NHS Fife initiative Staff Training Consistency for Secondary Education Curriculum for Excellence...


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• NHS Fife initiative

• Staff Training

• Consistency for Secondary Education

• Curriculum for Excellence

• Teachers responsibility

• Breadth, progression, coherence, depth and relevance

• To explain why our school approach to ‘Relationship, Sexual Health and Parenthood Education’ has changed

• To look at progression within our school

• To give you an insight into the experiences your child will have

• To look at the resources we will use in school

• To give you an opportunity to ask questions

Nursery• Families and Friendships• Lifecycles of plants, animals and insects• Real life experiences e.g. new babies being brought in to visit• Naming main parts of the body

Primary 1• Families and Friendships• Lifecycles of plants, animals and insects• Real life experiences – tadpoles, caterpillars etc• The importance of toilet privacy• Know how to look after my bodyPrimary 2

• Families and Friendships• Lifecycles of plants, animals and insects• Highlighting that some body parts are private• Awareness of the tasks required to look after a baby

Primary 3• Families and Friendships• Lifecycles of plants, animals and insects• How life begins – baby animals and animal births• Introduction to ‘growing up’ e.g. height, walking, talking etc.

- Progression is highlighted in colours

Primary 4• Families and Friendships• Know how human life begins• Identify names for all body parts• Explore differences between boys and girls • Look at physical differences between boys and girls bodies• Introduction to how your body changes as you grow

Primary 5• Different kinds of relationships• Introduction to emotional and physical changes that happen to our bodies during puberty• Re-visit names of all body parts• Introduction to periods

Primary 6• Different kinds of relationships• Girl Talk – emotional and physical changes • Boy Talk – emotional and physical changes • Puberty• Changing emotions

Primary 7• Different kinds of relationships• Re-visit Puberty • Personal hygiene• How Babies are made and born• The role of a parent/carer • Forms of abuse – drugs, alcohol, emotional, physical and sexual• Consider how sex is portrayed in the media•Sexually Transmitted Diseases•Contraception

First contact - Leaflet Second contact - Letter

(extract from Primary 4 letter)

• Know how human life begins – Pupils will look at myths and stories that people say about where babies come from. Pupils will then be made aware of the need for a male sperm and a female egg to make a baby.

• They will be introduced to the vocabulary fertilisation and will also learn that it takes 9 months for a baby to develop.

• Identify names for all body parts (including sexual organs which are referred to as sex parts)

• Introduction to how your body changes as you grow – Pupils will learn through discussion some of the changes that will happen to their body as they grow into adulthood.

• Watching ‘Living and Growing’ DVD

• Using ‘Cool in School’ Programme – P1, P4 and P6

• Question and answer sessions with teacher or outside agency

• Worry/question box

• Discussions with their teacher/friends

• Group activities

• Worksheets/Homework tasks

Living and Growing

Cool in School



