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Three Placed in Little Falls Jail, One Released

on Bail LITTLE FALLS —The local po­

lice took cognizance of motorists driving without 1936 license plates. Two men were arrested over the weekend. Officers Kubica and Rathbun arrested Joseph Eichon, 23, of Richfield Springs, who was operating a truck with 1935 plates. H e pleaded guilty and Recorder Donovan gave him the option of paying $10 or spending 10 days in jail. He went to jail. The same officers arrested Frank Marsh, Utica, for operating an automobile without an operator's license. He pleaded guilty and was unable to pay a fine of $5 so went to jail for five days.

John DePietro, 89 Mohawk' street, this city, was arrested Sunday by Chief Long for assaulting Earl Farrell at the Coliseum Restaurant He pleaded not guilty before Re­corder Donovan and his case was adjourned until February 8. He gave a bond of $500 for his appear­ance on that date. Pasquale and Tersa DePietro of 599 John street furnished the bond.

Stephen Kosinski, Utica, arrested by Officers Kubica and Rathbun, pleaded guilty and on not being able to pay a fine of $5, he went to jail to spend five days.


Tommy Smith of Utica in the ice skating carnival at West Mon­roe street athletic field Saturday afternoon won four events and put himself in the stellar role.

He copped top place in the 440, 880, mile and two-mile events and was easily the outstanding per­former of the m e e t He won the senior championship while George Hare of Fort Johnson annexed the intermediate title, although closely pressed all the way. - Miss Rita Sweeney of Utica won the 880 race for girls, thereby giving , Utica a large share of the day's prizes.

The events were sanctioned by the Northern New York Skating Association. Smith has featured every meet he has taken part in this season, being the Middle At­lantic intermediate champion.

In the local events, for Little Falls skaters, Lindy Malovosic won the 880-yard event for boys of 10 years and under. John Celebi took the 880 open for local skaters. Roy Griffith captured the 880-yard race for boys of 14 and under and the mile open was won M. Gregorka.

• Jack McCoy of Utica gave an ex­hibition of fancy skating during the intermissions.

One of the best fields ever to •nter the local races participated Saturday. Bill O'Connor, Utioa •peed artist, appeared but did not raee owing to illness. He laid out the course for the skaters, and Val Bialis, four-time Olympic star skater, assisting in officiating. Mike Hurley was in charge of the events, which were sponsored by the local Civic club and the Little Falls Busi­ness Men's association. The day was cold and a strong wind hamp­ered the skaters.

Commander George Emden to Preside at Session


FONDA — The Floyd Deckro Post American Legion will be host at the County Legion meeting to­night which will be held in the rooms at 8. County Commander George Emden will preside.


An open forum meeting will be held in «the Old Court House hall on Friday evening at 8. Harold Eaton of Albany, manager of the Townsend Plan will be the princi­pal speaker.

Clubs have been formed recently in St. Johnsville, Broadalbin, Sara­toga, Glens Falls, Troy, Schenec­tady and several in Albany and down the Hudson to New York City. People are eager to hear of this plan and get the right in­formation. Every tone is invited to this meeting.


Monday was the last day for the operation of the temporary office of the County Clerk auto license bureau at Amsterdam which was opened there for the accommoda­tion of the residents of that part of the county and city. Friday was the banner da.y as more auto licenses were issued on that day than on any one day in the his­tory of the county clerk's office, even when the entire'business was conducted in the County Clerk's office in Fonda.

On Saturday it was necessary to send back to Fonda at 10:30 for 300 more plates in order to meet the heavy demand.


The 28th anniversary of the Boy Scout movement in America will be celebrated this week. Prof. Harry IE. Ford is in charge of a program ©f entertainment for parents and friends of Scouting which will be held in the high school auditorium Thursday night This will be the opening event in the week of activ­ity for Boy Scouts. This program will include several phases of Scout activity, a play, a tumbling act and some of the formal phases of Scouting.

fin. February 10 the Scouts who were elected and chosen to office in a recent election, will assume their respective posts in the city government. They will not hold office with the senior city aldermen Tuesday as originally planned, but will officiate February 10 when they will be welcomed by Mayor John B. McGuire, Jr. Boy Scout Mayor Joseph Buccafurno ,other •lective officials and those that have been appointed with the ap­proval of the Boy Scout aldermen will then assume their offices and do their stunt for one day as in former years during Scout anni­versary week.

BIRTHDAY PARTY Jackie Collins, son of Mr. and

Mrs. John F. Collins observed his eighth birthday anniversary by giving a party to several of his little friends Thursday. Those who attended were: Misses Eve­lyn White, Patricia McKeough, Gloria Spraker. Grace Marie Wy-man, Robert Van Husen, Bobby Collins, Richard Collins. The guests enjoyed games and prizes were awarded to Grace Marie Wy-man, Evelyn White and Robert Van Husen. The guests enjoyed supper at small tables trimmed in white and green with favors in harmony w i t h , the other decora­tions. A large birthday cake was a feature. The youngster received many gifts.

FOR S I T E M S Mr. and Mrs. W. Lewis oi

Fultonville Guests at Anniversary Dinner

FULTONVILLE—Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lewis entertained at din­ner Monday evening at their home in honor of Mr. Lewis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, it being their 50th wedding anniversary. Owing to illness in the family, it was necessary to omit having a large party, as was planned.

Those present wef*e: Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, daughters, Anna and Lena Lewis, Mrs. Ro­land France and son, Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lewis and son, Richard of Fultonville and Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis of Schenectady.

Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, two of the most highly respected resi­dents of Fultonville have a host of friends who extend congratulations.

TO SPONSOR BANQUET Fonda Catholic Church Holy j

Name and Rosary societies will sponsor the St. Patrick's day ban­quet on March 17 with Colonel Jim Healey as the speaker. The Rosary society will hold a card party in the hall Thursday eve­ning.

ROLLER SKATING PARTY Misses Velma Denis, Bernice M.

Haig, Anne Boshart and Joan Grey and several others from Fonda en­joyed a roller skating party at Gloversville Saturday night at Arietta hall. They were accom­panied by Mrs. H. P. Haig and Miss Ethel Haig.


Rev. Lawrence Wigden and three brothers of Naples, N. Y., conduct­ed a service at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3 and a large congregation was present to hear them. The service opened with the singing of "Redeemed." Prayer was offered by the pastor, Rev. Howard M. Hills. This was followed by t h e singing of "The Way of the Cross Leads Home," "Bells, Bells, Don't You Hear Those Bells," by the quartette composed of Rev. Lawrence Wig­den and Robert, Harold and David Wigden. "What a Wonderful Saviour" and "He Was Nailed To the Cross For Me," were sung by Robert and Harold Wigden. The quartette sang, "Shine For Jesus," "Christ Receiveth Sinful Men," "On Calvary's Brow" and "Jesus Saviour Died Upon the Cross." They were accompanied by the guitar. Rev. Lawrence Wigden read scripture and offered prayer.

The subject of his sermon was "Previous Blood of Christ." The service closed with the singing of "Only Trust Him," followed by the benediction.

COTTAGE MEETING The members of the Calvary Bap­

tist church will hold cottage prayer meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray, Wednesday night.

PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Philbrook,

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Philbrook and Clifton Philbrook of Glpvers-ville were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Philbrook.

Mrs. Francis Shaver and daugh­ter, Jean Carol of Amsterdam spent Sunday with her parents, Mayor and Mrs. William B. Foody.

Mrs. Harry J. Robison and daughters were a t Schenectady Sunday.

Mrs. Thelma H. Haynes and Mr. Williams of Albany spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Moses L Harris.

TEAM TO PLAY On February 7 the Fonda High

school basketbaH team will motor to St. Johnsville for a game with that team.

Earl W. Simpsoon and son, Ells­worth, left Monday for Walton.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coates and son, Joseph, of Amsterdam spent Sunday with Mrs. Coates' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nietsch.


List for Second Quarter An­nounced by Broadalbin

High School BROADALBIN — Following is a

list of honor pupils of the Broad­albin Central school for the second quarter.

Grade 8. Mrs. Mary Sawyer, Jacqueline Seward, Alice Jean Deuel, Mildred Morehouse, Donald Vosburgh, Ernest Whipple, How­ard Nellis, Jr.* Charlotte Fosmire, Gordon Coloney, Robert Coulombe, Catherine Klymkow, and Kathryn Gibson.

Grade 8. Mrs. Edith Wood, Xean-nette Brown, Harold Dence, Muriel Guider, Gladys Mucha, Marion Perry, Nelson Ryfa, Thelma Trev-ett, Mary White, Mildred Winney, and John Hrinishin.

Grade 7. Grace Lockyer, Leona Whipple, Leon Seward, Lester Weiderman, D o n a l d Zukerwar, Louis Nellis, Robert McDade, and Marjorie Stesyk.

S Grade 7. Mrs. Dorothy Davis, Annabel Bryce, John Chapman,

, Mae Coulombe, Carol Crannell, (Kenneth Eglin, Betty Ford, Stella


Little Falls Allotted $54,-606; County Gets


LITTLE FALLS—A check for $188,735.74 has been received by the Herkimer county treasurer from the Btate, this amount represent­ing state aid to schools in Little Falls, Herkimer, Ilion and Frank­fort. Last year the payment for the same period amounted to $196,-104.61. Little Falls will receive $54 -606.57.

Last year this city received $56,-945.50 as its share.



Edward Churchill, 59, of Ilion, a former resident of this city, died Monday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Leon Flansourg, Ilion, following a long illness from complications. Deceased w a s born in the town of Little Falls, son of Horace Churchill and the late Mrs. Churchill. A large part of his younger years was spent in this city.

Besides the daughter aoove men­tioned he is survived by his father, one brother, Asa Churchill, and one sister, Mrs. William Dart, all ot Little Falls.

Palatine Bridge Man Hi Been Employed by N.Y.<

Since 1899

. INC. T. M. S I C U. S. PAT. OfT.

The funeral will be held Wednea-Grant John Hovak' and 'Gladys d a v afternoon at 2 at the home of Rockwell. I the daughter in Ilion. Interment

Grade 6. Mrs. Helen I. Paris, | w i l 1 b e made in the Church Street Geneva Kenyon, Betty McFarlan, ' cemetery in this city.


"The depression certainly left its mark on these guys. They never used to waste time lookni' fpr a lost ball."


LAKE PLEASANT—A corps of workers in the Stanley Steves Post, 1157, American Legion of Lake Pleasant, will be in the Court House Wednesday evening at 8 to assist all World War vet­erans in making out their bonus applications. Every veteran, whether he is a member of the post or not, will be given whatever assistance he desires if he appears at the Court House.

Considerable clerical work is in­volved in preparing the applica­tions for filing. Each' veteran must furnish intelligent informa­tion before the blanks can be properly made out. The corps of clerical workers at the court house will be under supervision of George Turner, vice commander of the post. Finger prints of appli­cants will be taken for identifica­tion purposes.

World war veterans were urged yesterday not to delay in filing their applications. Veterans de­siring to file the papers for their bonus bonds must bring the fol­low official papers: 1—Discharge from the service; 2—United States Veterans' Bureau form 1185A or 1184C (pink slip) if olan has been made; 4—Adjusted Service Certifi­cate, if on loan has been made and bonds are desired.


Barbara Mills, Donald Eddy, Leon Horton, Melvin Kenyon, and Henry Breen. Coach Wilbur Crisp's high school

Grade 5. Mrs. Hazel Luff, Anna I basketeers met their second set-Hrinishin, Kathryn Olmstead, Da- ! back Saturday when they were de-vid Olmstead, William Keller, Janet! feated by the Utica Free Academy Sawyer. Roger Brooks, Robert Dor-1 team at Utica by the score of 23 man. Lawrence Kissinger, Alan ] to 18. Seward, Vivian Christopher. Fran- I cis Cloutier. Richard Fonda, and i LEAGUE TIX.T Donald Frye. ] T h e M o h a w k All-Stars in a Cen-

Grade 4. Charlotte Shattuck, t r a l N e w Y o r k League game of Paula Kross, Mary Douglas, Sophia i i r l s w e r e h a n d e d a s e t . b a c k g ^ . Goron. Alice Young, Dons Barker, u r < t a n , h t b t h e s t r a n d D e b s

Robert Breen,


Winifred Jeffords. Robert Coloney, Theodore Arthur, Robert Crannell, and Donald Bark­er.

c - e i i ! ii v Grade 3. Letha B. Leslie, Ruth S e r v i c e s t o r W e l l K n o w n : F rye , Ruth Morgan, Clara Weider-

I man, Eugene Christopher, Clement j Fonda, George Noonan, Mike Shiv-| ka, Charles Warren, Jr.

Grade 2. Mrs. Frances Kelly, Rose Marie Edmonds, Madeline Mahar, Marjorie Reedy, Helene

Edinburg Man Are Largely Attended

of this city who defeated at the local Y court by the close score of 10 to 9. The Sacred Heart team of Utica will play a game with the locals here Saturday night.

NORTHVTLLE—The funeral oi Charles E. Barker was held Mon­day afternoon at 2 at the William j Smith, Mary* Margaret "cuni i ing-

MASONIC PARTY Members of the Masonic club's

entertainment program committee have announced that a dance will be held in the temple Tuesday n ight Cross' orchestra will fur­nish, music for dancing from 8:30 to " midnight, when refreshments will be served.

K. OF C, PLANS DANCE Wednesday night members of the

Knights of Columbus and their friends and guesti will sponsor a dance to be held in the local Coun­cil rooms. Loren Cross and his orchestra will play. A committee under Francis Murphy will pro­vide refreshments.

ANNUAL MEETING Attorney Myron G. Bronner of

this city, who is president of the Herkimer County Bar Association, announces that there will be annual meeting at the Palmer House, Herkimer, Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. D. Bailey, presi­dent, Federation of Bar Associa­tions, is to be the speaker.

TO ADDRESS CLUB City Attorney Richard B. Conley

of this city will talk on "The Legal Status of Women in Politics" at a meeting of members of Women Voters which will be held at the home of Mrs. Abram Zoller, North Main street, Herkimer, Tuesday afternoon at 3.

TAKEN TO HOSPITAL M i n Anna S. Mayhan of Rich­

mond flats, Mary street, was re­moved to the hospital Sunday in the ambulance. Dr. A. B, Santrv

; i« the attending physician

PERSONALS Town Clerk G. Van Nellis, who

has been quite ill is much im­proved. Mrs. Elizabeth Hammond is helping him with the town and j county taxes.

Robert Jager spent Sunday with his mother at the home of his sister, Mrs. Beyers at Logtown..

Mrs. I. C. Lathers, Mr. and Mrs. Herschell Kilts of Fonda and Mrs. Luke H. Van Buren, Mrs. Robert L Van Buren and Mrs. Leon Mac-Duffie of Canajoharie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hoese at Lykers Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Haig and daughter, Bernice, and Miss Ethel Haig were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Hartman at Fort Plain.

Mrs. Katherine Fettinger spent Sunday with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Fetinger at Flat Creek.

Mr. and Mrs. Barton Cudney of Gloversvllle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Persse and Mrs. F. H. Cudney.

Mr. and Mrs Edgar Pough spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Empie at Scotia.

Miss Mildred Rivenbergh of Am­sterdam was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Lyford.

Antonia Baggatalia of Glovers-ville spent Monday morning at Fonda.

Charles Monroe of Auriesville spent Monday at Fonda.

The condition of Seward Putman who is confined to the Littauer hospital is unchanged.

Miss Fannie Nardick is confined to her home with a severe attack of grippe.

Jack Kearns, a student of Union College spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kearns.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox and son of St Johnsville and Mr and Mrs. Marvin S. Jackson of Am­sterdam were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray L Jackson.

Mr. a id Mrs. William Borst who have been located with Mrs. Borst's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Coppernoll, have moved to Fonda-

Mr. and Mrs. William Coons and family who have occupied the Jan-sen farm for the past year will move on March 1 to the J. P.

•Snell farm at McKlnley. Miss Marcella Burk of Glovers­

ville spent the weekend with Miss Arda Whittaker.

Clarence Hinkle was at Amster­dam Saturday.

Miss Jean Brookheiaer has bean confined to her home with a severe cold and eye trouble.

Dr. Putnam Cady, pastor of the Reformed church delivered an il­lustrated lecture on the "Moon in Spain" Monday afternoon at the Monday Study elub meeting at the home of Mrs. Lamps in Canajo­harie.

Chart** Pierce and son of Ran­dall were in Fon.'a Monday.

Mr, and* Mrs. Anthony Trashes

MAYFIELD—The Mayfield Town Board will hold a meeting this eve­ning in the Town clerk's office.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Petterson and son, Jack of Randall, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lusso.

Miss Gladys Goodfellow, Mrs. Floyd Stevens and children return­ed home Sunday after visiting in Schenectady with Mr. and Mrs. Claire Snively.

Mrs. William R Stewart spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Harold E. Ruck of Amsterdam.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Sigsbee and son, Harry of Johnstown, were guests Sunday of Mrs. Sigsbee's mother, Mrs. Lottie R. Goody.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brookman, Mrs. J. A, Killmartin, Mrs. Jennie Ferguson and Fred Clarke, on Sunday visited Mr. Killmartin, who is a patient at St. Mary's hospital, Amsterdam.

Mrs. Starin Snyder and Miss Constance Snyder were at Johns­town Saturday.

Mrs. Henry S. Schuyler is con­fined to her home by illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Halstead of Hagaman and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker of Fonda spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs, Mar­tin E. Brooks. »

Arthur Goody of Tribes Hill spent Sunday with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Goody.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beck and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beck of Fort Plain were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wagner.

Mr. ard Mrs. John Adams and Mrs* Clarence Getman of Amster­dam were Sunday visitors of their mother, Mrs, John Adams.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carroll of Amsterdam spent Sunday with Mr. Carroll's aunt, Mrs. E. M. Richards.

Mr. and Mrs. R Scott Craig and son, Robert, of Albany were guests Sunday of Mrs. Craig's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Seymour Wemple.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elklngton spent the weekend with Mrs. Elk-ington's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Whitesboro.

and son of Amsterdam were guests Sunday of Mrs, Cora Frederick.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fick and son spent Sunday at Schenectady.

Mrs. David Vedder visited rela­tives in Gloversvllle Sunday.

Charles F. Ryan returned Sun­day from visiting friends at Glov­ersvllle over the weekend.

Joseph Kekoe was a weekend guest of relatives In Little Falls.

George Anderson of South Ot-selic was a guest last week of his brother, Frank Anderson a n d family.

Edward Fonda of Gloversvllle spent Monday at Fonda.

Ralph MacLachum, son of Mr. and Mrs R. W. MacLachlan is much improved and able to b« about the house.

John Kesenbergh of South Sche­nectady was, a Sunday iru#«t of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Suits,

Mn>WEEK SERVICE The midweek social prayer and

planning service will be held Wed­nesday evening at 7:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown in­stead of at the Methodist church.

P. Yates funeral home and was at­tended by relatives, neighbors and friends. There were numerous floral tributes. The officiating clergymen were Dr. Clark S. Def-andorf, pastor of the First Metho­dist church, and Rev. George K. Fraser pastor of the First Presby­terian church. The bearers were Hiram C. Denton, Jeremiah Olm­stead, Roy Cruikshank, Harry D. Lawton, Elwin Mosher, and Wil­liam Strobel. The body was placed in the vault in Prospect Hill ceme­tery until Spring.

Those in attendance from out of town were: Waiter Barker of Wan-aque, N. J., Miss Evelyn Bradt af Hyde Park, Miss Hilda Bradt of New York City, Louis VanAvery of Gloversville, Sherman VanAvery of Schenectady, Rev. L E. Barker of Rensselaer, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Barker and family, Mrs. H. C. Finch, and C. C. Finch of Broadal­bin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eschler, and Mrs. Ivan Wemple of May-field, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bradt, Mrs. Augusta Robinson, Mrs. C. L Brooks, Mrs. Williams G. Part­ridge, Mrs. DeFOrest Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Simpson of Edinburg.

ham, Arnold Fredericks, Anna Ho-vok, Emmett Tyler.

Grade 1. Mae H. Hults, Ken­neth DeNure, Van Fonda, Jr., George Lockyer, William McDon­ald, Tony Perry, Dale -Reed, Joan Sawyer, Goldie B a k e r , Phyllis Crannell, Mary Jane Dodds, Rena Frederick, Idamay Phillips, Jean-nine Reed, Audrey Sanford, Myrtle Sherman.


The Kennyetto Fire company was called out, Saturday afternoon, to fight a stubborn chimney fire at the Lingenfelter house on First avenue, which is occupied by two families, Mr. and Mrs. Tunis Brown and Mr. and Mrs. James Frederick. A high wind w a s blow-

HIGH SCHOOL GAME Coach Wilbur Crisp's h igh school

quintet will have as its opponent Friday night at the high school gym the strong Dolgeville high basketeers who have been showing better form them the first part of the season.

the members of her Sunday 'school class of the Methodist church, Sat­urday afternoon, at her home at an indoor frankfurter roast. Games were enjoyed and later the party went skiing. Those present were, Harry Breen, Harland Jeffords, Dickie Cruthers, Howard Jeffers and John Chapman.

CANAJOHARUS — T h e death Norman W. Murray of Palati^ Bridge occurred at St. Mary's hd pital at Amsterdam Sunday morj ing at about 9:30, following an tended illness. Mr. Murray been a patient at the hospital sis March last and during the pa several weeks his condition h ] been most serious.

The deceased was a son of Hen S. Murray and Maria Thumps and was born in Palatine Brid on April 18, 1870. Mr. Murray educated in the Palatine Brid school and following this was t l deputy postmaster at Palati l Bridge for a four year term, serf ing under his father, Henry Murray. Later Mr. Murray w j employed by the late James D. Ta lor and later for a period of years was a clerk in the freig stations at Palatine Bridge later a t Canajoharie, following t | closing of the former station, remained with the New York Cel tral Lines until ill health forcl his retirement last March. He e l tered the employ of the N .Y. { on March 15, 1899.

"Dick" Murray as he was kno.l to a host of friends was a memlf of Canajoharie Camp No. 10,0-j Modern Woodmen of Ameri l Canajoharie Lodge No. 1,128 L. < O. M., Hamilton Lodge No. 79, & A. M., Cagadutta Council ~Ro4 Arcanum of Fonda, the Palatil Bridge Hose company, the CanaJ haTie Forest, Fish and Game AssJ ciation and the Brotherhood Railway' and Steamship Clerks^

The funeral service will be hj at the home of Misses Edith a Harriet Thompson, the cousins the deceased and the only surv' ing relatives, Wednesday afternc at 2 wi th Rev. Frank Shimer, pi tor of St. Mark's Lutheran chur officiating and the remains will placed in the Arkell Memoi chapel vault in Canajoharie Ffl cemetery to await interment la in the Murray plot in Canajohs Falls cemetery.

SALE IS SUCCESS The food sale held in the Cor­

nell store, Saturday morning, under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. was generously patronized and the pro­ceeds amounted to abput $11.

EASTERN STAR MEETING' The jregular stated meeting of

ing at the time but the blaze was ) Broadalmn Chapter, 487, O. E. S., controlled and no damage resulted, j will be held in the Masonic Temple, Yesterday morning about 7:30, the firemen were called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Brown on North Main street where a chim­ney fire threatened to become dangerous. Fortunately no damage resulted from this fire.

FIREMEN'S MEETING The members of the Mayfield

Fire Department will hold a meet­ing this evening at 7:30 in the fire­men's rooms. All members are to bring a plate.

LADIES AID MEETING The Ladles Aid Society of the

First Presbyterian church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 3 at the home of Mrs. J. Edward Grant.

MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Woman's Foreign Missionary

Society of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet this evening at the home of Mrs. Truman Mercer.

METHODIST SOCIETY The Ladies Aid Society of the

First Methodist church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. William Strobel. The assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Elwin Mosher, Mrs. George Politsch, and Mrs. Allie Parker.

PERSONALS Mrs. Ida Barker of Gloversville

and Miss Rachel Miller of Johns­town were guests Saturday of Mrs. NOTES AND PERSONALS

Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Bennett of I Aden Carpenter Berlin spent the weekend with the M r . a n d M r s . Burgess of Glovers-former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett.

Fred Lunkemhelmer of Johns-) town was In town yesterday.

Edward P. Free is able to be out after a severe attack of pleurisy.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Bennett attended the funeral services of Mrs. Denpis Gifford at Broadalbin Sunday.

Miss Emily Cahill who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cahill of Gloversville returned to her home here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dutcher and son, Louis were in Gloversville yesterday.

Miss Marie E. Bennett of Cornell University, Ithaca is spending the mid-winter vacation with her par­ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett Sr.

DeWltt Griffis was in Schenec­tady yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hopkins of Riceville were In Gloversville Sun­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perham have moved into their newly erect­ed home on Chestnut street.

Albert L Niles accompanied by DeWltt Griffis were in Schenec­tady Saturday.


the M. E. church will hold the an­nual meeting at the home of Mrs. Ashley Beard, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs, Emmett Mosher and family spent Wednesday at Dolgeville.

Miss Aileen Brown is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Robert Knoblauch of Bleecker.

Miss Dorothy Edwards spent the weekend at the home of her aunt at Fort Plain,

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oartt of Can­ajoharie spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mm. Nathan CooL

Mrs. Albert Hau'ghton, who re­cently had an operation at Little Falls hospital Is convalescing at the home of her son, Ivan Duesler,

ville were guests Sunday of Mrs. Ida Frasier, *and Mr. and Mrs. David Frasier.

Mrs. Martha Shields is confined to her home with rheumatism. Sho is being cared for by Mrs. Electa Edmonds.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Smith and Miss Ruth Filkins spent the weekend with relatives in Syra­cuse.

Mrs. Emma Brown is ill at her home with an attack of grippe.

George Lasher of Amsterdam was in Northville Monday.

Kenneth Williams has gone to Gloversville to reside.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Rogers of Piseco spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Rogers' parents, Mr. and Mr*. Hugh Willnrd.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cramer of Giffords Valley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Victor Olmstead.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Horton


The funeral of Mrs. Dennis Gif­ford was held Sunday afternoon at 2 in the Stever & Trevett funeral home. Rev. B. L Crapo, former pastor of the Broadalbin Metho­dist, church, officiated assisted by the present pastor, Rev. E. C. Ly­man. There were many floral tributes from relatives and friends and from various organizations. The bearers were Myron Crannell, Joseph Olmstead, Arthur Rose, and Melvin Earl and Interment was in the Mayfield cemetery. The mem­bers of the Delta Alpha class of the Methodist church attended the service in a body.

Among those from out of town who attended the funeral were: Mrs. Leo Brooker, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stoddard, Mrs. Morris Gif­ford, Mrs. William Fleigle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMaster, Mrs. Lottie Vail and Robert Allen of Glovers­ville; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hathaway, Mrs. Harry Warner and Mrs. Ar­thur Saterlee of Mayfield and Eu­gene Grant of Staten Island.

tomorrow evening, with the worthy matron, Ada Rockwell, presiding. At the close of the meeting a so­cial time will be enjoyed and re­freshments will be served. Each member is asked to bring a gift for a grab bag. Master Masons are invited to be present.


Great Pocahontas Prudence Ford pf the Great Council of N1

York ' left Monday on an of fie visitation trip to the councils Ulster, Greene and Columbia coi ties.

Monday she attended a meet of Mohigan Council No. 306 , Hudson; Thursday she will att< a meeting of Naomis Council 308 at Coxsackie; Friday, Ma tanza Council No. 172 at Ellenv Tuesday, February 11, Ashol Council. No. 213 at Saugerties i also visit Wichita Council No. at Kingston.

While in Catskill, Mrs. Ford be the guest of D. G. P. Kathe. Stahl; in Ellenville, the guest Great Prophetess Lissa Robinso

Mrs. Ford will also institute Junior Council of the Degree Pocahontas at Catskill, being fourth in the State of New Yorl

KAREN BAND The members of the Karen Band

of the Baptist church are urged to remember the program meeting which will be held, this evening, at the home of Mrs. H. E. Vail on School street. The meeting will begin at 7:45 and will be conduct­ed by the president, Mrs. Raymond Mills.

HEMLOCK SERVICE The regular service was held in

the Hemlock church at North Broadalbin, Sunday afternoon, and was well attended. The song ser­vice was conducted by Mr. Holmes of Gloversville, and prayers were offered by Mr. Morris and Edward Hurd of that city. The Scripture lesson was read by E. Fay Michael and the special musical numbers consisted of a song, "Blessed Be the Fountain of Blood," by the Young People's Choir and a solo, "Were You There?" by Mrs. Harry Goodemote. The message was delivered by E. Fay Michael who gave a splendid address en "False Teachers."

MEETING POSTPONED The meeting of the William

Workers class of the Methodist church, which was to have been held, this evening, at the home of Mrs. B. E. Chapman, has been post­poned until a later date.

HAWLEY FUNERAL The funeral of Mrs. Louis Haw-

ley was held, Saturday evening at 8 at the funeral home .of Horn-thall & Company in New York. Rev. Dr. A. A. Brown officiated. There were many floral tributes from relatives, friends and organ-

and family spent the weekend with ^ j , 0 " 8 ' „ ,F u n e r f t , i «*•?««• M a s o n

T.r™ r!iM,,.h„ „«.« i„ !„ i „ h „ . . ! Trevett of the firm of Stever & Jerry Clouchy and family in Johns town.

Miss Frances Williams was in Gloversville Saturday.

Mrs. Vera Young and Mrs. Carl Young were in Gloversvllle Mon­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morgan of Gloversville. and Mrs. Lydia Ben­ton of Carpenters Corners spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Benton.

Mrs. George A. Flynn, and Mrs, George R. Babcock of Wells were in Northville Saturday.

Mis* Charlotte Williams spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Craig in WeUs.

Edward Ecker or Glen wa» in Northville Monday.

Mrs. George N. Ostrander of Saratoga was a guest Sunday ot Mr. and Mr*. William A. Smith-Mrs. Ostrander with her husband expects to leave this week %o spend s few months in Florida,

Mr. and Mrs. 8, A. Sumner of Gloversville spent the weekend with Mrs. Charles H. Acker.

Walter Barker of Wanaq.ue, N

Trevett of this village was in charge of the service and the re­mains were brought to this village and placed in the receiving vault of the lecal cemetery.

In the brief notice of Mrs, Haw-ley* death, the list of survivors was omitted. They are three daugh­ters, Mrs. F. F. Eaton of New York, Mrs. A. D. Hobble of New­ark, N. J„ Mrs. Harold Glazier of of Johnstown were"-Sunday guesta

PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Edwards of

Johnstown were Sunday guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards, a t their home on the Saratoga road.

Mrs. Spencer Perkins and Thom­as W. Drought of Glens Fal ls were callers, Saturday, of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Allen.

Mrs. Homer Lasher and Miss Florence Dye were in Gloversville, Saturday.

Miss Millicent Horton has been confined to her home for several days by illness.

Dr. Groner C. Morhart and Dr. Robeson of Syracuse were in town the last of the week.

Mrs. Downey King was in Glov­ersville, Saturday.

Mason Trevett and Lester Jef­fords have returned from a busi­ness trip to New York.

Clayton Gifford returned yester­day to Mineola, L. I., after spend­ing a few days In town, having

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Washburn

Detroit, Mich.;*one «on, or . n , Lr. Hawley of this village, several grandchildren, and also one niece, Mrs. Gilbert Jeans of Broadalbin.

ENTERTALV8 CLASS Mrs. Leon Crannell entertained

day by the death of his father, Charles E. Barker.

G. N. Taylor of Altamont was in Northville Friday.

Mr and Mrs. Herbert Corey were in Glttwrsjvute Saturday.

F . B. Hay, Mrs. Kathryn Bas-com, and Miss Mildred L, Hay were in Gloversville Saturday

of the latter1* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville White, at their home on the Saratoga road.

Eugene Grant has returned t o his home in Staten Island after spending the weekend with Clayton Gifford.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nellis were in Gloversville, Saturday.

Ti, B. Keller of Saratoga was in M ^ i m emlled to Northville Satm- Northville Friday,


Range Burners Automatic Furnace Burners


CAMP MEETING Canajoharie Camp No. 10,034,

W. of A., will meet this event at the American Legion home.


The Canajoharie Branch of t State Charities Aid has a v* urgent call for bedding of all kin( kitchen utensils, dishes and hou hold furniture. Anyone wishing donate same are asked to call ttk F. M. Georther, chairman or Mj, Ruth Berry, Home Relief Invet gator at Montgomery Work RejL Bureau ,and articles will be ca"ff for.

GARDEN CLUB The Better Home Garden cl|

will meet Thursday at 2:30 at White House. Mrs. Frank E. B bour will give an lllustra travelogue on her trip throi Holland. Refreshments will served by Mrs. Herbert S. Bill, ton and her committee.

1 been called here by the death ? his mother, Mrs. Dennie Gifford j

Miss Mary Fox of Hagaman vJ a weekend guest of her sister, M^ James Swart I

Mrs. H. L Sawyer was in Gl<| ersville, Saturday.

Mrs. W. W. Smith and daugh?. Robertine, of Johnstown w i callers, Sunday, of Mr. and MJ M. A. Allen.

Mr. and Mrs. John Trevett j Mayfield were visitors Saturday! Miss Jessie P. Trevett. J

Mrs. John Lingenfelter is c # fined to her home with an at4#, of grippe.

Mrs. Roy Merchant and M Gilbert e jans were in Gloversvil Saturday.


SURGEON DENTIST Wishes to Announce

The Opening of • DENTAL OFFICE at 4

BROADALBIN Opposite Betor's Store

PHONE BROADALBLN 2X31 Office Hours Tuesday, Tharr, day 9 to «:80; Saturday 1 to

* • - .


l i k e New ARTHUR WOOD

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