oguamlegislature.com/Mess_Comms_33rd/Doc No. 33GL-15-0152.pdf · d) budget for fiscal year 2015 e)...


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2/5/2015 Mail at JL.Kii Woo Pat Mail - Messages M:1 Communications

Speaker Won Pat <speaker@judlwonpatcom>

Messages and Communications

Speaker Won Pat <speaker@judiwonpat.com> Thu, Feb5, 2015at 11:16AM To: Guam Legislature Clerks Office <clerks@guamlegislature.org>

2/5/2015 1/2812015 Guam Housing Corporation P.L. 31-233, Reporting Requirement for Boards and 33-15-0152 Comm1ss1ons

{Quoted text hidden)

~ Speaker and Governor ReporUng Requirements GHC BOOM 1.21.15.pdf 308K


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/(otporasioll Ginima' Guahan

January 28, 2015

Honorable Edward J.B. Cal vo Governor of Guam P.O. Box 2950 Hagatfia, Guam 96932

Honorable Judith T. Won Pat Speaker, 33 rd Guam Legislature 155 Hesler Place Hagatfia, Gu am 96910

GUMI HOUSING CORPORATION P.O. Box 3457, Hagatlin, Guam 96932

RE: P.L. 31-233, Reporting Requirement for Boards and Commissions

Dear Governor Calvo and Speaker Won Pat,

Pursuant to P.L. 31-233 Chapter XII Section 38 §8113.l , Reporting Requirements for Board and Commission, provided is an electronic copy of Guam Hou ing Corporation' Regular Board of Director's Meeting packet, which took place on Wednesday, January 21 , 2015 .

If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 647-4143 ext. 134.


590 S. Marine Corps Drive, Ste. 514 fTC Building, Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone Number (671) 647-4143/46. Fax Number (671) 649-4144

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152





I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Board Minutes

- Regular Board of Directors Meeting of November 25, 2014

IV. Legal Report

V. New Business

- Budget Amendment: President

- Approval of Resolution No. 01-2015

VI. Reports

1) President’s Report

2) Management Reports

A. Accounting Report

B. QAO Report

C. Loan Activity Report

D. Rental Report

VII. Public Participation

VIII. Miscellaneous

IX. Adjournment

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152




1. Call to Order:

The regular meeting of the Guam Housing Corporation Board of Directors was called to order on 25 November 2014 at 1507 at GHC Offices, Tamuning, Guam.

II. Roll Call of Directors:

Members present included the following;

Francisco Florig, GHC Chairman Juno Eun, Vice Chair Tom Flores, Member Fe Ovalles, Member

For Management and Employees;

Mary Guerrero, President (acting) Michael Martinez, Manager Caesar Villanueva, Special Asst. to the President Alysia Leon Guerrero, Accounting Manager Clyde Beaver, QAO Lorretta Iriarte, Clerk Typist I/Board Coordinator

Also present was legal counsel Fisher & Associates by attorney Thomas J. Fisher

III. Approval of Board Minutes

Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Board approved the minutes of the Guam Housing Corporation Board of Directors regu lar meeting of 05 November 2014.

IV. Legal Report

Legal counsel deferred to the President's Report

V. New Business

The Board discussed an amendment to the present Corporation budget. The Directors learned that additional funds were needed to compensate an employee temporarily occupying and acting in the position of President. Upon consideration of the application, a motion was made to amend the budget to

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

provide an additional $1,035.27 in compensation for that person. The motion was duly seconded and passed without objection.

VI. Reports.

A. President's Report. The President (acting) updated the First Time Homebuyers Assistance Program. It was reported that the Corporation had issued 236 First Time Homeowners Assistance Program certificates totaling $1,683,071.88. The President updated the status of loans closed for the month of October. The President reported to the Board the status of income received through rental of corporation property. The President reported certain income & expense information. The President reported on the progress of drafting rules for the Housing Trust Fund. The President's Report of24 November 2014 is attached hereto and incorporated in these minutes as if fully set forth herein.

B. Management Report. A written report was submitted for review.

VII. Public Participation.


VIII. Miscellaneous.


IX. Adjournment

A motion was then made to adjourn the meeting. This was duly seconded and carried unanimously.

WHEREFORE the Board meeting adjourned.

Approved and accepted as to form and content;

Francis 0 Florig Chairm n

~~ Thomas J. Fisher, Esq. Legal Counsel, GHC Minutes prepared by Fisher & Associates


*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

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*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152


02 January 2015

To: President

From: Quality Assurance Officer

Subj: Summary review, with respect to Compliance, of Guam Housing Corporation's statement of finances including its:

a) Financial Posture b) Collateral Position c) Accounting of funds d) Debt Service e) Operations f) Financial report g) Reports due h) Portfolio i) Summary

Reference reports include:

a) the latest unaudited financial report, month ending 30 November 2014 b) cash position as of 30 November 2014 c) projected principal and interest summary as of 30 November 2014 d) budget for fiscal year 2015 e) revenue and expense report fiscal year 2015 to date

Issues of Interest:

The Draft Rules for the Housing Trust remain a work in progress with Attorney Cynthia Ecube, we anticipate a re-introduction to the legislature after this election cycle.

Draft legislation for a Lending Capital Program and funding source recommendations remain a work in progress with Attorney Cynthia Ecube, we anticipate a re-introduction after this election cycle.

The Draft Rules for the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program are stalled.

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

2). Financial Posture

3) Collateral position

Of the corporation's $ 29,782,231 portfolio;

Legal; $ 3,336,171 of these have been targeted for foreclosure or other legal action.

There is $ 2,095,433 in program loans.

4) Accounting of funds

(this review was conducted prior to the completion of the month end financial report and may vary with reports initiated by accollnting. These variances may stem primarily ji-OI11 inter-fulld transfers. Based on illformation noted ill the "Daily Cash Position"

The corporation holds a number of bank accounts as of 30 November 2014 including:

a) CAHAT: Bank of Guam $ 159,046.04 Money Concepts $ 000.00 to be inter-funded: $ 9,586.49 Committed to new loans ( $ 00,000.00) Available funds ......... ........ ........ .. .. .. ... .. .. ...... . . $ 168,632.53

b) First Time homeowner Relief Act $ 195,026.67 to be inter-funded: 4,256.73 Committed: ($ 298,170.06) A vailable funds: ........................ . ..... . ............. . $ (99,986.66)

c) Hazard Mitigation, Bank of Guam $ 151,516.68

d) Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle $ 41,486.93

e) Operations:

*Bank of Guam account (gross) Committed, ops or inter-fund:

$ 1,880,471.61

Program funds For Inter-fund

$ ( 40,992.07) $ ( 78,792.70)

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

Operations Reserves Committed to new loans Reservations

*Total committed, ops or inter-fund:

*Bank of Guam, ops, available funds Merrill Lynch, TCDs Money Concepts TCDs

$ ( 177,195.70) $ ( 21,500.00) $ ( 874,750.00) $( 00.00) $( 1,193,230.47)

$ 687,241.14 $ 00.00 $ 45.69

Total available funds (for operations ) ... . .. . ....................... . 687,286.83

e) BoG Revolving Loan Fund (6% loan funds):

Bank of Guam account (gross) Funds transfer (inter-fund) Total. ........................... . (Committed, new loans)

$ 1,166,777.53 $ 34,708.21 $ 1,201,485.74

($ 1,022,283.90)

Available funds, Bank of Guam .................... $ Money Concepts $

179,201.84 21.02

Total available funds .. ................. ..... ..... ................... .

f) Borrower's Trust Fund account, restricted:

Bank of Guam $ 109,377.22 Money Concepts TCDs $ 271,202.44 Funds transfer (inter-fund) $ 29,946.46 Total, Borrower's Trust Fund, gross

g) BoG Borrowers Deposit, restricted:


Amount to inter-fund Amount on deposit

$ (28.01) $ 261,687.52

h) TCDs Foreclosure Protection Fund, restricted:

$ 179,222.86


$ 201,659.51\

$ 501,000.06

The balances in the following accounts are reflected as of 30 November 2014

i) Rent operations, Lada Gardens;

Bank Pacific Money Concepts Reserves

TotaL ............................... .

$ 795,260.44

$ (487,613.63) $ 307,646.81


*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152


Available funds ............................................. . $ 307,646.81

j) Tenant security (restricted)

Bank Pacific Bank of Guam TeO

$ 27,86l.98 $ 38,125.50

Total. ............................................................ . $ 65,987.48

k) Self-insurance fund (restricted)

$ 00.00 $ 976,687.83

Bank of Guam TeO Money Concepts TeO Bank Pacific $ 000.00 Reserves for Asat-Das/etc $

Total................................................. $ 976,687.83

I) Reserves for replacement:

Bank of Guam TeO Bank Pacific Total

$ 400,000 will be transferred from the RFR for the Asat-Das/Sagan reservation reflecting an available balance of ............................ ..

m) Emergency housing fund,

$215,77l.21 $471,475.76 $687,246.97

Bank of Guam TeD $ 86,147.17 Bank Pacific $ 16,137.87

Total ........................................................................... .

n) As-Atdas Operations, Bank Pacific .................................... ..

0) Tenant security deposit (restricted) .................................... ..

Total cash available for operations Rental Division ........... .

$ 102,285.04

$ 22,935.31

$ 9,132.07

($ 307,646.81)

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

Summary of Committed funds:

Total committed to Affordable home program ......... . ........... $ 500,000 Total committed to Asat-Das/Sagan .. . ............ . . . ... . .... . . . .... $ 400,000 Total committed to borrower's mortgages...... . ..... . ................. $ 1,897,034 Total committed to the FfHOA program .. ... . . . . . . . ... .. . ... .... . . .. .. $ 298,170 Total committed ................................................. ,. ... ...... ...... . ...... . ... $2,195,204

5) Debt Service and Operations


Personnel (incl benefits) Miscellaneous other, recurring retirees, cola, sup Rental, other

$ 140,402 $ 23,062 $ 19,867 $ 17,709

monthly, average monthly, average

monthly, average monthly, average

Total. ..... .. ...... .. .............. ........ .. .............. .. ....... ....................... $ 201,040 mthly, average

CASH outlay for this month includes building renovations, $18,730; plus retiree's benefits of $ 119,204

6) Financials; including Rental assets and liabilities:

A) Balance Sheet;

1) Assets:

Assets total $ 47,214,851 encompassing all monetary instruments and receivables; principal with respect to the "unrestricted" regular portfolio, $ 27,686,797 it may be noted that this is $ 1,443,882 less than the previous year and, as previously noted the corporation has $ 2,095,433 in its program portfolio. It also includes interest, accrued or $ 77,149. The allowance for loan losses equates to $ 591,876. There have been $------------ in losses written against this account fiscal year to date.

2) Other assets:

The land and land held for development includes foreclosed assets total $ 399,949 other buildings, rental units include $ 6,686,548.


*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152


3) Investments and Restricted assets:

This includes loans written against the Mortgage Revenue Bond and funds placed with the Bond Trustee with respect to the cost of issuance totaling $ 3,825,646; the Foreclosure Protection Fund at $ 501,000 and $ 6,382,416 in restricted and unrestricted cash for special programs or trust including lending and rental operations and the self-insurance fund.

4) Liabilities

Liabilities, short term and long, $ 254,383 in loans held in trust. Liabilities also include bonds payable around $ 4.42 million, the balance of the liabilities include $ 612,185 & 59,964 (escrow & borrowers deposits and tenant security) funds held in trust; $ 74,070 for the rebate liability with respect to the MRB. Total Liabilities equal $ 6,255,504

5) Net Assets:

Capital assets including buildings, vehicles or furniture at $ 6,706,126; Restricted assets including the revolving loan fund, CAHAT, foreclosure protection fund and escrow funds at $ 8,785,453 and Unrestricted assets including operational cash and loans receivable at $ 30,968,790 for a total of $47,214,851.

B) Income Statement

1) The income for the period, fiscal year' 15 to date reflects a gain of $ 17,862, the income for the period reflects a gain of $ 11,933

2) The interest on loans receivable is exclusive of any accruals beyond 90 days.

C) Cash on Cash

The corporation has completed two month(s) of fiscal year 2015. The corporation's cash available for operations was greater than cash expended including debt service and capital outlays by $ 12,102 average per month, this includes the recovery of $204 or $ 102 average per month in interest previously placed in non-accrual, otherwise interest income was less than forecast by 3.79 %; $ 10,073 or $ 5,036 per month.

( the "cash available for operations" include rent receipts AND is compensating for the lower interest rates in portfolio driven income; the average interest income from loans (portfolio) and other investments (TCD's); is reflected at $ 213,142 with monthly expenses at $ 201,040 or sufficient by $ 12,102. (it may be noted that cash outlays building renovations at, so far, $18,730.

The net increase in the corporate portfolio fiscal year to date is at $ 172,071

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

7) Cash Projections:

8) Reports

a) The corporation is required to submit its audited financial report to;

1) Bond Trustee within 180 days of the fiscal years end and,

2) The Speaker of the Guam Legislature;

All reports have been completed on time, communicated via e-mail to addressees and available on the Guam OPA's web site.

b) The corporation is further required to prepare a separate annual report reflecting the performance of its loan portfolio as directed by the:

c) Other reports as directed

9) Portfolio

The corporation's portfolio consists of a total of 422 loans encompassing $ 29,782,231 of these, 31 files totaling $ 867,494 are USDA loans; the others, 107 files, totaling $ 2,095,433 in funds accounted for in three (3) other, Interest and Ilon- interest bearing categories:

a) First Mortgages

As of 30 November 2014 the corporation's general loan portfolio of first mortgages stood at $ 27,686,797 consisting of 315 loans with a weighted average of 5.74 %.

2) Of these, The Revolving Loan Fund encompasses 152 loans with a current principal balance of $ 15,347,703


3) Also, and in partnership with the Rural Development program, the corporation has funded first mortgages for 31 loans within those included above in the 6% Revolving Loan Fund Program reflecting a balance of $ 867,494; (For the most part the corporationfunds 20% of the applicants loan while holding r' lien position with the balance or 80% funded by Rural Development).

b) Second Mortgages; Third Mortgages, or "other" special category, program loans are as follows:

1) The portfolio for Hazard Mitigation is comprised of one loan or $ 10,719;

2) The Community Affordable Housing Action Trust includes 75 @ $ 1,831,367;

3) Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance program includes 31 @$ 253,346;

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

c) Grant; (From the First-time Homeowner Relief Act of 1998)

1) The corporation has issued 125 grants totaling $ 423,193. These are not loans however may have recapture provisions as conditions apply.

d) Grant; (From the First-time Homeowner Assistance Program of 2012)

From the "Schedule of First-Time Homeowner"-The corporation has issued 217 grants totaling $ 1 ,623,751 with reservations for 40 more at $ 298,170. These are not loans however do have recapture provisions as conditions apply.

e) Mortgage Revenue Bond loans:

1) The corporation has closed or caused to close 57 loans with respect to the Mortgage Revenue Bond program with a current balance just under $ 4,780,000.

10) Funds, (estimated) available (with TeD restrictions or 1 month's reserves for expenses) for new loans:

1) CAHAT, (interest free)* (restricted) 2) Revolving Loan Fund, (6.00 %)* (restricted) 3) Hazard Mitigation * (restricted) 4) Housing Trust Fund (grant)

$ $ $ $

168,633 179,223 151,517 (99,987)

Total available for loans or grants, (restricted) ............................................ $ 399,385

5) Regular Loan Program, (operations act & TCDs) 6) FHLB account

Total available, (Operations, Housing)

7) Available from rents, Lada (Operations, Rental)

$ 687,287 $ 41,487

$ 728,774

($ 307,647)

8) Total Operational Funds (Housing & Rental)... ...... .. ....................................... $1,036,421

Total funds available,(operations & for loans or special program)......... $ 1.435,806

11) Other Funds, corporate, (Reserved):

1) Foreclosure Protection Fund* 2) Reserves for Replacements, rental 3) Self-Insurance Fund, rental 4) Emergency Housing Fund

$ 501,000 $ 687,247 $ 976,688 $ 102,285


*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

5) Asat-das $ 22,935

Total RESERVED .............................................................. $2,290,155

12) Other Funds, TRUST, (Held-in-Trust):

1) Tenant Security Deposit 2) Borrower's Trust Account 3) Borrower's Deposit

$ 76,120 $ 410,526 $ 201,660

Total TRUST.......................................................................... $ 687,305

Total, (RESERVED or TRUST) ..................................................................... .

Totalfunds: ....................................................................................................... .

e E. Beav copy to: Manager Loan Administrator Accounting Manager

'" appropriated and restricted by Public Law

$ 2,977.460

$. 4,413,266


*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

Loan Number of Loan Month Program Loans Purchase Construction Amount03-Oct-14 Cahat 1 1 0 40,000.00$ 30-Nov-14 Direct 2 2 281,200.00$

3 3 0 321,200.00$

Average Loan

Month Loan Interest Loan Home Loan Approved Purpose Rate Amount Price Processor14-Oct-14 Purchase 5.125% 131,200.00 Emily Direct (SRF)12-Nov-14 Purchase 4.250% 150,000.00 Susymae Direct (SRF)


Average Loan

Month Loan Interest Loan Loan Approved Purpose Rate Amount Processor31-Oct-14 None5-Nov-14 Purchase 5.125% 180,000.00$ Susymae


LOAN CLOSED - FISCAL YEAR 2015As of November 30, 2014

Type of Loan


LOAN APPROVALS - FISCAL YEAR 2015As of November 30, 2014


PRE-APPROVALS FISCAL YEAR 2015As of November 30, 2014

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

TOTAL GRANT APPROVALS: 385 2,874,228.81$ TOTAL GRANT DISBURSED: 229 1,609,616.27$



*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

GUAl\1 HOUSING CORPORATION P.O. Box 3457, HagaUio, Guam 96932

January 2, 2015 /(otporasiOl1 Ginima' Guahan

To: President, GHC

From: Manager, GHC

Subject: Board Meeting Information

Attachments: (1) Lada and As-Atdas Delinquent listing FY14

(2) Lada and As-Atdas Gross rent listing FY14

1. The following information is the month of November 2014





Vacant Units: Lada Gardens

• 3 - two bedroom units

,. 147A/188-To be prepared for occupancy by staff

;.. 142A/232-0ccupied by homeless

;.. 245A/223 -To be prepared for occupancy by staff

• 3 - three bedroom units

~ 119/172-To be prepared for occupancy by staff

,. 406/215- Under renovation by contractor

• 5 - four bedroom units

Vacant Units:

;.. 420/211-To be prepared for occupancy by staff

~ 111A/234- To be prepared for occupancy by staff

~ 234/251-Under renovation by contractor

;.. 193/262-To be prepared for occupancy by staff

,. 120B/227-To be prepared for occupancy by staff

As Atdas

• 3 - two bedroom units

~ A109-0ccupied by homeless

~ B203-To be prepared for occupancy by staff

~ B204-To be prepared for occupancy by staff

• 3 - three bedroom units

Vacant Units:

~ A107-To be prepared for occupancy by staff

~ B206-To be prepared for occupancy by staff

~ B 211 To be prepared for occupancy by staff

Sagan Linahyan

• 1- one bedroom unit

~ S104-To be prepared for occupancy by staff

A1JJ///t15 Michael Martinez

590 S. Marine Corps Drive, Ste. 5141TC Building, Tamuning, Guam 96931 Telephone Number (671) 647-4143/46. Fax Number (671) 649-4144

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152

Lada Gardens


Month I Year #OF AGGTS

Jan-14 33 $

Feb-14 38 $

Mar-14 35 $

Apr-14 29 $

May-14 35 $

Jun-14 28 $

Jul-14 25 $

Aug-14 25 $

Sep-14 27 $

Oct-14 26 $

Nov-14 31 $



Month I Year # OFAGGTS

Jan-14 6 $

Feb-14 6 $

Mar-14 3 $

Apr-14 5 $

May-14 2 $

Jun-14 9 $

Jul-14 5 $

Aug-14 6 $

Sep-14 4 $

Oct-14 3 $

Nov-14 3 $

Gross Rent (Collected)












11 ,887.75











1,361 .00




GO-Day 90-Day


23 $ 23,649.50 7 $ 12,077.50

27 $ 27,933.33 4 $ 7,046.00

18 $ 17,868.05 3 $ 4,978.00

12 $ 10,256.59 3 $ 4,290.00

5 $ 3,564.28 3 $ 4,369.00

11 $ 10,173.79 10 $ 17,679.00

20 $ 20,616.79 11 $ 18,018.31

21 $ 20,638.73 13 $ 21,624.06

21 $ 19,904.85 12 $ 21,188.94

15 $ 14,083.79 3 $ 4,466.00

14 $ 13,563.46 8 $ 14,190.00

50-Day gO-Day


6 $ 6,025.00 0 $ -3 $ 2,590.00 2 $ 3,380.00

1 $ 680.00 3 $ 5,140.00

0 $ 10,256.59 1 $ 1,730.00

3 $ 2,120.00 0 $

2 $ 1,550.00 0 $ -

4 $ 3,560.00 3 $ 4,740.00

3 $ 3,010.00 1 $ 1,080.00

4 $ 3,557.00 1 $ 1,365.00

5 $ 4,617.00 2 $ 3,050.00

620.00 5 $ 4,177.00 1 $ 1,710.00



Jan-14 $ 44,936.62 $ 6,778.38 $ 51,715.00

Feb-14 $ 64,740.27 $ 9,625.05 $ 74,365.32

Mar-14 $ 82,326.00 $ 14,695.00 $ 97,021 .00

Apr-14 $ 73,436.95 $ 10,321 .95 $ 83,758.90

May-14 $ 57,070.98 $ 7,239.00 $ 64,309.98

Jun-14 $ 54,775.00 $ 6,315.00 $ 61,090.00

Jul-14 $ 66,950.49 $ 9,243.49 $ 76,193.98

Aug-14 $ 41,725.41 $ 8,896.34 $ 50,621 .75

Sep-14 $ 76,530.14 $ 7,406.83 $ 83,936.97

Oct-14 $ 75,066.67 $ 9,403.02 $ 84,469.69

Nov-14 $ 48,240.31 $ 6,463.38 $ 54,703.69

120-DAY 150+DAY


8 $ 14,151.00 8 $ 23,482.22

4 $ 9,152.50 7 $ 22,246.84

2 $ 4,870.00 6 $ 19,689.84

2 $ 4,690.00 7 $ 25,014.84

1 $ 2,165.00 7 $ 24,784.91

0 $ 3,680.00 4 $ 16,585.00

25 $ 4,154.84 2 $ 8,605.00

3 $ 7,589.28 3 $ 12,199.84

1 $ 2,130.00 5 $ 17,235.00

6 $ 14,538.94 5 $ 21,909.84

6 $ 12,866.00 7 $ 27,753.78

120-DAY 150+DAY


1 $ 4,320.00 2 $ 12,675.05

1 $ 3,680.00 2 $ 10,010.00

0 $ 1,880.00 1 $ 8,390.00

3 $ 6,660.00 3 $ 9,050.00

1 $ 2,476.00 1 $ 13,375.00

1 $ 2,386.00 1 $ 15,450.00

0 $ 0 $ 10,276.00

3 $ 7,240.00 3 $ 7,076.00

1 $ 1,580.00 1 $ 17,566.00

0 $ 0 $ 17,221.07

1 $ 1,600.00 3 $ 14,016.00

*Doc. No. 33GL-15-0152
