NIME NRC Formatted Report


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21-­‐23  November,  2011  

Ambedkar  University,  Delhi  &  Shiv  Nadar  University  


Contents  Aims  and  History.......................................................................................................................................... 2  

Speakers  &  Panelists .................................................................................................................................... 5  

Summary  of  Events ...................................................................................................................................... 6  

Inauguration ............................................................................................................................................ 6  

Plenary  Talk.............................................................................................................................................. 7  

Invited  Talks ............................................................................................................................................. 9  

Parallel  Sessions..................................................................................................................................... 10  

Panel  Discussions ................................................................................................................................... 15  

Organisers .................................................................................................................................................. 24  

Detailed  Profiles  of  Speakers  &  Panelists .................................................................................................. 26  

List  of  Participants ..................................................................................................................................... 31  

Schedule .................................................................................................................................................... 35  

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................... 38  

Invitation.................................................................................................................................................... 40  



• Ambedkar  University,  Delhi  • Shiv  Nadar  University  • Texas  Instruments  

• National  Board  for  Higher  Mathematics  • Indian  National  Science  Academy  





Aims  and  History    

In   the   21st   century,   the  world   is   increasingly   dependent   on   Information   technology.  We   see   this   in   a  

range   of   activities   beginning   from   simple   emails   to   commercial   online   transactions.   Security   of   these  communications   is  of   grave   concern.     The  encryption   system  used   to   secure   these   communications   is  based  on  a  simple  fact  from  mathematics:  to  multiply  two  numbers  is  easy  and  to  factorize  a  number  is  


Though   mathematics   either   directly   or   indirectly   plays   so   much   of   a   role   in   our   society,   it   is   rarely  acknowledged  with  any  degree  of   comfort.   Part  of   this   lies   in   the   fact   that   almost  half  of   the   literate  world   has   experienced   difficulties   when   they   encountered   mathematics   in   school.   Children   learn   to  

count   objects   with   ease   as   toddlers.   The   switch   from   five   oranges   to   the   number   five   is   a   level   of  abstraction   that   the   human  mind   copes  well  with.   But   somewhere   along   the   line,   particularly   by   the  time  children  reach  middle  school,  a  fear  for  the  subject  sets  in  and  leaves  a  lasting  impression.  

Mathematics  Education  seeks  to  examine  all  aspects  governing  the  learning,  teaching  and  assimilation  of  

mathematics  from  early  childhood  to  formal  degrees  at  the  University  level.  The  National  Initiative  on  Mathematics  Education  (NIME)  aims  to  bring  under  one  umbrella  a  range  of  ideas,  trends  and  research  in   the   area   of   Mathematics   Education.   Practice   and   research,   learning   tools   and   teaching   methods,  

technology  and  local  knowledge  systems,  history  and  cultural  aspects,  policy  and  curriculum  design  are  some  of  the  aspects  that  directly  affect  the  study  of  mathematics.  It  is  these  concerns  that  we  hope  to  understand  through  NIME.    

Internationally,   an   active   community   of   mathematics   educators   meets   every   four   years   through   the  

ICME  (International  Congress  on  Mathematics  Education).    The  Congress  will  gather  a  broad  spectrum  of  participants   such   as   researchers   in   mathematics   education,   teacher   educators,   practicing   teachers,  mathematicians,  and  others  interested  in  mathematics  education*.    

ICME  is  organised  by  ICMI,  The  International  Commission  on  Mathematics  Instruction.  ICMI  is  an  official  

commision  of  the  International  Mathematics  Union  that  was  set  up  in  1952.  The  next  chapter  of   ICME  will   take  place   in  Seoul   in  2012.   India  has  an   important   role   to  play   in   ICME-­‐12  as   it  will  be  making  a  `National  Presentation’  during  the  Congress.  The  National  Presentation  will  have   lectures,  exhibitions,  

videos,  panel  discussions  and  other  initiatives  with  the  aim  of  acquainting  the  Congress  to  Mathematics  Education   in   India.   The   Indian  National   Science   Academy   (INSA)   has   set   up   a   steering   committee   to  

facilitate   the   National   Presentation.     The   steering   committee   and   invited   members   have   together  created  `NIME’.  

                                                                                                                         *  Taken  from  the  website  



Under   the  aegis  of  NIME,  a   series  of   regional   conferences  and  a  national   conference  on  Mathematics  Education  are  being  organized.  The  networks  formed  by  these  conferences  will  not  only  help  in  creating  

the  National  Presentation  for  ICME  –  12  but  will  also  make  sure  that  Mathematics  Education  initiatives  and   innovations   from   far-­‐flung   areas   are   accessed.   NIME   would   also   help   reclaim   for   Mathematics  Education  a   central   role   so   that   the   system  of  education   in   this   country   can  benefit  directly   from   the  

shared  learning  gleaned  through  the  conferences.  

The  broad  themes  that  NIME  has  identified  are:  

a. Historical  and  Cultural  aspects  of  Mathematics  and  Mathematics  Education.  b. Systemic  and  Policy  aspects  of  education.  c. Mathematics  Curriculum  and  Pedagogy  at  Elementary,  Secondary  and  Tertiary  Levels.  d. Teacher  Education  and  Development.  

 Each  of  these  themes  covers  a  broad  spectrum  of  ideas  and  aspects.    

The  National  Initiative  on  Mathematics  Education:  Northern  Region  Conference  (NIME  –  NRC)  was  co-­‐hosted  during  21-­‐23  November  2011,  by  Ambedkar  University,  Delhi  (AUD)  and  Shiv  Nadar  University  

(SNU).     It   covered   the   states   of   Delhi,   Rajasthan,   Madhya   Pradesh,   Haryana,   Uttarakhand,   Punjab,  Himachal,  Uttar  Pradesh  and  Jammu  and  Kashmir.    

The  purpose  of  the  NRC  was  to    

Bring   together   mathematics   educators,   mathematicians   with   a   keen   interest   in   mathematics  education,   school   as   well   as   college   teachers   from   various   parts   of   India   to   share   their  experience,  practices,  and  expertise  with  each  other.  

Provide   a   common   platform   for   diverse   groups   working   towards   the   cause   of   improving  mathematics  education  and  provide  them  with  the  opportunity  to  showcase  their  activities.  

Create   a   forum   to   deliberate   upon   various   issues   such   as   changes   in  mathematics   education  policy,   catalyzing   research   studies   on  mathematics   education,   bridging   research   and   practice,  and   bringing   about   an   overall   improvement   in   the   practice   of   mathematics   education   in   the  country.    


The   NRC   brought   together   on   a   single   platform,   the   significant   innovations   and   efforts   in   improving  mathematics   education   in   school   and   tertiary  education   from   the  northern   region  of   the   country  and  thus  helped  to  identify  the  best  practices  which  can  be  showcased  at  the  National  Presentation  at  ICME  

–  12.  

The  NIME-­‐NRC  conference  was  held  from  21-­‐23  November  2011  at  the  India  International  Centre,  Max  Mueller  Marg,  New  Delhi.   The   conference   focussed  on   the   Themes   given   in   b.,   c.   and  d.   above.     The  

inaugural   session   was   followed   by   a   plenary   lecture.   There   were   invited   talks,   panel   discussions   and  parallel   sessions   in   which   participants   presented   papers.   There   were   rapporteurs   for   the   panel  



discussions  and  the  plenary  session.  The  rapporteurs  presented  their  report  in  a  special  session  on  the  last  day.  This  was  followed  by  an  open  session  for  the  participants.  




Speakers  &  Panelists    

Inaugural  Session:    • Chief  Guest:    

Professor  Dinesh  Singh    Vice-­‐Chancellor,  University  of  Delhi  

• Professor  Madan  Gopal  Director,  School  of  Engineering,  SNU  

• Professor  Vijaya  Varma  Advisor  Planning,  AUD  

• Professor  Amitabha  Mukherjee  Department  of  Physics  and  Astrophysics,  University  of  Delhi  

• Professor  Geetha  Venkataraman  Dean,  School  of  Undergraduate  Studies,  AUD    

Plenary  Speaker    • Professor  Anita  Rampal  

Faculty  of  Education,  University  of  Delhi    

Invited  Speakers    • Dr  Asha  Mathur  

Former  Vice-­‐Principal  of  Lady  Shri  Ram  College,  University  of  Delhi  

• Dr  Jayasree  Subramanian  Eklavya  Foundation  


Panelists    • Professor  Inder  K  Rana  

 IIT  Mumbai  • Ms  V  Sudha  

Sanskriti  School,  New  Delhi  • Dr  Jonaki  Ghosh  

Lady  Shri  Ram  College,  University  of  Delhi  • Professor  Parvin  Sinclair  

Indira  Gandhi  National  Open  University  • Professor  Amber  Habib  

Shiv  Nadar  University  • Professor  Fozia  Qazi  

Islamic  University  of  Science  &  Technology,  Kashmir  • Professor  Nargis  Panchapakesan  

University  of  Delhi  • Ms.  Usha  Menon  

Jodo  Gyan  

 • Dr.  Haneet  Gandhi  

University  of  Delhi    • Professor  Vijaya  S.  Varma  

AUD  • Professor  Rohit  Dhankar  

Azim  Premji  University  and  Digantar,  Jaipur.    • Professor  Farida  Khan  

 Jamia  Milia  Islamia  • Ms  Anita  Sharma  

Principal,  S.D.  Public  School,  New  Delhi    • Dr.  Rakhi  Banerjee  

AUD  • Ms.  Rashmi  Kathuria  

Kulachi  Hansraj  Model  School,  Delhi    

Speakers  in  Parallel  Sessions    • Ms  Shreya  Khemani    

Eklavya  Foundation  • Dr  Jayasree  Subramanian  

Eklavya  Foundation  • Ms  Sonia  Mondal    

TISS,  Mumbai  • Ms  Anchal  Arora  • Ms  Jasneet  Kaur  

Jamia  Milia  Islamia  • Dr  P    K    Chaurasia    

NCERT  • Mr  Pramod  Maithil  

Eklavya  Foundation  • Mr  Ghanshyam  Tewari  

Eklavya  Foundation  • Mr  Nidesh  Soni  

Eklavya  Foundation  • Professor  Rekha  S.  Sen    

Jamia  Milia  Islamia  • Mr  R  Srikanth  

Welham  Boys  School,  Dehradun  • Ms  Himani  Asija    

Delhi  Public  School,  Vasantkunj  • Ms  Ashu  Threja  

Miranda  House,  University  of  Delhi  




Summary  of  Events    

Inauguration  The   inaugural   ceremony   took  place  at  9:30  am,  November  21  5,   in   the  Multipurpose  Hall  of   the  New  Extension  Block,  India  International  Centre.    

Prof  Vijaya  Varma  welcomed  the  delegates  and  provided  a  brief  introduction  to  the  genesis  and  aims  of  Ambedkar   University,   Delhi   and   its   vision   of   combining   excellence   with   equity,   in   line   with   Dr  

Ambedkar’s  vision  of  social  change  through  institutional  mechanisms.  While  the  university  is  committed  to   implementing   the   reservation   policies   it   seeks   to   be  more   pro-­‐active   and   to   enable   students   from  marginalized  communities   to  be  the  best   they  can  be.  The  university   is  made  up  of  Schools  which  are  

interdisciplinary  in  nature,  and  faculty  are  typically  appointed  concurrently  in  two  or  more  Schools.  The  undergraduate  programmes  are  disciplinary,  but  allow  major-­‐minor  combinations  with  graduation   in  4  years.  Postgraduate  programmes  may  be  interdisciplinary.    

Prof   Madan   Gopal   wished   the   organizers   and   participants   an   exciting   debate   on   the   issues   in  

mathematics  education.  He  described  Shiv  Nadar  University’s  uniqueness   in  seeking  to  blend  research  and  learning,  and  integrating  humanities  and  social  sciences  with  the  natural  sciences  and  engineering.  In  particular,  the  mathematics  programmes  are  designed  to  dissolve  the  barriers  between  mathematics  

and  other   disciplines.  Our   students  will   be   exposed   to   rigourous  mathematical   thinking,   as  well   as   to  applications   in   diverse   areas   like   medical   research   and   financial   management.   They   can   additionally  

choose  specializations  within  their  major  discipline,  or  minors  outside  it.  

Prof  Amitabha  Mukherjee   introduced  the  conference  and  its  context.  He  noted  that  of  all  the  regional  NIME  conferences,  this  one  had  the  biggest  task  in  the  sense  that  it  covered  the  largest  number  of  states  –   including   not   only   UP   but   also   Madhya   Pradesh   and   Rajasthan.   In   spite   of   their   best   efforts,   the  

organisers  were  unable  to  attract  participation  from  some  of  the  states  in  the  region.  The  time  available  for  organising  this  conference  was  short.  The  NRC  had  taken  up  the  following  three  themes:  

1. Mathematics  Curriculum  and  Pedagogy  at  various  levels:  elementary,  secondary  and  tertiary    2. Teacher  education  and  development  

3. Systemic  issues  in  relation  to  mathematics  education    

Of   these,   Curriculum   and   Pedagogy   was,   in   some   sense,   the   biggest   theme   –   involving   the   largest  number  of  people.  Three  plenary  sessions  have  been  devoted  to   it  –  a  plenary  talk  for  the  Elementary  level  and  two  panel  discussions  for  the  Secondary  and  Tertiary   level  respectively.  There  is  also  a  panel  

discussion   for   each   of   the   other   themes   –   namely   Teacher   Education   for  Mathematics,   and   Systemic  Issues  in  relation  to  Mathematics  Education.  



Prof   Mukherjee   felt   that   the   purpose   of   the   conference   would   be   served   only   if   a   large   number   of  people   give   their   inputs.   Plenty  of   time  has   therefore  been  allowed   for  questions  and  discussions.  All  

speakers   have   been   requested   to   keep   their   initial   presentations   brief.   In   addition,   there   is   an   open  discussion  session  on  the  last  day.  If  people  feel  that  there  are  issues  which  could  not  be  raised  due  to  lack  of   time,  or  which  do  not   figure   in   the  themes  but  are   important,   the  open  session  would  give  an  

opportunity  to  raise  them.  The  discussions  would  be  very   important,  and  some  of  the  most  significant  contributions   to   this   conference   may   well   come   from   people   whose   names   are   not   listed   in   the  programme.  

The  keynote  address  was  delivered  by  Prof  Dinesh  Singh.  He  spoke  of  how  the  conference  was  an  event  

after  his  own  heart,  and  his   joy   in  seeing  among  the  participants  many  of  his  colleagues  and  students.  He  raised  the  issue  of  why  we  need  so  many  conferences  on  mathematics  education,  and  why  the  state  of  mathematics  education  is  a  concern  at  gatherings  all  over  the  world.  There  does  not  seem  to  be  any  

success   in   setting   out   clear-­‐cut   tangible   goals   and   charting   our   progress   towards   them.   He   felt   that  comparing   notes   at   conferences,   while   important,   could   not   suffice   to   resolve   our   problems.   He  expressed   a   sense   of   urgency   that   within   the   next   5   years  mathematics  must   combine  with   science,  

technology  and  industry  to  start  contributing  to  an  Indian  resurgence.  He  asked  the  participants  of  the  conference  to  suggest  policies  and  paths  and  measures  of  success  to  government  and  to  advocate  for  their  adoption.  

 Prof   Geetha   Venkataraman   gave   the   vote   of   thanks   to   the   inaugural   speakers   and   to   all   the  

participants.  She  noted  that  one  of  the  tasks  before  NIME  was  to  prepare  a  roadmap  for  the  future  of  mathematics   education.   She   especially   thanked   the   two   host   universities   and   the   other   sponsors   for  their   financial   and   organizational   support.   She   also   thanked   the   DPS   Society   for   providing  

accommodation  to  the  outstation  participants.  

Plenary  Talk  The  main  section  of  the  conference  began  with  a  plenary  talk  by  Prof  Anita  Rampal  on  Curriculum  and  Pedagogy  at  the  Elementary  Level.  Her  presentation  focused  on  concerns  underlying  recent  curriculum  

design   at   the   primary   level,   especially   the  work   done   in   the   context   of   the   2005  National   Curriculum  Framework  which  was  a  watershed  in  terms  of  the  subsequent  text  and  syllabi.  

She   started   by   recalling   how,   during   the   1970s,   university   academics   got   associated   with   work   in  schools,  and  very  often  with  remote  schools  in  rural  areas  and  learned  on  the  job  about  diversity.  This  

kind  of  participatory  curriculum  development  with  children  and  communities   is  an  area  that  needs  to  be  strengthened  and  taken  forward  for  advocacy  in  policy  formulation.  

Professor  Rampal   talked  of   the  policy   shift   that  was   captured  by  NCF  2005:  Right   to  access   to  quality  elementary  and  maths  education  was  stated  even  prior  to  the  enactment  of  the  Right  to  Education  Act.  

She   talked  about  how  half   the   children  are  participating   in  education  and   the  other  half   keep  getting  pushed  out  at  the  elementary  stage  itself—and  how  Mathematics  has  an  unfortunate  role  in  failing  and  de-­‐motivating  children  at  the  elementary  level  in  India.  



Professor  Rampal  observed  that  a  large  number  of  children  get  marginalised  in  their  learning  experience  by  the  elite  and  abstract  nature  of  knowledge  taught  in  maths  classes;  and  the  need  for  a  shift  in  focus  

from  achieving  or  realising  narrow  roles  to  the  higher  roles  of  maths  education.  

We   need   to   take   up   the   following   challenges:   curriculum   is   not   a   given,   what   should   be   taught   at   a  certain  level  is  not  a  given.  Why  do  we  go  by  the  historical  baggage  we  carry  in  terms  of  ideas  of  what  and  how  maths  is  to  be  taught  in  schools  –  this  affects  participation  and  motivation  for  learning.  

Liberating  school  maths  from  the  tyranny  of  one  right  algorithm,  one  right  answer,  was  a  key  desire  of  

the   national   curriculum   framework.  What  was   instead   kept   in     focus  was   the   emphasis  within  maths  education,  adopted  in  some  countries  like  Japan,  where  the  focus  is  not  on  the  answer  obtained  but  the  nurturing  of  a  process  through  which  children  can  adopt  multiple  strategies  towards  solving  a  problem.  

Another  distinct  feature  or  stand  which  NCF  took  was  the  emphasis  on  every-­‐day  and  folk  mathematics.  

Science   and  Maths   are   usually   presented   as   context   free.   The   assumption   is   that   there   is   no   cultural  context   to  Mathematics   as   an   area   of   knowledge   and   hence   to  maths   education.   This   makes  maths  education  all   the  more  alienating.   In  a  developmental,  cultural  context,  maths  should  be  able  to  serve  

and  nurture  a  child’s  curiosity.  

There  are  several  other  problematic  and  blind  spots   in   the  curriculum  work  done   in  maths—she  cited  the  example  of  art  for  children  in  comparison  to  which  the  maths  texts  are  linear  and  straitjacketed.  The  NCF  tried  to  look  at  the  maths  text  as  a  non-­‐linear  visual  space  and  to  engage  with  artists  to  bring  in  the  

child’s  cultural  context   in  order  to  represent  and  do   justice  to  the  cultural  and  social  diversity  that  we  live  with.  

Prof.   Rampal   made   the   following   commendations   to   teachers   and   text   book   writers,   and   illustrated  them  with  examples  from  an  elementary  level  textbook  she  has  authored:  

a) Promote  culture  of  learning  outside  classroom  b) Focus   on   language  —   the   text   should   have   narratives,   should   be   representative   of   diversity.  

Must  challenge  the  language  of  maths  as  plain  algorithm.  

c) Introduction  of  perspectives,  ideas  of  symmetry,  mapping,  through  interdisciplinary  themes.  d) A  conscious  break  from  the  hierarchy  implicit  in  educational  discourse  where  application  is  seen  

to  come  after  the  pure  concept.  An  attempt  to  bridge  this  perennial  problem  was  made  in  the  

new  textbooks.  e) Attempt  to  overcome  the  divisions  of  discipline  at  the  primary  level  and  to  integrate  language,  

EVS,  and  maths.    

f) Understanding  of  spaces  and  places  is  not  taken  seriously  in  education.  Children  are  not  able  to  engage  with  the  way  maps  or  spaces  get  politically  represented.  

g) Some  chapters  should  be  deliberately  introduced  and  included  to  demonstrate  that  any  theme  

could  be  used  to  illustrate  concepts  of  maths.  h) Introduce   examples   from   the   world   of   work   and   livelihoods,   for   instance   on   craft,   masons  

making  different  patterns  of  bricks  



i) The   example   of   the   Fish   Tale   presented   in   Class   5   illustrates   how   children’s   art,   elements   of  design,   observation,   symmetries   and   pattern   are   dealt   and   dwelled   upon   in   greater   details,  

which  also  address  issues  on  environment.  j) Several  challenges  still  exist  within  the  mathematics  curriculum  and  text,  for  instance  the  case  of  

children’s  probabilistic  thinking  in  early  maths—their  understanding  of  chance,  is  not  dealt  with  

in  primary  maths  curriculum;  k) The  transition  from  primary  to  upper  primary  maths  is  too  sharp.  

(Rapporteur:  Ms  Manasi  Thapliyal,  AUD)  

Invited  Talks  

The   first   day   of   the   conference   featured   two   invited   talks   on   the   theme   of   equity   in   mathematics  education.    

Dr   Asha   Mathur,   in   her   talk   on  Mathematics   Teaching   for   the   Visually   Impaired,   highlighted   the  

learning  needs  of   the   visually   impaired  and  how  alternative  approaches  are   required   to   support   their  learning.  The  teacher  of  visually  impaired  learners  needs  to  be  sensitive  to  their  cognitive  requirements  and  must  organize  her  classroom  accordingly.  She  needs   to   talk  at  a   slow  pace  since   the   learners  will  

depend   largely   on   listening   and   also   develop   teaching   learning   materials   so   they   can   learn   through  tactile  experience.  She  briefly  described  the  use  of  materials  such  as  Abacus,  Taylor  Frame,  Braille  slate,  Braille   Paper   &   stylus,   spur   wheel,   Geometry   Kit,   drawing   boards   and   tape   recorders.   Learning  

mathematics   requires   dealing   with   abstract   concepts   which   leads   to   additional   challenges   for   the  teacher.   Teachers   need   to   be   proficient   in   the   use   of   the   tools   mentioned   above   and   also   need   to  

develop  appropriate  teaching  learning  materials  which  can  help  the  learners  to  explore  and  understand  concepts.   She   observed   that   textbooks   developed   for   visually   impaired   learners   are   usually   just  textbooks   for   sighted   learners  which   are   translated   into   Braille.   Thus   images   and   diagrams  which   are  

crucial   to  the  understanding  of  concepts  are  often  dropped  since  they  cannot  be  re-­‐created   in  Braille.  She  concluded  her  talk  by  emphasizing  the  need  for  the  creation  of  appropriate  materials  and  tools  for  visually  impaired  learners  and  suggested  that  technology  can  have  a  role  to  play  in  this  regard.  

Dr   Jayasree  Subramanian’s   talk  was  on  Gender   issues   in  mathematics:  what  we  need   to   investigate  

about.  She  began  her  talk  by  raising  questions  like  why  women  are  not  usually  seen  in  serious  academic  or  prestigious  positions,  especially   in  mathematics  and  the  sciences.   Is   it  due  to  discrimination  against  women,   or   does   the   nature   of   these   disciplines   force   women   out   of   such   positions,   or   is   there   an  

inherent   lack   of   ability   in   women   towards   certain   disciplines   like   mathematics   and   science?   Her  literature  review  suggested  that  this  ‘inherent  lack  of  ability’  hypothesis  is  applicable  for  children  in  pre-­‐primary  school  as  well  as  for  school  going  children,  worldwide.  She  pointed  out  that  women  scientists  

and  feminist  thinkers  have  been  trying  to  explain  the  exclusion  not   in  terms  of  biology  but   in  terms  of  sociological   factors   –   facilities   available   in   institutes,   practices   in   academics,   impact   of  matrimony   on  women.   Other   studies   were   conducted   to   see   how   textbooks,   classroom   dynamics,   peer   interaction,  

self-­‐concept   of   girls,   teachers’   bias,   attitudes   towards   mathematics,   influences   girls’   performance   in  mathematics.  Cross-­‐national  studies  revealed  variability  in  performance  of  boys  and  girls,  they  are  doing  



equally  well  in  some  countries  where  status  and  welfare  of  women  were  taken  into  consideration.  She  pointed   out   that   the   scene   in   India   with   respect   to   representation   of   women   in   mathematics   and  

sciences  is  disturbing,  but  there  is  no  research  to  explain  the  under-­‐representation  and  discrimination  at  all  levels.  She  referred  to  her  study  of  science  institutes  in  India  (a  large  set  of  interviews  of  both  male  &  female   students   and   faculty)   which   indicated   that   the   reasons   for   the   exclusion   are   the   same   as  

indicated  earlier  –  peer   interaction,  attitude   towards  mathematics  as  male  domain,   the   still  prevalent  belief   in  male   faculty   about  women’s   lack   of   ability   to   think   and   reason   logically.   She   suggested   that  serious   investigations   need   to   be   taken   up   to   find   the   reasons   for   girls’   under-­‐representation   and  



Parallel  Sessions  An  important  feature  of  the  meeting  was  the  set  of  parallel  sessions  on  the  second  day,  featuring  talks  by  teachers  and  researchers,  with  a  focus  on  actual  classroom  practice.    

1. Ms   Shreya   Khemani,   in   her   talk   Tackling   the   Division   Algorithm,   presented   joint   work   with   Dr  Jayasree   Subramanian.   The   presentation   was   based   on   a   longitudinal   study   conducted   by   the  

Eklavya   team   to   understand   the   ‘division’   processes   in   the   teaching   and   learning   of   fractions.  Ms  Khemani   first   enumerated   the   challenges   that   students   face   in   the   division   algorithm   and  highlighted   the   contrasting   views   expressed   by   various   educators   on   the   division   algorithm.   She  

spoke   in   favour  of   an  alternate  approach   to   teaching   the  process  of  division  as   the   standard   long  division   algorithm,   based   fundamentally   on   the   place   value   system,   can   be   counter-­‐intuitive   to  

children’s   existing   whole   number   sense.   Further,   introducing   division   solely   through   algorithmic  procedures   can   reduce   the   process   of   division   to   a   series   of   mechanical,   unthinking   steps   which  makes  it  difficult  for  a  student  to  relate  the  taught  procedure  to  the  meanings  that  can  be  identified  

with   division.   The   study   was   an   attempt   by   the   authors   towards   finding   some   alternatives.   Ms  Khemani   described   their   engagement   with   the   students   wherein   they   helped   students   in   doing  division  by  grouping  and  distributing  matchsticks.    Further,  they  helped  students  to  choose  'chunks'  

or  'partial  quotients'  and  developed  a  gradual,  more  naturalistic  approach,  to  introduce  division.  The  authors   believed   that   beginning   with   the   partial   quotients  method   would   erase   the   problems   of  hybridisation   and   allow   for   a   meaningful   introduction   to   the   formal   division   algorithm   at   a   later  

stage.  2. Dr  Jayasree  Subramanian  gave  a  talk  on  Children’s  reasoning  skills  in  Fractions.  The  presentation  of  

Dr   Subramaniam   was   based   on   the   interventions   of   the   Eklavya   team   in   teaching   fractions   to  

primary  classes.  The  presentation  elaborated  on  the  challenges  and  possible  solutions  that  the  team  evolved  as   they  grappled  with   the   issue  of  making   students  understand   fractions.   Their   review  of  previous   studies   indicated   a   need   to   bring   in  multiple   sub-­‐constructs   in   designing   curriculum   for  

fractions.  Having   understood   the   complexities   and   and  Learning   Trajectories   that   students   face   in  fractions,  it  was  established  that  there  is  a  need  to  permit  and  respect  complexity  yet  disentangle  it;  build   from   the   cognitive   resources   that   children   bring   to   school   from  informal   settings;   recognize  

that   the   “logical   structure   of  mathematics   and   cognitive   development   in   mathematics”   are   not  



identical;   and   to   view  expertise  as   refinement  of  approach  over   time.  After   the   initial   attempts   to  introduce  fractions  (without  appealing  to  subconstructs)  it  was  realized  that  there  is  a  pressing  need  

to   fix  the  meaning  of  the  fraction   symbol   and   thus   started   the   journey   of   introducing   the  subconstructs  of  fractions.  Through  students’  work  and  teachers’  notes  the  attempts  made  to  teach  fractions  through  these  sub-­‐constructs  were  accentuated  upon.      

3. Ms   Sonia   Ann   Mondal   in   Genesis   of   number   in   young   minds   studied   an   alternative   approach  developed   by   Jodo   Gyan   to   develop   number   sense   among   3-­‐7   year   old   children.   She   found   that  earlier  exposure  to  numbers  impacts  children’s  later  formal  learning.  She  found  that  the  alternative  

approach  built  around  learning  of  numbers  as  a  cultural  activity,  initiates  the  children  into  this  act  in  a   meaningful   way.   A   ‘context-­‐bound’   approach   to   counting   and   ample   exposure   to   counting,  learning  and  using  counting  with  understanding  helps   in  children’s  development  of  number  sense.  

She  emphasized  the  role  of  appropriate  learning  materials  and  the  teacher  in  the  whole  process.    4. Ms  Anchal  Arora  undertook  a  critical  exploration  of  the  National  Curriculum  Framework  2005  and  

mathematics   teaching   in   primary   schools.   Ms   Arora’s   presentation   dealt   with   exploring   and  

analysing   how   the   new  mathematics   textbooks   were   being   implemented   in   schools   and   ways   in  which  teaching  and  learning  of  mathematics  was  affected  as  a  result.  She  conducted  the  study  in  a  government  school  and  a  central  government  aided  but  autonomous  school  in  Delhi.  She  observed  a  

section  of  class  5  in  each  of  the  schools  when  they  were  learning  the  topic  ‘area  and  perimeter’.  Her  observations  revealed  that  the  interpretation  and  implementation  of  mathematics  textbooks  in  the  class   was   dependent   on   teachers’   content   knowledge   of   the   topic   under   consideration,   their  

selection   of   content   from   the   textbook,   their   pedagogical   beliefs   and   their   beliefs   about  mathematics.   The   difference   in   the   two   teachers’   educational   backgrounds   and   their   beliefs   and  

content  knowledge  was  reflected  in  the  difference  in  children’s  performance  on  the  topic;  data  for  which  was  gathered  by  a  written  test  and  interview.  She  felt  that  teachers  genuinely  faced  academic  and   structural   constraints   in   their   inability   to   implement   the   textbook   and   mere   change   in   the  

textbook   cannot   bring   in   improvements   in   the   teaching   and   learning   of   mathematics   in   the  classroom.    

5. Ms   Jasneet   Kaur   presented   joint   work   with   Mr   Mohd.   Mamur   Ali   and   Ms   Ashu   Threja   on  

Understanding  of  Geometrical  and  Algebraic  Concepts  at  Elementary  Level.  The  presentation  was  based  on  the  premise  that  a  piece  of  mathematics  is  understood  if  one  can  explain  the  concepts  and  facts  and  can  draw  logical  connections  between  different  facts  and  concepts.  The  presenters  shared  

previous  studies   that  had  been  conducted   in   Indian  contexts  on   the  understanding  of  geometrical  and  algebraic  concepts.  Drawing  from  their  own  studies  the  authors  delineated  the  details  of  their  study  that   looked   into  the  developmental  changes   in  conceptual  understanding,  particularly   in  the  

concepts   of   ‘Triangle’   and   ‘Circle’   in   Classes   V   and   VII.   The   study   focused   in   comparing   the  perceptual   and   lexical   aspects,   investigating   the   figural   aspects,   overall   understanding   of   these  concepts  and   the   social   factors   (pedagogical  practices   in  mathematics,   support  available  at  home,  

resources   available   at   school)   that   contributed   to   the   understanding.   The   data   was   collected  through  several  activities  that  began  with  simple  drawing  activity  and  graduated  to  brain-­‐storming  and  concept-­‐defining  sessions.  A  similar  study  was  done  in  the  area  of  algebra.    



6. Dr   P   K   Chaurasia   spoke   on  Dynamic  Mathematics   with   GeoGebra-­‐   An   innovation.  He   began   by  focusing   on   the   importance   of   technology   tools   in   the   teaching   and   learning   of  mathematics.   He  

explained  that  the  traditional  classroom  scenario  needs  to  change  in  order  to  integrate  technology  and   use   it   effectively.   This  was   followed   by   an   introduction   to  GeoGebra,   a   free   and   increasingly  popular   dynamic   geometry   software.  He  highlighted   the  e-­‐learning   principles   on  which  GeoGebra  

was  developed.  Further  he  described  how  mathematics  teachers  can  create  instructional  materials  using  this  software.  He  showed  that  the  algebra,  geometry  and  spreadsheet  features  of  the  software  can  be  effectively  used   for  enabling   students   to  explore  and  visualize  concepts.  He  concluded   the  

talk  by  highlighting  the  ways  in  which  Geogebra  can  be  used  to  enhance  pedagogy.  7. Mr   Pramod  Maithil   presented   The   ‘Ganak’   based   game   as   a   tool   to   learn   about   Numbers.  Mr  

Maithil  discussed  a  game  developed  by  him  based  on  the  Ganak  (the  open  abacus)  to  give  children  a  

concrete   understanding   of   the   number   system.   The   game   is   based   on   the   idea   of   representing  numbers   in   base   3.   He   conducted   a   study  with   children   of   grade   6   in   a   village   school  where   the  children   were   made   to   play   the   game   for   representing   numbers.   During   the   presentation   he  

discussed  various  numeration  systems  and  then  went  on  to  highlight  how  the  concept  of  place  value  can   be   challenging   for   young   learners.   The   use   of   various   place   value   TLM   (Teaching   Learning  Materials)  was  also  discussed.    It  was  observed  that  the  game  gradually  let  the  child  experience  the  

properties   of   positional   notation   system  without   explicitly   taking   children   into   the   complexity   of  different  bases.   Through   the  enactive  experience   the   learners  were  able   to  discover   the  additive-­‐multiplicative   property   on   which   the   game   is   based.   Since   the   learners   were   familiar   with   the  

abacus,  they  could  figure  out  the  relation  between  the  face  value  and  place  value  of  digits  within  a  given   number.   The   presenter   also   highlighted   how   the   game   also   helped   learners   to   develop   a  

symbolic  understanding  of  “+”  and  “X”  in  expanded  forms  of  numbers.  The  learners  were  also  able  to  extend  the  game  to  other  bases.  

8. Mr   Nidesh   Soni   and   Mr   Ghanshayam   Tiwari   gave   a   joint   presentation   on   Shiksha   Protsahan  

Kendras   and   Mathematics.   They   focused   on   how   mathematics   is   dealt   with   in   the   Shiksha  Protsahan  Kendras  of  the  Eklavya  Foundation.  The  approach  to  dealing  with  mathematical  concepts  is  grounded  in  the  constructivist  approach  and  is  largely  activity  based.  The  emphasis  is  on  designing  

activities  which  enable  learners  to  explore  mathematical  ideas  and  concepts  at  their  own  pace.  The  activities  relate  concepts  to  the  prior  knowledge  of  the  learners  and  are  often  enabled  by  the  use  of  manipulatives   which   give   learners   a   concrete,   enactive   experience.   The   presenters   began   by  

highlighting   some   of   the   difficulties   children   face   in   learning   arithmetic   concepts   in   the   primary  years.   These   are   related   to   the   concepts   of   place   value,   ‘carry   over’   in   addition,   ‘borrowing’   in  subtraction,   concepts   of   multiplication   and   division   and   understanding   the   use   of   symbols.   They  

described   a   game   teen   gutke   chaar   note  which   can   be   played   by   five   children   (where   four   are  players  and  one  is  a  cashier).  The  materials  used  in  the  game  are  play  notes  of  Rupees  1,  10,  100  and  1000.   Through   the   game   learners   explore   the   concept   of   place   value   and   arithmetic   operations  

(principles  of  exchange  and  borrowing).  The  game  encourages  peer  learning  and  learners  are  given  the  opportunity  to  explore  ideas  with  minimum  intervention  from  the  facilitators.  The  presentation  ended  by  highlighting  some  of  the  pitfalls  of  the  activity  approach  to  learning.  



9. Prof  Rekha  S  Sen  shared  her  study  on  Effective  mathematics  classroom.  She  undertook  this  study  to  understand  the  dynamics  in  a  mathematics  classroom.  She  used  Cobb  and  Yackel’s  framework  of  

socio-­‐mathematical  norms  to  analyse  a  class  4  classroom  over  two  lecture  periods  in  an  elite  private  school  while   she  was   teaching   fractions.   Her   analysis   revealed   the   classroom   as   one   emphasizing  procedures,  algorithms,  right  answers  and  with  a  pace  geared  to  the  ‘brighter’  children.  The  use  of  

teaching  aids  was   limited   to   introducing   the   topic,   rather   than  as   an   integral  part  of   the   teaching  process.   Moreover,   the   classroom   did   not   provide   opportunities   for   discussing   the   rationale   for  doing  procedures  or  sharing  of  alternate  methods  by  students.  The  classroom  also  seemed  to  clearly  

indicate   segregation   of   the   ‘brighter’   students   from   the   ‘slower’   ones,  with   no   acknowledgement  given  to  children’s  initiatives  in  solving  problems.  

10. Mr   R   Srikanth,   in   his   talk   on   Negotiating   evolving   topographies   in   a   mathematics   classroom  

discussed  how  differences  in  mathematical  aptitude  influence  the  classroom  dynamics  and  his  own  efforts   to   bridge   these   differences   in   his   classroom.   He   listed   some   reasons   which   cause  ‘undulations’   in   the   classroom   -­‐   self-­‐beliefs,   perceptions   of   others   who   matter   (peers,   teacher),  

motivation,   aspirations,   performance   scores   and   the   incongruities   that   exist   between   these.   He  shared  some  of  his   interventions  in  the  classroom  in  order  to  get  students  to  a  common  platform.  Differential   instruction   to   suit   individual   students’   needs,   remedial   teaching,   peer   tutoring,  

transparency   in   assessment   policies   and   collaborative   classrooms   are   some   measures   which   he  thinks  are  useful  for  overcoming  the  barriers  in  the  classroom.    

11. Ms   Himani   Asija   in   Developing   Project   and   Inquiry   Based   Learning   in   Mathematics   at   the  

Secondary  School  highlighted  how  Project  based  learning  can  help  students  to  connect  mathematics  to   real   world   experience.     She   discussed   a   project   that   she   conducted   with   senior   secondary  

students,  titled  Mathematical  modelling  in  the  diagnosis  of  Cancer.  The  project  was  undertaken  with  students  who  were  given  a  basic  knowledge  of   fractal   structures  such  as   the  Koch  snowflake.  The  idea  behind   the  project  was   to  make   the   students   appreciate   the   applications  of  mathematics,   in  

particular   fractals,   to   medicine.   The   project   also   helped   students   to   appreciate   how   technology  increases   the   applications   of   the  mathematical   content   in   its   simplest   form   in   complex   scientific  situations.   The   project   is   based   on   the   observation   that   in   the   Koch   Snowflake,   the   perimeter  

increases  in  a  geometric  progression  with  common  ratio  more  than  1  while  the  area  increases  in  a  geometric   progression  with   common   ratio   less   than   one.     Thus,   as   the   number   of   stages   tend   to  infinity,   the   ratio   of   squared   perimeter   and   area   approaches   infinity.   The   students   made   two  

hypotheses:  Hypothesis  1  Ratio  of  the  squared  perimeter  and  area  is  the  least  for  a  normal  cell  and  is  maximum  for  a  malignant  cell.  

Hypothesis  2  Higher  the  stage  of  malignancy,  lesser  is  the  fractal  dimension.  Their  explorations  were  based  on  testing  the  hypotheses  based  on  data  collected  by  them  from  the  internet.  

12. Ms  Ashu  Threja  advocated   the  need   for   Creating  Constructive  Environments   in  Mathematics  Classrooms.   Building   a   theoretical   basis,   the   presenter   listed   the   tenets   of   constructivism   in  Mathematics  education  which  postulate  that  knowledge  is  actively  created  or  invented  by  the  child,  not  passively  received  from  the  environment  and  that  learning  mathematics  should  be  thought  of  as  



a  process  of  adapting  to  and  organizing  one's  quantitative  world,  not  discovering  pre-­‐existing  ideas  imposed  by  others.   In  support  of  such  views  the  presenter  took  snippets  from  the  current  primary  

textbooks   of   NCERT   and   described   how   her   pupil   teachers   use   the   examples,   illustrations   and  problems   of   the   book   to   create   constructive   mathematics   classrooms.




Panel  Discussions    

1. Technology  in  Mathematics  Education  

Chair:  Professor  Inder  K  Rana,  Department  of  Mathematics,  IIT  Powai,  Mumbai    

Panelist  1:  Ms  V  Sudha,  Mathematics  Department,  Sanskriti  School,  New  Delhi    

Panelist   2:   Dr   Jonaki   B   Ghosh,   Department   of   Elementary   Education,   Lady   Shri   Ram   College,   Delhi  University  

Prof  I  K  Rana  gave  a  talk  titled  Technology  in  Mathematics  Education  –  What?  Why?  How?  Prof  Rana  took   up   the   aims   of   the  National   Curriculum   Framework   2005   and   discussed   how   technology   can   be  

used  to  further  them,  for  example  by  creating  an  environment  featuring  interaction  between  motivated  students  and  motivated   faculty.  He  gave  numerous  examples  of  how   technology  can  be  used   to   raise  and   resolve   non-­‐trivial   issues,   whether   they   feature   applications   of   school   maths   to   real-­‐life   or   the  

conjecturing  and  solving  of  higher  level  problems  within  school  mathematics  (especially  geometry).  

The  presentation  by  Dr  Jonaki  Ghosh  focused  on  the  various  possibilities  that  technology  tools  have  to  offer   in   the   teaching   and   learning   of   mathematics.   She   began   her   talk   by   describing   the   goals   of  mathematics   education   as   envisaged   by   the   NCF   2005.   She   went   on   to   discuss   the   various   issues   in  

relation   to   technology   use   which   have   concerned   mathematics   educators   the   world   over;   especially  those  related  to  the  relevance  of  paper  and  pencil  techniques  in  the  presence  of  technology,  the  role  of  technology  in  enhancing  conceptual  understanding,  the  need  to  maintain  a  balance  between  technology  

use  and  paper-­‐pencil   skills  and  the  nature  of  assessment  and  setting  of  examinations.  Technology  has  helped  in   improving  the  quality  of   instructions   in  a  number  of  ways.   If  used  efficiently,   it  can  promote  deep  mathematical  thinking  by  initiating  analysis,  problem  posing,  problem  solving  and  rich  conceptual  

understanding.   Technology   increases   the   range   of   mathematical   content   by   providing   a   dynamic  environment  for  computation,  construction  and  visual  representation.  She  mentioned  that  some  of  the  softwares  available  for  mathematics  instruction  are  

• Computer  Algebra  Systems  (CAS)  such  as  Mathematica,  Maple  and  Derive    • Dynamic  Geometry  Software  (DGS)  such  as  Geometer’s  Sketchpad,  Geogebra    • Handheld  technology  in  the  form  of  scientific  as  well  as  graphic  calculators.  


She  concluded  her  presentation  by  highlighting  examples  of   specific  activities  which   she  has   tried  out  with  students  at  the  secondary  and  senior  secondary  level  which  were  aimed  at  investigating  the  role  of  technology  in  enhancing  mathematical  learning.    These  activities  focused  on    

• Visualization  and  exploration  of  concepts  using  handheld  tools  • Exploring  geometrical  problems  in  a  dynamic  geometry  environment  • Simulation  of  problems  in  probability  using  spreadsheets.  



• Investigatory  projects  based  on  mathematical  modeling  and  applications  of  topics  taught  in  the  curriculum  


The  presentation  by  V  Sudha  highlighted  that  mathematics   is  perceived  as  a  ‘tough  subject’  by  a   large  majority   of   students   and   the   ability   to   grasp   mathematical   concepts   varies   among   students.   Also  

mathematics   teachers  do  not  have  access   to  adequate   resources  which  enable   them  to  communicate  mathematical   concepts   efficiently   to   their   students.   Recent   advances   in   computing   and   wireless  networking   have   enabled   development   of   educational   tools   for   a   networked   classroom   enabling   real  

time  transfer  of  information  between  students  and  teacher  enabling  proper  discussion  and  assessment  of   each   students  understanding.   Such   technologies  help   the   students   to  discuss   and   share   their   ideas  both  with  the  teacher  and  among  themselves  thus  making  learning  of  abstract  mathematical  concepts  a  

pleasurable   experience.   They   can   experience   and   engage   with  mathematics   on   their   own   terms   and  simultaneously  help  the  teacher  to  monitor  their  progress  and  also  intervene  on  an  individual  basis.  The  presentation  focused  on  demonstrating  the  TI-­‐Nspire  technology  developed  by  Texas  Instruments  which  

has  been  designed  specially  to  provide  a   learning  environment  in  the  classroom  which  enables  a  great  degree  of  interactivity  among  students  and  between  student  and  the  teacher.  

(Rapporteur:  Bhawna  Chauhan,  University  of  Delhi)  



2. Curriculum  and  Pedagogy:  Tertiary  level  

Chair:  Prof  Parvin  Sinclair,  Indira  Gandhi  National  Open  University  

Panelist  1:  Prof  Fozia  Qazi,  Islamic  University  of  Science  &  Technology,  Kashmir  

Panelist  2:  Prof  Amber  Habib,  Shiv  Nadar  University  

Prof   Fozia  Qazi   began   the  discussion  by   sharing   the   structure  and   content  of  mathematics   courses   in  Jammu  and  Kashmir   both   at   the   undergraduate   and  post-­‐graduate   levels.   She  brought   out   the   issues  

and  challenges  the  state  is  facing  in  its  effort  to  increase  the  number  of  courses  offered  and  enhance  the  quality   of   the   programmes.   Even   though   the   state   now   has   much   better   educational   infrastructure  facilities,   it   has   failed   to   engage  with   issues   of   curriculum   reform   and   pedagogic   innovations.   Today,  

there  are  fairly  many  universities,  state  run  and  private  colleges  in  the  state.  However,  they  do  not  offer  an   honours   level   programme   in   mathematics.   Moreover,   the   state   colleges   suffer   from   systemic  problems  –  they  are  affiliated  to  either  Jammu  University  or  Kashmir  University  but  the  administrative  

control  lies  with  the  state  government.  Compared  to  the  older  universities,  the  new  private  universities  are   offering   more   innovative   courses.   Lack   of   faculty   with   appropriate   expertise   seems   to   act   as   a  limiting  factor  for  such  innovations,  both  in  the  private  as  well  as  the  government  colleges.  Introduction  

of   new   courses/   programmes  may   simply  mean   addition   of   a   few  more   courses   over   and   above   the  existing   ones   or   the   location   courses,   like   computer   programming,   is   not   well   thought   out   to   take  



maximum   advantage   in   teaching   other   mathematics   courses.   She   took   the   example   of   her   own  university   (Islamic   University   of   Science   and   Technology)   as   one   not   only   offering   a   full-­‐fledged  

undergraduate   mathematics   programme   but   also   a   very   job   oriented   programme   of   Actuarial  Mathematics.  At  least  three  other  universities  have  taken  initiatives  to  offer  job  oriented  electives  at  the  post  graduate  level.  The  panellist  felt  that  there  must  be  a  more  synergistic  relation  between  students’  

lives   and   the   curriculum   taught   to   them   and   its   evaluation.   Thus,   she   recommended   courses   which  connect   to   the   real   lives   of   students   by   offering   job   oriented   courses,   a   curriculum   which   includes  project   work,   emphasises   reading   and   writing   skills   in   mathematics   and   enables   them   to   think  

mathematically   and   teacher   training   at   the   tertiary   level   so   as   to   create   a   cadre   of   well-­‐trained  mathematics  faculty.    

Resonating   with   the   earlier   speaker’s   thoughts,   Prof   Amber   Habib   raised   issues   about   curriculum  development  and  the  need  for  more  mathematical  application  courses  at  the  tertiary   level.  He  shared  

his  experience  with  students  who  are  unaware  of   the  utility  of  mathematics   in  shaping  up  challenging  careers.  He  brought   forth  his   reservation   regarding   the  existing  disconnect  between  mathematics  and  other   disciplines.   He   highlighted   the   need   to   recognize   the   definition   of   rigour   and   knowledge  

construction/  validation  in  different  disciplines.  He  shared  some  ways  in  which  Shiv  Nadar  University  is  making   efforts   to   achieve   this   by   allowing   students   to   take   courses   outside   their   programmes   and  making   all   programmes   of   4   years   duration.   He   finally   shared   some   interesting   vignettes   from   his  

experience  with  MTTS  and  MSF  students.  

Prof  Parvin  Sinclair   raised   issues   that  arise  as  a   result  of  UGC  determining  what  mathematics   is   to  be  taught  at   the   tertiary   level  and   tying   the   funding  of  universities/  colleges   to   following   the  UGC  model  curriculum.   This   makes   the   syllabus   rigid   and   cannot   respond   to   the   needs   to   particular   sections   of  

students.   She   expressed   her   concerns   about   how   syllabus   narrows   down   the   efforts   to   make  mathematics  multidisciplinary  or  design  mathematics  courses  with  real  world  connections.  She  felt  that  

students’  readiness  is  not  attended  to  while  making  mathematics  syllabi  at  the  undergraduate  level.  The  gap   between   what   they   had   learnt   at   school   and   the   abstraction   which   is   required   for   the   formal  mathematics   at   the   undergraduate   level   in   huge.   She   too   agreed   with   the   other   panellists   and  

additionally   stressed   the   need   for   developing   mathematical   thinking,   communicating   mathematically  and  using  mathematical   symbols  precisely.  Another  of  her   concerns  was  how  assessment  decides   the  pedagogy  in  the  classroom  and  gives  no  scope  to  develop  mathematical  thinking.  She  gave  the  example  

of  IGNOU  and  its  efforts  to  change  the  curriculum  as  well  as  pedagogy.  She  felt  that  training  of  teachers  is   a  must   even   at   the   tertiary   level   so   as   to   be   able   to   address   students   of   various   backgrounds   and  differential  abilities  as  well  as  giving  interdisciplinary  support.    


Audience  and  panellists  agreed  on  the  fact  that  content  from  the  syllabi  is  excluded  when  teachers  find  

it   difficult   to   handle   and   particularly   applications   of  mathematics   are   excluded   or   limited   by   avoiding  their   assessment.   This   is   a   problem   and   has   to   be   dealt  with   both   by   changing   our   understanding   of  mathematics  as  well  as  by  tackling  the  examination  system.  One  of  the  panellists  shared  how  they  are  

trying   to  make   connections   of  mathematics   with   other   disciplines,   like   art.   Issues   were   raised   about  



students’   at   senior   secondary   level   lacking  minimum  understanding  of   basic   concepts   in  mathematics  and   the   need   to   offer   mathematics   courses   at   various   levels   in   school   or   interest   based   courses.  

However,   it   was   also   pointed   out   that   offering   different   levels   of   courses   is   problematic   in   that   it  introduces   class   distinction.   The   better  way   is   to   reduce   content   and   universities   can   do  whatever   is  needed  at  that  level.  It  was  pointed  out  that  mathematics  departments  often  decide  what  mathematics  

is  to  be  taught  and  what  is  important  in  a  manner  which  kills  the  spirit  for  any  innovation.    

(Rapporteur:  Dr  Rakhi  Banerjee,  AUD)  



3. Teacher  Education  for  Mathematics  

Chair:   Professor   Nargis   Panchapakesan,   Ex   Head   and   Dean,   Central   Institute   of   Education,   Delhi  University.    

Panelist  1:  Dr  Haneet  Gandhi,  Central  Institute  of  Education,  Delhi  University  

Panelist  2:  Ms  Usha  Menon,  Jodo  Gyan.  

Dr  Haneet  Gandhi’s  presentation  Issues  in  Mathematics  Teacher  Education  was  divided  into  three  parts:  Issues   in   mathematics   teacher   education   programmes,   Teacher’s   understanding   of   mathematical  

concepts  and  Structure  of   teacher  education  programmes   in  Delhi  University.  While   talking  about   the  issues  in  mathematics  teacher  education  programmes  she  briefly  touched  upon  some  of  the  issues  faced  by  these  programmes  at  the  elementary,  secondary  and  senior  secondary  levels.  To  highlight  teachers’  

understanding   of   mathematical   concepts,   she   shared   her   experiences   of   teachers’   responses   from  workshops   which   she   conducted   on   the   topic   of   fractions.   She   reflected   on   how   teachers’   limited  notions  of   concepts   and   content   knowledge   can  be   a   stumbling  block   in   their   classroom   interactions.  

Following  this  she  discussed  the  structure  of  the  mathematics  education  courses  of  the  B.Ed  and  B.El.Ed  programmes  of  Delhi  University.   She  highlighted   the   fact   that  mathematics   component  of   the  B.El.Ed  programme   has   four   components,   namely,   the   core   content   knowledge,   pedagogy,   practicum   and  

optional  papers.  Similarly  she  shared  the  structure  of   the  mathematics  course   in   the  B.Ed  programme  and  ended  her  presentation  by  focussing  on  the  challenges  teacher  educators  face  in  dealing  with  these  courses.  

Ms   Usha  Menon’s   presentation   was   titled   The   Challenges   of   Transformative   Education   in   which   she  

shared  some  insights  from  the  in-­‐service  teacher  education  programmes  conducted  by  Jodo  Gyan.  These  programmes,   according   to   her,   can   be   divided   into   three   categories,   that   is,   Continuous   –   Intensive,  Periodic  –  Intensive  and  Episodic.  The  last  category  is  based  on  workshop  based  interactions.  Over  the  

years   through  these  workshops  she  has  encountered  various  kinds  of   teachers  with  different   levels  of  understanding   and   competence.   She   reiterated   that   the   main   challenge   in   teacher   education   is  communication  across  different  communities  of  practice  in  teacher  education.  She  shared  her  learnings  



from   studies   on   teachers’   understanding   about   the   nature   of   mathematics,   their   perception   about  mathematics   as   a   subject   and   about   pedagogy.   She   talked   briefly   about   the   TLM   (Teaching   Learning  

Materials)  prepared  by  Jodo  Gyan  which  are  regularly  used  by  them  in  their  teacher  training  workshops.  She   concluded   her   presentation   by   saying   that   PCK   (Pedagogical   Content   Knowledge)   is   essentially   a  practitioner’s  knowledge  which  can  be  enhanced  only  through  interaction  with  other  practitioners  and  

suggested  that  a  curriculum  developed  in  situ  with  practitioners  is  perhaps  a  reasonable  solution.  

The   chair,   Professor   Nargis   Panchapakesan   concluded   the   session   by   sharing   her   own   observations  related   to   the   discourse   of   mathematics   teacher   education.   She   emphasised   that   the   education   of  mathematics   teacher   educators   is   a   key   issue   which   needs   to   be   addressed   in   the   formal   system.  

According   to   her   the   M.Ed   programme   does   not   equip   a   person   to   become   a   mathematics   teacher  educator   and   thus   there   is   a   pressing   need   for   programmes   which   cater   to   specialized   courses   in  mathematics   education.   This   will   help   to   legitimize   and   formalize   mathematics   education   as   an  

independent   field  of   study  and  universities  across   the  country,  especially   the  new  ones,  must  address  this   issue.  Further  she  highlighted  the  pressing  need  for  a  concentrated  effort   in  developing   in-­‐service  teacher   education   programmes   with   systematic   follow   ups.   Although   the   DIETs   and   the   SCERTs   are  

contributing   to   in-­‐service   teacher   education,   their   lack   of   follow   up   is   a   critical   problem.   Finally   she  emphasised   that   lack   of   classroom   resources   for   school  mathematics   teachers   also   continues   to   be   a  major  lacuna  in  our  system  which  needs  to  be  addressed.  

The   participants  made   a   few   comments   and   suggestions   in   the   open   session   at   the   end   of   the   panel  

discussion.   Several   participants   felt   lack   of   adequate   in-­‐service   teacher   education   programmes   for  college  mathematics   teachers.   Pedagogy   of   teaching  mathematics   at   the   college   level   needs   is   a   key  concern  and  needs  immediate  attention  since  there  aren’t  enough  opportunities  for  college  teachers  to  

upgrade   themselves.   At   the   end   of   the   panel   discussion   a   consensus   was   reached   that  mathematics  education  needs  to  emerge  as  a  separate  discipline  in  our  formal  system  and  it  must  address  the  issues,  

concerns  and  demands  of  teacher  education,  both  at  the  school  and  college  level.      

(Rapporteur:  Dr  Jonaki  Ghosh,  University  of  Delhi)    


4. Systemic  Issues  in  Relation  to  Mathematics  Education  

Chair:  Professor  Vijaya  S.  Varma,  Ambedkar  University,  Delhi  

Panelist  1:  Professor  Farida  A.  Khan,  Jamia  Millia  Islamia  

Panelist  2:  Professor  Rohit  Dhankar,  Azim  Premji  University,  Bangalore  and  Digantar,  Jaipur.  

Prof  Vijaya  Varma  began  by  putting  forward  three  issues  or  questions  for  discussion.    

• In  the  recent  past,  we  have  been  advocating  activity-­‐based,  child-­‐centred  learning  at  all   levels.  The   question   is:   how   is   it   possible   to   do   this   when   the   system   is   resource-­‐strapped,   in   our  



overcrowded,   understaffed   classrooms,   and   our   teachers   have   no   special   training   in   such  pedagogy?  

• How   does   learning   in   a   conceptually   hierarchical   subject   like   mathematics   take   place   in   a  situation  where  no  child  has  to  sit  for  examinations  until  Class  X  and  cannot  be  detained?  

• How   do   you   enable   the   agency   of   the   school   teachers,   give   them   greater   autonomy,   make  curricula   contextual,   while   keeping   all   curricular   policy   and   textbook   development   so   highly  centralised?    

Prof   Farida   Khan   pointed   out   that   mathematics   as   a   discipline   has   a   gatekeeping   capacity:   it   is   the  discipline  that  pushes  children  out  of  school.  We  may  advocate  that  it  should  promote  a  way  of  thinking  and  shouldn’t  be  highly  content-­‐loaded.  Yet  it  is  this  content  that  gives  access  to  higher  institutes  linked  

to  high-­‐prestige  professions.  A  high  value  is  attached  to  children  who  can  clear  entrance  tests.  The  focal  point   is   that  mathematics   is   the   foundation  of  all   science  and   technology.  The  question   is:  how  much  mathematics  should  children  learn?  NCF  2005  got  rid  of  some  content  loading.  Eventually,  the  reality  is  

that  children  have  to  deal  with  a  hierarchical  system  with  inequity.  The  social  structure  is  heavily  loaded  against   the  underprivileged.  Where  are   the   resources   going   to   come   from?  Every   child   should  have  a  choice   to   be   able   to   compete   for   engineering   etc.   This   raises   the   question   of   how   to   address   larger  

systemic  issues.  The  task  of  bringing  about  changes  in  attitude  has  to  be  taken  up  more  in  social  science  classrooms.   The   onus   can’t   be   on  mathematics   alone.   Finally,   Prof   Khan   raised   the   question   of   how  mathematics  classrooms  are  different.  The  answer,  she  felt,  was  in  the  language  used  in  mathematics.  

The  symbolic   language   is   foreign.   In  other   subjects,  even   if   the   teacher  cannot  communicate  with   the  learner,   there   is   a   possibility   of   learning   by   reading.   Here   it   requires   translation   of   the   symbolic  language,  leading  to  a  double  disadvantage.  

Prof  Rohit  Dhankar  divided  his  comments  into  talking  about  the  system,  talking  about  mathematics,  and  

asking  what   happens  when   the   system   regulates   the   teaching   of  mathematics.   According   to   him,   the  Indian  school  system  is  a  power  structure.  The  main  purpose  of  schools,  deep  down,   is  to  protect  and  uphold  the  power  structure.  The  system  functions  on  rote  thought.  It  is  bounded  by  authority,  regulated  

by  procedures.  It  has  a  total  incapability  to  understand  and  total  disregard  for  truth  and  epistemic  force.  It  works,  not  on  well-­‐thought  ideas,  but  on  manipulation.  Hence  it  has  a  great  capacity  to  be  blown  over  by  fashions,  for  example:  no  exams,  no  pass/fail.  Talking  about  mathematics,  Prof  Dhankar  distinguished  

its  highly  visible  form,  common-­‐sense  mathematics,  from  what  he  called  ‘received  mathematics’.  School  and  college  mathematics  at  this  point  of  time  belong  to  this  second  category.  When  talking  of  change,  we   often   get   enamoured   by   common-­‐sense   mathematics,   but   both   common-­‐sense   and   received  

mathematics  are  limited.  Both  can  work  only  as  long  as  there  exists  a  strong  disciplinary  mathematics,  which  is  powerful  and  widely  applicable.  It  derives  its  power  by  bracketing  out  all  context,  all  meaning,  and  has  the  canny  capability  to  reintroduce  context-­‐specific  meaning.  For  this  reason  it  requires  a  lot  of  

on-­‐the-­‐feet   thinking   from  the   teacher,  addressing  how  to  build  mathematical  models   to  solve-­‐real-­‐life  problems.   The   system,   primarily   concerned   with   the   power   structure,   cannot   allow   the   teacher   to  function   this  way.  Books  are  concerned  with   received  mathematics.  Serious  engagement  with   ideas   is  

going   down.   Instead   of   ideas,   we   have   sloganisation   and   caricature.   For   example,   no   pass/fail   was  thought  of  in  a  context  where  each  child  has  his/her  own  pace  of  learning,  and  therefore  no  grades.  This  

context  is  lost  and  we  want  a  system  with  grades,  yet  no  pass/fail.  



Since   all   the   panellists   had   voluntarily   limited   their   time,   there  was   time   for   a   lot   of   discussion,  with  around  a  dozen  people  contributing.  Some  of  the  points  which  came  up  are  listed  below.  

As  soon  as  a  child  starts  going  to  school,  we  train  him/her  to  think:  I  am  going  to  get  a  job,  earn  a  lot  of  

money.  The  celebrities  with  which  children  identify  are  film  stars,  never  mathematicians.  

We  shouldn’t  club  all  Govt  schools  together.  There  are  many  where  there  are  less  than  40  children  in  a  class.  The  role  of  the  school  leadership  is  important.  Often  when  people  say  a  particular  school  is  good,  they   mean   that   the   principal   has   a   different   approach.   Another   aspect   of   the   Govt   system   is   the  

inspection:  there  is  training  for  teachers,  but  none  for  school  inspectors.  

In   in-­‐service   training,   we   generally   have   our   own   agenda.   Teachers   don’t   own   it.   There   should   be   a  shared   agenda.   In   informal   discussions  with   teachers,  many   ideas   come  up.   These   can   serve   as   entry  points.  

How  can  teachers  engage  in  research?  There  is  no  motivation  to  do  anything  in-­‐depth.  There  is  a  lot  of  

inertia,   teachers   see   no   need…  However,  we   have   to   see   how  much   freedom   they   have.  Whether   in  Govt   or   private   schools,   everything   is   specified.   In   SCERT   workshops,   resource   persons   are   asked   to  come  for  just  two  hours.  There  is  no  space  to  address  what  teachers  say.  

The  issue  of  grade-­‐specific  processes  came  up  in  the  context  of  NCF  2005.  Some  participants  expressed  

concern  at  the  imposition  involved  in  all  children  of  a  given  age  moving  together.  There  is  no  space  for  individual  differences.   In  the  UK,   for  example,   the  existence  of  O  and  A   levels  provides  some  systemic  support.  Rohit   responded   to   the  question  about  NCF  2005,  observing   that   the  NCF  document   talks  of  

grades  in  a  subdued  manner.  During  the  process  of  its  creation,  there  was  a  lot  of  discussion  on  whether  syllabi  should  be  developed  or  not.  In  his  view,  NCF  was  diluted  when  grade-­‐specific  syllabi  came  in,  but  the  real  contradiction  came  with  the  Right  to  Education  Act,  which  says  every  child  should  complete  the  

(grade-­‐specific)  course  in  one  year.  

It  was  pointed  out  that  the  condition  of  the  schoolteacher  in  the  Govt  system  is  little  better  than  that  of  a  contract  labourer.  We  are  often  talking  of  a  teacher  who  is  paid  Rs  1200-­‐1500  a  month.  Educationists  

expect   the   teacher   to   be   all-­‐in-­‐one:   to   conduct   activities,   teach   language   through   theatre,   perform  experiments  in  science  …  The  system,  however,  thinks  of  the  teacher  as  a  labourer  who  does  an  eight-­‐hour  shift.  Even  the  holidays  are  taken  away,  since  training  programmes  are  now  held  during  vacations.  

Vijaya  Varma  quoted  a  Hong  Kong  survey,  which  found  that  no  teacher  could  get  more  than  6  hours  of  sleep.      

In  response  to  a  query  about  received  mathematics,  Rohit  Dhankar  compared  it  to  received  wisdom  in  religious  contexts.  What  is  addition?  It  is  what  Guruji  says  it  is.  What  algorithm  to  use  for  addition  is  also  

what  Guruji  says.  There  is  no  space  to  understand  when  it  will  work.  

The  final  few  minutes  of  discussion  were  on  social  issues  and  the  mathematics  classroom.  It  began  with  Farida  Khan   remarking   that,   in   the  mathematics   classroom,   there   is   the   syllabus  which   the   teacher   is  expected   to   complete.   In   addition,   can  we  put  on   it   the  onus  of   sensitising   children?   There  has  been  



work  on  it  the  UK  for  instance,  but  it  requires  us  to  question  the  larger  educational  system.  She  further  pointed  out  that  the  workforce  is  largely  female,  mostly  women  from  the  middle  and  lower  middle  class  

who  also  have   to  manage   families,   and  yet  SCERT  decides   to  have  weekend  workshops.  The  question  was  asked  whether  social  justice  issues  can  be  integrated  with  mathematics.  The  view  which  emerged  is  that  people  elsewhere  are  working  on   it,  and   it  will  be  useful   if  we  can   take  on  small   trials.  A  case   in  

hand  was   that  of   a   tribal   region   in  Orissa,  where   in  1992-­‐93,  most   vendors  were  women  and  did   the  calculations,   but   around   2000,   vendors   had   become  mostly  male.   Recent   data   showed   that   between  spouses,  wives  have  more  schooling,  but  between  siblings,  boys  get  more  schooling  than  girls.  

Prof  Varma  concluded  the  session  by  asserting  that  the  future  revolution  in  pedagogy    would  occur  only  

if  you  could  subvert  institutions  like  NCERT.  

(Rapporteur:  Professor  Amitabha  Mukherjee,  University  of  Delhi)    


5. Curriculum  and  Pedagogy  at  Middle  and  Secondary  School  Level  

Panelist  1:  Ms  Anita  Sharma,  S  D  Public  School,  Delhi  

Panelist  2:  Ms  Rashmi  Kathuria,  Kulachi  Hansraj  Model  School,  Delhi  

Panelist  3:  Dr  Rakhi  Banerjee,  Ambedkar  University,  Delhi  

Ms  Sharma   initiated  the  discussion  by  speaking  on  curriculum  and  pedagogic   issues  at  the  middle  and  secondary  school   levels.  The  highlights  of  the  talk   included:  Critical  attributes  of  a  21st  century   learner  that  includes  a  holistic  view  of  the  learner;  The  coherence  of  NCF  and  CBSE’s  CCE  pattern  of  assessment  

through  which  a  shift  can  be  envisioned  from  ‘traditional  schooling’  to  ‘empowering  schooling’;  and  the  role   of   Project-­‐work   that   may   help   in   making   classrooms   communicative   and   reflective.   This   was  demonstrated  through  some  samples  of  student  projects.  

Ms   Kathuria   continued   on   the   theme   of   CCE   and   explicated   her   understanding   of   continuous  

engagement  between  the  teacher  and  the   learners.  She  discussed  the  problematic  areas  of  secondary  and   senior   secondary   students   that   included   lack   of   visualising   shapes,   narrow   connectivity   of  application  of   concepts   to   real-­‐life,   and  a   curriculum   that   is  not   child-­‐centric.   In  an  endeavour   to   find  

solution   to   her   concerns,   she   talked   of   her   own   initiative   of   creating   expanded   classrooms   by   using  common  social  websites  like  e-­‐mails,  blogs,  wikis  and  other  e-­‐resources.  She  gave  exemplars  of  how  she  uses   the   internet   to   remain   connected  with  her   students,   and  also   to   increase   interaction  among   the  


Dr  Banerjee  shared  her  concerns  of  a  heavily  loaded  content  in  middle  school  mathematics  textbooks.  She   shared   that   students   find   difficultly   in   bridging   the   mathematical   concepts   as   they   transit   from  primary  to  middle  school.  According  to  her,  success   in  middle  school  mathematics  requires  mastery  of  

rules  and  convensions  in  operating  with  symbols,  without  referring  to  anything  in  particular.  By  focusing  



on  the   learning  of  algebra  she   listed  the  challenges  that  students   face   in  understanding,  or   rather  not  understanding   algebra.   The   challenges   are   of   discerning   letter   or   literals   instead   of   numbers,   non-­‐

acceptance  of  non-­‐closure,   limited  understanding  of  equal-­‐to   sign  and   the  problem  of   transition   from  arithmetic   to   algebra.   Post   discussing   these   challenges,   Dr.   Banerjee   introduced   her   approach   of  teaching  algebra:  Using  and  extending  students’  experience  with  symbols  in  arithmetic  in  specific  ways;  

reasoning   as   a   basis   of   learning;   exploiting   structural   sense   of   expressions;   and   promoting   structural  concepts.  

The  discussions  in  this  session  ranged  across  panelists,  leading  to  clarification  on  CBSE’s  pattern  of  CCE,  experimental   approach   of   teaching   mathematics   and   physical   constraints   of   non-­‐availability   of  

technological  support  in  schools.    

(Rapporteur:  Dr  Haneet  Gandhi,  University  of  Delhi)    





Academic  Committee    

Amitabha  Mukherjee  (Chairperson)  Professor,  Department  of  Physics,  University  of  Delhi    

Anita  Rampal  Professor  and  Dean,  Department  of  Education,  University  of  Delhi  

Gurmeet  Kaur  Bakshi  Professor,  Panjab  University,  Chandigarh  

Haneet  Gandhi  Assistant  Professor,  Department  of  Education,  University  of  Delhi    

Hriday  Kant  Dewan  Vidya  Bhawan  Society,  Udaipur  

Kapil  Hari  Paranjape  Professor  and  Dean,  IISER,  Mohali  

Parvin  Sinclair  Professor  and  former  Pro-­‐vice  Chancellor,  IGNOU,  Delhi  

Local  Organising  Committee  

Amber  Habib  Professor,  Department  of  Mathematics,  School  of  Natural  Sciences,  Shiv  Nadar  University  

Amitabha  Mukherjee  Professor,  Department  of  Physics,  University  of  Delhi  

Geetha  Venkataraman  (Chairperson  and  Convenor)  Dean,  School  of  Undergraduate  Studies  and  Professor  of  Mathematics,  School  of  Liberal  Studies,  Ambedkar  University,  Delhi  

Haneet  Gandhi  Assistant  Professor,  Department  of  Education,  University  of  Delhi  

Jonaki  Ghosh  Assistant  Professor,  Lady  Shri  Ram  College,  University  of  Delhi  



Rakhi  Banerjee  Assistant  Professor,  School  of  Education  Studies,  Ambedkar  University,  Delhi



Detailed  Profiles  of  Speakers  &  Panelists    

Inaugural  Session  

Professor   Dinesh   Singh   is   the   Vice   Chancellor   of   University   of   Delhi,   Delhi.   Professor   Singh   did   his  undergraduate   and   postgraduate   degree   in  Mathematics   at   St.   Stephen’s   College,   University   of   Delhi  

and   his   PhD   from   Imperial   College,   University   of   London.   Professor   Singh’s   area   of   research   in  mathematics   is   functional   analysis   and   he   has   authored  many   research   papers   and   books.   Professor  Dinesh  Singh  was  Director  of  University  of  Delhi  South  Campus  during  2005-­‐2010.  He  is  also  the  Director  

of   Mathematical   Sciences   Foundation,   Delhi   and   Adjunct   Professor,   Department   of   Mathematics,  University   of   Houston,   USA.   He   is   involved   at   the   international   level   in   many   areas   of   mathematics  research  and  education.  He   is  a  member  of  the  Scientific  Advisory  Committee  to  the  Cabinet,  Govt.  of  

India,  of  the  Academy  of  Scientific  &  Innovative  Research.  He  is  on  the  Steering  Committees  on  Science  &   Technology   and   Higher   &   Technical   Education,   Planning   Commission,   Govt.   of   India.   He   is   also   a  member  of  the  Governing  Body  of  the  All   India  Institute  of  Medical  Sciences,  New  Delhi  and  serves  on  

the  boards/executive  councils  of  many  other  universities,  institutions  and  professional  bodies.    

Professor  Madan  Gopal  is  the  Director  for  the  School  of  Engineering,  SNU.  He  has  joined  the  Shiv  Nadar  University  from  the  Department  of  Electrical  Engineering,  IIT  Delhi.  His  teaching  and  research  stints  span  three  decades  at  the  IITs.  Dr.  Gopal  is  the  author/co-­‐author  of  six  books  on  Control  Engineering.  Some  of  

his  works   have   been   translated   into   Chinese   and   Spanish.   In   India,   his   books   have   been   serving   as   a  major   source   of   learning   for   about   three   decades.   Dr.   Gopal   is   an   eminent   researcher   in   the   area   of  Machine  Learning.  He  is  the  author/co-­‐author  of  over  135  research  papers;  the  key  contributions  have  

been   published   in   high   impact   factor   journals.   He   has   supervised   16   doctoral   research   projects.   His  research  interests   lie   in  the  areas  of  Soft-­‐Computing  Technologies,  Pattern  Recognition,  and  Intelligent  Control.    

Dr  Gopal  holds  B.  Tech  (Electrical),  M.  Tech  (Control  Systems),  and  Ph.D.  degrees  from  BITS,  Pilani.  

Professor  Vijaya   Shankar  Varma   taught   in   the  Department   of   Physics   and  Astrophysics,  University   of  Delhi   for   nearly   38   years.   During   this   period   he   served   as   the   Director,   Computer   Centre   and   of   the  Centre   for   Science   Education   and   Communication   and   was   Dean   Planning   of   the   University   before  

retirement.   In  addition  to  teaching  and  research  he  was  active   in  curriculum  development,  design  and  teacher   training   in   the   Hoshangabad   Science   Teaching   Programme,   the   School   Mathematics  Programme,   the   Elementary   Education   Teachers   Research   Network,   and   Scientific   and   Technological  

Literacy  for  All.  Since  its  inception,  he  has  been  Advisor  Planning  at  the  Ambedkar  University,  Delhi.  

Professor   Amitabha  Mukherjee   is   a   professor   in   the   Department   of   Physics   and   Astrophysics   of   the  University   of   Delhi.   Amitabha   Mukherjee   did   his   doctorate   in   physics   at   the   Tata   Institute   of  Funadamental   research,  Mumbai.  He  was   the   chairperson  of   the   academic   committee   for  NIME-­‐NRC.    



He  has  been  the  Director  of   the  Centre   for  Science  Education  and  Communication,  University  of  Delhi  and  has  a  deep  and  abiding  interest  in  science  and  mathematics  education  at  the  school  level.    

Professor   Geetha   Venkataraman   is   a   Professor   of   Mathematics   and   Dean,   School   of   Undergraduate  

Studies  at  Ambedkar  University  Delhi.  She  did  her  undergraduate  degree  at  St.  Stephen’s  College,  her  masters  and  PhD  at  the  University  of  Oxford.  Her  research  interests  centre  on  various  aspects  of  finite  group   theory,   including   questions   related   to   enumeration   of   finite   groups.   Popularising  mathematics,  

mathematics   education   at   schools,   undergraduate   education   and   questions   related   to   gender   and  mathematics   are   also   areas   of   interest.   Her   publications   include   research   papers,   articles   related   to  undergraduate   education   and   a   co-­‐authored   research  monograph   titled   Enumeration   of   finite   groups  

published   by   Cambridge   University   Press   UK.   Before   joining   AUD,   she   taught   mathematics   at   St.  Stephen’s   College.   She   is   also   a   founding   member   and   treasurer   of   the   Mathematical   Sciences  Foundation,  New  Delhi.  

Plenary  Speaker  

Professor  Anita  Rampal  is  Head  and  Dean,  Faculty  of  Education,  Delhi  University.  She  has  been  a  Nehru  

Fellow,  UGC  Research  Scientist,  Chairperson  of  the  NCERT  Textbook  Development  Teams  at  the  Primary  Stage,  and  is  a  member  of  several  national  task  forces  including  the  Steering  Committee  of  the  Planning  Commission  for  Elementary  Education  and  Literacy.  She  has  been  associated  with  the  People’s  Science  

Movement   and   the   National   Literacy   Campaigns,   and   her   special   interests   include   participatory  curriculum   development,   cognition   and   communication   of   science   and  mathematics   with   a   focus   on  indigenous   knowledge,   and   policy   analysis   for   equity   in   education.   Her   publications   include   research  

papers   and   books,   such   as  Numeracy   Counts!  and   Zindagi   Ka  Hisaab,   and   she   has   produced   films   on  women’s  education  and  political  participation.    

Invited  Speakers  

Dr   Asha   Mathur   is   the   former   Vice-­‐Principal   of   Lady   Shri   Ram   College,   University   of   Delhi.   She   is  currently   also   Chief   Advisor   for   the   placement   Cell   at   LSR.   Dr   Mathur   was   responsible   for   initiating,  

conceptualising   and  actualising   a   Teacher   Education  Programme  at   LSR   in   the   form  of   a  Bachelor’s   in  Elementary  Education   in  LSR.  Dr.  Asha  Mathur   is  teaching  “Methodology  of  Teaching  Mathematics”  to  the  students  of  B.  Ed.   (special  education)  at  Durga  Bai  Dheshmukh  College,  Blind  Relief  Association  at  

present.  Dr.  Mathur  started  her  teaching  career  as  mathematics  teacher  at  Lady  Shri  Ram  College  and  retired   from   that   position   in   2006.    Her   research   interest   initially   was   in   General   Topology.   Besides  published   research   work   in   topology,   Dr.   Mathur   has   also   participated   in   course   writing   projects   as  

member   of   course  writers   team   at   IGNOU   and   SCERT.   She   has   edited   a   series   of  mathematics   books  published   by   Navdeep   Prakashan   for   Classes   I   to   V.   Currently   she   is   interested   in   understanding   the  challenges  of   teaching   learning  process   in  mathematics  and   is  engaged   in  activities   that  provide  space  

for  exploring  in  that  area.  




Dr  Jayasree  Subramanian   is  a  Fellow  at  the  Eklavya  Foundation,  Hoshangabad.  She  has  a  doctorate   in  Mathematics   from   the   University   of   Hyderabad.   She   is   interested   in   the   issues   of   gender   and   social  

justice   and   has   worked   in   the   areas   of   teaching   and   learning   of  mathematics   for   primary   and   upper  primary  school  children,  teacher  education,  and  curriculum  development  for  the  upper  primary  level.    


Professor  Parvin  Sinclair   is  a  Professor  of  Mathematics  at   the   Indira  Gandhi  National  Open  University  (IGNOU).  She  is  now  the  Director  of  NCERT.  She  is  also  a  former  Pro-­‐Vice  Chancellor  of  IGNOU.  Professor  

Sinclair   is   an   Algebraist   by   training.   She   did   her   undergraduate   degree   at   Lady   Shri   Ram  College,   her  masters  at  IIT  Delhi  and  her  PhD  at  the  Tata  Institute  for  Fundamental  Research,  Mumbai.  Her  research  interests   include   algebra,   distance   education   and   mathematics   education.   She   has   many   research  

publications,  and  has  also  developed  audio-­‐visual  and  course  material  for  mathematics.  She  has  worked  closely   in  an  advisory  capacity  with  NCERT  on  shaping  mathematics  curriculum  and  pedagogy.  She  is  a  member  of   the  Steering  Committee   for   the   Indian  National  Presentation  at   International  Congress   for  

Mathematics   Education-­‐12,   and   a   member   of   the   Steering   Committee   on   Elementary   Education   and  Literacy  for  the  12th  Five-­‐year  Plan  of  the  Planning  Commission.  

Professor   Fozia   Qazi   is   the   founder   and   Head   of   the   Department   of   Mathematics   at   the   Islamic  University  of  Science  &  Technology,  Kashmir.  She  has  an  MSc  and  MPhil  from  Kashmir  University,  and  a  

PhD  from  Syracuse  University.  She  taught  for  many  years  in  the  United  States  of  America.    She  is  also  an  artist  and  is  a  former  fellow  of  the  Center  for  Women’s  Intercultural  leadership.  Her  current  focus  is  in  interdisciplinary  research  that  examines  the  role  mathematics  plays  in  cultural  expression,  and  she  has  

used  tools  like  symmetry  analysis  to  understand  cultural  patterning  in  Kashmir.  

Professor  Amber  Habib   is  a  Professor  of  Mathematics  at  Shiv  Nadar  University.  He  has  an  MS  from  IIT  Kanpur   and   a   PhD   from   University   of   California,   Berkeley.     He   has   recently   authored   a   book   titled  `Calculus   of   Finance’   on   Mathematical   Finance.   He   is   especially   interested   in   how   projects   and  

applications   can   enrich   mathematics   education   in   both   school   and   college.   He   has   helped   organise  various  efforts  in  this  direction,  from  summer  schools  to  certificate  programmes,  and  is  now  engaged  in  developing  the  undergraduate  curriculum  at  SNU.  Prior  to  joining  SNU,  Amber  Habib  was  professor  with  

the  Mathematical  Sciences  Foundation,  New  Delhi.  

Professor  Inder  K  Rana  teaches  at  the  Department  of  Mathematics  IIT  Powai,  Mumbai.  He  obtained  his  Masters  in  Mathematics  from  Bombay  University  and  his  PhD  from  the  Indian  Statistical  Institute.  He  has  been  a  research  fellow  at  various  premier  institutes  such  as  the  Centre  of  Advanced  Studies  at  Bombay  

University,   IIT   Delhi   and   ISI   Delhi   and   has   taught   mathematics   at   Universities   in   India   and   Abroad.  Professor  Rana’s  special  area  of  interest  is  Analysis,  he  has  authored  many  books  and  research  papers.  He   is   the   founder   of   the   Mathematics   Resource   Centre   at   IIT   Powai   and   has   a   keen   interest   in  

Mathematics  Education  and  Technology.      




Mrs  Sudha  Venkatramanan  teaches  mathematics  to  senior  students  at  the  Sanskriti  School,  New  Delhi.  She  has  worked  towards  integrating  technology  into  the  mathematics  classroom  and  to  this  end  she  has  

used  extensively  ‘Geometers  Sketch  Pad’  and  ‘Graphic  Calculator  –  Texas  Instruments’  in  her  class  room  teaching.  She  completed  her  formal  Mathematics  training  (BSc,  MSc  and  MPhil)  from  the  Avinashilingam  University   for   Women,   Coimbatore,   Tamil   Nadu.   This   was   followed   by   a   BEd   and   MEd   from   the  

University  of  Madras.  She  has  been  teaching  Maths  at   the  senior  school   level   since  1995  She  has  also  been  associated  as  a  Faculty  with  the  BElEd  Program  of  the  University  of  Delhi  (Vivekananda  College  for  Women)  during  1999  and  2000.    

Dr  Jonaki  Ghosh  is  an  Assistant  Professor  in  the  Dept.  of  Elementary  Education,  Lady  Shri  Ram  College,  University  of  Delhi  where  she  teaches  courses  related  to  mathematics  education.  She  obtained  her  PhD  in   Applied  Mathematics   from   Jamia  Milia   Islamia   University,   New   Delhi   and  Masters   in  Mathematics  from   Indian   Institute   of   Technology,   Kanpur.   She   also   taught   mathematics   for   13   years   at   the   Delhi  Public   School,   R   K   Puram,   New   Delhi   where   she   was   instrumental   in   setting   up   the   Mathematics  Laboratory   &   Technology   Centre.   She   has   set   up   a   Foundation   for   teacher   training   and   regularly  conducts   professional   development   programmes   for   mathematics   teachers.   Her   primary   area   of  research   interest   is   in   use   of   technology   in   mathematics   instruction.   She   is   a   member   of   the   Indo  Swedish   Working   Group   on   Mathematics   Education   and   has   been   a   recipient   of   the   CASTME  (Commonwealth  Association  of  Science  Technology  and  Mathematics  Education)  award.  

 Professor  Nargis  Panchapakesan  is  ex-­‐head  and  dean  of  the  Department  of  Education,  Delhi  University.  After  completing  her  doctoral  degree  from  the  United  States  of  America,  she  joined  the  Department  of  Education,   Delhi   University   and   served   as   its   head   twice   during   her   career.   She   was   instrumental   in  

setting  up  the  Maulana  Azaad  Centre  for  Elementary  and  Social  Education  (known  as  MACESE),  which,  with   her   efforts   together   with   many   others’,   in   1994-­‐95   started   one   of   the   most   interesting   and  innovative  programmes  in  teacher  education:  the  four  year  bachelors  degree  in  elementary  education,  

offered  by   the  University  of  Delhi.   She  has  designed  and   taught   courses   in  education   for  many  years,  educational  psychology  being  one  of  her  core  disciplines,  mentored  and  guided  numerous  students   in  education.   She   continues   to   actively   participate   in   education   reforms   and   initiatives   and   serves   in  

committees  to  look  into  teacher  education,  curriculum  designing,  textbook  writing.  

Ms  Usha  Menon,  is  a  graduate  of  IIT-­‐Madras.    She  served  as  a  scientist  with  the  Council  of  Scientific  and  Industrial  Research’s  Delhi-­‐based  National  Institute  of  Science,  Technology  and  Development  Studies.  In  1995-­‐96   following   a   World   Bank   initiated   literacy   campaign   she   became   directly   involved   with  

education.    She  established  Jodo  Gyan  —  a  charitable  trust  and  an  organization  working  to  find  workable  solutions  to  the  problems  in  classroom  practices.  She  is  deeply  interested  in  mathematics  education,  has  been  trying  to  develop  innovative  curriculum  for  primary  and  upper  primary  level  using  the  philosophy  

of  Freudenthal:   the   realistic  mathematics  education.  She  conducts  workshops   for   in-­‐service  as  well   as  for   trainee   teachers;   designs,   produces,   procures   and   distributes   low-­‐cost   teaching   and   learning  materials  (TLMs)  for  promoting  activity-­‐based  education  in  the  classroom.  




Dr  Haneet  Gandhi   is  presently  an  Assistant  Professor   in   the  Department  of  Education.  She  has  earlier  worked   in   the   Department   of   Elementary   Education,   University   of   Delhi.   Her   specialization   is   in  

Mathematics  Education  in  which  she  was  awarded  her  Doctoral  Degree.      

Professor  Rohit  Dhankar   is  Professor  of  Philosophy  of  Education  at  Azim  Premji  University,  Bangalore.  He  also   teaches   a  philosophy  of   education   course   in   TISS,  Bombay.   He  has  been  part  of  many  NCERT  initiatives  in  developing  material  and  curriculum  through  various  committees.  He  was  an  integral  part  of  the  National  Curriculum  Framework  2005  process  as  a  member  of  the  National  Steering  Committee.  He  is  also  a  part  of   the  collaborative  group  of   institutions   that  developed   the  M.A.  Elementary  Education  programme  of  TISS.  He  has  also  been  involved  with  capacity  building  of  educational  functionaries  at  the  national   level  and  with  various  states.  He  trained  as  a  teacher  under  David  Horsburgh  in  the  Neelbagh  School,  and  taught  at  the  elementary  level  for  about  15  years.  Prof  Dhankar  is  the  founder  secretary  of  Digantar,  a  voluntary  organization  in  Jaipur  engaged  in  providing  alternative  education  to  rural  children.  Digantar  endeavours   to  nurture   self-­‐motivated  and   independent   learners  equipped  with   the  ability   to  think   critically.  His   current   interests   are   in  epistemology  of   education,   curriculum  studies   and   teacher  education.    Professor  Farida  Khan  is  a  professor  at  the  Department  of  Educational  Studies,  Jamia  Millia  Islamia,  New  Delhi.  Her   training   is   in   psychology   and   she   earned  her   doctoral   degree   in   developmental   psychology  

from   City   University,   New   York.   She   has   been   associated   with   various   departments/   centres   of  education,   JNU,   DU   and   JMI   and   is   interested   in   issues   of   society   and   education.   For   the   past  many  years,   she   has   been   working   in   the   area   of   mathematics   education   –   mathematics   in   the   street,  

classroom  transaction  of  mathematics,  to  name  a  few  areas  in  which  she  has  worked.    

Ms  Anita   Sharma  has   been   the   Principal   of   S.D.   Public   School,   BU-­‐Block,   Pitampura,   Delhi,   since   July  2002.   Since   1991   she   has   been   involved   in   teaching   mathematics   at   the   senior   school   level.   Anita  Sharma   did   her   BSc   Honours   and   Masters   in   Mathematics   from   the   University   of   Delhi.   This   was  followed  by  a  BEd  and  MEd   from  the  Central   Institute  of  Education,  University  of  Delhi.  She  has  been  involved  with  the  CBSE   in  many  capacities   including  training  of  teachers  and  principals,  preparation  of  material,  involvement  in  examination  reforms  etc.  She  has  appeared  on  television  programmes  and  has  written  in  newspapers  about  teaching  and  learning  of  mathematics.  She  was  conferred  the  Aryabhatta  award    for  contribuition  in  field  of  Mathematics  teaching  by  All  India  Ramanujan  Maths  Club  and  Shiksha  Uthan  Nyas  in  December  2011.    Dr  Rakhi  Banerjee  is  currently  a  faculty  at  the  School  of  Educational  Studies,  Ambedkar  University,  Delhi.  

She  has  earlier  been  a  faculty  at  the  Tata  Institute  of  Social  Sciences,  Mumbai.  She  has  a  doctoral  degree  in  mathematics  education  from  the  Tata  Institute  of  Fundamental  Research.    

Ms  Rashmi  Kathuria   is  a  passionate  Mathematics  teacher  working  as  a  P.G.T   in  Kulachi  Hansraj  Model  School,  Ashok  Vihar,  Delhi.  She  is  associated  with  CBSE,  NCERT,  CTSA  and  DAVIIER  as  a  resource  person  

for  more  than  a  decade  for  material  development,  teacher  training  programmes,  workshops,  seminars,  teleconferences  etc.  She  has  created  online  Maths  classrooms  through  blogs,  wikis  and  social  networks  for  students  and  teachers.  She  received  the  `National  Best  e  teacher  award’from  Dr.  APJ  Abdul  Kalam  in  

2007   for   her   initiatives   on   using   technology   in  Mathematics   teaching   and   learning.   She   received   the  National  Best  teacher  award  (2010-­‐11)  from  the  All   India  Ramanujan  Maths  Club  for  her  extraordinary  



contribution   in   the   field  of  Mathematics   teaching.   She  was   awarded   First   place  during  BTPC  2008   for  paper   presentation   for   her   paper   on   e   Mathematics.   She   was   awarded   First   place   in   the   paper  

presentation  competition  for  teachers  organised  by  AIRMC.  


List  of  Participants  Consolidated  List  of  Participants,  Speakers,  Chairs  &  Organisers    

        Name   Affiliation   Email  1   Aabad  Mushtaq   Islamic  University  of  Science  &  Technology,  

Awantipora,  Kashmir  

2   Abhinav  Verma   IISc  

3   Aishna  Kejriwal   BA  (Hons)  Economics,  II  year,  AUD    

4   Ajay  Kumar   University  of  Delhi    

5   Ajay  Kumar   Dean,  Research,  DU    

6   Akha  Mao   AUD,  School  of  Education  Studies    

7   Akhil  Veetil  Pudiyathil   BA  (Hons)  Sociology,  I  year,  AUD    

8   Amber  Habib   SNU  

9   Amitabha  Mukherjee   DU  

10   Anand  Saurabh   AUD,  Academic  Fellow,  SLS    

11   Anchal  Arora  

12   Anima  Nagar   IIT  Delhi  

13   Anita  Rampal   DU  

14   Anita  Sharma   S  D  Public  School,  Pitampura  

15   Ankita  Ahuja   Jesus  &  Mary  College,  DU  

16   Anup  Sharma   DPS  Bulandshar  

17   Arindam  Bannerjee   AUD,  SLS    

18   Aruna  Ummat   DPS  Society  

19   Ashish  Gupta      

20   Ashok  Gogia   Mathematics  study  Centre  

21   Ashu  Threja   Miranda  House,  DU  

22   Bhavana  Chauhan   Central  institute  of  Education  



23   C  M  Upadhya   Gargi  College,  DU  

24   Chanchal  Yadav   PhD  Student,  DU  

25   Charu  Sharma   Shiv  Nadar  University  

26   Chirashree  Dasgupta   AUD,  SLS    

27   Dinesh  Singh   DU    

28   Farida  Khan   Jamia  Millia  Islamia  

29   Fozia  S  Qazi   Islamic  university  of  science  &  technology,  Awantipora,  Kashmir  

30   Geetha  Venkataraman   AUD,  SUS/  SLS  

31   Ghanshyam  Tiwari   Eklavya,  MP    

32   Haneet  Gandhi   DU  

33   I  K  Rana   IIT  Mumbai  

34   Jasneet  Kaur   JMI  

35   Jatin  Anand   Mathematical  Science  Foundation,  Delhi  

36   Jaya  Goel   TGT  (Maths)  DPS  Rohini  

37   Jayasree  Subramanian   Eklavya,  MP  

38   Jonaki  Ghosh   LSR,  DU  

39   Kathy  Hargrove   Visiting  Professor,  AUD  

40   Komal     Jodo  Gyan  

41   Komal  Arora   Assistant  Professor,  Institute  of  Home  Economics,  DU  

42   Kuriakose  Mamkootam   AUD,  SBPPSE    

43   Madan  Gopal   Director,  School  of  Education,  SNU  

44   Manasi  Thapayal   AUD,  School  of  Education  Studies  

45   Manisha  Goyal   PGT(Maths),DPS  ,Rohini  

46   Minati  Panda   JNU  

47   Mohd.  Mamur  Ali   Deptt.  Of  Education  Studies,  JMI  

48   Mohmad  Rafiq  Wani   Islamic  University  of  Science  &  Technology,  Awantipora,  Kashmir  

49   Monojeet  Chakravorty   Texas  Instruments  

50   Mukund  Madhav  Misra   Dept.  of  Mathematics,  Hanraj  College  

51   Nammulene  Edith   BA  (Hons)  Economics,  I  year,  AUD    



52   Nargis  Panchapakesan   DU    

53   Navin  Tiwari   Darshan  Academy  

54   Neha  Joshi   BA  (Hons)  Economics,  II  year,  AUD    

55   Nidesh  Soni   Eklavya,  MP  

56   Nidhi  Goel   Aditi  Mahavidyalaya,  DU  

57   Parul  Saxena   JP  Institute  of  Information  Technology  

58   Parvin  Sinclair   IGNOU  

59   PK  Chaurasia   NCERT  

60   Pooja  Keshavan  Singh   Gargi  College,  DU  

61   Pramod  Maithil   Eklavya,  MP  

62   R  Srikanth   Welham  Boys  School  

63   Rakhi  Bannerjee   AUD,  School  of  Education  Studies  

64   Rashmi  Kathuria   Kulachi  Hansraj  Model  School  

65   Ravindra  Babu   Texas  Instruments  

66   Rekha  S.  Sen   JMI  

67   Riddhi  Shah   JNU  

68   Rohit  Dhankar   Azim  Premji  University,  Banglore  

69   Sagar  Jain   BA  (Hons)  Mathematics,  I  year,  AUD    

70   Sameer  Malik   BA  (Hons)  Mathematics,  I  year,  AUD    

71   Sanjeev  Agarwal   SNU  

72   Saroj  Malik   Faculty,  Hindu  College,  DU  

73   Savan  Kumar  Khanna   DPS  Bulandshar  

74   Savita  Mehta   Darshan  Education  Foundation  

75   Shanta  Laishram   ISI,  New  Delhi  

76   Shashi  Aggarwal   Faculty,  Miranda  House,  DU  

77   Shobha  Bagai   Cluster  Innovation  Centre,  DU  

78   Shreya  Khemani   Eklavya,  MP  

79   Shyam  Menon   AUD  

80   Shyamolima  Ghosh  Choudhary  

AUD,  Research  Assistant,  SUS    

81   Sona  V  Andrew   Jesus  &  Mary  College,  DU  



82   Sonam  Ambastha   BA  (Hons)  History,  I  year,  AUD    

83   Sonia  Mondal   TISS  

84   Srajan  Agadi   BA  (Hons)  Economics,  I  year,  AUD    

85   Sudha  V   Dept.  of  Mathematics,  Sanskriti  School  

86   Sunil  Verma   Eklavya,  MP  

87   Swati  Nayak   Teacher  

88   Tarun  Vohra   BA  (Hons)  Economics,  II  year,  AUD    

89   Tavpritesh  Sethi   Institute  of  Genomics  &  Integrative  Biology,  CSIR  

90   Usha  Menon   Jodo  Gyan  

91   Uttara  Dhawan   BA  (Hons)  Psychology,  II  year,  AUD    

92   Veena  Ahi   Darshan  Academy  

93   Vijay  Varma   AUD    

94   Vinod  Kumar  Singh   Banaras  Hindu  University,  Varanasi  

95   Ziaur  Rehman   SNU  

96   Radha  Mohan   St.  Stephen’s  College    





Schedule  Day 1: Monday, November 21, 2011

Time   Programme  



10:30  am     HIGH  TEA  


11:00  am    


Curriculum  and  Pedagogy  at  the  Elementary  School:    

Issues  and  Challenges  

Plenary  Talk  by  Professor  Anita  Rampal  Head  and  Dean,  Faculty  of  Education,  University  of  Delhi  



12:00  pm  


 Technology  in  Mathematics  Education  

Panel  Discussion  Chairperson:  Professor  Inder  K  Rana,  Department  of  Mathematics,    IIT  Powai,  Mumbai  Panelist  1:  Mr.  Sanjay  Sinha,  Head,    Mathematics  Department,  Sanskriti  School,  New  

Delhi  Panelist  2:  Dr.  Jonaki  B  Ghosh,  Department  of  Elementary  Education,  Lady  Shri  Ram  

College,  Delhi  University    

1:30  pm   LUNCH  



2:15  pm  


 Mathematics  Teaching  for  the  Visually  Impaired  

Invited  Talk  by  Dr.  Asha  Mathur  &  

Gender  Issues  and  Mathematics  Invited  Talk  by  Dr.  Jayasree  Subramanian  

Eklavya  Foundation  

3:15  pm   TEA  


3:30  pm  

Curriculum  and  Pedagogy:  Issues  at  the  Tertiary  Level  Chairperson:  Professor  Parvin  Sinclair,  

Professor  of  Mathematics,  Former  PVC,  IGNOU  Panelist  1:  Professor  Amber  Habib,  Department  of  Mathematics,    

Shiv  Nadar  University  



Day 2: Tuesday, November 22, 2011

  Panelist  2:  Professor  Fozia  Qazi,  Head,  Department  of  Mathematics,    

Islamic  University  of  Science  and  Technology,  Srinagar  

Time   Programme  


9:30  am  


Paper  Presentations  

(Parallel  Sessions)  


11:00  am   TEA  


11:30  am  

Paper  Presentations  

(Parallel  Sessions)  


12:30  pm   LUNCH  



2:00  pm  

Teacher  Education  for  Mathematics  

Panel  Discussion  

Chairperson:  Professor  Nargis  Panchapakesan,  Ex  Head  and  Dean,  Faculty  of  Education,  University  of  Delhi  

Panelist  1:  Ms.  Usha  Menon,  Jodo  Gyan  Panelist  2:  Dr.  Haneet  Gandhi,  Faculty  of  Education,  University  of  Delhi  


3:30  pm   TEA  



3:45  pm  

 Systemic  Issues  in  Relation  to  Mathematics  Education  

Panel  Discussion  

Chairperson:  Professor  Vijaya  S.  Varma,    Advisor  Planning,  Ambedkar  University  Delhi  

Panelist  1:  Professor  Rohit  Dhankar,  Azim  Premji  University,  Bangalore  and  Digantar,  Jaipur.    

Panelist  2:  Professor  Farida  Khan,  Faculty  of  Education,    Jamia  Milia  Islamia  




Day 3: Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Time   Programme  




9:00  am  

 Curriculum  and  Pedagogy  at  the  Middle  and  Secondary  School  

Chairperson:  Anita  Sharma,  Principal,    S.D.  Public  School,  New  Delhi      

Panelist  1:  Dr.  Rakhi  Banerjee,  School  of  Education  Studies,    Ambedkar  University,  Delhi  

Panelist  2:  Ms.  Rashmi  Kathuria,  Kulachi  Hansraj  Model  School,  Delhi  


10:30  am   TEA  


11:00  am  


Rapporteur’s  Session  

Concluding  Remarks  by  rapporteurs  of  all  panel  discussions  


12:30  pm   LUNCH  


1:30  pm  


Open  Discussion  Session  


3:30  pm   TEA  






Acknowledgements  The  conference  would  not  have  been  possible  or  successful  without  the  contributions  and  support  of  

the  following.  

1. Funding  agencies:  a. Ambedkar  University,  Delhi  b. Shiv  Nadar  University  

c. National  Board  for  Higher  Mathematics  d. Indian  National  Science  Academy  e. Texas  Instruments  

 2. Delhi  Public  Society,  who  hosted  the  outstation  participants  in  their  Dwarka  campus  


3. Local  Organising  Committee:  Amber  Habib  (SNU),  Amitabha  Mukherjee  (DU),  Geetha  Venkataraman  (AUD)  –  Chair  &  Convenor,  Haneet  Gandhi  (DU),  Jonaki  Ghosh  (DU),  Rakhi  Banerjee  (AUD).  

 Academic  Committee:  Amitabha  Mukherjee  (DU)  –  Chair,  Anita  Rampal  (DU),  Gurmeet  Kaur  Bakshi  (Panjab  University),  Haneet  Gandhi  (DU),  Hriday  Kant  Dewan  (Vidya  Bhawan  Society),  

Kapil  Paranjape  (IISER,  Mohali),  Parvin  Sinclair  (IGNOU)    The  organisers  put  in  a  lot  of  work  beyond  the  obvious  –  in  preparing  the  website;    handling  

emails;  short-­‐listing  participants;  co-­‐ordinating  speakers,  panelists,  and  chairs;  arranging  accommodation;  designing  and  mailing  the  invitations;  etc.    

4. AUD  administration  and  faculty:    a. Vice-­‐Chancellor  Prof  Shyam  Menon  b. Registrar  Prof  Chandan  Mukherjee  c. Controller  of  Finance  Ms  Asha  Rani  Rungta  d. Professor  Salil  Misra,  Dean,  School  of  Liberal  Studies,  AUD  e. Mr  Anand  Saurabh,  Academic  Fellow,  School  of  Liberal  Studies,  AUD  f. Ms  Divya  Bhambri,  Academic  Fellow,  School  of  Undergraduate  Studies,  AUD  g. Ms  Shyamolima  Ghosh  Choudhary,  Research  Assistant,  School  of  Undergraduate  

Studies,  AUD

5. SNU  administration  and  faculty:  

a. Vice-­‐Chancellor  Prof  Nikhil  Sinha  b. Director,  School  of  Engineering,  Prof  Madan  Gopal  c. Head,  Department  of  Mathematics,  Prof  Sanjeev  Agrawal  




6. The  speakers,  panelists  and  chairs,  especially  Prof  Dinesh  Singh  (inaugural  speech).    

7. AUD  Staff:    a. Ms  Asha  Vijay,  Office  Assistant,  School  of  Undergraduate  Studies,  AUD  b. Mr  Sita  Ram  Sharma,  Care  taker,  AUD  c. Dr  R  D  Sharma,  Assistant  Registrar,  Finance  Division,  AUD  d. Mr  B  K  Somyajulu,  Assistant  Registrar,  Finance  Division,  AUD  e. Mr  Laxmikant,  Junior  Executive,  Finance  Division,  AUD  

 8. AUD  student  volunteers:  Aishna  Kejriwal,  Akhil  Veetil  Pudhiyatil,  Edith  Namuleme,  Neha  Joshi,  

Sagar  Jain,  Sameer  Malik,  Sonam  Ambastha,  Srajan  Agadi,  Tarun  Vohra,  Uttara  Dhawan.  They  were  vital  to  the  conference  running  smoothly,  and  their  effort  is  all  the  more  appreciated  because  it  came  so  close  to  their  final  exams!  

 9. Participants  


10. India  International  Centre,  Max  Mueller  Marg,  New  Delhi



