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,: 'kNOON'S DELIGHT (1011 Arnold ,St.) - Disco,,.., 'Saturday.

ROWALK (114 N. Davie St.) - laryat Sam,Saturday.

','\N,.LOUNGE (Rodeway Inn '·40) - Great Es·ijig~f and Saturday.'

olis'El LOUNGE (Howard Johnson's Sedgefield),ita Suite, tonight and Saturday.

j>'OUT CLUB (Corner Spring Garden and Eugenefs) - Lamascus·Mateer Band, tonight andSatu'rday.:SMOS I (709 E.' Market St.) - Artistics, tonight;: Encounter, Saturday."SMOS " (817 W. Florida St.) - Disco, tonight

\R'",,,,1Ih Sunday. . , ''~ ':" 'OIO'S (3404 High Point Road) - WCOG 'Disco, 8:iP.:.' .;1 a.m., tonight through Sunday.,~: '~E DUTCHMAN (716 W. Market St.) ~ Aleda Popei "~a~k Ketner, tonjght; Sentenial Boys, Saturday.,',' CITY CONNECTION (Royal Villa Motel, 310 W.

~wview Road) ~ Red, AP,ple Red, tonight and Satur·

,.,EEN'S '(29 :North) - Tom McDonald and th'e Scots·

tTON'S UNDERGROUND (Hilton Inn, 830 W. Mar·.) - The Embers,::tonight through Sunday.

NORTH GATE INN (29 North at 16th St.) - Sue'" and the Grand Image Band, tonight and Saturday.:~ BARON (Holiday Inn 1-40) - Nite Bird, tonight,~l:'~.s'aturday. ",';, ~EO LANTERN LOUNGE (Madison) - Roger Shreve"~:nd",the Searchers, 9,p.m.·] a.m. tonight; 'Heritage, Satur·i1a'ii New Century Salute to The Plalters" Sunday.;'!RQSIE O'GRADY'S (Ramada Inn 1·85) - Disco, to·glgiit'and Saturday.; ,.,'" '{"Z'EB'RALOUNGE (Holiday Inn Four Seasons) . Born,J~ijI~ht and Saturday. ,"'kS'ENO'S '(1720 Ba'ltieground) - Susan Buslelt, vocal

\\1uitari Chuck Foster, bass guitar" tonight and Satur·vt: ,"'CQUE'S CONTlNE'NTAL (1310 W. Wendover Ave·

'.+- .Your:NoName 'Band, tonight and Saturday.',0',:"'1.;.1.:<;'1<"('1'604 Baltleground) - David Walls,

tonight anijiS·~tur.dayi: Rick Pusey, guitar; Sunday';' \. .' >Ok,. '

MY'S ('1740 Battleground Avenue, Plaza Shopping) -'~!~n~a:mol~i, .!onight and Saturday.

. s Staff Writer

, 'Eight&~~ftfo~~:ago Susan Buslett pickedup a guiUir"a.'1d deCided to learn how to play.

NoW ,the ..~~ger-guitarist, accompanied by,bassist· ChucK Foster, sings and plays onweekends in a local Italian rest aurant.

The Smith High School junior has made re-markable progress in those 18 months but ifher plans had come true she would not bedoing what she does where she does on Fri-day and Saturday nights,

"I wanted to play party and dance music,"she said. "Six months ago, I was trying toform that kind of band. It was going to be atrio.

"The drummer knew Chuck (Foster) andbrought him over," she said.

Foster completed the story. "The drummerdidn't show up for practice after that," hesaid.

So it became a duo-a nice, easy listeningduo- with Buslettsinging and doing the gui-tar work and Foster mixing in some basslicks.

While the music is adequate, it is Buslett'ssinging that is the stand out feature. It wouldbe hard to imagine her singing some heavyrock to party and, dance to. The voice is un-trained but fresh, sweet and pleasant. It israre talent. '

Imagine a sun setting over the RockyMountains, or the first rose budding in earlyspring. Her voice- quiet and beautit:ul- con-jures up those kind of thoughts.

Foster's bass does not vibrate and shake thetable while you' are trying to roll spaghetti ona fork, either.

Buslett understands that the people comemainly to eat and not to just listen to music,but jhe prefers that atmosphere to a club orbar ~cene.

"It's a warmer atmosphere. I think paoplelisten to the music more here than in a club'

or bar, Yes, pe9ple do come here to eat andnot to hear the music, but we've had people I'to stay."

Some nights they receive applause. Somenights the audience sits quietly eating. Thisparticular night, there was a fan following.. There was appreciation for eas.y listeningstuff like the Eagles' "Take It To The Limit"and Crystal Gayle's "Don~t It Make MyBrown Eyes Blue." They flow from Buslett's 'lips. The sound fits her voice.

The guitar work is no threat to any of thelocal guitarist right now. But she'haJ;onlybeen playing 18 months monthS. '

"I've been lucky enough to run '!J1t~s,omereal good players," she said, "who "!.ayetakenthe time to show me. Billy Davis,taugh~ ,methe first thing I learned about a gu:itlrr''S;'how-to tune it and the chords," she said,

"If it wasn't for him," Buslett pal1Sesandgets lost into a train of thought. ,!?().s~ib.lYthinking that if she had never pic!l:e.d,.\lP!~!~i-tar maybe the group would bea~~"Jn'Qi~~JhFoster on bass and another gUitar d';~:O:s-lett being only a sweet and plea #fgmgvoice, which is not' bad at all. ' ,'c"""', I


Greensboro's Susan Buslett, 22, has record- ""11

ei ••country song, "Crazy," that several Triad roa~ and country-cro!,sq"er songs because ofl"aliP') ;:.tations are playing. therr appeal to more general audiences.

. .Marketing her record has been an eye-open- Buslett has other experience as a pl'Ofession-~ fu~ Buslett, who sings during weekends in a al entertainer, having spent several months ing five and six nights a ;week at various clubs.

"'There are a lot of legalities involved," she She cut her schedule beCause, Buslett said. "Itsarid. "You can't get air play unless you're ona gets kind of old when you're playing by youridf. n.;_,,,,

. !egiro!llilte lab€J ... and are published and Ii- Buslett still has high hopes for her singingeem..<:.e-ct by ASCAP, BMI" or a similar group for career, which includes performing at weddL~gscmmp;::sers, musicians and publishers. and parties .

. ' Buslett's song is on Greensboro's Panda Rec- "I'd hate to think that two years from lIOWornfu .~beq She said she has applied for licensing I'll st~ll be playin~ srnal~t:'rjobs," she said. "1 likeaIlJi1 ,haS b~en ~.~s.ured o~ approval. Meanwhile, that, o~t I .n~.ed blggerJobs to make more money

, ' . sOle nas been mmting 'copIes of the record to var- and ellJoy It.-. ._-. .,.. .~~ ~""2.di/' ~h;)t(f'\nc +;'01'1 f"llr":V1ncr l1n u.rit}1 nhnnp _ __ '""...-.-.--~------. , "e¥#ls: 'to 1;t.'pr-Qgl'am dil'ecto~s '1:0 lis~n to{ -------. -~-- .

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': ..:' . """'f}~l~ret-tdecided to do the song to satisfy her

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~inger learns busine~spy recording. 'Crazy:'. . !,. l '


, Nightlife

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S'usan B'usle" begins singing careerWant to see an example of a high

school girl who's already on herway to "making it big"?

Well, there's just such a girl righthere at Smith. She's 17, a junior,and she already has a job playing aguitar and singing every Fridayand Saturday night at Deno's Res-taurant.

She's Susan Buslett. Susan madeher first public appearance inAugust of last year in the middleof the ice rink at Carolina CircleMall.

"It gold cold down there," shesaid. ~'My mike froze to the plat-form and my amplifier started'distorting'." However, it wasadvertised on WRQK as "the cool-

est show in town."There have been' other public

appearances for Susan. She hasplayed atJ.C. Penhey's~ Evergreensnursing home, the Muscular Dys-trophy telethon at Four SeasonsMall, and at Gateway, a highrisefor the elderly.

How'd she get her job at Deno's?Well, she and Chuck Foster, whoplays bass for her, did a "demo"tape at a recording studio. Theytook it around to several local res-taurants to see if anyone wantedto have live entertainment.

The management at Deno'sheard it and decided to hire Susanand ChU<;k.Her job is to become"like part of the environment.

We're like background music," shesaid.

She plays three 45-minute setseach Friday and Saturday night.She describes most of the musicthey playas "easy listening andpopular music by such artists asBoz Scaggs, Fleetwood Mac, RitaCoolidge, Jim Croce, and others."

They also do songs written bySusan herself. "And if people haveany requests," says Susan, "we'lldo them. And if we don't knowthem, then we work them up forthe next week. "

"We kind of teach ourselves themusic," says Susan. They use both,sheet music and records as guides.'

There was an old Sears Silver-tone guitar that nobody played

,'~;,:sitting around Susan's house. ,tAbout 18 months ago Susan decid-ed that she would learn to play it.She took four lessons and fromthen on has been "jamming" withother musicians. , ,

After high school, Susan would}like to maker her career in music.','"Music makes me happy and I--~-~want to share it with others," shesays. She would like to cut somerecords if she and Chuck can finda producer. She has to get hersongs copyrighted before she can,record them.

She would also like to do somestage appearances. That's not bad

- for someone who's only had fourguitar lessons in her life.


Jan. 5-7 Mt. Holly -Jaycee Building

Jan. 12-14 .Lincolnton-ArmoryJan. 19-21 Gastonia - Police -

ArmoryJan. 26-28 Gastonia- Boys Club
