Night of a fire



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А В Т О Р : М И Р Д И Я Н О В А Р Т У Р - Р Е С П У Б Л И К А Т А Т А Р С Т А Н , А Л Ь М Е Т Ь Е В С К И Й Р А Й О Н ,

М У Н И Ц И П А Л Ь Н А Я Б Ю Д Ж Е Т Н А Я О Б Р А З О В А Т Е Л Ь Н А Я О Р Г А Н И З А Ц И Я « С Р Е Д Н Я Я О Б Щ Е О Б Р А З О В А Т Е Л Ь Н А Я Ш К О Л А № 1 8 » , 1 0 А

К Л А С С Н А С Т В Н И К : А Л Я М О В А Э Л Ь В И Р А Т А Л Г А Т О В Н А -

У Ч И Т Е Л Ь А Н Г Л И Й С К О Г О Я З Ы К АН А З В А Н И Е Р А Б О Т Ы : N I G H T O F A F I R E

Н А З В А Н И Е К О Н К У Р С А : Д Е Т С К И Й М Е Ж Д У Н А Р О Д Н Ы Й К О Н К У Р С П Р Е З Е Н Т А Ц И Й “

H O L I D AY PA R A D E . П А Р А Д П Р А З Д Н И К О В ”В Е К Т О Р - У С П Е Х А . Р Ф – П О Р Т А Л Д Л Я Д Е Т Е Й И



I am going to tell to you about a holiday which Night of the Fire or day of Guy Fox refers to.

All has begun, when queen Elizabeth 1 has ascended to a throne of England, it has passed some laws

against the Roman Catholics. Guy Fox was one of members of small group of Catholics which considered,

that the government addressed with the Roman Catholics dishonestly. They hoped, that following king, James

1, will change laws, but it has not made it. The group of men under direction of Robert Gejtsbi, prepared for

murder of king James. Guy Fox was one of this group. They have prepared secret plot and 5ноября 1605

wished to blow up English parliament and king. It was day when king opened session of parliament.

Before it one man has bought the house in the neighbourhood with a building of parliament. In the house

there was a cellar which passed under a building of parliament. They planned to place gunpowder under the

house and to blow up parliament and king.

To Guy Fox have entrusted closely to observe of flanks with gunpowder and fire a match.



In 1605 a certain Guy Fox (Guy Fawkes) was full of determination to blow up with use of barrels with

gunpowder the Parliament building, and at the same time with it and king Jacob I who had to say at this

time there speech. It was entrusted to Guy Fox to set fire to a match group of conspirators though it and

wasn't head of plot.

Every year on November, 5th in the Great Britain mark Night Guy Fox (in English - Guy Fawkes Night

or Bonfire Night). The sky of London and other large cities is shined with fireworks, everywhere blow up

petards. The main tradition - ignition on a fire of a scarecrow of Guy Fox, the man of the hour. That Guy

Fox, rhymes about which acts are known by any English student. That Guy Fox, whose the person is

familiar, probably, almost to everyone – owing to a horrible mask from cult film « V Vendetta » … So

means why this person became a symbol of all rebels and not consent, and the tradition of fireworks and

fires whence has undertaken?


In 1603 queen Elizabeth, died, corrected England within 45 years. After death of the queen the

throne was borrowed with the Scottish king Jacob I (the son Maria Stdzhuart, executed with 15 years

earlier according to Elizabeth's order). English Catholics hoped that Jacob, it will have a good feeling,

however it didn't hurry to change the orders secured by Elizabeth. And then there was an idea to get

rid of the undesirable monarch. In 1605 the group of supporters among whom there was an aristocrat

and the Catholic the native of York Guy (Guido) Fox, thought over the drama plan which becomes

subsequently history as 'Powder plot' (Powder plot).

Conspirators decided to kill not simply the king - they became pregnant to blow up the building of

English parliament together with representatives of both chambers! on November 5th 1605 Jacob I

has to be present when opening parliamentary session together with queen Anna and the senior prince

of the son.

R E M E M B E R , R E M E M B E R , T H E 5 T H O F N O V E M B E R !

However, dexterous plans couldn't be executed. Before explosion one of participants sent

the friend to the Catholic to lord Montigl the letter in which he asked that he didn't visit

Parliament on November 5th. Some hours later the letter appeared in hands of the king.

Jacob whom I ordered to look for Parliament cellars where 36 flanks with gunpowder and

Guy Fox were found, intended any minute to burn a match.

Gunpowder was neutralized, and inhabitants of the streets adjoining Westminster, studying,

what danger threatened their buildings, started celebrating rescue at the night of disclosure of

plot. They kindled fires on streets. Properly this growth of tradition in more drama event, and

on fires started burning down effigies of the Fox of the Guy, a symbol of "Powder Plot".


At this strange, but a holiday fully reflecting English traditions, a set of names –

Night of Guy Fox in London (to be exact – day, Guy Fawkes’ day), it – Bonfire Night

(Bonfayr Knight is said). Official date of carrying out night of Guy Fox – on

November 5.


