editor’s note: For more information

aboutvisitingFortMeade, call theVCCat301-677-1064 or go

VCC increases hours, updates systems for post accessBy Alan H. FeilerStaff Writer

Beginning April 4, the Demps Visitor Control Center will be open Mondays through Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.PHOTO BY SGT. 1ST CLASS FRANK INMAN

What you need whenyou visit the VCCWhen coming to the Visitor ControlCenter, visitors must have:

■ A sponsor OR a valid reason forgaining access to the post

■ A valid, state-issued Real IDAct-compliant photo ID

■ A second form of ID compliantwith the Real ID Act (See Page 4)

*One ID must be the original.


Whether you plan to visit an uncle whoresides on the installation or attend thenextPTAmeetingonpost, it is beneficial topreregister for a temporary access pass.

Guests can preregister for a one-daypass, a short-termpass of up to 30days or along-termpass of up to one year.

As of April 4, all visitors must have anofficial or valid reason to come on postsuch as work, meeting a resident orattending a public event.

TouringtheFortMeadeMuseum,eatingin the food court at theExchange or takingin the scenery at Burba Lake are no longerconsideredvalid reasons forvisitors togainunescorted access to the installation.

However, visitors who do not have anofficial or valid reason to be on post andlack a DoD-issued identification can re-quest a special waiver pass at the DempsVisitor Control Center at least 10 businessdays prior to their planned visit.

Bypreregistering,guestscutout thewaittime to obtain a pass at theVCCon the dayof their visit or scheduled event.

George Cartagena, supervisor of theVCC, said the time it takes to get on postcould be “unpredictable” during the up-coming weeks and recommends thatvisitors preregister for passes to expeditethe process.

The VCC will have a process in whichindividuals with a badge waiting for themwill receive priority service.

“If you have preregistered and you’re inline [at the VCC] and there are manypeople in line ahead of you, you don’t havetowait [as long],” he said.

In order to preregister, a visitor musthave a qualified sponsor: a servicememberwith amilitary ID, amilitary spousewith amilitary ID, a DoD employee with a

Common Access Card, or CorviasMilitaryLiving residents with a valid residentbadge. Visitors and their sponsor mustpreregister at the VCC at least 10 businessdays prior to the day of the visit.

Alternatively, sponsors can bring theirguests’ information to the VCC in advanceof their visit to begin the vetting process.The sponsorwill be notifiedwhen thepassis ready. Guests can then pick up their passat theVCC.

Military dependent children and con-

tractors cannot sponsor visitors.At the VCC, visitors must present two

forms of identification that are in compli-ance with the REAL ID Act of 2005. Thatcan include a valid, state-issued photo IDor driver’s license and a Social Securitycard. Only one of the IDs has to be anoriginal; the other can be a copy.

Visitorswhodonot have aREAL IDActcompliant driver’s license (licenses issuedby Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, NewMexico, Washington State or American

Samoa)must present additional identifica-tion such as a validU.S. passport andSocialSecurity card.

The VCCwill conduct aNational CrimeInformation Center-Interstate Identifica-tion Index background check, whichincludes a complete criminal history with-in the last 10 years from the date ofconviction.

To be given a pass, visitors must have afavorableNCIC-III background check.

Whena favorableNCIC-III backgroundcheck is completed, theVCCwill notify thesponsor that thevisitor isapprovedandcanpick up the pass at the VCC. The sponsordoes not have to be present when thevisitor picks up the pass at theVCC.

If negative information is discoveredduring the NCIC-III background check,the visitorwill be denied a pass.

“No one gains access unless they arevetted and credentialed,” said Lt. Col.Jeffrey E. Winegar, provost marshal anddirector of the Directorate of EmergencyServices. “If you’ve been vetted, have aproper clearance and meet the properrequirements, you can gain access.”

A visitor who is denied access can applyfor an access request waiver at the VCC.The VCC will provide the visitor with anAccess ControlWaiver Process Letter thatprovides instructions for obtaining awaiver. The visitor is responsible formeeting the requirements of thewaiver.

Thevisitor’s sponsor canhelp thevisitorthrough the process. Visitors should allowat least 10 business days for the waiverprocess to be completed.

Garrison Commander Col. Brian P.Foley will review all waiver requests anddecidewhether to grant awaiver.

The VCC notifies applicants about theirwaiver status. If a waiver is denied, thevisitor will not gain access to the in-stallation.

Preregister: Plan ahead, save time, get vettedBy Lisa R. RhodesStaff Writer

Residents must request access passes for their guests to attend private func-tions such as a graduation party or bridal shower. Sponsors should submit re-quests directly to the Demps Visitor Control Center at least 10 business daysprior to the event. If approved, vetted guests will pick up their pass either at theVCC or, if the VCC is closed, at the inspection station. All guests’ vehicles will beinspected prior to entering the installation.


Now that your guests are confirmed, it’s time to preparefor their access. If your guests are not present, you canprovide the information in their absence.Here’swhat you can do to get started:

Step 1: Gather the required personal identificationinformation fromyour guests.Youwill need their full name, date of birth and SocialSecurity number or driver’s license number. Addition-

ally, you need the information from their valid, state-issued photo IDANDSocial Security card or otherauthorized forms of ID listed in theREAL IDAct.

Step 2:Go into theDempsVisitorControl Center torequest a FortMeade visitor access pass.

Step 3:Complete the request for visitor access form.Youwill be required to showyourDoD-issued ID, astheir sponsor, and provide the full name, date of birthand Social Security number of your visiting guest(s)for the background check.

Step 4:VCCpersonnelwill process the visitor accesspass form.

Step 5:The sponsorwill be notified by theVCC thatthe access passes are ready for pick up. Then, thesponsorwill notify their guest(s) to inform them topick up the passes at theVCC.

Step 6:The visitor(s)will go into theVCCwith theirpersonal identification information (state-issuedphoto ID and Social Security card) to validate theiridentity to pick up their access passes.

ACCESS GRANTED:How to preregister your guests in advanceBy Ganesa R. RobinsonEditor


If you have visited Fort Meaderecently, you may have noticed changesto the process for accessing the in-stallation.As part of the Department of De-

fense’s enhanced access control pro-cedures, the Fort Meade Directorate ofEmergency Services has begun imple-menting the new Automated Installa-tionEntry systemat the gates.The AIE security system will offi-

cially activate April 4 at Fort Meadegates, requiring DoD Common AccessCards or family member identificationcardholders to swipe or scan their IDcard in order to gain entrance to the

installation.The purpose of the new system is to

increase security for service membersand their families,DoDcivilians, federalretirees, contractors and guests of theinstallation by electronically validatingan individual’s identification.Gate guards will continue manning

the access control points.For more information on Fort

Meade’s access control procedures, callthe DES Physical Security Office at301-677-6618.

Editor’s note: Formore information onFort Meade’s new access control pro-cedures, staytunedtoMeadeTV,andFortMeade’s Facebook page and website forfurther updates.

Effective April 4, if you don’t have a Department of Defense-issued Common Ac-cess Card or family member ID, you must go to the Demps Visitor Control Center.


In the cards: Fort Meade implementsAutomated Installation Entry systemBy Ganesa R. RobinsonEditor Delays at the gate may be avoided

by following a few simple tips:■ Be alert while waiting in line.

■ Proceed to the AIE machine after the vehicle in front of you has entered.

■ Pull up close enough to the curb to access the AIE machine.

■ Do not wait for the arm to completely lower before using the AIE system.

■ Properly swipe or scan your CAC or family member ID using the barcode.

■ Allow five to 10 seconds for the barcode scan to complete.

■ Ensure all passengers in the vehicle possess a valid photo ID.

■ No ID, no entry.

Pull up close enough to the curb to access the AIE machine.
