No conflicts of interest - ACEP...Director, Clinical Informatics, Ronald O. Perelman Department of...


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No conflicts of interest

Note: All results have been modified from their actual values for the purpose of this presentation

The Complete Journey from EHR Data to Actionable Insights

orHow to communicate with your data analyst

Jordan Swartz, MD, MADirector, Clinical Informatics, Ronald O. Perelman Department of Emergency MedicineAssociate Professor, New York University School of Medicine

EHR Data to Actionable Insights

From clinical question to visualization1. Formulate the question in detail

2. Determine the data needed to answer the question

3. Query the database

4. Analyze the data

5. Visualize the analysis

1. Formulate the question in detail• 1. Ask the general question

• Is my emergency department prescribing opioids appropriately?

• 2. Determine what you want to measure• Departmental Rx rate, individual provider rates, rates over time

• 3. Define the population• Numerator: Number of patients with an opioid-sparing diagnosis • Denominator: Number of patients prescribed an opioid in 2016-18 • Denominator exclusions: Admitted, peds, CT/MRI

• 4. Formulate the question in detail• What are the opioid Rx rates both overall and over time at both the departmental

and individual levels for patients who presented to the ED from 2016-2018 with opioid-sparing diagnoses?

2. Consider the data needed to answer the question• Encounter Number• MRN• Patient name• Age• ED arrival time• ED disposition time• ED disposition• ED diagnosis• Prescription information

• Drug or drug category• Quantity

• Prescriber (if work without PAs/Residents)• Attending (if work with PAs/Residents• Imaging orders

3. Query the (relational) database

Encounters Table

Patient Table

Encounter_ID Arrival_date MRN Visit_type Disposition_code

745443 05/02/2019 19555 3 14

745442 05/02/2019 15432 1 18

745441 05/01/2019 13221 2 22

MRN Name Date_of_birth Ethnicity Marital_status

19555 John Smith 04/25/1954 11 2

15432 Jane Smith 01/08/1978 3 1

13221 John Donald 11/12/1990 6 3



Encounter_ID Arrival_date MRN Visit_type Disposition_code

745443 05/02/2019 19555 3 14

745442 05/02/2019 15432 1 18

745441 05/01/2019 13221 2 22

MRN Name Date_of_birth Ethnicity Marital_status

19555 John Smith 04/25/1954 11 2

15432 Jane Smith 01/08/1978 3 1

13221 John Donald 11/12/1990 6 3

Visit_type Visit_Name

1 Office Visit

2 Laboratory

3 Emergency


A Gentle Introduction to SQL

A Gentle Introduction to SQL• SELECT

• Specifies the data

• FROM• Specifies the tables

• Join• Specifies joining the tables

• WHERE• Specifies the filters



VisitEncounter_ID Arrival_date MRN Visit_type Disposition_code

745443 05/02/2019 19555 3 14

745442 05/02/2019 15432 1 18

745441 05/01/2019 13221 2 22

MRN Name Date_of_birth Ethnicity Marital_status

19555 John Smith 04/25/1954 11 2

15432 Jane Smith 01/08/1978 3 1

13221 John Donald 11/12/1990 6 3

Visit_type Visit_Name

1 Office Visit

2 Laboratory

3 Emergency


Select Encounter_ID, MRNFROMEncounters

Encounter_ID MRN

745443 19555

745442 15432

745441 13221




VisitEncounter_ID Arrival_date MRN Visit_type Disposition_code

745443 05/02/2019 19555 3 14

745442 05/02/2019 15432 1 18

745441 05/01/2019 13221 2 22

MRN Name Date_of_birth Ethnicity Marital_status

19555 John Smith 04/25/1954 11 2

15432 Jane Smith 01/08/1978 3 1

13221 John Donald 11/12/1990 6 3

Visit_type Visit_Name

1 Office Visit

2 Laboratory

3 Emergency


Select Encounter_ID, MRN, NameFROMEncounters

inner join Patient on Encounters.MRN = Patient.MRN

Encounter_ID MRN Name

745443 19555 John Smith

745442 15432 Jane Smith

745441 13221 John Donald




VisitEncounter_ID Arrival_date MRN Visit_type Disposition_code

745443 05/02/2019 19555 3 14

745442 05/02/2019 15432 1 18

745441 05/01/2019 13221 2 22

MRN Name Date_of_birth Ethnicity Marital_status

19555 John Smith 04/25/1954 11 2

15432 Jane Smith 01/08/1978 3 1

13221 John Donald 11/12/1990 6 3

Visit_type Visit_Name

1 Office Visit

2 Laboratory

3 Emergency

Select Encounter_ID, Name, Visit_NameFROMEncounters

inner join Patient on Encounters.MRN = Patient.MRNinner join Visit on Encounters.Visit_type = Visit.Visit_type

Encounter_ID Name Visit_Name

745443 John Smith Office Visit

745442 Jane Smith Laboratory

745441 John Donald




VisitEncounter_ID Arrival_date MRN Visit_type Disposition_code

745443 05/02/2019 19555 3 14

745442 05/02/2019 15432 1 18

745441 05/01/2019 13221 2 22

MRN Name Date_of_birth Ethnicity Marital_status

19555 John Smith 04/25/1954 11 2

15432 Jane Smith 01/08/1978 3 1

13221 John Donald 11/12/1990 6 3

Visit_type Visit_Name

1 Office Visit

2 Laboratory

3 Emergency

Select Encounter_ID, Name, Visit_NameFROMEncounters

inner join Patient on Encounters.MRN = Patient.MRNinner join Visit on Encounters.Visit_type = Visit.Visit_type

WHERE Visit_Name = “Emergency”

Encounter_ID Name Visit_Name

745441 John Donald


Encounter ID,Patient_Name,Primary_CC,Primary_DX,Age,ArrivalInstant,DepartureInstant,Attending,Department_Name,Care_Area,Prescription_Name,Prescription_Quantity,"CT?","MRI?",MED,MED_DATE,MED_CLASS

attendingproviderfact.FirstInEncounter IN ( '1' )andEdVisitProfileDim.EdDisposition = 'Discharge‘andedvisitfact.UnderObservation = '0‘andProceduredim.Category IN ( 'IMG CT, 'IMG MRI’)andProcedureOrderProfileDim.status <> 'Canceled‘andMedicationdim.PharmaceuticalClass like '%opioid%‘andOrdereddttm < evf.DepartureInstantandTherapeuticClass = 'Analgesics'

SELECT WHEREEdVisitFactPatientDimChiefComplaintDimDiagnosisDimAttendingProviderFactDepartmentDimEdVisitProfileDimCareareadimMedicationOrderFactMedicationdimProcedureDimProcedureOrderFact


Opioid Query

4. Analyze the dataDepartmental Rx rate, individual provider rates, rates over time

Popular Tools:• Excel

• R• Python

• Tableau• Qlikview


5. Visualize the analysis

Tableau Demo

Group Practice Session
