No 91 Friday 16th March



No 91 Friday 16th March

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No. 90 Friday 16th March 2012 With this newsletter you will receive Creative Learning & Fun 2012 leaflet Kindergarten - Year 5 After School Sign up club forms Years 1 - 6

Headteacher’s Commendation

Congratulations to the following children, who received the award this week:

Maddy C in 5L for excellent work in Art Edie W in 5L for excellent work in Art

Annabel A in 5L for excellent work in Art Jade K in 5S for excellent work in Art

Thomas Y 4L excellent work in Science

Well done children!

Dear Parents, We are delighted to attach the entrance exam results for our Year 6 pupils for 2012. The children worked tremendously hard to achieve these excellent results and they should all feel very proud of themselves. Congratulations to all of them, and to their teachers throughout the school. Our second music concert this Monday, trimmed down to finish more promptly, was a de-light. It was wonderful to see the whole range of music throughout the school, from solo-ists through smaller groups to the assembled choir and orchestra playing ‘Rocking all over the World’ at the end. We were all very impressed by the poise, concentration and musical-ity of the soloists and the panache with which the children introduced their pieces. Many thanks to all the Kew College staff who attended and congratulations to Mrs Thompson for masterminding such a successful evening. We look forward to the Year 2 concert on Mon-day 19th and the Year 3 – 6 soloists on Monday 26th March. Please note that the date of our Sports Day is slightly different this year from previous years. It will take place on Thursday 24th May. Anne Dobell

ENTRANCE EXAM RESULTS 2012 We are delighted to present an overview of the successes of our Year 6 pupils in their en-trance exams to senior schools for 2012. 24 children sat the exams this year. Many congratulations to all the children and their teachers! City of London School for Boys 1 place offered

1 scholarship

Colet Court 3 places offered

Downe House 1 place offered

Francis Holland 5 places offered

3 reserve academic scholarships

Godolphin & Latymer 5 places offered

Halliford School 2 places offered

Hampton 5 places offered

The Harrodian 2 places offered

Ibstock Place 14 places offered

1 academic scholarship

Kingston Grammar School 6 places offered

1 academic scholarship

Lady Eleanor Holles 3 places offered

Latymer Upper 7 places offered

2 academic scholarships

Leweston School, Dorset 2 places offered

Notting Hill and Ealing High School 7 places offered

Putney High School 7 places offered

Putney Park School 1 place offered

Queen’s Gate 1 place offered

Radnor House 2 places offered

St Benedict’s School 7 places offered

1 academic scholarship

St Catherine’s School 1 place offered

St James Girls’ School 2 places offered

St James Boys’ School 6 places offered

Surbiton High School 5 places offered

Tiffin Boys’ School 1 place offered

Waldegrave School 1 place offered

Westminster School 1 place offered


Monday 19th March

Open Morning Year 3 1M and 1B first half of the Register Kindergarten Blue and Green first half of the Register


Class and Sports Photographs – please ensure your child has his/her blazer and clean sports kit


Deirdre Ryan Olympic High Jump Athlete visiting Kew College. Years 2—6 will attend and this will be held in the Sedum and playground.


Last Clubs Debating Table Tennis El Club Espanol

1.00—1.30pm 3.30—4.30pm

Year 2 Spring Concert in the Sedum begins at 4.00pm Blazers to be worn. Please collect your child afterwards from the Main School Entrance.


Tuesday 20th March

Open Morning Kindergarten Blue and Green second half of the Register 1M and 1B second half of the Register


Pupil Presentations for next year’s charity 8.40am

Last Clubs Jazz Dance Club Performance to Parents Arts and Crafts – Years 4 - 6 Knatty Knitting Club Computer – Sedum collection Multi Fit – Sedum collection

3.30 – 4.30pm 4.15pm

Wednesday 21st March

Open Morning Year 4 2B and 2M first half of the Register

8.20 –8.35am

5S Outing to National Archives and Hampton Court Walking to National Archives at 9.00am and then coach taking them from there at 10.45am to Hampton Court Palace returning late to school at 4.30pm


Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Swimming Final at Pools on the Park, Richmond. Children will be taken to the pool from school at 1.00pm. Please collect your child from the Pool


Last Orchestra session – Please take your child to the Sedum Last Clubs Games Little Golfers Arts and Crafts – Years 2 - 3

8.00am 3.30 – 4.30pm

Thursday 22nd March

Open Morning 2M and 2B second half of the Register


Assembly for ‘Just a Drop’ World Water Day and Mufti Day. Junior House to come into school in their sports kit and bring with them other blue outfits and accessories. Infant House to come in blue mufti. Please remember to send in £1 with your child.


Year 4 Netball v Kew Green Prep tournament Away 2.00pm

Last Clubs Fencing Year 5 – Sedum collection Keyboard Ensemble – Sedum collection Cookery Fencing Year 6 – Sedum collection

3.30 – 4.30pm 3.30 - 5.00pm 4.40 – 5.40pm

Friday 23rd March

The School’s Birthday Children to wear games kit and bring packed lunch as usual but no book bag. KCF SUPPLYING CAKES FOR CAKE SALE


Saturday 24th March Year 5 Netball v St James’s Away 9.00am


SUMMER TERM CLUBS 2012 We are pleased to introduce two new clubs next term, Pottery Club for Years 5 and 6 on

Mondays and Latin Club for Years 3 & 4 on Wednesdays. Please complete your form and remember to write your child's name clearly together with their class and date. The forms are to be handed into the office by Thursday 22nd March. The lists will go out with Kew News on Friday 23rd March. Payment for these are clearly marked on the form. Cheques to be handed in to the office for the Outside Providers on Monday 26th March. Thank you.

Class and Sports Photographs on Monday 19th March 2012 Dear Parents, The school photographers will be in school on Monday 19th March to take the class and sports team photographs. Please ensure your children are looking smart and that they are wearing their blazers with Winter uniform. For all Junior House pupils and swimming team members please also ensure that the children bring in clean, named sports kit (full kit) in a separate rucksack or bag with their name on it. In particular, the children need to have their navy blue shorts, navy blue socks and trainers or astro turf boots. Thank you.

World Water Day Just a reminder that we will be celebrating ’ World Water Day’ in Assembly on Thursday 22nd March which will support our charity ‘Just a Drop ‘. As the Junior House will be attending both swimming and games that day, they will need to wear their sports kit. It would be very much appreciated if these children could bring any other blue outfits or accessories with them to wear for the Assembly. The Infant House should come to school in their blue mufti to celebrate ‘World Water Day’. Please remember to send a £1 with your child.

The School Birthday Friday 23rd March Due to the nature of the activities for the School’s

Birthday, please can all children come to school in

their tracksuit tops, bottoms and polo shirts.

YEAR 2 Ava 2B

YEAR 3 Louis 3S

YEAR 5 Edie 5L

WEEK 3 OF THE MASCOT HUNT Well done to those of you who found us.

We have now hidden again so please look for us and put your name and our locations in the box by the front door.

The winners this week were: Ted B (4F) Nyle (1M)

Kindergarten Green Assembly Thursday 15th March 2012

Mothering Sunday On Thursday 15th March Kindergarten Green led Infant Assembly on Mothering Sunday. Prior to this assembly the children had been thinking about how many things our Moth-ers or the main ladies in our lives do for us on a daily basis. During our Assembly, we shared with the rest of the Infant House what we love most about our Mummy. The children spoke one at a time and addressed the hall with confi-dence. Kindergarten Green then sang a song, before saying the Lord’s Prayer to-gether with the rest of the school. Well done, Kindergarten Green! Miss Rosenthal and Miss Lawrence

Year 6 to visit retail outlets in the Kew Village Next week, Year 6 will be composing letters to ask local retail outlets to support our summer fair in aid of our school charity. The letters will be hand written by the children and delivered by them during school hours in the early part of next week. The local outlets have always been very supportive in the past and

some have already offered particular support and we very much appre-

ciate their generous donations. Please do look out for us in the village

next week.

Congratulations to our Golden winners this week!

5S produced an assembly on Hinduism for the Junior School. They did fantastically well to entertain and edu-cate in equal measure. Congratulations to all of the stu-dents.

On 13th March, the motion for the debate was ‘This house believes that Capital Punish-ment should be reintroduced.’ This motion was undecided, as the overwhelming majority of children abstained from vot-

ing, reflecting the complexity of the issue at hand and the need for further debate. Perhaps

the most compelling argument against the motion was the potential tragedy if the wrong

person was convicted and subsequently executed. The most potent arguments in favour of

Capital punishment discussed the notion that prison doesn’t act as a powerful enough de-

terrent, whereas ‘an eye for an eye’ would reflect the severity of the crime.

0n Wednesday 14th March Year 3 went on a trip to St. Paul’s Cathedral. It was a very long trip, but I liked it. I liked it because it was different from a synagogue. It was different from a synagogue be-cause at synagogues you don’t have kneelers or a chapel. Our guide was called David Hopper. First, all of Year 3 had lunch. After that we were split into our two classes. When we were ready, David brought us into the OBE chapel. The floor of the chapel was partly made of graves. My group was brought to Christopher Wren’s grave. David explained about Roman numerals and we went on our way. We saw two sculptures of Mary and Jesus but I liked only one of them. The one I liked was a terracotta one the other was made of stone and I didn’t like it because it was really odd - it didn’t have much of a shape! There were three domes that were decorated really well. I didn’t know that churches are built in the shape of a cross. Before we left, we got back together as one year group again. We chose pieces of paper with printed patterns. I had a rather hard one, but Olivia M had an even harder one. We had to trace the patterns to make stained glass windows. I thought it was really fun but exhausting. By Olympia 3S

When I got out of the coach I was amazed at the sight of St Paul’s Cathedral. It was a big, greyish –white building made of marble with a huge dome on top. A large garden with lots of colourful flow-ers surrounded it. We climbed the steps and entered the church. After lunch we went on a tour. We saw many statues; some of them were of Jesus and Mary. They were made of marble and red clay. Next we went into another room and were told to look at the pictures on the ceiling. Then we moved on to the next place. It seemed to be a chapel. In the back-ground we heard an organ playing some lovely music. Then we moved on to the stained glass window workshop for kids. We got to explore the activity of

making them and how fun it would be. What you have to do is get a see through piece of paper and

another which isn’t see through to trace the design from. Mine had a picture of a cross and I loved


Kate 3B


Junior Citizen On Wednesday, Year 6 went to Holly Lodge in Richmond Park to participate in a Borough wide Junior Citizen Course alongside other schools. It was a truly excellent course in helping to prepare the children for life af-ter Kew College and to keep them safe on their journeys to and from school and generally when they are out and about. There were representations from Transport for London, Port of London Authority, London Fire Brigade, UK Power Networks, Metropolitan Police and the Ambulance Service, amongst others. The children certainly learnt many things and hopefully are more equipped to look after themselves. This has come at a particularly relevant time, when many children from Year 6 have now begun to take their first step towards greater independence and are travelling to and from school alone or with friends. This is what the children had to say about what they learned. “I now know to stand well back on the platform at a train or tube station, ideally my own length and an ex-tra step back, to prevent me from falling onto the tracks ,” Lydia. “Never touch an unattended bag. Report it immediately and use another form of transport,” Clemmie. “If you are in a building or room when a fire breaks out, always check the doorknob with the back of your hand before touching it or you could be in for a severe burn,” Arthur. “Crouch low to get out of a burning building so you don’t inhale any smoke,” Zach. “I learnt to keep off the mud at the river’s edge as it is very sticky and you could find yourself sinking or stuck during an incoming tide,” Beth. “Watch out for overhead electricity cables when fishing and don’t ever try to get a stuck kite out of an over-head electricity cable as electricity can jump,” Luke. “A policeman told me to get the IMEI number off my phone and keep it in a safe place for identification purposes if my phone is stolen,” Molly. “I now know that it is important to keep my bicycle and helmet in good order to reduce the risk of an acci-dent and to limit the damage if I have one. I also know to wear bright jackets if I am travelling in the dark, to keep my shoelaces tied and not to listen to an iPod as it means that I wouldn’t be able to hear things com-ing,” Nicholas. “If you discover someone injured or collapsed, check if they are conscious and breathing before phoning 999,” Ilana. “It never occurred to me to keep my back to the wall when using a mobile phone as it will stop someone being able to creep up on me from behind to steal it. Now I will always do that,” Anna-Lucia. “Being a good citizen is about respecting rules to keep me safe,” Holly. “I really enjoyed being trained to phone the 999 service correctly. I now know what information they need to know and that it is important to stay calm,” Sebby. Finally Huw said that he felt much better prepared to go out into the world and be safe. The rest of Year 6

agreed. Well done to the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames for running this excellent course.

CHARITY ELECTIONS The first leg in the elections for our new school charity begins today with “House” presentations

from children on their chosen charity. It is all very exciting. We will, of course, be sad to say good-

bye to “Just a Drop”, as we thoroughly enjoyed raising money to support its cause. The second set

of presentations will take place on Tuesday 20th March, so if a child or a group of children are keen

to make a presentation, there is still plenty of time. On Tuesday, each of the three “Houses” will

vote on one charity they wish to support and these chosen charities will make their final presenta-

tions to Year 2-6 on Monday 26th March. At this point, every child will have an opportunity to cast

their vote in the ballot box and the outcome will be announced in the final assembly of the Spring

Term. Good luck to all involved.


‘Just a Drop’ - we have raised an amazing sum of £7k for our charity. The children will present a cheque to them on 22nd March – ‘World Water Day’. Thank you so much for all your support for this very worthwhile cause. The funds that Kew College have raised will go directly to a school in Uganda to ensure they now have clean water to drink and use every day. Remember to go blue on 22nd March when Bethy Woodward – who won Gold in the 400m IPC World Championships in New Zealand, will be coming into school. Bethy is a Paralympian who is to become an ambassador for ‘Splash for Kids’. The children will see photos of the school that they will be helping and learn more about the children whose lives will change with the availability of water on tap. KCF have also just purchased all 24 iPads for the school. We are very excited that the chil-dren will be able to use these in school. We have also given £1k to the library to buy a new selection of books for all ages, as well as purchasing the piano, which is in use in the hall. We will start to fundraise for next year’s chosen charity after Easter and are looking for-ward to finding out which one has been chosen by the children. A HUGE thank you to everyone for supporting us throughout the year. Dates for the Diary 18th May – Recycling Day 16th June – Summer Fair – more details will be sent out soon so watch this space…. We have signed up for a clothes recycling scheme. More details will follow next term but a collection will be made on Friday 18th May – they will take all your unwanted clothes, shoes and curtains etc. So if you have a spring clean in the holidays keep all those clothes that no longer fit or have not been worn for a while. KCF will receive 50p per kilo of clothes. If this goes well we may also sign up to more recycling schemes such as printer cartridges and mobile phones.

Calling all budding singers.. KCF are thinking of starting a Mum’s choir – to be run by a talented Kew College Mum! We have no idea how many people would be interested – there will be no embarrassing auditions we promise, we would like anyone who wants to have some fun and enjoys singing, to get together. In order to gauge interest could you let me know if you would be interested in some fun and jolly singing – please e-mail me at

Ads Beautiful architect designed studio flat in the heart of Paris Boulevard Saint-Germain.150 Euros per night. Few of Kew College parents happily used the flat be-fore. For further details please contact 07973388556 Alexandra Newly refurbished 5 bedroom house with outside swimming pool, 200m from the Mediterranean Sea. South of France, Argeles-sur-mer.near Perpignan. For further details and prices contact 07973388556 Alexandra

DID YOU KNOW? The typical sunflower grows to around 2m in height, the tallest sunflower on record grew to 25 feet, 5 1/4 inches (7.75m) and the largest head grew to 82cm.Sunflowers are very easy to grow and can grow up to 30cm each day!

To encourage the green fingers of Kew College, KCF is hold-ing a Sunflower growing competition.

We challenge you to grow the tallest sunflower or the largest sunflower head. Sunflower packs will be available in return for a donation of £1 on Wednesday and Thursday next week at drop off and pick up. The sunflower packs, which include seeds, pots, com-post, a cane and growing instructions, are kindly being do-nated by the Kew Gardener in Kew Village. Please feel free to decorate your pot to celebrate the summer holidays! There will be a prize for the Infant House and Junior House. Your Sunflowers will be judged by Dan from the Kew Gar-dener on the last week of school in July. More details to fol-low. Good luck and happy growing!

Sponsor a Kew College Mum…. Karen Johansson, Mum of Marcus Year 2 and Liv who is starting Nursery in September, has taken on a bit of a challenge! She has been inspired by her 6 year old niece, Elsie. Elsie was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia at the age of 2 and fought through 18 months of gruelling treatment including a bone marrow transplant. Her original chances of sur-vival were slim. Last week Elsie turned 6, which was a date no-one ever expected to be cele-brating. After seeing Elsie's courage and tenacity, Karen thought she should set herself a stretch target. Karen is 'running' the London marathon on 22nd April for Children with Cancer. This is a chal-lenge that is definitely a stretch and seems almost impossible every day!! If you would like to support a fabulous charity, Karen would be very grateful. Her sponsorship link is:

Join us this Easter holiday for a four-day filmmaking adventure in Wimbledon, South London. We’re down to

the last few places, so do get in touch soon to book yours!

April 2-5 Four-Day Film School (ages 10-13) £390

VENUE: Christ Church Hall, 16 Copse Hill, West Wimbledon, London SW20

This course includes a screening and awards ceremony at a West End venue on Sunday 15th April, plus a

DVD of the completed movie (with a Behind the Scenes special feature).

Full information about the course can be found HERE


To book a course, or for more information, contact:

020 7387 4341

GROUP BOOKING DISCOUNT: Book in a group of 3 or more and each person receives 10% off the total



We are also taking bookings for our summer filmmaking courses (St. John’s Wood & Wimbledon venues) in

Summer 2012:

July 23-26 Four-Day Film School (ages 11-14) £390** St. Johns Wood

July 27 Olympic Challenge: Film in a Day (ages 8-13) £95 St. Johns Wood

Jul 30-Aug 2 Four-Day Film School (ages 11-14) £390** Wimbledon

August 3 Olympic Challenge: Film in a Day (ages 8-13) £95 Wimbledon

August 6-9 Four-Day Film School (ages 15-18) £390** Wimbledon

August 6-9 Four-Day Film School (ages 15-18) £390** St. Johns Wood

**This course includes a screening and awards ceremony at a West End venue on Saturday 11th August, plus a

DVD of the completed movie (with a Behind the Scenes special feature)

For more information on all of the programmes we offer, please visit our website at


Sport Academies – School Holiday Sport Camps for 3-14 year olds Sport Academies is the new school holiday sport camp for 6-14 year olds in Chiswick. We run camps every school holiday at King’s House School Sports Ground. Children have the chance to receive tennis coaching, play football with QPR FC, practice netball and cricket and experience fencing with the GB coach and learn martial arts. Mornings are for multi-sport and children can choose a sport to specialise in the afternoon. We also run Tiny Tots Sport Academies, in Richmond, a specialist sport camp for 3-5 year olds! A safe, fun and active introduction to sport, held at King’s House School Junior Department. Dates, Times & Prices Easter: 10th-13th April Summer half term: 6th-8th June Summer: 16th-20th July, 23rd-27th July, 30th-3rd August, 6th-10th August & 13th-17th August Tiny Tots Sport Academies for 3-5s 9am-12pm, £100 per week /£24 per day Sport Academies for 6-15s 9am-3pm, £170 per week /£40 per day Includes a Hot, Healthy Lunch! Extra time for 6-13s 8.30am-4.30pm £30 per week BOOK NOW! Places are limited! Book online at or call the team on 0844 335 8217
