Nigeria BlueStar for the Poor Ufuoma Festus Omo-Obi BlueStar Nigeria


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Nigeria BlueStar for the Poor Ufuoma Festus Omo-ObiBlueStar Nigeria

African Health Markets for Equity

Nigeria BlueStar for the Poor

African Health Markets for Equity

Nigeria BlueStar for the Poor

Place• Choice and

location• Provider/Facility


Pricing• Commodity

subsidies • Special events


African Health Markets for Equity

Nigeria BlueStar for the Poor

Promotion• Women to women

interpersonal communication.

• Focused referral services.

Product•One-Stop-Shop Safe motherhood Centers

•Quality services

African Health Markets for Equity

In conclusion

Lessons• 6% of lower 2

wealth quintiles‘ – We’re not reaching the poor

Next Steps•Explore targeted vouchers

•Demand Side Financing.

African Health Markets for Equity6

For more information contact; African Health Markets for Equity


