Niche Research Manual - Healthy Wealthy...


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In this manual, you‟re going to learn exactly how you can perform affiliate niche product (and

keyword research.) As you probably already know, niche research is one of the most initial and

crucial steps in your Internet affiliate marketing journey... It does not matter if you‟re selling your

own or someone else‟s affiliate product, niche research plays a BIG part in your entire Internet

marketing success!

This very important step does not just help you to source the available products on the

Internet; it also allows you to decide whether or not the market is worth getting involved with in

the first place....

If you have already found a product you want to promote, does it have enough demand (number of

monthly searches) on the Internet?

Is the competition fierce?

What are the viable targetable keywords you can use to even enter the market with on your


Even though your product has passed all these requirements, will it even be profitable?

For example, you wouldn’t want to spend much of your effort and resources on

marketing your niche site only to earn $1.20 commission per sale, right?

You‟ll need affiliate programs that reward you with high commission pay outs – and you‟ll learn

exactly how to do this and a whole lot more

Once you have acquired this skill set, it‟s going to stick with you for the rest of your life. In time,

you will be seeing yourself creating countless of opportunities for yourself in the days, months and

years to come.

Go stick the kettle on, get a nice cuppa ready – and prepare to get educated with profit sucking

advice from a health niche affiliate (with well over ten years of experience).

So without further ado, let‟s get started...

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Niche Research

There are two ways to go about niche research.

1. Through Affiliate Products

You may already have an affiliate product you want to promote in mind. In the case that you

haven‟t, you can do the following.

a. How to Find A Product

Since our most profitable niche is the health market, we will be looking at a health-related product.

We will start by approaching our best friend, Google.

General Health Products

Key in the term “health “affiliate program”” in Google‟s search box... Make sure you include the

double quotes (“”) for the term „affiliate program‟ as Google will display pages that come with the

term in one word. If you search without the double quotes, the words will scatter around all the

content in the pages, which makes the search result less accurate for you.

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Now that the search results have been displayed, the next thing you need to do is to go through

some of these websites. Since is on the top of the list, we will start with

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Once you are on the website, it is time to check out its products and offers.

At the Products and Offers page, you will see many health products in different categories

including anti-aging, digestive care, skin care, sexual health and general health products. You will

also be able to see the commission they pay out for each sale (and the landing page for each of the


Choose one that interests you the most. For this example, I have chosen the Alteril product from

( for demonstration purposes only.

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As you can see, Alteril is a sleeping aid product... Without thorough research, you know there is

definitely a demand in the market place - and ready to buy searchers for the product. This landing

page is ideal for affiliates because it is straight forward with enough sufficient information

provided on the website.

The website is also purposed in a way where the visitor can buy the product right away with the

strategic call-to-action buy button.

Once you have chosen a product, you can proceed with your keyword research. But before we do

that, I would like to show you a few more examples for finding hot affiliate products.

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Specific Health Products...

Again, we will go to Google and this time, we will key in the term, say “whey protein powder

“affiliate program”” or ““whey protein powder” “affiliate program””. As mentioned, the latter one

will display a more accurate result.

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On the display result, the website looks appealing to me so I will click on it and see if

there is anything I can find on the website. Usually when you click on these results with double

quotes, you will be directed directly to the product page.

Unlike, is an online retailer mainly selling health-related products.

Instead of selling only one product on its website, they sell lots of health products. If you have a

niche site that can sell multiple products from this website itself, you can easily accumulate your

commissions and push for a faster pay out.

Going back to the product page, you can see that it‟s actually a bucket or tub of whey protein

powder by Optimum Nutrition (ON).

On the page, interested buyers can choose from the product options from 1 pound to 10 pounds of

whey protein powder (between the price ranges of $16.40 to $111.99.) Affiliates earn 20%

commission on every sale made...

Products with Trademarks...

Products with well-known product names and trademarks are great for affiliates. If a product has

product name type keywords with a great amount of monthly searches, its conversion rate is going

to be MUCH higher for us as niche marketers...

When compared to generic keywords, these types of keywords can make you money MUCH faster.

That is why there was a trend where many affiliates started to create niche sites targeting only one

product with well-known product names such as (if the product name is ABC).

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However, the bad news is... not all affiliate programs allow their affiliates to bid on product names

and trademarks on their Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising activities. You will have to go through the

affiliate program terms and conditions, or send an email to their affiliate manager to inquire on

the matter.

They also may be strict on domain names, so watch out for trademark issues. What we do is create

niche blogs with topic based articles around the topic, and then focus on pushing branded

products where there is high search volume – and beatable competition.

Let me show you one here live as an example of this in action:

This is a three to four figure a month earner, and we‟ve done nothing to the site in months! We

have many like this, so if you get your niche and product research right, you can make a lot of

passive income over time – hence the need for this eBook!

In order to find products with product name keywords, you just need to do a simple quick check on

the Google Keyword Planner. (Type Google Keyword Planner in to Google, and open an account).

Let‟s take for example.

Go to the website and click on its Product page...

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On the left hand side of the website, you will see product names that come with the word ® such as

CardioForLife®, FlexForLife®, CleanseForLife® and a few more...

Each of these registered trademarked products serves a specific purpose to the human body.

Usually we will start doing keyword research with the generic buying keywords - and for a better

conversion rate, we will do a quick check on the Google Keyword Planner (to see if there is a

demand on the registered trademark itself)...

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To do this, let‟s go to the Google Keyword Planner (

and search for new keyword and ad group ideas.

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Key in the term „cardio for life‟ in Your Product or Service field and make sure the targeting section

is set correctly. Unless you are targeting a market in a specific region, we usually set the geographic

to United States. Just leave the rest of the settings as it is for now and click on „Get Ideas‟.

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This is the result you get when you search for the term „Cardio for Life‟. It displays a result of 590

for the average monthly searches in the United States, which I personally think is a decent amount

of demand for just the one term in the market...

If you can build a topic based article with around ten terms with that amount of search volume,

that‟s a significant amount of buying intent traffic potential...

I would definitely include this term in my keyword list for now. However, there is still ranking

difficulty to be analysed, which you will learn in just a moment. We will give you a basic guide here

using one of the tools we use, and also an advanced break down via some private videos I created

for my students...

If the keyword meets the criteria of viable search volume and beatable competition, then this will

be an affiliate product you can consider to promote on your niche site.

By the way, if you read the terms and conditions while signing up as an affiliate at, you will notice that they do not allow keyword bidding on their trademarks.

In other words, you can‟t use the term „cardio for life‟ in your PPC advertising.

b. How to Find A Profitable Affiliate Product

Who wouldn‟t want to earn more?

Looking for a profitable affiliate product to promote maybe difficult at first, but it is not

impossible. You just need to know the RIGHT tricks to do it.

To do this, just go to Google and search for the term “heath “affiliate program” “75%”‟”. Let‟s see

what happens...

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Can you see what possibilities are available on the Internet using a simple search string?

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Look at the underlined results... You‟ll find that these affiliate programs pay you a lucrative

commission of 75% for every sale you make. These are only from the first page and I have not

shown you the second, third, fourth and the following pages yet.

In addition, you can also search for affiliate programs with the commission payout of 70%, 65%,

60%, 55%, 50% accordingly. They are all health related and the sellers pay you well.

Just a quick note, though... Many of these affiliate programs are no longer available, so this is also

a weeding out process. It‟s good to make a file or chart, and start noting down the viable active

affiliate programs... You will have to see which one is still available for signup - and make sure you

do your homework so that you ensure you actually get paid for your effort.

Another method of earning high commissions in the health related market is to promote affiliate

products from Clickbank...

Since most of them are digital and information products, the profit margin is unbelievably high.

Some of the products do come with registered trademarks, and the merchants do welcome

keyword bidding on their product names or trademarks. This will definitely benefit you as an


2. Through Specific Niches

In the previous method, you look for an affiliate product first upon deciding on a niche. In this

method, you decide on a niche first before looking for an affiliate product. So it‟s kind of the other

way round...

Do you have an idea on what kind of market you want to serve?

Do you want to do business in the arthritis market?

Do you want to sell weight loss pills in the weight loss market?

Do you want to sell bodybuilding powder to the bodybuilding community?

Or if you like reading, do you want to sell eBooks or online courses on getting six pack abdominal


Though you may or may not have a product by now, knowing what kind of market you want to be

in will help you to source the most targeted and related products at the later stage.

If you already have one in mind, that is great. In the case that you don‟t know where to start, you

can always find a product first (like the above method) or do keyword research on Google.

Therefore, using the right terms will help you to get started. In the health related market, the

following terms are important and they will shed you some light on what the world is looking for

on the Internet:

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- how to cure

- how to treat

- supplement review

a. Google Keyword Suggestion

Go to Google, type the above terms and it will give you some related suggestions...

… and try to play around with some alphabet latters.

How about the term “how to treat”?

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For the term “supplement review”.

While not all of them represent a market each, some of them do suggest what kind of market you

could possibly be in. For example, you can reach out to the people who are looking for information

on curing headaches or sore throats with eBooks or even pills.

If a term pops up in the Google Suggestion, you can be sure there is at least some VERY targeted

traffic around that search string, or Google wouldn‟t be popping it up!

Terms like “how to cure a virus” and “how to treat a man” are not viable as these terms are too


What kind of virus are they talking about?

What kind of man are they talking about?

As niche affiliates - we need to know EXACTLY what the market is looking for BEFORE we could

even offer them with a beneficial product...

On top of that, terms like “supplement review forum” and “supplement review site” do not really

suggest what kind of supplement the visitors are looking for...

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Can you tell what kind of supplements they are looking for when they stumble upon these review


Probably not!

As a result, these keywords are not really buying intent keywords, the type that you would want to

include in your SEO campaigns (or plan).

b. Google Keyword Planner

We will now use the Google Keyword Planner tool to see if there is a demand for a specific niche

market. If you know the kind of target group you‟d like to target, then great. However, if you have

no idea, you will have to come out with an idea by yourself.

You can explore facebook, and trending data on Amazon and so on...

This is usually not difficult at all (especially for the health niche) - we just have to look at the minor

and major health problems the people around us are facing.

Do we have a family member who suffers from sinus infection?

Do we have a friend who is suffering from insomnia?

How about someone you know who has diabetes or high blood pressure?

Start with those and for this example here; let us take insomnia for demonstration purposes...

What are some of the products people need for insomnia?

If you are suffering from insomnia, what will you need? #

Come to think of it, from the top of my head - I can probably come out with sleeping aids, sleeping

pills, Snoring device straps - soothing music for insomnia - and perhaps, even an eBook that

teaches people how to naturally sleep better at night.

Of course, each of the above does represent an entire sub-niche itself.

Let‟s do a quick keyword research on the Google Keyword Planner with these suggestions.

o Sleeping Aid

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The keywords above do suggest that there is a great demand in the sleeping aid market. The

question now is, what kind of sleeping aid are they looking for?

To do this, just go to Google Image, search for the term “sleeping aid” and see what we can find...

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It appears to us that most of the sleeping aid products are sleeping pills. This is a valuable part of

this eBook, and a cool trick for you to know... because now, we know sleeping pills are

probably the #1 solution when it comes to insomnia.

Let‟s go back to the Google Keyword Planner and have a quick look at what the available keywords

for sleeping pills are.

o Sleeping Pills

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These are only a small portion of some buying keywords derived from the term “sleeping pills”.

When you are doing a thorough keyword research, you will have to pick the ones that are related to

your niche. At this point of deciding on a niche for our blog, we will put this on a shelf and decide

that there is actually a good demand for sleeping pills.

How about music for insomnia?

o Music for Insomnia

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Looks like there is not much Google Keyword Planner can do with the term “music for insomnia”.

Look at how it displays relevant results like “natural remedies for insomnia”, “treatment for

insomnia” and “how to treat insomnia”. These are another set of keywords you can use to bring in

visitors with buying intention to your niche site.

Sadly, though, there is not a lot of demand in the music for insomnia market. Therefore, we will

save our effort and put our time on some other buying intent niches.

o Insomnia Ebook

Of course, people who are looking for information or eBooks on insomnia, do use the term

“insomnia ebook” but there is a bigger market with many more relevant keywords that will qualify

them to be your buyers.

These keywords often come with desperation and pain, and they are looking for a solution in

exchange for their money. This will include terms like “how to treat insomnia”, “how to sleep

better” and “cure insomnia”.

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Can you see the demand in selling an eBook in relation to insomnia?

The market is definitely huge and this could be a niche that brings us massive and long term profit.

Remember, these sets of keywords only help us to see if there is a demand in a certain market.

Based on our brief keyword research at this point of time, sleeping pills and insomnia eBooks have

our green light. Sleeping aid (as it is too broad) and music for insomnia do not.

You have now learned the process of keyword research. It is either through an affiliate product or a

niche (a specific market). The next thing you need to do is keyword research where you really dig

into the data of demand and supply. You will learn exactly how to do this in the next section.

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Keyword Research...

Keyword research is extremely important. Even though you may already have an affiliate product

in mind to promote, you still need to see whether or not there are available buying keywords (with

enough searches to make you profit).

Not only that, you will still need to know if these keywords can be used to get you to enter the

market in the first place...

If the competition is fierce, there is no point targeting the keywords. For example, you can

probably forget the terms like “weight loss”, “sleeping pills” and “muscle building”. These terms

are probably ranked at the top by BIG authority sites like, news portals, Wikipedia

and magazine websites.

If you want to be in one of these niches, you will need to target a more specific and long-tailed set

of keywords. They will usually be terms like “how to lose weight in 3 months”, “how to sleep better

at night” and “tips for muscle building”. These are only examples and we will need to perform a

thorough keyword research on the niche so that we know what the possibilities are.

I‟ll be giving you some comprehensive videos at the end of this report (as I briefly mentioned

above), that take our research further – and show you EXACTLY how to analyse your competition,

and group your keywords together. All of this will result in a detailed on topic article for your niche

blog. When you get everything up correctly (after the important research phase we‟re discussing

here), you‟ll be MILES ahead of the competition...

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Keyword Canine...

In the past, Internet marketers had to go to a few sites to gather the data they need when they

perform niche and keyword research. Today, with the help of the thoughtful keyword research

tools developers have made for us, there are certain software tools that save us a lot of time and

work (with maximum data accuracy).

With this kind of keyword research tool, we are able to gather the data we want at only one stop.

Keyword Canine is one of those awesome tools...

I‟m not going to brag about its features right now, since you are going to learn many of them in this

manual. What you need to know at this stage is that, it costs you $197/yearly for the service -

and if you pay for the one year subscription fee in advance through our links here, you will get

yourself a massive discount. (You will pay $147/yearly )

For more information, just get this much needed tool right now by going through our link below.

Once you have signed up, login to your account and check out the Keyword Explorer section...

Again, If you want an awesome discount through us only as a special exclusive offer, go through

this link here. (Or any of the links within this manual that point towards keywordCanine) And

be sure to put in this coupon code on the checkout page: FRIENDOFJOHNGIBB

This coupon will take the yearly price down to $147!!!

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Usually I will select United States under the Country field. Unless I know exactly which country I

want to target, then I will make the adjustment accordingly.

Let‟s use the examples we have searched earlier to see what kind of keywords we can keep and use

for our niche sites, shall we?

We will start with Alteril...

Key in the product name keywords like „alteril‟, „alteril review‟, „alteril reviews‟ and „does alteril

work‟ in the Keyword field and click on the „Keyword Explorer‟ button.

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Once you are directed to the Keyword Explorer page, you will see that there are 775 keywords

related to Alteril, both product names and generic keywords.

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Remember that we only want keywords that come with enough demand and in order to meet this

standard, we will take out every keyword that has no more than 100 average monthly searches.

You can do this by entering the number „100‟ in the Monthly Searches field and press Enter.

Less than 100 key search terms can still make money collectively, but it‟s best to start off with

terms that have more search volume than that. Even if you were to rank number 1 for a term like

that, you will only get a percentage of that search volume so do keep that in mind...

After filtering out the unwanted keywords, you have 269 keywords left.

Next, create a keyword list for your niche. In this case, we will create a list for Alteril.

Once you have created a list for your keyword, you can add all the 269 keywords to the Keeper and

keep them for now.

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Now you have saved yourself a set of related keywords for the Alteril sleeping aid product. You

know that these keywords come with at least 100 monthly searches in the United States. The next

thing you need to do is to analyse the SEO competition and see if these keywords are worth


To do this, simply click on the keyword for full keyword analysis.

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You will see what appears to be like the above example when you click on any of the keywords in

your Keeper. The box that displays the word „Very Easy‟ shows that the competition for the

keyword Alteril is very easy. It also displays the available domains which you may want to use. In

this case,,, and are all taken. There is only

available at this point of time.

The above information is useful for you when you want to analyse the keyword in a full detail. If

you want to analyse the SEO competition (Difficulty or DF in Keyword Canine) for all the

keywords, you can perform a bulk analysis which will save you a lot of time. To do this, click on the

Start button under Bulk Analyze.

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This process will take some time and once it is done, you will see all 269 keywords being analysed.

Next, you will need to remove keywords with Hard (Red) and Fierce (Fireball) difficulties. You will

be able to do this with the following buttons.

Now you have a set of keywords with a great number of monthly searches and targetable SEO

competition. You can save this set of keywords to an Excel file.

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Advanced Keyword Research – Analysing Competition

And forming Your Topic Based Articles...

Before we move on to buying intent keywords, I made some videos for you to show the exact

procedures I take for analysing my competition and grouping winning terms together (to form an

on topic detailed article for my niche blog).

These type of articles rank for multiple terms naturally, since we strategically research long tail tier

2 keywords and blend them all in to the article. So our article will be detailed (full of terms) that

people search for on that topic (in a natural way).

Just because some software tool says a keyword is easy to rank for though, doesn‟t mean that it is –

and vice versa... I am putting these videos in here for you as a free bonus!

Advanced Keyword and Niche Selection – Video # 1

Supplemental content…

Resources: |

Advanced Keyword and Niche Selection – Video # 2

Supplemental content…

Keyword Canine | Google Keyword Planner

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Advanced Keyword and Niche Selection – Video # 3

Supplemental content…

Majestic SEO

Bulk Domain PR Checker

Advanced Keyword and Niche Selection – Video # 4

Advanced Keyword and Niche Selection – Video # 5

Supplemental Content - Basic eBook guide for assessing your SEO Situation – Click

the image below for the full download...

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Choosing Keywords With Buying Intent...

As you probably already know, not all keywords come with buying intent. Often when you do

keyword research, you will see terms like „free xxxx‟ and „information on xxxx‟. Even though these

keywords may in some cases carry a really low possibility of buying intent, we would rather not pay

much attention to them. In fact, we will also need to take out keywords that are irrelevant to the

product we are promoting.

So how do we do that?

Looking at the example above, the highlighted keywords are either irrelevant or without buying


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Sleeplessness – Too vague and we have no idea what exactly the people are looking for.

Tea to help you sleep – If we are promoting Alteril, people who are looking for tea will

not be our target group.

Herbal medicine – Irrelevant!

Natural sleep aid for children – We will have to be careful when it comes to dealing

with children. If we don‟t think Alteril is fit for children, then we will have to take this

keyword out.

Sleepless nights – Again, a term that is bound to be too vague.

You need to go through the entire list in order the make the best out of the keywords. This process

will also make sure your effort in performing keyword research pays off.

Once you are done with the list, you are ready to form your topic based articles (see videos

above for another example in the sleeping niche), or you can send your keywords to your

trained content writer (and begin your SEO implementation on your niche website).

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In Conclusion: Repeat the Process For Any Other


This niche and keyword research process works for whatever niche you intend to be in. Some

niches come with more keywords and some don‟t. Say you are performing a keyword research for a

Clickbank product with mostly generic terms, you can also do the same, just expect a lot of long

tailed keywords. If there are no buying intent terms, learn to presell your visitors and you‟ll still

make sales.

Repeat the steps and process in this manual whenever you are starting a niche. Do so, and you‟ll be

on your way to raking in profits in days to come.

I hope you enjoyed this short report, and more importantly – I hope you learned a thing or two!

Your friend in niche profiting success...
